Wednesday, August 19, 2020


The creator of the "Stennis Flag" is none too happy with the Final Five choices for the new state flag.  She posted this little screed on Instagram although it has since been removed.


Anonymous said...

I believe that her jimmies were rustled.

There is no need to be upset.

Anonymous said...

That's some bitter wine you drinking, honey. Made from sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

U mad?
Stay mad

Anonymous said...

Apparently she didn't understand the criteria for submission requires "IN GOD WE TRUST" on the flag somewhere. And now she's throwing a hissie-fit.

Anonymous said...

Imagine being this mad over a flag design not picked. Calm down Karen.

Anonymous said...

She has a point you know.

Anonymous said...

The problem with a tantrum like this posted to social media is that it is forever. Can't pull it back.

I do like the snakes, though.

Anonymous said...

Maybe leaving the name Stennis out of this may have helped. Your comment, "This state CHASES 50th and runs its best people off with stick". How big a stick got you? By the way, I liked the snake flag displayed.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her for being pissed. She, as much as anyone in the state, pushed hard for changing the flag. And she designed and sold a whole lot of replacement flags. I can only assume that the "In God We Trust" thing was part of the sausage making that allowed the changing of the flag and she should have adapted and submitted hers to the Flag Commission. I think that towards the end of the process, many of the BLM crowd unfairly maligned her design by saying that it was associated with racism because her grandfather was John Stennis. I like her design, and I wish it had a chance. I'd be pissed too.

Anonymous said...

I guess she's mad that they didn't instantly adopt her flag so she could get royalties.
And no, you can't design the duck out of a flag. Your flag is terrible. Flags are made to fly outside, here in Mississippi. Your flag has far too much white, which is to say it will be yellow/green From February through May and light brown the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

With a mouth that nasty, I don't consider her Mississippi's "best people". This post by her is embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. Cringey. The river flag is better anyway.

Anonymous said...

haha, she cray cray, but that snake flag is legit.

Anonymous said...

Although I never was never impressed with her design, I was more impressed with her passion.

Unfortunately that is now gone forever, at least in my opinion.

No matter what one may think of the late Senator, the Stennis family has always been an example of class.
The Senator is no doubt "rolling in his grave" after hearing the foul bathroom language used by his granddaughter.

But as someone said . . . some bad or cheap wine may have something to do with her rant.

Anonymous said...

Sing it with me...... 🎶I see your true colors🎶 Shine-in through 🎶🎶

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a triggered lefty but I like the snake flag. However, call me when I can get my custom Strom Thurmond flag.

Anonymous said...

Karen, we don't want any part of the Stennis name being associated with our new flag.

Anonymous said...

Hers was always the best design, it just rustled the legislators jimmies that she came out with it before they decided to make a change. I’m going to vote none of the above of the 5 they picked.

Anonymous said...

Today's Karens require the F bomb to be dropped with regularity. Makes them sound more "manly".

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her at all for being pissed. Her design is so much better than the choices we have now.

Anonymous said...

She copyrighted her design and forbid it from being used. One could not alter hers and have it be adopted. Now we see she’s a petulant foul mouthed whiner.

hahaha. We will choose the worst. It will be the Boaty McBOATFACE OF FLAGS.

Ophelia said...

Nobody asked her to design a flag, but she did, and made a little money selling ‘em. Anyone could have done the same. That in no way meant, ever, that it was in the running to be the official one. Lauren Stennis got wayyyy too big for her britches with this, aided by the legions of fawning change-the-flaggers. Nice for her ego, I daresay, but there were just as many (probably more) who thought her design was pretty flaccid. Sore loser, indeed, and, yes, sour grapes for days. And what language! Bitterness does not become you, darlin’...

Anonymous said...

I read a great interview of her in which she said she did not submit her “Stennis Flag” to the commission for consideration because some people were raising a fuss about her name and her racist grandfather and she did she didn’t want anything getting in the way of this process. I though it was a gracious taking of the high road by her.

I guess she reached a breaking point on how bad this legislature and commission butchered the whole thing. You’ll see more Stennis flags and confederate flags on houses over the next decade than you will the new official flag.

Don Drane said...

No, she does not 'have a point you know'. She's a spoiled goddamned brat deep into her cups who thought she'd be relevant by bastardizing several Confederate Flags. She's an embarrassment to both her Grandfather and this state.

Anonymous said...

Lordy! Will she be speaking at the convention later tonight?

Kingfish said...

I thought withdrawing the flag due to her family name was a weak reason. If she feels that strongly about the name, then do something to give it a different meaning. This would have been her chance. Nice storyline actually. Segregationists granddaughter repudiates past, designs inclusive flag.

Anonymous said...

Correction this state does not CHASE 50th. It proudly holds that position which is our heritage. When DC and Puerto Rico become states we may become 51st or 52nd but there is no danger we will ever lose our position on the bottom.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like her daddy,

Clay said...

Shades Of Hillary Clinton Losing In 2016

Anonymous said...

She comes off as a bully and a spoiled brat.

Anonymous said...

I know the Stennis flag is not a finalist, but is it because Lauren withdrew it before it could be considered? I keep reading different reports

She sure tried for 6 years said...

She did more than anyone to change the flag. And started the movement long before the black riots and demands. Then ironically the black community didn’t thank her for trying to change the flag for the last six years. They turned on her because of her name.

Anonymous said...

She withdrew her flag, and is not pitching a fit. I guess she was playing some angle to cash in and now is cut out. Oh, and her language just makes everybody glad that her flag was not included. Problem solved, Karen.

Anonymous said...

I'm taking my toys and going home!

Anonymous said...

Moccasins? Always scare the Hell out of me, so very eye catching, instantly recognizable as uniquely our own, and another indication of pretty Lauren's talents.

Lauren's is by far the best graphic design, and she later created a version with "In God We Trust" at the bottom as required. None of the other flags is even close. Her's stands out by a mile. I'll vote none of the above, and hope she gets another chance. I don't think it's accurate to say she withdrew it. Rather, she just withdrew the name recognizing the prejudice the Senator's name brings (despite his long standing other accomplishments after the 1950's; a moderate compared to that true Devil, unredeemable Eastland). It's a huge opportunity missed and a loss that our Legislators bagged her design. I'm pissed too, Lauren. Keep at it Darlin.

Anonymous said...

This flag issue is not going to go away.
I urge everyone to vote NO on Nov 3rd!

Anonymous said...

Her flag is bad. Mississippi is NOT the Lone Star State. The other flags are bad too.

Anonymous said...

That's the Laurin we all know and loathe.

Anonymous said...

How miserable it must be to be a liberal / democrat / leftist / progressive / etc. Does anyone but me notice how they seem to stay in a perpetual state of unhappiness? Just constantly angry and moaning. From what I've read in several places, Ms. Stennis removed her design from contention. My observation is the same as 6:05's. Darlin', it seems to me that, you need to direct some of your perpetual animosity toward the friendly-fire you received, not the people who ultimately caved to your and like-minded others' wishes and set out to select a new flag design.

Look, we all know this flag change is a complete subterfuge. This was just checking off the next box on the way to a progressive utopia (which we also all know doesn't exist). Nothing will change with this new flag, except that it'll ultimately be brought down when the left determines the color blue is racist because the sky is blue, and it oversaw XYZ in the past, which they can't abide.

In the meantime, lighten up. Try some decaf. Try to distance yourself from your own travelers. They'll bring you down, so try some happiness. (And though you may really believe the F-bombs make you look edgy, they don't. Anything you were trying to accomplish with your online screed was undermined by going that "extra" step. It's just a reminder of how truly pettish those on the left truly are.)

Anonymous said...

I never liked John "Plow a straight furrow" Stennis and I would like her even less.

Anonymous said...

The DSM refers to this as Betsy Ross III Disorder. It is aggravated by alcohol and bitterness, apparently.

fed up in Jackson said...

I thought she with drew the Stennis Flag......which I thought was petty in a certain light, but I have to admit, the 5 chosen suck, and she is right......We absolutely lead the way in being 50th for a reason. ALL 5 choices are not good at all........that said, I would take the magnolia tree one that has a hint of Walter Anderson design flair.....that is the simplest and the best of the 5 in my opinion

Anonymous said...

She is an embarrassment to this State. I hope she takes her bitter and greedy nature far, far away. We don't need her kind of " State Pride".

Anonymous said...

Ms Stennis is the poster child for a “Karen”.

Anonymous said...

Her flag is waaaaaaay better than the final 5. The committee did an awful job.

Anonymous said...

Come on! There is nothing special about either of the flags she presented. The first is a simple design that could be the flag of any state or dictatorship the world over.

The second is just creepy. It's like telling all of your guests and tourists not to visit as the state is over run with snakes. YUCK

She is in good company however, all five of the commissions choices are terrible. Who the hell did they get to design the flags? A 5 year old with Microsoft Paint could do better.

Anonymous said...

Well she probably did more than any single person to get our state to move past that embarrassing traitorous flag we had. Much more than any regular JJ poster has accomplished.

Anonymous said...

I met Lauren at the Mississippi Book Festival several years ago. She was manning her booth under the author tent. I struck up a conversation with her only to find her arrogant and rude. I ran into her in Fondren last year with a group of mutual friends. She again displayed her arrogance and I found her to be easily offended by those with differing political perspectives. Good riddance Laurin, glad you lost.

Anonymous said...


"The second is just creepy. It's like telling all of your guests and tourists not to visit as the state is over run with snakes. YUCK"

The "snake" flag was her way of lash out at and ridiculing the flag commission, not something she did for serious consideration.

Anonymous said...

We had a nice flag. Bring it back.

Anonymous said...

All of the finalist flags are ugly, why not just replace the stars and bars with the state coat of arms and call it a day?

Anonymous said...

KF, 6:05 and 6:27—yes, yes, yes—-what a shame that the storyline of the Stennis generational change didn’t become part of the reason to adopt this flag. The design is certainly as good or better than the other five finalists.

Anonymous said...

I feel like having no flag is more appropriate. It represents our lack of hope for the future. After all these years, we are still last and always will be. Maybe the feds will take over the state and save us from ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Oh Please...As if none of y'all have ever used that type language before.

Anonymous said...

That’s the beauty of the whole thing, the switch up. Once this power vacuum resolves itself you’ll see plenty of allies turn against each other. With that said the Bart Simpson Silhouette gets my vote. It’s ugly as sin, but a great placeholder to piss off well you get the idea.

An EBT Card themed flag with a football in the canton would’ve been perfect.

Anonymous said...

So many of the submitted flags were better than her flag. The stennis flag is so basic, and like someone else mentioned, we aren’t Texas. She has one hell of an ego and with that foul mouth and bad attitude, I am extremely glad the stennis flag will not be the state flag.

Meh, I said...

Perhaps Ms. Stennis would reconsider adding "In Goode We Trust" and make her original rag the Official Flag of The Fondren?

Anonymous said...

If she only had not attached her name to the flag she probably would have been the choice. But ego got in the way. So now she is mad. Her hissy fit shows it never was about changing the flag. It was all about her. Psych 101 in any college course has a chapter on this.

Anonymous said...

I like the Stennis/Hospitality flag. It has a logical, thought-out layout. Although anything is better than the recently-retired state flag. I think all of the 9 finalists suck. The Stennis flag would be better than any of them, and there are already hundreds of people flying it and thousands of stickers of it on cars.

The late Senator John Stennis voted against crucial civil rights legislation to correct our nation's way of treating African Americans. However, he was gentlemanly about race, unlike Eastland, and tried to avoid getting in the fray. Because of his lack of passion regarding fighting against these congressional acts, Stennis almost was primaried by Gov Ross Barnett in the 1962 Democratic Primary. By the end of 1962 after the James Meredith incident at Ole Miss, Ol' Ross was regretting his decision to not run.

Senator Stennis later realized his historic errors and became supportive of civil rights legislation. His legacy in other areas, such as building the modern military and ending McCarthyism, is much better.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Lauren Stennis, his grand-daughter. She is the total opposite of the Senator. She is progressive, liberal, artistic, and visionary. Regardless of what becomes our new flag. Lauren Stennis has created out of thin air something concrete for flag change advocates to rally around and use to express themselves over the last six years while waiting for the legislature to finally act. She has donated all proceeds to charity. She should be thanked for this, not vilified.

Lauren's problem is two-fold: first, she has apparently made enemies out of some of Mississippi's left-leaning citizens, because they began personalizing their dislike of her by bringing up her grandfather's race legacy at the time when the flag-change crowd actually finally won the battle. Secondly, she threw in the towel too quickly when under fire, for whatever reason.

I think the Stennis/Hospitality flag is not dead yet. After one of these horrible alternatives with their incessant magnolias gets rejected by the voters, I predict the committee may revisit the Stennis flag and (after adding In God We Trust) choose to put it on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

I dont follow.
Somethin isnt addin up.
She focused a lot of nrg on the mississippi goddamn flag.
Changed name to hospitality flag even though stennis flag became name in common use.
She claimed initially she had NO financial ties to flag in terms of profitting, stating on local media _ in press she had turned it over to McIntyres at ACFS on 55.
Then she adds IGWT to original design to fit goofy criteria inserted in statute to make it go down easier for traditional, church denominational orgs., and lets local news know that.
Then it either doesnt make final 20 or so finalists OR she tells local news she didnt even submit it and owns trademark. Not sure which happened 1st- withdrawal or missing was mentioned in one of the skeeter flaf stories last week.
So what caused this sudden outburst on instagram?
Bad bong hit? Too much wine the night b4?
What is the real story?
Timeline doesnt add up.
One things for sure- pomposity and true colors came out finally.
That insincere, magnanimous act was tired.

Anonymous said...

None are good enough for a State, hers or theirs.

Nothing to fight over except they copied her 20 star circle.

Admire the mosquito flag for the satire.

I'll just stick with the most beautiful of all state flags, our 1894.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who saw the shape of those four snakes and immediately thought of the four “S”s in all of the Mississippi branding? I think that plus the moccasins in place of the rattlesnake (nod to the old “Don’t tread on me” flag) is pretty slick and clever. No comment on the social media post, except maybe don’t drink and type.

Anonymous said...

Historically, flags originate as military standards, used as field signs. With no words because they were graphic symbols that would allow troops to see their comrades location from afar. Plus words printed on one side don’t reverse very well on the other side. Very few countries use a war flag that differs from the state flag.

So..... The art and practice of designing flags is known as vexillography..

Principles of design[edit]
In 2006, the North American Vexillological Association published a booklet titled Good Flag, Bad Flag to aid those wishing to design or re-design a flag. The booklet lists five basic flag design principles which have become a standard reference in the vexillographer community.[3] In 2014, the North American Vexillological Association, alongside the Flag Institute created an updated booklet titled The Commission's Report on the Guiding Principles of Flag Design, which addresses issues present in Good Flag, Bad Flag, and goes more in-depth on the ideas laid forth in the aforementioned booklet.

So......go look all this up and learn something.

Anonymous said...

She has not donated all proceeds to charity - only the car tag money and that has to go to a charity. She sells t shirts, flags, probably toilet seats. And she's made enemies because she is a horrible person.

Anonymous said...

There should be a gnarly Catfish on a solid brown background as a flag choice - that would represent Mississippi to a tee.....bottom dwellers to the end, and no effort toward style whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Someone who uses her last word in her statement is not capable of writing earnestly "In God We Trust" on the new version of the state flag. Few things in life surprise me anymore but her language makes her appear entitled, crass and spoiled. This attitude is what is taking over our country. Pitch a fit mentality. Her grandfather used to go to a church I belonged to many years ago and I doubt he'd be proud of her use of language.

Anonymous said...

What 9:36 said?

Anonymous said...

@11:02, YES! Ending McCarthyism was great. Communists in media, government, higher and now lower education and rioting in our streets....good call

Anonymous said...

The legislature finally decides to change the flag. Great! What do they replace it with? The flag design that is organically on car windows and front porches? Nope. We can't let that happen. We must be difficult.

Anonymous said...

I like the Trent Lott flag....

Anonymous said...

I appreciate her passion. The Flag grew on me. It is a bad year to propose a flag that was called the Stennis flag. I mean the cancel culture would have had a field day with That's just like Mississippi to change the confederate flag to the Tennis flag. Don't be mad at Flag commission they had no choice on this one

Anonymous said...

I, too, saw this post from her. if you had continued to read down the thread, you would have seen that she says it was all about timing in withdrawing her design.

Emotions are running high on the flag design (or lack thereof) now. If the one selected by the commission doesn’t win in November, then the commission starts overs. It’s unfortunate and unfair that only a snippet of her comments are posted here. It may be more unfortunate that her post will likely follow her and the flag design.

Like her design or not, it would look better at the top of a flag pole than any of the 5 selected. The magnolias will look like a white blob, the one with the river dividing the state will always be backwards on one side (and i am surprised no one has jumped on the red state/blue state thing), and the shield design looks good up close, but all that detail will be lost on a flapping or flaccid piece of fabric.

Anonymous said...

1-The Stennis flag wasnt going to be chosen due to the fact that many MS residents feel like this is the flag that booted the other one out.

2-She's as whiney as the people that are trying to bring back the old one. Sorry--karenism goes both ways.

3-We shouldnt have a state flag that you need a road map to understand (great river).

4-there's going to be another round of flag battle. none of these five will win.

Anonymous said...

Vote no to the abominations we have been presented with. Hopefully they will give us the option of the mighty magnolia flag the second time around... and not one of the SEVERAL submissions that copied it.

Anonymous said...

She is so entitled!

Anonymous said...

She used the Stennis name to get her flag 'out there' and then once she realized that the whole plan was backfiring, she renamed the flag.
She only has a 'passion' for her name in lights. How dare they not give her a crown and parade and beg to use her Hobby Lobby flag as the State Flag.
She has been run out of every state she has lived in, according to her record, not because she was one of 'the best', rather because she is corrupt and treats people like 'subjects'. She is all about 'buying the flag', money money blah blah. Her rants match those of our current president.
Gladly leave Ms Stennis, and take your Kood-Aid with you.

Anonymous said...

SO what am I supposed to do now with my Stennis Flag License Plate?

Anonymous said...

Wow just read a column from the clarion ledger editor about how even more radical the newspaper will become. They are creating a social justice team to combat racism. Kingfish you need to write about this and link it on your page. Mind numbing.

Anonymous said...

She is right to a certain extent; the Stennis flag is already seen all across the state and on countless car tags. It also looks far better than any of the finalists chosen by the Commission, none of which will pass this November. Unfortunately, her foul-mouthed rant may have ruined any chance of having her design reconsidered the next go-around.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that flag would be a finalist if not linked with the Stennis name.

Anonymous said...

8:40. Keep it as a collector item. Will continue as a legit plate for as long as you want.

Anonymous said...

It pains me to read so much vitriol and hate and anger toward the designer of the Stennis/Hospitality flag. She put her heart and soul and, yes, finances into the thoughtful, inclusive design. If one would take the time to read about the symbolism of the flag, I believe you would agree. Let's put aside old prejudices, hate, and viciousness and bring our beloved state into the 21th century.
Yes, we are not perfect but, please, for all of our sakes, let's please work together for the good of all: black, white, Latinos, LBGTQ, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew alike. And, yes, I am a white, heterosexual, 80-year-old female who grew up in a very segregated Mississippi town who has the privilege of being well educated. I have come to the realization of how poor I really am in sadly lacking in the knowledge of cultures not like mine. I am finally growing up. I encourage you to do the same.
Grow up, Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Never really been a big fan of the Stennis flag, but I'd rather have it than the abominations up for vote. Will definitely vote against whatever is chosen.

Anonymous said...

Her Stennis flag just looks too much like the Military Service Flag/Banner and has rightfully been disqualified.

Anonymous said...

9:51, it looks like to me you've missed the point of most of the comments on this story. Rather than most posters focusing on "old prejudices, hate, and viciousness," they're focusing on Ms. Stennis' actions, not her work-product. Had she acted in a reasonable fashion, I truly believe her flag could have ended up being the State flag of MS. However, she chose the petulant route instead, and not only did she voluntarily remove her flag from consideration by the commission (in a rather strident fashion, I might add), she then got angry when they accepted her retraction and didn't consider it!

Just further proof of liberalism being a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

I Really like the 4 - S Snake design...that completely represents the Political Swamp filled with Snakes in Mississippi.

Tish said...

I think all flag stuff is total BULLSHIT!!!! I liked my flag NO I LOVE MY FLAG the way it is and has always been. Screw the liberals and anyone else that don't like it. They are all just a bunch of fucking wussies and cry over the stupidest shit. My flag is still flying at my house and that won't change.

oops said...

Miss Stennis blew it. First, she came up with an overly-generic flag - a decent enough design, but said NOTHING about ANYTHING much less Mississippi (we're "the 20th state? hurrah for a meager point). Second, she started promoting it as if that's the way things get done - in a democracy, individuals do NOT decide important issues, they are vetted and voted on, not rammed through with promotional gimmicks. She thought she could bypass this, and it simply didn't work. Can't buy your way into history.
Third, as folks are now seeing what a lot of others already knew, she never had Mississippi on her mind, just her petulant (and backstabbing) personal agenda. And yeah, she even stated on her first web site that the central star was a nod to the Confederacy. Tone deaf, anyone?
So her true colors come out at last. Pretty flag, but generic and meaningless and not run through the system. Can't force an individual's will on an entire state.
As for you flag haters, my heritage goes back to the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. And I am TIRED of you who want to force a miserable short period on our state's history onto everyone. Can't put a Star of David or a Cross on the flag either.

Anonymous said...

“They” who???

Anonymous said...

All 5 final choices suck!

Anonymous said...

All the flags suck it. I know because I can see the fuck out of artistic vision and I can write the fuck out of blog comments!

Anonymous said...

Flags make people’s feelings hurt. Always have. Better get out and vote. For those who can’t get out to vote, your eyes will never see the flag anyway, so your opinion about how the flag should be doesn’t really matter.

Anonymous said...

Is that grandpappy’s anger/hatefulness peaking its ugly head out????

sEnIoRs RuLe! said...

'How dare you peasants! Obviously you are not aware of who I am!', she exclaims, clutching her pearls and nearly tipping over her mint julep.

The joke is on all you mental midgets who rushed out to buy bumper stickers and car plates as if you had a statement to make. Guess what? You didn't. Well, other than "I hate Dixie", and you can still do that with a bottle of white shoe polish like you do when your kid kicks a soccer goal or enters her senior year.

Anonymous said...

oops nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Stennis said all she wanted was to have the confederate section of the flag eliminated. BS! All she wanted was to have her flag flying. If Mississippi is 50th, according to her, she needs to move to number 1 (is that New York or California?). She would be a much happier, ungrateful, miserable person in those two rioting, liberal states.

Melanie said...

This is my first time to look at this blog, and I'm aghast at the vitriol aimed at Laurin Stennis. Shame on all of you ---- MOST of you --- for posting anonymous comments. Stand up and say these awful things to her face, if you feel so strongly about it. I've only known Laurin for a few years, but she has been nothing but kind and helpful to me as a fellow artist. I admire her passion for change and her courage to put her family's name out there when she was well aware that it could stir controversy. Yet, it didn't stop her from offering an excellent alternative to a very offensive symbol on our state flag. We should all be sending her heaps of roses and thanking her for successfully leading the movement to remove that symbol. I wish her nothing but happiness and success.

I hope that when I look at this blog again, I see a more productive topic rather than one which is aimed at maligning a very well-intentioned individual. Be kind.

Anonymous said...

Hi “Melanie” or Laurin. Whatever you want to be called. When people show their true colors, it’s hard to put a positive spin on something that was allegedly put out there to be altruistic. Take your ‘be kind’ and give that message to Ms. Stennis. Instead of bathroom language and vitriol against her own state try just not saying anything at all. I hope she does leave Mississippi for a ‘higher ranked’ state. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Melanie - if you think she's a nice person, it's because you don't know the real Laurin. She badmouths everyone including people who think they are her best friends.

Anonymous said...

"Official Flag of The Fondren"

I've been laughing all day about this post.

"The Fondren"

They probably do need their own flag in " The Fondren".


Don Drane said...

If she wanted to eliminate 'the Confederate section of a flag', why, then, did she incorporate (with a twist) Confederate sections from two other flags?

She purposefully used the red border from the Third Confederate National official flag (The Blood Stained Banner) but doubled it, placing it on both lateral borders. She purposefully used the Bonnie Blue but reversed the color from white to blue. She's either a poor designer, has no knowledge of Confederate flags or was up to a bit of trickery. Maybe all three.

Those of us who do appreciate Confederate flags appreciate her failed effort.

Anonymous said...

i’ve lived here in jacktown for 70 years and this govt screw-up is no surprise to me. i’ve dealt with the legislature, statewide elected officials, lawyers, bankers and other professional liars, crooks and frauds for my 45 year professional career. i am a conservative, voted for trump last time and will do so again this year.

all that to say—i am in agreement with this stennis woman and i think she does incredible design and graphics. this stuff she has on her website is really creative—i especially like the one of the capitol bldg B-). i understand her angst in dealing with the spineless gray men in the capitol bldg. the legislature is a bad joke played on mississippi citizens. though i hate to admit it, i’ve actually supported tate reeves against these legislative fools. hosemann and gunn need to go, as do most up there.

it has been painful to watch our elected officials hijack every single thing that the people of this state want to get done, just so they can stay in power and flex their political muscle. haley barbour raised this to an art form. anything the people want has to go thru a political meat-grinder so everybody up there can get their share of the pie. it has happened with this flag issue and s happening now with the hemp bill. their MO: try to suppress an idea, then form a committee/commission, drag it out, don’t make a decision until you can find a way to blame it on “the people” and line your own pocket in the process.

sorry for the rant—i just meant to say that i support ms. stennis in this and i think she has the best design. i would like it to have “in God we trust” on it through. in the event that flag is not chosen, i think her snake flag should be the choice with her graphic of the capitol bldg on her website being a close 2nd.

Anonymous said...

I read that Ms. Stennis’ design was very similar to one previously designed by another artist. That could have also played into her decision not to submit it. Perhaps there was some consideration in avoiding a potential lawsuit. IDK. Anyway I look at it, we avoided a bad, non-unique design by someone that clearly has some emotional issues. If the top design from the 5 finalists doesn’t make the state happy in November, I think MS should do without a flag. Why do we need any other flag than Old Glory?

Anonymous said...

I’m glad the military service flag knock-off wasn’t submitted. It sucked and had little imagination. Any of the 5 current final flags is better than Stennis’ “design.”

Unknown said...

And I thought I was the only one who had some beef with the local arts community. Glad my name isn't Stennis and I'm definitely not selling 500 units out the door of nothing. It just goes to show that even those who presume themselves to be classy, more talented, and especially more deserving can take a fall.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS