Monday, September 26, 2011

William Winter is now an expert on football

Yup. Letter to the editor written by our Solon Emeritus himself in the newspaper yesterday:

"As a lifelong citizen of Mississippi, I feel compelled to take this means to express my strong disapproval of the negative and divisive attack on the administration of the University of Mississippi which was contained in paid advertisements in several area newspapers this week ("Are you tired of losing, Ole Miss fans?, Sept. 19). I regard that as an unjustified attack on all of the institutions of higher learning.

At a time when our system of higher education is enjoying a great surge of progress and enhanced national respect, it is incredulous that there are those who purport to be its supporters should try to launch a campaign of discord and dissension that can only do grave damage our state. This kind of harsh, negative thinking about one of our educational institutions is also a threat to the well-being of all of them.

We have has come too far in Mississippi in building a justified reputation for excellence in our public universities to let an emotional reaction to the outcome of a few football games interrupt that progress. I am as much a sports fan as you will find. I have probably seen as many college football games as anyone alive. I have supported the team in good times and bad. I always want to see them do well, but I also know that it is much more important that we excel in the kind of education we give our students and the service that we provide our people. That must be the primary responsibility and goal of the University of Mississippi's leadership just as it is for all the other of our fine schools.

Ole Miss is blessed to have a chancellor as able and dedicated as Dan Jones. He is a leader of great insight and courage, with an inspired vision for the vital role that Ole Miss and, for that matter all of higher education in Mississippi, must play in shaping the future of our state. He is a strong unifying force for all of our institutions of higher learning. He is deserving of our united support and gratitude.

Ole Miss can and will in a proper and orderly way correct whatever mistakes that may have been made in its football program. That has been done before, and I am sure that it will be done again.

The mistake that we must not make, however, is to interrupt the great progress that Chancellor Jones and his administration are making in moving Ole Miss to a new level of academic excellence and achievement and in joining with his colleagues in higher education in Mississippi to ensure that our entire system is supported by all of us and becomes the best it can be.

All of us who love our state must work together in that effort.

William F. Winter


Attack on all institutions? Oh please, Governor, quit being a drama queen. The supporters of other state schools are enjoying the controversy, if anything. Its nice to see you are so concerned with all things Ole Miss. I must have missed your silence when Pete Boone fired Cutcliff, hired Orgeron, fired Orgeron, and then hired a coach who was run out of Arkansas. In case you forgot, Mr. Nutt lost control of his program to parents and thugs at the end. Yup, his players were even electing as team captains players out on bond for drugs. You never seem to say anything whenever Ole Miss is a laughingstock on national tv. In fact, I don't remember you saying anything when Bo Jackson literally took a nap on the sidelines during an Auburn ass-whupping. However, when someone does say enough is enough, THEN you go on the warpath. Well if I was an Ole Miss supporter, Governor, I would tell you to shut the hell up and sit down because you were nowhere to be found as Pete Boone ran the athletic program into the ground. Stick to what you know: Racial reconciliation and education reform. Last time I checked by the way, your reforms had not lifted Mississippi out of 49th or 50th place.


Anonymous said...

I am going to enjoy the battle between the right of center fan base and the left of center Jones and his trial lawyer supporters, like Winter, as they continue to drag the fan base away from it's old south traditions. It's been fun so far and more fireworks to come!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Attack on all institutions? Oh please, Governor, quit being a drama queen."


Anonymous said...

None of this has ANYTHING to do with either the moving away of Ole Miss from its "traditions" (as said by 9:28) or the well-being of the university as a whole or of Mississippi's higher education system (as implied by the Gov).

It all has to do with one thing only: Ole Miss' football team, their coaches, and their program are either not so good lately, or are not performing up to par. So, Black Bears: tough out this season, replace Nutt, and start over. And this time, look for a coach who is up and coming (i.e. hungry), rather than one who has already made it elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

9:40 if you don't think this Forward Rebel stuff is rooted in Ole culture vs. new culture, get your head out of the sand.

Anonymous said...

Jones is a heart doctor. He was trained in heart surgery, not management of a university. I wouldn't want a real university president to do heart surgery on me and I don't want a heart doctor running my university.

Anonymous said...

9:40 please, Any MSU or Ole Miss fan that expects one of our teams to ever break out of the middle or lower tier of the SEC pack for longer than a two year stretch is probably one of the morons that paid up front for a nice condo at Harborwalk. Sober up.

This is about the school being responsive to the alumni base. I will never expect Ole Miss to be a consistant top 10 football powerhouse, but I do expect to sit in the stadium, sip a bourbon and coke, listen to the band play Dixie, and watch Colonel Reb walk the sidelines. Ole Miss is not going to lose any recruits to that scenerio, but they will lose alumni support.

Anonymous said...

Way to make Governor Winter's work sound unimportant and insignificant...

The real problem in this state is that the same idiots who will elect Phil Bryant as the next governor or spend ridiculous amounts of money on full-page newspaper ads think it a waste of state money to invest in education.

As long as those people are behind the wheel in this state, we'll always be 49th or 50th in every matter what former Governor Winter does.

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember that time Ole Miss started off the season ranked #4?

That was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Based on the 49th or 50th ranking following Gov. Winter's work and the ever growing investment of state monies into the current public education system, there are two logical conclusions:

1. Gov Winter's work is both unimportant and insignificant

2. It is a waste of state money to invest in education (as the system is currently designed)

Anonymous said...

Investment in education is never a waste of money. If we need new leadership to spend it correctly, we definitely don't need the same ol' same ol' in Phil Bryant.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure both the current and next Governor's administration are not in favor of the "same ol, same ol" as far as education. The spending and lack of reform seem to be based in the House, which is run by... (well we'll see)

Anonymous said...

anon 9:57. Dan Jones last job was the chief executive officer for UMMC, an educational institution. My friends there say he did a fine job.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:57. Dan Jones last job was the chief executive officer for UMMC, an educational institution. My friends there say he did a fine job.

UMC is a 100 million in the red. UMC Physicans is running the institution into the ground and for the first time ever, UMC will have to lay people off. This all started with Dan Jones...

Anonymous said...

Dan Jones has committed to pulling Ole Miss even further to the left than what occured under Kayack. Under the guise of football success, this is a battle for the very soul of Ole Miss, and it may already be lost.

Anderson said...

"UMC is a 100 million in the red. UMC Physicans is running the institution into the ground and for the first time ever, UMC will have to lay people off."

Really? Interesting if true. Do you have any sourcing on that?

--Not doubting you, just wondering if there's anything I can go on besides "anonymous internet commenter"; the information could be useful. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

William Winter = Charter Member, Ole Miss Good Ole Boys

Anonymous said...

Thanks Governor ...ugh...the former Ole Miss Chancellor for one day back in the 1980' shot your cred with me when you left OM high and dry!!

Anonymous said...

UMC under the "University Physicans" has hired over 100 MDs and 1000 additional employees in the last year, year and half. Open new clinics in Rankin Co and Madison using state resources. Other state agencies are reducing in size and employees. Dr Heddy Mathias wrote a pretty scathing article for the Northside sun which was pretty accurate. UP is not bringing in the revenue. period. No other alternative than reduce the employees. Wait till Oct and see....Not Blaming Dan Jones, but he started the concept of UP....Must stay anonyous

Anderson said...

Thanks, 2:46. I thought the idea was that UP was going to *make* $$ for UMMC. Sounds like that's not working out as planned.

I did see the Mathias article-- strong stuff.

Paul Mitchell said...

Back when Winter and the Democrat Party were really Klanish (not that they aren't now, it is just covert) and lynching folks, they at least sounded like big, tough men, now they are all little, sissy boys that need all ten fingers and ten toes to keep the damned closet door closed.

Anonymous said...

Why do Ole Miss alum continue to desperately hang on to outdated "traditions" like playing Dixie at a stadium game or Colonel Reb as a mascot?? Yes, I say have respect for history, but also have respect for the fact that 40% of Mississippi and probably 70% of the Ole Miss players are potentially offended by Dixie, Col Reb, and all of the Old South plantation mindsets that these icons represent. What self respecting black athlete would go to a university where these old tired symbols are trotted out on a regular basis? Surely this has to be some of the blame for the Rebels' poor seasons in recent years.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

As long as political correctness rules the roost up there, our beloved formerly great institution will continue it's downward momentum. Thank you Forward Rebels for having the guts to attempt to rally the alumni in opposing this ridiculous tack the current administration has us on!

Anonymous said...

"formerly great institution"

That is SO gay.


Anonymous said...

"As a fifth-generation Mississippian whose grandfather rode with Nathan Bedford Forrest, I was born a segregationist and raised a segregationist. I have always defended this position. I defend it now."

William Winter, 1967

Paul Mitchell said...

5:40, that gay comment is RAAAAACIST.

Anonymous said...

William Winter has every bit as much a right to express his opinion in public as the people backing the public initiative seeking the ouster of officials at Ole Miss.

Contrary to what has been posted earlier, William Winter is not a plaintiff's attorney. Nor does his having a differing opinion impugn his record trying to do good things for Mississippi.

As to UMMC using state funds for private purposes- prove it. An angry physician who doesn't work there's op ed piece doesn't do that. The state provides less than 12% of the institutions funding- they have to make the rest (that's right "make" as in doing business as a hospital).

As to you Ole Missers who are this upset about football- I'd suggest you pussies find something else other than a game to be upset about. Go to the grove (which is beautiful and fun) and enjoy the party. Walk around the square. Eat at City Grocery, and then go root for your team. In short- get a life.

Anonymous said...

What self respecting (sic) black athlete would go to a university where these old tired symbols are trotted out on a regular basis?

What the hell kind of question is that? What self-respecting adult would let something like a school mascot keep them from pursuing the goals of their life? Mike Wallace didn’t seem to have any self-esteem issues last night. For several decades now student athletes have been leaders on Universities with bigger issues than what songs the bands were playing. Haven’t seen any headlines about Duke shutting down the lacrosse team due to hurt feelings.

Anonymous said...

"Gov. Winter's Grandfather rode with General Forrest" ?

If true, Gran Pappy Winter is rolling in his grave about the actions of his Gran baby boy.

... lil' Wee Willie Winter Boo .

Anderson said...

An angry physician who doesn't work there's op ed piece doesn't do that.

One could scarcely expect a doctor who *does* work there to blow any whistles.

The exact relation of UP to UMMC is deliberately obscure, tho I recall that the Miss. S. Ct. found it made no difference for purposes of sovereign immunity -- still the state.

Anonymous said...

Some of the Southern Miss fans crack me up.

They have no traditions, thus there is no way they can relate to any SEC school.

They refuse to admit their history as a teacher's college for south Mississippi.
They shot multiple wads when they were accepted by the mighty Conference USA.

Then they couldn't even sell out that High School Stadium on Hwy 49 when Nebraska
came to play on Hardy Street not too long ago.

Then they even let the poor live golden eagle starve to death.

No doubt Mike the Tiger has a 24/7 armed guard and medical staff ready at moments notice.

I'm sure Bully in Starkvile has similar set up.

Give me a drunk Ole Miss Fan singing Dixie and a drunk Bulldog Fan ringing a cowbell any day over
some stoned Southern Miss Fan wondering around in traffic screaming " Hey Dude, lets get
some munchies at Kyrstal"

Kingfish said...

Mike the Tiger needs an armed guard? Think about that one for a second.

Although about 20 years ago some Tulane students somehow let him out the night before the game.

Anonymous said...

Anderson, point taken on "whistle blowing".

However, I have never seen any proof whatsoever that state funds have been misappropriated in the process of fueling UMMC's growth nor that the state is on the hook for some mystery fund to build practices.

As a layman and outsider, as far as I can understand, they are a state agency only insofar as they train medical doctors at the state medical school. How do you train doctors without actually practicing medicine with them (and how do you practice medicine and not make money from it?)

Paul Mitchell said...

Anon 9:25, my memory on this could be a shade faulty, but St. Dominic was allegedly the only area hospital to turn a profit in quite some time according to the C-L in an article I read last year.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the answer to that, Paul. You may be right.

But, I find it hard to believe that money comes from somewhere else covertly from the state budget, and I don't believe in Santa Claus, so....

Anonymous said...

Just saying Mike the Tiger is better cared for than the caged eagle was at Southern Miss.

To their credit,

USM does have one hell of a collection of classic bongs
from the 70's.

Anonymous said...

Just woke up to check JJ and wanted to say thank you to 9:21 for making me laugh on a rainy morning.
I have always been puzzled over USM fans and their delusion. When headed to the beach and going through Hattiesburg, my children have been trained to keep their windows up lest they be struck by a diploma flying through the window.

Anonymous said...

The old south traditions did not kill Ole Miss sports. What killed Ole Miss sports was their pure arrogance in always thinking they were better than everyone else. They sat on their rears thinking how good they were while the rest of the SEC laughed at them and passed them by. Honestly, the train wreck has been coming for years. Today it's here, and now it's too late for the good ole boys to do anything about it.

Shadowfax said...

Can someone, anyone please authenticate the 'quote' attributed to William Winter posted by anon at 5:49 yesterday. If accurate, that is HUGE!

Shadowfax said...

Sorry for axing. Found it myself. Very, very interesting. Been hoping for something like this for years!

It's right up there with the photograph of Steve Patterson in an armlock, marching with Jesse.

Anderson said...

"How do you train doctors without actually practicing medicine with them"

Good question.

Sayrah said...

There is also the ad Winter rand in the 70s against Evelyn Gandy where he was standing in a field shooting guns and basically said, "Don't let women hold office!"

I would love to see that one.

Paul Mitchell said...

It never ceases to amaze me when someone doesn't know the history of the Democrat Party and the Klan. William Winter is almost 90 years old. It would shock me to no end if he had not participated in a cross burning and a lynching.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I am not a graduate or fan of any Mississippi school. Silly me, I want all the IHLs to do well in every way as I think that's best for the State.

Watching/reading about this has been fascinating.

I'm surprised that the biggest and most recent source of outrage among Ole Miss alums is not mentioned in this blog...the increased cost of SEATS at Ole Miss football games. That's ALL I'm hearing about at dinner tables and elsewhere .The Bear and other issues are just thrown in.

It's not surprising to me racism and reverence for the glorious past gets thrown in again. That's the case of every single discussion about anything.

What is interesting is that half of the Confederacy has moved on and half have not. Why is that? Perhaps, some can just lean on The Revolutionary War or Indian War or Mexican War for glorious ancestral tales and pride. But, most of the country finds this obsession with race and the constant introduction of the Civil War into discussion as " odd" whether it be from blacks or whites. And, wallowing in the past just isn't working well for the State but still it persists.

Also, football/sports and education at IHLs everywhere are often in conflict when it comes to priorities but never seem to get separated out here. Why is that?

And, frankly, KF, I haven't met a man here that doesn't fancy himself an " expert on football".

My ancestors fought with Lee's Army of Virginia and owned slaves ( we aren't proud of the owning slaves part). They also fought with Nathaniel Greene and Pershing and Patton and fought in Korea and ' Nam. That was then and this is now. My ancestors did their duty as they saw fit and whether or not they were RIGHT in their choices is on them, not me. I don't feel the need to make a judgment on their decisions or be bound to them or to DEFEND them...only to be aware of their rationales and decide for myself which have merit and which could have been better and which need to be discarded as the world changes.

But, then I don't ever get it why people in the same sinking boat turn on each other and argue about how fast the boat is sinking and who to blame for not launching a better boat and which pail to use.

Seems like that's fashionable now,but still seems stupid to me.

And, yeah, KF...coming across to those without a dog in the fight as ornery, volatile, never happy people hurts the state's image with some, but then those are folks who probably like Labs better than Pit Bulls.

Maybe that's the image Mississippians should think you want to be a Lab or a Pit Bull? Forget the Bear/Col Reb thing. But, if y'all want to keep this up, let me recommend the Pit Bull as your new Mascot.

Anonymous said...

The current administration did what it did over the last ten years for the benefit of the University in the next 30.

Robert Khayat, a great Mississippian, was one of the few people with the type of cache who could pull off all of these changes. He understood, as do most other people in the country beside the 1 million on Mississippi, that the rest of the country viewed Ole Miss as provincial with all of the imagery it continued to have.

He had the guts to essentially be the fall guy, taking as much of those "traditions" with him on his way out. Does it piss off the "current fanbase"? Some of them, yes.

But in 30 years, it won't matter. It will be a relic.

I grew up an Ole Miss fan. Most of family has attended the university, as have I.

In my heart, I miss hearing "From Dixie with Love" transition into the Dixie March and seeing Colonel Rebel run out on the field with the team. But the reason I love that is because it reminds me of being at a game with my grandparents, who I loved so much and who are gone.

Other than that, those things mean nothing. You can take them from me because they are memories anyway, and they are personal to me.

I bought a Colonel Reb shirt the weekend of the BYU game, because I love the image and it's part of my childhood.

If something is offensive to an extremely large number of people, it makes sense to alter that thing.

Those things in my childhood don't have to be part of my child's experience, and he isn't robbed of anything because he roots for a bear over a cartoon character.

Bottom line: the University of Mississippi will be around in 100 years. Those who are complaining about it will not. Ole Miss won't lose any meaningful dollars, because the actual intelligent people who want its reputation to grow know these things have to die.

Andrew M. Newcomb

Anonymous said...

If something is offensive to an extremely large number of people, it makes sense to alter that thing.

Including religious symbols Andrew?

Paul Mitchell said...

NOT being an Ole Miss fan, I still know the history of the university and its horrible ties to the racist Democrat Party and the Klan. The Democrat Party and the racists in that party will never change, but making Colonel Reb into part and parcel of that image is certainly not the case. Do the research of what that mascot is about, then turn on the Democrat Party and call it the racist organization that it is, do not attach Colonel Reb to that horrible legacy. In other words, get informed, then cast your judgments instead of continuing the Democrat racism.

Kingfish said...

The symbols are one thing but like Coach Saban used to tell us, its all about money. Fact is, Ole Miss has been left behind in the SEC arms race for 20 years. Ole Miss did not get an indoor facility until a few years ago for the football team. Ole Miss fans talk about how much the head coach is paid but if you look at the top schools, its the salaries paid to the staff that really separate them from Ole Miss.

Ole Miss has a good high school system to recruit from, something some SEC schools do not enjoy, but the finances do not allow Ole Miss to keep up with Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, and LSU on a consistent basis in football.

Anonymous said...

11:23 Mr. Newcomb:

Finally an Ole Miss fan with a healthy perspective. Thanks for the insightful post.

Anonymous said...

Poor Andrew,

Your ramblings may make you feel like you have evolved while the rest of us 1 million in Mississippi are chewing on a piece of hay, but the fact is Ole Miss would have been around in 30 or 100 years regardless. The University will lose meaningful dollars and your son has been robbed of something.

What would have taken "guts" would have been telling a small group of whiners looking for a cause that if they are easily offended they should move to San Francisco. The cartoon character doesn't matter, nor the band music. But thats the point, it doesn't matter. To use them as a crutch to appease an insignificant portion of the population makes you a truly not-so-great Mississippian and does matter.

I'm sure your grandparents will forgive you.

Anonymous said...

"Robert Khayat, a great Mississippian"

Says who? And why? Khayat is a government bureaucrat who has spent his entire working life on the government dole. The only thing the guy has ever "accomplished" is being friends with Dickie Scruggs, Ole Miss's primary benefactor. If he wasnt tight with Scruggs, he would still be the most unpopular property law professor at Ole Miss law school.

Anonymous said...

A precise study of Mississippi history during the 50s and 60s has always revealed William Winter to be an ego-driven office climbing Southern Democrat who told political audiences whatever he felt they wanted to hear if that is what it took to get a vote. Try as they might Winter and his admirers can't make his political and segregationist past go away.

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't noticed, Paul Mitchell, the racist Democrats from yesterday are the racist Republicans of today. The wholesale movement of conservatives to the Republican party is one of the more well-known trends in politics since the 1970's. I'm sure you know this, but of course it would shoot down your bullshit theory to mention it.

As for Ole Miss and their "traditions," it is precisely because of their racism that this rump core called Forward Rebels is so fiercely hanging onto the last vestiges of the Old South in a vain attempt to maintain their "superiority".

The South shall rise again, my ass. Get over it, losers. The 21st century is passing you by.

Paul Mitchell said...

Anon 12:33, when someone says that Klan members left the Democrat Party for the Republican Party, they do not know what they are talking about. Of the 53 Democrats that formed the Dixiecrat Party, which we shall all agree were even more of a race-based party than the Democrat Party, 50 stayed Democrats to their death or are still living. Their children are ALL still Democrats, think Barnett. Two of the party changers were Strom and Jesse, the other was John Oliver Emmerich that got James Meredith into the very college we are discussing. Please cease showing your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

@11:35- I wasn't including religious symbols, because they are protected by the 1st Amendment.

How are the two related in your mind?

Andrew M. Newcomb

Shadowfax said...

Finally, somebody (12:02 anon) has pigeon-holed Khayat for what he was/is. Like most in a chancellor's position, his motivational driver was 'what can I do to make my nationwide, pointy-headed, peers like me, congratulate me and pull on my jacket sleeve at social gatherings. His answer to the question was to give them some of what they wanted. Ergo, kick Mississippi in the ass. Slash the vestiges and symbols of heritage, about which so many of the ignorant chant are only racist relics from the past.

Khayat was right in that regard. He got exactly what he wanted. The students, faculty (the few who were Southern), alumni, fans and major donors couldn't do jack-sh*t about his decisions to eradicate 'sticks' in the stands, traditional songs and Colonel Reb. And he got to enjoy a decade of the 'hear hear' chorus from the pointy headed liberals.

Jones took the baton and has pretended for several years to have the inside track. His motivation is the same as Khayat's, i.e. to please those he sees as peers across the country.

If either of them could, he would ban the state flag, take a wrecking ball to every courthouse statue of a Southern warrior, dump the name Ole Miss (it's coming) and join Kenneth Stokes in renaming every street, park, school and town for a member of the 112th from Michigan.

Those who celebrate the 'achievements' of these two men while poo-pooing Southern traditions, symbols and heritage, can, as one of your contemporaries, Maxine Waters, recently said, go straight to hell.

Anonymous said...

Changing the state flag would be good. What state has a flag that offends 36.8% (and growing) of its citizens? How stupid is that?

Anonymous said...

Wait...Strom and Jesse? Are you talking about Thurmond and Helms?

Are you using Strom and Jesse as examples of non-racist party changers??????

Anonymous said...

There was a flag vote. A large majority of voters decided to keep the existing flag because the new proposed flag offended them.

So we already have the flag that is the least offensive to the greatest number of voting Mississippians.

Paul Mitchell said...

Anon 5:22, I think that we can all agree that racists formed the Dixiecrats. Three of them changed to the Republican Party, FIFTY stayed in the Democrats. Please do not even attempt to say that the racists became Republicans by some huge shift of the racists from one party to the other. The Republican shift came after Jimmy Carter proved beyond any doubt that Democrats are stupid and that shift was throughout the entire country. Remember that guy that got elected in 1980? That is when people flocked to the Republican Party. As a matter of fact, both sides of the Mississippi State House are STILL majority Democrat and the overwhelming majority of counties are run by Democrats. Facts are curious things and it appears that one side of the political divide refuses to accept their racist past and purge those racists from their rolls. Guess which side that is? Does "Congressional Black Caucus" mean anything to anyone?

Things will certainly get better in this country when we actually make the moves necessary to get rid of the Democrat Party and their horrible, divisive, racist ideology.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats could not exist if it were not for
their own racism. I'll give em' credit... the current Dems are better at stirring their base than are the Republicans.

Until the leadership within the GOP starts
taking "Ageless Male" supplements and quit wearing gay ass pink ties - (while trying not not offend the
white guilt crowd) - they will fail too.

Back on topic, Winter doesn't know shit about football, and Col Reb & the State Flag are not to blame for the results of LBJ's failed great society experiment.

Paul Mitchell said...

And to simply point out the origin of Colonel Reb, for all of those folks that do not know, Google "Blind Jim Ivy" and THEN tell me Colonel Reb is a racist thing.

And again, I am NOT an Ole Miss fan.

Anonymous said...

Blind Jim is but one of the many possible mythologies of how Colonel Reb came to be. Not a certainty by any measure. It's a good story though.

Anonymous said...

Blind Jim is not a myth .

Now, either research him, or get back to proofreading that JFP "breaking news" feature about the Food Truck policies for the homeless at Smith Park.

We would not like to see you loose your internship.

Shadowfax said...

Paul Mitchell; in your attempts to educate the rest of us, did you really intend to imply that any Mississippian over the age of 90 has participated in cross burnings and lynchings? If so you need a trip to the woodshed courtesy of a few of those old timers. And, if that IS your belief, as you like to tell others, "Please cease showing your ignorance".

Anderson said...

The Republican shift came after Jimmy Carter proved beyond any doubt that Democrats are stupid and that shift was throughout the entire country.

Wikipedia's "Southern Strategy" article quotes Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.

Mr. Mitchell's notion that the shift began with Jimmy Carter is an underinformed one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and Mr. Mitchell never personally knew Strom or Jesse and wasn't involved politics in the 60s and 70s .He certainly wasn't involved in politics in 1948 or he'd know who the Dixiecrats were. Jesse wasn't on the political scene then. He was still a sports reporter in Raleigh. It was 1950 when Jesse first got involved and that was in the Willis Smith/Frank Porter Graham campaign as a volunteer. Jesse wasn't elected to any political office until 1953 and then it was city council.

He'd have never been elected to anything in NC had NC not grown from 2.5 million to 10 million in a decade. The " outsiders" voted for him as he rode in on Nixon's coattails.

You DO know,don't you, Mr. Mitchell that the Dixiecrats opposed TRUMAN?

Please DO name all the Dixiecrats still active in the Democratic party . I can't wait for your list. I know you can come up with ONE family name and that one is a bit suspect, but knock yourself out.

Paul Mitchell said...

Anderson, I appreciate you bringing up the Southern Strategy, but you fail to also point out that it apparently worked over the entire country. McGovern received 17 electoral votes, Nixon got 520. So, the whole country must have fallen for it, the whole country must hate blacks, huh? Oddly enough, the South went RIGHT BACK to the Democrats in 1976 and voted for Jimmuh Cartuh. In other words, to even bring up the Southern Strategy means that you have no clue what you are talking about.

Try this one, "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." Lyndon Johnson. We are about 50 years into Johnson's 200, a quarter of the way there.

Shadowfax, sorry for being unclear on Winter's history. Any Democrat operative in the state of Mississippi is a racist, even today. But, especially white Democrats that are elderly, which Winter certainly is. I would be shocked if we could find one single white, male Democrat over the age of sixty that had not done those things. Sorry for the confusion.

Shadowfax said...

Based on your clarification, you're still confused. I'm not a white male democrat over 60 so I can't personally challenge your statement. But, as with most of your comments, they're only based on theory and opinion, totally unsupported. Of course there's no way to prove or disprove an opinion but I'm sure there are several thousand white democrats over 60 who have never participated in lynchings or hooded crowds.

Anonymous said...

For anyone using/citing Wikipedia, know this:

*it's "the free encyclopedia that ANYONE can edit"
*written/edited by non-experts
*little to no professional oversight
*generally not accepted as reliable research source

Anonymous said...

Of course there's no way to prove or disprove an opinion ...

As you've proven ad nauseam in spades.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes! willie winter and his twin brother bill minor....I swear!! I have never seen two old men so angry about having been born white..I cant help but to wonder had they been born black would they whine, gnash their teeth and wring their hands as much as they do??

Anonymous said...

"Khayat is a government bureaucrat who has spent his entire working life on the government dole. "

The Washington Redskins are part of the government now?

Paul Mitchell said...

Again, this post is about the racist William Winter trying to pull a George Wallace. Of course, it is unnecessary for Winter to even write this, except to allow a bunch of ignorant people to agree with the racist Winter to protect their own ignorance. Yet again, Blind Jim Ivy was the basis for Colonel Reb and that much is pretty much accepted as fact. Blind Jim Ivy was a black man. I am assuming that anyone that would attach racism to Colonel Reb would have to say that it it black on white racism (whatever the Hell that means) if they knew their facts. I am a State grad, I hate Ole Miss, but I do not try to tarnish their image with lies like Winter does.

After getting called out for my Dixiecrat and lynching comments, I went back to a post I wrote in May of 2005, linking every single name of everyone associated with the Dixiecrat Party. I stated earlier that 53 walked out of the Democrat Party, but there were actually only 34 that were present to do that, the rest joined up afterward obviously, the post IS six years old. Listed on my data were 50 people, but later on, I found an additional three. I cannot find the post that I wrote about the other three and the link that I have posted of the entire list of 50 on "" is no longer a live link. I only have a reference to 50 names, tangentially on my post. Do with that what you will.

For the sake of brevity, and because rarely do people that are misinformed try to correct that (in my opinion), and certainly won't click through to my POST, here are the names that I still have and where they wound up.

All died Democrats or are still alive and Democrat
Mrs. Anna B. Korn
Mrs. Ruth Lackey
O. L. Penny
Ross Lillard
Barney Wolverton
Clifton Ratlift
Dr. Frazier
Francis Haskell
Clark Hurd
M. F. Ray
William E. Jenner
J.K. Wells
Governor White
Walter Sillers JR
Harvey T. Ross (still alive last I know, still on the bench in 1994, too)
Thomas P. Brady
Gessner T. McCorvey
Orval Faubus
Leander Perez
Horace C. Wilkinson
John Kasper
Hugh Roy Cullen
Thomas Jefferson Tubb (I assume he's dead, because he was born in 1899, but I cannot find a death date)

Switched Parties
Jesse Helms was involved but he held no elected position at this time. (R)
Strom Thurman (R)
John Steel Baston (R, replace Helms with this guy, if you are splitting hairs with elected officials)
John Oliver Emmerich (R)
T. Coleman Andrews (Independent)

Also, my final tally was 34 confirmed Democrats, 3 confirmed Republicans (not counting Helms who was unelected at the time, as if that matters), 1 independent, and 12 unconfirmed. Logic tells us that the Republicans could have picked up all 12 unconfirmed, but the odds are HIGHLY unlikely because of the known quantities. Again, just the facts, ma'am.

I am sure that I kinda screwed this up because I did it quickly between beers and an IV of Dilaudid, but know that it is NOT by ideological design.

Anonymous said...

203 is right. After Khayat graduated from college he got "lost" on the way to Vietnam and ended up serving his country by kicking a football for 2.5 seasons.

Add draft dodger to the dossier. A great Mississippian indeed.

Anderson said...

*it's "the free encyclopedia that ANYONE can edit"
*written/edited by non-experts
*little to no professional oversight
*generally not accepted as reliable research source

Ah, and *you* are reliable because ...?

Wikipedia isn't an unimpeachable source, but I don't know of any such thing as an unimpeachable source. If the article said something incorrect, kindly supply a correction.

... Mr. Mitchell pretends that 1976, when a Southerner ran against the unpopular Gerald Ford (and won in a squeaker), somehow refutes the South's shift to the GOP. As the maligned Wikipedia article points out, the shift has been a process, one largely completed by the time Bill Clinton became president.

Paul Mitchell said...

Anderson, Nixon won ZERO Southern states, proving the Southern Strategy was BS. Then Carter carried them all, again proving that the Southern Strategy was BS. Anyone that disputes those FACTS, is insane.

And yet again, both state houses in Mississippi are majority Democrat NOW, an overwhelming majority of Mississippi counties are Democrat NOW, further contradicting your fantasy. Geez, your "reality" is funny.

Shadowfax said...

Mitchell, tangentially, your claim of majority democrat status in most Mississippi Counties must be based on population, not voters. We all know county demographics has nothing whatever to do with tallies at the polls. Don't we?

Rather than continue to dance around the eggnog tree, why don't you just come right out and say what you want to say about William Winter instead of twisting yourself, and us, around the axle of your bullshit.

Paul Mitchell said...

Shadowfax, I guess if I were an Ole Miss grad, I could assume that Democrat voters would elect Republican officials in their county, but they are not doing that. The last time I actually went through the counties in Mississippi, only three were run by Republicans, the other 79 were run by Democrats. I am sure that the Democrats have not increased their control since the Smartest President in History has proven how awesome Democrats are.

As far as Winter's writings, he makes the comments about how much progress the IHL's are making. Obviously, he is not talking about the rising test scores or plummeting tuition costs. He is talking about hiding his party's racist past and present.

I am sorry that in your world, facts are bullshit. Your world must smell bad or either you do not allow facts in it.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that in your world, facts are bullshit.

Actually Paul in the world of Shadowfax bullshit means dead solid perfect facts.

Shadowfax said...

79 of 82 counties are 'run by democrats'? Although you're rather unclear as to the meaning of 'run by', there you have classic bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to why a 90 year old man would shame himself into writing such an embarrassing, dramatic, a$$-kissing letter for publishing.

What dirt (or control) does Dan Jones have on Winter and/or Winter's family members? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

This is a particularly funny debate between two of the more, ahem, vocal voices on this board. Glad to watch you guys cannibalize each other.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS