Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More on Soto

Apparently my post about former Ridgeland police officer Daniel Soto has stirred up quite a bit of emotion and interest. Several people have come forward with stories of mistreatment by the MADD Officer of the Year. I spoke to one lady today who told me in chilling detail her story.

A lady we will call Sue was leaving Amerigo's one evening during the week. She crossed County Line Road and was pulled over in Jackson by Mr. Soto. He claimed she was driving recklessly and asked if she'd been drinking. She said no and explained because of her medical condition, she doesn't drink, but it didn't matter. He told her to blow in the machine. There is just one problem. This lady suffers from a lung disease, is on disability, and has between 30-40% lung capacity. Guess what? She CAN'T blow into the machine. She tried to explain that to the officer, showed him her inhalers, inform him of her condition, didn't matter. He told her he didn't believe her and many people were good liars when pulled over. She tried to blow, didn't even register. So he arrested her and had her car towed. Did I mention she is in her 60's? Didn't matter.

So she is taken to the jail. They try to give her the test again at the jail but once again, she is simply unable to blow hard enough into the machine. She has an attack while in the jail, can't breathe, cop runs up and asks her what is wrong, she somehow tells him, he runs and finds her purse with all of her meds in it, and she finally gets her inhaler and is able to breathe. David Moore, of course, showed up to bail her out of jail. She comes to court with her medical records, several files of them, doesn't matter. Judge says he will reduce her fine to $200 but says in open court he never goes against the police officers. Nice. Such an impartial criminal justice system we have in Ridgeland. She appeals to County Court and her case is dismissed because Officer Soto moved.

This is what passes for law enforcement in Ridgeland. Rambo wannabes who like to deck out in SWAT team gear, show off their drinking prowess on Facebook, and act like Billy Badass to mature ladies who can't breathe or citizens like Charles Whitfield who didn't break the law. This lady was humiliated, forced to suffer physical pain, and spent money she simply didn't have. Meanwhile Officer Soto is allowed to resign, moves to another state, and hooks up with another police department where he can terrorize more citizens. Justice in Ridgeland. Have to love it.


Anonymous said...

Citizens of Ridgeland, find someone to run against Gene McGee. You obviously need a new police chief, and apparently you will need to get a new mayor to make that happen.

Anonymous said...

what happened in Chicago.

"A Chicago police officer once honored for arresting more drunk drivers than any other Illinois officer faces felony charges for allegedly filing a bogus police report on one of his arrests, the Sun-Times is reporting."Haleas was honored three times by the Schaumburg-based Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists as the police officer with the most DUI busts in Illinois. But last October, the state's attorney's office dropped about 50 DUI cases in which Haleas had been the arresting officer -- and said as many as 500 cases could be in jeopardy."

"According to the indictment, Haleas falsely reported that Beck failed a field sobriety test. Haleas allegedly wrote false traffic citations, the indictment states, and lied about Beck taking the "one leg stand" test, the "walk and turn" test, and the finger-to-nose test. In fact, Haleas "did not administer any field sobriety tests," the indictment states.

Haleas also lied about keeping Beck under observation for 20 minutes, according to the indictment."

Anonymous said...

And how that turned out in Chicago:

Case dismissed due to the file was lost by the state's attorney's office!

"At Haleas' arraignment a month after his arrest, prosecutors detailed a Northwest Side traffic stop that led to criminal charges against Chicago's top DUI cop and the dismissal of 156 of his previous DUI arrests by the Cook County state's attorney.

Haleas made 718 arrests in 2005 and 2006 and was the primary witness in hundreds of DUI cases, garnering for himself a "Top Cop" honor from the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists for having more DUI arrests than any other officer in the state.

At that arraignment hearing, prosecutors said that Haleas, with two fellow officers and two young prosecutors looking on, ignored critical steps in making a legitimate drunken driving arrest in April 2005.

According to prosecutors, Haleas didn't bother to perform a field sobriety test and lied in his reports, claiming he had followed procedures.

The prosecutors were riding with Haleas the night of the arrest as part of their training."

Anonymous said...

Thats a broad brush stroke that sweeps all the police, courts, mayor and god know who else in one stroke. I agree the lady in that case was wronged but....

stilettoGOP said...

Poor lady.

I don't think Rambo's are exclusive to just RPD, though. I know I get stopped ALL the time in Jackson for the stupidest stuff. We're talking, stupid.

"Rolling through" a stop sign in a completely empty Target parking lot. Going "almost" 42 on Ridgewood. And my recent fav, followed me all the way to my DRIVEWAY the other morning because he "thought" my tag was expired, it wasn't.

not going to bore with all the other stories, but just know the stops are all so ridiculous I'm about to quote Ron White at my next one- "do you realize you had to drive by 3 drug dealers and a dead hooker just to get to ME?"

Cops. I'm sure there ARE some good ones out there, but this lady should at least get a cookie basket for that, wow.

Anonymous said...

why hasn't the local media picked up on this? why do cops and politicians think they are above the law? this jackass needs to be dealt with and needs to face the music!!

Anonymous said...

8:59, if you are replying to 8:11, I acknowledge your point, but with some reservation. The problem here is that the lady that was mistreated was not an isolated case. This went on for an extended period of time and people knew about it. And it was by definition high-profile because he won a freaking award! Broad brush...okay, maybe what is needed is a broom. I don't defend the actions of drunk drivers at all. But do you really want a cop who goes about their job in this fashion protecting your home, family, and treasure?

Babysaywhat said...

The police chief in Ridgeland is NOT the problem. Chief Houston is a good man who is respected in LE for doing the right thing. He definitely does not condone this kind of abuse of power and will be damn sure to be vigilant of this kind of thing not happening in the future.

Anonymous said...

Another situation in Massachusetts:

Actual circumstances some what unclear, posted due to salary information for the MADD award winning state trooper.

Actual circumstances for Officer Soto and Ridgeland are just as unclear on the internet.

Note the bump from the base salary.

"Let’s not overlook the fact that OUI enforcement can be big business for law enforcement. While I do not know the details of Trooper Carney’s source of income as a state trooper, I do know that she claims to be in court as a witness nearly five days a week. Her court time, coupled with her road shifts, leaves her little time for details which tells me that when the Boston Herald reports her base salary of $70,000 exploded to $187,152 in 2007, she is making a killing by making arrests."

Anonymous said...

"Justice in Ridgeland." Not just Ridgeland.

Municipal (and justice) courts exist for revenue collection, no matter what bs anyone puts out. Disagree? Go look at your local municipality's (or county's) budget and see how much is derived from fines. We allow it and get what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

My mother is in her 60's. She is terrified of Police Officers in Rankin, Madison and especially in Ridgeland. This fear started here in MS. She reads a great deal, b/c she has time on her hands. Stories like this only further her fear of those sworn to protect her.

The fact that this officer is allowed to continue in law enforcement and the fact the state does nothing to prosecute clearly illegal activities (perjury), demonstrates Rankin/Madison County is COMMITTED to keep its citizens in fear, whether by legislation or by police force. If Micheal Guest believes that parading himself on TV b/c of the Barrett killing makes him more appealing to the public he is fooling himself and frankly it's appalling. The fact he refuses to investigate, at a minimum, the actions of a rouge police officer (think there is only one?) only leaves me to believe that he is not serious about prosecuting REAL crime. When the government, empowered to prosecute it citizens, is unable, unwilling, and NOT prosecuting those who uphold and break those very laws, society is broken. You cannot, CANNOT, put those you are sworn to protect in fear of prosecution by those who are the very protectors of the law and are sworn to uphold those laws. Mr. Guest, I pray you investigate and show your citizens you protect your citizens from both the criminals on the street and those in the very institutions that are meant to protect us. Show us you are willing to clean your own house under the rule of the law.

Anonymous said...

8:59 Do you actually think the Madison courts on any level, Municipal or Chancery are not influenced by a closed "legal" society where all are "speaking their own language?" That is naive if you think differently. If I had my way, I would bring them all before the Bar, but they only seek to make sure that nothing is ever public.

Anonymous said...

Babysaywhat, this is obviously a passionate discussion. But sometimes "it won't happen again" doesn't cut it. If it works for you, so be it.

Anonymous said...

Since WLBT reported on the MADD awards banquet when this jackass got his fraudulant award, maybe now, they need to report on the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!
He is not worthy of wearing a badge!!
He needs to be held accountable for his actions, period, no excuses!!

Anonymous said...

I think my daughter had that lousy judge. She was ticketed for going faster than my " haul the pine straw" SUV clunker could go that she borrowed while her car was in the shop. We took videos of the car and speedometer,had the mechanic with his records and the judge wouldn't even LOOK at them or hear testimony . Said much the same thing.
Traffic court judges need to be watched and NAMED.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:05 That would probably be Hal McCarley... I've seen him drive off drunk from an inconspicuous restaurants within the very limits he is sworn to protect. Cops lie, I've witnessed it with my own 2 eyes, in a court of law. Mr. Soto took his lies one step too far and fabricated tests out of thin air. If a CPA did anything remotely similar to this they would be stripped of their license and probably thrown in jail. What makes this dirt bag so special? Anybody can be trained to give a test for impairment and there isn't a shortage of police officers right now with the way the economy is, WHAT GIVES???

Anonymous said...

KF, looks like this was established policy for Ridgeland. USC-42-1983? I'd love to see that cesspool bankrupted. BTW, wasn't Walter Wood a judge in Ridgeland?

Anonymous said...

Sue also told me Soto laughed at her in court when she brought up her medical condition. He basically called her a liar even though she had boxes of medical records.

Anonymous said...

It appears Soto has deactivated his facebook account.

Anonymous said...

Much of the same goes on in Clinton. Out of control cops who look for trouble, inflate charges, etc., and a judge who thinks he's a prosecutor. Hopefully the right case will come along for a good civil rights lawsuit; maybe that will get the city leaders to wake up and reign these guys in.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that truly knows Michael Guest knows that he has no guts whatsoever. Hell will need snowplows before he takes on a corruption case or anything else more complicted that an armed robbery with a videotaped confession.

Anonymous said...

I can't stop thinking about Sue's story. It seems to be well-established that this Soto guy has no conscience or professionalism, but what the heck was wrong with the ranking officer on duty that night, the prosecuting attorney and the city judge? Never goes against the police officers? If Sue were my mother, aunt, or whatever, this would be far from over.

Anonymous said...

This is why I've become a gourmet cook and we eat at home. It is no longer enough to be a designated driver and consume not a drop of alcohol because the cops will arrest you anyway and the judge always takes their word, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they are corrupt and lying. I feel some sadness for the restaurants and servers who no longer get the $250 - 300 we used to spend every month dining out. But my cooking is better and we can have a bottle of wine to accompany it. I blame MADD for this situation too. Although I certainly don't condone drinking and driving, they have fostered a situation in which the cops are pressured to produce convictions no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Sue needs an attorney willing to file suit in federal court. She needs to do so if her story is accurate.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have stopped going out to eat for the most part, mostly due to law enforcement stopping me for no apparent reason, just because they saw me leave Amerigo's, Char, etc, etc.

I used to enjoy going out after work for a drink or two and appetizers, but no more.

If I were a part of the Restaurant Association, I would attempt to come up with an action plan concerning this problem. LOTS of revenue lost.

Anonymous said...

to be fair, I doubt there was evidence when Sue and others were TRIED that the cop was lying and corrupt. it was discovered and "Sue" won her trial de novo in county court according to posts above. people talking about bringing in evidence that the judge wouldn't consider probably don't realize they needed a lawyer, one that knows what he/she is doing, to make that evidence ADMISSIBLE.

everyone may hate lawyers, but if you get a questionable DUI, its worth the money to consult a GOOD one.

Anonymous said...

10:44, point well taken, but what was she doing on trial in the first place?

Anonymous said...

10:44 am Why should an innocent citizen have to expend the resources to defend against egregious errors such as perjury in the first place?

If the prosecuting community wishes to stake their integrity on the line, in instances such as this, the community should pay for the defense. This would certainly be a check on the enforcement issues highlighted here.

Anonymous said...

Sue did have an attorney. A lot of people hire DUI attorneys for their trial in city court. The judge always sided with the officer. To appeal it to county court costs a lot more money which a lot of people aren't willing to spend.

Anonymous said...

10:52, grow up and drop your naive view of the world.

what proof is there the prosecutor or judge knew what this rogue was doing? No excuse for the cop-in-a-robe announcing he always sides with the cops, but the rogue cop is gone after it was discovered what he was doing.

don't forget that more guilty people are arrested than those truly not guilty. most acquittals are done on proof of actual innocence, its because some good lawyer shows reasonable doubt or gets evidence suppressed or cuts a deal for a lesser offense.

No, Sir. No welfare for criminal defendants in city courts. We pay way too much for those in felony court.

Anonymous said...

Its the Judge's business to have enough common sense to figure out a rouge. Its a dangerous game some play and take KF's last paragraph, read it and remember it the next time you are stopped by anyone.

Kingfish said...

You are missing the point. She was convicted of DUI refusal. She literally can NOT blow into the machine due to her condition. Didn't matter. Guilty.

Anonymous said...

Rogue cop or not, this case never should have made it to court.

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM She was convicted. My point is the facts surrounding the case substantiate my "naive" view. Welfare? Government exists by the virtue of checks and balances. My reco was not for "welfare" as you insinuate, it was for the prosecutors to "do their job" and investigate their witnesses before they convict. If they don't and it comes to light at trial or on appeal, they, the prosecutors office (referred to community in my previous post; given you poor ability to comprehend by reading), should pony up the cost of defense. Take your "welfare" baiting somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

you don't get convicted of DUI refusal. that's an administrative sanction of losing your license for withdrawing your implied consent and not taking the test. she got convicted of DUI without proof of a chemical test. they prove that with, among other things, field sobriety tests, smell, demeanor, eyes, speech.

Anonymous said...

As I understood it from mine (and not very well), my refusal was a separate offense. I had to go to county court to get it overturned and taken off my record. That was overturned 3 months before my actual DUI was dismissed in city court.

Anonymous said...

As I understood it from mine (and not very well), the refusal is a separate offense. I had to go to county court to get it overturned and taken off my record. My refusal was dismissed 3 months before my actual DUI in city court was dismissed.

Anonymous said...

This also brings up another "crime" being committed within Ridgeland Police Department. David Moore Bonding. If you get arrested in Ridgeland you don't have a choice of who's services you would like to use. The booking officers have David Moore and his staff waiting for you when you arrive. Maybe someone should investigate the "cash gifts" these booking officers are recieving from David Moore and David Moore Bonding?

Anonymous said...

you are correct. when a test is truly refused, the arresting officers sends DPS a report and affidavit detailing the probable cause for requesting the test. Its rubberstamped and the license is suspended. this isn't criminal prosecution, its an administrative sanction. You have to pay a reinstatement fee and get proof of insurance after the suspension time runs; OR, you can appeal the admimistrative suspension to county court. all this is completely separate from the criminal prosecution.

back in the 90's the MSSCT did an unpublished opinion finding that the license suspension procedure done prior to the criminal prosecution created double jeopardy and barred the criminal prosecution. somebody downloaded the opinion, turned it into a brief in support of a motion to dismiss for double jeopardy, and trial judges started dismissing cases. then the Supes threatened to fine anyone citing the "unpublished" opinion which the did in fact publish on the internet decisions list. the "decision" was soon overruled.

Anonymous said...

Bonding companies giving kickbacks to police officers has been happening since the beginning of time. It's almost an accepted practice. They'll never do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Bonding companies giving kickbacks to police officers has been happening since the beginning of time. It's almost an accepted practice. They'll never do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

David Moore Bonding is Located at 292 Commerce Park Dr. Suite F Ridgeland, MS 39157 Office Number- 601-898-1249 Fax- 601-898-1259 E-Mail us at: davidmoorebonding@gmail.com 24-HR Bail Bonding Service. Currently Serving the Jackson, Mississippi Metro Area, State, and Nationwide. Fastest service available! All questions patiently answered. David Moore (601-672-0429) Mark Culberson (601-672-5364) Peggy Culberson (601-572-4368) Nate Haralson (601-898-1249) Tommy Martello (601-906-2321) ..

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend lives in a toney Madison subdivision - I live in Hinds County. I can't tell you how many times I've been stopped by Madison P.D. in her subdivision. The reason? My Civic contains a Hinds County tag.

Talk about profiling....just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, Soto committed a crime and he needs to be investigated and held responsible just like any other member of society that commits a crime. The local media needs to jump on this one.

Anonymous said...

3:47 Prove it! What does the ticket say? Hinds county tag? Oh no tickets, should have known.

I don't live in a toney subdivision but I do live in Madison. I hope the Chief and the guys keep up the good work and keep crime low, and the streets safe.

Anonymous said...

6:10 - A jackass cop committing perjury on the stand is not what I'd call keeping up the good work, crime low and the streets safe. Soto needs to be held accountable. He needs to be investigated and all his DUI cases revisited. Just like 6:03 said, He needs to be held responsible for his actions.

Anonymous said...

A "Ridgeland" officer, not to be confused with Madison, Clinton, Brandon, Richland, Florence, Canton, Res Patrol,Flowood or Jackson. Keep it to on topic. All other conversation is just sour grapes without proof.

Anonymous said...

So 1:26 PM, as I understand it I should never submit to a DUI test? All I do is lose my license? And it costs me how much? So this woman was given an administrative admonishment that caused a loss of license and as a result she had to hire counsel to not only defend her against a "rouge" officer, but now she has to spend more money to alleviate the burden of losing her license? Where the hell did search and seizure go with this circular argument. I refuse to allow the government to invade my privacy. They have the burden to prove. Then you take me to court and cost me thousands. Then I have to pay more to get my license back. And Soto is living the dream.......

Anonymous said...

And 6:44 PM, funny you say that. I know that picture, because he was drinking in a bar, in my town, with police officers off duty from those mentioned and on duty officers outside patrolling. I was shocked when that picture went up b/c...don't know if the tequila was drank before or after, but they were putting them down when I was there. Shame. Shame. Shame. Our government should hold itself to a higher standard. And with that, I must say that the Sheriff's in the Tri-County area are some of the best I've ever encountered. Rankin, Madison and Hinds; all of them are professional from what I have seen. Its the muni's...they have a complex or something.

Anonymous said...

7:33 PM here...first time I have been to a bar literally in years. And this group was memorable, checked the photo with others there. It appeared to be a going away party. And, it wasn't in Ridgeland.

Anonymous said...

7:33 and 7:36, I'm confused. The pic posted looks like a party at a house. What's this about a bar? Please fill in the blanks for me, because I can't quite follow your conversation. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm clearing up about the picture. It was at HIS house in Ridgeland. 100% fact.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and it was Birthday party.

Hookah said...

We're all sitting here acting like we want little old ladies driving around on the streets.

Anonymous said...

Look, everyone is missing the point here. HE LIED ON THE STAND. He was sworn to uphold the law and he didn't do that. He thinks because he is a cop he is above the law and it's okay for him to drink and drive, I have seen it, but he has a hard on to catch people for the exact same thing he has done numerous times. Not acceptable at all. My opinion, DUI cops should be non-drinkers that way there's not "conflict of interest".
Bottom line, as the story is told, he committed perjury and needs to be held accountable. Being a cop shouldn't change this fact at all.

Why hasn't the local media done some investigating on this jackass? He needs to face the music!!!

Anonymous said...

Look here sonny-boy Michael, I'm ninety and still driving. I only read KF because of his affinity for older women. One day KF you will be mine! ;0

Anonymous said...

Wow, does this sound familiar! Son was stopped without any wrong doing. The video proved it!
The cop that stopped him had Soto back him up. Within no time, Soto had him in "braclets" and told my son that he had the right to search his car because of the "braclets" he was wearing. There was no field sobriety test given, although my son requested one. There was no breath test or blood test given either!! My son was arrested for DUI, my car was impounded and Mark Culberson- the bail bondsman was called in. When my son called me to get him out of jail, I told the officer if he was convinced that my son was under the influence to take him and have his blood tested for both drugs and alcohol. Test the kid for anything you want. The Officer told me they did not do that and refused. I met with Soto's supervisor that day and asked to see the video of the arrest. He said that he would view it, but that I would have to hire an attorney to get a copy. Now I know why! False imprisonment works for them. I was forced to pay over $200 in cash to the impound lot, chosen by the Ridgeland police. I was forced to pay the Ridgeland police's chosen bail bondsman to get my son released. When I went to ask about fines and penalties if convicted, the court clerk informed me I would have to pay the day he went to court and that he WOULD be convicted because that was the way their judges ruled there. If I didn't like the ruling, I would have to appeal. At that time, we knew it was time to hire an attorney. Over $1200.00 later, the case was dismissed because the officer who stopped my son did not have probable cause to do so. It also showed no wrong doing on my sons behalf however, it showed the officer speeding over 90 mph between two intersections in a 45mph zone to stop and harass my son.
Class action lawsuit anyone???

Dear Gene said...

Gene McGee is a smart guy. I hope he truly understands how bad the stench from this Soto affair has become and that he gets out in front of this before it draws his own judgment into question.

Anonymous said...

I think there will be a class action lawsuit coming. Stay tuned.

oxbow said...

My only contact with the RPD was about a year ago. Wife and I left Newks on Lake Harbor drove to Old Canton to make a left turn onto Old Canton. A RPD car went flying thru the light headed up the hill on Old Canton. Light bar on no siren, as I turned I told my wife I better get over into the right lane just in case other cars we coming. As I pulled into the right lane, after checking traffic, my car was filled with blue and white lights, my first thought was keep pulling over so he can get by, as I did he stopped behind me and got out of his car. I mean he was pissed. He said I cut him off, no way unless he was breaking the sound barrier. After he got lic and checked he came back and he chewed and chewed, finally he gave he a ticket for "reckless driving" I think it was about $300. He told me straight up pay it and forget about fighting it. He refused to tell me which direction he came from in order for me to undertand how he got behind me so quickly. I call the RPD and was told I should pay it now because I would have to pay it later in court. I paid it!

Anonymous said...

I came in casual contact with several law enforcement officers from the Metro area today. I have to admit that since I have learned about this mess, I looked at those guys differently. Not to assume they are all like Soto, but to wonder if even one is, and if so, which one? Or two? Honest LE officers shouldn't be labeled this way, but this apparenly went on for a long time. We all know if we have a dirty coworker. Maybe not at first, but we eventually figure it out. I know, I know, cops don't rat on other cops. Which is a badass cool way of saying that cops don't enforce the law on other cops. That being the case, don't blame civilians for having mistrust for everything that goes on in the Ridgeland police headquarters.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if he hit you.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most shocking, (it shouldn't be but is) things I have ever heard of. I guess the good ol boy network is alive and kicking in Ridgeland. Fact is, Soto lied, got caught and it is being swept under the rug by the PD in Ridgeland, the mayor and the DA. I'm not an attorney but it sounds like conspiracy to me. Thank you Mr. Whitfield and KF for exposing this corruption. It is corruption right?

Anonymous said...

But 4:08, what's most important is that he won the MADD award...apparently.

Anonymous said...

4:14, yeah his picture is still on the MADD website

Anonymous said...

I work with Anonymous 12:48. I went with her to the Ridgeland Police Station to speak with Soto's supervisor. I also went with her to the municipal courthouse as she inquired about her son's upcoming court case. I can verify everything she stated in her post. I even went with her to get the car out of impound. The whole damn thing is a total scheme to pad pockets of the City's funds, the officers who get over-time for court and incentives for DUI arrests, and the others that have the exclusive monopoly with Ridgeland, such as the bonding and impound companies.

Another friend of mine was also stopped in Ridgeland for speeding, and he was arrested for DUI. He passed the field sobriety test!!He took the breathalyzer test, and the cop (not Soto) told him he was over the limit. He had to suffer all of the expenses--bail, impound, taking off work to attend court, hiring an attorney, etc. Come to find out the actual results of his BAC reported him as being below the legal limit!!! The prosecutor agreed to throw out the DUI charge if my friend plead guilty to speeding and paid the fine. So my friend got to spend a night in jail, make bail, get his car out of impound, hire an attorney, etc---for NO reason!!!

This is pathetic! And, not only is Soto guilty, his supervisors and the other officers he "assisted" in making DUI arrests KNEW this was going on.

I feel so sorry for all of the innocent victims out there. I can only imagine how irate I would be if I were unjustly arrested and forced to shell out thousands of dollars!

I would love nothing more than to see a class action suit against the City of Ridgeland. From the posts to this blog, it sounds like there are at least 6 who would sign up. Imagine how many more are out there!! They should reimburse all fees the innocent people incurred and pay a helluva lot more to compensate for all of the anguish they have caused.

Will someone please step forward and make this a reality? Because, We the People, are pissed!!

Anonymous said...

The most disturbing thing to me is that "Sue's" judge stated in open court that he "will always side with his officers". Really??? Always? Vewy Scawy! Wonder if the court reporter took that down?

Anonymous said...

Now what happens to all the past cases he handled? Should they all not be reviewed? Can you imagine the nightmare for the city! Come on step up to the plate city council. Some one should call City Hall and be sure the Mayor and Council know about all the comments here. May not change a thing but it makes it harded to hide and claim they did not know.

Anonymous said...

JPD sure is lookin good, huh.

Curt Crowley said...

If yall think Ridgeland is bad, you need to meet Rankin County Prosecutor Richard Wilson. He's the faux redneck version of Mike Nifong. In Rankin Justice Court the cops typically tell the truth, it's the prosecutor who can't be trusted to follow the law.

Anonymous said...

Curt, the problem we face here in Ridgeland is being wrongfully detained, arrested, and hauled into court to face a judge who "never goes against his officers".

Kingfish said...

This is why I rarely drive through Ridgeland after 8 or so at night. Last year I had to drive through Ridgeland from Jackson on a Sunday evening around ten. hadn't had a drink all weekend. I'm coming down Old Canton Road. I KNOW where I am and I KNOW they are hanging out at the Shell station so I drive at 38 mph and practically lock my arms so I don't weave at all. Get to lake harbour. Wait til Light turns green, turn right, didn't make it to McBee's as I was stopped. Said I was "weaving" uh huh. He let me go. He was completelyl full of it. That young white punk just wanted to see if I was drunk or not so he could take me in. Completely fabricated.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, if it had been Soto, he would have arrested you even if you were sober.

Anonymous said...

Correct 9:18. I just checked the MC Herald, and it announces that Ridgeland has received an award for being a bike-friendly city. It's a good thing because honest safe operation of a motor vehicle WILL get you thrown in jail.

Anonymous said...

Wow, all this is so interesting, crooked cops, crooked judges & an idiot named Michael who thinks you are a little old lady at 63... have you not heard that 60 is the new 40? Have you seen 60 year old women lately Michael, like Suzanne Somers just for example!No wonder people are staying home more its not safe out there, Crooked Officials & Idiots!

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:45, how do you know she's 63? I can't find anything more specific than she's in her 60's in here. You seem really familiar with details of her case. Who might you be?

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:35 Just someone reading the story & commenting, when I quickly read over the story I thought it said 63, I thought the s was a three. No matter what age between 60-70 the comment made by Michael was stupid!Has nothing to do with the corruption that is apparently running rampant in the Ridgeland City Court system. Seems like the FBI or some higher agency should look into this as Cival Rights are being violated to many people of all ages!This whole situation should be investigated....

Anonymous said...

Really? Mark from David Moore Bonding bonded them out? Chief Houston is a good man but his booking officers are corrupt. Man, I wanna quit my job and be a Ridgeland Booking Officer. I would get cash and paid in full trips to wherever I wish especially if I like to play poker or wanted "new" rims on my car! Why would I get a second jod if David and Mark will pay for them with nothing expected in return except for exchange for bonds

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is amazing! I was arrested for a DUI (which I probably was guilty of) and requested to call Jeremy with Liberty Bail Bonds and I was told by the young african american booking officer (Tony or Tommy) that I couldn't call Jeremy because David Moore was quicker and on his way. That was such a set-up! Someone is getting paid!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lets keep getting the facts out for all to see, maybe some good will come out of the exposure! If anyone has friends/relatives who had issues in the court system or legal authorities please have them come forward & post the details, we all need to know the truth! I think some good will come of it!

Anonymous said...

you all need to agree on one lawywer and band together and get something going. get someone from Jackson, not Madison or Ridgeland. Get someone that will be aggressive without being reckless or make the public at large sympathetic with cops in general.

good luck,

a retired prosecutor

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to "Freedom of Choice", in law enforcement a long time ago, we were told that we could not suggest a bail bonding company unless they did not have one and then we showed them a list and let them pick. One thing the sheriff said was "you do NOT under any circumstances" make a person use a particular bonding company.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Gene McGee has awarded David Moore an exclusive franchise. Sweet deal. No competition for Moore because McGee's staff is an adjunct to his bonding biz.

Anonymous said...

I think the choice in lawyer is apparent. Chuck?

Anonymous said...

no chuck. he's a drunk driver, at least in the past. need someone that will command respect and a little fear in the defendants, and also someone that the public won't automatically think has an ax to grind with cops. no high profile defense or dui attorneys either.

Anonymous said...

Who would you suggest?

Anonymous said...

Eldar Malouf?

Anonymous said...

There are no class actions in Mississippi.

Also, you are not able to "pass" a field sobriety test, per se. After I got my DUI in 1997 (as a MSU sophomore) and went through the MASEPS program, the Starkville Police Chief came in and talked to us about the process of investigating a DUI. He said fairly straight-forwardly that the tests they administer are not passable, because they are only recorded by the officer when you deviate from the norm.

In other words, if you can do the straight line walk well, it's not recorded. When you fail the eyeball test, it's recorded as a basis for probable cause.

Tah Dah!

Also, the local police intentionally don't do a great job of informing a person who is under suspicion that a refusal is merely administrative. I had a client who refused and the officer told her that she could expect to be convicted immediately because the refusal was clear evidence of her intoxication. She relented and blew, and hit the .08 on the head.

Anonymous said...

this would be a 1983 action in federal court which does have class actions. such a lawsuit wouldn't be worth a nickel in state court.

technically, you are on notice of your implied consent when you agree to the terms of a driver license. thereafter, if you drive on public roadways, you're in the act of the consent.

I'd nominate Tom Freeland, aka, NMC, from Oxford, who is very familiar with the Jackson metro area.

Anonymous said...

Not the change the topic, but John Emfinger has qualified for Judge Richardson's Circuit judge seat.

I don't know Emfinger, but he is a career prosecutor. He has pictures of people he has sent away on his website. Shouldn't the public be having a conversation about our next Circuit judge?


Anonymous said...

Emfinger ran against Richardson last time and quit when he had no money and no support. He's as big a simple tool for his boss, Guest. He has no business being a judge. He's minimally competent doing what he does, but ask Rankin County Grand Jurors how they like working with this tool into the late hours of the night for no good reason at all.

Anonymous said...


Check this out, its niknaR county police/fire scanner...

Anonymous said...

Field sobriety tests are completely subjective to the officer's perception. Hopefully, a good cop will have it on video. The agency should have a policy that demands that the video be running and be viewable, and should discipline the officer that violates it.

If this is such a problem, someone file a complaint with the FBI. They will get to the bottom of it. If the state ignores it, go to the feds.

The chief and the DA are not doing what is best by not prosecuting this guy for perjury. They are losing community support. Who appoints the chief?

Anonymous said...

I have never met the Chief, nor did I know his name before all of this came up. I'll accept that he didn't know about it, because it seems like career suicide to be in on it. After all, he's not some sheriff on the take out in the sticks. But this went on for at least two years...Soto won his award in 2008, and he didn't get kicked off the force until very recently. Ranking officers in the department had to know about this. He's responsible. He's gotta go. This is a major issue for the next mayoral contest as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

There you go, politicize it. Do not hold those in power NOW responsible. Oh, did I say, sweep it under the rug. You sound like someone with a stake in the game 7:23.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:39, 7:23 here. If I did have more of a stake in the game than the next average citizen, which I don't, would it really change anything? Would the situation somehow become more acceptable? My comment was an invitation for someone to run against Gene McGee, not tacit support for another specific candidate. Lighten up Francis.

Anonymous said...

As a long time citizen of Ridgeland I want to thank Ridgeland Police Dept for all they do to keep our community safe from all types of crime. I have lost several friends over the years to drunk drivers and do not mind being stopped to be checked. The way I see it, "haters" are just a normal thing. I don't want our community to become another Jackson in regards to crime.

Curt Crowley said...

9:46: Your comment is a perfect example of why crap like this goes on for so long. Do you understand exactly what was happening here? Soto was stopping people who were INNOCENT and arresting them for DUI. So while you say you "do not mind being stopped to be checked," how would you like it if you got "stopped to be checked" and then got your ass hauled off to jail when you had done nothing wrong?

And it is not permissible for an officer to stop someone "just to check" to see if he is under the influence. There has to be a legitimate reason (probable cause) to make the stop in the first place, such as a traffic ticket. It's amazing to me that any American citizen would advocate a suspension of the constitution in any case, and certainly in the case of a damn misdemeanor.

As far as your use of the term "haters," I would submit to you that the unlawful and unconstitutional arrest and prosecution of an innocent person, compounded by the use of perjured testimony by a person sworn to uphold the law, is something to be hated.

And finally, 9:46, I don't see where anyone is trashing the entire Ridgeland Police Department in general here. This is about one knucklehead, not the rest of the officers on the department. I deal with those officers a lot, and my experience is that they typically conduct themselves in an honest manner, and try to do what's right.

KaptKangaroo said...

Curt, for once, thank you.

Anonymous said...
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Curt Crowley said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I guess thats why you your 8:44pm post yesterday reffered to Ridgeland as a whole and went straight to a political attack on Richard Wilson. Do not seem to see any comment you made at that point in regards to Soto. Face it, you just wanted to throw a dagger and used this blog to do it. I'm sure there is more to the story...
This post is about Soto not your own political agenda.

Curt Crowley said...

Actually, I was drawing a contrast between the two courts. You must be friends with Wilson. Sorry if that post offended you.

KaptKangaroo said...

Crowley correctly contributed to the discussion at hand regarding our rights. If we as a citizenry do not stand up against the tyranny of government when present, we deserve what we get.

All you boneheads criticizing and making personal attacks against a well spoken criticism demonstrates you are willing to go to jail for "doing nothing."

Stupid should hurt.

Kingfish said...

i am a little surprised at the media. The excuse I get is no one will go on the record or on camera. Ok, I can see that for tv but gee, you would think the CL and MCJ would publish something like this because all of this information was in a court file.

Anonymous said...

Even if the media does report it, is anyone else going to do anything about it? Is anyone willing to take on the City of Ridgeland?

KaptKangaroo said...

We could start a 501c3 corp much like the ACLU. We could call it "Stupid should hurt each & every single hoobastank." or Ssheesh. ;)

Anonymous said...

9:46 am...spoken like a true bar fly. "several friends"....ugh. Get out of the bar and live life.

Anonymous said...

Don't say anything positive about the City of Ridgeland on this post cause it will be deleted cause Kingfish doesn't like it..... Also Soto did say it the best way possible "If you drink don't drive." Keep up the good work Ridgeland Police!!!!!!!!!!!

Kingfish said...

You're a damn liar. i only zapped two comments because they were personally attacking each other and someone else who had nothing to do with this post. I haven't zapped any comments for being pro-Ridgeland.

And since your head is so far up your ass you aren't reading anything, I have interviewed other people who did not drink and were still arrested by Soto as I posted the other day. One lady had a terminal lung condition, 30% lung capacity, and can not blow into the machine. Was still arrested.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I would NEVER have a residence in Ridgeland because the Mayor, Gene McGee, to get revenue, set Soto on his own citizens. They should vote him out! Or at least hold the city financially responsible for ruining good people's reputations by lies!!! A liar's kingdom, backed by rambo policemen putting their own people in fear, that's what Ridgeland has become.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she has 30% lung capacity, like I'm sure you are telling 100% of the truth. Kingfish I'm sure you are not bias in any way, shape or form. Also, she has an extensive medical record from what I have read. Is it possible that she was charged under other substance not just alcohol? Did you asked why didn't she get her own blood work done after she bonded out? A lot of holes in your stroy......

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing that Judge Hannah was up to his eyeballs in all the Soto cases. Anybody else hearing this? Vote him out!

Anonymous said...

5:11, you don't know what you're talking about. I also know this individual. She didn't know that she should have gotten a backup blood workup. After a couple of hours going through that process, then retrieving your car, you just want to go home. Who would then go to a hospital emergency room to have a blood sample taken. Besides, the police had no evidence that she had imbibed in alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Soto, when you post do you feel the squench? Like oops I shouldn't have BROKEN THE LAW? Tennessee is not that far away. The Feds and MS are pretty good friends, remember everyone wants to make a name for themselves here.

Anonymous said...

6:41, you're right I don't anything about your friend's situation. Apparently from all the posts talking about her and her problems she seems like she talks about it a lot at the bar. I'm sure she is an honest person and is telling you the truth, or at least her version of it. This will be the last post I will ever put on here cause this is a total waste of time. Kingfish I wish you the best of luck and I hope don't get hit by any drunk drivers cause that would just be ironic. By the way Kingfish, your one to talk about someone having their head up their ass....

Anonymous said...

10:00 I have no axe to grind with you, but you imply that "Sue" (the "friend") is sitting around a bar somewhere bitching because she got caught DUI. If it happened the way she says it did, she damn well ought to be raising hell, which actually she did not. Everyone else is doing it for her because they resent the injustice to which she seems to have been subjected. The relevant facts which no one seems to dispute are that she has a lung disease which renders her unable to "blow" to satisfy the breathalyzer, and that the only evidence that proves she was DUI is Soto's ESP. Seriously, did you ever stop and ask yourself what kind of cop takes a 60-something year old lady to jail? Cops have the discretion to allow someone to come get a suspect, if they haven't screwed up too badly. But, no, not Soto. "I'm taking her to jail because I want my MADD award." Hell, she was out of the jurisdiction when he pulled her over. Also, the judge saying in open court that "I never go against my officers" should not be overlooked. Something is very wrong here. Nobody cares about your pissing contest with KF.

Anonymous said...

10:00 PM I am sure I will not be the only to be GLAD that you are not posting anymore... As its sounds like you are either Soto or a Buddy! I can't wait until they lock you up, so the world will be a better place...

Anonymous said...

To whom ever this may concern, this is not just about one person being messed over by this jerk Soto, but many & I want justice for all of his victims & there are so many. I also hope they put him away soon, you can look at his pic & see he is an arrogant short dude with an attitude.

Anonymous said...

10:00 PM FYI Sue does not go to bars, she is very allergic to smoke & stays away from them. She also works at maintaining her health the best she can considering her chronic lung illness. So you see you really do not know what you are talking about, but we already knew that, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

Aren't bars smoke free now?

Anonymous said...

Ridgeland Mayor Gene McGee has made me so glad I live in Jackson where, unlike Ridgeland, I do not have to fear the police, who have real business to attend to, are out to arrest lawyers, doctors, and other professional (because they can pay the fines) just to get a damn MADD award and make revenue for the City. Ridgeland is an out of control police state that has hurt is own businesses and citizens. Gene: DO NOT TREAD ON ME!!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously the City of Ridgeland owes Charles Whitfield more than just a dismissal: the City of Ridgeland owes Charles Whitfield both an apology and the repayment of all the attorneys fees he has had to expend to defend himself against the Ridgeland cop's demonstrated lies. Punitive damages or Section 1983 damages are in order here. I hope a Federal 1983 action is filed soon.

Anonymous said...

There is a new group started on facebook:
Why is Daniel Soto not been fired?


Anonymous said...


Why is Daniel Soto not in jail?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if MADD paid Soto in connection with his award? If so MADD provided the incentive for him to lie, actively currupting a police officer--and would bear responsiblity. Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

There should be legislation to prevent a group like MADD from in effect bribing policemen and Judges in these cases, distorting judges and creating incentives to lie and reverse the presumption of innocense. Hope there is a legislator willing to take on MADD.

Anonymous said...

8:05 I agree completely with where you are coming from, but the reality is that no politician is going to take on MADD, and MADD isn't really the problem anyway. There will always be a little prick like Soto who will sell his badge for a plaque and a trip to Cancun or whatever, but it's up to his superiors to see that he doesn't cross the line. This didn't go on for over two years without higher-ups knowing what was going on. Where was the chief? The judge? Follow the money, and I'm not talking about the MADD money.

Anonymous said...

What the HELL is going on with law enforcement in the metro area? Jackson PD, Hinds County Sheriff's Office, now Ridgeland PD and the Madison-Rankin DA?

It's like these guys got together and said, "Hey, let's make the ACLU look good."

Anonymous said...

Bet if the police Video of "Sue" got posted on this website she wouldn't be so fast too use all her precious breathe to how innocent she was... Or maybe the Man in the parking lot of Amerigo's that was making out with her on her car in the middle of an empty parking lot at closing could testify on how "Sober" she was before she was stopped that night... You idiots have no clue what your talking about... Maybe when a loved one is killed by a "buzzed" driver, since thats what most of you are complaining that you were, you were just buzzed not drunk.. You wont find your comments so quick to jump on a ridiculous article like this. Get the facts right!

Anonymous said...

Mr. McRae filed a motion to dismiss on March 17 and stated
"The Court is aware that the prosecuting witness being, Officer Daniel Soto, gave false testimony..."
Defendant would show that it is believed that the prosecution has evidence that the witness in other cases has also given false testimony...."
"It is learned that while Officer Soto announced that no tape existed for various reasons, an independent investigation revealed that he personally viewed the video of the arrest of the defendant which clearly showed the perjured testimony of Soto. In addition a copy of the transcript of said witness and the video tape of the occurrence that the City and Officer Soto said did not exist at trial has been maintained by the City of Ridgeland will be supplied at hearing..."
Get back o the subject here. HE LIED, LIED, LIED, LIED.

Anonymous said...

While working for Ridgeland PD Soto was a crooked cop. That is the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:02, I don't know what your beef with "Sue" is, and it doesn't really matter. I believe KF brought her up as an example. If the story is right or wrong doesn't matter -- charges HAVE been filed against Soto. That is a fact. It is a fact that there is cause to believe he perjured himself.

Now, what does that do to DUI enforcement? It calls into question EVERY arrest he's made and some people who legitimately should be off the streets will get a pass. That's a problem SOTO caused.

I don't know "Sue" or Soto or anyone involved in this issue, but I damn sure want 2 things:
1) People who are drunk to not drive and
2) Cops who follow the law.

If those two things cannot happen at the same time -- which is what it seems like is going on in Ridgeland -- then we have a HUGE problem in this part of the state.

Safe streets, absolutely. Ridgeland PD as Gestapo, absolutely not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:02am MUST be a different woman. That's not the "Sue" that KF talked to. "Sue" left Amerigo's at around 9pm, well before their closing time. Soto also pulled her over after she left his jurisdiction. If that's you Soto, wrong victim.

Anonymous said...

Charges have been filed? When were they filed? Who filed them? What is/are the charge(s)?

Anonymous said...

No, actually I was at Amerigo's that night and we were all laughing about how this women was making out in the parking lot with the dude and how she was so old, didnt have her picked to be 63 looked more like in her early 50's, but to be acting like that, we thought it was funny. And yes, it was that night.. her car was parked in the front of the parking lot close to old canton.. Im not agreeing with something he might or might have not done b/c unlike yall i dont pass judgement without any knowledge of whats going on. But just for the record I dont agree with cops being able to do what they wont, but dont use this women as a pitty case for your comments b/c she was drink'n that night and barely walked out of Amerigos, and jackson being jackson of course about 2 wks later over gossip we hear she was stopped and got a DUI.. lung cancer, old, whatever she needed to be stopped so good job to him no matter what city he was in. And as far as the other matters with him guess we'll find out later how that goes when the courts judge him, if that happens.. not a bunch of unknowing internet posters under anonymous names, including myself in that stereotype in regards to the issue of if he did or didnt lie

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:59 OK smartguy, first you said it was after they closed, now you're with a bunch of people. You can't even tell me what month it happened in, so YOU never saw it. I guess it's possible the woman you witnessed became another of Soto's casualties, but I can assure you, it was NOT "Sue". So stop trying defer the point - Soto is a liar and a dirty cop.

Anonymous said...

4:59 is the typical apologist who shows up at this blog but struggles to keep their facts straight over the course of many comments.

Even Kingfish himself, when his zealotry is exposed, goes way out on a limb and can't climb back.

Still waiting to learn about those sub $1500 mortgage notes downtown.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! He was also wrong about where the car was parked. "Sue" is just one of many people abused by that idiot over a period of about two years.

Kingfish said...

What you are seeing is usually the case with newbies. They come on here, running their traps, trying to smear someone, but they don't get it. This crowd isn't a JFP or CL crowd, they are smart, tough, and will rip you to pieces. Over at the CL they'll just call you stupid, over here this bunch will show you in 20 different ways why you are stupid. Ask Ladd about her little excursion with Mac and how that turned out.

Kingfish said...

Zealotry? Show me some examples. As for the notes, I said there were housing notes under 1500 downtown, which there are. Now I first included mortgage notes under that but then found out its mainly rentals downtown so yeah, I was wrong in that initial statement.

Anonymous said...

KF, I know "Sue" and every word she told you was true. The shame is there are a bunch of innocent people that got railroaded by that cop and the town of Ridgeland. That poster is an obvious "schill".

Anonymous said...

May 3, 8:05 and 8:24, it is STORM. Check it out at www.msstorm.net.

The guy that runs it, or is a big part of it, is the one that worked for the Governor's office of highway safety til he got busted by TSA trying to fly back form Oregon with a firearm posing as an on-duty cop, which he wern't. TSA at Jackson let him fly with a firearm up there, but Oregon busted his rear. Never heard what happend to him.

STORM rewards cops for arrests and tickets. Forget convictions. See the problem now. All they like are arrests. Of course that is what brings in federal money, tickets and DUI arrests. Forget looking for rapists and burglars, got to work that traffic, get that money.

Anonymous said...

And be sure to scroll through the pictures. See the character of some of those who make such a sacrifice (power grab) to serve and protect us. If one of us gave them the high sign that several of them are giving, we'd be arrested too.

Anonymous said...

There is really nothing up for debate on this issue. Soto lied & he was caught. This is a money making racket that everyone is getting paif off of. Bail Bondsmen, tow-truck companies, attorneys......the city......the state......their all makin money. The worst part about this whole ordeal is that it was condoned for soooo long. Actually encouraged(more money) I can't wait for everyone to get BURNED on this one!!! Think about all of the people Soto screwed over & all of the hardship they had to endure

I am EXCITED about one thing though......."Something Wicked This Way Comes"! 60 Minutes, 20/20, Dateline, CNN, NBC, ABC, Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Geraldo:-0(lets hope not) try & guess
WLBT & WJTV are gonna regret they didn't cover it first

Anonymous said...

Could you elaborate???

Anonymous said...

I'm slightly limited on how much I can elaborate on due to possible legal ramifications. I can say that my attorney is now encouraging media attention for the sake of winning public opinion & making people aware of what's been goin on under their noses. Since our local media won't report on it for whatever reason other avenues have been persude & nearly exhausted.........but someone finally bit(for SEVERAl reasons). Who knows? They have to investigate the matter a little more than most for obvious reasons but their definitely interested. I was actually shocked at the quick response.
I do hate this a little for our community & state. It'll make all of the officers & the City of Ridgeland look pretty awful. The rest of the country loves to make the state of Mississippi appear backward. Governor Barbour having possible 2012 plans isn't hurting things either. Maybe it'll be a shot at how well he's been running our state. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

I am actually pretty surprised that one of the national networks hasn't sent someone to Mississippi to hang out with KF and find all the dirty facts about justice, law enforcement, fraud, bribery, etc. that goes on in the Metro area. I mean, there's just so much DRAMA associated with all this stuff.

It could be a multi-part series -- unfortunately, it could also be named "Another Reason Not to Live in Mississippi."

reximus said...

Still can't believe the suburb hating Fondren Worker isn't on this.

KaptKangaroo said...

I heard the Fondren Worker has seen the light and dropped her crusade against "anonymous bloggers" and now is taking aim at the CL. Perhaps she has read our criticism and taken it to heart. That would be the first smart thing she's ever done as far as I can tell. I am sure however, we can/will continue to point out her sillyness, as "someone's" "dog" barked at me.

And thank KF for the positive support of your fans. The newbie was pretty obvious by order of the posts and the pathetic attempt to rile us up. The newbie was not just pathetic, but incompetent at carrying on a coherent, consistent conversation.

Anonymous said...

"Fondren Worker" You guys must be talking in code. Can you be a little less cryptic for those of us less "in the know"?

Anonymous said...

"Fondren Worker" You guys must be talking in code. Can you be a little less cryptic for those of us less "in the know"?

Anonymous said...

Believe that reference points to the Fondren Bugle aka the Junior High Free Press.

Anonymous said...

10:48 - A reference to the Jackson Free Press as Fondren's version of The Daily Worker.

See - it's not nearly so funny when you have to explain it :-(

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you all are talking about,...? but hopefully it has some Officer Soto substance. This whole thing is gonna blow up next week........is everyone ready!? Soto!?!?! If you're actually monitoring this blog then..............get ready to be a mall security officer....or the guy in the showers that everyone LOVES!!!

Anonymous said...

IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! I have lost all confidence and faith in our local media

Anonymous said...

Advise to Soto: Once this catches up with you, don't bend down to pick up the soap!

Anonymous said...

Soto is a punk! a dumb one at that,
alot of the other cops knew what was going on,interesting what all went on at the alumni house with them....hummm yall remember those times? it wasnt only the bulldog
I do have true stories about this ASS,He dosent deserve mall security the time is comming for your dumbass Soto

Anonymous said...

YYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! We can't to see how this all comes down! I love it when the MEAN people get theirs. See Soto you have your very own cheerleaders.

Anonymous said...

i want to know why this has all died down after he left town??? there are still many people who are still suffering from this with cases pending....where is all the support i'm almost positive chuck mcrae has a class action suite against city of ridgland going on right now...

Anonymous said...

Believe me, the problem is still there in the Ridgeland, MS PD Dept. This week I was stopped for speeding supposedly and when I questioned the officer about the location of the clocking he gave me an answer that I know wasn't correct. When I further hesitated to take the ticket from his hand until I was sure that I deserved it he freaked out and opened my car door and snatched me out of the car. Before I knew what was happening there were 6-8 of them milling around me yelling and threatening, I was in handcuffs, and I still did not know what was going on. I got down on my knees and begged them to leave me alone, but they said it is too late for that. They kept telling me that if I got physical with them they would hurt me. I had no intention of getting physical with them in any way. I was a 51 year old diabetic with a severe case of poison ivy and having to take prednisone to try to clear it up which was boosting my blood sugar way higher than usual. I begged them to listen to me about all that, but they heard none of it. They stuffed me into a car with no air and all of the windows up all the way with handcuffs on me in a cramped back seat with no leg room. It was very hot outside already. They screwed around in my car for several minutes while I roasted and nearly suffocated in that car. I saw them rifle through my wife's makeup kit that was in the back seat area. They never got my insulin from the car like I was begging them to do. They had someone tow my car to a towing service and hours later when I finally got to it the insulin was still in there burning up with my lunch and snacks. They had put me in a jail cell for over 2 hours with nobody checking on me. I had begged them to contact my wife and let her know where I was and tell her to bring my insulin to me, but they listened to none of it. I had thoughts that I might die in that cell and that nobody would even know where I was. Over 2 hours later I was able to use my cellular telephone to make a call. By then everybody was out looking for me and nobody was around to help me. Finally I got my brother on the phone. My wife was incredibly upset and nowhere to be found. I finally got out of there with a 2000.00 bond. This is a complete nightmare that never should have happened. I didn't even have a traffic record of any kind. Yes, the problem is still there...and it is widespread.

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Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS