All things, good and bad, must come to an end.
Yup. The Grocery Depot, otherwise known as the old Jitney Jungle #14, will be closing very soon. A walk into the store shows its dismal future. The meat counter is nearly empty. Shelves are often devoid of stock. The employees glumly admit it is closing. Just sad all the way around.
The Food Depot closing will leave the shopping center with no tenants as none have replaced Lou's.
There's more to the story as to why no one has filled the old Lou's.
Squatters moving inside in 3, 2, 1...
"Food desert" rhetoric in 3, 2, 1...
be careful what you ask for because you may get it
I used to enjoy working there, taking. Eudora Welty’s groceries out to her car, what a wonderful place it was.
Can Baptist be far behind?
Quit acting stupid. You know better.
absolutely the end of the 8 $ plate lunch anywhere near downtown.
Y’all Jacksonians really need to do something to save Jackson!
-Sent from my retirement home in Siargao
Hate to see that. Hopefully another grocery will come into that space. Don't want to see the JJ14 go away. The ladies in the deli made the best fried chicken.
where can i find a good plate lunch downtown now?
That sucks. Well there's always the zoo for a protein source.
When I got the plate lunch a few months ago the side doors were riddled with bullet holes and there were multiple vagrants in the parking lot. Hate to see it go. But not surprised.
Chicken pot pie on Thursdays was delicious. Unlike one "fit food kitchen" place around here, didn't go cheap by loading up on potatoes and scrimping on chicken.
Wal Mart Mini Market?
A dead zone-
Mid 80's I lived in Belhaven Heights ..went to the Jitney almost every day..I"d get in the longest check out line so to observe the crowd coming through...plenty of attractive ladies, including a super friendly cashier...and an occasional Eudora sighting.
MDAH better get involved pronto otherwise the malignant street cancer that infects most empty buildings in Jackson will subsume #14 very quickly.
@8:08 PM Too many liberals in Belhaven/Fondren that hate walmart for that to happen.
Antar has closed down, run down, and caused to shut down all facets of civilization in Jackson, RIP.
That plate lunch got me through law school at MC. It was perfectly good and just the right price for a kid on a budget.
I wish the state capital would move
People in Jackson need grocery stores close to them to shoplift from
At least I can still go to First Presbyterian Church down the road and get a good lunch. Good food on Wednesday evening too
Just put an Amazon Fresh or Trader Joe’s in there, it fits the narrative for that area.
I’m not a liberal and I haven’t been to a Walmart in over 10 years.
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