Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Battle of Culley Lake Continues

The Battle of Culley Lake continues to rage as the owners of the lake and Natchez Trace Village Property Owners Association slug it out in court over who exactly controls the lake.   A Madison County Chancellor ruled in February that the Culley family controls the lake but the Association wants a rematch and appealed to the Mississippi Supreme Court. 

The saga began when the Lewis Culley, Sr. and Gus Noble developed Natchez Trace Village in the 1960's as a "highly restrictive community" complete with a homeowners association and a Board of Governors.  The two developers built the Madison neighborhood around thirty-acre Culley Lake.  What was intended to be a center of tranquility for a neighborhood in the country has instead been the center of much neighborhood drama.  Arrests, fines, court fights, and good ole social media mucking has been the story as the two sides battle over Culley Lake. 

Mr. Culley died and bequeathed the Natchez Trace Village property he owned, including Culley Lake, to his children, Bethany and Lewis Culley, Jr.  The Culleys and Cockrells live in Natchez Trace Village.  The Culley family pays the taxes on the lake.   However, the Culleys "relinquished all maintenance responsibilities of the lake" to the Board in 1975.

The Board banned waterskiing in 2010, citing maintenance issues.   The opinion provides a glimpse into what happened next:

Both the Culleys and  Cockrells  admit  that,  despite the  new  regulation,  they  continued  to  waterski,  and  have  allegedly  been  fined  for  such  violations.    This,  along  with  numerous  other  incidents  involving  ill advised  Facebook  posts,  arrests,  and  the  Culleys '  alleged  obstruction  of  certain portions of the lake, escalated a neighborhood feud to this litigation that has spanned  several years. 
The Board asked the Chancellor to issue a temporary restraining order against the Culleys and Cockrells in August 2017 as it sought to stop waterskiing, tubing, and jetskiing on the lake as such activities violate the regulations.   The defendants began operating jet skis in 2016.  They even allowed their 11 year-old children to operate the jetskis.   Two residents complained it kept them from fishing and would damage the lake.

The Board fined Cockrell for violating the ban against jetskiing.  The defendants called the Association's hand and raised the bet as they removed the warning signs from the dam and "began launching boats" from the spillway.   Lewis Culley, III argued there were no covenants for the lake in a Facebook post (p.47):

The appearance of the Culley navy escalated the war of complaints. The defendants continued to tell NTV residents that the boat launch was open.  The Culleys built a floating fuel dock in the middle of the lake.  Shades of the Mulberry harbors.  The war on Facebook heated up as numerous posts  and comments about the Board were made in terms that were none too flattering.   The Association accused the defendants of conducting a campaign of bullying, harassment, and smears against the Board.

The petition states that the Board's engineer, Billy Colson, said the ban should remain in place until the lake was properly dredged to its appropriate depth.  However, he said there should be no more than one tuber or skiier at a time on the lake.

At least one Association officer, Mary Watkins, took pictures of the kids riding the jetskis and allegedly yelling at them with a bullhorn.  Charges for disturbing the peace were filed against her but a Madison Municipal Court judge dismissed them.  However, she was later arrested for casting fish hooks at one of the boys as he rode his jetski.  Charges were again filed against her and she was arrested. The court convicted her of simple assault and fined her $500. 

The plaintiffs cried foul to the court:

Further, in response to fines levied by the NTVPOA BOG against defendant, Allen Cockrell, thedefendants have engaged in threats, public ridicule, libelous statements, harassment, and conspired in filing frivolous criminal affidavits against NTVPOA Board Members, specifically Mary Watkins.

The petition states that Ms. Watkins took pictures of the kids riding jetskis to document the violations.   It claims the Mrs. Cockrell "doctored" a photograph of Mrs. Watkins casting the fish hooks.

However, the court did convict Mrs. Watkins of the charge.

The defendants said hold on now, we're going to present our side of the story.   The Culleys said they own the lake and the dam outright. Thus have the right to control the property as they see fit.  The Culleys have always paid the lake's property taxes.   All Natchez Trace Village property owners are allowed to use the lake.  The defendants said that only the Association was trying to restrict the use of the lake.  The response also argued that since the subdivision is not platted, there are no covenants that bind Culley Lake.  The covenants only apply to the actual lots.  The defendants also argue that granting the TRO would infringe upon their rights to free speech.

 Chancellor James Walker took it all under advisement after a December trial and ruled in February that the Culley Lake indeed belongs to the Culleys.  He also decreed that the Association has no right to regulate the use of Culley Lake. 

In looking at the plain language of this covenant, it is clear that the term "subject property"refers to the property to which the covenant is attached. In other words, "subject property" describes the land actually conveyed in the deed. Given that it is undisputed that these covenants were never recorded on the Culley Lake property owned by the Culleys, it necessarily follows that "subject property" does not describe the lake.....
He said that although the Association is responsible for the maintenance of the lake, it can't regulate the lake as right of maintenance and right to regulate are separate.  The Chancellor said that the covenants do give the lot owners the right to use the lake as they have a perpetual easement.   The fines levied against Cockrell were moot. He also ignored the accusations of harassment and bullying from both sides. 

However, the Association did not take this judicial spanking laying down but instead submitted a notice of appeal to the Mississippi Supreme Court in March.  It recently asked the Court for more time to file its brief.  Thus the fight for control of Culley Lake continues on in the Mississippi court system. 

Attorneys Barry Hassell, Alexander Bondurant, and Steven Smith represent the Association.  Attorney Gene Berry represents the defendants.

Posted Below
Page 1: Judge's Order and Opinion
Page 16: Response to Petition
Page 33: NTV Petition for TRO
Page 55: Exhibits


Macy Hanson said...

How, in the world, is this litigation being funded?

Anonymous said...

Biggest piece missing to the story.... how much of residents money has the Board (Mary Watkins) spent on the losing lawsuit to ban jet skis and were residents in favor of this use of funds?

Anonymous said...

This is an inaccurate report obviously by an NTV board member because everyone else is still concerned about Mary Watkins still serving on the board after being convicted of simple assault on minor. Her term as a board member is up (along with others) and they purposely won’t have a meeting like they were suppose to. They are using the lake lawsuit as an excuse to not hold an election. Yet THEY are the ones keeping the lawsuit going. The neighborhood is SICK of this board and wants to have to election -like it was suppose have had in August!! This article also left off the part where the board spent over 100K of the neighborhood’s money (without asking the residents) to fight a losing lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Is this a great country or what??

Anonymous said...

What lessons are the kids being taught here? The principles I see demonstrated are:

1. If you get into a disagreement with someone that escalates into an argument, never pass up an opportunity to stick your finger in their eye.

2. Be sure to rub their noses in it publicly, so that everyone else knows You Won!

3. At the end of the day, the only thins that matters it Total Victory, which requires that somebody else totally loses.

Anonymous said...

I heard a group of home owners had to sue the Board to obtain financial records, which is actually required by law. What happened with this? Wouldn’t these financials show how much HOA (residents) money has and continues to be spent on claiming, falsely, that Board can regulate the private lake?

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe all of this juvenile activity is occurring in the land of milk and honey (Madison).

Anonymous said...

1. Also, never pass up an opportunity to stick a fish hook in their eye
2. Be sure to sue everyone for anything, or at least threaten to sue
3. The only thing that matters is that what you can control through manipulation, intimidation and bribery

Anonymous said...

Macy Hanson - homeowner dues are how litigation is being funded. 100K and counting.

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that according to the Board of Governors of NTV, the appeal to the Supreme Court of this case by the NTV HOA is in NAME ONLY. Property owners voiced concern and opposition over use of resident's maintenance fees (HOA funds) to cover the legal costs of this suit. We were told that from here on, this legal case was being funded by an anonymous group of a few property owners with lakeside property.

Anonymous said...

@12:29 - It looks like the lessons being taught to kids in that neighborhood are:
1. Fight for what’s right -even if people try to threaten to you with frivolous lawsuits
2. Don’t back down from a bully- esp when they are trying to steal land that you own
3. When an adult assaults you, call the police!!

Anonymous said...

This whole thing should be settled like the old days, the 1800s. A duel. Lew Culley III and Mary Watkins, 15 paces, on the dam of Culley Lake. Firework show to follow.

Anonymous said...

Or, maybe settle it with a joust, on jet skis!

Anonymous said...

I live in NTV. This is not a two-sided feud. The JJ article mentions "HOA" and "neighborhood" a few times. This may insinuate to outsiders that this is a feud between the residents of NTV and the Culleys. It is NOT. The board (Mary Watkins, Lew Culley's Aunt by marriage) started this battle in 2012, right after the death of Lew Culley's mother (then owner of Culley Lake), and hid behind the HOA's name in doing so. The board also used HOA funds, unbeknownst of the homeowners, to pay the legal fees.

Anonymous said...

1. If you get into a disagreement with someone that escalates into an argument, never pass up an opportunity to stick your finger in their eye.
———The ONLY people assaulting anyone - is MARY WATKINS.

2. Be sure to rub their noses in it publicly, so that everyone else knows You Won!
——- Ummmm.... Sorry you lost???? Can’t really help you here. It sounds like you have personal issues with losing. You may want seek therapy. ??

3. At the end of the day, the only thins that matters it Total Victory, which requires that somebody else totally loses.
——— That’s usually how things work. Usually someone has to lose. I guess it sucks for you that the Judge didn’t give out participation awards instead of a ruling.
It’s sad that the only thing you think is going on is about winning and losing. Instead of: People trying to steal land. People fighting for their land. An adult assaulting a kid. Homeowners not being able to use the lake as it was intended by the developers. Thousands of dollars of money spent to fund a pointless lawsuit. Homeowners house values declining because of an incompetent board. BUT yeah ... let’s make this a rant from someone bitter about losing.

Anonymous said...

Hey kingfish, you ought to dig into "trash" court records and research residents that have been summoned from NTV. Board members? One of the defendants? And the City still hasn't cleaned it up. Just a quick run through the neighborhood and a ride on the lake and anyone can see some real eye sores and major trash! Jet skis are the least of NTV's problems! Being able to advertise recreation on a lake is actually not a problem but an asset. Living next to Fred Sanford is a problem.

Anonymous said...

I am a developer and would love to have this type of neighborhood to rehabilitate. Buy low, sell HIGH!

Anonymous said...

I am a board member of NTV. I would like to speak out to all of this; however, I would likely get kicked off the Board and possibly sued if I said anything.

Anonymous said...

I suprised after all these comments no one blamed Haley.

Anonymous said...

How can an association sue or appeal without the board of directors approving this action?

NTV Resident said...

The initial story about the Criminal Litigation was pretty accurate; however, this story you messed up the timeline. You must have the correct time line in order to be accurate. It seems the Board contacted you guys wanting to tell their side of the story. Many documents you provided as proof but no documents as to "Culley Navy", or any threats, public ridicule, libelous statements or harassment towards the board. If there were - Where are those court filings from the NTV Board? If the Criminal charges were "frivolous" why did the City of Madison not throw it out?? there were no Affidavits against the "NTVPOA Boards Members" only criminal charges or affidavits filed were against 1 (one) of the Board members (NOT THE BOARD AS A WHOLE). Only after those charges were filed were the 'Cockrell's' named in the latest Litigation, no prior litigation. Allen Cockrell doesn't have Facebook or any social media to be harassing, threats, ect. The drama on Facebook is because the NTV Board agreed at the last meeting to have an Annual Meeting in August, well it didn't happen. Low and behold the Board members that have expired terms??? well, that would be the 3 that are the main ones in the Litigations. With the Board refusing to scheduled a Neighborhood Meeting (required in the Legal Covenants) nothing can move on in the Subdivision causing great animosity for ALL (not just the ones named in the Litigations. The only 2 (two) residence you claim that complained of the skiing was 1-the board member best friend, that has not been on the lake for atleast 15 years and want let her own son come to ski, fish, or anything on the lake; 2- was a resident in which the complaint was handwritten in the handwriting of the Board member in question; he didn't even sign the letter himself (not very creditable). Last but not least - EVERYONE abided by the temporary ban of skiing, tubing ect, until the Final Order came in from Judge Brewer stating the Board could not regulate the Rules. The board even sent out a letter stating the same and that they "were working with the lake owners on an agreement' that's when Mr. Culley decided to put a stop to the Gossip and hearsay and say ' hey if you want to ski? ski If you want to Tube? Tube have fun, just be safe' At no time have any children been irresponsible or disrespectful to anyone on the water. Noone Jet Ski's if anyone is out fishing and it's been that way since the subdivision was developed. The entire neighborhood dues have been depleted and used on behalf of the NTV Board to initiate this litigation without agreement from the actual neighbors. So far, well over $80,000 spent just to be told a second time "the Board DOES NOT OWN THE LAKE'. Honestly, when I don't feel like listening to Jet Ski's - I walk in my house, it's that easy, instead of using other peoples money. Her house is 3 times further from the water than mine. I can't hear the Jet Skis inside my house. Oddly enough, she use to ski on the lake when she was younger and so did the friend that claims she can't fish.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm a board member of NTV, also. I call bullshit on your claim.

Anonymous said...

Is this a "hail Mary" or "Heil Mary?"

Anonymous said...

@3:25 classy representation of the board. I can see why there may be problems.

Anonymous said...


I don’t know who is dumber, you or me, for admitting we are on this board

Anonymous said...

Only time will heal this FUBAR situation. Likely more time than less.

Anonymous said...

Whoever the person is behind making up all these lies against Mary Watkins ought to be ashamed. She is caring, loving, friendly, selfless person who only wants what is best for her neighborhood and has spent her time and money faithfully fighting against thugs and bullies that want to turn the Village into a redneck riviera.

Anonymous said...

You obviously haven’t been a recipient of her threatening letters!
Does she ride past your house twelve times a day?
Protecting the neighborhood? What are you smiling?
Have you ridden around and looked at the condition of the village?
Houses selling very low and some are foreclosures.

Anonymous said...

I lived in an HOA from Hell run neighborhood in Tennessee back in the 90s. It was run by a bunch of blue haired, grumpy and paranoid people. Took 10 years, but they died. 3 years later property values started sky rocketing. They implemented term limits and friends who still live there say it is still great. They have a mix of ages of men and women who serve them rotate off.

Anonymous said...

This is @12:29. It looks like I touched a nerve when I suggested that some folks might not be setting a great example for the children involved. Did you really have to build a "floating fuel dock in the middle of the lake"?

Anonymous said...

@3:50 what are the lies? Was she arrested for simple assault against her great nephew? Did a judge find her guilty? Has she been over a board that has spent over 100k in legal fees to sue her nephew over property he owns? Are the home values in NTV on the decline? Are there board members in violation of covenants without consequence?

Anonymous said...

I just dug up the Natchez Trace Village Lake Rules I was mailed from the NTV Board of Governors. Rule number 7... this is gold. Rule number 7 states: “7. NO THROW NETS, TROT LINES, OR UNATTENDED HOOKS ARE ALLOWED ON EITHER LAKE.” I guess since the board members hook she was throwing at a child was attended by her she thought it was okay??? The board has also told me that the lake was never used for skiing, but these lake rules the board wrote contradict that. They also contradict the TRO stating jetskis weren’t used until 2016 as you write??? Did the NTV Board Of Governors really write that jet skis were not used until 2016 but then send us lake rules claiming they went into effect in 2002?? Rule # 2 states: “2. ONLY BOATS OR PERSONAL WATERCRAFT (JET SKIS) OWNED BY MEMBERS OF NTV ARE ALLOWED ON THE LAKES UNLESS PRIOR BOARD APPROVAL IS OBTAINED.”

Anonymous said...

You must have no regard for legal authorities either? When you are asked to stop doing something four times you stop!
I wouldn’t call her a nice person. Why appeal every litigation you don’t win?
She doesn’t know more than they do!
You don’t spend property owners money for your own satisfaction!
It’s not being spent on improving the neighborhood nor are the covenants being enforced.

Anonymous said...

So... that’s not a lie. It’s a fact ....proven in court.
She has spent all her NEIGHBORS money fighting a losing lawsuit that NO ONE in that neighborhood cares about except for her and the board. If your neighbors feel the same way about her then... HOLD THE BOARD ELECTION!!! The board must not believe the neighborhood supports her or the board or they would HAVE AN ELECTION!! The one that was due in August!!!
You’re calling others thugs and bullies when MARY WATKINS was the one ARRESTED and had the CRIMINAL RECORD!! Maybe you need a dictionary.

Anonymous said...

@3:50.... Jackson Jumbalaya obtained court records and wrote this. How much of her own Money has Mary Watkins spent of her own on these lawsuits? Are you suggesting that she is solely funding the appeal ?

Anonymous said...

RE Agents better damn well be disclosing that crap storm to potential buyers.

Anonymous said...

@4:14... if you own something you have the right to do what you want with it! Who are you to tell these land owners what they can and can’t do with their own property? Think about what you are saying!

Anonymous said...

@12:29 & 4:14. You call it “touched a nerve” we call it “making you look dumb”.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the only people who want to be on any HOA board are the nosey people who, if they weren't on the board, would be peeping into their neighbor's windows.

Anonymous said...

Any board that would purposely deceive property owners by printing covenants they know are not worded the way they are in their own set
just because many didn’t know what theirs “originally “ said when their lot was sold, needs to go to jail. This was addressed by Judge Walker in his ruling. You call this lady sweet? She has deceived property owners for years and years now. Even feels the need to print in the village directory that the HOA is a 501C3 knowing they are not! Yes, it’s 2018 and we still have paper directories!
She tripled dues in 2006 to make emergency repairs to the lake but to today, the repairs have not been done. Instead she used all property owners to get the money to sue her nephew because she and her husband don’t like the sound of jet skis.
Being the first subdivision in Madison, things were not done (platted) like they are now but it doesn’t give anyone the right to lie to property owners and take their money for their own agenda. We also found out that increasing our dues was illegal because the 2/3 signatures with the amendment is NOT recorded at the courthouse.

Anonymous said...

1:57 person- didn’t you mean “ex” board member?
Person defending Mary must be the same lady who also feels the need to take pictures of young children in their bathing suits while riding jet skis? It’s not like you don’t know who the kids are! There has only been two kids riding in 4 years?!
Find something better to do with your time!

Anonymous said...

@4:14. You do realize there is no floating fuel dock in the middle of the lake don’t you?? I guess you haven’t realized it yet- BUT you shouldn’t believe everything the board tells you. THAT IS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THAT! Keep “touching nerves” there cowboy ... it seems to prove how ignorant “your side” is with all your absolutely ridiculous comments!! #notwinning #someoneisprobablyinfetal #pleasekeepposting

NTV Resident said...

Can someone please post a photo of this "floating fuel dock"? Because it's not in NTV lakes..
Thanks Betty A for all your comments- if you truly felt that way why not show your name, it would have more meaning if you did.

Anonymous said...

Not sure who is “truthfully” paying for the appeal. Only know that our last financial statement still showed large legal expenses eventhough the ruling was prior. Costs approximately $10,000 just to file a briefing to the Supreme Court. HOA’s attorney has had 7 months but keeps filing extensions. Doesn’t sound to me like he thinks they have a solid appeal case or was the appeal to try to stop the criminal trial? If so, it didn’t work. FYI- the transcripts alone for the appeal were over $3,000!

Meanwhile, To The North.. said...

If you think this is a shit-show, wait til you move up to the Gluckstadt, Caroline, Annandale and any of ten other North-West-Madison HOA neighborhoods and encounter that bunch of Belligerent, controlling 40 year olds who don't have shit to do but tend to erry-baddies bidness night and day!

Anonymous said...

I can’t quit laughing. HOA’s need to be reigned in by all states. There is no way to tell when a corrupt person like this is going to take control.

Face it. An HOA is nothing more than a fascist fiefdom. It’s the neighborhood version of Jimmy Hoffa running a union.

Anonymous said...

So you believe an HOA board who depleted the neighborhood’s funds to fight for control of property they don’t own ? You say neighbors voiced their opinions against financing the appeal and were told the money to file appeal would be from a group of lakefront property owners. Did no one voice their opinion of being against the $100k being spent on the many court filings of this HOA board? You’re ok with that as long as the neighborhood doesn’t fund the appeal ? If that’s the case, no wonder the HOA board does as they please. I wouldn’t believe one word from any member of that HOA. Sounds like a group of weak and easily manipulated morons letting one woman get them deeper in a situation they will have a hard time getting out of.

Anonymous said...

@5:56, y'all might want to check to see whether the covenant is enforceable at all now if changes weren't recorded and whether HOA dues are now no longer mandatory. Not a lawyer but also a homeowner in an old Madison County subdivision with no longer enforceable covenants dues to non-recording at the courthouse.

Glenn Brown said...

I cannot fathom a free man willingly handing over money to a bunch of random people for the "honor" of living in a neighborhood in which he paid money for land and a house to go on it. If an HOA comes knocking, answer the door with s baseball bat and an extended middle finger.

Anonymous said...

I was told that Mary wanted the lake to be deemed a cemetery so that the HOA could have “Viking style” funerals for its members. Probably why everyone is concerned with the floating fuel dock that doesn’t exist. 🤦🏻‍♂️

This HOA needs to be dissolved and the neighborhood can fall back under city ordinances which are just as good as recorded covenants for the neighborhood. I saw on this post that 2 people claimed to be board members but the board members of NTV claim to be unable to use Facebook so I doubt they’re commenting on blog post.

Anonymous said...

Our covenants were recorded when each lot was originally sold so those are legal. Only two streets were actually platted so we have 3 sets total. Problem is that houses have been sold multiple times so people are led to believe the covenants the HOA prints in their directory are legal even if altered. We should all be asking ourselves why any board member would want to remain on the board for years and years?

Anonymous said...

@8:06 Board did not notify members of a suit they planned on pursuing. If they had, we wouldn’t be in this position today. Told the majority of Board wanted to pursue suing The Culleys... In my opinion the same 3 members whose terms expired in August and at least +1 voted for this without researching the legality of it all themselves. Should each board member be held responsible? Do these board members get any kickbacks from propping up this same board and allowing this to occur??

Micah said...

I hate to break it to you but NTV is already a redneck riviera.

Anonymous said...

When is the reality show coming out?

Anonymous said...

My experience with HOA's is that they have officer's and board members insurance to cover legal fees.

I'm not sure that it is 40 year olds riding through the neighborhood putting notices on doors or sending letters or emails. It is usually retired men and women who have nothing else to do and they like the power that they have. Some HOA's are just ridiculous. I know of one that fined a homeowner because his garbage can was not behind the house. It was behind large shrubs and could not be seen from the street.

I have been contacted by a HOA about representing them on an on-going basis. After I look into their actions I may or may not accept the representation. You never know.

Anonymous said...

I just bought Kenny and Larita Stokes a second home in this subdivision because of all the fuss.

Now Kenneth can make appearances in his front lawn and complain about the evil people.

Anonymous said...

Know an attorney who needs a pro bono case? 😂
With the HOA feeling the need to challenge all judges it might be challenging but so worth it for all property owners. Lots of personal money already spent by “legal” owners of Culley Lake for 5 years now.
Property owners have asked for an audit for three years in a row only to be told we could pay the board for their time! Ever heard of such?
By state statute, financials were requested 4 times! Then a lawsuit was filed to obtain them. Two months later only some requests were finally provided. 🤷‍♀️

Anonymous said...

The City of Madison acts as a giant HOA for those areas that are not controlled by one. You will be cited (and fined if you argue with Czar Reeves) for a dead bush, a utility trailer or a faded gutter.

Anonymous said...

Gus Noble is turning over in ins grave!

Stephanie Lass said...

It’s always darkest before the dawn! I know reading all this stuff scares many people off and away from NTV, and with good reason. However, I want to throw into this mix that there is a positive movement happening and change is coming. There’s been a trend over the last few years of new people buying and rehabbing some of the older and dated homes - not to sell but to live in and enjoy mainly due to the large lots, wooded backyards, and neighborhood lakes. Many of us have moved here and we choose to stay, despite the dysfunction of the board. Rather than sell (at a loss), we have chosen to TRY to bring about change. We’ve done this by coming together and having neighborhood events – such as “Movie under the Stars”, “Cookouts by the Lake”, “Children’s Fishing Rodeo” and an upcoming “Trunk or Treat”. A large group of homeowners came together last year and created / funded our own Christmas float, which was entered into the City of Madison’s Christmas Parade and I’m proud to say WE WON best overall float! We will be entering again this year with a growing group of participants so come check us out! Most of us want good things and we enjoy our neighbors. We enjoy our lakes and large lots, with walking access to Overlook Point and the Simmons Arboretum. There is a positive momentum building and if you’ve ever thought about getting into an “up and coming” neighborhood, then now is the time in the NTV. Due to all the current dysfunction, we have the best prices in Madison County and on the flip side, due to that positive movement of homeowners, our values will only rise over the coming years. Our new motto – REVITALIZE AND THRIVE!
P.S. - We just got approved for new streets next year throughout the neighborhood.

Kawasaki SX-R said...

Where is boat ramp at NTV? I am heading that way.

Anonymous said...

@11:27 It appears this board doesn’t have legal insurance. (I think they were use to using lawsuits as threats and not having to follow through. But they sure did pick a fight with the wrong people this time.) There are cancelled checks written to their attorney that total over 100K. But it’s ok... they have said “going forward” they weren’t going to spend anymore of the residents money (like everyone should be ok with the 100K they’ve already spent) Canceled checks show that is once again a LIE. After saying that no more funds would be used, more canceled checks showed they are still using neighborhood funds.

Anonymous said...

How is it that (Czar Reeves) John Reeves was appointed to Madison Environmental court Court and his sister Robin Mayfield is suing Mayor Mary over Mark Mayfield's death? If I were Mayor Mary, I would fire John Reeves in heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

@Stephanie “Revitalize and thrive” ?? Isn’t the same crooked HOA still in control? Don’t y’all have a board member convicted of assaulting a kid? Aren’t they STILL spending neighborhood money to fund lawsuits? Didn’t they JUST do an appeal to the Supreme Court? Doesn’t sound like anything will “thrive” until you all figure out how to get rid of your HOA. That should be the first plan of that neighborhood. It’s great that some of the people there are trying to do positive things but it will NEVER have the image you are trying to portray as long as you have that HOA in charge.

Anonymous said...

So, if anyone not living in NTV wants to use Culley Lake, they do not need permission from the neighborhood, they just need permission from Lew or Bethany Culley? This would include parties, concerts, fishing rodeos, ski contests, etc?

Anonymous said...

If the answer is yes, can someone post Lew or Bethany's phone number? I'm looking for a good place to host a Christmas Party bonfire. Wonder if they provide security. The Culley's could charge a fee for use, parking, and beer vendors!

Anonymous said...

@1:06. If the neighborhood HOA doesn’t own the lake, why would anyone ask them to use it??? The Culley’s have ALWAYS owned this lake. This is nothing new. If I want to hang out in your back yard, do you want me to ask permission from the HOA before I do so?? I truly hope you are being facetious. Surely no one is this dumb.
Maybe the Culleys SHOULD let people rent it for outside events... make some money to fight the HOA!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:06 Most of the residents of the neighborhood don’t even use the lake. What makes you think non residents would want to use it? Sounds like another lie the HOA is trying to spread. But, that’s definitely something the lake owners should look into. Great idea!

Anonymous said...


That was my point. Turn NTV Lake into Party Central! The new DOCK! Those old people thought jet skis were annoying, wait till the parties start!

Anonymous said...


I am being facetious. I have heard one of the reasons Mary tells her neighbors giving up the fight for regulating the lake is that the Culleys would be able to allow the whole county to come out to Culley Lake, allow people to throw parties and raise all kind of hell, which would result in people's backyards (the Lake owners) turning into a cesspool. This is absurd reasoning coming from Mary Watkins, seeing that a) the Culleys have just as much reason to be concerned about property values as anyone, AND b) any activities on the Lake have to abide by Madison City Ordinances, including noise, disturbance and all laws.

Anonymous said...

@1:43 "Maybe the Culleys SHOULD let people rent it for outside events... make some money to fight the HOA!!!"

Clarification....the fight is not with the HOA. It is with the Board of the HOA. BIG difference. And, to be honest, it is with three members of the Board and a few other residents who have fallen hook line and sinker (pun intended) for Mary Watkins attempt to assert control and power over weak minded people.

Anonymous said...

The board represents the HOA. These are the people YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD elected to make decisions on your behalf. The HOA has allowed this to continue. A criminal still serves on the board. The lawsuit says NTV Property Owners Association and the money used to sue the Culley’s is HOA money. Therefore this is with the entire HOA.

Lloyd Bridges said...

Who can believe this shit. Sounds like we're talking about Canton Municipal Utilities or some sort of shit orchestrated by Rudy and Espy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jackson Jambalaya needs to dig some more and talk to some of those folks living in that hell. I bet they’d be happy to talk.

Art Vandelay said...

Sounds like Mary is running wild with HOA money! HOA needs to reel her in.

Regina Phalange said...

Sounds like no one wants to stand up to the HOA board or the crazy lady - Mary. The whole neighborhood can’t be scared to go against her can they??

Anonymous said...

You just have no clue what property owners go through!

Anonymous said...

Is this the realtor Bethany Culley?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS