Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Karen Irby tries to withdraw guilty plea, Joe Holloman is the .6 millon dollar man

Copy of Motion and exhibits

William Bell, the attorney for Karen Irby, filed a motion to withdraw guilty plea in Hinds County Circuit Court today. Mrs. Irby alleges several facts that should be considered by the court:

1. She did not have a "written attorney-client contract with Joe Holloman" or the other attorneys.
2. "Joe Holloman had numerous phone conferences with Stuart Irby's attorneys."
3. "Karen Irby was never asked to participate and did not participate in any of the telephone conferences that took place between Joe Holloman and Stuart Irby's attorneys."
4. She only learned about the conferences from billing statements or Stuart Irby.
5. Mrs. Irby told Mr. Holloman about the alleged assault but he never informed her it could be used as a defense (KF note: weak. He may not have told her but I'm sure something like that did cross her mind.).
6. Mr. Holloman yelled at Mrs. Irby when she attempted to tell him about the assault and on a later date said he did not want her to discuss it any further.
7. Exhibit attached is a billing statement sent from Holloman to Stuart and Karen Irby.
8. Mr. Holloman rarely discussed Mrs. Irby's case with her but instead told her to call private investigator Charlie Saums. Incidentally, there is no attorney-client privelige between Mr. Saums and Mrs. Irby as several attorneys have informed me.
9. Mr. Holloman provided few, if any documents concerning her case. (KF note: Sources informed me for months that Mrs. Irby had to come to this site to learn about her case and read the documents filed as they were not provided to her.).
10. Mr. Holloman (allegedly) had a conflict of interest.
11. The docket shows Mr. Holloman never filed any formal requests for pre-trial discovery (This site did publish several subpoenas however that were filed by Mr. Holloman).
12. Joe Holloman's budget estimate was over a half million dollars. See exhibit in motion. Good grub if you can get it. Now you see why I posted that little story about Holloman trying to reverse a guilty plea in federal court for $35,000 (actually a habeaus corpus motion) and keeping the money?

Page 22 of the documents posted above are Holloman's billing records. Phelps Dunbar, Watkins Ludlam, you guys need to take some notes because Holloman gives a clinic in how to bill a rich client. This guy is so good he could give even Rudy Warnock or Carl Ray Furr lessons in billing although Mr. Holloman has not quite reached a Waggonarian level as Mr. Waggoner still has Siegfried's gold. Some tidbits:

1. $25,000 for public relations. Twenty-five frickin' grand for PR? They could've paid me half of that amount and gotten a hundred times better job than what the .6 million dollar man provided. We can rebuild Joe Holloman. We can make him greedier, hungrier, but unfortunately not leaner than he was before.
2. $20,000 for "executive support"? "Witness handling"?
3. "War room" office facility: $7,350. Um, doesn't Mr. Holloman have an office ONE BLOCK FROM THE COURT? What was he going to do? Rent out the convention center or the King Edward?
4. $60,000 for mock trial. Another $60,000 for "focus group discussion." I bet Linda Harmon is VERY sorry she moved to Tennessee when she sees this amount.
5. Bill (Projected): $632,224.

For half a million bucks she got to plead guilty and get 18 years. She would've been better off just pleading guilty right off the bat and sticking the half mill in a mutual fund or something. All sarcasm aside, this motion puts a little more meat on the conflict of interest bones although its going to be tough for this motion to succeed in my opinion. Mrs. Irby also filed an affidavit. The docket begins on page 27.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

holy hell. she's got a shot.

Anonymous said...

Stuart Irby got soaked.

Holloman's involvement in the Worldcom scandal is also highly suspect.

Anonymous said...

Dayum. I coulda been a contenda. For half that amount. Dayum I say, dayum.

Ironghost said...

Obviously, I should have become a lawyer. That's where the big money is.

KaptKangaroo said...

12. Joe Holloman's budget estimate was over a half million dollars. See exhibit in motion. Good grub if you can get it. Now you see why I posted that little story about Holloman trying to reverse a guilty plea in federal court for $35,000 (actually a habeaus corpus motion) and keeping the money?

Glad you took out my comment.

Anonymous said...

Karen ain't got shit.

KaptKangaroo said...

Alright, guilty plea aside....

So now she wants to try her case in the court of public opinion.... without a trial? Basically, but taking this strategy, she plead guilty, now she claims influenced council, and when Hell freezes over, she gets a trial without public scrutiny b/c now the public outrage is controllable. Really?

She has taken her plea of responsibility and tossed it aside. Now she wants a new trial? Unbelievable. It appears on its face that she is willing to risk doing the right thing for trying to avoid the punishment for killing two people.

This has got to be one of the most illustrious "lets let the wealthy folks get away with murder" attempts I've seen in a long time.

Joe did nothing but represent her. Her actions are the subject of the debate, not Mr. Joe's yelling. She did what she did and she is doing what she should do.

Anonymous said...


If she was unable to slow down because she was being beaten like many have discussed here, then she was speeding up. Either way, Karen made a decision; she chose to speed up or she chose to avoid a confrontation while driving drunk.


It was who's fault?

Anonymous said...

No attorney client privilege exists between Mr. Joe and Karen. So, he can come right here to JJ and tell it like it is. If Karen had to come here to find out what was happening to her while her life was being torn apart, then how is it, that Mr. Joe, under contract or not, in her pleading, she has just released him from any privilege to the true facts of the case. She is burying herself by pursuing this. Wait until he goes to the press..... Waiting for the next post....

John said...

Fees are a non-issue. There was less than $150k paid (assuming the balance due was paid). Only $75k was for atty fees. At $250/hr, that's only 300 hours over the course of a year of representation. The $70k or so in expenses is reasonable considering the client's ability to pay for these services to which most people don't have access.

Anonymous said...

11:38 Maybe Karen doesn't care if the true facts of her case come out? Seems to me it's been Stuart all along who didn't want his part in the wreck exposed. Karen could be telling the truth about Stuart attacking her in the car, and Stuart could be pretending about his memory loss so he would not have to give a statement. We don't really know for sure do we? However, I am beginning to suspect everyone including Karen's lawyer was trying to protect Stuart not Karen. Of course, she had an option to not plead quilty.

Anonymous said...

Well, it justs keeps unfolding!
We all knew when the DA Smith was seen in Brandon eating lunch with Peters at Peters's sons restaurant, by the way I live in Brandon and never have been to this restaurant it is just a painted old McDonalds. But after those two ate there I knew I did not want to be there ever....
Come on the Bells sure have no more ties than the mother lode of the Irbys. With that said do you really think Karen got any help like Bell's mother, he'll no.
So why would they throw Karen under the bus if it was not to protect Stuart.
By the way before anyone jumps in and tries to spin this we have great establishments in Brandon that are owned and ran by and are supported by Brandonians.

Anonymous said...

the only thing of substance is the allegation that Hollomon didn't have a written fee agreement clearly setting out services and payments. most everything else is trivia. wonder why they made such a fuss that no "formal" request for discovery was filed with the clerk? there's no such requirement and no complaint that the state didn't provide discovery. she acknowledges she got a copy of the discovery at one point. I suspect this attorney doesn't quite understand the discovery process.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous. She wants to withdraw her guilty plea because her lawyer yelled at her, among other things?

Out in the real world, people get yelled at sometimes. Get over it. Why did she go along with any of this all of those months, if she felt she was being railroaded or misrepped? Is she that dim of a bulb? Oh, wait, she continued to live with her husband that beat her young daughter to the point it was reported to DHS. Okay, so the bulb is dim.

She was driving under the influence in a car, and she killed two people thusly. Do you think Drs. Pogue and Dedosis would like a chance to "withdraw" being burned alive?

She had plenty of time and opportunity to allege that this is all Stuart's fault and he attacked her in the car, etc. She's crazy, and stupid to boot, it appears. She has done little to nothing to help herself throughout this, especially if Holloman was bullying her. This should be thrown out.

Anonymous said...

You Go 10:05! AMEN

Anonymous said...

Hmm..last time I checked, your attorney shouldn't bully you. He should be trying to save your ass.

Anonymous said...

Who else, but her attorney, could Karen Irby trust for guidance? She certainly couldn't rely on her husband Stuart "I Cannot Recall Anything" Irby. This guidance from Holloman seems to have failed, or did it? Karen Irby is the only one in jail.

It seems obvious that Karen Irby was told by Holloman to plead guilty. That plea would not have been made without guidance from Holloman.
Perhaps she was told that it was in her best interest to rely on the mercy of the court rather than go to trial. She followed Holloman's advice and now she sits in prison.

At this time Karen Irby seeks to explain what transpired in her relationship with her former attorney that led her to her present circumstances. Who can fault that?

Anonymous said...

She must feel petrified and totally duped. Her attys literally took her down. How long does it usually take to make a decision on a motion such as this?

Also, when will the divorce papers come? How on earth are they still married?

Anonymous said...

who will attempt to clean up the mess if and when all this stuff that Bell is feeding her is proven to be baseless and wrong? does another attorney get to chare a big retainer and spin the wheel yet again? what about another one to fourth guess the third? will it ever end?

here's what will happen. Holloman at some point will swear he did not have Stuart's interest in mind and Stuart's attorneys will back him up on that. it will come out that Hollomon was being reassured that Stuart would fight being forced to testify. that cat is already out of the bag folks. her story about the fight in the car wasn't a viable defense for MURDER under any circumstances and in fact is further evidence of engaging in a depraved heart act; if she had gone to trial, she was on trial for murder, not culpable negligence and all the idiotic briefing about an intervening cause would have been laughed out of the courtroom.

geez, I wish I had the concession stand for this circus.

Anonymous said...

I would not be surprised to learn that some of that $25,000 in "PR" went to one of the local papers for a story about magnolia blossoms and romantic piano interludes.

Anonymous said...

it will come out that Hollomon was being reassured that Stuart would fight being forced to testify.

Holloman, representing Karen, filed a brief with the court that Stuart should not be forced to undergo an interview with the DA's office. How is that not a conflict of interest?

While representing Cynthia Cooper, but not divulged to Cooper until later after he had 'mined' her for information, Holloman was also representing some of the Worldcom accounting underlings and encouraged them to cut a plea deal with the Federales. Another conflict of interest.

Kingfish said...

Holloman's response to state's motion last August"

Anonymous said...

i've spoken with a number of criminal defense counselors who've privately expressed serious reservations about holloman's efforts on karen irby's behalf.

Anonymous said...

i've spoken with a number of criminal defense counselors who, like me, have over 20 years experience in criminal defense, and we all think Hollomon had a client that had no viable defense because the state was going to prove, beyond a reasonble doubt, that: 1. she was under the influence of alcohol; 2. that she was driving in an aberrant and reckless manner with respect to speed and control of the car. further, that he had a client that was not a sympathetic figure and in fact had an obnoxious public personna with little jury appeal. her litigation risk was sky high and gambling with a jury was a bad bet against a two life sentences. the best hope from a trial was to get the lesser included manslaughter instructions, which was not a sure thing, which still exposed her to 40 years [having to argue to the jury she is guilty of the manslaughter counts she probably gets convicted, duh], the same result as the plea deal but without the opportunity to plead for mercy, acceptance of responsibility, and to express remorse. BTW, she got to do all of that and had the victims' families on board for a two year sentence which I presume Mr. Hollomon had something to do with. and one more thing, it does appear that Hollomon was fully on board throwing Stuart under the bus with the victims' families in that regard, so how does that stack up with the outrageous accusations that he betrayed this client.

yes, I've known Hollomon for many years and consider myself on his side in this mess.

Anonymous said...

10:36 You forget that before the plea deals Hollomon encouraged Yates, Vinson & Normand to spill their guts to the federal prosecutors without the protection of any written agreements whatsoever beforehand. Instead of being seen as witnesses Yates got indicted. Vinson & Normand were named as co-conspirators and also got nicked on federal charges.

Melvin Belli said...

Appeals to authority, for instance that one has 20 years experience in a certain field, are meaningless unless you identify yourself. In this anonymous environment anybody can write anything.

Anonymous said...

Obviously 11:14 Karen's "obnoxious public personna with little jury appeal" should not keep her from getting a fair trial. Do you reject all potential clients based on their jury appeal?

The details should be brought out!
If Stuart is involved he should be punished also.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that 11:14 has seen the results from one of Hollomon's focus groups? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the observation Mr. Belli.


Made my day.

Anonymous said...

11:38 you don't reject or accept clients because they have a bad image. you form strategy based on that perception and a multitude of other factors.

don't be naive. you voir dire a jury panel on all factors, but in the end you get 12 persons and some alternates that are human. if your client has factors that most reasonable people will take as negative, you can't erase that magically with some instruction from the judge. "fair trial" is a term with a variety of components which you and many others apparently think means "perfect trial" which is completely wrong. no one is guaranteed a perfect trial.

Melvin Belli is dead, so buddy, you're just as anonymous as I am or either you're arisen. the obvious point is that the previous post claiming to have talked with the unknown counselors that think Hollomon was ineffective was a cheap shot; my post, although true with respect to my life experience, was to illustrate that others have differing opinions.

Melvin Belli my ass.

Anonymous said...

The attorney's invoice states:

"State of Mississippi v Karen Irby, et al."

et al.? What others?

Anonymous said...

This will surely never end! Until someone has a book deal.

Anonymous said...

Seemingly there are legal issues in this case...one thing does stand clear....Mrs. Irby did not step up to the plate and say "NO" to getting behind the wheel of a car when she had been drinking. No matter what took place during the drive down Old Canton in that automobile...She had the keys, got in, started the engine and drove. Question: She only had two (2) glasses of wine as she stated, and was aware of the volatility of her husband... why did she choose to get in a car with him in the first place? Why did she choose to drive him home? She most certainly has a large responsibility in the death of two human beings. Her choice was made in the JCC parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Farese has to be furious, KI is costing him a fortune. She's taking shots at everyone. Wells is a genius. Stuart will pay NOTHING. She's chapped off anyone in a position to help her and fabricated the "hair-pulling" story as a hail-mary in attempts to work with the victims families to implicate Stuart to get more money in exchange for them speaking on her behalf and asking for a more lenient sentence. Only Green is such a huge idiot she wanted to put herself on stage instead of playing ball. This is one of the most masterful handlings by a family attorney in history. She was assisted at first, but when she started to change her story she fell for every single pit-fall. Pure genius.

Anonymous said...

How do we know Karen Irby isn't telling the truth about Stuart attacking her in the car while she was driving? She crossed three lanes without braking. Something was going on in the car. What if the woman is telling the truth, and her lawyer because of the Irbys did next to nothing to help her defend herself? Come on folks, it's obvious something is not right about all this.

Anonymous said...

11:54, I am also in the legal field and you are correct that KI was not a sympathetic client. Whether people like to believe it or not, jurors say they don't have any bias but they do. Juries don't like wealthy people, especially those who don't have the best public persona to start, i.e. Karen Irby. If I were in her shoes, I would have taken my chances on a bench trial too.

Enough inthe Gulf said...

1:24, I couldn't agree more. She made some very, very poor choices, and she must be held responsible. Is there evidence Stuart twisted her arm and forced her to drive? If he's violent and prone to going off without warning, why subject her children and herself to that?

To me, this latest legal action she's taken really makes her look more like the kind of person who would make such a poor decision as to have driven that night. She should have gotten her story straight to begin with and stuck with it.

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that the Irby family may not have been out of pocket any money for legal fees. I'm confident they are well insured, and the cost of defense is included in automobile insurance. So it is very likely some insurance company was involved in this one.

Anonymous said...

Egad! Doesn't anyone have anything NEW to add to the Karen/Stuart Irby saga?

This same old rehashing, blaming, finger-pointing idiocy has been beaten to death. Some support Karen Irby, Some support Stuart Irby. Some blame the wife while some blame the husband. Some blame both.
After stating the same thing over and over ad nauseam your words become nothing more than a yawn.

Let's please give it a rest and see if this latest effort has any merit. Then, continue with new opinions on that, whatever that may be.
...and please, do not use the hackneyed phrase "If you don't like the posts, don't read them."
That is so juvenile.
There! Got that off my chest! Whew!

Anonymous said...

4:05 and 4:06
nonsense. autombile insurance doesn't cover criminal defense fees. where did you get a hair brained idea like that? from Melvin Belli?

Anonymous said...

If KI had gone to trial, people could have come out of the woodwork telling the stories about her crazy public outburst, being kicked out of restaurants, attacking people, being asked to leave people's homes because of her behavior. Holloman probably heard all the stories and advised her correctly.

It is rather hard to change your story with all the witnesses at the scene who were there while they were cutting her out of the DRIVER'S SEAT. Along with the BAC that could be argued to have been higher if it had been taken on arrival at the hospital. I heard they probably did take it so they would know what was in her system so that they could treat her.

If you saw the video from the CCJ you would have seen her holdingSI hand as they walked out and then her taking the keys.
Case closed.

KaptKangaroo said...

Based on comments, I do believe that the Karen Irby saga has "jumped the shark."

And, it is nice to see some anonymous criminal attorneys share their opinions. I want to give a big ole' thank ya' from the Kapt.


Anonymous said...

Just an outside observation! I too have serious reservations about Holloman's efforts on KI's behalf. Has it not been said, "we all knew KI would be thrown under the bus", and is this not what happened? Was this the plan all along? C'mon people, it's not as if a Mississippi attorney, even a judge, has never taken a bribe before. We all know of the wreck, we all knew who were involved & what the stakes are. Just as the "police investigation" was purposely shoddy, so may have been the representation. Nothing will take from KI knowingly making the decision to drive that night, and Mac has seen to the "investigation & reconstruction"(ha), so why is it too much to ask for honest representation? I am not a KI supporter, for I feel she must pay for her own actions, but in turn don't feel she should be sitting in jail alone. The truth concerning this wreck & inexcusable police investigation should be revealed, with indictments & sentencing to come for those who played a role. How convenient for a police chief to blunder this investigation.

Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

Time to play Devils' Advocate. Special K's past, her antics, real or imagined, should have nothing to do with her guilt or how she is treated by her lawyer or the criminal justice system.

Unless evidence is shown otherwise, I think she should be in jail. period. BUT I also think she deserved fair representation as every American does: the chance to take a swing at what is presented against you in court. That is the question being raised in these motions and by others: did she really get that chance.

In case you missed it, I said unless shown otherwise, I think she should be in jail. Everyone got it? ;-)

Anonymous said...

KF, every convict in the pen can throw up meaningless allegations just like this and not get any attention whatsoever and shouldn't. So in the interest of fairness, who don't you start reviewing all the PCR matters that get filed in Hinds, Madison, and Rankin counties from people just like Karen? It would take you just a few days to realize that most of them are the same old tired complaints that are endlessly recycled, taking up once handsome pine trees and time of the attorneys and the judges.

Anonymous said...

Remove 4:10 if you want it to stop. Your choice.

Kingfish said...

You do not blackmail me. Period. You have a problem, send me an email.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If these allegations can be proven, Karen Irby has a strong IAC claim. But if she succeeds in setting aside her plea, isn't she risking life sentences? Wouldn't that invalidate her bargain with the State and it would be free to charge her with depraved heart murder again?

Anonymous said...
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Rebekah said...

Ok....Why is this anon person posting the same thing over and over again. The only thing juvenile is using repititous dialogue to prove a point...and using unnecessary foul language. I think you can post your opinion withOUT using the f word. The f word should be saved for bad drivers and for thugs who catcall and make derogatory remarks to you as you exit your vehicle.

But, I do agree with mostly everyone on being tired of hearing about this...It is very tiring. Do I feel sorry for her? Yes I do. But, dragging this out is just exhausting. Perhaps if I were in her prada heels, I would be doing the same...I honestly don't think she has much defense. You can't plea guilty and then say "Oh, just kiddin..." This is an extremely high profile case, but either way no one wins. 2 people are still dead. And, if she were to get out earlier (big if there....I hate "if" statements) the public will ridicule her. There is no way she would be able to show her face again. I think she deserves to be there. There is never going to be any evidence about Stuart's involvement. She needs to just accept her fate and deal with it...and serve her time for killing 2 people. Let this be a lesson to not drink and drive and to DEFINITELY not drive like a bat out of hell. Also, if your spouse is abusing you- get the hell out of there. Nothing good will ever come out of being in an abusive relationship- someone will end up dead...in this case, 2 people. Money is NOT the most important thing in life- just look what it cost her.

Anonymous said...

KF did you receive any renumeration for carrying this story? PR was brought up and it is a fair question.

KaptKangaroo said...

Pumpchick you rule....


now I'm posting mobile

Kingfish said...

Yeah, I paid myself.

Anonymous said...

It's looking like attorney would buy simple public opinion, I mean with 77k hits you got swagger or at least a valid n sample.

KaptKangaroo said...

Can anyone publish any statement since Sheriff Mac hired a PR firm? Interesting. Het KF, they are on record as spokesperson, think they want to give a statement?

Anonymous said...

PR consultants cannot help the images taken of Mac personally escorting Karen away from the sentencing hearing. Such odd actions Mac made, seemingly biased in my opinion. Especially, when campaign donations and the entire "investigation" come into play.

How many other times has this happened? Escorting a felon? One can assume, political consultants have a copy of his JFP interview.

And for the record, I made the mistake of voting for him twice.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

KI got duped. the only witness capable of contradicting her was on the record claiming no memory. yet her lawyer insisted she keep those facts to herself. she got strong armed to not just plead guilty, but to plead OPEN. what a joke. you don't need a lawyer to plead open. you just walk in and say "i did it. please have mercy on me."

i enjoy how folks are on here stroking "mr. joe" (ha) and cal wells' as geniuses, but they are not. far from it. this whole story changes if KI had someone in court looking out for her and her alone. if you call unethical tactics 'genius.' then you are probably huge fans of scruggs and delaughter. they got theirs the same way.

if it can happen to anyone, it can happen to you.

Anonymous said...

Where is my violin?

Poor Karen started telling Holloman in August that Stuart was beating her up in the car and he ignored her and wouldn't listen. And she was so upset about the fight in the car and her attorney yelling at her, that she continued to live in Eastover with Stuart paying all the bills - hoping and praying that the money would overpower justice and she could live happily ever after with lots of money in a miserable, unhappy marriage.

How long was Bernie Ebbers in jail before Christie could file for divorce based on abandonment? I think it was around 60 days ... I bet Stuart has those papers ready to file when the day hits 60!

KaptKangaroo said...

So 9:04pm you are willing to do the time for KI? Go ahead and give of yourself and do her time. If not, have you volunteered at the prison?

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry your parents let you snack on paint chips and suck on the cars tailpipe. That's the only way i can think of that made you so plain stupid.

5 years enough... for taking the lives of 2 people, who actually contributed to the betterment of society...

wow, the extent of your stupidity is astonishing

lizb said...

Want a different look at this case? Get outside the box for just a minute. All anyone is talking about is Karen and Stuart and where they are now. If the victims were Christian (and in looking at their families, they most likely were) and are in Heaven now, do you REALLY think THEY have actually given this a second thought? They are probably glad to be where they are instead of where we all are. Karen will have to face her Heavenly Father one day, as well as Stuart, Holloman and everyone else. Each responsible party will be held to the the ultimate accountability.

BTW, Holloman did lead her to beleive that she would "be ok". And all of the judgemental a$$holes who question her decision to stay with him...assuming it was for the money...apparantly have never been in an abusive relationship nor in a relationship with a person with a KNOWN bipolar disorder as Stuart has. HELLO...and yes, there are medical records and treatment facilities to support the fact. Prior to the accident, he would choose not take his medication because he wanted to drink instead and wasn't "supposed" to drink while on his meds. Come on, give me a flippin break!!
I'm not saying KI has no responsibility in this because obviously she does. All I'm saying is #1 she didn't get a fair shot; #2 she should NOT be the ONLY one to pay and #3 Hollomans ethics should definately come into question.

Anonymous said...

lizb... who are you to say that she didn't get a fair shot? She chose to forgo her trial and accept a guilty plea?! And questioning Holloman's ethics? On what grounds? His crybaby client got more time that she wanted, so now she is trying to blame yet another person besides herself? You have got to be kidding me that you believe her!

Anonymous said...

11:28. Good for you. Of course Karen didn't get a fair shot with the Irbys doing whatever it took to protect Stuart.

Everyone needs to think about this. What if Karen Irby is telling the truth about Stuart attacking her in the car? All you lawyers.. Aren't you supposed to do all you can to protect your clients? Do you really think Karen Irby's lawyer did this and earned the $600,000+ Stuart Irby paid him? Of course it didn't. He didn't even come close to helping Karen Irby, and he never intended to either.

Anonymous said...

12:03 good for you. I agree. How can any of you not see through KI's simple minded last minute attempts to get out of jail? She is obviously unhappy with her sentencing, so now she is trying to blame her attorney? Come on! She is just like any other convicted felon that got jail time.. once they get it, they all of the sudden are unhappy with their counsel? Obviously most of you have no experience in the legal field at all, if you can't see through this juvenile attempt of playing the blame game!

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying what if Karen Irby is telling the truth? We really don't know do we?

Hey Joe said...

Since you are reading. Need to borrow my truck? 3/4 ton. Long bed. This afternoon or any afternoon next week. If you have nothing to hide then turn over the files. ASAP. It looks fishy Joe.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Karen Irby took her lawyers advice and pleaded guilty , hoping that the victims families urging for leniency (minimum sentence) was a great shot. She rolled the dice and
it came up horrible and now she wants to re-play the game because she didn't like the outcome.

I wonder if she gets to withdraw the plea and she goes to trial and they find her guilty of murder , will she then say she would rather have the guilty plea sentencing re-instated.

Obviously , the courts dont operate that way. But, she might , in time, get her opportunity for a trial.

Anonymous said...

If staying with SI were the ONLY bad decision KI made she might could blame it on short sightedness. BUT... KI has made decisions all her life with the sole aim of making HER life more pleasant by HER standards. Money, Parties, Social standing, clothes, etc were ALL more important to her than her child/children. That is very clear in all of her choices. I feel sorry for her that she felt she had to have someone to take care of her and that she couldn't do it herself but that's as far as it goes. I lived with a Bi-polar for 14 years. I KNOW exactly how they operate as far as not taking meds, split second mood swings with no advance warning. The ONLY reason I did not take my 1 child and run was that I had 2 step sons who were very small also and did not have a prayer in Hell without me. So, I had no choice. I had to stay until I could get custody. SHE had a choice. She had no step children to protect. There was absolutely zero reason for her to stay other than her selfishness. She knew how he was before she set her sights on him but all she saw was $ and the easy life or so she thought. When you make the decision to marry for that reason you surely know you do not gain without giving up. She could have left at any time and the fact that she stayed AFTER he abused her daughter.. well that takes away any smidgeon of sympathy I could ever have for her. That child had nobody but her in that house and she threw her to the wolves for money, social standing, and clothes. In my opinion, KI is a shell of a human being with no empathy for her own blood child so therefore, she deserves none from anyone else. KI deserves to wear orange for the rest of her natural life for what she did to her own child, much less those two doctors. I couldn't leave 2 small boys in that mess who I shared not one ounce of blood with and she couldn't even give up her preceived good life to protect her own blood... Unacceptable in any form. I also believe that SI is a pitiful excuse for a man and should be right along side her but she fell for it, thinking all along he would take care of her. Stupid, stupid wench is all I can say.

Anonymous said...

BUT... KI has made decisions all her life with the sole aim of making HER life more pleasant by HER standards. Money, Parties, Social standing, clothes, etc were ALL more important to her than her child/children.

How do you know?

KI deserves to wear orange for the rest of her natural life ... Stupid, stupid wench is all I can say.

Oh, there is more to your diatribe about choices than you've let on. Like hatred.

Anonymous said...

9:39 I would agree with everything you say. It sounds like you characterized her , as an individual and as in a married relationship. From what I know, I think she was probably a very demanding person, demanding those things that you suggests drives her. Not excusing Stuart's presumed behavior, but I doubt he could ever really control the relationship either.

Let's all agree that the ones who deserve our sympathy and prayers are the children and of course, the victims and their families.

Anonymous said...

Do you know Karen 10:01?

Anonymous said...

After reading all the materials filed in this latest effort...

1. It appeared to me JH was prepared to go to trial. Many motions were made last minute. I don't buy IAC.
2. On the subject of conflict of interest, I ask myself, would I pay attention to every detail if I were facing murder charges? Hell yes I would. Would I be asking a ton, a million questions? Absolutely. Not knowing a conflict existed is just like her bringing up the assault in the car. Everything is POST plea.
3. If JH was having conference calls with Stuart's attorneys, I could buy collusion, but that is a strong accusation and if it was exposed A LOT of attorneys in this thing could face consequences. I do not know if I buy all of them putting their livelihoods on the line.

I'm sure there is more, but I want to think a little bit more about it.

Anonymous said...

who is Carl Ray Furr?

Anonymous said...

9:55, I do not hate KI. I hate any action that does not protect children, mine or yours. How all KI's sappy friends can get beyond that is so far out of a normal thought process that I ignore them. I wonder sometimes if those who defend her are just so darned relieved THEY didn't get caught drunk driving and they feel the 'it could have been me on so many nights and I'm not a bad person' that they don't see the forest for the trees. I hate she killed two innocent people but the fact remains she did. But, I lost all respect for her as a mother way before that so I was not shocked at the latest selfish act. I actually can't think of anybody that I truly hate but I can think of a whole lot of actions that I do, with not protecting children, no matter your reasoning, at the top of that list. Now, if you are the type person who can overlook that, so be it.

Anonymous said...

9:55, I do not hate KI.

Then why refer to her a 'wench'.

Webster defines wench:

Pronunciation: \ˈwench\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English wenche, short for wenchel child, from Old English wencel; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter, waver and probably to Old High German winchan to stagger — more at wink
Date: 14th century

1 a : a young woman : girl b : a female servant
2 : a lewd woman : prostitute

Do you know Karen? Have you met her? Do you know enough to call her a prostitute or do you see her as Stuart's servant?

Anonymous said...

who is Carl Ray Furr?

A Two Lakes conspiracy figure?

Kingfish said...

Squaw, gettum firewood.

Anonymous said...

Heard a great pastor once say if we don't deal with our sin (privately) God will deal with us publicly.God help us all with our sin problems. Addiction, greed, lack of self-control, dishonesty, selfishness etc...

KaptKangaroo said...

Now why did you have to bring God into this? You yourself quoted "prvivately."

Anonymous said...

actually he/she quoted "privately".

Anonymous said...

@10:59 Just because a "great pastor" said it doesn't make it so. The only thing that matters is if the Bible says it. Now, does the Bible say that? I don't know, don't claim to know and am not going to spend the time to look it up.

Anonymous said...

Somebody tell 10:29 that baffling with BS does nothing to increase the appearence of intelligence. Wench is as Wench does. When you do the things she does for financial gain... oh well, nevermind you are a lost cause so I give up. But, that was a good try at throwing the attention off of the lack of concern for her children. Smoke and mirrors... Bottom line is she did not protect her child. I hate the thought that a little girl knows her mother did not have her back. I hope she gets the help she will need when she gets older and realizes her mother traded her for whatever it is KI thought she got from SI. When children are abused in any form and the parent, especially their mother, doesn't drop everything and defend/protect them they then think it must have been their fault somehow. Has that not entered some people's mind in this whole thing? That baby will eventually have a baby of her own and remember this. Hopefully she will not be missing the mommy gene for her own children and pass this down. And if she is not, she will be horrified at her mother's actions.

Anonymous said...

He dealt with David and Bathsheba publicly and several other examples. Even when we do things in secret God knows.

Anonymous said...

Wench is as Wench does. When you do the things she does for financial gain...

Thanks for confirming 11:56 that you don't know Karen. Your uberconcern for her children is feigned, at best. Alluding that Karen is a whore does nothing to increase the appearance of YOUR intelligence.

Anonymous said...

And once again, the Karenites ignore the children and focus solely on KI..... You don't know her quit calling her names..Boo Hoo. Nevermind those kids, their too little to even know.. Yeah, right. Anyone can follow KI's footsteps for years now just thru legal channels alone. Also, before anyone thinks I'm an SI fan, he's no better than KI, but he does have a mental disorder to blame it on (not that it is an excuse to me), and he didn't carry either one of those children for 9 months, what's her excuse? Oh yeah, I forgot.. 'I'm too stupid to have known to get my own council and tell the truth and the whole truth the first go round'. God Bless her.. All she had to do was read this blog if her own common sense didn't tell her to get her own. Most everybody on here, including myself, posted she should get her own. You know, I got an Asian Chicken Salad for lunch but now that I've gotten it back to work, opened it up, ate a few bites to see what it is like I don't like it... Wonder why I couldn't go back thru that drive thru and tell them I've changed my mind now that I know what this one's like and now I want to bring it back and get a do over?

Anonymous said...

Where were you before the accident 12:43 PM? You harp on all of these pre-accident failings of KI that are, ostensibly, damaging her children then and now. Since you have such an intimate knowledge of her life with SI what did you do to intervene on behalf of the children?

Anonymous said...

Too Good 12:43- maybe all that Botox and Collagen Lip Injections went straight to her brain!!! Don't forget the boob implants! yeah- she was really looking out for somebody! HERSELF!!!

Anonymous said...

KF note: weak. He may not have told her but I’m sure something like thatdid cross her mind.)

Excuse me, sinister KF but she was paying the lawyer for legal advice. She is not a lawyer and it was his duty to pursue every avenue for her defense. She is a victim of a very bad lawyer and you're blaming her??? Sicko!

I hope you get the same lawyer when you need one.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried to tell someone as self centered as KI anything? They can justify anything THEY want at the moment. Of course like now, they sometimes regret it, when they have to pay the piper. She has been told many, many times over the years. I personally cannot be close with someone of that mentality. The question begs, where were the Karenites? The only too obvious answer to that is that they were in line for botox with her and saw nothing wrong with her actions, decision, choices. That's why they defend her so now I guess. Guilt. There is a whole generation being raised by parents who would rather do their own thing than put the time in raising their kids. Some rich, some poor. Money is not the factor. Not all KI's friends agreed with her choices, heck I don't agree with all my friends choices but I am able to see a problem and bring it to their attention. Where were the Karenites when she needed her own attorney? Are they lemmings? They make idiots of themselves defending the undefendable now, where were they when she needed someone to jap slap her back to reality? If I were them I'd feel guilt alright, guilt that I didn't explain to her the need for her own attorney, no matter how slowly I'd have had to speak...

Anonymous said...

1:22, you are so ignorant. "She is a VICTIM of a bad lawyer.." You are a victim of stupidity. That is exactly what she wants you to see her as, the VICTIM. Who do you think got the charge changed from Depraved Heart Murder? You think she did that? Who do you think got the victim's family to meet with her and show sympathy and ask for leniency for her? They said it themselves in court that JH did that. All of you are just acting like none of that even happened. You really need to step back and look at what you are saying. And if KF or anyone else for that matter chose him as their attorney, they would have a good representation. And if KF is a "sicko" for saying that, then you really need to get out more or find some new friends besides KI.

Anonymous said...

1:23 do you know Karen?

Kingfish said...

Holloman didn't get the charge changed. The DA did because if he hadn't changed it, Karen would've gotten off as at 70 mph, it was not a depraved heart murder case.

Anonymous said...

Look KI pursued SI for his money. He wasn't going to marry her so she got preg. He didn't marry her until a month or so before the baby was born. Why is that? Because he didn't want to. She chased he around and left the little girl where she could. So she has the little boy and what a convenience, you have nanny to care for the child so you can go do what you want. If you talk to anyone in this town and mention her name, the first response is "She is crazy". Where would that come from. Maybe someone she attacked. Maybe someone she dated. Maybe someone who tossed her from their home or restaurant.

He best friend was Jana Bell whose husband so wonderfully is NOW helping her. What about while all this was going on? Where was this concern for her back then.

She killed two people and was behind the wheel of the car when the medics showed up. She was DRIVING and she plead guilty.

Also, the word is that when the alleged abuse was perpetuated on the daughter by Stuart, Karen asked him to go straighten her out because she could do anything with her. Who is to say that Karen wasn't the one who spanked her and left the bruises? I was spanked when I was a kid and it wasn't called child abuse then. That is what is wrong with kids today. No discipline. Spare the rod spoil the child. She sounds like she is just like her mother anyway. She sure looks just like her.

Karen loved saying she was Karen Irby and loved spending her allowance and loved living in Eastover and loved going to events that Stuart paid for. She knew he was sick when she married him and she probably could have walked away with all of her pre-nup money and more if he was abusing her. I don't believe a word she says and her late accusations only proves she has no character nor smarts. She has a house in Madison that she could have moved to and none of this would have happened. God knows all of KI pass and all she did to others before she become the saint that all of her friends try to make her out to be. She hurt others and never asked for forgiveness from any of the people in her long line of abuses. Now, God has taken her out and maybe she will get jail house religion and truly feel remorse for what she not only did to the Drs. but to the others who know her the best - her other victims.

Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

Bellesouth, get lost.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Does anybody know where the child is, and who is taking care of her? I don't know anything about the Irby family except what I have read here and seen on local TV stations. But the more I've read this afternoon, the more concerned I am for the child. The adults made their choices; so be it. But what about the child during all of this fiasco?

Kingfish said...

Because Bellesouth, you don't engage in discussions or debates, you troll. You come here with the intention of starting fights and throwing trash all over the place. I stand by what I wrote, you can question it but Holloman had nothing to do with the charges being reduced and I defy anyone to show me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

3:24 do you know Karen?

Anonymous said...

I know, I know, I know. I know Karen got pregnant, and Stuart had to marry her. I know she was after the good life and money when she married Stuart. I know she doesn't have a great reputation. I know she stayed with Stuart when she should have long left him for beating her and her child. I know and have read it all about Karen. However, none of this is any proof she is lying about Stuart attacking her in the car that night. None....zip. What if Karen is telling the truth, and her lawyer truly did nothing to help her prove it?

Anonymous said...

Maybe I've been lead wrong all my life but I've always worked under the assumption that when you have an attorney you tell him the complete, full, nothing held back truth. I don't think an attorney likes it when they get to court and find out you've held back and/or lied by ommission. Maybe she did tell him but that goes right back to he was PAID by SI, she SHOULDA HAD HER OWN! I do not doubt for a second she is telling the truth about SI. He's pond scum, they both are. But he is the smarter pond scum of the two apparently. If you think for one nano second that I'd have stood up in that court room and plead guilty without screaming from the rafters that he was attacking me, your nuts. There again, I'd have never even went out with him much less married him. So, there ya go.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

5:09 OMG. Yes, 3:24 comments are interesting, but there's nothing new in them that hasn't been posted before. You can be sure 3:24is a close friend of the Irbys.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

** YAWN **

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

Leave the family members out of it. They are not the issue here.

Anonymous said...

As a close friend of Jana Bell, why are you bringing her into this? I know they have known each other a long time, but I wouldn't call them best friends. I do know she was concerned about her. You make it sound like being a friend is a bad thing.

KaptKangaroo said...

Geez...some people are desperate in their attempts to cast stones inside that glass house....

Anonymous said...

So is Shoegirl a family member?

Anonymous said...

Sorry you removed my post about KI's mother, but was only trying to let someone know how ugly that was to even say that. You are right, leave the family members out of this. I knew her Mother and her Father.

KaptKangaroo said...

So 8:16 PM, you are trying to start what? Your incessant attempt comments about "who are you" leaves me wondering......click my name for more....

Anonymous said...

June 10, 2010 4:31 PM

Maybe she did tell him but that goes right back to he was PAID by SI, she SHOULDA HAD HER OWN! I do not doubt for a second she is telling the truth about SI.

You know what? You are right. She should have demanded her own attorney from the outset. However, she chose, READ, CHOSE this one as HER OWN. If I read the statutes correctly in the state of MS, marital property is just that, JOINT marital property. She married it, she's got the resources. The fact she's not of the class of knowing how to manage money in a tight situation only leads one to believe, she's a redneck.

Something missed by a lot of the MADison folks is the letter written by her ex-husband. They also fail to share the truth about what KI did to him once she landed Stuart. This guy is a stand up gentleman. He might drink a few too many beers once in a while, but... In KI's eyes, money has its privileges.

I'd take being poor over being in jail any day!

So, try again sweetie....

Anonymous said...

May be a dumb question, but KI didn't work so who else would pay the attorney? Wouldn't it be the same person who pays for everything else, your husband? So how is that a conflict? And on that note, who is paying for her new attorney? It can't be her, she has no income.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

8:43. You are assuming to much. How do you know Karen Irby chose Joe H.? Were you there? I didn't think so. He could have been chosen for her and probably was.

Also, do you really think Karen Irby could have put her hands on $600,000+ of Stuart Irby's money to pay a lawyer of her own chosing? Of course not.

Finally I did read her ex-husband's two page typed letter to the judge. Yes, her ex-husband took the time to write a very nice, thoughtful letter to help the Mother of his child, and Stuart Irby wrote two short lines on a memo pad and didn't even show up in court to support her.

Anonymous said...

As You SOW..So Shall You REAP!!!! or in KI's case- WEEP!!!

Anonymous said...

1:09AM. You basically made my argument. Yes Stuart paid. So what? I thought that is what husband and wives do. Also, by not speaking up and saying otherwise, Karen chose Joe. Stick to praying for Karen.

Anonymous said...

** YAWN **

Anonymous said...

Umm 8:43, We are in agreement. Maybe you didn't get the jest of my total post or the ones before this one but, the 'try again Sweetie' was kinda off the mark there my friend. Read the post in full. KI could have demanded her own att and SI would have had to pay for it. Once again KI took the easy way out and blindly followed anyone leading. I've heard (no first hand knowledge) of how KI did her first hubby and as I stated in the rest of that post you must have missed, she is pond scum. So is SI. He just outsmarted her. She fell for it. Too bad, so sad. I doubt she will get anywhere with this latest outcry other than making herself took totally simple minded, but it is the ole blame everyone but me attitude so much in vogue these dasy...

Anonymous said...

I am curious as to whether this "new defense" has any merit. The "intervening act" defense seems to apply in only civil cases. The two cases cited by Bell are two civl cases, not criminal. Any of the criminal defense attorneys in here have thoughts on whether this is a meritorious defense in a criminal proceeding?

Anonymous said...

If that is the case, I am a poor reader. So that aside, the most salient point is that "blame everyone but me attitude" comment. It is a shame that no one owns up to their mistakes. It is easier to place blame somewhere else. Karen is doing just that; and here I thought she was owning up originally with her guilty plea. Obviously the MADisonites convinced her, "you are a victim in all of this." Bullshit.

Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

All right, leave her first husband alone. He's a cool guy: he has two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. He is now officially off-limits.

Anonymous said...

I believe the topic of this story is being overlooked. Did KI get fair counsel and/or was the counsel influenced by SI in any way? It's hard to believe it was not. It's also not hard to believe that counsel does not reveal everything in detail to their clients. Not found an attorney yet that likes to "talk" to their clients. Just look at the bar complaints that KF posts. I believe the policy is, "don't call me, I'll call you."

Anonymous said...

1:38, You are correct. However, I do believe this has proven she would not have fared well with a jury trial and her public preception is the pitts. Joe may not have been had HER best interest at heart in all things but it was a safe bet not to go to trial. She'd have gotten a lot more time I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Once again Karen made a choice to stay with SI after she says he beat her up in the car which claimed the lives of two people.

She made a choice to with hold very important info from the investigation that her husband caused the accident. She made a choice to utilize his money and his counsel that he retained for her.

There comes a point where you have to look at all this and agree that her excuses are insane! There seems to be a problem with her frontal lobe....the part of the brain where decisions are made, judgement and reasoning are made.

She is making herself look like an idiot after all these stories are coming out now. We've seen SI bi-polar papers but WE HAVE YET to see KI mental evaluation.

I wonder if all the non-profits will continue to accept donations from SI now that many of the people who are against him, but support special K, serve on the non-profit boards...Geez, I'm glad I don't live in Jackson anymore. Some of you people are unbelievable....

KAREN IS exactly where she needs to be for her choices and her actions....And, we will never know what is true or not, b/c Karen stories changes daily.

She sounds like a complete nut in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

** YAWN **



Anonymous said...

Everyone of us has an opinion, but at the end of the day, "karma" is the only bitch that any of us needs to be worried about. So I'll keep my mouth closed and my opinion to myself about any and all parties discussed here. I don't want "karma" laying her teeth marks on my butt.

Anonymous said...

I am stunned by the billing...way to milk a client! The " war room" charges and the PR are just incredible...current clients should flee in droves if they have ANY sense whatsoever!
Here's a suggestion...pick your attorney based on his success rate and his recognition in the legal community, not his social credentials! The "best and brighest" don't have to resort to such practices!

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you hear OJ Simpson is filing again to have his sentence revoked or reheard or something.

Does anyone see any similarities here? Neither one of them are guilty, right?

These two people have so much in common and one being they are both Sociopaths. Never do any thing wrong, manipulate situations for their own personal gain. Declare their innocence even though the evidence stacks up against them.

Both of these people are wasting the tax payers money.

It is like the line in Shawshank Redemption - "Everyone in jail is innocent".

There are two people dead. Do you time and shut up. And that goes for you to OJ!

Anonymous said...

This same attorney was obviously not too successful in the Threatt case.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Chris Hansen in town lately?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that Karen responded "plenty" to the EMT's question of "Have you had any alcohol this evening?". This was minutes after the crash.

I agree w/ 4:42's comments above.

Anonymous said...

Dateline NBC...............

Tim said...

"Anonymous" you have a serious problem need to get help. First, your anonymous which speaks volumes -- afraid to put your name behind your ramblings. Second, you have posted for almost three days straight on one subject and with little sleep. GO SEE A DOCTOR please.

Anonymous said...

Anything you say ... 'Tim'.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS