Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Coroner makes ID

Madison PD issues the following statement:

This morning, August 14, 2013, Madison County Coroner Alex Breeland confirmed that the deceased individual found by the Madison Police Department on August 13, 2013 has been identified as Abigail Grace Bonner of Madison.  Abigail was originally reported missing on August 3, 2013 from the Belle Rose Subdivision.  A subsequent missing person and run-a-way investigation ensued by the Madison Police Department until the discovery of her body yesterday.  The investigation into Abigail's death is on-going.  Although there were no obvious signs of foul play, other results of the autopsy are still pending.


Anonymous said...

I feel awful for that family.

exjxnres said...

I can only imagine the amount of grief being felt by the family right now. Sad, really a sad situation.

Anonymous said...

Hate to hear this. Many prayers go to her family. So very sorry for your loss.

Ophelia said...

The prayers that we pray are as much for ourselves, the strangers and sympathetic observers, as they are for the family. Realistically, no supplication to a divine power will do anything to heal the unimaginable grief that the Bonners must be suffering.

So much nonsense on this site has been proffered...but at the end of the day, we who do not know this family can't begin to guess what (if anything) might have led to this pretty young girl's running away, abduction, and eventual death.

Sometimes, you know, the better part of wisdom is to just shut up, or simply offer a kind word.

Kingfish, you let waaayyyyy too many loudmouth idiots publish their comments on your site. This story has brought out the worst of 'em.

God rest Abigail Grace Bonner, and comfort her family.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, you let waaayyyyy too many loudmouth idiots publish their comments on your site.

Including Ophelia. Please muzzle her going forward.

Anonymous said...

Prayers - Rest in Peace Abigail.

Anonymous said...

Yes, agree with what 3:00 said about Ophelia.

Anonymous said...

I just hope they look at everyone and leave no one out of their investigation...I know as a woman/girl I would not go out in the woods to kill they are implying in the Madison County Journal yesterday so I find that very hard to believe...

Anonymous said...

"Realistically, no supplication to a divine power will do anything to heal the unimaginable grief that the Bonners must be suffering." I would like to know on what authority this statement rests.

"Sometimes, you know, the better part of wisdom is to just shut up," And for this gem, too.

Anonymous said...

Ophelia - where have you read anything about an abduction? Everything I've read has hinted towards suicide. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Walking to the woods in a 100 degree heat to kill yourself with pills???? NO. A detective JOGGING at 2:30 in the afternoon in a 100 degree heat...why isnt he at work? Detectives work on the weekday and off on weekends....No one looking for the girl after the dad says in the Madison Journal she COULD have committed suicide-THAT IS A BIG LEAP from a run away-well if he thought she committed suicide and has no car then why didnt they get some people and look for her in the area. He never thought to think she could be hurt or sick. Or MAYBE..she tried suicide and still ALIVE....BUT GO LOOK IN NY....NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!! This whole thing is BS! And thanks MPD MCSO MBI for searching also...she was found 40 feet in the woods DOWN THE STREET!!!!! MORONS!

Anonymous said...

Ophelia, the comments on this thread were appropriate until you proffered your underhanded attack. If you really wanted to convey compassion, you wouldn't discredit the very faith that this family is clinging to. You assumed you could veil your toxic perspective as deep and thoughtful concern. When it's obvious that you are frustrated and pretentious. But that's ok. Hurt people hurt people. So I'll pray for you and your pain along with this family over their catastrophic loss. It matters. Ask this family.

Anonymous said...

Ophelia, the comments on this thread were appropriate until you proffered your underhanded attack. If you really wanted to convey compassion, you wouldn't discredit the very faith that this family is clinging to. You assumed you could veil your toxic perspective as deep and thoughtful concern. When it's obvious that you are frustrated and pretentious. But that's ok. Hurt people hurt people. So I'll pray for you and your pain along with this family over their catastrophic loss. It matters. Ask this family.

Anonymous said...

I feel like he/she @5:30 is standing on their keyboard and yelling at their monitor.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the parents knew if their daughter was showing signs of unhappiness but didn't want to immediately state that publicly in the small chance that criminal activity could have been a factor. They wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt and if they initially stated otherwise it would not have been investigated to the fullest. Then they admitted she could be a runaway after they accepted the fact.. I think they had a feeling all along she killed herself but may not have wanted to admit it themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ophelia once again shows herself to be a dunce.

"Realistically, no supplication to a divine power will do anything to heal the unimaginable grief that the Bonners must be suffering." How do you know that and of what possible value is your deduction other than to yourself?

"...but at the end of the day, we who do not know this family can't begin to guess what (if anything) might have led to this pretty young girl's running away, abduction, and eventual death." Nothing has been mentioned about an abduction, yet you again elevate your dunce-hood by mentioning it here.

Is there a special key I can press that will result in "comment deleded by other readers"?

I will conclude by assuming Ophelia's last name is Butts.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT let the mother of this child cremate her tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Good grief. Can't y'all knock it off for this one post? One person posted something ignorant. Everyone ignore it instead of fueling the flame. We should all be silenced by the gravity of what has happened here. This could have been anyone's child.

Anonymous said...

Supplication to a divine power can and will help heal the unimaginable grief that the Bonners must be suffering.

Anonymous said...

"Supplication to a divine power can and will help heal the unimaginable grief"

Stringing words together as if they meant something. What parent hasn't imagined this grief? "A" divine power? "Can and will"? First you don't even believe in any particular god, then you presume to judge that such sketchy belief "will" aid someone?

Anonymous said...

There is something very fishy about this case.. The video with the parents seemed very odd also even on those circumstances... 17 year old girls who committ suicide don't walk a mile and take pills in the woods... My "bullshitometer" is pegged on this one...

Anonymous said...

7:05, the answer is no. Haven't you figured out that this entire website is one continuous who is the biggest douche contest?

Anonymous said...

Wow, just Wow. Seems like all the CSI Investigators have landed on this situation- everyone knows what happened and can solve the case. As 1 who has lost a Child- I'd hope we as a Human being could Express Sympathy to the Family, sympathize with their loss od a Daughter and let Law Enforcement do their JOB. It never fails that everyone has it all figured out, knows who did What-Why as well as How. Let's be better than that-let's let Law Enforcement do their Job, let's sympathize with the loss of a Daughter,Friend,Neighbor and hope we never find OURSELVES in this situation.Been there-had this Happen.

Anonymous said...

Only in the South...
Actually, no such thing as a " divine power" exist. If it makes you feel good though, believe what you wish.

Anonymous said...

If it 'makes you feel good' to believe the opposite, 11:17, go for it. Do we have your guarantee that no 'divine power' exists?

Anonymous said...

Clarion Ledger has several articles this morning which include the volunteer work of Abigail. Neighbor lady on news this morning said Abigail brought a card to her ill husband. Abigail asked nursing home administrator which of the residents were most lonely so she could spend time with them. Shy but had a great singing voice and sang for the residents.

Suddenly she is not a missing person, not a runaway, not a home-schooled girl, not a body....but a real human being.

Anonymous said...

I believe everyone of you is playing armchair investigator. It is obvious from the self-righteous to the cynics no one knows the answer yet. Say a little prayer, Offer up your sympathies. I believe we all agree this is tragic situation no matter how it occurred.

Anonymous said...

"Actually, no such thing as a "divine power" exist.[sic] If it makes you feel good though, believe what you wish."

Is the human race just supposed to take your word for it, or do you have this "truth" revealed to you by some authority? After all, if you are a random life form who evolved totally by chance, how do you know anything about "feeling good"? How do you sympathize with this family over their loss? Why don't you tell them that you have it on good authority that life is meaningless?

Anonymous said...


It's been scientifically proven that a "divine power" does indeed exist. It's factually evident that it's mathematically impossible for the random events that occur, to occur, without influence.

Chaos theory proves that. It's an attempt to justify why predetermined events don't happen as they should, theorizing a nudge factor into a chain of events, without actually quantifying the nudge factor (butterfly effect).

In humans, it's easy to quantify. the "little voice", the angel on my shoulder that said do this at the last second, etc etc etc. The individual has no explanation for their own reaction to a predetermined situation when they were not presented with any information that would cause them to change that predetermined situation.... but, they had something occur in their mind that did cause them to make the change that saved a life, invented an important item, talked to the right person, etc.

Anonymous said...

There are a number of people in and around First Presbyterian Church who thought--long before Abigail disappeared--that the Bonner parents were strange. For instance, the parents would not allow their children to attend Sunday school classes with other children in their own age groups, but instead made the children attend the parents' adult Sunday school class with the parents. I've also heard that the parents were not planning to allow Abigail to go to college.

This was NOT a typical First Prez family.

I saw an interview done with the parents by one of the local TV stations back when Abigail was still missing, and the way the parents were acting struck me as very weird. It seems to me that this situation with the Bonner family warrants a lot more investigation.

Anonymous said...

There are a number of people in and around First Presbyterian Church who thought--long before Abigail disappeared--that the Bonner parents were strange. For instance, the parents would not allow their children to attend Sunday school classes with other children in their own age groups, but instead made the children attend the parents' adult Sunday school class with the parents. I've also heard that the parents were not planning to allow Abigail to go to college. This is NOT a typical First Prez family.

I saw an interview done with the parents by one of the local TV stations back when Abigail was still missing, and the way the parents were acting struck me as very weird. It seems to me that this situation with the Bonner family warrants a lot more investigation.

Rebekah said...

8:31- YES! FInally someone says it...The entire situation is ODD. The mother's emotionless interview was odd. Her child is missing. I would be HYSTERICAL!!!
They also posted her obituary yesterday...the same day the body was id'd as hers. What? Even when people die of natural causes under "normal" circumstances, obituaries take time. But it was posted the SAME day. So that had to have already been written. Which means, they already assumed she was dead. Family never gives up home on bringing home their missing child alive. Look at all the big news missing children cases. Parents never gave up. I believe the family has some sort of involvement with this. I don't care how religious you are, religion doesn't save you from doing bad things to people. The uncle's premature public statement about her body was strange. The lack of remorse on interviews is strange. No "divine intervention" is going to protect the family if they in fact had involvement with her death.
I was in hysterics when I lost my cat a few years ago. Within a few hours I was going door to door and making posters and posting them all over the neighborhood. I couldn't eat, couldn't even function. And that was just my cat! I cannot imagine if it were one of my children!!!
Something bad happened in that closed off Bonner family household. I just hope they can figure out everything so that sweet girl can rest in peace

Anonymous said...

No one, including the police, looked for that girl in the area as evident she was found on the same street. Putting up a facebook page and some fliers isnt near as effective as a search party. She wasnt buried in a hole, she was found 40 feet in the tree line. Doesnt anyone think its strange? What about the parents showing no emotion. They never pleaded on TV for someone to bring their daughter home. No crying or anger showed. The dad said she had NO survival skills in the Madison Journal interview. Thats a strange thing to say for a "runaway." Thats what you say when someone is lost in the woods or mountains. Then he said maybe she killed herself. Many try and are found alive. With no car that would mean she is in the area. She could have still been alive. What if she went walking and fell or was ill and needed help? What about a predator of young women in the area? Why werent the cops knocking on doors all over the area looking for her, seeing who is strange acting. If I didnt want to find someone, I would do exactley what this family and the cops did.

Rebekah said...

9:21- I am glad people are looking at the entire picture now...there is way more to this story than what the family is posting on their facebook page. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. And it seems like this family kept her very sheltered away from having her OWN interests and her OWN friends. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be another Casey Anthony case where there is no final conclusion and no justice served.

Anonymous said...

So what law enforcemnt officer is related to this family? Someone had to convince them to not look around the area for her because the cops cant really be that stupid/lazy-----Can they???? Dont look here fellas, look in New York!

Anonymous said...

8:49 and 9:06: Well, I am Presbyterian and my (now grown) children always sat in the adult Sunday school class with us. They were home schooled, too. -- until college. Now, they have their own children who are home schooled. I guess the authorities need to intervene with us ODD people before the suicide rate skyrockets. Maybe we should start practicing up on our hysterics for the camera.

Rebekah said...

This is not about home schooling or what section of church someone sits. It is about a 17 year old girl who went missing. Her family's odd behavior during the short investigation leads to alot of questions. Their behavior during all of this is odd. Taking offense at something that has nothing to do with you doesn't make you right. It wasn't your child who went missing, so the way you live your life is irrelevant to this. We are talking about the Bonner family.

Anonymous said...

"We are talking about the Bonner family."

Yes, and you are publically declaring their behaviour to be "odd" by applying YOUR standards.

Anonymous said...

There are alot off ODD things going on here. Forget how or why she died. Why didnt anyone look around the neighborhood for her. She had family and a police investigation. Some missing people don't even get that. She had it all yet, no one looked up the street. Why?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous at August 15, 2013 at 8:31 AM

Regarding your statement: "It's been scientifically proven that a "divine power" does indeed exist. It's factually evident that it's mathematically impossible for the random events that occur, to occur, without influence."

It's not scientifically nor mathematically proven that random events without discernible influence necessarily equates to divine power. You suppose too much.

Anonymous said...

Can I ask how all of you know that no one looked up the street? I want to hear bonafide proven facts that you know this.

Rebekah said...

10:23- if you want to deprive your children from traditional school interactions, that's your thing. Not mine. I could care a less about you. I never even mentioned home school being odd. Behaviors and actions of the family during this entire case have been ODD. Read the comments and comment back to the appropriate person. Quit with defensive rambling and making this about you.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed if the tox screen is back so quickly.
In any case, it would be important to know where she got enough pills.
Overdosing on prescription meds is not as easy as one imagines unless combined with alcohol.
Certainly, if the pills were from her home medicine cabinet, her parents would have noticed large quanitities missing.
Were it my daughter, I would want to know these things.
In the hope of preventing similar tragedies, I would urge the parents of teens to be very sensitive to periods of depression or stress and to secure medicines,alcohol and guns. A determined teen can find a way, but making it difficult can matter.

MadMsGirl said...

Even IF the parents were somehow culpable or negligent, I will bet nothing will come of it. Lance has the collective "power" of Butler Snow behind him and Madison PD would rather sweep this whole thing under the rug than really investigate the family & deal with Butler Snow breathing down their necks.

Just to echo what Rebekah and others have said--I live one neighborhood over from the Bonners. No one ever knocked on my door asking if I had seen her. I never saw an organized search party walking the streets. I did see Madison PD in the woods around the airport and walking the ditch (creek?) besides Belle Rose. If I lost my dog I would have been combing the streets harder than the family was...

Anonymous said...

Rebekah, yes the circumstances are odd, very odd, and I, too, find it puzzling (if true) that a door-to-door search was not conducted. Nevertheless, you unfairly judged this family by YOUR standards. You typed these words: “Family never gives up home [sic] on bringing home their missing child alive. Look at all the big news missing children cases. Parents never gave up. I believe the family has some sort of involvement with this. I don't care how religious you are, religion doesn't save you from doing bad things to people.”

There are thousands of cases of runaways and suicides each year. Only a few of these children have parents that appear on the news media. Have you considered that there may be thousands of parents who decline to be on “the news” and handle their grief in a manner that you never get to see? Have you considered that the members of the news media seek out only those parents who will, by their emotional expressions, attract your attention to the news presentation? You appear to be applying the behavior that you see on the news (not to mention the behavior that you exercise towards the loss of your cat) to how others are to behave. And, if they don’t behave in a manner that you describe, then they are “odd”.

About a year ago, a family in our Church lost a fifteen year old in an automobile accident. The news media was turned away from the house; the funeral was closed to the public; no cross with plastic flowers was placed beside the road at the accident site. Our family sent a handwritten note on a plain piece of paper that read: “there are no words, we grieve with you.” We knew that that family did not base their lives on emotionalism, and they knew that we do not either. Sometime later a family member said to us that of all the notes that they received, ours was the most sincere.

You also applied YOUR standard in labeling the mother’s lack of emotion in an interview as odd. Your words: “The mother's emotionless interview was odd.” Furthermore, even though you say that you “never even mentioned home schooling as odd,” your first said in responding to me (that I) “deprive your children from traditional school interaction.” How do you know that I deprive my children of traditional school interactions by home schooling them? You have judged that what I do is not according to “tradition”. By whose standard do you make such a charge?

Rebekah, I am sorry that you “could care less” [sic]. However, I care about you enough to ask you to consider how you judge people that are different from you. And yes, I am sorry about the loss of your cat.

Anonymous said...

Who said she was there all along? She could have been dropped there just before she was found.

Children of abusers are often kept away from everyone and kept in view of parents every minute so they cannot tell anyone.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that no one one this board knows what happened to that child. No one knows if she was depressed. No one knows if she was chafing under her parents' control or if she was perfectly happy with the seemingly sheltered life she had. No one knows if her parents are hiding some sort of awful truth or if they simply prefer to keep their panic and heartbreak private. No one had the ability to observe every portion of the City of Madison for every hour since she went missing, so no one REALLY knows how much searching went on. No one even knows if she committed suicide.

The ONE AND ONLY THING anyone actually knows is that a 17 year old girl is dead. Why is it so hard to just reflect on the sadness of that simple fact?

If the family was doing something inappropriate, no one on this board has the power to a) figure it out through blog posts, b) turn back time to prevent it from happening, or c) punish it.

If the family did nothing wrong, no one on this board has the power to a) give them real comfort, b) fix it all, or c) prove or disprove the existence of the God they seem to rely on.

Look at the young people in your own life and hug them tighter, because they AREN'T dead. Whatever mistakes the family, the Madison PD, the church, etc., DID or DID NOT make, no one can change the fact that Abigail can never be hugged by people who love her again.

The most important reaction anyone should have to the news of this girl's death is to love more the girls and boys who live.

Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree that homeschooled people are weird.

Anonymous said...

It's been scientifically proven that a "divine power" does indeed exist. It's factually evident that it's mathematically impossible for the random events that occur, to occur, without influence.

So, are you a failure of public-school science ed, or of the private-school variety?

MSUGIRL said...

My gosh 1249. I quit reading when my eyes crossed over your long and drawn out forty two page novel. No one cares about you here! Go to a self help group and talk their ears off. You have dissected every single word someone has said on a "public forum" and turned it into your own novel. Get a life!

And, I live next door to the family's neighborhood. With peaked curiosity, I drove by their house. Probably at least 8 Sheriff and cop cars parked outside. Hopefully that house is being raided and an arrest made

Once again, little house on the prairie 1249...chill out with the novels. No one cares

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous at August 15, 2013 at 11:04 AM

It has now been scientifically proven that your reading comprehension skills exist in supposition, not composition.

Please keep up. Random is a word. It is not a physical reality. It is simply a verbalization of the human condition attempting to explain something that is unexplainable. Events occur, not at "random", but inherently due to very discernible influences. It is factually evident and mathematically proven that a series of events will equal a certain outcome. The explanation for when that outcome is not reached and the criteria to reach it is met, is chaos. The butterfly effect.

Humans experience this personally through their own interactions that are not explainable. Why did I not make a left turn when I always do? Why did I catch the next train? Why did I mow the grass today, instead of Saturday, like I always do?

That type of influence is proven. Now, you can say it doesn't prove a Divine, Godly or whatever label you would like to use, but mathematically and objectively, that influence is proven.

It is also mathematically impossible to have an altered dimension, as much as modern science would like to tie time/dimension travel into disproving that influence. One has to disregard basic physics and use observation just to get started down that path and then the math has to be conjured to substantiate the theory.

All in an effort to prove/disprove the influence many reserve as "Divine".

Of course, using your criteria, no such thing as a "feeling" exists. There is no such thing as "pain". It's just your mind's representation of the signals being delivered, much like what you see or hear.

But I digress. Be careful where you throw your "no such things" and following up with your projections of what makes you feel better.

Rebekah said...

Anon 120 I wish I could "like" your comment . It made me laugh out loud.
And MSU, I too got lost reading. My ADD went into overdrive and I started ticking off all the things I have to do today rather than read an extremely long narrative summary of why Homeschooler Holly is all defensive.

And opinions are not judgements. If I were to say "You are going to hell because you are a complete and unmistakably insane weirdo" then that would be a judgement. But I did not say that. What I said was...wait. What did I say again? Please paraphrase it for me again because I forgot.

Anonymous said...

MSUGIRL, please call yourself something else. I prefer my school not be associated with someone who cruises the homes of dead children for entertainment.

Anonymous said...

OH! So NOW the cops are interested! That GUT instinct must have finally kicked in, right after the heart burn subsided from the chili cheese fries! Maybe they can try that trick again, Hey LOOK OVER THERE, YEA WAYYYYY OVER THERE, KEEP GOING, A LITTLE FURTHER, A LITTLE FURTHER, YOUR ALMOST THERE, A LITTLE MORE, KEEP GOING.....FAR AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!

Anonymous said...

If my daughter went missing, I would do everything possible, including, but not limited to hiring Israeli security forces, to be searching every possible square inch of the property near my home.

The Facebook page was just strange; the immediate reference of the New York trip was strange; the classification as a runaway was too quick; the vague crazy request for locals to contact their friends in New York was just bizarre. The lack of recognition of the tragedy in the family's comments going from Abigail referred to as a runaway to the girl being in heaven is mighty empty. I grew up in the First Presbyterian Church, went to the day school, and we were taught that if you committed suicide, you were not going to heaven. So that doesn't fit.

What in heaven's name would make a 17 year old girl get up on a Saturday morning that was close to 100 degrees, walk up the street about a mile, go into the woods, take a handful of pills and wait to die? Something very wrong was going on in that house and this girl would rather take her own life than continue living. None of the pieces of this puzzle fit together. Either Daddy was coming into her room at night and Mama was in denial, or this girl's outlook on life was so diminished by her cloistered upbringing that she felt she had no hope. Either way, the parents need to be closely examined.

MSUGIRL said...

There were 2 police cars going inside the neighborhood. I LIVE next door next to a neighborhood where a young girl was found dead. Yes, I am going to go see what is going on. Not for entertainment purposes idiot, but because I, along with everyone else in Madison and nearby, wants to know what is going on. I was on my way home to eat lunch and- Why am I explaining myself to someone I don't know again??
And I did not realize it was YOUR school.

Kingfish said...

shift change.

Rebekah said...

1:57- Not to mention the posting of her obituary on their facebook page the same day the body was claimed as hers. Usually it takes a few days to get all the details in an obituary- or atleast even a DAY. But within a few hours, it was posted on facebook for the entire world to see.

If it was a suicide, then she was escaping something. Happy people don't commit suicide. No one will probably ever know what was going on inside that home.

Anonymous said...

People usually move pretty fast when it's a suicide......the funeral is tomorrow so, I guess they are releasing the body. The whole case is odd, but no one knows how they would react in that situation. To all the people that are going off about MPD.........Do you really think they are going to share all their efforts if they are looking at a suspect. MPD continued to work this case after she was declared a runaway because helicopters were out every afternoon and I saw some officers on foot. I think a tip led them to the body as it was storming at 2:30 on Tuesday. I highly doubt anyone was jogging in a thunderstorm, but they may have info they aren't sharing.......they don't need to jeopardize this case if a crime occurred.The fact that she gave her ipod away led me to believe it was a suicide. Continue praying for the family and let law enforcement do their jobs.

Anonymous said...

The New York/New Jersey angle was particularly bizarre given that I first heard it the same day I first heard she was missing. For someone with no car and no money to get from MS to Laguardia would require 1) an accomplice, or 2) a charge to a credit card for airline tickets. No one could drive from here to there that fast, so she would have had to h ave flown. Did anyone check the records at the airport to see if she was on board a plane that day? What kind of investigation did they do?

While the family's grief is obviously a private issue, how the MPD handled this whole mess is a legitimate concern for those of us who pay the taxes here that supports them - if you're not paying them, STFU.

Rebekah said...

I think MPD is doing exactly what they need to be doing. If this happened in Hinds County there would be nothing. I highly respect and thoroughly commend both Ridgeland and Madison PD.

Anonymous said...

1st... I think going to church or worshiping a sky buddy is weird.Very much so. I also tend to laugh at people that do and think them superstitious, gullible and simple minded. That said, I still know some very nice "church people"
So they took the kids to their Sunday school class. So what? That's odd to you? Sunday school in and of itself is odd.
I have seen some of the most vile, ugly, heartless post concerning this family and their dead child on this blog I have ever seen in any public forum.Oh and some of it from you good church folk.
Accusing the father of incest, the mother of being odd and knowing what happened to her daughter or "knowing more than she's telling" .
If the child did kill herself, they will suffer the rest of their life wondering if it was their fault. I only hope they never see this blog.
Some of you should be really ashamed.

Rebekah said...

Obviously there is alot of information not being said right now...all the details will come out eventually

Anonymous said...

A Parody of the initial interview with the Bonner Family. PD: "Mr and Mrs Bonner, Im Det. Smith and this is Det. Jones. We just have a few questions. So when was the last time you saw your daughter?" LB: "It was 8am this Saturday morning destective." PD "Was there any signs of a break in?" LB "No" PD: "Where do you think she is?" LB: "I think she ran away" PD: "Why do you say that? Was she unhappy at home? Did you have a disagreement with her?" LB: "No. She seemed very happy. She did just get back from a church trip to NY. Maybe she met someone there and went back to see them" PD: "Have you tried calling her?" LB: "She doesnt have a cell phone" PD: "Did she take the car?" LB: " She doesnt have a license." PD: "Are her peronal belongings missing,ie. purse, clothing, ect?" LB: "No, its all here" PD: "Does she have a history of running away?" LB: "NO" PD: "So what makes you think she ran away?" LB: "I dont know, i just think she did" PD: "SOUNDS GOOD TO ME! No Need to look any further. Thanks for your time" As Det Jones and Smith leave the Bonner home Smith asks, " Hey Jonesy, those people sure didnt seem very upset that their little girl was missing. Didnt that strike you as odd?" "NOPE, seemed OK to me" "Well what about nothing of hers is missing, no forced entry, no arguments with the folks. You dont think thats odd Jonesy? "Nope. She in NY like he said. Met some guy and she took off" "You know Jonesy as policemen we are supposed to follow all leads, hunches and suspicions. Dont you think she could have walked out of the house and be lying up in the brush around here? Its hot as shit and if she not in NY she could be right up the street. Maybe one of those sex predators lives around here and has her. Shouldnt we knock on doors. Get a dog to track or something" "Gosh damnit Smith will you shut up. The man said she is in NY. Are you deaf" The End

MadMsGirl said...

This is just a tiny detail that I want to correct. It was NOT raining on Madison Avenue at 2:30 or at 2:40 on Tuesday. It had been pouring up until about 2-2:15 but it had stopped by 2:30. I was sitting in carpool across the street at MAE at the time and was grateful it had quit raining so the kids wouldn't get wet.

Weekend Columbo said...

Holy Shit! I've said that before on here. But after reading the last twenty posts, Holy Shit is only appropriate.

Another point. She is indeed of Hispanic descent. Check the name of the family spokesperson, the uncle. Not that it's important, but I said that over a week ago and got roundly chastised for it.

"We hope she'll come home because the other children want to fellowship with her" is beyond friggin' odd.

I rode by there today and thought, hell, a copperhead could have caused her death.

I also wondered what position the body was in. That's one of the most important clues.

This ain't about home schooling or which church she went to. Those are convenient diversions. The only one who knows the truth of it all is her mother. R.I.P. Abigail.

Anonymous said...

This thread not only has blown my mind, it has disgusted me to the point I want to vomit. A child is dead! AND NOW there are people on here defending homeschooled children and parenting skills to people turning into beast mode about a divine power and what the correct definition of random is. Not to mention all of the other mumbo jumbo all of you self proclaimed detectives "think". A child is dead, everyone has an opinion of how, when, why and even where it took place. Everyone also has a god given right to say what they think. If everyone had of done that the day she went "missing" she just might still be alive. Where the hell is Nancy Grace and Jane Valasquez??? Stop criticizing each other and trying to start arguments and prove points that no one in here cares about. Opinions are like buttholes... Ya know. Just pray that this child is in peace and comfort and if anyone is guilty of any harm to her pray that they get what they deserve. Now, in my opinion, things have appeared out of whack since day 1. I have to agree it's all a little weird. Hoarding your children in your home and by your side at all times is weird. Not letting them have an identity is weird. Announcing a missing child and changing to a runaway in the same 24 hour period almost, is weird. A parent having no emotion or grievance for their child that they supposedly think has been taken, is weird. I could go on and on and on. It doesn't mean I am judging, I'm being realistic! His bless that child!

Anonymous said...

I left my house at 2:15 and it was storming.......I passed 2 fire trucks and an EMT vehicle. I guess I should have said that I think they found the body before 2:30, not that it matters. I live off of Madison Avenue and they were on that corner before carpool traffic.
4:23.......I agree with your post. I've been praying for Abigail and her family since day one and will continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous at August 15, 2013 at 1:32 PM,

Anonymous at August 15, 2013 at 11:04 AM, here. You're the one who made the leap of misplaced logic when you strung together the words proof and divine. You are trying to explain the physical with the metaphysical and making suppositions where, try as some might, simply do not exist. You should have simply said that based on our limited understanding of mathematics and the physical sciences, our understanding of events without certain causality are inexplicable.

Anonymous said...

The uncle or the dad had something to do with this. If she did indeed take her own life, she was trying to escape from something terrible going on inside that prison of a home.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous at August 15, 2013 at 4:42 PM,

I made no leap of logic. I'm not attempting to explain anything. I'm offering you factual evidence already provided by others. It would be really difficult to explain without knowing just how little your understanding of quantum physics might be.

No, I simply pointed out that you ignorantly misstated something. I then pointed out that it has been scientifically proven that you were wrong.

Of course, you could go ahead and use your "string together" phrase once more here and we could begin to talk about how bogus string theory is. But that also would like be way above your head.

I do realize it's hard to believe in something you do not understand and you choose to be like common bigots that bash on someone/something they do not understand, but try to be better and instead of just dismissing something, learn and gain an understanding. Ignorantly disbelieving is most certainly much worse than ignorantly believing.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that the COO of Butler Snow would not use every resource available to him (and that's got to be a lot of resources) to find his daughter. Falling back and punting to Facebook ain't gonna cut it.

MSUGIRL said...

7:11- Using the thesaurus on your computer to make yourself appear smart is ridiculous. Stick to the topic and you and the homeschool freak start your own "intelligent" forum. All this insane rambling about ABSOLUTELY nothing is aggravating for those of use who actually enjoy the banters on the actual topics.

Anonymous said...

Very well said MSUGIRL!!! It's been aggravating me all day!!!

Anonymous said...


i don't see any 'thesaurus' words--

Anonymous said...

There was a search very poorly coordinated I messaged a 20 something year old who was in charge and was told the Dad called of the search because she was in NY!!!!! Very Strange! A friend and I personally looked in the ditch behind her neighboorhood we later saw cops there. So there was a small effort to search. I assume no one thought to look across the street from MAUE.

MadMsGirl said...

I just read this article from the Madison County Journal where it says "A tip to the Madison Police Department led authorities to the body of 17-year-old Abigail Grace Bonner in a wooded area"
This is the first I had heard of a tip leading police to that area...does this mean that the police officer did not find the body while jogging as previously stated? or is the jogging police officer the one who provided the tip?

Anonymous said...

If all of you homeschool fanatics are so appalled by speculation, why are you reading this forum?

I think that the homeschoolers "doth protest too much.". Deep down, they know it's for religious zealots that won't mainstream their kids.

If you don't want to be exposed to speculation, keep your reading to the clarion alledger.

Anonymous said...

7:11-- you use big words, but clearly you don't understand the difference between disbelief and unbelief. I bet you were homeschooled.

MSUgirl-- way to call out a couple of phonies.

Anonymous said... it says...."Madison police are not answering questions about conflicting reports about how the body of Abigail Bonner was found." in the Clarion Ledger...Another thing we will never know but I bet they give only one person permission to talk to the media next time...

Rebekah said...

Doesn't anyone notice no interviews involve friends? Just family and the people she did work for (under the careful watch of and approved by the family)
17 year old girls- albeit homeschooled ones- usually have a variety of friends. Friends THEY choose- not chosen by the family.
Not knocking homeschooling, but, being secluded away from the world and social activities limits any child. They need to be interacting with kids their OWN age- not sitting in an adults' fellowship class.

Anonymous said...

I'd to know if we have a perp dragging girls into the woods. they need to tell us something. they knew in 10 minutes if it was a murder or suicide. i live too close not to know

Kingfish said...

I'm finally going to comment. Cases such as these bring out emotions in average readers. Sometimes they just need to vent. I let them do that to some degree in this thread. Now we've had a couple of days to digest it.

OBVIOUSLY everyone here cares about and if religious, is praying for those who cared about her and meant something to her as they are obviously going through hell right now. I shouldn't have to write that but someone will say we don't care if I don't.

The first thing to point is that until we get back the full autopsy and toxicology results, it is all speculation. Period. However, there are a wide range of emotions and speculations here.

The entire case raises a few questions. They were not weird for home-schooling their children. I have relatives who are home-schooled. Normal kids. Involved in church, get out on a regular basis, and fit in anywhere I take them. In fact, there is one who can probably shoot, read, and play piano better than any of you. ;-)

However, the behavior of the parents raises questions in the minds of more than a few people. The teen was 17 1/2 years old. No phone. Ok, I'm not wild about teens having cellphones. One reason I think we are seeing more teacher/student crap happen. She had no driver's license. No friends have appeared on Facebook or said anything about her. Real question as to whether she had some actual friends hew own age.

Then the parents, every time they get in front of a camera, have a demeanor and language that is unsettling to some. The fellowship comment. The lack of emotion. The hmm... we think she's in new york, maybe it was suicide, maybe it was such and such, and yet no emotion. A little bizarre.

There are several possibilities entering people's minds, ranging from a depressed teen who felt there was no way out and committed suicide to being the victim of a crime to yes, reacting to something in the home.

I'm not stating what I think here right now. There is much grieving, there is much worry, there is much sorry. However, please realize people do have legitimate questions and based on what we've seen in other cases nationwide, such questions are not unexpected.

The only personal opinion on the actual case I will express here is the level of control was real weird. If she had run away, how could she have worked? No ID, no nothing. She never got a driver's license. She had nothing to take with her. I'll be surprised if she had any friends outside of the family. The manner of the parents' behavior has been as stated by someone else, bizarre.

However, until we get an autopsy back, its all speculation on not much information. One thing to consider, experts have told me that the body is very badly decomposed. It was out in the heat for so long, the autopsy becomes more difficult.

Just keep her and her loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

"One thing to consider, experts have told me that the body is very badly decomposed. It was out in the heat for so long, the autopsy becomes more difficult."

Hence the importance of getting everyone's mind on "she's in NYC" as opposed to "let's search the neighborhood."

Or so a suspicious mind might wonder.

Anonymous said...

How common is it for the police to get a subpoena for access to computers/email in a missing persons case? Why would the parents not willingly give that to law enforcement to aid in finding a kidnapped/runaway child?

Rebekah said...

1057- That is just one of the millions of questions on people's minds. You notice only media and the family have given interviews. MPD only gave facts. They are going to stay quiet on this until every single detail has been confirmed. If anyone in the area was under any danger (such as a predator like someone mentioned) I am more than positive the police force would alert the public. I seriously doubt there were any outside parties involved though.
All the details will come out eventually. We could sit here and speculate what happened to her allday long, but it won't bring her back...nor will it get any questions answered until confirmation comes from the ones working on the case.

Anonymous said...

The police did NOT 'get a subpoena for access to computers'. The parents voluntarily handed over the computers to the police. The police had to obtain subpoenas in order to access certain files on the computers, such as emails and social media private files.

Parents could not 'willingly give that' since parents did not have access to those things without having access to all passwords, etc.

The most strikingly important (to me) of all Madison PD comments is 'We do NOT expect foul play in this case'. The only conclusion one can draw from that is they have pretty much concluded this is a suicide. The 'why' of suicide is irrelevant. Family members blame themselves every time there is a suicide. Who needs a bunch of yappers deciding how thick and where to spread the blame, going forward, if suicide is determined to be the manner of death. Unless a crime surfaces, it's inconsequential.

Someone opined above that when a death is by suicide the family usually 'moves pretty fast' and obituary and burial is quick. That's bullshit. The loss of someone due to suicide has no less impact on survivors than by any other means. Family survivors, in the event of suicide, are entitled to the same respect, understanding, sympathy and outpouring as in any other type of death of a loved one and they don't hurry up the process due to the manner of death.

Only buzzards and mean people begin to circle in attempts to eat carcasses of the living and the dead in cases of suicide.

Anonymous said...


Interdasting. Sounds like you have some first or third-hand knowledge.

What social files? The girl had no phone, friends or social life. Hell, she didn't even get to enjoy "fellowship" with other kids her age in Sunday School.

Again, if I'm the parent I'm begging law enforcement to hack into any and all accounts necessary to find out where my kid could be. Why was there a subpoena? Did the paperwork require it? Or did someone say no?

And that's cute that you're quoting Madison PD. Because, you know, one of their friendly officers found her after a morning or afternoon run which may or may not have been in the rain. Or was he acting on a tip? Up until that point, everybody was looking in Jersey and NY, thanks in part to Madison PD reclassifying the search as a runaway.

Nobody is eating any carcasses, and I sure hope that was a poor choice of words. But this is a bizarre case and the public can, and will continue to, ask questions. Being suspicious does not make us mean. Or even a buzzard.

Anonymous said...

Great comment, Rebekah. I don't agree with 1:12. If it was a suicide and it was driven by family dynamics or crimes within the family, it certainly needs to be investigated. I don't think it's weird that she was home schooled or her family was very religious. I do, however, find it very strange that she wasn't allowed to have "fellowship" with other 17 year olds. I also find the family's lack of emotion very strange and the fact that they referred to her in the past tense before she was found.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else see the interview done with Abigail's parents that was on WLBT on August 4th, I think? That interview can be seen at

When the WLBT reporter asked the parents if Abigail had a boyfriend, the father said something about that not being in "her trajectory"? What did the phrase "her trajectory" mean?

Rebekah said...

I would think, with her body being so badly decomposed, a thorough autopsy would be the only way to determine the cause of death and if foul play was involved. Unless, of course, she showed signs of obvious struggle, trauma to her body, etc., foul play usually is not determined until after the examination? Haven't there been many cases where it "looked to be a standard suicide" and turned into homicide or accidental death, such as an overdose?
Like KF said, this is all speculation until all the facts are reported.
And, 1:12- I totally agree with your statement about suicide and family survivors. Could not have said it better.

Rebekah said...

2:32- I agreed with the part about suicide and family survivors and how they deserve as much respect as anyone else. That's the only part I agreed with. If it was indeed suicide then the reason why is very much important- especially if it was means to escape from something terrible happening to her.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the part about suicide and family survivors as well. If anything, family survivors may need more time from a family member's suicide and it shouldn't be swept under the rug and forgotten about.

Anonymous said...

112 I actually think death by suicide is harder on a family, but was referring to people finding it odd the her obituary was written so soon. I didn't mean any disrespect and lost a sister to suicide. I think you took my statement the wrong way. I have been praying for this family from day one and will continue to do so. They will live with this forever and I pray they can move forward.
I live near the Bonner family and found myself looking for her everytime I left the house. I will not point fingers at the family, MPD, or anyone else. I do not intend to argue on a public forum, but do feel that some things with this case don't add up!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the comment of the person who grew up at First Presbyterian and went to the day school there, I wish the idea that First Pres. members never commit suicide were true, but sadly such has not been the reality.

But I'm NOT at all convinced that Abigail Bonner committed suicide. The behavior and comments of her parents certainly have been VERY strange.

The police seem to be withholding a lot of information from the public. Whatever happened in this situation, I sure hope they get to the bottom of it.

Anonymous said...

2:02...apparently you haven't paid attention. The subpoenas were for content of files inaccessible through elementary forensics. This includes things she had accessed on the computers in the house, files she had that were available only with passwords, etc. That she had no phone or car is not the point. She spent time daily on computer(s) and the police had a duty to find out what the content of those computer files are.

Again, none of has a 'right' to know what triggered her suicide, if that was the manner of death, unless a crime were involved. Depression is always the lead causation of suicide. Who among you buzzards really believes you have a right to that information?

And yes, 2:02, I do have first hand knowledge of family suicide. What the fuck difference does that make? It would appear YOU have first or fourth hand knowledge of buzzard assembly.

Rebekah said...

Depression is USUALLY the lead...not always though. There are a lot of depressed people who do not commit suicide.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has suggested that all depressed folks commit suicide; but, there are arguably no suicides who were not depressed. Talk to any psychiatrist Rebekah. Of course it can't be proven that suicide commiters were depressed, but that's the common conclusion among the psych community.

The point made is that none of you buzzards have any 'right' whatever to know what the girl's problems were that might have led her to that process, if, in fact, that was what happened.

This notion that 'we have a right to know' is absurd.

Anonymous said...

Question. Abigail's obit lists five siblings. Are any of those siblings older and living away from home?

Where's The Chief? said...

What we DO have a right to, though, is assurance from the police that they have concluded either there is no killer on the loose OR that the police do not know the manner of death. Toxicology reports will not answer those questions.

I saw at least twelve young women out jogging this morning in different parts of Madison and it made me wonder what, if any, danger they are in. If NONE, why the hell don't the police contact the press and put that information out.

A week ago someone in the press quoted some anonymous police source who reportedly said "We don't think there is any reason for concern" and another anonymous police source is said to have said, "We don't suspect foul play".

How about an official update from somebody who will ball-up and give his name and assure the community or either will say 'we're not sure what the hell is going on'. That sort of professionalism does not need to wait on autopsy results!

Anonymous said...

7:27 and 8:12,

First, I am truly sorry you have experienced the pain of familial suicide. You have my deepest condolences.

That said, I'm pretty sure you won't find anywhere on this thread that someone has said: Depression causes suicide, every time all of the time. Or even your assertion that you had first or third hand knowledge of suicide.

My apologies for not writing that opening sentence more clearly. I meant you had knowledge about this CASE, not suicide.

And no, it isn't common knowledge about the details of the subpoena. Care to divulge more info on that front?

And finally, nobody has demanded to know her "problems", if she had any. What we are demanding to know, and I guess will find out when the police are good and ready to tell us, is what happened to her. You are the one jumping on the suicide train. Most of the others here aren't even at the station yet. We are suspicious of her death and her parents, with good cause.

Anonymous said...

How could she have flown to New York, that is boarded a plane, without an ID or license?

Rebekah said...

727/812 sounds like a really defensive, angry person. Why so mad Mean Gene? Calling everyone buzzards on here but yet continuously posting as well. Calling people names, yet hiding behind your skirt as anonymous. Reminds me of my vicious little dog barking and biting at the neighbor's cat---through the glass door.

Her death has not been confirmed as suicide yet. So quit with all the 'I'm not a shrink I just play one on TV' bit you have going.

I too am sorry you or anyone else in this world have lost someone to suicide. And I am also sorry you feel it is your right to be our hall monitor on here.

Hopefully everyone will know what happened to Abigail soon. Questions answered...and healing begin.

Anonymous said...

Also regarding the comment about the teachings of First Pres on suicide: I went to the day school all the way through and am currently in a PCA church. I never heard anyone teach that someone who commits suicide goes to hell, and have certainly not heard that in my church -- in fact, the belief of the PCA (and most other churches that hold true to all of scripture) is that the grace of God covers all sin; if it didn't, why would it be needed? Of course, in every church, individuals interpret things, and it only takes one person saying the wrong thing... And regarding whether First Pres people commit suicide, they are just as human as the rest of us. I find it wild that anyone would try to give the impression that this could not happen anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I too think the police have concluded the manner of death was suicide. The press said no foul play and no reason for concern, coming from the police. What other conclusion is there? The pitiful among you are the ones who think you have a right to know and condemn what went on inside that house as far as parenting. The same ones riding past the house and the scene. Gawkers. Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

I also have a 17 year old daughter in Madison. She runs and bicycles for exercise.

I don't care if MPD or the family confirms a suicide. I want the MPD to issue an official statement that they are sure no other girls are at risk.

In copspeak, that means they have concluded 1) it was a suicide, or 2) it was an accident, or 3) it was a homicide and the perpetrator is dead or in custody. In reality, that pretty much means it was suicide, but they don't have to announce that until the investigation is complete. Until that time I worry about the safety of my child.

I don't know the chain of custody holdups, etc, involving a certified forensics lab, but a toxicology screen is back within hours in a hospital (although not usable in court). If they had that unofficial information they could reassure the community.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with someone who knows the girl's father and his personality was described as very quiet and reserved.

The person I spoke with did not know the girl's mother, but raised the possibility that she had been heavily sedated, which is reasonable if someone is hysterical over a missing child. That might explain her strange affect in the interview.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't dare speak on behalf of First Pres but the Catholic Church teaches that suicide is the only mortal sin that cannot be forgiven. Once you have rejected life, the ultimate gift God gave you, and, being dead, you cannot ask for forgiveness, you're toast.

Anonymous said...

Went today..walked through the woods, a little concerned that there is no taped scene, what if the toxicology report is negative, what if the investigators have to go back to the scene for more clues-I'm confused as to why the police did not mark the scene off to perserve it?? Any thoughts??

Rebekah said...

And in the Catholic Church the priests were molesting the alter boys.
Organized religion in all should lie in the hands of the believer. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Not one is any better than the next.

For those who cram their beliefs down another's throat, And or judge others based on their religious beliefs, I have only one thing to say:

Jesus may love you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.

Anonymous said...

IF Abigail Bonner's death was a suicide (and I stress the IF in that)--and IF people like Abigail's parents, and the Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens and Cannada law firm (Mr. Bonner's employer), and First Presbyterian Church, and even the police, are trying to cover that up (and again I stress the IF in that)--then, whether they realize it or not, they are just laying the groundwork for there to be more and more suicides in the future.

My family has been profoundly affected by the suicides of two family members. Two of the things that have caused the greatest harm in my family from these suicides have been the following: (1) the decision by some family members to try to hide and cover up the fact of the suicides, and (2) the decision by some family members to refer to the individuals who committed the suicides as having been "sick" or "ill" instead of referring to them as having been extremely selfish and sinful. Suicide is a grievous SIN, and if we don't start treating it as such again, we are going to see more and more suicides.

I considered suicide at an earlier point in my life when I was very, very depressed. I had been led to believe, especially by one particular family member, that it was possible for someone to commit suicide and still go to heaven. But eventually I realized that family member of mine had taught me wrongly in that regard. I eventually realized that no TRUE Christian would actually commit suicide. The Lord has told those of us who ARE true Christians, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). So, I cried out to the Lord to help me in my situation, and He was faithful to His Word and He gave me the help I needed.

There is absolutely NO biblical reason to think that anyone who actually committed suicide was a TRUE Christian. Suicide is the domain of people like Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ. Suicide is NOT the domain of people who are true Christians.

I HOPE for Abigail's sake that she WAS a true Christian and did NOT commit suicide.

The behavior of Abigail's parents has certainly been VERY strange. There is obviously MUCH more to this situation than has been told yet.

Rebekah said...

4:33- please see my above post I posted at 3:49- pretty much was written for you.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus may love you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole."

My word, Rebekah, I think you are talking about yourself here. Whatever valid point you may have attempted to make in any of your posts is lost in the snarky, crude, loud-mouth way you choose to express your opinions. Take a chill pill and get some manners. You are not adding to the conversation with your current demeanor.

Anonymous said...

IF Abigail Bonner's death was a suicide (and I stress the IF in that)--and IF people like Abigail's parents, and the Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens and Cannada law firm (Mr. Bonner's employer), and First Presbyterian Church, and even the police, are trying to cover that up (and again I stress the IF in that)--then, whether they realize it or not, they are just laying the groundwork for there to be more and more suicides in the future.



You are 100% full of shit.

I considered suicide at an earlier point in my life ...



TRUE CHRISTIANS do not deposit your tripe as animals.

Rebekah said...

You are right. I should have not stooped that low and used that language. I agree.

The Jesus loves you comment is actually from a bumper sticker. But, it was intended for the people who preach about hell and sinners and everything else.

Once again, what you believe is your choice and your business. No one has any right to condemn anyone to hell or call them a sinner- especially about someone who passed away. If that poor girl did commit suicide then she obviously felt she had no other way to stop her pain. Depressed or not, someone who would rather die than to live in this world just makes me sad. Instead of immediately quoting the bible or saying anything else about being a Christian or not is no one's business. I'm glad the above poster "found The Lord" and it stopped them from carrying out their suicide attempt. But no one is the same. Sometimes, "the Lord" cannot save someone who is already lost.

A longtime friend of my family shot herself a couple of years ago. She was my childhood friend's mother. The news was devastating and just sad. There were no signs. She was completely normal acting up until the point when she quietly went into her room and pulled out the gun. She was a mother and a friend and a beautiful person. For anyone to call her a sinner or not a "true" Christian is maddening to me. Who gives anyone the right to declare anything about someone based soley on religious beliefs?

Suicide is selfish, yes. Too many unanswered questions and the grief of the loved ones and friends is unbearable. But, no one knows what is going on inside someone else- no matter how well you know them. Suicide is very lonely and empty. For someone to take their own life is obviously suffering from something none of us can ever grasp or comprehend. To them, they have no other option. To them, there is no hope. There is no escape. There is only death.

Sorry for the rambling. I just cannot stand when people start their "true Christian" bs when it comes to suicide.

Mouth Patrol said...

Rebekah: I have concluded that it's simply time for you to shut up. I know of no other way to say that.

Anonymous said...

You douchebags take yourselves so seriously. Lighten up. Get over yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mouth control! Take your own advice. You are probably one of the freaks on here talking about sin and how to be a true Christian.

Prisoners can "find The Lord" and "be saved" and go to heaven according to your perverse bible beating beliefs. So, if this is all so true then a rapist in prison who murdered people too can be saved while serving his time and go to heaven.
But a young, lost girl who MAY have committed suicide to end the pain of whatever was happening to her is a sinner. And therefore going to hell because GOD said so

People like you are what is wrong with this world. Take your ridiculous mind control bs somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I think it is time for this thread to be done.

Anonymous said...

8:39 is spot on! With her being a juvenile we may never know unless her family chooses to release it. Time to move on.

Anonymous said...

I have read most of these posts. All of you naysayers and CSI Wannabes need to just relax. Sure, they home schooled. If they lived in Jackson that would not be unusual. They made a decision as parents. respect that. Lots of people home school. Lighten up These parents are grieving. Let them grieve. Did any of you that posted on this blog go tot the funeral and hug their neck and tell them how bad you feel for them. Did any of you take food to the house. Or did you just drive through Belle Rose and gawk? I live in Belle Rose I saw all the gawkers. It was ridiculous. I girl died and all you can do is speculate. Shame on you. All of us know someone that committed suicide. It is really un-explainable. I had a good friend in high school shoot himself over a girl. It made no sense then or now. We don't know what Abigail was thinking or dealing with. Sure she was sheltered. But she was loved too. Stop making assumptions about someone you do not know.

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Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS