Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Quits Race, Endorses Harris

 President Joe Biden announced he is withdrawing from the 2024 Presidential election.   

President Biden endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket. The President tweeted: 

My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.


Anonymous said...

So, fake Dr. Jill gave it up. That's hard to believe, power is a hard thing to surrender.

Anonymous said...

Biden has been faithful public servant for a long time. I certainly haven't always agreed with him but I do not doubt his good character, morals and love of our country. I cannot say the same about the Republican candidate.

Anonymous said...

Now if only Trump would quit, we could have legitimate candidates on both sides.

Anonymous said...

I bet Trump refuses to debate Harris , she will go toe to toe with him and not allow him to get away with lies

Anonymous said...

Come on man. Stay in the race. You are already in your basement anyway.

Anonymous said...

joe says he gonna kick everyones ass in november 2024.................................well , well, just look at him now.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean we will not hear “DOCTOR” Jill Baden’s name any more?

Anonymous said...

to 1:24 ...............biden has been an ultra lib career politician and had wreaked this country. you and him need to move to red china.

Anonymous said...

Is Willie Brown still alive? He would make a good running mate for Kamala only this time her position would be on top.

Anonymous said...

Just when you think things are absolutely unhinged ...... scary but fascinating times ahead!!!!

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 1:08 PM; it's not that hard to surrender when there's a fat payday for you at the end. big guy might have gotten a little bit more than 10% this time.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 1:24 PM, and they all lived happily ever after.

Anonymous said...

1:32pm, how much do you want to bet?

Kingfish said...

Willie Brown is pretty sharp. One of those guys I like to read or listen to even when I disagree with him most of the time.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 1:32 PM, why would Trump debate Harris, she won't be the Democratic candidate?

Anonymous said...

Since it's officially an open primary taking bets on who the candidate will be.

Sleepy time said...

Boy is he gonna be pissed when he wakes up from his nap.

Anonymous said...

1:47 you may be scared but im not...and neither is trump

Anonymous said...

Harris polls more unfavorable than Biden. The Democrats must have just given up on this race.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Ukrainian President Putin is taking this news. I plan to vote for Vice President Trump, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Y’all know he scared Harris is neck and neck with him in most polls and we all know in the next weeks and months he will offend and insult more people and reduce the MAGA following. Will he and you except it when he loses.

Anonymous said...

If Harris polls so badly why is Mike Johnson saying that the GOP is going to sue to keep Biden on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 1:32 PM; really? you think kamala "word salad" harris would beat Trump in a debate? she may not have dementia, but what she does have in abundance, is a lack of intelligence. have you not heard her speak, at any time in the last 4 years?

and not sure if you're aware of this, but Trump polls even better against kamala, and she has a higher negativity rating than joe.

the only things she has going for her are; half black, half indian, and woman. that is if your side even knows what a woman is. those three things are gonna be shoved down our throats every day between now and until she's no longer in office; whether it be getting defeated by Trump, or after terrorizing the country and the world for 4 more years if she does become president.

Anonymous said...

Why did Biden not pen this on Official Stationary from the WH? I pray Article #25 is invoked for US National Security and open Borders ASAP. We cannot wait until January 2025 for security reasons alone. It is not in hatred but for the Greater Love of our Country. God has blessed our Nation thus far and gives us yet ONE MORE opportunity to turn our Nation back to Him! I fully believe 120% Trump will be our next President!

Anonymous said...


Um. What polls are you looking at? Harris is WAY behind Biden in comparison to beating Trump (at 8 points behind) and nearly 15 points behind Trump overall, and 21 points behind Trump in swing states. It will be an absolute bloodbath for her.

Plus, are democrats not upset that they didn’t even get to pick their nominee? They allowed Biden to win the primary knowing he’d probably not make the election only to switch it out with their own insider at the last minute. If I were a Democrat or even a left leaning moderate, I’d be pissed. They stole your “democracy” directly out from under you. They all but guaranteed the center and moderate votes for Trump. The Democratic Party is in full meltdown right now.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the destruction of Trump’s ego when he loses to Kamala Harris

Anonymous said...

Wished DeSantis not Trump was running. But it is what it is. The TDS on here and elsewhere is horrific. This country is on its last legs but that group would rather see it collapse than at least saved for a little while.

Anonymous said...

1:24: it’s really difficult to believe that two people can be on such opposite sides of the spectrum. I sincerely feel like Joe Biden has been a leech in disguise as public servant, for all those years. Maybe it’s the difference in ideals or policies. They all lie, so we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Now, the whole country is faced with a realism that one, Kamala Harris, could possibly be the leader of the free world. To have watched Harris attempt to speak in regard to extremely vital information is so embarrassing for her. Trump is definitely a quirky individual in his own right, but the man isn’t leeching from the policies. They tell you bad things about him, to distract from him exposing their corrupt history. It really boils down to simple ideas. Parents should teach their children that they do not live in a fantasy world, where they can just make believe what they really are and expect the rest of the world to play along. In God We Trust. Whether you believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

2:45 dont know much about presidential elections.

trump is the biggest juggernaught since reagan beat carter in 1980.

2:45's little woke self better go buy himself a support animal or dog.........he gonna need it come nov 5

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 2:41 PM; not sure if you quite understood what i said. because what you said is what i said. Trump polls even better against kamala than he does against joe. and fewer people like kamala than joe.

Anonymous said...
I don’t just make it up boys and I don’t listen to CNN or Fox. She is within the margin of error in all these polls. I firmly believe after the DNC convention that independents will see the light . If Manchin and Harris agree to partner , The Dems run the table and take control of both houses . The base is coming out to Vote.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris stands about as much chance of being *elected* POTUS in 2024 as Tate Reeves. Mainly because both stand about the same chance of being the Dem nominee for the job (and both are about equal in electability and suitability). The only way she might become President is if Biden resigns, and even then, I suspect the new veep will be the actual nominee and she'll quickly be given the "opportunity" to save whatever political future she may have by also resigning so as to give the actual nominee the chance to run as the incumbent. The only way Biden will resign is if he fades to the point of complete inability to even put on a show of being POTUS because the Dem powers that be are scared shitless that if Kamala becomes prez prior to the election, she will fuck something up and get a good portion of the nationwide down-ballot ticket creamed, too. The bottom line is that no one who truly matters thinks Kamala is either suitable or electable. They probably want Michelle Obama but they know that is a VERY dangerous choice - she would either win or lose large.

What would really throw the GOP and Trump a curve is if the Dems actually did put country before party and turned to someone like a Kasich, Romney, etc., with a Manchin, etc. as veep. A ticket like that, running "not for a party but for the country," would beat Trump-Vance like a scrapyard anvil and likely leave the down-tickets largely unaffected on both sides. The obvious stumbling block is the kingmakers of either party doing anything remotely so noble.

Anonymous said...

Democrats not accepting election results? Shocking. If I were Kennedy I would be pissed!

Anonymous said...

Just when we need him, He QUITS.

Anonymous said...

Greatest momentum change in history of politics

Trump is the oldest candidate ever.

He’s mentally frayed and demented.

It’s over for Trump.

Anonymous said...

Clyborne pushed him to a "black" candidate

Anonymous said...

Will be entertaining to watch the inner fight now in the Democratic Party.
I’d never wish bad on anyone or a political opponent party- we don’t know the future.
We know or think we know what we “want” - at the end of any day we are not in control.

Anonymous said...

3:20, I’d pump the brakes on that dream. First off, most people haven’t heard Harris speak. When they do, everyone but the far left will run from her. She is one of the dumbest people I’ve ever seen in politics. Plus, as soon as the Republicans start publishing how she got appointed in California, (let’s just say on her knees… and not by praying) she will be shunned like the plague by women.

Secondly, your Newsweek article (that funny enough came out an hour ago) only included Democrat funded polls (no independent or Republican polls at all) and they still show Harris losing. Plus, elections aren’t a popular vote, they are electoral college. That’s why Democrat polls are typically way off on Election Day. The only state that Harris will carry for sure is California (which would vote Democrat even if the devil was running). Outside of that, she might not carry a single state. 270 to win has Trump winning by a landslide in the electoral college with even NY and Va going for Trump. I don’t think anyone in the country would be motivated by a Harris ticket.

Anonymous said...

to 3:49.......dont sweat it . there's plenty like him to be found.

Anonymous said...

Black folks standing with Trump are rare birds. Kamala will pull lots of black votes in the election. I also think many women who hate what Trump thinks of and treats women will seriously consider voting women instead of a man who goes to bed with a whore instead of his wife and given a chance will assault a woman in a department store changing booth, and thinks "I grab them by the pussy" is an OK comment to make just before getting on a bus.

Should be an interesting election now. Will women and blacks give it to the Dems? I don't know and lots of other voters don't know either. At least folks know a democratic president won't have a coronary and die on the toilet trying to take a crap one night

Anonymous said...
This is cute Johnson knows , these will be wasted money on lawsuits, The party could nominate anyone at their convention , much like the Republics , they didn’t have to nominate Trump they did it at their own peril, he knows Harris Wins and she takes the house with him. You taught black people were mobilized for Obama. black women will be a force .

Anonymous said...

@1:08 You must be hiding out in basement with Joe. Saying Joe is a faithful servant and man of moral character...? You live in another world.

Anonymous said...

What accomplishments would Harris run on? She has failed in everything she was given as VP. She was at the bottom of the nominations for president. She will not be president, Democrats know this. Watch how they replace her…. 1:32, you are a classic example of a Democrat voter, delusional.

Anonymous said...

Attn 4:40 PM Not all of us are educated, especially not you. There are two main parties in the USA. One is the Republican Party, and the other is the Democrat party. Both are (supposedly) democratic. To my knowledge (P.S. I went past high school), it seems the less educated the public is, the more they seem to agree with less educated people like you.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone interviewed Corn Pop on this?

Anonymous said...

When you that Harris has won your polling place, look no further than your wife and her friends .

Anonymous said...

I can understand why some democrats back Harris. They backed Joe. Everyone knew Joe didn't even know what day it was. He had to be led around or he would wander off and get lost. Harris is just as lost as Joe. Some democrats will back her just like they did Joe.

Anonymous said...

The idiots that think the world began in the year 2000, don't know how the low life that is Joe Biden treated Clarence Thomas during Thomas's confirmation hearings in 1991. It truly was a high-tech lynching.

Anonymous said...

I guess Biden, endorsing Harris, was his last kiss my ass to the Democrat party. That will be a parting gift for them to remember.

Anonymous said...

If they had killed Trump he's still be the candidate.

Anonymous said...

Had a feeling this would be the weekend for the 'Long Goodbye.' Too bad we can't also say goodbye to the team who has gaslighted us for the better part of 4 yrs. To the media who has lied to us (and continues to). To the 'aides' who've contacted media every time he spoke to 'correct' and 'clarify' what Biden mumbled. And too bad these people will remain after USING UP an old man who did nothing much w/his whole career except cater to 'the Party' telling whatever falsehood he could think of and supporting whatever was put in front of him. Those who've encouraged him in this should bear the blame.

Anonymous said...

6:11, yes, indeed. Go back and look at snotty sarcastic Biden and Leahy attacking honorable men and women if they were from the South or were conservative in any way. Real jerks. They called Pickering Senior a racist when he made sentences equitable after Pickering had stood up to a violent Klan chief in the 60s and lost his job, risking his life. The entire Miss. NAACP had endorsed Pickering. But Party first, as always. They try to escape democracy while claiming they are the only ones "saving" it. Con artists.

Anonymous said...

poor bastard has Lewy body dementia, he will live a couple years at best. I feel sorry for Joe, he didn't deserve to be made a fool by the powers at be. His debate was a total mistiming of his Parkinson's meds, he didn't limber up until after the debate. Whoever is his handler really missed the mark. But how long can you "dose" up a man who is lost, hallucinating, paranoid, and can barely walk? Remember kiddos, he has the nuclear football, lets hope that Dr. Jill won't get crazier than Joe and launch them at Putin. He needs to not only withdraw up also step down and just go home and enjoy some peace and quiet. Let Kamala the Ugandan giant run it for a couple months and have to act presidential.

Anonymous said...

The democrats are always talking about their democracy. About how important voting is. What about those people that chose Biden to be the head of the party ticket? Aren't they being, another word the democrats like to use, disenfranchised?

Anonymous said...

6:15. That's classic. Outstanding Job!!!

Anonymous said...

Ironic how the Covid virus swept Biden in because of the allowed cheat and now he is being swept out with the Covid virus. As far as all of his years of public service some claim we should appreciate, this was always nothing more than a career of lying and selling access to the highest bidder. He deserves to be totally humiliated. Dr. Jillkyll is even worst than Joe but not as bad as crack head Hunter. What a mess they are. All deserve prison time.

Anonymous said...

At least Bidens lack of reality was dementia. Kamala is just stupid. Her speech’s are full of ramblangs and ramblings that she repeats speech after speech. Once again it’s scary as hell that this person could possibly be the President of our country. I’m ashamed that the rest of the world is seeing how far we haven fallen.

Anonymous said...

What no one here or any other outlet I've seen has addressed is that Kamala is back in the white-hot spotlight. As veep, she was barely a sideshow, which is true of most veeps. Now she is "the candidate." Given her performances as a candidate and then as veep, to paraphrase Obama, never underestimate Kamala's ability to fuck things up. Something I'm sure those who will be (actually) deciding what is going to happen have not forgotten for a microsecond. No matter which party you support, the simple fact is that she is not a viable candidate to be POTUS. That was abundantly clear when she attempted it. The "why" doesn't and won't matter one fucking bit.

If Biden was a wildly popular President suddenly taken ill and he had anointed her from his hospital bed, it would be a totally different story. He isn't so it isn't. It isn't what a bunch of would-be powerbrokers spew about to whoever might listen, it is what the actual powerbrokers think the voters and big donors can be convinced to go for.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 7:36 PM; they had several days before the debate to get the dosing/timing right. anyways, they've been doing it for years. it wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't dosed/timed correctly on purpose. or given some placebo instead. all of this has probably been in the works for a while.

the people running the democrat party aren't dumb. they're just evil. so why should they care about some old man with dementia/alzheimer's/parkinson's? biden served his purpose of signing whatever leftist, anti-america legislation put in front of him, took the brunt of all the criticism directed towards democrats, is too old, feeble, and forgetful to be prosecuted for anything he has ever done, and won't remember a damn thing about anything in about a year.

the spin game begins by media, celebs, pundits, politicians, all telling us how great a man he his, how this is a sacrifice for him for the good of the party and country, how much better off we are now than before he became president, how he devoted 50 years of service to this country. blah, blah, blah. it'll be enough to make you sick.

Anonymous said...

Biden tests positive for covid.

Trump tests positive for convict!

Anonymous said...

So many Democrats sounding off in response to him stepping out of the race and they are all talking about Biden's "outstanding career achievements." Can someone please tell me what those are? Maybe even the top three achievements? Or...maybe just ONE?

Anonymous said...

Waited until all the primaries were over. That is a jacked up system. The Democrats should pick a day in one month and redo the primary. And I thought Bernie got screwed. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

1:24 Tell that to the soldiers who left Europe going to Benghazi to save lives. Also to the families of loved ones who died & showed photos at RNC. The DM have done nothing to move our nation forward but have divided the USA further with lies! The biggest is who has been running our country the last 4 years with Biden in office! He has just put voting rights back 50+ years because of selfishness IMO! Mark Levin gave an honest take on what the DNC has just done to Americans! God will prevail as it is already written!

Anonymous said...

Whoever has control of the button in the White House needs to move it and disengage Joe’s immediately. This was not for LOVE of Country the DM party let it get this far. But hatred for Trump and Conservative, Bible believing persons. These last two weeks have been as dark as 9/11, the crash of the stock market, etc. Our light is knowing GOD HAS GIVEN US ONE LAST CHANCE TO TURN TO HIM. I will pray and vote November 5 & there better be poll watchers in Hinds County and Washington County for sure. Yes the DNC does steal votes as I personally have seen them ask white voters what their religion was in Bolton, MS before being allowed to cast a vote!

Anonymous said...

"So many Democrats sounding off in response to him stepping out of the race and they are all talking about Biden's 'outstanding career achievements.' Can someone please tell me what those are? Maybe even the top three achievements? Or...maybe just ONE?"

Uh, well, you just implicitly named two pretty significant ones yourownself. Here's a clue: It's the retirement party of the POTUS and his legion of fans want to praise him for a variety of reasons. Let 'em. It really does not matter who says what (or why - sincerity or brown-nosing) and only an insecure idiot would care, much less get worked up about, what was said in such a situation. If GOPers or Trumpsters have an ounce of political or common sense they will let Biden have a graceful exit if he takes that path. It is what they wanted - an exit. He no longer needs to be or can be beaten because he is no longer competing. Put another way, you don't have to raise a glass but don't piss in their punchbowl either. All that will accomplish is firing them up. And if he chooses to start doing second-term fuck-it-I-don't-care stuff, stick to the actions and not the man for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how anyone could support a crook like Trump....

Anonymous said...

Whitmer-Shapiro or Shapiro-Whitmer, and Kelly is out because of guns, is the likely 2024 Dem ticket. Fairly popular swing-state guvs who won convincingly, well-spoken moderates, young and easily two-termers, don't put the down-ballots at risk (and could even help at least some), no known nationally-substantive baggage, a woman and a Jew, etc. In simple terms, they could and *probably would* beat Trump. The political geometry, calculus, and trig favor them, in either order, with a slight edge to Whitmer both as a woman to counter allegations of sexism and her being a bit of a better-known person/persona. You probably heard it here first.

Anonymous said...

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

"We need to sue and force him to be the nominee so we can 25th him" is wild.

Y'all are some vindictive folk. Parties can push any nominee they want at their conventions. That was originally the whole point before everything became so scripted. This is LITERALLY democracy in action.

Salty salty boys

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. Joe Biden is a racist and his best friend in the senate was a member of the kkk.

Anonymous said...

6:50, it’s kind of like an election for governor in Louisiana years ago when Edwin Edwards, a convicted felon, ran against David Duke, a KKK grand wizard. A popular bumper sticker at the time said, “VOTE FOR THE CROOK!”

Given a decent alternative, sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the crook.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how anyone could support a crook like Biden....

Anonymous said...

If Biden thought Harris could beat Trump, he would have resigned now, making her an incumbent at the DNC, but he did not. Obama and Pelosi did not endorse the giggling, shallow Kamala Harris.

JFK jr and Joe Manchin are also seeking the nomination, and possibly Michelle Obama. The big donors, Obama and Pelosi will select their nominee and it won't be Harris.

Anonymous said...

I intended RFKjr, who has volunteered to be substituted in for Harris, not JFKjr.

Anonymous said...

2:34 pm on 7/21

I would remind you Trump and JD both married "word salad" women. Indeed, Trump did that twice.

So you don't like immigrants or the daughters of immigrants? You might be careful to whom you say that. Two of Trump's "word salad" wives had last names you couldn't spell or pronounce and immigrated.

Ivana ( Trump's oldest childrens' mother) came from a Czech family that first immigrated to Canada.

I've not noticed men with PhD's, especially professors, going by "doctor". It's a doctorate degree and first you have to get a master's degree.

Some of you are rather obviously insecure and resentful of and threatened by those who are more educated and who worked hard to get where they are.

And when you throw in that you are misogynists too, it's just plain ugly.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:24 - You're obviously not old enough or educated enough to know about the many years Biden was an outspoken racist and closet segregationist. Remember? He's the guy who said, about Obama, "Well, they have got a clean, well-spoken, nice looking black guy" running for president.

And as recently as last week he couldn't think of his Armed Forces Secretary and referred to him as..."You know, the black guy".

But, do your research, Google the rest of the day, all of you...and provide a list of three things, or just two things, Biden did in over 50 years in the Senate or VP spot. Take your time. Don't get mad.

Anonymous said...

You probably heard it here first.


Anonymous said...

Some of you are rather obviously insecure and resentful of and threatened by those who are more educated and who worked hard to get where they are.

But no one here is by you.

Anonymous said...

@8:19 AM

1. Successfully increased the choices of ice cream in the Congressional cafeteria.
2. Kept Hunter employed around the world accepting bribes.

Anonymous said...

The democrats have tried to bankrupt, put in prison, keep off the ballot and kill their opponent. They have now disenfranchised over 14 million of their primary voters but TRUMP is a FASCIST.

Look out Venezuela we are on a fast track to take that #1 ranking from you.

Anonymous said...

Why are we wasting our energy bad mouthing Biden and Harris. Ex President Trump will win this election hands down, he is the savior and will make America Great as he did in his 4 years in the White House. He built the wall and Mexico paid for it!

Stop talking about people that care nothing about you and don’t know you! Vote for the betterment of America, now that’s the only power you have!

Oh yes keep sending that money to a Billionaire that cares nothing about the American people! Just Beautiful women and grabbing that ass!

Anonymous said...

We Conservatives love women and, unlike DEI dummies, we know what a woman is. Plus we can distinguish between a legal immigrant and a border jumping illegal alien, which Democrats prefer. Trump's elegant wife speaks 5 languages and is admired all over the world. I haven't learned much about JD Vance's wife, but she doesn't giggle incessantly,like VP Harris does.

Anonymous said...

Please name a single presidential primary that Kamala Harris has won.
The elites will tell the useful idiots whom their candidate is. Dead democrat voters and illegals will have their vote filled out for them. All campaign laws, rules and ethics will be ignored during the next few months and during voting.
Meanwhile, all of America except the elites, have seen their finances and personal wealth strip mined.

Anonymous said...

With Harris at the top of the ticket and anything other than a white male asleep, it’s a whole new ballgame; white women voters, soccer moms, Karens, working moms, they’ll stampede to vote Blue. Of course, Democrats now have the mechanism in place to steal an election if need be. But with this new ticket, they may not even have to steal anything.

Biden is lucky to be out and alive before he got died.

Anonymous said...

the only ''accomplishment'' ever made by biden was his nonstop harangue of SCJ clarance thomas back during his oct 1991 confirmation hearing in the senate.

at that time it was very apparent he didnt like black people.

Anonymous said...

The Blue-Anon’s are freaking out coast to coast and it’s showing everywhere. The “Vote Blue, No Matter Who” Cult started with “but felon”, then Project 2025, then the attempt on Trump’s life, and now Biden getting kicked to the curb. In an alternate 1985, I’d love to see Harris as President, the word salads and incoherent statements would cause other world leaders to have strokes, she would strike fear with her speeches. But if they install her, which no one politically with half a brain wants, besides the smooth brain DEI click. But if you don’t vote for her prepare for: racist, bigot, patriarchal, sexist, misogynist, and other favorite catchphrases from the REEEEE Tribe.

Anonymous said...

Now there is only one candidate that's too old to run.

Someone needs to convince grandpa that he needs to sit down and shut up!

Anonymous said...

Republicans led by DJT remind me of jr high. Always making fun of other people because of their appearance, name, etc. Interesting that the oldest candidate is also the most immature.

Anonymous said...

As a black woman, I would NEVER vote for Harris. I’m not sure why all these commenters (probably men) are trying to speak for minority women. Just because someone is black and a women doesn’t make them want to vote for a black (maybe?) woman.

Anonymous said...

The problem democrats have is the progressive elites control the party and want to install a progressive POTUS… but a progressive can’t win the swing states. That is the ONLY reason they went with Biden in the first place- he was perceived as a moderate but was willing to let the progressives call all the shots. It’s the same reason democrats won’t consider RFK Jr, Joe Manchin, et al. They’re not puppets and won’t play that role.

Cackling Kamala is as unlikeable as Hillary, but much dumber, and swing state voters aren’t looking for a California democrat to lead the country.

Michelle Obama is really their only chance to beat Trump (in a fair election, anyway).

Anonymous said...

If you’re cognitively demented and don’t know you quit the race, did you really quit the race?

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 8:17 AM; your reading comprehension needs some work. that, or your hate for Trump, Republicans, and Conservatives has affected your ability to think rationally. probably both.

nowhere did i indicate the national origin of kamala or any woman, makes her a "word salad" woman, as you put it. but, using your term, kamala is a "word salad" woman because of her inability to speak coherently. english is her first language, it shouldn't be that difficult for her, if she were intelligent. however, she is not intelligent.

Trump, Republicans, and Conservatives don't have an issue with legal immigrants. what we have a problem with, is the millions of un-vetted illegal aliens pouring across our border. but you already know that. you and your side just leave off the "illegal" part to say we hate all immigrants. lying by omission, a democrat trademark.

smart people, or people with master's or doctorate degrees don't intimidate me. and i don't have a problem with successful people who are successful
because they worked hard. that's the american dream, something your side seems to enjoy demonizing, when those are the people we should learn from.

ahh, the old misogynist insult. i know what a woman is. i love women, the most beautiful creatures to walk the earth. your side, however, most often can't even define what a woman is. and actually feels, and thinks, and believes, that a man can be a woman just be proclaiming it to the world. your side wants boys and men to compete against girls and women. that's some misogyny, right there. there's your feminist endorsed patriarchy, right there. that's some serious male privilege, right there. your side is actually trying to put into law, a sick ideology, that will destroy girl's and women's sports. and your side calls us misogynists. seems like democrats are the ones waging a war on women.

Anonymous said...

@10:48 if you are in fact both black and a woman, you may very well be the first that has visited JJ. This site is geared toward old white men that grew up with a silver spoon up their ass (or in their mouth).

Anonymous said...

7:39pm said "The democrats are always talking about their democracy. About how important voting is. What about those people that chose Biden to be the head of the party ticket? Aren't they being, another word the democrats like to use, disenfranchised?"

You are so right, 7:39. The Democrats keep arguing that Trump is a threat to democracy, but yet they just trampled on and ignored the millions of people who voted for Biden in the Democrat primary to be their nominee. And the few Democrat "elite" just forced him to withdraw so they could anoint/appoint their chosen one. Wow, just wow, talking about a threat to democracy. No Democrat should ever again call Trump a threat to democracy in light of the move they just pulled.

Kingfish said...

Keep thinking that. Please.

Anonymous said...

Scrolling through the comments makes me wonder how many people are paid to argue political talking points for a living.

Apparently, we have a large, but absolutely useless, industry of professional bullshitters. I expect they'll soon be displaced by AI automated-bullshit-producing technology.

Anonymous said...

9:34, I’m a woman and I always vote in the democratic primary. Harris wasn’t an option by the time MS held its primary, but I wouldn’t have voted for her if she was. She’s way too progressive and she’s also an idiot. She was the very first democrat forced out of the primary, so I’m obviously not alone in my opinion of her.

I voted for Tulsi, BTW. Not because she’s a woman, but because she was one of the very few moderates left in the party. I understand she’s since left the party.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 11:22 AM, bravo, bravo, bravo.

Anonymous said...

If you think the AI automated-bullshit isn't already here them you need to hear about this bridge this guy I know is selling!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks this was some conspiracy to get Harris nominated without primaries (or for any other reason) is even more idiotic than anyone who would engage in such a conspiracy. I'd offer that when folks like the Obamas and Clintons, et al, realized what was going to happen, the "conspiracy" was to figure out how to get that babbling moron out of the way ASAP, with as little damage done as possible.

One huge problem is that while the sidelines - coaches or kibitzers - can send in plays, they cannot truly control the action on the field. Kamala is as likely to run the ball into the wrong endzone as she is to announce her, um, cunning stunt plan to kick the puck through the uprights and score a home run, and by kicking a kick, score a home run, which is also scoring by kicking, which is a good thing with pucks when you are trying to kick a home run with a puck by kicking it through the uprights with a kick. In other (coherent) words, never underestimate Kamala's ability to puck things up. And I doubt the wait will be long given her, er, completion stats.

MBrookes said...

If you listened carefully to Obama's reaction to Biden's step-down, you heard that he did not support Harris. He mentioned the Democrats' choosing a good candidate. It will be interesting to see who Obama supports.

Anonymous said...

"I expect they'll soon be displaced by AI automated-bullshit-producing technology."

Are you always late to parties or is this just a one-time thing?

Anonymous said...
If Harris is so bad why did Trump make contributions to her twice.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 11:34 AM, I wasn't born with a silver spoon anywhere near, me. I was born in a shack, where you could see the ground, through the floor cracks. The inner walls were covered with cardboard, or newspaper.

The running water was the water we carried from an overflowing spring. The women used a large black wash pot to wash the few clothes we had. That pot was at the spring. We were warmed by a wood stove, and the wood warmed you twice. Once when you cut it, and once when you burned it.

My children have no idea about the life I just described. They can't relate to the poverty I knew, because this was the land of opportunity. So, no silver spoon, here.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi and Jeffries just endorsed Kamala. The tribe has spoken and she will be the nominee.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we can take our party back from MAGA after he loses in November. We need a total reset. We have lost our conservative identity completely.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 2:15 PM; you hate Trump, and MAGA. OK. we've lost our conservative identity completely. Ok. what conservative values or ideology are you wanting to get back to that Trump is not trying to get us back to? secure borders? string national defense? no new wars? fiscal responsibility? states rights? rule of law? fair application of the legal system? strong economy?

Anonymous said...

Tell Donny thanks for the donation.

Anonymous said...

One old man was a gentleman and turned it over to a younger generation to lead. Too bad the other one is not the same way. So ready for the age of Boomers and Silent generation to pass and stop destroying our country.

Anonymous said...

Biden should resign for one reason: Kamala would then become the 47th president. Therefore, all those moronic 45-47 trucker hats will become as worthless as a trump campaign promise.

And yes, republiturds I did not capitalize the t.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 3:20 PM, the one that backed out, had no choice. It was back out gracefully, or get a 21 gun salute. Those democrats don't play, ask John Kennedy.

Turn it over to whom? Everything born after 1980 isn't qualified to lead a dog for a walk.

Anonymous said...

@12:45 are you saying that you are a helicopter parent raising spoiled brats?

Anonymous said...

3:20PM, why do I suspect that you're unemployable, and living in the bonus room over your "Boomer" mama's garage? Stop resenting Mama, for keeping your gelatinous self alive, and seek a permanent solution to your angst.

Anonymous said...

"One old man was a gentleman..." Yeah, Jimmy Carter and maybe Gerald Ford. Joe and Donny? Nope. Two out-for-themselves egos with a lot of hubris to go around. But that isn't a bad thing in a leader of a power like the US. We ain't electing a Goddamned church deacon, den mother, or hand-holding wetnurse. The POTUS has to be able to order people to kill other people and tear their shit up without stammering into the comms. The POTUS needs to be able to stare down assholes like Putin, Lil' Kim, various towelheads in the Middle East, etc. and they need to seriously worry about what the POTUS will do (see above re: killing people and breaking their shit). And the POTUS needs to be a person of reasonable - but not perfect - honor so that those the deal with, both as adversaries and allies, understand and damned well believe that there will be follow-through when needed but also quarter when warranted. IOW, fuck you, this WILL be the way you will conduct yourself in the reasonably polite society of the world or I'll just have the same conversation with whoever your survivors send next. I've got carrier groups, smart weapons, Reapers, and DEVGRU and you've got bottle rockets and a big mouth. The POTUS also needs some understanding of the world, a respect for all its people if not all its leaders, and a willingness to learn at least some of the vast amount that person cannot possibly know without input from others. Put another way, the POTUS needs to know when to kill people and when to help them up. It does not depend on gender but it does require some pretty big balls, along with an open mind of an intellectual bent. We won't be fortunate enough to get a George Washington or his like but shit, can't we get closer than Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?

And that's the bottom line: neither Trump or Harris come remotely close in most categories. Whether Biden may have last week, last year, or ever is now immaterial - he doesn't now and he's out. The Dems have a chance to put forth someone who does have at least more of the above than Harris, and if they choose wisely, putting country over party, they could, would, and should win by a landslide. But the current crop of "Democrats" are just as self-centered and full of hubris as the Trumpians, so we'll get 4 more years of bullshit. It won't end the Republic nor the world but it will make it several steps closer to worse rather than a long stride toward better.

Anonymous said...

Do normal people turn into assholes when the conversation turns to politics?

Or do conversations about politics attract assholes?

As far as I can tell, it has to be one or the other, or both.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:15
“Hopefully we can take our party back from MAGA after he loses in November. We need a total reset. We have lost our conservative identity completely.”

For the first time in my life, I’ll be voting for the Democrat’s nominee. I bet there are lot of long-time Republicans who feel the same way toward Trump and the direction of the party. I just hope there are enough of us, in the right states, to keep Trump out of office.

I agree with Liz, "Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”

Anonymous said...

CLEARLY we don't have good choices, but between Trump and Harris (or whoever the DEM nominee may be), our Republic will be in better hands with anybody but Trump. He is unmanageable. He does not listen to anyone, including generals. He wants to be a dictator for the rest of his life. He places our country in grave danger.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 3:49 PM, if you can't understand what I posted, you will have to get your mama to understand it for you.

Anonymous said...

"I agree with Liz", Taylor?? She was a beautiful woman.

Anonymous said...

@3:37 JD Vance was born after 1980. It was 1984 to be exact. So you definitely proved your point.

Anonymous said...

What happens now to Hunter’s laptop?

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 5:42 PM; this election is the first time you'll be voting democrat? OK then, can you explain, without mentioning anything Trump related, what the democrats are doing so well that you would want them in office for another 4 years or more?

are you quoting liz cheney? if so, then you are part of the problem, just like she is.

and i'll ask you like i asked the one that posted the comment you are referring to;

"Ok. what conservative values or ideology are you wanting to get back to that Trump is not trying to get us back to? secure borders? strong national defense? no new wars? fiscal responsibility? states rights? rule of law? fair application of the legal system? strong economy?"

do you honestly think by voting democrat that the Republican party will somehow find its conservative identity if Trump loses?

democrats want to continue flooding the country with illegal aliens. democrats want illegal aliens voting in national elections. democrats want mail-in voting across the country. democrats don't want any voter id, at all. democrats seem to want war with russia. democrats want boys/men competing against girls/women in sports at every level.

is this what you want? cause you'll get this on steroids if democrats win. and if you're the kind of republican that would vote for a democrat, considering the polar opposite ideologies of the two candidates, then MAGA doesn't want you either. you should just go ahead and switch parties and put a harris sign in your yard.

Anonymous said...

I’m not trying to convince any Trump supporter to switch. I’m just trying to let fellow anyone-but-Trump folks know that they aren’t alone. Trump will probably get his largest (percentage wise) margin of victory in Mississippi - I’ll concede that.

A former lifelong Republican, I have no party. To paraphrase Reagan, “I didn’t leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left me”

Anonymous said...

@4:17 PM says "The POTUS needs to be able to stare down assholes like Putin, Lil' Kim, various towelheads in the Middle East, etc. and they need to seriously worry about what the POTUS will do (see above re: killing people and breaking their shit). And the POTUS needs to be a person of reasonable - but not perfect - honor so that those the deal with, both as adversaries and allies, understand and damned well believe that there will be follow-through when needed but also quarter when warranted. IOW, fuck you, this WILL be the way you will conduct yourself in the reasonably polite society of the world or I'll just have the same conversation with whoever your survivors send next. I've got carrier groups, smart weapons, Reapers, and DEVGRU and you've got bottle rockets and a big mouth."

Or, @4:17 PM, to put it far more succinctly, the "rules-based order" of statecraft.

Anonymous said...

the republican party did leave a lot of republicans. by turning left and losing its way. republicans are supposed to be the conservatives, and a large number of republicans in congress/senate are not as conservative as they should be. but voting for a democrat, after seeing how democrats have run things locally, nationally, and internationally, is, in my opinion, insane.

so, i ask you like i've asked someone before;

"can you explain, without mentioning anything Trump related, what the democrats are doing so well that you would want them in office for another 4 years or more?"

i would love to get an answer for this. from anyone.

Anonymous said...

@6:24pm - That’s pretty good audition material for applying to be a writer for Newsmax.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 6:17 PM, J.D. Vance will be just fine, if he continues to learn, and can be freed from his Yale indoctrination.

He has made significant improvement in his decision-making abilities since he came on the political scene. Unfortunately, for the majority of those born after 1980, they won't have the proper mentoring to excel.

Anonymous said...

"can you explain, without mentioning anything Trump related, what the democrats are doing so well that you would want them in office for another 4 years or more?"

Your question as it is phrased is exactly the problem: the idea that any vote is a vote for party rather than candidate.

I can give an example, and a Mississippi example at that, and it has nothing to do with Trump. Gene Taylor, down on the coast, was a good Congressman and a decent guy. He had the pretty full support of the full spectrum of his constituents, from old white conservative men to young black "liberal" (new style) women in both/all parties. Ten or twelve terms, most without a serious challenger from either party. Until...

The voters were conned in just such a "no Dem can be a good Dem" line of horseshit and elected ol' No-Show Palazzo. Oops - one sort-of Trump-related mention: No-Show was endorsed by the GOP version of Kamala, Sarah Palin, who is as venal as Trump. However, "No-Show" was not truly accurate, because he did show up occasionally. Except it was (only) to do something unethical, illegal, or just plain wrong.

When voters down there finally couldn't be conned any more, they tossed his ass out in favor of Mike Ezell, an ignorant redneck who solidifies every stereotype about Southerners being ignorant rednecks by ordering lunch or commenting on chicken prices. For those who don't know who he is, think of a dumbed-down Phil Bryant, but without Phil's suave, sophisticated je ne sais quoi. And yes, he claims to be a rabid Trump supporter, but I doubt he knew who Trump was before the first race and I doubt he has done a single second of open-minded research into him (or lunch or chicken prices, either).

So, yes, sensible conservatives and Republicans sometimes can, do, and should vote for good candidate who happens to be a Democrat. This is the lesson that many folks, of any party, need to learn but seem to be too stupid to learn: you should be voting for EACH candidate, not whatever party they happen to belong at the time. The "conversion" of Mississippi Dems to MSGOP being another example of that. And such stupidity got us the likes of Lynn Fitch, Shad White, Cindy, Bennie, nearly every elected official within a 50-mile radius of DT Jackson, et al.

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2024 at 8:24 AM, that poster was asking some pertinent questions, that they received no response to. I see you declined to answer those questions, also.

Anonymous said...

20 years ago a Presidential candidate couldn’t have a speeding ticket let alone 34 felony convictions. And many more to come. And definitely not a Republican candidate. We use to the party of family values and faith. Our party has been hijacked. We need to be working on a new reset now so we can prepare for 2028. Trump is 78 now and definitely won’t be around to be the face of the party. JD Vance is a NeverTrumper himself. Not sure if he can redeem himself after kissing the ring.

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2024 at 8:24 AM; typical response from someone unable to actually refute anything said. just insult the person instead of presenting alternate ideas or trying to make a case for your side.

so, instead of insulting me, answer this;

"can you explain, without mentioning anything Trump related, what the democrats are doing so well that you would want them in office for another 4 years or more?"

i'm still waiting for answer. from anyone. because i would would really like to know.

Anonymous said...

@9:36 you’re absolutely correct. The days of Trump & MAGA are numbered. My dad, a life-long Republican, said yesterday that those guys will be a memory after November.

Anonymous said...

@9:41am - It’s simple. It’s Trump. That’s it. Pick a better candidate and stop labeling everyone that isn’t a looney far right MTG a RINO. Salvage what’s left of your party.

I know that’s not going to happen, so as someone previously mentioned, the silent gen and boomers need to go ahead and check out and leave it to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2024 at 9:36 AM, what you are longing for would have been mocked with scorn by the party of Goldwater. The party that you want to reclaim would have been considered the Democratic wing of politics during Goldwater's time. Open your eyes, the whole world has moved left.

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2024 at 10:38 AM and July 23, 2024 at 10:52 AM; if not Trump, then who? who would you recommend? republicans had a primary, and there were many that ran. they all got their asses handed to them by Trump voters. the majority of republican voters want Trump. otherwise someone else would have won the primary. but no one even stood a chance.

i get it that Trump isn't your guy, but it doesn't matter how good a candidate someone else might be. if they don't chose to run, then they are irrelevant, because they aren't even an option.

so your choices are crystal clear; the democrats and their anti-american, anti-freedom, anti-family, anti-energy policies, or the republicans, and their pro-america, pro-freedom, pro-family, pro-energy policies?

i don't know anyone that thinks Trump is perfect, but he is the perfect candidate for the times. Is there anyone, anyone at all, that you can think of that could
have withstood the constant onslaught coming at him from every direction, and still be where he is, on top?

Anonymous said...

"can you explain, without mentioning anything Trump related, what the democrats are doing so well that you would want them in office for another 4 years or more?"

I tried, but for whatever reason Kingfish didn't allow it. Anyway, your question illustrates the entire problem of "vote party, not candidate." Look no further than Mississippi's own fiasco in the Congressional district down on the coast, once held by Democrat Gene Taylor, then No-Show Palazzo, and now by Mike Ezell (think Phil Bryant but without Phil's suavely sophisticated je ne sais quoi, keen intellect, and scholarly curiosity). Granted, Ezell is a loudmouth supporter of you-know-who in that special way only ignorant rednecks can be, but what led to Ezell was well before the Don hit the fan (oops).

Gene had the support of a full spectrum of his constituents - majority GOP or at least conservative, IIRC - and did a damned good job until enough of them lost their fucking minds and elected No-Show. And all because of nothing more than the "R" and a lunatic on the POTUS ticket. Plus he turned out to be an even bigger unethical crook than most pols. A really good example of what voting party over candidate will produce. And as a bonus, who was ol' crooked No-Show was pimped by? The Rightwingnuts' own Kamala Harris, Sarah Palin (and I'll admit that mentioning an unqualified whackjob like Palin comes awful close to, um, "he who shall not be mentioned").

Anonymous said...

What ever you do don’t pay attention to the polls. The vast majority of Harris voters aren’t polled. There will be a plus 5to10 for her that aren’t talking, their walking to the polls to vote.

Anonymous said...

@11:51am - That’s not my problem to figure out, it’s your party’s. If your party can’t figure out a way to select a candidate that is appealing to the majority of the American electorate, you know, the folks that actually select the president, and not just your party majority, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I do know that selecting someone that has yet to win the popular vote and highly likely won’t in November either isn’t the smartest choice though. But if you want to keep shooting yourself in the foot (or ear), be my guest.

Anonymous said...

The New York Post said unnamed sources reported a White House coup, with Biden being threatened with the 25th Amendment if he didn't resign.

Anonymous said...

3:24 that was a planted story to test the water. I suspect the democrats would love nothing more than Harris running as an incumbent . I don’t think Johnson falls for it .

Anonymous said...

3:24 that was a planted story to test the water. I suspect the democrats would love nothing more than Harris running as an incumbent . I don’t think Johnson falls for it .

Anonymous said...

Literally no one but the one Femocrat that keeps posting here is excited about Harris. None of my Democratic friends (yes, I have many) thinks she has a chance. Many aren’t planning on voting at all. They don’t care about either candidate. I certainly don’t see many women backing her. (Most know how she got there and she is FAR from a role model for future women leaders.)

I will definitely be voting Trump. I don’t like him but he’s definitely the better of the two evils.

Anonymous said...

@3:24pm - The NY Post is toilet paper.

Truth.... said...

Hopefully we can take our party back from MAGA after he loses in November. We need a total reset. We have lost our conservative identity completely.

Anonymous said...

One cannot discuss the current GOP without discussing Trump. He is the party; it begins and ends with him. There is no platform. Oh, for a while, he may read something off the teleprompter, written by others, like he did at the convention. But, as he also did at the convention, he'll go off rambling about everything he doesn't like - which is just about everything. As Haley said, "chaos follows him." I think that's not exactly correct; he seeks chaos.

The voters in the middle in about ten states will determine the election; and I bet the voters in the middle are paying attention. My guess is, they don't like liars.

As the local Rush Limbaugh wanna-be, Clay Edwards, says, "f-ed around and found out." There may be a lot of folks who helped Trump destroy the GOP with that realization following the election.

Anonymous said...

"Literally no one but the one Femocrat that keeps posting here is excited about Harris. None of my Democratic friends (yes, I have many) thinks she has a chance."

Either you don't really have many friends or someone is lying to someone. I know Dems around the country and many are, at least for the moment, pretty pumped up for her. I suspect a lot of it is the "honeymoon" effect and a collective sigh of relief over the Joe situation. But just like in real life, the morning after always follows every wild night - glassware needs to be replaced, curtains rehung, underwear removed from the chandeliers, vomit mopped up, bail posted, marriages annulled, and so on. No one will really know how the majority of Dems, and more importantly the winnable potential voters in key states, truly feel about her being "the candidate" - actually carrying the ticket - until she faces a real test or two. If she doesn't pass, to recall Ron White, she'll be invited to leave immediately and if she declines for a nanosecond she'll be hurled out into the as many as it takes.

What this or that Dem says now is mostly immaterial noise, even if they sincerely believed it when they said it. Endorsements by Pelosi, the Clintons, etc. are meaningless. Having a bunch of celebs cheering her on won't matter. Impressing die-hard Dems in CA or NY says nothing, just like Trump's popularity in MS or AL says nothing. Such things were and are givens, and subject to revision at any time. Those voters and those states aren't and won't be up for grabs - Marjorie Taylor Green would win CA if she was the Dem nominee and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would win MS if she had "R" after her name on the ballot.

She (or whoever) will get about 40% of the vote by having "D" after her name on the ballots, as will Trump (or whoever) by having the "R" after his. The real question is and will remain, "Can she (or whoever) convince enough of the voters who will actually decide the Electoral College, the approximately 20% of voters in key districts in key states who don't blindly vote party or straight-ticket?" Probably not, based on current information. Will she even be the final replacement for Biden? Again, based on current information probably not. It will all come down to the reaction to her handling of her first real tests by the likely voters in those aforementioned districts/states. And paraphrasing Obama, it will be a huge fuck-up for the Dem party to underestimate Kamala's ability to fuck things up. She may not be truly capable of much, but she has solidly proven her ability in that regard.

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2024 at 9:21 PM, so equal to the New York Times?

The real toilet tissue now if you want to try it.

Anonymous said...

I am no Maga head and don't blindly agree with any politico, but he has my vote given the choices of grandpas that we were given.

Now? I am genuinely terrified of the possibility of Kamala as pres. I wish I had the confidence that many seem to have as they imply this is NOT an option and she has no shot at winning.

But may God help us all if she does. I think that will be the death knell for America. If it is not already doomed, that is.

Anonymous said...

10:10am - Better stock up on it. You’ll need it to dry up all your tears when your loser cult leader loses yet again.

Anonymous said...

Sure the democrats are happy with Harris. Remember they were proud of Joe also. That is until Joe got so bad they could not cover it up or lie about it anymore. People also will remember that Harris is one of those who covered for Joe in the first place.

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2024 at 12:15 PM, Jethro, I won't be voting for Trump. I didn't vote for him the last two times. It seems that you are emotionally invested in the democrat side of the uni-party. You're the one that should be making preparations for a loss. No one with any brains, at all, will be voting for the cackle queen. The word-salad champion will take a big L on election day.

Anonymous said...

Joe only resigned because donors stopped funding & Dems threatened article 25 to remove him. He is not noble, nor putting our country first. He appears to be in the last stages of Lewy body. Dementia which life expectancy is @ 10 years according to medical experts. I wish we had 2 better picks on both sides honestly. I loved DeSantis & still do!

Anonymous said...

Y’all realize these current GOP nuts would have “primaried” Reagan in 84?

Anonymous said...

And, so?

Anonymous said...

Democrats and some Republicans accuse MAGA supporters of being a cult, but is it not more cultish to think men can have babies; confused children should be mutilated, it’s fair for men who think they are women to compete in women’s sports; it’s fine for naked men to be in women’s locker rooms; teaching English grammar is racist; math is racist; white people are inherently racisr; it’s perfectly fine to kill human beings in the womb for any reason whatever, up until birth; the world will end in 10 years (or less) due to climate change; Hamas is fighting for freedom; we should buy oil from a dictator in Venezuela rather than US producers; Biden is mentally competent; and Kamala Harris is qualified to lead US and the free world? Those are the beliefs of a cult, and those are the beliefs held by a great many of those who are voting for Harris.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS