Monday, September 12, 2011

Rankin school bond vote tomorrow (Updated)

OK, the Rankin County School bond issue vote is tomorrow. i met with several representatives of the district in July the day before I discussed the bond issue on the radio (The show is posted below). I don't have much time to write an essay so I'm going to just run through my notes and post them here at the end of this post. Here is a list of the projects:

and earlier commentary on the list:

"There is a need for more classrooms as the District experiences an average growth of 425 students per year. The District's website states the student population will grow from 16,298 in 2005 to an estimated 19,396 in 2012. Using the 425 per year figure, add 1,700 students since 2001 and the number of new students since 2001 is 4,798. The website states "The tax increase associated with this bond issue is around $5 per month for a homeowner with a $100,000 home. For the average homeowner in Rankin County, the increase would be around $60 per year."

More than a few people complained about the athletic facilities included in the proposed project list. The total amount allocated for such projects is $17,434,925, approximately 10% of the proposed bond issue. $27,227,812 (16%) is allocated for new classrooms. $123,275,076 (73%) is set aside for the construction of new schools and renovation of current ones. Funds are also set aside for new libraries, band halls, and re-roofing projects." Original post

Here is the discussion we had on the Kent & Larry show on WJNT about the bond issue several weeks ago. I went to the District the day before the show and went over the bond issue with several representatives (No less than five).
Here is the show:

Here is a link to the District's website about the bond issue.

Now for those of you that comment and want to oppose the bond issue, get specific. Use numbers and figures, not just "its the spending" or "the school board or district is a bunch of crooks". You oppose it? Why? Make some factual arguments.

Update: Here are what I gleaned from my notes.

*The bond issue does pay for athletic upgrades. It DOES NOT pay for a ten million dollar football field at Brandon High School. Ross Adams did some VERY bad reporting on the story at WJTV. The ten million dollars covers the following:
1. Field house for ALL athletic teams. This includes dressing and locker rooms, offices, weight room (weights provided by boosters).
2. Football field. The facility will have a field, track, bleaches, press box. Get this straight: THE DISTRICT HAS NO REGULATION TRACK FACILITIES and is unable to host track meets. As a former track man (sprinter), I can appreciate the need for at least ONE track in the district that is regulation.
3. The field will have a turf like Pearl. Higher up-front cost but lower maintenance cost.

*Classrooms. Classrooms. Classrooms. Did I mention classrooms? Every classroom will be hard-wired as well as wireless. Classrooms will use the interactive white boards and have the use of pods. Pods are these little devices the kids use when a teacher asks a question. Each student has to answer on the pod. This benefits the teacher so that instead of just asking one student the answer, she can tell how many do or do not know the answer to a question.

*The bond issue itself. The schedules and all the inner workings are not yet available but the issues are going to be split into two. The first issue will be $110-115 million and implemented as soon as possible. This will be covered by the six mill increase. The second issue will occur when a current bond issue rolls off of the books. The result is the homeowner will not see a net increase in what he currently pays for that issue. The figures are based on a rate of 4% with an AA- rating.

*The priority list is still in the planning stage.

*Key figure: The district currently uses 58 portable buildings. Northwest Rankin Middle School alone has 16 units. Everyone get that? Guess what folks? Its not going to get any better. Just drive through NE Jackson. Notice all the for sale signs? Where do you think those people are going to move?


KaptKangaroo said...

Thankful for the intelligent, fact-based, approach and the request for facts out of the opposition on this bill. I have continued to ask opposition to provide support to claims of mis-management and/or mis-appropriation.

It is very clear where the bulk of this bond is going - education, not sports.

DWF said...
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Quack Quack said...

Its amusing that you go to such lengths in an attempt to ameliorate the fact that the district wants to BORROW $17 MILLION DOLLARS in this economy to spend on sports by chalking it up as only a small percentage of the total. AFTER financing costs the total outlay will likely exceed TWENTY-FIVE MILLION but that is no big deal since it is only 10% of the total.

Interest Rate Discussion said...

Hey 10:14AM

Do you know what the effective interest rates are right now?

Anonymous said...

I can get over the extra $360/yr in additional taxes that I'll pay. I don't even mind that some of the money goes to athletic facilities, though I understand those who do. But in the absence of some explanation other than the school board hoping for a low voter turnout so that they can sneak this by us, I'm voting against it because the election is on September 13 and not August 2 or November 8.

RCSD: Excellent teachers, good principals, and worthless district administrators.

KaptKangaroo said...

Lets us see some links people. Show us what you claim. The only information being presented here is a prudent investment in our children and community.

I get the opposition, I don't get why they can't provide support to their claims to them back up.

This guy sounds like the same yahoo over at TRN who makes outrageous claims, harps on a publicly noticed election that is proper in all respects, and basically provides no support to such claims. I especially love their claim of poor test scores with NO backup. I guess perception truly is reality for some.


Anonymous said...

10:23 are you saying Rankin will get the bonds at 0%? Don't think so.

Anonymous said...

The election is tomorrow because the school board wants a low turnout.

Anonymous said...

The most recent test scores are all the proof needed to vote against giving the Rankin County school leadership ANY additional money.

When Rankin County can compete academically with Madison County and Clinton, MAYBE. But the Rankin County school administration is among the worst in the state.

Having said that, the bond issue will pass because Rankin Countians have no idea how bad things are in the school system.

Anonymous said...

Links please, or KF please stop publishing this crap.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the support on the poll over at TRN?

Anonymous said...

Listened to the entire audio Kingfish. Didn't hear you mention two important (missing) facts:

1. What will be the term of the new bonds?

2. When do the existing bonds roll off?

3. How much has the district budgeted to be spent on bond fees, spiffs, legal glad handling, etc. associated with issuance?

Considering your past reporting on bond matters I'm curious about these omissions.

Side note: You sound like the Fondren Bugle Harpy with your complaints about the Clarion-Ledger. The C-L isn't going to change so what do you accomplish by continuing to beat that dead horse? Being harpy detracts from the significance of your own efforts.

KaptKangaroo said...

Here are some great facts about Rankin County Bond Issue.

Rankin County Discusses Bond Issue and Rationale


The population growth that our county has experienced over the past decade has led to an increased enrollment of over 4000 students in our 27 schools. The growth over the past decade alone is greater than the total enrollment of area school districts such as Pearl, Clinton, Canton, Scott County and Simpson County.

Our district is rated as High Performing by the Mississippi Department of Education and features three STAR high schools, more than any district in the state. Our recent graduating class received a record $20.7 million in scholarships and grants.

For the average homeowner in Rankin County, the increase would be around $60 per year. Even with the approximate 6 mill increase, the RCSD tax rate will be one of the lowest in the Jackson Metro area.

Our current fiscal year 2012 budget reflects no tax increase, responsible fiscal management and nearly $20 million in our fund balance. Although our district has the third highest student enrollment in the state, our administrative costs are the sixth lowest (2.4%) among the state's 152 school districts.

KaptKangaroo said...

Hey 11:44PM, why not try to research yourself.

Many factors were considered before presenting this to the citizens of Rankin County:

Interest rates are the lowest that they have been in years.

Construction costs are also at some of the lowest we've seen in years.

Contractors are readily available, so projects can be completed faster and students can benefit from upgraded facilities sooner.

$110 MM will be borrowed on the front end

$59 MM will be borrowed in 2015 when previous bond expires off the books

The bond issue is 20 years

The last 2001 bond issue is set to expire in 2020

Expectations are that the 6 mil tax increase will last 3-4 years

Source: Cheryl Lasseter

Anonymous said...

Professional Fees in the bond issue amount to $,3,325,722 or 1.96% of total bond issue.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to bet that the athletic facilities are not held off until the secondary offering in 2015?

The net going to education immediately is more likely ~$92.5M.

Anonymous said...

Bond lawers and constructution oversight, I would guess

Shadowfax said...

Like it or not, 10:14 Quack-Quack, it's a competitive environment. Not only do communities compete for industrial prospects, retail establishments and brick and mortar projects, they also compete for families that are raising school-age children. That competition also includes athletic facilities, band halls and even pine straw (which wasn't being put out in Rankin County) by the contractor).

While certainly not the primary reason to support a bond issue, if athletic facilities are to be competitive when parents decide where to spend their housing dollars, then (again, like it or not) that's going to be a factor in some family decisions. Schools in Desota County can attract athletic talent by moving Memphis kids into double wides in Holly Springs. In Rankin county, the Madison County competition has to be addressed differently.

I've even heard Rankin County folks, minus all Baptists and a handful of Methodists, were in the whiskey-by-the-drink competition a few months ago.

Parents choosing a new residence location look at physical plants, including athletic complexes. Competition is the name of the game every respect.

Anonymous said...

So my back of the napkin 'rithmetic using today's 20-year muni paper rate of 3.39% puts the total bill for this bond at:

$233,634,679. That is $233.6 MILLION DOLLARS.

That is nearly ONE-QUARTER OF ONE BILLION DOLLARS payable until at least 2035.

And that is only if 3.39% is available in 2015. Which is highly unlikely.

As for the sports facilites the total bill will be approximately:

$24,031,877 or $24 MILLION DOLLARS.

Curious Kingfish why you haven't mentioned the total financed amount as you have in your previous reporting?

Anonymous said...

No argument that there is a plethora of double-wides available in Rankin County.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of rumbling over here in Rankin County that Grumpy and his goons are going to make a stink if the bond passes. Go look at TRN poll - 72% in favor. I expect it to be more than that tomorrow night.

Everyone that is against this has been throwing out outright lies. "The average taxpayer will pay $300 more" That's true, if the average home were a half million dollars, and it isn't. If you are against it, that's fine. You have your right to vote tomorrow, but if you start throwing out "schools are failing" crap just because you don't like the administration (which by the way, the superintendent is running for his sixth term, UNOPPOSED, for a reason)

I've listened to both sides. What I hear from the YES camp is facts, data that supports the need, and a passion for the cause. The NO camp is outright lies, personal attacks on administrators and the like. The only factual thing that the NO camp has is the athletic issues, and whether you like it or not, that's an important part of school life. I'd venture to guess that its a positive for many voters.

Shadowfax said...

Perhaps he wanted to make you think for yourself. It's not a 'reporter's' mission to provide you with every possible detail regarding every possible facet of every single subject. So, it worked. You got 'curious' and you spent ten minutes doing your own research, and even reported back to the board. You must have combined this work with lunch since you used a napkin. I like that multi-tasking.

KaptKangaroo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KaptKangaroo said...

Sorry for the delete, I meant to say the bonds are NOT written yet. And, under your logic, are you proposing to wait for money to get more expensive? Or, go lower. You know it won't so, what is your fuss?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he wanted to make you think for yourself. It's not a 'reporter's' mission to provide you with every possible detail regarding every possible facet of every single subject.

Perhaps you are clueless. No, make that you are clueless. Wasn't it as recently as last Friday that KF was complaining about the lack of SMEs over at the Ledge.

If you need help with the acronym let me know.

Kingfish said...

I did not post the bond info because it was not available at the time. I'm going to do a post on the bond stuff itself in terms of fees, schedules, etc when they become available just like I do for Jackson.


Anonymous said...

This discussion makes the $100,000,000 silver bullet downtown arena that magically solves all of Jackson's problems look like a bargain!

Anonymous said...

There was nothing stopping you Kingfish from ballparking before the vote the total cost to retire the bonds as you have done in other reporting over the years. If RCSD can ballpark for property owners what the approximate annual tax bumps are going to be that means they've pro forma'd the transaction from A to Z including the cafeteria sinks.

Don't BS your readers.

Kingfish said...

Excuse me? I've done more work and research on this than anyone else in town in the media- put together. BS my readers?

Go to hell and stay there. And I really mean it.

KaptKangaroo said...

Grumpy old man, grumpy old man, why don't you go grump somewhere else!

And, go to hell.

You had your chance to contribute even going so far as to quote the 30 year benchmark at noon today, but instead doing any work you grump, grump, grump, all over town.

ASturdivant said...

Professional fees are Architects, Engineers and bond attorneys - all necessary when you build public facilities.

KaptKangaroo said...

Hey Ann ;)

Do you guys have any specifics on the bond issuance at this point? I would think it might be premature at this point given the bond is not passed, so I would understand if the information is not available right now.

However, I have to believe there are some assumptions built in relative to the bond issuance and more than likely some companies contacted about putting together the financial vehicle.

You see, we have a little troll who likes to be fed facts in the face of his unsubstantiated claims. Until we feed him this last one, I am afraid he will stick around. If we do give him his last morsel, maybe he can return to his happy home out at the Rez.



KaptKangaroo said...

Hey my first hate mail arrived.

Thanks for the vote of support. *Blush* I couldn't have received it without your help.

Thank you, *sniff, sniff*, I'm a bit verklempt.

Anonymous said...


Industrial prospects will not be hiring from just one county. However, academic excellence is a prime concern for most families. Right now Rankin Co. Schools are NOT competitive with Madison Co. or with Clinton.

The bond issue will pass because Rankin Co. citizens aren't smart enough to demand better schools. But the day will come when performance in the school system will matter to Rankin Countians.

You'll get your bond issue, but enjoy it while you can. People will not put up with incompetence forever.

KaptKangaroo said...

118 children in Rankin aced the state test. How many from Clinton and Madison did?

Shadowfax said...

@5:12: Of course you're right in that businesses, once located, do not just hire from one county. Did I suggest they did? Take Nissan for example, who initially recruited and hired from some 45 counties. However, they do LOCATE in just ONE county, just one location. The educational system and physical plants, campuses, atmosphere and reputation are part of the decision process. Many communities have lost out in the competition based on one small factor in the test applied by the prospect. Every element of 'community' is evaluated by the prospect's team. Don't think for a moment that competetive schools, campuses, community spirit and community pride don't weigh heavily.

The last thing a business owner wants to hear is, "Man, we shoulda put this factory/business over in "X" county. Look at their school system!"

And while this is only one reason to support a bond issue, nobody suggests it's primary.

Anonymous said...

Avg ACT or SAT scores would be a better litmus test KK. Wouldn't get wrapped around the state test axle too tightly.

Anonymous said...

If your child goes to NWR Middle School, spray his/her book bag, jacket/coat, etc., with anti-bed bug spray. It will kill bed bugs, fleas, and roaches; so the kids won't be bring them home with them.

KaptKangaroo said...

Done. Argue with yourself all you want. No this is no Andover, nor Patriot League, nor an MBA from a top 20 school, but who do you know that has that?

I would make the claim RCSD is doing a fine job to shoot for the moon and crudgemudgens like you are what holds us back from taking risks that are intelligently thought out, vetted in the public discourse and presented to those who are directly affected through the democratic process. Join the enlightenment of making an argument you can support; not with fear and epithets, but rational discourse and intelligence.

Schizo said...

THere was an FBI investigation into the last bond issue vis-a-vis paying too much for the land BHS sits on and then paying double the going rate for fill dirt when the site was found to have limestone and Yazoo Clay. There was no wrongdoing found, just simple incompetence on the part of the county administration and school board in making the purcahses and vetting the land and the dirt vendors beforehand. Don't have the link but this information is from an AP article dated March 29 2003. If I remembered enough about this deal to Google it, so will other people. And THAT kind of work is why people are talking about voting against this bond issue--same county people, including Weathersby, in charge.

Anonymous said...

Just a question...all this bickering is over administration. If there were different leadership would you vote yes? If so why didn't anyone stand up, be a man/woman and run against the current super? The administration has a mandate by way of the vote count in August.

Anonymous said...

Funny, this is looking more an more like a land dispute playing out in the public arena, but they don't want to identify themselves. Just a guess, but probably spot on - 2003????

Anonymous said...

Or, maybe someone who got caught as a sub on a project that was ultimately responsible? Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it sweet that when the big mouth Kangaroo is nudged by other posters to think outside the box the response is a call for a greater appreciation of mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

DAMN Kingfish.

I sure hope you aren't being held captive by any of those pesky passives.

Wouldn't want any of them getting in the way of your prime investigative reporting.

If you need any help please shout.

Also let us know if you are short a quality panty wad extractor.

Anonymous said...


Don't remember seeing annon as an option when voting for the supe last month. Why didn't you run since you have such a beef with the man?

Not saying I agree with some of the admin's decisions, but I will say this: my kids go to a star school. Where do yours attend, and what are you doing to make it better?

Boarzombie said...

It's pretty simple: crappy public schools lead to crappy neighborhoods and a crappy place to live. Good public schools keep neighborhoods good and make them good places to stay.

Don't believe me? Go move to Jackson or the delta or one of those other counties with crappy public schools and expensive private schools and a fleeing middle class.

Don't like the adminstration? Don't take it out on my kids. Go run for school board.

Anonymous said...

Define crappy? What is your measure?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Ann said so it's gospel.
Also, didn't a local tv station do a story in recent months about nepotism at the rcsd?
Not to mention their office was remade at the same time they laid off dozens of educators?

Anonymous said...

HA! Funny how kapt kangaroo and others seem to have convenient memories...
Read the following:

Anonymous said...

Here's another on rcsd leadership

KaptKangaroo said...

Finally a link.

Too bad you mixed up the argument that we don't need Federal Funding because we need to do it ourselves.

Go get a handout 9:20PM.

Good night all.

Anonymous said...

Nice try KK.
Apparently you either dont remember your posts on this story or didnt care to reread.
Nice duck..''goodnite all''...quack quack

Anonymous said...

All I hear is talk about adults. I'm an educator and I'm done talking about adults. I'm talking about students and what they deserve. Don't like the leadership? I suggest you run against them. Rankin county is all elected in education. The truth is they are a highly successful school district who knows how to get the job done. If you can do better, get yourself an education degree and run for superintendent. Otherwise stay out of the way of the trained professionals. Are they perfect? No. Do they have the kids best interest at heart? Yes.

Night y'all!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:31 Interesting question about why people don't run for superintendent of ed in Rankin Co.

I'd suggest that most of Rankin Co. growth over the past 15 years has been from people fleeing Jackson where school officials are appointed.

Many "new" residents of Rankin County have never been under a system when such a critical position is determined by voters.

As these people learn more about the crappy school system in Rankin County, they may figure it out and you'll see some candidates run for that office.

Anonymous said...

9:03...are you the elected official that feed the story to the media? As far as your 9:20 post... I believe Kingfish reported the iPad story as facts, not fiction and innuendo. Read his comments before you get all grumpy on him.

I agree with others...I didn't see annoynomous on the ballot in August so I take it you aren't qualified to run a school district. I challenge you to qualify yourself and run. Step up and make the difference you keep saying needs to be made. If you can't do that, get out of the way of progress.

Anonymous said...

Aren't these the same folks who approved paying $20 vs the going rate of $3 per cubic foot to some brother of a rcsd person when they constructed the Brandon high school?
Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Don't like leadership pf the president or congress or mayor of blah blah?
Why dont you run?
Stupid argument.
And last time I checked, a degree in education is not something I'd exactly brag about as to being qualified to run a multimillion dollar institute. As an educator, you know this as well as I, having dated plenty of ''mrs. degree'' ladies and current teachers.
Designing a story wallboard with cutouts or writing a children's short story don't exactly qualify one to make such monumental decisions that impact thousands with budgets that count for hundred of millions.

Anonymous said...

Likewise, I dont respect people who lay off dozens of teachers while they simultaneously build new opulent offices and try to defend themselves at the same time.

Anonymous said...

It was not a brother, but the current attorney for the school board, I believe he put is interest in the sand & gravel pit in a blind trust.
Interesting he has been the attorney through several administrations. How does he keep his job?

Kingfish said...

Probably because Fred Harrell doesn't know where the bodies are buried from over the years but rather he probably buried most of them himself. See Berry v. Aetna.

Kingfish said...

Cute. Bringing out my own post and expecting us to run for cover. Cute.

Now here is the rest of the story.

Later post

Shadowfax said...

With so many of you sayin' "G'night y'all", I feel like I've just watched a rerun of The Waltons".

It's difficult to determine what some of you are bitchin' about: The price of dirt, the color of new chairs, who's kin to whom or just expressing retirement-system envy.

(PS: my verification word was bapardsm. That's how they teach you to spell bipartisan in the Hinds Co. School System.)

KaptKangaroo said...

Thanks for the follow up on the cute attempt to use previous posts out of context.

I did seem to remember (I didn't; I have the flu); there was a follow-up to the story relating to the iPads. In fact, I think the RCSD offered an interview; still too sick to read it this AM - maybe later.

I've actually seen the iPads and Mac Books in action in the elementary schools. I was very impressed. The one thing that impressed me is that it is not just used in core classroom activities but extra-curricular activities as well.

Only criticism is that they do allow "surfing" during down times; don't know if that is allowed or not - it can lead to not paying attention.

Wendy said...

I don't understand why RCSD can't seem to budget for these projects. Marve if they planned ahead they wouldn't have to get such a large bond. It's ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

G'nite John Boy.
KK hope u get better soon.
Every1 go vote

Anonymous said...

I sincerely believe that 80 percent of the no votes that will come out in today's election will be aimed directly at the upper administration in the district. I have no proof or facts to speak of, but there are qualified people working in the district that will not go against the regime because of the fear of loosing their job. Qualified people-PhD- have left for higher paying opportunities or forced to leave because of dirt put in their personnel file. Why would they dare want to go against a regime that would pull certain tactics in a non-election setting. Kingfish is a great investigative mind and I would hire him to find the facts on just about anything, but one challenge or cause he may take up once this blows over is to find out how many "blood" & "in-law" relatives work in the district as well as the 501 c-3 foundation-that are related to the Superintendent and Board Attorney.

Anonymous said...

King Weathersby and his Knight Harrell have done a tremendous job protecting the lineage over the years. When Lynn's daughter runs for the position is when we see the King step down. Too bad, more qualified men and women will be running a different district or state office with less headache when that time comes.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is it a tad unethical for employees at my kids' Rankin County elementary school to be tossing bond issue brochures with candy attached into cars as parents dropped off at morning carpool? It is also interesting that the school has NEVER sent a school-wide email until today, when they sent this, "Remember: Vote YES today for the RCSD Bond Issue. Thank you!" Our teachers can't make enough copies to instruct our children without paying for ink out of their own pockets. The state of Northwest Middle, which is being held hostage in this bond issue debate is shameful. Shame on our administration for allowing it to get that out of hand in the first place. I've never been in the superintendant's office, but I'm sure it's not in a trailor, and I'm sure none of his family are teaching in one or rolling a cart like a bum on the street.

Hogheaven 6 said...

Well, good to see it is the same old naysayers from the last bond issue, for everyone's information, this collection of folks who always vote no to anything for the Rankin County School District are a collection of very interesting folks. First and foremost are those supporters of the old Brandon Academy. These fine folks would not pay the mortage on the the school property and it was foreclosed on by the lender. The Rankin County School Board realizing what a great deal it was bought the property from the lending institution that had foreclosed on the property. This caused that group to change their name to University Christian and build a new school on a new campus. the second part of this bunch of whiners and criers are those who held bogus 16th section leases. Rankin County has over 13,000 acres of 16th section lands. and in 1989 there was not enough income off of those lands to pay one teacher's salary. It was at this time that Board Attorney Fred Harrell took action and filed suit against over 400 leaseholders. Mr. Harrell took 4 of them to court and three went all the way to the Mississippi Supreme Court which agreed with Mr. Harrell that these leasee's were virtually stealing money from the school children of Rankin County. and that in a nut shell is why these folks are fighting this bond issue.

Anonymous said...

I fit into none of those groups and I am opposed to this bond issue. I am not across the board opposed to all bond issues, but this one has things in it that, in my opinion, should not be paid for by taxpayers. If the school board would go back to the drawing board and not ask for frivilous things, I would not be opposed. I am sure I will be attacked, but that is my opinion...and I voted even though a separate, $75,000 election was held today.

Kingfish said...

What exactly are these things?

Anonymous said...

A 10 million dollar athletic complex for one. I know it is only 10%, but these days that is a lot of money. I am not opposed to the schools having this facility. But, this is where a lot of schools' Booster Club steps in. The smaller schools in the county have to utilize their booster clubs for an upgrade in their athletic facilities. I think this would be a great idea for the larger ones as well. Attaching athletic facilities to academic facilities is the equalavent of pork belly legislation.

Anonymous said...

Just voted at my precinct. PEOPLE EVERYWHERE!!!

Does this mean "for", or "against"????????????????

Anonymous said...

Bond opponents only need 40% + 1 vote to rule the day. Not sure they'll get there but from people I've spoken with around the county there is more than an undercurrent of heartburn about the financial size of the proposal. The arrogance of the special election only adds to the voter distrust.

Shadowfax said...

How many 'athletic supporters' would need to step up to gather ten million bucks?

Anonymous said...

This is going to cost me about $300a year, but it's worth every penny. We have 3 grandchildren in Rankin public schools and they are doing a great job of getting ready for college.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully 5:37 your grandchildren's parents have taken advantage of Mississippi's MPACT and MACS plans.

Kudos to you for putting your skin in the game! We can only hope that the life lessons you've taught and the example you've set has led your offspring to step up and pay their way also.

Anonymous said...

My son a graduate of NWR and a football player, we have not had a booster club. Us parents took up collections to pay for pre-game meals. Parents payed for shoes, socks, jocks, and any apparell we wanted our children to have. Parents built a covered patio, parents did the sod and planting of shrubs. Parents paid for new jerseys.So 3:44 what have I missed?

Anonymous said...

Do you expect the school to pay for jocks? Has our society gotten that far off track that people are upset they have to pay for athletic supporters?

Anonymous said...

The thing that bothers me about the proposed bond issue is the almost 20 million they have included as "contingency funds" for construction increases. Seems a little excessive. I also think in this economic climate, it is not wise to spend 10 million on the athletic facilities at Brandon.

I am not against a bond issue for RCSD, but this one leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

And I really wish someone would run against Weathersby.

Anonymous said...

Bonds issue going down in FLAMES.

Anonymous said...

Bond issue only winning in 8 of 51 precincts. OUCH.

Anonymous said...

7:37, I agree with you about Weathersby.

And for the jackoff that keeps harping about how much better Madison schools are....enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Troll here on this post has demonstrated that the reason for Rankin County not moving forward is their insecurity. Unfortunate as their land will increase in value as we continue to invest in the community as local business owners. Let it be said, "value your opinion."

Let it also be said, you are a jack wagon with no productive, contributory, positive, constructive, smart comment in this discussion.

Let it finally be said, we will take care of you in your old age because the Federal Government dictates it. I share no ill will. I pray you enjoy your final days. I pray harder that you look to the future of this country you leave behind. Angst is not an option in my life. It was not my father's attitude.

Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the water carriers will get the message behind the results.

(Vote for Not More than ) 1
01 = FOR THE BOND ISSUE 6,460 39.89%
02 = AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE 9,733 60.11%

The message isn't no bonds. The message is not this proposal and not this leadership group.

Toodles from THREE-FIFTHS of Rankin County.

Anonymous said...

If you need any booze recommendations Kapt Kangaroo Nutjob just post here. I'm sure the JJ regulars will be very friendly.

KaptKangaroo said...

I guess, it is unfortunate, but, you win.

Really, you win. When the society around you starts to head down and you blame education, don't blame anyone but yourself.

Remeber, it takes skill to change a bed pan. I know, I've done it for those in need.

Moak Make-BELIEVE PAC Strategy Room said...

## Legislative Campaign Memo ###

*** URGENT *** URGENT *** URGENT ***

Sept 13, 2011:9:50 PM

TO: Dorsey Carson
CC: Bobby Moak (via Jackson Academy via Annandale permanent residence via Bogue Chitto voter registration front address), David Blount, Matt Eichelberger, Nancy Loomatic, David 'LunarModule' Hampton

Change campaign strategy ASAP. REPEAT. Change campaign strategy ASAP.

In light of overwhelming defeat for education forces in Rankin County tonight DO NOT anticipate that fully funding MAEP push will resonate with necessary majority of voters in November general election.

REPEAT. Do not believe that voting majority is receptive to overused, tired, lame and worn out 'Education only needs more MAEP money thrown at it to be successful' campaign message.

ALSO do not believe that voters will accept the laughable Carson campaign premise that Jackson's falling property values are a causal result of criminals who didn't get a employable-quality JPS education because MAEP wasn't fully funded. REPEAT. This campaign message was always a joke and even more so now after today's Rankin vote debacle.

For consultation and Fondren tea-leaf reading please contact William Winter, Ray Mabus, Ronnie Musgrove and/or John Arthur Eaves at your earliest opportunity.

*** URGENT *** URGENT *** URGENT ***

## Legislative Campaign Memo ###

Anonymous said...

My son is only 15 months old so hopefully this will pass before he gets to school. If not we will be moving out of Northwest Rankin and moving to Madison. We won't be the only ones if this doesn't pass at some point soon as people will not send thier children to schools that are this crowded for long.

Of course by then property values in Rankin will go down as people leave like they left Hinds, and Madisons(especially around Germantown) will continue to rise.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness this BS got blasted away. The friggin' AS's and LW's (and family) of Rankin County can stay home with their BS. We ain't as stupid as you two think. We are all for kids, but not for the two of you and your complete ineptness and incompetence at even attempting to run a school district.

P.S. LW, I'd suggeset you put your resume in somewhere else, you are going to need a job soon.

KK. I've done it too, the bed pans and worse. And you sir, are full of SHIT in you were for this packedfullofextrafluffand"it's for the children" hoopla. Have a nice lunch and get on another bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Weathersby will put his own financial personal interests ahead of the best interests of the school system and will not resign as he should.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness this BS got blasted away. The friggin' AS's and LW's (and family) of Rankin County can stay home with their BS. We ain't as stupid as you two think. We are all for kids, but not for the two of you and your complete ineptness and incompetence at even attempting to run a school district.

P.S. LW, I'd suggeset you put your resume in somewhere else, you are going to need a job soon.

KK. I've done it too, the bed pans and worse. And you sir, are full of SHIT in you were for this packedfullofextrafluffand "it's for the children" hoopla. Have a nice lunch and get on another bandwagon.

KaptKangaroo said...

Someone has an agenda. Eh?

KaptKangaroo said...

And that was not for you sir, 10:02PM. I just ignore you.

KaptKangaroo said...

The only reason I supported this is because my children will be in middle school in the next two years.

If Rankin wants to "die on the vine" then so be it.

Anonymous said...

And well it didn't pass:( So no more arguing people!

Anonymous said...

No surprise that Capt Kookaroo would leap to the conclusion that Rankin Countians want to 'die on the vine'. No matter how hard he tries he just doesn't get it. Too many black helicopters vectoring over his location.

Shadowfax said...

David 'Lunar Module' Hampton. Now that right there is funny as hell!

PS: I don't get the attacks on Kangaroo for expressing his preference and opinions. The rest of you did that as well. What's with the piling-on nonsense? Maybe if he changed his monicker to anonymous he'd blend in and suffer no insults.

Another PS: I suspect the anon using the word jackoff is the same anon obsessing over jockstraps.

Anonymous said...

Folks this had very little to do with the school system.



Anonymous said...

Refreshing to see the folks in Rankin County vote this down. Now maybe the administrators will go back to the drawing board and whittle this down to what is actually needed and pull out the fluff (athletic facility upgrades etc.). I for one am giving serious consideration to leaving the city of Madison and heading accross the spillway into Rankin, and this type of common sense demonstrated by Rankin voters only encourages me.

Anonymous said...

The idiocy of School Board President Ann Sturdivant on full display in the Clarion-Ledger this morning as she notes that turnout was lower than she expected.

Get real Ann. If you wanted turnout and if time was truly of the essence you would have held the election 7 weeks ago during the primary.

You can't blame this landslide on low turnout. You tried to game the election and got burned. Your agenda has been rebuked.

Anonymous said...

As a Rankin County resident who voted "no" on the bond issue yesterday, the reason why I did so was not because I don't want the students of RC to have great schools - because I do - but rather because I knew exactly what would happen if this bond issue passed. How? I attended RC schools only a couple of years ago, before transferring to a private school on the Northside on a scholarship in desperate search of a real, rigorous education.

One of the problems I had with the issue was that it seems to be putting lipstick on a pig - i.e. the quality of the education has been declining at RC schools since the late 1990s (I would know, I was there), largely due to the fact that the culture of the area has changed. The populations have swelled, and poor leadership at the top has seen the replacement of old-school, seasoned teachers who did their learnin' in post-WWII Mississippi (women and men who actually learned - and thus TAUGHT - the fundamentals of subjects like mathematics and history, and who made us diagram sentences [a practice which I understand is dying out]) with young, undertrained and undereducated graduates who believe and are told to believe that a "smart board" will teach their students and has replaced fundamentals (hard work, problem sets, practice, etc.).. (contd.)

Anonymous said...

.. I also recall the building of Brandon High School several years ago, in which the land was purchased at an exorbitant sum from particular sellers, and in which shoddy work was done with no accountability (our shelves were beginning to structurally fall apart during the first year, and a teacher of mine was simply told to "take the books off of 'em" to fix the problem). At Lynn "Egg Head" (noting shape, not content) Weathersby's 13-million-dollar RCSD "Taj Mahal" of an office built a couple of years ago, I understand the budget overran by $1 million. Why? Because he, his daughter (Assistant Sup., a woman I distinctly remember when I was a student hearing state that she "wouldn't have made it through school without the curve"), nor his son (Second-in-Command of District Transportation... nepotism much?) nor any of the other school board members or administrators get it. It's not about building football fields and expanding schools in politically expedient areas. You will get a new building, but what is going on inside is that our educational system in RC, most of Metro Jackson, the state of Mississippi, and many parts of this nation are rotting from the inside out, and no amount of lipstick can make this pig anything other than what it is. The worst part is, it's unfair to the kids. I got out, and got the benefit of some good teachers who are now retiring. Others won't.

Weathersby and Co.: Before you write a bond issue, show first that you are committed to innovative reform. Lobby the State Dept. of Education for things like merit pay, teacher pay raises, the notion of charter school experimentation in some areas, higher standards of accountability, "upward momentum" by energizing the community to RESPECT TEACHERS (it is a noble profession, and they take a lot of crap. Many highly qualified people bypass this career as an option because they feel it's hopeless and pays too little), work with the Barksdale Institute, et al., to REPLACE underperforming principals (leadership in schools BEGINS AT THE TOP, and I understand they are doing some innovative things in this area at Barksdale). In short, do something to show that you are committed to improving education structurally and building upward momentum, not just improving the buildings it is supposedly taking place in.

Some who take the time to read this post might say that I have a personal vendetta or issues, etc., against Weathersby & Co., but what I have is recent firsthand experience. I only graduated high school three years ago. I would have voted for the bond issue had I felt that my parents' property tax would be put to good use, but I did not feel that way. For the time being, though, we are resigned to watch our society and our communities in Mississippi crumble at the foundations, and Weathersby, Sturdivant & Co. still don't get why we voted 60% against the issue. Maybe, one day, someone will..

Also, KF, I take issue with your idea that the people moving out of NE Jax (IF they are moving.. I haven't seen the plethora of signs you speak of) are moving to Rankin County (at least not to Brandon proper or other locales, except maybe the nicer sections of the Reservoir), and they probably still won't send their kids to the public schools. This is the JA, Prep, St. A's crowd we are talking about. Most tend to be more aware than that, and a great number of them are not inclined to move their kids into the public system. They might change location (if that happens), but don't expect a massive influx of kids from St. Andrew's or JA into Northwest Rankin or Pearl schools.

Kingfish said...

You haven't seen the for sale signs in NE Jackson?

You are blind.

Anonymous said...

Yes No
5.38% 94.62% Antioch
7.69% 92.31% Mayton
10.12% 89.88% Leesburg
11.76% 88.24% Puckett
13.64% 86.36% Springhill
14.69% 85.31% Johns
15.61% 84.39% Crossroads
16.67% 83.33% West Pearl
17.09% 82.91% Shiloh
18.04% 81.96% Pelahatchie
18.31% 81.69% Cato
23.20% 76.80% Mountain Creek
23.68% 76.32% Eldorado
23.86% 76.14% North Richland
25.68% 74.32% South Richland
28.57% 71.43% Clear Branch
28.57% 71.43% South Pearson
29.30% 70.70% South Crossgates
33.41% 66.59% Cleary
35.04% 64.96% Monterey
35.22% 64.78% North Brandon
35.32% 64.68% East Brandon
35.67% 64.33% East Steen Creek
36.20% 63.80% Greenfield
36.33% 63.67% East Crossgates
38.41% 61.59% Mullins
38.73% 61.27% Northeast Brandon
39.67% 60.33% West Crossgates
39.77% 60.23% West Steen Creek
41.28% 58.72% Liberty
42.22% 57.78% West Brandon
42.48% 57.52% Park Place
43.43% 56.57% Pisgah
43.87% 56.13% Star
46.19% 53.81% South Brandon
47.28% 52.72% Fannin
48.54% 51.46% Reservoir West
50.55% 49.45% Castlewoods West
51.51% 48.49% Oakdale
52.94% 47.06% Dry Creek
54.07% 45.93% Reservoir East
60.29% 39.71% Holbrook
60.36% 39.64% Northshore
63.24% 36.76% Castlewoods East
63.28% 36.72% Grant's Ferry
64.81% 35.19% Flowood

Anonymous said...

Also, KF, I take issue with your idea that the people moving out of NE Jax (IF they are moving.. I haven't seen the plethora of signs you speak of)

That is why you are only three years out of high school. There are more 'For Sale' signs in NE Jackson than there are campaign signs.

Anonymous said...

The higher educated areas voted for the bond @ +60%.

Speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...


No, the people with the most pork to gain voted for the bond. Tool.

Anonymous said...

So I wonder, given the results, will the board now piecemeal funding by individual district. Given that, those willing to invest in education are going to get it. Those unwilling will not get it.

That bodes well for Flowood and the Reservoir Area. It only proves that real estate in these two areas is a good investment, not just property, but community and quality of life.

Anonymous said...

See 9:38AM they are smarter. Screwdriver, is that the right answer?

Anonymous said...

The higher educated areas voted for the bond @ +60%.

LMAO. How many total votes were there in Flowood? Something like 54? LMAO.

Anonymous said...


345 North Brandon
319 Pelahatchie
246 East Crossgates
233 South Richland
187 Cato
182 Puckett
177 East Brandon
168 East Steen Creek
163 Crossroads
149 Johns
149 North Richland
148 Cleary
134 Leesburg
123 Monterey
120 Eldorado
114 West Crossgates
108 West Steen Creek
106 South Crossgates
106 Greenfield
103 Northeast Brandon
96 Clear Branch
83 Antioch
77 Shiloh
67 Mountain Creek
66 Mayton
56 West Brandon
41 Liberty
38 Mullins
36 Pisgah
31 Star
19 Fannin
18 South Brandon
17 Park Place
16 Springhill
15 South Pearson
10 Reservoir West
4 West Pearl
-5 Castlewoods West
-14 Dry Creek
-16 Flowood
-22 Oakdale
-39 Reservoir East
-125 Northshore
-142 Holbrook
-154 Grant's Ferry
-170 Castlewoods East

Anonymous said...

I believe that the actual numbers speak volumes.

West Pearl 1 5
Springhill 3 19
Flowood 35 19
South Pearson 10 25
Park Place 48 65
Mayton 6 72
Antioch 5 88
Mountain Creek 29 96
Shiloh 20 97
Mullins 63 101
Dry Creek 126 112
South Brandon 109 127
Liberty 97 138
Star 111 142
Leesburg 17 151
Pisgah 119 155
Clear Branch 64 160
Eldorado 54 174
Reservoir West 166 176
Johns 31 180
South Crossgates 75 181
Fannin 165 184
Crossroads 37 200
West Brandon 152 208
Puckett 28 210
Grant's Ferry 367 213
North Richland 68 217
Reservoir East 259 220
Castlewoods West 231 226
Castlewoods East 406 236
Northshore 364 239
Cato 54 241
Greenfield 139 245
Monterey 144 267
Holbrook 416 274
Northeast Brandon 177 280
Cleary 149 297
West Steen Creek 210 318
West Crossgates 219 333
Oakdale 375 353
South Richland 123 356
East Steen Creek 209 377
East Brandon 213 390
Pelahatchie 90 409
East Crossgates 327 573
North Brandon 411 756

If I had to venture a guess, the voters in Brandon are still upset over the new Board building based on comments like "the guilded commoode."

Anonymous said...

Net Votes AGAINST+Precinct % Total Vote

345 North Brandon 7.10%
246 East Crossgates 5.48%
-22 Oakdale 4.43%
-142 Holbrook 4.20%
-170 Castlewoods East 3.91%
177 East Brandon 3.67%
-125 Northshore 3.67%
168 East Steen Creek 3.57%
-154 Grant's Ferry 3.53%
114 West Crossgates 3.36%
108 West Steen Creek 3.21%
319 Pelahatchie 3.04%
233 South Richland 2.92%
-39 Reservoir East 2.92%
103 Northeast Brandon 2.78%
-5 Castlewoods West 2.78%
148 Cleary 2.72%
123 Monterey 2.50%
106 Greenfield 2.34%
56 West Brandon 2.19%
19 Fannin 2.12%
10 Reservoir West 2.08%
187 Cato 1.80%
149 North Richland 1.73%
36 Pisgah 1.67%
106 South Crossgates 1.56%
31 Star 1.54%
182 Puckett 1.45%
-14 Dry Creek 1.45%
163 Crossroads 1.44%
18 South Brandon 1.44%
41 Liberty 1.43%
120 Eldorado 1.39%
96 Clear Branch 1.36%
149 Johns 1.28%
134 Leesburg 1.02%
38 Mullins 1.00%
67 Mountain Creek 0.76%
77 Shiloh 0.71%
17 Park Place 0.69%
83 Antioch 0.57%
66 Mayton 0.47%
-16 Flowood 0.33%
15 South Pearson 0.21%
16 Springhill 0.13%
4 West Pearl 0.04%

Anonymous said...

What is the value-add 10:02? Your commentary?

The Garrott Hearsay said...

People are frustrated with the resistance in our state to be innovative in government schools. We need charter schools, vouchers, and more acceptability. ACT scores are stagnant in our state. We have to have remedial math and English for college freshmen. There ar AD's in our school arrested for running a drug ring. We are applying old methods that have not worked to new more challenging problems. Prescription for failure. If our schools are so great why are so many going to Prep, JA, UCS, MRA, St Andrews, Let the $$$ follow the student. Real freedom of choice is being opposed by state lawmakers.

Shadowfax said...

"We need more acceptability". What in the hell does that mean?

KaptKangaroo said...

Accept Hearsay?

Anonymous said...

Read more:
The Rankin County school board president Sturdivant said the school district will have to do some long-range planning now that the school bond proposal has been voted down.

HELLO!! The concept of long-range planning is to begin BEFORE problems such as overcrowding exist. The board had not discussed a backup plan in case the bond issue failed, Sturdivant said. "But we're going to have to do something."

Glad to know the Rankin County School Board is on the ball and almost ready to do something.

Anonymous said...

What's with the re-roofing of 3 elementary schools in the defunct bond? Sounds like a failure to plan for maintenance and upkeep.

$47.5 million for a new high school in NW Rankin? That's a bit much to merit only one mere line item in the estimate.

Chris Merck said...

5:21, CL Board or jacksonjambalaya board? Dont know bout the former but the latter has some 'pure-D' goofs and folks who seem to think the more insults and profanity they use, the better the post.
back to the issue at hand...a few points:
'where there's smoke, there's fire'- old adage that seems very applicable here. Whether it's controversial issues of ipads, pine straw, overpriced dirt for construction in flood areas,nepotism with contracts/jobs in-district for offspring, or the building of the rcsd office building while justifying to the tax payers dozens of teacher layoffs, there seems to be a problem or possibly a perception of problems with leadership and decision making.
Second, and most important to me, is this- the Northwest Rankin area of the county has seen incredible growth for many years now. Why has this issue of building a new school/adding space for students to accomodate this growth not been dealt with previous to this crisis-level of students in portables not getting proper facilities and accomodations until after we are in this situation?
Meaning, I would hope that any administrator or leaders would as part of their job have the foresight to plan, based on annual growth stats over a several year period, on expansion construction to meet these stats. Isn't that kinda par for the course for folks in their positions? It's not like data year after year isnt known or that a belief that this trend would abruptly cease or the children in lower grades would vanish, never to end up in a high school, or people would stop having kids or people would stop moving to the area.
Next, a caveat I never thought of, is that folks, in the NWR area, voted favorably for this folks in other parts of the county voted overwhelmingly against this. While I've read and heard that this is a simple matter of logic, due to the idea that those getting the majority of improvements NWR are naturally supportive. As I recall, the last bond vote, which strongly focused on the 39042 area of the county with regards to new school(s), received an 80+% support of countywide votes. As in, many thousands of NWR taxpayers were supportive of neighbors to the south with their children's needs. It's fairly easy to conclude that the support of added tax dollars by folks countywide, including the highly populated areas of NWR, for the good of the county, was not reciprocated with this vote and that very much disturbs and upsets me.

Chris Merck said...

Re: flowood votes, keep in mind that there are very few actual rooftops in the Flo.
Mostly commmercial and apts.
And for folks talking about moving, give me a call!
Lastly, NE Jackson's market and the rest of Jackson for that matter, is so out of balance on people selling vs buying that it's downright scary.

Anonymous said...

Merck: There IS no 5:21.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people, like myself, drive by the admin building every single morning. And then I drive by my kids' schools.

I will gladly support a bond issue that is completely education related. A new athletic complex would have been nice, but so would a trip Athens right now (hell, over a year, perhaps I can take advantage of the Greek 1yr and it might cost very little)-my credit card says I can take the immediate hit, but my income demands restraint.

KaptKangaroo said...

With this finally calming down, the crazies stop sending hate mail, spending time to review the comments and speak with administrators both in Rankin and Madison, I have discovered a few things that shed light on a lot of "NO" misconceptions.

To the should have planned earlier crowd.
1. RCSD hands are tied by Federal and State law as to planning for future physical buildings vis-a-vis funding and population growth.
2. The district must issue bonds paid for with local taxes to fund any physical structures.
3. Federal/State funds are used in aiding education (i.e. iPads). It cannot be used to fund physical structures.
4. They had planned for growth under the previous bond issue and with the current issue (it was broken up and if you took the time to really review the funding, it was large, but it was targeted AND incorporated future growth projections in its spending plan)

The issue with the bond was, in my opinion, poor communication. The fact of the matter is no one really knew about it and there was an active and local "No" vote. I spoke with office administrators in one school and they really didn't know what it was about.

Madison faced a similar situation where the smaller areas of the county banded together to put up downright lies about the bond issue. It took a lot of hard work and education of the public to overcome the negative platform the "No" voters put forward.

It is similar here in Rankin:
1. Issue of "Its all about sports". LIE, but people get fired up.
2. iPads - C'mon, read and educate yourself. I made the mistake early on in the situation; reversed my position and supported the purchase after understanding.
3. Purchase contracts for Landscaping - $10K in the face of $169MM; really? I haven't seen where the contracts have been discussed in the media. And does anyone here know how big Rankin is?
4. Nepotism - this is an issue, but punishing the larger group of students because this is an issue and not brought up by the citizens at their regularly scheduled board meetings is YOUR issue and you should take ownership. Personally, I have not seen where this has actually affected decision making in the affairs of the district other than the hiring of a relative.
5. Planning in Advance - much like Madison, Rankin is experiencing explosive growth. Growth that NO ONE anticipated. It is not just NE Jackson, it is actual new families, retired couples and professionals moving into the area, not to mention the exodus from the cost post-Katrina.
6. Smaller areas of Rankin County did not like the spending in the major growth areas of Rankin, namely NWR. I understand it and the board should have marketed this program vehemently to the larger areas of the district to get them to the polls.
7. They should have consulted with Madison after their explosive growth and the "No" sentiment groups rise in the media.

To the Brandon proper crowds issue with the new RCSD building.
1. Is it opulent? No. Are there items in the building that were probably wasteful, probably. Get over the toilet. I actually spoke to someone who said no because of the toilet; where is logic in that? Hold hostage thousands of students over a toilet.
2. I don't see the Taj Mahal, I see a government building. It's nice, but it certainly is not an architectural wonder. It suits the purpose and is similar to other new buildings. The interior is a government building - go there and see for yourself. I had to after the outrageous claims it is the Taj Mahal.

I'm not here to argue this, I'm providing what I found out after actually getting involved and NOT sitting on my couch in my underwear.

Anonymous said...

KK, thanks for the well thought out input.

I wrote 5:38. I don't mean that it is the "Taj Mahal"; however, I realized that some people do incorrectly see it like that. The problem is that many are blinded by the new building's construction when many would regard McLaurin as having some deplorable conditions.

My kids are in the Brandon proper zone. I appreciate our teachers and administrators; however, throwing that the athletic complex into this was completely unnecessary and just telling me that "it's cheap" right now is the same type of thinking that, well, please see my above comment with tourism to Greece.

I fully realize bond this was NOT all about sports - but sports should have had nothing to do with it - that is unless they wanted a little extra while pulling on real emotions and logic.

When a straight up education bill is presented - I'm all in.

KaptKangaroo said...

You cannot please all of the people all of the time.

I agree, they will strip out all athletic facilities, then the bond will pass.

Unfortunately, the writing on the wall looks something like this: parent's kids will get fat and they will start to demand sporting facilities and gyms (which were a large part of the sports funding). We will be back to square one. And the "NO" contingency will scream "wasteful spending". I say put it all in one bond, make it simple. The opposition's logic will wind up costing Rankin more in the future in funding expenses and voting related expense. But they won't tell you that.

KaptKangaroo said...

Another thing I found of interest in reading today was the Tea Party candidate for District 4 (including NWR) was in vocal opposition of the funding. I believe he was running for BOS in Rankin and lost back in August. Didn't know that, found it of interest. Read his website, didn't think much of his ID of problems.


Anonymous said...

You should change your handle to KaptApologist. Your attitude and that of others that voters were/are misguided is another MAJOR aspect of the problem. Keep telling people they are wrong and they'll keep kicking your sorry ass at the ballot box.

As for this: 6. Smaller areas of Rankin County did not like the spending in the major growth areas of Rankin, namely NWR. I understand it and the board should have marketed this program vehemently to the larger areas of the district to get them to the polls.

In other words, get the areas that would be the beneficiaries of the largesse to the polls in greater numbers so that they can shove down the throats of voters in the smaller areas a property tax increase whether they agree with the direction or not. THAT is what you are saying. If you think that approach is a positive that will create greater unity and harmony in this county then you also probably think that Obama is doing a great job. In fact, that attitude shows us all that you just don't get it.

Here's the bottom line. Despite all your bullshit, bluster and bravado before the election the bond issue went down in flames. Anyone who believes you remotely have the answers should have their head examined.

KaptKangaroo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KaptKangaroo said...

And oh, i forgot, majority rules. I think I read that somewhere.

KaptKangaroo said...

I did not say voters were wrong. That is your statement and is not what I said, nice try.

I said voters were misinformed by a small group of voters who had ulterior motives and uninformed by the School Board.

Get it right if you want to comment please.

Your abrasive attitude is consistent with the messaging put out by the "No" vote. BTW, I think they did a great job. But if you think that taking the tact you are taking now will resonate in another vote, you might be mistaken. Especially as the opposition begins to take notes and mount a significant effort against the "No" contingency. In fact, strategically speaking, you are begin re-positioned every time you respond the way you do. You are doing it to yourself.

Anonymous said...

You don't really know what you don't really know and that is fine. As far as strategy goes there is ZERO reason to believe you know anything more, right now, about strategy than you did last Tuesday morning when you were cocksure that your 'strategy' was going to result in a resounding victory.

So spout all your bullshit while parading around online as some type of long lost fan of a children's television character from the 1960s thinking you know why the voting populace of Mississippi's fourth largest county did what they did this week. You are deluded. You were before the election and you remain so now.

Anonymous said...

Was Germantown high in gluck planned and constructed after the mad high was overcrowded/ surrounded by portables?

KaptKangaroo said...


Chillax. I have stated clearly, the opposition did a great job of defeating the Bond.

I did not know until after the vote that they were as vehement as the abrasiveness of your tone.

Keep up your good work. As an anonymous person with no connection to this community other than "na-na-na-na-boo-boo" I can see why you think I'm a children's character. And you are obviously new b/c you would know the name is based on "Flowers on the Wall."

And finally, you are talking to a fictional character and referring to him/her as a real person; I believe it is you sir who is delusional.

Good day.

Anonymous said...

Kk, boxers or briefs?

Anonymous said...

KK - you keep bringing up Flowers On The Wall - the singer in the song is referring to the children's television show host. Duh!

KaptKangaroo said...

I'll probably catch heck for this, but Hanes Boxer/Briefs.

Anonymous said...

I'm 9:44 from above.

Face it - we need the funding. I'm on the edge of what I can afford in taxes, but the cold truth is that we need upgrades to Rankin County education facilities (more so in areas where my kids don't go to school, so I'm not in as much of a quandary). However, if my kids were at McLaurin, I'd be mad. But I'd be even more pissed about Brandon tucking in athletic complexes when other schools have real needs actually related their kids getting a proper education.

Anonymous said...

1 Paul Buisson is a idiot
2 Ann Sturdivant needs to be replaced ( no children in school, grandchildren do not count)
3 Cecil McCroy needs to be replaced (no children in school, grandchildren do not count)
4 Grumpy Farmer is too grumpy, he needs to be replaced ( you have to get along some of the time)
5 Len Weathersby needs to be replaced, ( and not by his daughter)
Then maybe the voters & educators will have confidence in the RCSD

KaptKangaroo said...

And what movie was the song featured in? Gosh, do I have to spell everything out for you?

Anonymous said...

No doubt you relate with Honey Bunny.

Anonymous said...

12:41, how about less ad hominem. Point to specific issues for each person, and then have a free for all. (Which is why I wish to exclude your point on nepotism from my response.)

Having a child in the school system should not be a requirement to sit on the board - if you want to discuss the lack of logic behind such a requirement, I suggest you go find someone with appropriate reasoning deficiencies.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the "there should be no requirement that they have children to serve."

I also with, they best have experience and take constructive advice. I'm not so fanciful of disengaged hope for the best attitudes as it related to the bond.

It is a battle out there to protect our children every day. They should at least approach the funding the same way. I'm afraid, in the aftermath, that is the realization of the board.

Time for them to pay a little bit more attention to the reality of the politics that is seeping into the education discussion by the "No" contingency. Additionally, a well thought out campaign involving teachers, admins, etc. utilizing social media, traditional media, talking, picking up the phone, engaging in neighborhoods would have been very powerful. I can only venture how many connections could have been made.

Did anyone notice this?

Vote No Rankin

or this....

Vote No Rankin

There is more....

Anonymous said...

KK, You are so full of it. The population explosion in NWR/Flowood area did not happen in overnight. Whoever the city/county planner is must be an idiot to allow Dogwood to be built without adequately addressing transportation, to allow more and more subdivision to be built without addressing school and transportation needs, etc.

The City of Flowood and Rankin County are raking in the dough with tax proceeds. Do they put any of those funds towards schools and roads? Hell no! Their plan is to make the residents suffer enough and allow the situation to become deplorable enough to where the residents have no choice but to pass a bond and pay for public needs that should have already been paid for.

KK, I can't wait to peruse your next tome of tirade--another addition of KK's Saga.

And, I will always remain anonymous in my posts. For all I know you could be a Kraigslist Killer.

KaptKangaroo said...

5:19PM you are a loon.

Chris Merck said...

Kk and I agree on that point! 5:19's post does defy logic.
Kk, what is the response on planning for Mad county with regards to G'town High when you said we are limited on construction from gov dollars as previously posed question post?
And just curious, you referenced several times previously about some big organizing of nay voters...really?
I saw half a dozen plain white signs in my travels that said 'vote no...' and saw dozens of colorful signs, several banners, and thousands of pamphlets at various locations from the Rankin county inc. group.
So find it hard to follow this whole point of a big, well-organized movement against the bond vote.

Anonymous said...

There's an evil conspiracy around every corner in Capt Kookaroo's world. The nay voters looked like a rag tag bunch by design. It was a ruse. It was the Tea Party in disguise.

Kingfish said...

Just one serious question. How come no one ran against him?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Green Jeans tried for decades to get him to listen to reason.

Anonymous said...

Come on Fish
Anyone "qualified" that is in the school district system now would not risk their livelihood. Lynn was a supervisor before he became superintendent got his PhD after he beat John Patrick. He learned all his political tricks as a supervisor, dodged the Maybus Bullet that Pete Patrick went to jail over, and then used the same tactics to earn the degree. Unfortunately the only proof that anyone could get is lie detectors from the retired teachers that wrote the papers for him. And I personally know three of them-all voting NO last week. Two possible candidates that he felt were a threat to his Daughter are now at other less stressful positions. One is at the State Education Office and the other is superintendent of Pearl Schools. Both could win a write-in campaign if they wanted to go through the headache.

Anonymous said...

It was either Mabus or Moore that investigated the county when he was supervisor.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS