All things, good and bad, must come to an end.
Yup. The Grocery Depot, otherwise known as the old Jitney Jungle #14, will be closing very soon. A walk into the store shows its dismal future. The meat counter is nearly empty. Shelves are often devoid of stock. The employees glumly admit it is closing. Just sad all the way around.
The Food Depot closing will leave the shopping center with no tenants as none have replaced Lou's.
There's more to the story as to why no one has filled the old Lou's.
Squatters moving inside in 3, 2, 1...
"Food desert" rhetoric in 3, 2, 1...
be careful what you ask for because you may get it
I used to enjoy working there, taking. Eudora Welty’s groceries out to her car, what a wonderful place it was.
Can Baptist be far behind?
Quit acting stupid. You know better.
absolutely the end of the 8 $ plate lunch anywhere near downtown.
Y’all Jacksonians really need to do something to save Jackson!
-Sent from my retirement home in Siargao
Hate to see that. Hopefully another grocery will come into that space. Don't want to see the JJ14 go away. The ladies in the deli made the best fried chicken.
where can i find a good plate lunch downtown now?
That sucks. Well there's always the zoo for a protein source.
When I got the plate lunch a few months ago the side doors were riddled with bullet holes and there were multiple vagrants in the parking lot. Hate to see it go. But not surprised.
Chicken pot pie on Thursdays was delicious. Unlike one "fit food kitchen" place around here, didn't go cheap by loading up on potatoes and scrimping on chicken.
Wal Mart Mini Market?
A dead zone-
Mid 80's I lived in Belhaven Heights ..went to the Jitney almost every day..I"d get in the longest check out line so to observe the crowd coming through...plenty of attractive ladies, including a super friendly cashier...and an occasional Eudora sighting.
MDAH better get involved pronto otherwise the malignant street cancer that infects most empty buildings in Jackson will subsume #14 very quickly.
@8:08 PM Too many liberals in Belhaven/Fondren that hate walmart for that to happen.
Antar has closed down, run down, and caused to shut down all facets of civilization in Jackson, RIP.
That plate lunch got me through law school at MC. It was perfectly good and just the right price for a kid on a budget.
I wish the state capital would move
People in Jackson need grocery stores close to them to shoplift from
At least I can still go to First Presbyterian Church down the road and get a good lunch. Good food on Wednesday evening too
Just put an Amazon Fresh or Trader Joe’s in there, it fits the narrative for that area.
I’m not a liberal and I haven’t been to a Walmart in over 10 years.
Last time I was there I believe it was a Mac's (circa 2018-2019).
The store was a great convenient, neighborhood grocery store as a McDade's, but once it was sold to Froogles, it declined. Hate to see it empty though.
All cities go through periods of decline and renewal doesn't happen instantly. But, if you've spent time in any of the cities up and down the east coast, you see this cycle.Even magnificent Charleston went through a terrible period and everyone moved to the Isle of Palms or other outlying area. Richmond had an awful 70's. New York city has ebbed and Long Island developed. The trick is to renovate what can't be duplicated and try not to replace it with cheap and tacky faux.
We need stronger building codes in MS and better protection of historic buildings and sites and parks. We need to hold property owners to a high enough standard that we don't create slums.
Instead of bitching, try entertaining solutions...none will be perfect but it's better and in the long run, cheaper than letting everything go to ruin so it can't be restored. Our wealthy families used to have pride of place. They didn't move with the termites. They knew gold plated was no substitute for solid gold.
I never understood why folks would drive all the way to Kroger to fight that miserable cesspool of a crowd in there to save a 3 cents on a loaf of bread.
9:11 - I don't understand your comment. I don't know of anyone that goes to Kroger to save any kind of money. Kroger is one of the most expensive places there is.
Family $ store to the rescue!!
@9:11 selection, especially fresh produce, is significantly better at Kroger. I use Corner Market in Fondren a lot since I'm a mile away (and like you said, I-55 Kroger is always packed), but almost never for produce
What a shame. I don't live in the area, but frequented this store for the craft beer selection. I did notice that it was declining more and more, and the vagrants had become more frequent. The only hope is to get Chokwe out of the way before EVERYTHING has uprooted. That trial needs to hurry up!!
Eudora Welty once ran over my foot with her shopping cart in that store. I was wearing sandals and it hurt like heck. Another time, I witnessed her backing her car into a couple of parked cars in the parking lot. She was so upset that I took her back into the store to wait while we called JPD to report the minor accident. Such a nice, kind lady. JJ14 and its fried chicken and dressing with gravy are fondly remembered. But change is inevitable. Please make it a good change.
Luckily there is the Belhaven Town Center nearby which is probably one of the coolest spots in the metro area.
That vacant strip of Fortification could be really nice or really sketch in a few years.
The Greater Belhaven Foundation is actively working to secure a good grocery vendor for the space. Also, fellow Mississippians - your capital will always be Jackson. It will NEVER change. How about support and encourage rather than belittle and diminish? It really goes a long way.
I would hate to be holding any commercial rental real estate in the city limits of Jackson at the moment. It costs a fortune to insure, taxes are through the roof, and any day now your tenant could go belly up because of things out of your and their control.
Do tell, 5:03. Why?
6:09 Hal & Mal's, Martin's, The Mayflower, Steve's Deli...
What would be really great is if a developer come in and do an amusement park/museum of all the things and places that made Jackson a great place to live 40, 50, 60 years ago. It could be built in, say, Madison or Gluckstadt or Ridgeland, maybe.
The new tenet needs to add armed security, access control, and paid membership. That's about the only way to have a nice thing in that part of town.
English Village is about to be the Deserted Village.
@2:16. While I'm glad you were able to list a few places, what's said is that 50, 40, or even 30 years ago, you could've listed 25 lunch places to eat. Downtown was once inundated with restaurants and diners.
I guess you'll tell me to peruse Google or check your archives, but there is no mention of where this place is.
Unfortunately, that situation isn't confined to Jackson. The commercial real estate market is soon to collapse. High overhead, and limited tenants is coming down the road. The Trump administration has mentioned selling federal government buildings to easy the cost of maintaining the buildings. Trump is trying to save this country.
904 E Fortification Street. 1 block south of Elvie's
4:01 has to be a troll or commenting about an area he or she knows nothing about.
Sorry delusional @5:20 - He only ran to save himself. He doesn’t care about you, he only wanted your vote. He said so himself.
Do we know who owns the building? Some moves have little to do with the business and everything to do with the landlord. New tenants have to pay to do interiors completely and signage. Not only do they pay the lease and utilities, they get 5% of sales ( that may be higher now). Owners should maintain the rest of the property including lighting and building security, but some of them notoriously don't. If the building has a pipe leak or wiring go bad, it should be the owner's responsibility but it will fall to the renter and he'll have to hope to get reimbursed to have it fixed in a timely manner.
Some owners don't bother to renovate an empty building. They more than got their money out of it decades ago. They are willing to let it fall apart and get interest on the money and subtract " depreciation" from property taxes
We have some local terrible landlords in Jackson. As long as the legislature fails to pass stricter laws like other states have that hold owners responsible for their property and better protects person leasing the property we will see Slum Lord as a profitable position. Indeed, most landlords in Mississippi do the same. They can claim this is a common business practice.
Our city council can adopt some measures (Mary copied and submitted the codes from Roswell. GA) to improve the renter's position and enforce owners to keep up their property beyond just mowing and picking up sticks.
Sadly, we are being plagued by electing people who don't bother to learn their job. They think they know everything about everything already and do whatever their party leaders tell them (some of whom have a vested interest in not doing the what's in the best interests of the citizens).
@9:43 the building is owned by Mike and Mitch Peters. That doesn't necessarily bode well for the situation
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