Friday, January 13, 2012

Homeward bound

Updated: Its now official on MDOC's website

Karen Irby is now home. Let the feeding frenzy begin.


Anonymous said...

What is interesting is that I thought she was one of the 21 that was supposed to remain in custody per the court order? It seems as all of the others are still in custody but why was she released?

Anonymous said...

She killed two people and is now free to kill again.

Curt Crowley said...

If I'm not mistaken the AG said the injunction does not apply to her because she was not pardoned. It only applies to those who received pardons, not commutations.

Anonymous said...

What a cluster fuck!

Anonymous said...

You are probably correct. I have been reading conflicting information in various media.

I just found this article that states something slightly different again:

"JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi corrections officials say inmates given medical releases by former Gov. Haley Barbour will be released when the paper work is processed.

A judge had ordered earlier this week that 21 inmates who received pardons or other reprieves from former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour remain in custody until a court battle is resolved over whether Barbour properly handled their orders to go free.

The Mississippi Constitution says inmates seeking pardons must publish a public notice. But that doesn't apply to medical suspensions, which is the type of release given to 13 of the 21.

Mississippi Department of Corrections spokeswoman Suzanne Singletary said those given medical releases would be freed when the paper work is processed, but she didn't know when that might happen."

Anonymous said...

Here is an article that contributed to my confusion as it specifically names the 21 inmates that are in limbo and not to be released. All but Karen Irby are still in custody.

Sorry I don't know how to do HTML but it is a sun herald article dated yesterday (1/12/2012) and titled "21 inmates in limbo during court battle over pardons"

Anonymous said...

It was Barbour's ultimate decision--regardless of the Irby family's pull with politics and political campaign contributions. He is the one to be angry with over his lack of judgement. Ms. Irby is to blame for the deaths, but she is not to blame for what Hayley did.

Anonymous said...

She could plead for forgiveness and volunteer to serve out her punishment for killing two people.

Anonymous said...

7:34-- Agreed, she could do a lot of things. The real issue here is what our past fricken governor did to us--the message he sent US. I would be more welcome to the idea of him taking a shit on my lawn than letting Irby off so easily. But, make no mistake, Barbour made the ultimate decision.

Anonymous said...

So what. Barbour did it to show mercy. Did Karen?

meople said...

Katina rankin has some odd Facebook post about it? What is she trying to confirm?

Benny053 said...

Yes, she is at fault, but I strongly believe that her husband is too!!! We've all probably been in the car with a difficult drunk who was trying to interfere with the driver, and only cause the driver to lose focus on the task at hand. I say if he is allowed to walk free, then so should she!

meople said...

Benny explain the excesive speed?

Anonymous said...

What concerns me is one day when she finishes her house arrest she will be driving again. As if Jackson isn't dangerous enough already...she'll be back out on the roads again.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will move to city of Madison and help Mary will her campaign reelection!!!!!!

Cathy said...

Benny053, everyone seems to leave Stuart Irby out of the fault blaming being slung around so easily.
Meople, the excesive speed and out of control may be explained by Stuart's actions and Karen possibly trying to defend herself. Maybe she meant to hit the brake but instead of the gas which has happened in car accidents several times before. Like the old saying goes..."you never know what goes on behind closed doors". That is the same for every marriage and/or relationship and only the two people involved know the truth. The news reported the Irby's are no longer married.
I don't know Karen Irby but Stuart Irby has continued to break the law since this terrible tragedy but does not get punished. Explain that please.

Rebekah said...

It is her fault. She was DRIVING. He wasn't!
Damn. Why is this so hard for people to comprehend? When you drive drunk YOU- not anyone else- but YOU are responsible for your actions.
If I were to drink a bottle of wine right now and get behind the wheel, I am already guilty. If someone pulls out in front of me, or slams on their breaks in front of me, or even side swipes me or runs me off the is still MY fault because I was driving drunk. That is the price you pay for drinking and driving.
It doesn't matter what anything else was going on in that car that night EXCEPT the fact that she was driving drunk. Period.
I don't care about any other circumstance other than the fact that she made the choice to put that car in drive and the result ended...well, we all know how it ended.
And before I get blasted by her friends, I am not saying she is a bad person. What I am saying is that she made a horrible choice that night and the result ended with two people dead. Could it have happened to anyone? YES!!! Yes it could have!
I am sorry it happened to her. I am sorry it happened to anyone. But the fact remains that she made the choice to drive...and when you make the choice to drive after you have been drinking then anything that happens from then on is YOUR fault.

meople said...

Cathy I will explain the other side of your theory that is also supported by nothing but rumor... Maybe she was so busy whooping his drunk passed-out arse that she stood on the gas for 4 whole miles and couldn't make that dreadful turn or purposefully ran into that truck to kill both her and Stuart... This theory holds water to any other theory that anyone has to hold up to it.

Anonymous said...

Well..I have to say I am not a proponent of drunk driving, but it is a leap of logic to say that if a person were crossing an intersection and a car ran a red light that the driver with the right of way is at fault if they have a BAC that is not 0.

Anonymous said...

Rebekah, we get it, but if you think there wasn't something going on that car between her and him that contributed to that horrible wreck you are just dreaming. Of course there was. Someone can cause a wreck and just be a passenger. Surely you realize this.

Regardless, the Father cannot take care of the minor chid, now his Mother can. I'm glad for this reason she is home and can help raise her children.

It's done. She is home.

meople said...

What bothers me is like rebekah said... It was her fault and she never once owned it on her own... She took the "it was his fault"...

Anonymous said...

Note to Karen and Stuart: You have a shitload of money--get a driver. Karen, so glad you are home. I have thought about you and prayed for you often. Stuart, get some more therapy. Graham, God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

10:03 By pleading quilty Mrs. Irby owned up to her actions. Also, you need to go back and read Ms. Irby's statement she made in court. I can't remember her exact words, but I know Ms. Irby never said a word in court about it being "his fault", and apologized for her actions to the families both in private and in court.

Rebekah said...

And I see your point...I do...and he could have been beating her...and I get that too. But, the fact remains is that she should not have been driving in the first place.
Once you make a choice to drive drunk then everything that happens is your fault- regardless of what was going on in the car. Period.

And, yes, her children do need her. Only met her daughter once, but her son is precious precious. My son played with him. Everytime I saw him or was around him, I wanted to grab him and hug him. As a mother (of a little boy close in age),all of this tugs at my heart and the fact they have to go through all this is extremely unfair. They don't deserve all this. And hopefully with her home, they can begin to heal.

It is a sad, horrible tragedy and I hope she sees this as another chance at life. Usually only cats get 9 lives, but, for whatever reason, she was given another chance at one.
And for the rest of us, don't drink and drive. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Again? Can anyone explain why Christopher Scott Spell is still sitting in jail with a 20 year sentence and wAs legal to drive. Yes both car wrecks had same result but DEFINETLY not same result in front of Judge! I am so mad at our justice system. I actually Spoke to Scott tonight. His words when I asked him how he felt " im happy she is home with her child hopefully one day I will b home with mine" !!

Anonymous said...

She was driving while he was beating her up and pulling her hair.
Why is that so difficult to understand?

Thanx, Gov. Barbour, for undoing an injustice.

Anonymous said...

Rebekah, SHUT UP. Judgment has a way of coming back to you.

Rebekah said...

Im not judging. How is stating the facts being judgemental? Just because you are friends w her does not mean she isnt guilty of drinking and driving.

If he was beating her and pulling her hair, it does not justify her drinking and driving.

No stones are being thrown. No one is judging her. I stated a fact. The only injustice is the death of two people.

Anonymous said...

All the people on here who are getting mad are either family or friends of Irby. I can understand them standing by their friend. But even Mother theresa should be punished if she killed two people.

Karen did alot of charity work and has alot of socialite friends. This has ruffled their feathers because one of their own got in trouble.

I have no doubt he was hitting her. They fought nonstop, but she knew what she married. She wanted the lifestyle.

She was over the alcoholic limit. She was drunk. Two innocent people are dead now. She got off without doing even a year. That is not justice.

Anonymous said...

Do you not understand that she is not going to be on the streets and driving! She has 3 years of house arrest and then additional years of probation. Yes, she drove that night, look at the outcome! She was not alone in the car. Leave her alone! She is not bothering you. Let her raise her children. She will not be on the street lunching with the ladies and attending fundraisers. Ask a lawyer waht "Conditional Clemmancy" means...she was not Pardoned! She made a HUGE mistake and has been and is continuing to pay for it! I am glad all of you judgemental people never use your cell phone while driving, eat in the car, drink a bottle water, comb your hair, put on lipstick...I could go on! Anyone of those things could cause an accident and kill someone. Have you ever asked if the other vehicle was faulty in someway that made it explode or catch on fire? Have you ever asked if any minor driving errors could have possibly been made by the deceased driver. Truly no respect there, but all you do is continue to chew, regurigate, and chew this situation some more! STOP! Enough already. Complain when you see her driving or out to lunch and having a glass of wine. You have no idea what she has been through in prison or the hell of being away from her children. Think about that next time YOU get behind the wheel of a car! I know I do!

Anonymous said...

Rebekah...Her son certainly does not need hugs from you when you feel that way about his Mother. Why do allow playdates with her child if you are going to say the things you have said? I hope you are not one of those people that lets your child play with Karen's son and then runs out to tell all the "Hillie's" of Jackson how sad it is and how you want to hug him. That family certainly does not need the likes of you in their lives!

Shadowfax said...

I don't know either Irby and have no dog in the Irby hunt; however, all of you rattling on about what was going on in the car, who might have been abusing whom or what caused the crash have nothing to base your thoughts and comments on other than pure, speculative bullshit. My thought is they were both drunk, were heading home and a drunk sometimes speeds and drives eratically. Whatta concept!

Anonymous said...

My momma used to say, "When you marry for money, you work for every penny of it."

Anonymous said...

Cathy,there is a difference between fact that can be proven by evidence and what someone claims.

Karen was rather late coming forth with this version of events, but...

even if Stuart was pulling Karen's hair and hitting her,
that doesn't explain the excessive speed ( "hitting the gas pedal" rather than the brakes" is an IMPOSSIBLE explanation that is properly making science teachers cry in frustration). Nor does a fight in the car explain the alcohol or staying in a toxic relationship that would put one at risk for such a fight.

And, don't forget , there was a prior charge for driving under the influence in Rankin Co.

Karen's child wasn't a priority when she began her affair with Stuart. If your child is your priority, you end the relationship with her father before having an affair. And,if you care about a child, you make sure you have a stable relationship with the father before getting pregnant.
So the " mother" arguments aren't working well for many of us.

I sincerely hope that THIS latest consequence of Karen's bad judgments and bad behavior have finally brought about real change. I hope Karen will try to atone for the pain she's caused her children and loved ones and especially the deaths of two EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD AND TALENTED DOCTORS.

But, since she's still blaming others and making excuses, I doubt it very seriously. And, she'll have to do more than say she's " saved" for others to believe its not jailhouse religion especially since some thought she was "saved" after wrecking her first marriage.

Cathy, maybe you are just " new" to Karen's excuses and her being the innocent victim in every unhappy event in her life. The rest of us thinks she makes BAD DECISIONS and won't or can't stop.

Anonymous said...

Once you drink and drive, then everything that happens after that is your fault? Really? That's hyper-accountability based on what is evidently a real hot button for you. Take a drink, get in a car, and now you are responsible for the Universe. It's horrible that the law is actually a bit like that. Thank "Mothers Against Anyone Drinking Ever" for that. Shadowfax, 3 drinks don't make you drive 100 on a city street.

Kingfish said...

No there wasn't. Was for refusal to take the test.

Shadowfax said...

I've driven a hundred on city streets without having taken a drink. The fact is nobody will ever know what, if anything, took place in the car, how many drinks she actually had, whether he was passed out or on his knees popping her in the side of the head with his fist or whether she saw a wombat and attempted to escape from him. Actually it's all quite irrelevant.

I did enjoy the Sunday School lesson posted at 7:25 though.

Anonymous said...

Considering that 70% of the general public takes something on a daily basis that is essentially a mood altering substance(like antihistamines or sedatives)and still drives, I consider that percentage of you that are acting like you are without sin a bunch of hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Karen also needs to get the therapy she needs to stay away from toxic people. I know the Irbys have lots of money, but why did Karen need that to be happy? That's the core of her problem, in my opinion.

Karen's life outside of prison will be much better, but I still think she's going to have a hard time living in Jackson. Seems like more people dislike her than like her. Jackson is a very small town.

Time will tell what she will do with her life and if she will repeat her past behavior. Good luck Karen and I hope you have learned a lesson and will move forward and help others leave toxic relationships find contentment within themselves.

Anonymous said...

12:16, you hit the nail on the head.

Unknown said...

7:39, yes, when you drink and drive everything is your fault, completely. You had a choice and you chose to drink and drive. By making that choice you take on the responsibility of anything that happens after making that decision. Any thoughts otherwise are absurd.
And no, 3 drinks doesn't make you drive 100. It's the same weak minded, wreckless abandonment that made you get behind the wheel after three drinks that made you drive 100. No regard for anyone but yourself.

Anonymous said...

ANGER also makes you drive fast. I have experienced it myself, completely SOBER, arguing with my teenager in the car. I pulled over, put my teenager out of the car, got myself together and drove home. Teenager walked home.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish or someone who actually knows , what exactly does house arrest entail? Is she allowed to go to church, hair dresser, kids' programs at school, dentist appts, etc? Or literally can she not leave the house for 3years? How does that work? Also I thought Stuart had put their Staurt Place house on the market and was talking about moving to Madison?

Anonymous said...

Someone needed to hug that child! His mom couldn't because she was locked up for killing two people.

And she needed to go through hell in priosn. SHe needs to still be there. she killed two people.

The people sticking up for her are the ones who will be sitting next to her at Jackson Country Club drinking wine and talking about all the other women in town.

Rebekahh, I disagree with some of your other posts on other subjects, but you are completely right on this. Don't let the phony women of Jackson get in your way of telling the truth. Majority of Jackson is floored she is out. Wonder what this will do for her social life?

Also, Karen Irby is not the victim she wants everyone to see. I have known her for many, many years. She wasn't remorseful in prison. She isnt remorseful now. It is all for show and pity.

Anonymous said...

12:11- your meek atttempts to stand up for your friend fall on deaf ears. Be a friend to her if you like, but when she turns on you don't come crying to everyone else because they will only say "I told you so".

This is all for show. Karen has always been a trainwreck. She married for money. She wanted the ridiculous lifestyle and boy!!! She got it all right!!!
When she sleeps at night, do you think she hears the screams coming from the truck? The ones of the innocent doctors who were crying out in horrible pain while they burned to death?

And where were the thoughts of her children all the nights she abandoned them to go on trips with all their socialite friends?

I, for one, am a "Hiller" and I have sat with them on numerous times. It was nauseating the way she acted. Her children were never with her. Ever.

Everyone who really knows her, knows who she is. They know the mean, hateful person inside. This little "i have been saved" crap will last for awhile and all of you who fall for it will get screwed.

Anonymous said...

7:39, yes, when you drink and drive everything is your fault, completely. You had a choice and you chose to drink and drive. By making that choice you take on the responsibility of anything that happens after making that decision. Any thoughts otherwise are absurd.
And no, 3 drinks doesn't make you drive 100. It's the same weak minded, wreckless abandonment that made you get behind the wheel after three drinks that made you drive 100. No regard for anyone but yourself.

that is very sad commentary right there. I doesn't matter what happens, if you do something someone else doesn't like and then something happens, it's an automatic fault, actual responsibility be damned.

If two drunks are stopped at a stoplight and a t-totalling better-than-you runs a red light when the drunks get the green and kills the drunks, it surely is the drunks' fault.

How about people just be responsible for their actions regardless of the excuse as to why the action might have occurred?

Anonymous said...

AND SCOTT SPELL STILL SITTING IN JAIL AND WAS LEGAL TO DRIVE... 20 years in prison.. Verses her 17 and served one? No one has yet to comment on him . He made news with Karen .. Always comparing why she got less time and was not legal to drive? Why she went home for six weeks before serving time and he dropped his three kids off that he had full custody of at daycare went to court to take an open plea suggested by his attorney and was sentenced that day 20 years! His mom had to pick up his kids.. Is it bc he did not have money to pay for clemency ? What's the deal?

Anonymous said...

11:29...How would you know what she was feeling in prison. You and the other socialities of Jackson seemed to be around before the accident when she could donate to your causes. I am sure all of you have been either behind the wheel and with someone driving that had one too many! You want to know all the facts about her, but now you talk about her here and then some of you will be on the doorstep to visit just so you can tell the latest KI story! Being a "Hiller" is nothing to be proud of! Stay away from her and her children and give them some peace. And regarding Scott Spell...why did some of you not go to bat for him with the Governor and try and help him get out?

Anonymous said...

She is still in a form of prison, she is confined to her home, but she will get to be with her children. I know what being an abused wife is, I was one, I had been beaten at home, in a vehicle, in public, you name it. It can only take a second to lose control of a vehicle and I DID/DO NOT DRINK, my spouse did, so she still has a long time to think about what happened, no one will ever know what really happened, Stuart is going to mess up and hopefully they will get him...........those two kids need their mother.........God will take care of all of this.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm no friend of Karen Irby's or any Irby. I certainly have not sat by her anywhere, seen her at the CCJ, or care about her volunteer work. However, I am very glad she is out of prison and with her family.

Also, as far as Karen Irby's story coming out "late", we don't know what she told the police and lawyers or when. So to say her story came out late, the poster means when the public first heard it which was at her sentencing. The important thing to remember is the families had more facts than the public will ever have about what really happened that night, and they were convinced he played a part in the deaths of their loved ones and said so in court.

Finally, what does house arrest mean? I believe she will be able to go to the doctor and maybe to church.

Anonymous said...

11:29!!-- thank you thank you thank you for speaking up for Scott.. NOONE knows that real story .. He deserved clemency before ANYONE on that list!

Bill Dees said...

You people are sick.

Anonymous said...

If my husband beat me up in the car on the way home that night in February, my bags would have been packed and I would have been out of that house before his ass would have been released from the hospital!!!

I would never in a million years stayed with him after that. She should have told the ENTIRE truth from the beginning.....she was driving fast when she left the JCC.

Anonymous said...

To 12:11, your comment is DISGUSTING! First of all, you may want to take a spelling class before you go getting all self-righteous and comment with a bunch of misspelled words. Second of all, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU disrespect the dead in that way? Karen Irby was at fault. She KILLED 2 INNOCENT PEOPLE WITH HER VEHICLE. The accident was investigated. Go back to your Jackson Junior League meeting and leave serious discussions such as this to people who have more than half a brain. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It is an excellent point to bring up Scott Spell. He also caused the deaths of 2 people by drinking and driving, yet he is not being given any commuted sentence or "slap on the wrist" such as KI. I am certainly not condoning leniency for either case. I believe these cases SHOULD be punished fully. The senseless deaths caused by drunk driving have got to stop!

Anonymous said...

11:29 Were you in prison with Karen? You seem to know so much--i.e., she did not show remorse. Who are you? Let it be known!

Anonymous said...

Difference is a Scott was NOT drunk ... He took a plea adviced by his attorney simply bc he refused to put the other family through hell... What a lot of people do not know is that he was accused of running a red light and he never spoke up in court bc that is how Scott is.. If anyone knows about this case and where the accident occurred you would know that was impossible - due to the fact the DA that never did any type of investigation at all would have known that if Scotts light was red so was the other vehicle that was involved in wreck ..??? If you know where accident occurred u know what I'm talking about .. There was also 2 eye witnesses that gave their statement of what they saw .. It's not what DA wanted to see.. I know this bc they were never presented to judge .. He pd an attorney 25k.. 20k to take all the way to trial (never went to trial) 5k for investigators (none was spoken to) and 500 for statements (never presented)!!! If I were Scott I would have stood up and said SOMETHING, but instead he nudged his attorney and attorney said/ did nothing .. So yes Scott is there n jail and prob till 2027.. If anyone knowing what I just wrote thinks he deserved that... CRAZY

Anonymous said...

I do not know much about Scott's case. From what you have written, 10:03, he got a bad deal. That is very sad. Sad for those deceased, their family, and sad for Scott and his family. That makes it even more disturbing that Ms. Irby has been given conditional clemency...But, not surprising. In Jackson, it is and always has been about who has the money and the connections. Toxic.

Anonymous said...

I agree with comment on Scott.. I know for a fact that case was such an injustice .. I do not know KI to speak any negative thought to her or her wreck but I do no without a doubt Scott was sober and was proved that he was.. Actually according to the witnesses a car was slowed down enough to turn right onto north frntg road - Scott was behing this vehicle so also slowed down as she was turning and continued straight into Byram and met the vehicle he crashed into as they were yielding on a green light to turn left on north frntg road!! Since wreck a speed limit sign that was NOT in place at time of wreck has been put up and a green arrow light is now there!! That should tell u something! But message to "anonymous " since it's in court transcript that he ran light your right that means other vehicle ran it to .. They would have been better off "investigators" if they would have done their job instead of looking stupid saying he ran a light.. That is an injustice. And I as well know Scott personally and know he would have never stood up in court to defend himself on that bc if there is such thing as a remorseful man he's it!! Just to know he was involved (his fault or not) in a wreck that caused two deaths is a burden that haunts him today tomorrow and forever ...

Anonymous said...

All above comments about Scott are true and factual .. He would have some rest at night knowing facts about his case are able to finally b heard. He was portrayed as a horrible person.. He actually is one of the Good guys left.. Single father of three great kids, Christian man that had all three kids dressed and in time for Sunday school (that's hard for me and I'm female ha) he was part of carpenters for Christ, habitat for humanity, and in one of the letters written on his behalf for clemency stated he would knock on elderly peoples door and ask to cut their grass for free! Very kind hearted and genuine. If he ever gets home , however, he will need lots of therapy. He lives with guilt every day. CRIES ALOT- for the other family and his own kids !

Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:17...really I mean that. I know u aren't familiar with case but it's good to hear that someone outside of Byram, his friends, family, and many supporters may just get the injustice.. I can't wait to share with him this comment even if it's the only positive one.. He gets to see his kids 4 hrs a month dressed in stripes due to a car accident where no DUI was involved. I hope and pray one day he forgives himself and can somehow move forward - just hope it's not 2027!

Anonymous said...

As to the Scott case, why didn't he apply for clemency? If these facts are true and I have no reason to believe that they are not, I think any Guv would grant a pardon or give clemency.

Another thought on the Irby case, has anyone considered that while being attacked, Karen just became so depressed that decided to end it all. Coming around that bend there is a brick wall in her path, maybe she just stepped on the gas and aimed at the wall and she didn't even see the doctors. Weren't there allegations of drugs as well as alcohol in this case?

Just a thought to ponder.

Anonymous said...

Scott did request clemency ! That is why it's so hard to comprehend why he is still there!!?

Anonymous said...

Scott did request clemency - apparently DENIED

Anonymous said...

Thank you Haley Barbour and the Irby's for confirming to the public that JUSTICE CAN BE BOUGHT. And to think she was arrested before for a DUI...

Anonymous said...

From 12:11 to 7:58...First of all let me say what a class act you are with your "F" word language. Sorry for the spelling errors but that does not make me stupid or disgusting! Just made some typing errors. BTW, never been to the Jackson Country Club and I don't even live in Mississippi! Put that in you pipe and smoke it! If you had half a brain you would know that in even the most horrible cases there is always an attempt to find any information on "the other side"! That does not mean I am being disrespectful...I am simply being honest.

KaptKangaroo said...

Threadjack by Scott case. Go start your own blog.

Wise Owl said...

Haley did the right thing. To HELL with "let'em go Tommie Green and her poem". She never threw the book at anyone before. Good Luck Karen.

Anonymous said...

I get tired of Rebekah pontificating on the moral responsibility of the righteous. I've seen her leave more than one bar after her "girls night out" in a condition not meeting her professed standards. And I LOVE the comment made by 12:16.

Just tone it down a bit? Your opinions, while riddled with contradictions, have become tiring.

Anonymous said...

12:11, Really? Do you not think there was an accident investigation done to verify who was at fault???

Anonymous said...

Her guilt, the extent of it, etc. is good discussion, I guess. But, there are a few themes here that bother me, with the first being rather explict and the second sort of implicit. The first is this notion that when you drink and then drive, everything becomes your fault. It isn't illegal to drink and drive. Just because you don't like people drinking doesn't mean you get to punish them for non-illegal acts. That does NOT appear to be the case at hand. The second could be summerized as "These rich people think they can get by with everything -- throw the book at them." Well, it would be just as offensive to say that about poor people. Justice should be blind as to economic circumstance. The "soak the rich" mentality promoted by the democratic party seems to be getting a foothold outside of liberal circles. If she deserved prison time, it had nothing to do with her money, her social position, or anything like that.

Shadowfax said...

Kangaroo once again attempts to project himself as site moderator and senior participant. Apparently the site owner thought each post was worthy of inclusion or he would not have included them.

Speaking of 'start your own blog'!

I don't know anything about Scott Spell and can't say I'm familiar with the case but will look for it on Google. Thanks for adding a bit of balance to the clemency/pardon conversation.

Anonymous said...

Thread jack by Scott case??? I don't get it ? Second of all - if there is no tolerance for drinking and driving why does ms put a limit on it? If there is no tolerance OUR FINE OFFICIALS NEED TO ELIMINATE THE ABOVE AND BELOW LIMIT- right? Bc at 0.06 Scott had permission from state of MS to drive!!

Shadow fax- when you google- might want to google the facts the media FINALLY came out with after Irby had her wreck !

Anonymous said...

How was she or he threadjacking scott.. The media compared these two cases together for a long time! The point is KI had same charge, over limit, got 3 less years and served I guess a year .. Scott has same charge , legal to drive, and has been in jail going on three years and denied clemency !!!???!!!!???!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you shadowfox guess kangaroo must be on same level as the people who practice "money talks"! Does kangaroo not think scott spell case is worthy of being on same discussion board as KI? Why? Bc he's not in the spot light and drawing attention so he's not fun to talk about ? How bout this.. He is important! He's a 30 year old man with 3 kids that has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for an ACCIDENT WITH NO DUI INVOLVED???? Your right- he probably is worthy of his own blog page !

Curt Crowley said...

18 years for manslaughter where there was no intent to kill the victim, and a defendant with no prior felony convictions, is shamefully excessive. The Governor did the right thing.

And he should have done the same in the Spell case.

Kingfish said...

Ok, I zapped the last one submitted because of the language. Points were fine, but tone it down some. We still love you, we know you're a good person, just resubmit. ;-)

Anonymous said...

DVDJ, if it were your spouse, your brother, or your sister who was killed by her, you wouldnt be saying that. Everybody knows this.

Anonymous said...

How about...what if it was your child killed by her???

Anonymous said...

So no lesson learned then right DVDJ?? Just a nice slap on the wrists is good enough huh.
And, the two doctors? Who cares about them right? They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time right?
And don't ALL criminals have no priors before they commit their first crime? She killed two people. Don't they deserve justice?
This whole thing is sickening. I am so glad I am no longer friends with that woman. All the ones who are helping her out now will end up getting burned by her (bad choice of words I know)
She doesn't care about people- only herself. And most of the people who used to be in her circle got screwed over by her.
She did not show remorse in prison. It was all about her. She is a horrible woman and karma is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

8:22, you are so true. Karma is indeed a cruel bitch. I agree this is a sickening situation. I know of people who have served longer terms than she for a minor drug possession. If she were a blue collar worker with no money, you can be sure no one would be crying for her release. But she is pretty, white, wealthy, well-connected, so of course, she should naturally get away with causing the deaths of 2 innocent people.

Curt Crowley said...

7:32, civilized societies don't set criminal justice policy based on "what if it were your (insert relative here)."

8:32, I don't know about others who have commented, but I don't think poor, ugly and unconnected first-offenders should get 18 years for manslaughter either.

meople said...

Very entertaining weekend on here KF. Now a little news on the Fraziers would be the icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

Who, other than a peeping-Tom, would know what goes on inside someon's home during a postal delivery?

Such a range of emotions displayed here, but, primarily jealousy.

Anonymous said...

What Karen Irby did was against the law. I think we should outlaw drinking and driving at any level, hell I don't even think we should be allowed to drink coke, diet coke, or water in the car. Cell phones, radios, dvd players,makeup, and other people who talk too much should all be outlawed! all are distractions and can cause an accident! Maybe Judge Green can get all of those things outlawed!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Judge Green can get all of those things outlawed? Really? You want a judge making laws? Repeat your 4th grade civic lesson with me. The legislative branch makes the laws. The judicial branch interprets them. And the Executive branch enforces them.

No radios in cars. And there you have it from a person who wants judges to make laws.

Anonymous said...

I moved from Jackson to the Mid-Atlantic area about 25 years ago and haven't been back in over 15 years. I was hoping things had changed over the decades but it seems you can still buy/lease/rent/steal ANYTHING in Mississippi (except a driver, a car service, a taxi ride or a seat on a bus).

I truly cannot believe this.

Anonymous said...

8:22, how do YOU know she didn't have remorse in prison? Were you in there with her?

Anonymous said...

to learn more about Scott Spell you can go to "friends of scott spell" facebbok page.. maybe instead of putting so much attention on karen irby we can put some positive attention to a man the sits in jail for 20 years in a car accident where NO dui was involved and clemency was denied!!!

KaptKangaroo said...

Shadowfax, one day you might actually get a clue. While most comments seem to slip by your amazing intellect and cause you great sense of inferiority, I simply stand by watching as of late.

On the subject of Executive Pardons, I am of the strict opine that it should not be messed with regardless of agreement with the act of pardoning. Separation of powers is tantamount to a successful Democracy.

On the subject of thread jack, the commenter was having a conversation with theirself. It interjected commentary not on subject.

And for final conclusion, TG would have been more appropriate to find a lesser sentence where the issue of clemency would not have been pertinent. As such, given the overly harsh sentence, Barbour did what he is empowered to do, right a judicial wrong, in his mind and action.

Anonymous said...

1:47...the whole statement was sarcastic. I find most of the comments rather comical including your little "4th grade civics lesson" statment. Get a life and stop being an arrogant snob.

Anonymous said...

Stuart Irby dead by suicide, more on WLBT at 10.

stp said...

dbdj- no they dont, we can agree on that. back to my point, would you be saying this? ill bet i could answer that for you. another question; just what do you think would be an appropriate punishment for someone driving drunk killing two innocent people?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS