The Bill of Rights was key to getting all of the original states to sign and ratify the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders had fought for freedom against the strongest military of that day, and they were still in a fighting mood if the new government threatened to act like the one they had just defeated. The First Amendment listed basic freedoms Americans had not had under England’s rule.
First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Fearing government oppression, Founders began by writing, “Congress shall make no law….” That’s a good place to start! The Founders knew by hindsight and foresight that Congress might make laws that would restrict hard-won freedoms, and the first freedom was religion. England had indeed established a state religion, and had prohibited citizens from exercising their religions. Those government actions led Pilgrims and others seeking religious freedom to risk their lives by moving to America.
Many early settlers considered freedom to worship and to believe were worthy of sacrificing their own lives as well as their families’ lives to attain. They sailed through hostile seas, battling epidemics, and suffering starvation to settle in an untamed land with many fearful unknowns. Their descendants still remembered the sacrifices their forefathers had made to gain their freedoms from oppressive governments.
Wave after wave of Christian protestants settled the east coast of America in the early days and began moving inland. Biblical Christian dogma was strong in these settlers who founded America. Even though that dogma constituted a foundational value in our founding documents and laws, it has become a pale shadow of American values today.
A couple of weeks ago Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a keynote address to the Federalist Society in which he expressed serious concerns about American’s views of religious liberty. He was particularly concerned about governments’ restrictions of religious liberties in the names of ‘health’ and ‘safety.’
Alito said, “Just as the COVID restrictions have highlighted the movement toward rule by experts, litigation about those restrictions has pointed up emerging trends in the assessment of individual rights. This is especially evident with respect to religious liberty. It pains me to say this, but in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right.” He added, “For many today, religious liberty is not a cherished freedom. It's often just an excuse for bigotry, and it can't be tolerated, even when there is no evidence that anybody has been harmed.”
Sadly, a national LGBT organization (Human Rights Campaign) is asking President-elect Biden and his administration to divest Christian colleges and schools, as well as churches and Christian organizations of lawful rights if they discriminate “against beneficiaries in charitable choice and faith-based initiatives.”
“Discrimination” is the stick with which the LEFT will try to beat Christians into conformity. What are Christians today willing to sacrifice to keep our religious freedom? Our forefathers fought through much opposition to gain religious freedom, and our Founders protected our religious freedom in the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights. Taking away religious freedom is the same as taking away freedom of speech.
Daniel L. Gardner is a syndicated columnist who lives in Starkville, MS. You may contact him at
Oh, the evil liberals are coming to eat your children and destroy your values. That is why they successfully enacted, (over republican opposition), socialistic programs like, wait for it...Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, voting rights for all citizens ( gasp, even blacks), anti-discrimination laws, the G.I. Bill, etc. How will western civilization survive?
If one includes the left's overall behavior, policies and actions of the past 4 years alone, it is quite revealing.
Without going into a long read, I will put it like this:
There are millions of Americans sick of liberalism. What once held some legitimate purposes, has turned into an ever-hungry entity that devours everything created out of hard work, risk and commitment. Many of these Americans are old enough to see the damage being done and realize this must be stopped. Some, have lived a great life in this country and want it preserved. Many are plenty capable and willing to take drastic action. When we do, we're not going to start in the streets. We're starting in Hollywood, the Hampton's and the highest income liberal areas in this country. These liberal elites are going to be the first one's to answer for their cooperation and funding of the left. Just like our forefathers, we're going to tell and force the left to F--k O-f.
Using religion as an excuse to be an asshole is the main reason younger generations have abandoned it. If you want to be a racist or homophobic asshole, just own it Daniel. No need to pretend it’s some religious requirement.
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"--Karl Marx
I am in agreement with anyone who seeks to preserve the right to practice their religious beliefs, as long as it does not hurt someone else. That is not always the case and despite the diatribe of this "columnist" it is not always the "left" who are the offenders. If you examine historic fact you will note that religious intolerance and discrimination were most often perpetuated by the so-called right-wing or conservatives. It was the conservative establishment in Europe not the progressive left that forced the pilgrims to seek liberty. The Bill of Rights when conceived is a progressive, not conservative document. Both sides are protected by it though.
The knife cuts both ways.
Lots of folks 80 million or so hate conservatives and redumbicans.
The Constitution also protected the rights of Slave owners. That was changed.
The US Government isn’t saying you can’t practice Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism...the intention was to protect public health.
but Freedom of Religion. perhaps that’s why the Orthodox Jewish community in NYC continues to be ravaged by death and sickness during these times....
Daniel needs to go back to the Clarion Ledger from whence he came as a staff writer. I guess KF throws him some chump change by publishing his riffs on society and freedumbs.
Re: Daniel L. Gardner’s question:
“What are Christians today willing to sacrifice to keep our religious freedom?”
The answer for Christians, and every other American that believes in the Bill of Rights for that matter, is the same thing George Washington was willing to sacrifice;
and just like what Washington was willing to risk, sacrifice and do, was the only thing the King would understand back then, it appears very likely that this is the only thing these shit eater leftists marxists will understand today.
10:38 AM, good points!
Let’s make damned sure these rich people that want to take away our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights get in on the action this time.
None of that rich man starts it, poor man fights it BS this time. article:
“If Democrat States Could Ignore Trump, Republican States Can Ignore Biden” makes great points for new states rights.
Let all of the brainwashed, dumbed down, snowflaky, civil liveries be damned fools that choose stomping out freedom of speech in order that their little feelings don’t get hurt, while living in their strict gun control high crime shit hole leftist Democrat controlled states, reap what they sow.
We are living in very, very dangerous, dumbed down, snowflaky, civil liberties be damned times.
@1:19 - you sound like an amazing Christian. Maybe you should go get an account on Parlor. I hear it’s a safe space for Trumpers like yourself.
When Garner writes, Donna and Tom hyperventilate. Yet another reason why Garner is the best of the JJ columnists.
Only a fool would quote Karl Marx to denigrate something else.
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