Friday, April 15, 2011

Support the Family of Staff Sgt Jason Rogers, fallen Marine : Westboro Baptist Church To Protest at His Saturday Funeral

Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, plans to have protestors at Pinelake Baptist Church Saturday at 3:00 pm at the funeral for USMC Staff Sgt Jason Rogers, killed in Afghanistan. His body was flown to the Jackson Airport today, and a procession carried his body to Ott and Lee Funeral Home in downtown Brandon, MS.

These nuts, while they have the right to their own opinion, do NOT have the right to intrude upon a grieving family honoring and burying their fallen 28-year old Marine.

If you can support the family, please help by blocking these idiots from intruding and protesting at the service. I am hoping the local fire departments will use a few of their trucks to block the protestors, as in other cities.

This man died protecting our right to free speech, but he did not die so they can come taunt him and his family.


Anonymous said...

This is an outrage, the very idea that those nut jobs who claim to be Christians, will be protesting at this young Marine's funeral.

Let's turn out en mass to outnumber them and build a wall between those psycos and the family.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I hope there are plenty of people to help block these idiots.

Anonymous said...

I understand that this young man is the nephew of WLBT's news director Dennis Smith.

This Westboro stuff makes me sick.

How is mocking the death of a young patriot with signs, chants and intimidation free speech. Thank you liberals. Is this what you wanted?

Anonymous said...

i would like to be the first to say i will be there ready to defend this honorable man to the death. This shit will not happen in our county in our city and in our state. that do not have there federal rights in rankin county. there will be justice served in the name of god or blood will stain the ground.

Anonymous said...

i would like a group of men to meet me at the old jitney jungle parking lot at 2:00 (right there at crossgates) and we will caravan to the funeral early to back these idiots off the property. let the chips fall where they may. anyone in?

Im serious

Frugal Gal said...

4:11 -- Seriously?

The most important thing about America is that we are free to say whatever we think. As CRAZY as these horrible, horrible people are, I would rather America have to put up with them than turn into a place like China, where saying what you think leads to your permanent disappearance.

What they are doing is disgusting, is objectionable, and I hope they rot in hell for their bastardization of Christianity. BUT I LIKE LIVING IN A COUNTRY WHERE EVEN PEOPLE LIKE THAT HAVE RIGHTS. Because it means people like *ME* have rights.

Freedom of speech is something only liberals care about? Have you not paid attention to the various lawsuits brought by Christian groups for the right to pray in public? Freedom of speech is the most American thing out there and you are giving liberals credit for something that people on all sides of all aisles have fought for since this country was born.

Their demonstrations are not intimidation -- they have to take aggressive acts for what they do to rise to that level. Their chants are expressions of opinion -- horribly misplaced and directed at innocent people, but opinion. If you truly think that chants should be illegal, then you have no idea what that young man gave his life for. He died for them as much as he died for you or me -- the fact that they are too stupid to understand that doesn't mean that they lose their basic rights as citizens of this nation.

And, 4:11, if we (or, rather, you, since you seem to be the authority on what is and isn't acceptable speech) are going to start punishing people for objectionable beliefs, well, a lot of commentors on this site are in a world of trouble.

Now I'm pissed. Thanks, this is how I wanted to end the day.

(BTW -- note how I respond to your opinion, which I find objectionable, with my own opinion, rather than question the definition of free speech because of it?)

Anonymous said...

Please refuse service for any persons belonging to Westboro Church. Make their stay as uncomfortable as possible. Try your best within the parameters of the law not to provide services to them. I.e., no rental cars, hotels, grocery stores, fast food, restaurants, taxis. They can walk their hungry, restless behinds from Jackson International to Pinelake.
You may not refuse services on the basis of sex, religion, sexual preference, ethnicity. Find a legitimate reason if you can. Stand up Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

its not on there website.

Anonymous said...

They plan to picket at 2:15, so PLEASE get out there early. It's on the CL website.

Anonymous said...

they have the right to speech and i have the right to beat there teeth down there throat...

Anonymous said...

One sign I cannot forget of theirs was/is "Thank God for Dead Soldiers". Horrible people.

Anonymous said...

2 thumbs up and a cocktail for Frugal Gal. I hate this as much as everyone else, but I'm glad I can still act ignorant, dumb or just plain hateful and not be arrested for it. Then again, I was looking forward to a bunch of rednecks who don't know the difference between "there" and "their" get arrested for inciting a riot! God bless their rights to be stupid

Anonymous said...

A protest of any kind during a funeral is so morally wrong. Grieving a death of a loved one is a time for others to show their respect in a reserved manner and offer gentle support for the family and friends.

These people are nuts--using military funerals to get attention for their anti-gay ideas. Sick, sick, sick!

My heart goes out to the families of our fallen soldiers for having to endure suck vial and evil disrespect during their time of grieving.

Anonymous said...

ill have my on sign... louisville slugger.

Anonymous said...

Amen 4:58. This is why we should have never let women be allowed to vote.

Stay pissed 4:39. Or grow a pair ha ha.

bill said...

Frugal Gal, you're right. The Westboro people have the right to their chants, but not at the graveside. Let them assemble peaceably in another location and chant their collective behinds into oblivion, but not in earshot or line of sight of this bereaved family and the sacred ceremony that will celebrate their sacrifice. Bill Billingsley

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know for sure what time they will be at Pinelake and if they will be allowed on the property? It seems that Pinelake should have some say about "trespassers". We have to stand up as Christians against these fanatics

Anonymous said...

Amen 4:58. This is why we should have never let women be allowed to vote.

Stay pissed 4:39. Or grow a pair ha ha.


Anonymous said...

2:00 old jitney jungle. bring signs mounted on baseball bats... now thats freedom of speech... i will see all of these wbc bastards in hell

Anonymous said...

Has anyone contacted 'Patriot Guard'. This their purpose of existence. They are mostly veterans that ride motorcycles. They come by the hundreds with American flags attached to their bikes. They and their flags form a protective wall between Westboro and the funeral.

If Westboro's yelling gets too loud, they will drown out their ugly comments with patriotic music from their bikes.

Then they act as security guards to the family before and after the service in needed.

find them at

Anonymous said...

What is most bizarre about this group is that they combat what they see as "evil" with pure hatred.

I am proud to say that, if heaven is what they expect it to be or earned by acting the way that they do, I won't be going there.

Their attorney is on Twitter and she is awful. She stalks anyone she doesn't like with awful Tweets. Disgusting.

Andrew Newcomb

Ironghost said...

Dear 4.39

If they show up, remember that their protests are intimidation and scare tactics. They make money by provoking people into assults and other things the Westies can sue over. They are all lawyers and win in court frequently. Do nothing that would get you in court with them.

Curt Crowley said...

Speaking as a citizen, I don't think it's a good idea to engage in lawlessness. However, I also think that if someone had administered a prison-grade beatdown to phelps a long time ago they wouldn't be doing this crap now.

On the legal side, Mississippi's provocation statute would be a possible defense to a charge of assault against one of the protestors. That statute states that if the victim used "insulting words" that justified the assault, then the accused should be acquitted.

Again, I'm not encouarging violence or anything.

Anonymous said...

To the writer that blames the liberals--remember that it's the predominately conservative and Republican-appointed Supreme Court who ruled in Westboro's favor.

Anonymous said...

@6:06 is exactly right. As detestable as these hideous people are, their only aim is to make money. Please, I know it strains the soul to hold yourself back, but they are not "Christians" in their actions. They only exist to provoke people into denying their rights and then they sue (and win).

So do what you must, but do it within the confines of the law.

Remember that they usually protest quickly and very cleanly (in that they follow all the rules). They get their exposure and then they split. New federal law prevents them from being within certain proximity and within a certain time.

...but wouldn't it be nice to punch them in the face? :)

Anonymous said...

6:10 PM -

Mr Crowley....does this in any way indicate I may receive your defense services "pro bono"? As an educated citizen of conservative nature, I have "just enough" redneck in me to show up and make a bloody mockery of a fistful of these bloomin' idiots...

Anonymous said...

Don't stereotype all women and our right to vote based on one woman's comments. Personally, I say fuck the freedom of speech when it could be considered a "hate crime." Bullying these families and loved ones in their time of grief when their loved ones died serving our country--on matters (of hating homosexuals) that have nothing to do with their deceased loved one's death is stalking. I say arrest them all for stalking, and if it weren't against the law, I would say, let's beat the living shit out of them for stalking these families. I am a woman, but please don't confuse me with others that are so adamant on freedom of speech that they condone freedom of speech to include stalking.

justonemom said...

I attended the Honor Flight this afernoon at the air base for Jason Rogers. The Patriot Guard Riders were there. After seeing the news concerning the Westboro group protesting, I have decided to stand with the Riders on Saturday to shield this family. All of you regardless of your politics show up and take a real stance. My oldest son is deployed in Afghanistan. If something were to happen to him, I would want his picture on the national news, pictures of his flag draped coffin posted on the internet, and all of you to attend his ramp cermony and funeral. I think a grateful nation should know the cost we pay for all of our freedoms. Check out to see exactly how much our freedom costs. See you Saturday when we practice the freedom of speech by standing quietly!

Anonymous said...

Frugal Gal may be right. In fact I think she is. But there are always two sides to the free speech coin. And nothing, absolutely nothing, prevents pissed off people from boycotting them, perhaps even circumventing their efforts, the other way. It's free speech.

Anonymous said...

The family should have the freedom to place their love one in the ground with dignity and respect from all Americans. If don't agree you should leave this wonderful country!

SpecialRankinCoWelcomeforWBC said...

WBC has never brought their hate and damnation show to Mississippi, have they? Why, it might be an all together different experience for them. I say, converge en masse to Pinelake, create such a human barrier and buffer around that church like those crazed f*ckers have never seen. You don't have to hurt them; just converge in huge numbers. They better bring shovels or their own helicopter because they may have to dig or fly their way back to the brimstone pit they call home.

Rankin County, Mississippi, is not the place to even THINK about celebrating the death of a brave young man who gave all for his country. And their rights? Sure, they have them. So do I. Their rights end when it turns into harassment and inflicts emotional duress. There's plenty of ways to protest; but they choose the most distressing and vile methods and take them to the extreme. That's not their "right"; that's psychic trauma to a grieving, devastated family.

J. Kev said...

Ultimately, the question is this: would you take a misdemeanor battery rap to keep vermin from a sullying a Marine's funeral?

If that's a "yes," then "Would the TV people look away for a moment" springs to mind as a reasonable and relevant question.

This is Mississippi. If this is permitted to happen, I don't know what it means to be a Southerner anymore.

KaptKangaroo said...

When, where should I place myself?

J. Kev said...

If you're prepared to get between those people and the mourners of this fine Marine, do it with a can of Krylon spray paint in your hand. Spray them in the face. With paint.

Or just kick the shit out them.

There is no fundamental right to trash a Marine's funeral. And kicking the shit out of white trash who've hijacked the Baptist name ain't nothin' but a thing. And I'd bet it would get remanded in Rankin County.

justonemom said...

So many people are reading and posting tonight, I wanted to post a correction to to an earlier post. Check out This web site lists casualties in Afghanistan. So many brave heroes are dying.

Anonymous said...

You are about to see why Rankin County is Rankin County. I invite all of my JJ family to come on out and flex a little bit of that Rankin County that is in all of us. This family and our armed forces deserve nothing less. It is wonderful to see this forum unite behind a cause that is bigger than ourselves and do so with conviction and purpose. I am proud and honored to be there for this family.

justonemom said...

Can Pinelake Baptist Church actually block the protestors from their property? Surely someone can offer a legal way to stop them. Back in the sixties Galloway United Methodist Church downtown blocked blacks from attending their services. A fact that is now looked upon with shame and disgrace. But it really did happen.

bill said...

There are many ways this can be done. Pine Lake isn't really the problem. Everyone will be inside the church and the WBC loonies won't go in. Their usual protest is at the gravesite. Does anyone know where this hero is being buried? That's where the blocking action will need to be. They'll probably be waiting innocently to follow the procession to the grave, and it will be difficult to tell which car the real mourners are in. That's our challenge. BB

Anonymous said...

Thankfully the Patriot Guard seems to be involved already (better them then Hell's Angels to provide security, although that would be fun to watch). Any alleged denial of rights to these hideous cretins would be decided by a jury drawn from Rankin County, and I doubt there would be a conviction over anything (unlike, say, a Hinds County juror pool).

Kingfish said...

Why? All we would need is for one of the Westboro people to bring a black girlfriend or boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. Plain and simple.

Rebekah said...

The Patriot Guard from the Harley shop will be there to protect....

I think this is disgusting...Frugal- although you are politically correct, morally it is bullshit.
These people who claim to be Christians are the worst type of trash...Who in the hell do they think they are to protest a soldier's funeral???? BECAUSE of him, they are allowed to do this. Because of him, they have freedom of speech. The irony reeks....
I hate the family of the soldier has to go through this bullshit. And that's what it is- bullshit. The amount of followers when he was brought home was overwhelming. The supporters and mourners and flags...all of it was so touching and heartbreaking. A young life was taken because he was over here fighting for OUR rights...
If these bastards want to do something other than spit out hate then they should go over to Afghanistan and protest over there. They need to put THEIR lives on the line like our soldiers are doing. What they don't need to do is come here and make a debacle of a young man's funeral. It is disgusting and such a hypocrisy to Christianity.
And 8:45- you are so right. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHTS...Frugal so justly described....DOESN'T mean you abuse them. They are disgusting human beings.....

And the ones who are going to go to the funeral to see what happens bothers me. It bothers me alot. People are using this poor young man's funeral as a form of entertainment. It isn't entertainment. A young man died for our freedom. Buy a some flowers...lower your head in a moment of silence....but what you don't need to go is glorify his death by hoping to see a circus---even though you have the right to....
Respect this man's family and friends and his honor....

Rebekah said...

The Patriot Guard from the Harley shop will be there to protect....

I think this is disgusting...Frugal- although you are politically correct, morally it is bullshit.
These people who claim to be Christians are the worst type of trash...Who in the hell do they think they are to protest a soldier's funeral???? BECAUSE of him, they are allowed to do this. Because of him, they have freedom of speech. The irony reeks....
I hate the family of the soldier has to go through this bullshit. And that's what it is- bullshit. The amount of followers when he was brought home was overwhelming. The supporters and mourners and flags...all of it was so touching and heartbreaking. A young life was taken because he was over here fighting for OUR rights...
If these bastards want to do something other than spit out hate then they should go over to Afghanistan and protest over there. They need to put THEIR lives on the line like our soldiers are doing. What they don't need to do is come here and make a debacle of a young man's funeral. It is disgusting and such a hypocrisy to Christianity.
And 8:45- you are so right. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHTS...Frugal so justly described....DOESN'T mean you abuse them. They are disgusting human beings.....

And the ones who are going to go to the funeral to see what happens bothers me. It bothers me alot. People are using this poor young man's funeral as a form of entertainment. It isn't entertainment. A young man died for our freedom. Buy a some flowers...lower your head in a moment of silence....but what you don't need to go is glorify his death by hoping to see a circus---even though you have the right to....
Respect this man's family and friends and his honor....

Curt Crowley said...

713, in response to your question, we will represent you or anyone else pro bono if arrested.

I'm not suggesting you do anything to get yourself arrested, but if it happens, call us.

Anonymous said...

andrew wilkow "you have the right to say what you want and i have the right to respond to what you say"

Anonymous said...

@8:17-technically a jury would be from the central district
Of the us dist ct in miss, since the case would involve a federal question. Still, doubt your jury would be much more sympathetic adding Scott, Hinds, Copiah, etc.

Mary McLaurin said...

Let's turn out in great numbers to keep them from disturbing the funeral of this great fallen soldier. But let's also be respectful and not allow these idiots with Westboro get any more attention that they are trying to get. We need to be peacefull and respectful. Services will be held at Pinelake Baptist Church off of Lakeland Dr. Try to get there at 12:45 p.m. if you can to make sure you can park and line up to block the protesters. Traffic will be insane on Lakeland Drive on Saturday from regular traffic.
Stand and block the protesters!!
Location: Pinelake Church!
Time: ‎2:00PM Saturday, April 16th..

stilettoGOP said...

While I am CERTAINLY more on the "screw freedom of speech let's kick their ass" side of the fence, my ultimate hope is that this hero has a truly peaceful service in his honor tomorrow, in all ways.

My prayers go out to his family.

Thank you, Staff Sgt. Rogers, for your sacrifice.

To all members of the military reading here, and their families.. Thank you.

Semper Fi!

Rebekah said...

This email is from Representative John Moore regarding protests at Funeral. This was his response:

We passed a law LAST year, in 2010, which prohibits protesting within 1000 feet of a funeral. The perp is also subject to a $500 fine and up to 6 months in jail. I believe this is for the FIRST offense. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the protests CAN NOT be made illegal but they can be limited. Thanks for asking. I talked with our sheriff yesterday to make sure they were aware of the new law.

Anonymous said...

There is no public property around Pine Lake Baptist Church for these idiots to protest unless it is along Hwy 25 or Hwy 471 which would cause a terrible traffic jam. Let them block traffic and unsafe conditions for other citizens, and they are going to be spend some time in the Rankin Co. jail.

bill said...

Please, people, I say again: the protest will not happen at Pinelake, it will happen at the gravesite. 1000 feet is not far enough away for their chants to not be heard, and well meaning groups that try to outchant them or otherwise drown out their disgusting words will only take away from the sacred silence that should surround this hero's burial. If you want to stop these people you need to try to figure out a way to keep them from following the procession to the grave. BB

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where the protestors will be allowed to gather Highway 25 or 471. There are two entrances into the church. Is there a defined space that they may protest in. If so, why don't we get there before them so there is no room for them. Just a thought. I heard that is what they have done in other cities where these ass hats show up. This is in the city limits of Flowood.

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, but I'd point out that the family has requested donations be made to Wounded Warrior in leiu of flowers, etc. Although it would be a lot of fun to punch one of these assholes in the face, channeling that rage into cash would get much more accomplished and, just my opinion, better serve the memory of the fallen.

Or, simply, "Mess with shit, get shit on you."

Anonymous said...

These degenerates need to remember the time they TRIED to protest A fallen heroes funeral in mississippi. we will show them a little southern hospitality

Anonymous said...

I don't think meeting at 2:00 to caravan will be ANYWHERE NEAR early enough to beat the crazies. You guys need to rethink that. I agree they have freedom of speech, but we are also free to block them from causing more pain to this

Anonymous said...

I cannot think of words strong enough to describe how REPREHENSIBLE this so-called "church" from Kansas is.

God Bless the Rogers family & friends, and Godspeed to the U.S. Marines.

Lance Mixon

Anonymous said...

Westboro is a bunch of inbred nuts. They are most all related to the "pastor". That's why their lawyer is as crazy as she is, she's related to the leader of that anti-"church".
I saw the procession yesterday, I was sooo proud of what I saw,and I hope these fools are prepared for what Rankin County has to, er, um, 'offer' them.
That shit will never fly in Rankin.Hell, the women will beat their asses down! Tough, honest people here that don't put up with that kind of crap from these damned Westboro outsiders.

Anonymous said...

My brother was a Green Beret during Nam and I cannot tell you the terrible stories he told me about people spitting on him in airports, etc. when all he wanted to do was serve his country. This whole protest thing shames America and anyone with a sense of moral decency, which apparently these protestors lack. These guys died serving their country and deserve better than protestors at their funeral service. Kim Wolford

Anonymous said...

Frugal Gal is 100% correct, and anyone that is angry about her post needs to re-read it carefully. There is a big difference in something being legal and it being moral, and unfortunately we can't legislate morality.
So, since these heartless, consciousless blooming idiots do have the right to protest, my hope is that IF they actually show up (which will take take their stupidity to a new level by bringing that crap to MS) the law enforcement there will make sure that they carefully monitor the distance said idiots are from funeral. What jury in MS is going to say that law enforcement is lying about where the idiots were?
(And to be totally honest, the redneck part of me would not be crying if there were snipers around to take them out.)

Anonymous said...

As Bill said, any protest by the Westboro members will be at the gravesite..not Pinelake.

The new Brandon Cemetary is located on Star Road and the cemetary itself is not situated very far back off the road. Anyone wanting to keep the grave-side service from being disturbed by hecklers should line up on both sides of Star Road. Line up early and be there when the funeral entourage makes its way to the cemetary.

Parking will be a problem. Carpool and walk as far as you can.

This is an occasion to honor Staff Sgt. Jason Rogers and his family.

Anonymous said...

The graveside services are going to be at the New Brandon Cemetery, 1106 Star Road, Brandon.

Anonymous said...

Memorial Service for Staff Sergeant Jason Rogers

Memorial Service for Staff Sergeant Jason Rogers

Posted by Tim Smith on Apr 15, 2011

From: Tim Smith, Senior Executive Pastor, Pinelake Church

Pinelake Church is honored to be the host site for the memorial service of Staff Sergeant Jason A. Rogers, USMC at 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 16. Marines from Company C, Anti-Terrorism BN, 4th Marine Division, Jackson, MS will provide an honor guard and escort for Staff Sergeant Rogers.

Our Church family considers it a privilege to host this service and we are humbled by the sacrifice of such heroes as Staff Sergeant Rogers and others who have died in the line of duty for the United States of America. We grieve for the loss of this man and our deepest condolences are extended to his family and friends. We are thankful for a Loving God who is indeed a Good Shepherd and a Comforter during these days of mourning.

To the public:
Pinelake Church welcomes all of those who wish to honor Staff Sergeant Rogers to our campus on Saturday afternoon. Our highest priority is to provide a peaceful place for the Rogers family to grieve, mourn and celebrate the life of Staff Sergeant Rogers. The entry to Pinelake from Highway 471 will be available to those who wish to stand in memory. Parking will be available in front of Pinelake Christian School.

We ask all that do choose to come to please attend in a Christ-honoring spirit that exemplifies the highest integrity and God-centered values that our church and community is known for.

Pinelake Church is private property. Our large 170-acre campus is under the jurisdiction of the Flowood City Police Department. Absolutely no protests or inappropriate behavior of any kind will be tolerated on Pinelake Church Property. Local authorities will remove any violators immediately

Anonymous said...

Pinelake has a plan! It includes how to handle these folks as well as the "media". They have been working with the local leo's for days.

Anonymous said...

i would recommend that no jackson news affiliate give these yahoos from westboro the honor of making the tabloids in any platform...

Anonymous said...

5:03 you and the rest of the world would agree....EXCEPT the a/holes in the media. Watch the freakshow and the reporters gush. You would think that they wouldn't take the bait, would call each other and agree that NONE OF THEM would report the redneck trash.

Anonymous said...

then i see a boycott in order... kingfish you better hire a weather personnel cuz if we boycott the 5 and 10 oclock news (fox doesnt count) we will have to rely on you for our news fix

Anonymous said...

So what happened?

Anonymous said...

Should have read more closely...thought it was today.

Anonymous said...

There's a facebook page regarding this, and as Bill said, the Westboro protesters will likely be at the cemetery. People wanting to shield the family should consider assembling peacefully there, rather than Pinelake.

KaptKangaroo said...

I only rely on JJTV, Jackassery at its finest, News at its rawest.

I haven't read local news for over a year; unless I need a good laugh or if they pick up a story from here.

Anonymous said...

Hey since Rankin and Hinds County are now in a "State of Emergency" does that mean we can have the National Guard at the cemetery?

Anonymous said...

if only there was a way to deprive them of media attention....

Anonymous said...

I am not qualified to say sempervivum fi....but...God Bless

stilettoGOP said...

I'm not qualified either, but I had permission from someone in the family to say it this once! ;-) ...worse things have happened than someone mentioning their awesome phrase of keeping faith.

KaptKangaroo said...

I don't think they are going to show up. Had a few friends that had this same situation happen in PA.

KaptKangaroo said...

And yet we get sucked right into the conversation...lulz.

Rebekah said...

Well, it is better than talking about the Irbys or the Fraziers.....

Rebekah said...

Just read this on fb:

"FYI: the Westboro Baptist Church protesters are staying at the Ramada Inn behind Waffle House at the I 20 Airport Rd exit. I just figured that was good information to put out to the general public. So if you are near there stop by and welcome them to Mississippi."

Anonymous said...

Let' s give this genetically challenged group of ( in-bred idiots ) ... a good Ole Warm Mississippi welcome .

They will TRY to be at the new Brandon cemetery.

They are banned from the Pinelake Church .

I like the spray paint suggestion.

KaptKangaroo said...

Ah Reb, leave it up to you to remind me that yes, it is better than the Irbys or Fraziers, Lord KNOWS I am tired of those rich folks.


Anonymous said...

The Irby chronicles are irrelevant here.

This about the possible interruption of the funeral of one our
Nation's heroes by an incestuous cult of idiots.

Spray paint in the face is a good idea, , a baseball bat into the teeth is better.

I think someone said both are misdemeanors ?

bill said...

If the information about where they're staying is accurate, a parking lot full of pickups parked behind all the cars with Kansas plates would certainly reduce their mobility. Sure, they could call the police or a tow truck, but I suspect the police have their hands full with the funeral and other regular lawbreakers, and the tow trucks probably won't be able to get here until, oh, say 5:00 this afternoon. Sorry!! BB

Michael said...

Ed Baker, pres. of PGR of MS was on statewide radio yesterday, passing on some info about the Westboro Cult.
Fred Phelps is a dis-barred lawyer from Meridian MS. He and his family are only looking for recognition and for a reason to file lawsuits.
If anyone touches them, they will have the offender arrested for assault, and then sue for personal injury. If law enforcement does not arrest whoever "assaults" them, they will sue law enforcement for failing to protect their rights.
In my opinion, the best thing to do is block the family from having to see the cult, which the PGR does, and to ignore the westboro cult totally.

Catron Williams Art said...

We will be there, with our flags and our hands over our hearts!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's ironic is Phelps is only slightly to the right of Wildmon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We need people like me who dont really about religion or "going to hell" to beat the living shit out of these idiots because if there leaders are incapacitated then they will surely fall apart, i missed it today but they better hope they dont come to my state again, and no i dont mind going to jail defending a mans honor

Anonymous said...

I read on some website that Gay and Lesbian groups were going to start protesting weddings at Westboro Baptist Church and disrupting their services. HA HA HA. That would be funny.

Anonymous said...

So, did they show up or just get tons of free exposure?

Anonymous said...

As I rode in the motorcycle contingent yesterday, nagging questions kept bubbling up. Why did he die? Why do we fight wars with both hands tied behind our back? What is our exit strategy from yet another land war in asia? None were appropriate to discuss in that venue but they have to be discussed eventually. Our political correctness is killing our best and brightest every day. Truman got it right. Fight to win. And win quickly

Anonymous said...

Our Patriot Guard Riders were there in full force. You do not have to ride a motorcycle to belong to PGR. And it's free to sign up. I ride with my husband who is a vet, and PGR makes me proud that so many care. We had well over 400, plus fireman,their trucks, military in uniform, old people, kids, adults holding flags and "positive" signs. Someone said over 800 or more people were at the cemetary.

Anonymous said...

Read about the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church. He & his family are all crazy...

Click here: Fred Phelps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anonymous said...

What a turnout Thursday April 14th approx 500 bike riders from all sorts of groups escorted from air base to funeral home,Friday evening about 100 bike riders from funeral home to church and back again orders given if they showed up to put our bikes between them and the hurse so it may pass hats off to PGR and ALR,Saturday April 16,2011 the turnout was something else local residents along all routes,fire departmennts,school children,police departments,various bike clubs when we parked at the funeral the cementary yard was full the bikes parked on the road about 8 across for approx.1/4 of a mile thanks to our military for all that they do

Greig T. said...

We in southeast LA applaude the good folks of the Brandon area for properly handling those sleaze-bags that show no respect for our military forces. Just where do those worthless individuals think they acquired the freedoms they possess & abuse? Makes me PROUD of the my family, friends, & the good folks of your great community.

matt said...

Every one of you, I just wanted to shoot out a thank you to! I am a Marine, stationed in NC, I've been in for 6 years now, and I am happy to lay my life on the line for all of you! I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support that you guys give us, and also that was an awesome job with keeping the westboro church away from our Ssgt! Thank you all, and that's from all of us stationed here in NC, we will continue doing what we do, just keep up the good work! OohRah!

Anonymous said...

Blessings on you Marine!

Anonymous said...

I think there should be a way to thank this town

Bon said...

Frugal Gal, we're not saying that their right to free speech should be taken away by law. We're saying that just as they have a legal right, although no moral right, to show up and protest, we also have the legal right, and moral right, to show up and protect the family from their protests.

Just as private companies have the right to set company policies, and we have the right to decide not to do business with them because of those policies.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS