Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Karen Irby commuted to 3 years of house arrest.

Collection of all posts on Irby case

BREAKING: Family not notified. Spoke to the wife of John Dedousis, Elaine. She authorized me to state the family was not notifed by the Governor's office and they only found out a few minutes before we spoke even though they were on the list to be contacted by the state. Mr. Dedousis said "I am speechless. I'm appalled. Its amazing what political connections can do. The family plans on taking some form of action which will be decided upon in the next 24 hours."

Original post: You read right. Karen Irby's sentence is commuted to three years of house arrest.Here is the list. Its on page 7.


KaptKangaroo said...

I'm sure Judge Green is not all to happy about that.

Anonymous said...

Smells like slick Willie

Anonymous said...

What a blessing - and with the blessing of the victim's families too I'm sure when they find out. Unbelievable. I'm sad for the victims but I'm thrilled for her!

Anonymous said...

That is fucking disgusting!! That's basically a slap on the wrist for killing two people.

Anonymous said...

Haley pardoned 30+ people convicted of murder/manslaughter. How does that stack up against Fordice or Waller? In the end, there's not one whit of difference between a Repub and a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

This is a blessing for Karen and her family! I am sad for the victims, but like you thrilled for her! SHe can do a lot of good in the future by speaking engagements, etc and let people know about alcohol and abusive relationships!

Anonymous said...

So happy for Karen and her children!!!

Anonymous said...

Karen, saved by the Irby's! Oh, and of course, their donations.

Anonymous said...

The victim's families very much supported this release. They never wanted Karen Irby to go to prison and be away from her children. I'm glad in the end this has worked out exactly like the victim's family wanted it to.

Anonymous said...

4:56 Karen was saved by the victim's families. Get your facts straight.

Rebekah said...

Unfreakinbelievable...Goes to show you can drink and drive...KILL 2 innocent people...do a year or so...then get out. People do more time for selling marijuana.
Awesome lesson for all.
Maybe on the anniversary of the two doctors' deaths you can all throw her a celebratory wine party.

Anonymous said...

Rebekah, if you are this mad over Karen Irby being released, don't read the rest of the list of people who also got released. You really might stroke out.

Let's not forget both families of the victims did not want her to go to prison.

Anonymous said...

People, stop the ugliness. You have no idea what she has been through. Imagine being away from the children, family, and anyone that cared for her. Her crime was not premeditated. There are still to this day many unanswered questions about this. Look at the other surviving person's behavior during this ordeal! Truly hope she will turn this into something that will do good on the outside instead of the inside. If she can keep some from following down that road, it will have helped!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long before she'll be spotted drinking at the JCC again - and driving soon after.

And who would want to hear her speak? I sure wouldn't. What has she done that I should be impressed by? Oh right, she killed two innocent people. That should get her at least a spot on a reality TV show. I hope she rots in hell.

Anonymous said...


Anderson said...

Clemency isn't a pardon, is it? The latter wipes your record clean; the former just gets you out of jail?

Rebekah said...

I think if you drink to an excess and choose to get behind the wheel of a car...you are no longer innocent and it is no longer an accident. Two people were killed because of an action only she made that night.
I have nothing against her personally, but her actions that night took the lives of 2 innocent people.
If it had been me, my friends would stand behind me too- just like all of Karen's are. But what I would not have done is turn the whole tragedy into a public spectacle- which is what it was turned into.
I can only hope somehow this turns into something good and if there was alleged abuse then hopefully she will seek counseling and move on with her life.
Regardless, that night was her fault- not Stuart's. She chose to get behind the wheel of a car intoxicated.
I am sure the families are still both stricken with grief- anyone would be. And I am sure they want this all to be over- even though they have to live with the terrible loss for the rest of their lives.
She can move forward- the doctors cannot.
The families know she didn't do it on purpose. She didn't set out to harm anyone that night and none of this makes Karen a bad person. But she made a horrible mistake that night, and the time spent isn't enough for the crime committed.

Anonymous said...

Read the list of all the pardons and see how you feel then.

Anonymous said...

There you go blowing the evidenced-based doors off Harpy's Bugle once again Kingfish!

It really is a shame she and her interns can't keep up.

Anonymous said...

The families by their statements at Karen's sentencing did not want her to go to prison and were very disappointed in Judge Green's decision. Now their wishes have been honored, and Karen can be with her children as they wanted.

Rebekah, you surely as the other poster said don't need to read the list of people who have also been released. It would not be good for your health.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Haley (you don't deserve to be call the "G" word). I hope you move to D.C. and leave Mississippi for good. (You may want to as you just made it much more dangerous here with all those murderes released) What a trashy way to leave. I do have a suggestion though. If any of these people need jobs, can you hire them at your lobbying firm?

Anonymous said...

4:59 PM Please stick to the Junior League, she was saved by the money that got HB to consider releasing her AND the statements of the victim's families.

Anonymous said...

there was no jury ..... and a far from impartial judge .... I am so relieved for her children ..... maybe it is time to find a new object for all this hate

Anonymous said...

I read the list. They are ALL criminals. Every single one of them! Some, including Karen, committed heinous crimes against the people of the State of Mississippi. So your point 5:37PM? Are you saying one crime is OK, but another is not? That taking life is not to be met with punishment? The irony is, if you were in Karen's shoes for the crime alone and no connections, you would still be rotting in jail.

Anonymous said...

Ah thaaiink AHM gone layett Kaaaren Irrrbbyyy owutt.

Anonymous said...

5:39 You are so right. There was no jury and Judge Green was far, far from being an impartial judge.

And.... For those of you who think Haley Babour cares what you think, he doesn't.

The victims' families DID NOT want Karen Irby to go to jail. Now Kaaren can be with her children. I'm glad. They need their Mother, because we all know their Father is unable to care for them.

Anonymous said...

5:42 here, sorry comment meant for 5:33.

Curt Crowley said...

A just result, considering the wishes of the victims' families were ignored at sentencing.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Barack has released three key high-ranking Taliban terrorist leaders from Gitmo. Wonder if the Harpy gives a shit about that.

Micah Gober said...

Mississippi - Justice for some...for those of you that have money...the rest of us get crapped on...

KaptKangaroo said...

I'm with you Commish. Fact is, the family had an understanding of the crime and took the time to beg the court's mercy upon her for this tragedy. As I understand it, it is five years probation, three under intensive supervision and two years unmonitored. She was not pardoned if I understand the situation correctly.

Anonymous said...

I have something to say... Scott Spell requested a Pardon.. If you do not remember him - he had a high profiled case that was compared to Irby.. Should have been no comparison though considering he registered a 0.06 alcohol level which in state of MS Is legal to drive.. Whether we agree with that or not if there is no tolerance for it there should not be an over and under limit, right? hers was double, I believe.. The morning he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for this tragic car wreck he dropped his kids off at school and went before judge green with the wise counsel from his attorney and took a plea.. Minutes later she sentenced him to 40 years to run consecutive ! He was given no time to get his affairs in order as IRBY was given six weeks and 2 years less time. His mom had to pick up his three children from school and tell them their daddy not gonna b home for a long time .. So now I'm still wondering if IRBY and 213 others being pardoned is some kind of mis print!

Anonymous said...

Please allow me to educate you all, as one who has been closely involved with some of her children, their new homes and keepers (who are 12's on a scale of 1-10), THESE LITTLE ONES ARE MORE VICTIMS (especially her 6 year old son!!! She is not in a place to be able to care for them, nor provide in a manner they need, emotionally, spiritually etc. Karen, is going to be living with her mother, WHO IS THE MOST TOXIC INDIVIDUAL IN THE ENTIRE ORDEAL! This clemency by Barbour will throw a little 6 year old boy, who has FINALLY FOUND stability and safety in his new surroundings, back in with a problem and living hell. Book it.

Anonymous said...

I have something to say... Scott Spell requested a Pardon.. If you do not remember him - he had a high profiled case that was compared to Irby.. Should have been no comparison though considering he registered a 0.06 alcohol level which in state of MS Is legal to drive.. Whether we agree with that or not if there is no tolerance for it there should not be an over and under limit, right? hers was double, I believe.. The morning he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for this tragic car wreck he dropped his kids off at school and went before judge green with the wise counsel from his attorney and took a plea.. Minutes later she sentenced him to 40 years to run consecutive ! He was given no time to get his affairs in order as IRBY was given six weeks and 2 years less time. His mom had to pick up his three children from school and tell them their daddy not gonna b home for a long time .. So now I'm still wondering if IRBY and 213 others being pardoned is some kind of mis print!

Love, The Help said...

6:12 PM Please pass the chardonay, oopsie, I mean the white zin and two slices of pie.

Anonymous said...

6:12 Here we go again. Attacking the Grandmother. You simply don't know what you are talking about, and frankly it is not your business. Period.

Anonymous said...

scott spell has also been in jail for 21/1 years and i can gaurantee you the way this systaem works he will be there for another 5 years IF he ia able to get the 85% law, if not he will be there till 2027!!! not only was he legal to drive but the judge in this case refused to read his character letters and his attorney never spoke up and said "hey wait a minute i have here in my hand a written statement from eyewitness that was in front of scott turning right onto a frontage road and he was slowed down as much as me due to the fact I was turning" that sure would have helped all the lies that he was going 90mph and left the scene of the accident OH and was planning to make an escape to Mexico.. Sad thing is some people still believe those rumors. I know all these comments are about the pardons but i just could not help myself. this man will sit in jail for many more years for a car accident that did not even involve a DUI!!! someone please tell me the justice in this..

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for that PUNCH LINE OF A JUDGE "Tomie" (or however the hell you spell it), to compose an epic "POETIC" piece about THIS.
I'd be for almost ANYBODY getting out early, after having to stand there and hear that OBNOXIOUS CRAP that the "judge" rambled on about for a half hour - in, I assume, some kind of embarrASSing attempt to get a TV show, or SOMETHING. It was very bizarre.
(TG: "It's my BIG BREAK!!" "It's my BIG BREAK" "I'm gonna be FAMOUS!!")

Anonymous said...

Stuart has most likely CHANGED THE LOCKS - THEN - GOOD LUCK COMING HOME, Karen - you're OUTTA LUCK, Hun!!
(It doesn't MATTER if they're still married or not, if she can't get in the HOUUUSE!!!)

Anonymous said...

All of the comments above and Kingfish's golden touch are all you need to know to understand that the Jackson Free Press online is a DEAD FRANCHISE in the metro area.

**** Kudos to Kingfish!!! ****

Anonymous said...

Waiting for Judge Green's absurd Dr. Seuss soapbox rant...

Anonymous said...

Doubt that she would even want to go back to that house!

Anonymous said...

green doesnt like whites in general and rich ones in particular. shd not be on the bench. constantly reversed.

Anonymous said...

Who will be there for her? Her 'society' friends? Her Junior League friends? That's my concern. I'm glad for her, and don't know any of the folks involved. Hope she gets her life straight and her kids back.

Anonymous said...

she and Stu will be back together before you know it and more drama to come.
In MS money talks and B S walks.

Anonymous said...

Can't imagine Karen would ever want him again or be back in that house! Give her a chance...we have not lived the hell she has lived! Leave her alone and let her get her life and children back!!!

Anonymous said...

Just another one of more than 200 of these instances as of today acording to reports. This is now on national news. When things like this happen in our state, is there any wonder why others look down on and castigate Mississippi? And to think this pompous ___ at one time expected people to elect him President of the United States! He has certainly lived up to his image as a Boss Hawg, good ole boy, truly disgusting fool. I hope the people who supported and voted him into office are proud and happy now. Wonder how the Barbour political clan and his lobbying firm will take this?
Mannheim - Jackson

Anonymous said...

When I got home tonight, wife looked at me and said the same thing 7:28PM.

Anonymous said...

7:31 I feel the exact same way. Let this unfold. Everyone involved is broken on more levels than anyone here is prepared to defend. God help us. God help everyone involved.


Anonymous said...

As for Gov. Barbour, this is a huge embarrassment for the state and I am ashamed that I voted for him! What a miscarriage of justice here. DISGUSTING.

Anonymous said...

^ this is why people hate jackson. she's out. get over it. here's the first picture of her out and about in jackson. http://tinyurl.com/292g5my

Hookah said...

Karen will find some desperate jackass at the country club or Eastover social gatherings willing to sponsor her next round of ignorance.

Stu can't be held responsible if they hook back up.

No, no, no--he's suffered enough physical trauma to ever be held accountable for his own actions.

Be nice to him.

Anonymous said...

We all are acting like Haley Barbour is the first governor who has ever pardoned criminals. Well, he isn't and won't be the last either. This happens every time we have a Gov. who leaves office. Happens in other states, too, 9:18, so I guess citizens in every state should be embarrassed according to you.

Curt Crowley said...

Gimme a break. Haley Barbour was the best, and certainly the most effective, Governor in the history of this State. If his choices of clemency make you regret voting for him, then you probably shouldn't be allowed near a voting booth in the first place.

Mike Huckabee granted clemency in more than 1000 cases in 10.5 years as governor of Arkansas. In only one did he really catch hell. Only in this backwards @zz state do people get this bent out of shape over the relative handful of clemency requests Barbour granted.

Anonymous said...

micah gober, it seems you were "crapped on" by your parents for giving you such an unfortunate name

Anonymous said...

DVDJ Commish, Well said. Haley Babour is one of the very best Governors MS has ever had. Period.

Clemency is granted by EVERY Governor in every state, and usually to a much larger degree than what Barbour did in MS while he was Governor.

Anonymous said...

The children of ALL criminals are victims.

The families of the REAL victims were not informed in a timely manner and OBVIOUSLY did not approve according to KF's contact with them.

This is not the last we will hear of Karen and Stuart.

Haley Barbour is not only interested in Irby money for the GOP but is incredibly naive as are Karen's defenders on this blog.

KaptKangaroo said...

Again, I'm with you Commish, the fact is, Haley is probably the most effective Governor in a state I've lived.

I've really been thinking this one through. It might be unfathomable for the society of victims, but the fact of the matter is, the governor has the constitutional mandate to exercise the pardoning of criminals. He also, in the execution of the death penalty, is the last to grant clemency. In either case, I do not envy his power. I pray he knows what he does and does it with conviction.

Anonymous said...

He also pardoned another ne jxn elite, Doug Hindman for cyberstalking. it was well documented by WLBT... too bad the Fraziers missed their chance I am sure they would have made the list...some ne jxn things will never change,money talks!!!

Anonymous said...

fish can push a hot button or two

Anonymous said...

When I see all the angry comments about Irby, and so few expressing outrage about, say, the guy who shot his estranged wife in the head while she held their infant child, it makes me think the real problem a lot of people have with Irby comes down simple jealousy.

Anonymous said...

What's the over/under on this thread busting 100? 10:00am?

Was the last one to do it so quickly? The sheriff's race?

Anonymous said...

Jobba the Gub is/was a joke. What did he do in all these years? NOTHING. Except run up expenses for travel. State Plane use, overtime for security. 5 star hotels...I wish the idiots on here saying the deceased family got what they want...THEN WHY IS THE BROTHER SO UPSET IN THE ARTICLE. Do you people not read?

T.Greene said...

I'll be damn ...
That big ol ham ...
let'er out ...
I'm gonna pout ...

Anonymous said...

12:46, that now THAT is a poem. haha

Anonymous said...


The distinction between the wife murder and Irby (and Faver's brother the DUI killer) is that one who kills a spouse in a jealous rage is most likely not a time bomb waiting to go off on innocent people trying to drive home from the airport.

Anonymous said...

I've been a big supporter of Gov. Barbour in the past and was hoping by some outside chance he might show up as the 2012 republican VP candidate. I'm afraid that after all this, I wouldn't be able to cast a vote in favor of a ticket with Barbour on it. This is truly pathetic, and I've lost all respect for the man.

Anonymous said...

the outgoing GOP establishment Governor seems to use the same selection process as the Democrats in granting Obamacare waivers. I do not get this Mansion scheme. Why not use it at the WH?
Richard Jones should apply, his crime for me was more understandable, (but not forgivable)..at a big party, drinking, big man in a small car, a lady gets naked in the car and seeks to pleasure you.

Anonymous said...

12:05 am, 7:06 am answered your question.

Many of us do not know of the political connections or contributions that may have affected the other pardons, but we damn well know this one.

Also, the best way to predict future behavior is by looking at past behavior. There is incredible gullibility on the part of those who believe that a relationship with this much toxicity has ended just because one is damaged and the other is good at telling people what they want to hear. And, there's more gullibility( or inflated ego) still on the part of those who believe they can indefinitely control the behavior of others.

Rebekah said...

Just posted this to Fb, but decided to post it here too:

Here are the facts: Gov. Fordice issued 13 pardons. Mabus only 4, and Musgrove a measley one to a man convicted of marijuana...BARBOUR, over his term, granted a total of 203 pardons, inlcuding 17 convicted murderers. 5 of those murderers were granted pardons last week and were doing odd jobs for him around the mansion. Nothing like being served gourmet macaroni and cheese by someone who took another person's life. Another fun Barbour fact- remember the man who shot his wife while holding their 6 WEEK old baby? He shot her and injured a mutual friend...sentenced to life. Well, last month the MS Parole board DENIED his request for a lesser sentence. Well guess what...after his wife learned he was denied by the parole board, she received a phone call stating he was fully pardoned. Set free. Buh-bye orange jumpsuit...All I can say is THANK GOD George Bell was not on the pardon list.

Anonymous said...

A murderer is working the grounds at the Governor's Mansion. He accidentally bumps into Haley Barbour and says "Pardon me, Governor", and so Barbour does.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but you can bet the super freak egotist/opportunist in Fondren secretly hoped that Georgie was on the list.

Rebekah said...

9:35- THAT was funny....

9:51- If George had been pardoned, he would have been killed before he set foot on the street.

Kingfish said...

someone is commenting and making some unsubstantiated allegations. Not getting posted. Period. I don't consider a bunch of unproven trash from some anonymous person "truth".

Anonymous said...

A certain law firm with a nice, new building next to Rennaissance sure was excited to be adding Guv to its letterhead...this puts a bit of a damper on that upcoming announcement, but it's still a coup for them. Wonder if now, they'll let some smoke clear before launching that balloon.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad that Karen will have to live in a town with many of you people. She did not walk out of her house that night and say I will kill 2 people ! Be outraged that a man killed his wife while she held their 2 month old son. Have any of you ever had a drink and got behind the wheel of a car. ..maybe what happened to Karen has made you think. Have you all ever said No to SI ? Bless his little incompetent heart...is he really responsible for what he does. How many times has he been in trouble Without Karen around! I pray for her children, her and the families of the ones that perished! I hope Karen has a chance to make her life and her children's lives better!

Anonymous said...

Hell if I were her I would start baking pies and send to to many of you...she may need some "Help" delivering them!!!

Anonymous said...

In this state, if you have a lot of money and pay the right people, you can get a pardon. The ONE FULL pardon given by Musgrove was for the son of a very weslthy Oxford business man who was dealing drugs. Money can buy you anything you want.

Anonymous said...

It's called " GETTING WHAT YOU DESERVE". Everyone knows she didn't set out to kill anyone. THAT is why the counts of depraved heart were dropped. But she did kill two people and she injured her husband. Despite the fact that everyone hates Stu, (and arguably so) he still was a passsenger that night. She was driving. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.
Does she belong in hell? NO. But she deserves to be punished for what she did. What it it were your family? My friend's daughter was killed by a drunk driver about 13 years ago. Her KILLER is still in jail. He sent letters and apologies and was so guilt stricken. Every year on the daughter's death, the man would send a letter. The family forgave him, but they lost their daughter. And atleast he was remorseful! He plead GUILTY because he knew he was! Karen didn't. SHe turned this into a huge public circus and tried to place blame on her husband. Yes he is an SOB (and I know him very well) and yes, he could have very well been hurting her that night. BUT he wasn't driving. SHE was. Someone posted on here earlier that she was to blame as soon as she put the car in drive and that is the truth. SHE drank. SHE drove. SHE drove in such a speed down a public road that caused two innocent people to DIE. Not only to die, but to BURN TO DEATH.
I only hope the cries of immense pain and torture coming from the victims that night will haunt her forever.
Forget it was Karen Irby or anyone we know. It isn't important WHO did it, it is important what happened.
Call a cab. My friend still mourns everyday for the loss of her child. Nothing will bring her back, but atleast she can rest at night knowing the man (no matter how guilty he feels) will never be allowed to do this again.
All it takes is one time people.

Anonymous said...

For all you stating the family didn't want her to go to jail:

BREAKING: Family not notified. Spoke to the wife of John Dedousis, Elaine. She authorized me to state the family was not notifed by the Governor's office and they only found out a few minutes before we spoke even though they were on the list to be contacted by the state. Mr. Dedousis said "I am speechless. I'm appalled. Its amazing what political connections can do. The family plans on taking some form of action which will be decided upon in the next 24 hours."

I hope this gets overturned and she goes back to serve out her time.

C. Bell said...

I guess is Haley took one for the incoming governor. The state can't afford to continue paying for all the inmates and this was a simple money decision. I' ll bet that a bunch of the ones released had high medical expenses that the state simply couldn't afford to continue to pay. Not that I agree but several states are doing the same thing due to money reasons. Wasn't Karen give house arrest during her trial to avoid paying her hefty medical bills.

Anonymous said...

11:20 I understand what you are saying, but there is so much more to this situation that any of you will ever know. The families of the deceased know that...listen to what they said when she was sentanced. None of us were in the car and know what was happening to her as her husband (possibly drunk) was in the car with her. Look at what he has done since the accident. She is not being "let out" like the common murderers are. she is under house arrest and will be monitored. Yes, that is much better than prison. I have a friend that lost her child to someone picking up their cell phone while driving! This child died on the side of the road in her Mother's arms. The person recieved a years probation! Life is not fair...it is what you make it! Let's hope her life will be different now. Yes, all it takes is one time. Make sure you remember it next time you are at dinner and order a drink or a glass of wine...ALWAYS has a person to drive even if it is just ONE drink!!!

Anonymous said...

Why did the families try to help her during the trial? Not being ugly, but I am suprised after hearing what they had to say in court...
Have memorials or scholarships been set up with the money they received from the settlements? I certainly hope so in order for their family members to never be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

11:26, I'm calling bullshit on that unless you can post the medical expenses (as compared with other inmates), or show that those pardoned have either left the State or are paying for private insurance out of their own pockets now. I'm betting most of these people are still on our dime.

Anonymous said...

C. Bell...there are things more important than money.

Besides, there are non-violent offenders to release and I expect many with histories far less egregious that this bunch.

Are you reading some of these self-admissions? There's some really warped,dangerous thinking patterns to be read. One murderer didn't want to admit his wife was holding their infant or that pointing a gun was " forced entry". The murder was well planned and not a " fit of jealous rage". He burglarized the murder scene AND left baby in the trailer with one dead body and one seriously wounded body, for Pete's sake! The dude is seriously CRAZY!
If party loyalty is driving your defense of this, your moral compass is broken!

Anderson said...

A certain law firm with a nice, new building next to Rennaissance sure was excited to be adding Guv to its letterhead...this puts a bit of a damper on that upcoming announcement

I believe that turned out to be an incorrect rumor; news is that Barbour's returning to his lobbying firm, where he will distribute BS rather than working for BS.

Why did the families try to help her during the trial?

Guess: posturing for the civil suit vs. Stuart. It did not behoove them to stand up in court and say it was all, or mainly, Karen's fault.

Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting that Haley pardoned criminals and now we have this incredible moral outrage; and the supporters of KI try to distinguish between crminals. A killer will always be a killer. Maybe now all you anonymous people might actually stand up and do something. Not.

KaptKangaroo said...

Yeah, Anderson. Cotton sure does have a habit of reporting a lot of rumors. He pretty much plays "craps" and rolls the dice on rumors to be the first to report it if true. His traffic must be way down.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't have any traffic 'Roo.

I remember during the 2011 legislative session when he breathlessly "reported" that the forced depositions of some Republican Senators was imminent. Guess what? Yup, never happened.

Anderson said...

His traffic must be way down.

He's a bit too knee-jerk for my tastes. I look over there now & then.

As I said over at NMC's place, I'm not necessarily bothered by the flurry of pardons. I doubt most governors pardon *enough* people.

What I have a problem with is handing out pardons like gold stars for wife-killin' trusties. I think the Legislature should forbid those convicted of certain felonies from working at the Mansion.

(Might be some constitutional issue there, but a lot less so than trying to limit the pardon power via statute, which would be slapped down 9-0 at the MSSC.)

Anonymous said...

Simply staggering. Harpy's Bugle is reporting that Barbour pardoned enough people to make 20 football teams.

That is so f'ing deep.

KaptKangaroo said...

Great points Anderson, especially the constitutional issue.

As to the Bugle, they are doing themselves a great disservice regarding their reporting. Barbour was incorrect to release clearly violent criminals (don't care what race, creed, sex, etc. b/c they are all represented). The issue is an issue for all society, not a group or sub-section of society. The issue is releasing a violent offender into the society at large and placing ALL at risk. To try and pigeon hole this into a personal agenda simply treats readers as ill-informed and able to be hood-winked by rhetoric that suits the agenda. I find this tact offensive.

I'm still waiting to see what happens, last I heard Jim H is looking into the process. Not sure what can be done other than delay it, but I guess it is worth a shot especially with those who took innocent lives. At a minimum, better notification of release information will probably occur.

Anonymous said...

At the Bugle, if they ever started doing actual reporting they might be able to do themselves a disservice.
Jim Hood will look into this to see if the Dems can score any political points from this.
After a while, the furor will die down, everyone will move on, and this will be a footnote on Haley's tenure.

Shadowfax said...

Kangaroo said, "I've really been thinking this one through...but the fact of the matter is, the governor has the constitutional mandate to exercise the pardoning of criminals."

Now there's an enlightening statement. Actually he does not have a mandate to do it, simply the authority. And that ought to be taken away by the legislature. No president, governor or pope ought to have that authority.

KaptKangaroo said...

Sfax F off. You get the gist.

Anderson said...

"And that ought to be taken away by the legislature."

Sigh. Another civics failure.

The pardon power is in section 124 of the CONSTITUTION of the state of Mississippi.

A statute passed by the Legislature cannot conflict with the state CONSTITUTION.

If the Legislature passed a statute that "took away" the pardon power, the Miss. Supreme Court would unanimously strike down that statute, because the statute would be un-CONSTITUTIONAL.


ALERT: Black Helicopter Squardron Circling Fondren Corner said...

Should have seen it coming. Now the derangement leads to Haley Barbour being akin to Frank Melton. Oh, and the great mainstream media cover-up conspiracy.

Sure hope she has all the interns safely sheltered in the bunker.

KaptKangaroo said...

And you are wrong. The pardon is important to correct situations where a great injustice should be corrected. I'm not supporting pardoning serial killers, but politcly motivated convictions that are nothing more than a farce are a candidate for a pardon to restore rights. You are wrong in your blanket statement.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what influence former VP of Irby and current Barbour appointee MWCC Chairman Liles Willams had on influencing the pardon.

Anonymous said...

So how does it get fixed Anderson IYO?

Anonymous said...

BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Where was the wailing when the Guv pardoned those 2 cows and shipped them to Fla.? hmmmm? This is REAL FUN YA'LL!

Anonymous said...

Amend the Constitution, or convince the SCOTUS that the MS Constitution conflicts with the US Constitution.

Anderson said...

My bad! Barbour IS going to Butler Snow, while also rejoining his lobbying firm.

Anonymous said...

Before anyone starts thinking Ms. Irby is going back to jail you can stop. Hood is trying to stop some of Barbour's pardons. Ms. Irby was granted clemency not a pardon. From WLBT:

"However, Hood's proposed action will NOT affect those Barbour granted clemency to like Karen Irby. Irby was granted conditional clemency provided that she serve 3 years house arrest and an additional two years under the supervision of MDOC's Community Corrections Division."

Anonymous said...

Before anyone starts thinking Ms. Irby is going back to jail you can stop. Hood is trying to stop some of Barbour's pardons. Ms. Irby was granted clemency not a pardon. From WLBT:

"However, Hood's proposed action will NOT affect those Barbour granted clemency to like Karen Irby. Irby was granted conditional clemency provided that she serve 3 years house arrest and an additional two years under the supervision of MDOC's Community Corrections Division."

Anonymous said...

The question is, did it pass the notification test. Apparently, from the crack reporting here, it didn't.

Don't county your chickens just yet.

Anonymous said...

Someone help me understand why the families of the victims would plead with Judge Green at Ms. Irby's not to put her in prison, but would now opposed her release? Could their future plans at the time for filing a civil suit against Stuart Irby have something to do with this? Just asking......

Anonymous said...

From WJTV:

"AG Hood says Barbour violated constitution and is asking Judge Tommie Green to order a temporary injunction on all releases. Hood wants 4 murderers and 1 robber ordered back to prison. He says many did not meet requirement of law to file and publish their request 30 days prior to pardon. Some filed as late as January 6th, and now AG Hood needs to go through each case on list."

Anonymous said...

@5:09 -- could be that Kingfish used the word "pardon" when speaking w/ the families like he did in the headline. She wasn't pardoned -- she was granted clemency -- she will still be a convicted felon. And, she must serve 3 years of house arrest and 2more years of supervision. Surprised the KF is usually all over the Clarion Ledger about not getting facts right but he has yet to issue a retraction of this incorrect information.

Anonymous said...

5:58. Very good point. Quite a difference between Ms. Irby being pardoned rather than being granted clemency. I bet that's exactly why the family was upset. They thought Ms Irby was pardoned and and what she did was wiped away on her record which is not the case at all.

Kingfish said...

Nice try. They know she got three years house arrest and was not pardoned.

Anonymous said...

Don't even bother with the interns Kingfish. They're just peeved that they hitched their ponies to the wrong team of nags.

Anonymous said...

If the family pleaded at her sentencing that Ms. Irby not be sent to prison why would they care now that she was granted clemency and is being released from prison? Could someone please explain.

Anonymous said...

Let the Gov have his pardons. Just make him grant them the FIRST day in office instead of the last.

KaptKangaroo said...

I end where I started. I'm sure Judge Green is not all too happy about that.

Anderson said...

"could someone please explain?"

Jack Handey: "what is it that makes a man risk his life to dive into freezing cold water to save a solid gold baby? I guess we'll never know."

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but I don't think the family pleaded that Karen not go to prison. They asked the judge to consider in sentencing that she might not have been solely at fault. There is a difference between supporting the leniency of a shorter sentence and asking that she not be held accountable at all.

The inability of people to emphathize with victim's families is puzzling. The assumption that the money is everyone's motivation and priority rather than see the right person punished and punished to the maximum extent available says more about those making that claim than about the victim's family.

IF , like with some, there was no closeness before the victim's death, such suspicions might have some merit. But, those who assume that in the absence of estrangement must come from really bad families.

If someone murdered any of my family members , I'd do anything and everything to make sure the RIGHT person was punished,and punished serverely including that he or she never had two dimes to rub together for the prison commissary.

Anonymous said...

Barbour appoints Bentz to PSC for his lobbying client, Southern Company. Irby donates to Bentz campaign and MSGOP. Haley's boy Hederman spends big bucks on Bentz campaign, while he was virtually unopposed in the general election. In the end, they all profit. Irby gets to come home, Barbour will go on a book tour, and Mississippi Power gets to keep their Commissioner, oh and they get their $3 billion Kemper Plant. Unless the courts overturn the PSC decision that is...

Anonymous said...

I would like to say something about this whole drinking and driving thing. I have personal experience with this because I had 2 DUIS in my past. What woke me up was my beautiful children and thinking that I could kill myself or someone else if I continuted on the path I was on and end up leaving my children without a mother or cause another family to lose a loved one. I could not live with that. I took steps to help myself and put myself in treatment. It was the best decision I ever made and have never drank or looked back on that life. I cherish my life, my childrens lives and the lives of others. We all make choices and should be responsible for them. I am just thankful my bad choices to drink and drive never hurt or killed anyone.

Anonymous said...

i am sorry but karen irby deserves the death penalty. She killed more than two people that night. They were DOCTORS think of the lives those two would have went on and SAVED by DRUNK DRIVERS. what a shame. what is the justice system for again?

Anonymous said...

I live in Texas. This sort of thing does not happen here. Mississippi, your ex-Governor has really made you look bad.

Anderson said...

"I live in Texas. This sort of thing does not happen here."

Right. Y'all just execute 'em, guilty or not, and then there's no one to pardon.

Anonymous said...

Considering Perry's performance and lapses on the national stump I question any Texan sizing up Governors.

Curt Crowley said...

"i am sorry but karen irby deserves the death penalty."

The death penalty for manslaughter, huh? They don't even do that in third-world countries. Hell they don't even do it in Texas.

Anonymous said...

2:21 PM said:
i am sorry but karen irby deserves the death penalty. She killed more than two people that night. They were DOCTORS think of the lives those two would have went on and SAVED by DRUNK DRIVERS. what a shame. what is the justice system for again?Justice? or revenge?

In your justice system the 2 doctors' lives carry more value by their "what if" future than someone else?

So, when a doctor kills someone they are operating on because they are hung over from the night before and make a mistake, we should just string them up, under YOUR idea of a justice system.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Mr. Kennard failed to publish the requisite notice, him being dead and all.

Only those incarcerated at the time of their application need to provide notice.

meople said...

three years of house arrest... that sounds like a cow jumping over the moon... who has ever heard of someone spending three years house arrest? sure it is not a little house arrest and the rest of the three years supervised probation? I did read the article it has just been a while since... but i do not remember 3 years house arrest being in there. I f so WOW.

Anonymous said...

2:21...that is just absurb! Do you even know what that means?

meople said...

man that might be a record for someone under 70 being given THREE years house arrest. That creates a lot of temptations and possibly a lot of leniency for said offender... why put mdoc in that type of situation of monitoring someone for three years. thanks KF.

Anonymous said...

According to VineLink (Victim Notification System), Karen Irby was released today and is out of custody.


Anonymous said...

So wrong that she is out and if your glad for being out you are a disgusting human who doesn't care about the lives of others Karen is sick and should be locked away for years

Anonymous said...

Wow 9:32. Glad you are so perfect that you never make mistakes. You've never had a drink and gotten behind the wheel? Not saying what she did didn't lead to a horrific nightmare for many, but how many of us have had a drink or two then driven? More than you can imagine.

Anonymous said...

It seems that all has turned out well for Karen Irby, all things considered. Others suffered, two doctors died in an inferno, Karen was freed from prison and can enjoy being in "house arrest", Stuart Irby suffered permanent brain damage from the accident, and after Karen's release Stuart took his own life. This has all been beyond tragic.

I am curious as to whether Karen Irby will inherit Stuart's properties and estate. will she?

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, nice try. Didn't know you would practice deception. At first glance at the should Karen Irby's sentence be reduced poll, it appears the yes votes have it when that is not the case. In fact most votes were, in some fashion or another, No.
Not that it matters, but respect for you and this blog have dropped a notch.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS