Wednesday, August 17, 2011

She's in rare form.

I'm not going to add any commentary, just let you read Ladd in her own words this week:

"Bill, Jackson has always been an extremely violent city. When you were growing up, it was more white-on-black crime, granted, but it was very violent and terroristic even. And sure, law enforcement ignored those crimes for the most part and were even supportive of that violence; do you call that better law enforcement than today?

I'm also curious about your "plain and simple" solution of stopping "teenage pregnancy and fatherless children." What are your specific solutions? And what do you believe are the roots of those issues? I assume you believe that stopping those issues means figuring out what causes them, no?
posted by DonnaLadd on 08/16/11 at 08:38 AM"

No,Donna, Jackson has not always been an extremely violent city. Sure during the civil rights era it was, no doubt. By the 70s, not so much. The most violent thing I can remember from then was the shootout between The Republic of New Afrika bunch and the JPD/FBI. And the solution to the single parent plague? I suppose we should go back to when the out-of-wedlock rate wasn't so high and compare the societal norms for then vs now. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but it's fairly plain to me that that would be a good starting point. Society has to WANT to change before it can.
posted by bill_jackson on 08/16/11 at 07:05 PM

Sounds like we've read through decades of different archives, Bill. First, it wasn't just the "civil rights era" when white terrorism reigned in Jackson and all of Mississippi. It was our entire history at least until the early '70s. Then there might have been a crime or two more than you're not remembering in the 1970s -- interesting to me that the only one you remember involved an FBI-JPD dawn raid on armed blacks, complete with the Thompson tank. Then the drug war/crack era kicked in full force by the 1980s and peaked by mid-1990s. Crime has dropped dramatically since then (although it spiked a bit during Melton era.)

Also, crime trends have shown that in many of our recent years, Jackson has enjoyed the lowest violent crime rates in decades. Of course, the mainstream media isn't going to tell you that. And where do you hear about crime, but from the media.

Our glory days, Bill, are most certainly not behind us. Jackson was a hateful, hateful place prior to the 1970s, and we're still dealing with the effects of that white-on-black terrorism. Our best years are ahead if we start getting smart about preventing crime and stop blaming teen mothers for problems with much deeper and more difficult roots than that.

It's fine to look at "out-of-wedlock" rates, but why not look at our history of destroying the black family unit, first through slavery, then Jim Crow and now through the Drug War? If you want strong families, there's a whole lot the rest of our society has to make up for. Iagree with your last sentence, but its going to take some serious reckoning about where these problems stem from and what needs to be done about it. Simplistic rhetoric about teen pregnancy won't get us there, even though I want to see teen pregnancy lowered myself. We need to start with good sex education and access to birth control and go from there.
I assume you're a mentor of young people? That's one place to start.
posted by DonnaLadd on 08/16/11 at 07:41 PM

Then there is this great post obviously directed at this website:

"It is time that readers demand that real journalism outlets adopt serious and ethical moderation policies and reject hateful, personal comments. If we wouldn't publish it in print, we shouldn't allow it online. We own these websites, just as we own our papers. We're not government entities; the "First Amendment right" to be a libelous a-hole isn't even a question. It doesn't apply to private businesses.

Oh, and readers: It's up to you, too. Don't go to sites that allow long threads of hateful "anonymous" comments. And when you choose blogs to read, remember the adage that you cannot trust someone who is not willing to attach their name to their work. Especially if they claim to be journalists. They are playing at a very serious game; real journalists dig deep for information, put it into context and are not afraid to use their real names and to talk to real people for responses. If journalists do not follow these standards, the public suffers, and the journalist ends up in trouble, usually. And people who don't use their real names often destroy good people, including elected officials, in their rush to sensationalize.

Choose wisely, folks, if you want good watchdog journalism to continue in this country and not be overtaken by sensationalistic garbage designed to drown out the truth. It's up to you to become media literate and demand better. "


Anonymous said...

You know "terrorists" is certainly not sensationalism. NOT!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Jackson. I walked to school in the first grade. My parents both worked and they left the doors unlocked during the day so I wouldn't have to keep up with a key. We were never robbed.

DonnerKay...does that sound like Jackson today?

Anonymous said...

She's delusional. She objects to anonymous posts (which some of us must use due to political delicacies relating to remaining employed and supporting our families), but she just runs people with different opinions off her web site, as many of them have stated here.

This site has broken a number of stories; has hers?

Shadowfax said...

Who is that fool woman? Can't say I'm familiar with her. I had to stop when she began to whine that teenage pregnancy was/is a result of slavery and other 'things' visited upon blacks by whites. This woman is a friggin' nut case. Or is someone pulling my leg and this is really Jerry Mitchell using a woman's monicker?

Khatt said...

Can someone give me directions to Donna's world? I really, really want to go there and dance in the flowers under a rainbow.

Anonymous said...

When Katrina cleared out N.O., Jackson took it's place as the most violent city - at least temporarily. And why was the black marriage rate much higher prior to the 1960's?

Kingfish said...

Really? We had 45-50 homicides a year back then?

Anonymous said...

The thing about Ladd that is kind of sad is that she clearly wants very badly to be taken seriously and to "make a difference," etc. But then you read the stuff she writes, and it's just so effing bad. She is her own worst enemy. She tries very hard to provide the illusion of sanity in her own little hyper-controlled world (or, website, anyway) . . . but she is just a complete dingbat. I can't imagine anyone taking her seriously.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the majority of her 'readers' stay zoned out on something else. They pay no attention to what this idiot woman writes because they are too busy waiting for someone to pass the bong. And by the way Ms Ladd, MY NAME IS TULA, in casy you're reading this site. Get a life and move north where you belong. We are a conservative south - take your liberalism and shove it. And you might want to read up on your history as you travel.

Anonymous said...

Per DL: To strengthen black families, end the war on drugs.

I'm not sure about the logic there.

I'm not sure giving up on the drug issue would strengthen any family.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Ms. Ladd but I've not found a "real journalism outlet" in the metro area that has done anywhere near, I mean remotely close to, the amount of investigative legwork Mr. Kingfish has done here at Jackson Jambalaya to expose the corruption in Hinds County government.

Anonymous said...

There is no need to ridicule her. Just read what she writes! It is self-ridiculing tripe. I could not ridicule her any more thoroughly than that if I tried.

Anonymous said...

To strengthen black families - end welfare. No work - no food. After second illegitimate child is born - steralize the mother or CUT the benefits for each additional child born. Steralize the father if he can be found. Demand drug tests for ANYONE getting a government hand-out. It makes absolutely no sense to 'end the war on drugs' to strengthen black families. End welfare to strengthen black families then maybe 'baby daddy' will stay with 'baby mama' to raise the little darling instead of leeching off tax payers.

Anonymous said...

Please someone ask Donna Ladd if single black mothers receiving welfare, foodstamps, WIC, CHIPS, etc. could have ANYTHING to do with the deterioration of the black family unit in the last few decades.

Reed said...

This woman has the temerity to teach writing classes. Seriously.

So much to pick at, but I'll just take one: the "First Amendment right" to be a libelous a-hole isn't even a question. It doesn't apply to private businesses.

Forget her inarticulate use of the edited vulgarity (she doesn't have the writing chops to say such with power and politesse). Rather, I am amused by the concept of the First Amendment right to be libelous. Obviously this woman doesn't understand that libel is not protected under Amendment I.

Why do we afford this woman any credibility? She runs a local music rag that people pick up to find out who's playing Fire this weekend. Her notion that "Jackson has always been an extremely violent city" is ludicrous.

It's time to hit the mute button on this poseur.

Anonymous said...

Violent crime in Jackson - 2006 compared to 2005 (Katrina occurred late August 2005)

City’s Murder Rate Soars

by Brian Johnson and Adam Lynch
Photo by William Patrick Butler
Aug. 9, 2006

The latest ComStat reports (June and July) show 26 murders for this year versus 15 for the same period last year, an increase of 73.3 percent. In fact, murder now shows a greater increase over last year than any other category of crime. Carjackings and armed robberies have increased by around 50 percent, while aggravated assaults have increased by 23.7 percent. The only category that declined was rape, which has fallen 10.8 percent from last year.

As of the week of July 17-23, overall violent crime is up 33.6 percent over the same period last year.

Curt Crowley said...

The LaddFraud has a lot of nerve chastising other outlets for "hateful" comments.

Has she forgotten the nasty little hit pieces she did on Robert Smith when he ran for DA, back when the JFP was the pro bono propaganda ministry for the Faye Peterson campaign?

Or how about the frightening obsession she has with Frank Melton? Article after article of innuendo and half-assed conspiracy theories. As with everything else, LaddFraud's Melton coverage was about Donna Ladd. She had to keep these sensationalistic stories coming, no matter how ridiculous, in order to make herself believe she was relevant. To this day she continues to obsess over Melton, as if she is stalking his ghost in the afterlife.

I know the late-Mayor had issues, but no person deserves the high-tech lynching Ladd attempted to perpetrate on Melton.

Donna Ladd is an evil, repugnant individual. She will do anything, smear anyone, and generally do whatever it takes to glorify Donna Ladd.

Ironghost said...

She hasn't even been around Jackson that long to complain about it.

Anonymous said...

good question: did she even grow up in Jackson?

Anonymous said...

Donna was born in Philadelphia, MS where she and her parents lived in a trailer. She managed to convince her mother that racism was bad by the time she was 3 and fled Mississippi because of it. Fortunately for us, she returned to fight racism and teach us all that racism is bad. Otherwise, we would not know that.

Her current line of bs reminds me that about ten years ago, a black columnist in the midwest wrote that her son's choice of college was JSU and she was scared to death he'd be killed by white people. I remember thinking at the time, "Lady, what your son needs to fear most in Jackson are people who look just like him - young black males."

Any why are all the media ignoring the homophobia angle of the Anderson killing?

Kingfish said...

I like the way she tries to argue "private businesses" are exempt from the first amendment.

meople said...

she is what is keeping the black families from being successful. insisting over and over and over that the poor black families are at the bottom trying to crawl out. if you notice in madison there are a ton of very successful black families living the dream. i guess they dont read the crap they she vomits out of her head... speaking of how can a white woman know so much of what it is like to be black...

Kingfish said...

She's losing it now.

Anonymous said...

This was the BEST comment I've read to date. EVER! Unfortunately, it was not reposted on the new editorial piece.

Honestly, Donna, I do believe you could pin global warming and the debt ceiling fiasco on Mississippi's past if you set your mind to it.

posted by bill_jackson on 08/17/11 at 11:52 AM

That's the best you got, Bill? Then get the hell out of the way of the diverse (ethnically, politically and otherwise) Mississippians who are trying to use knowledge of the past to improve our future. I have no patience for people like you who have no desire to face reality. Our state can do better than that level of ignorance. With due respect.

posted by DonnaLadd on 08/17/11 at 11:56 AM

Anderson said...

Surely crime stats for the past 50 years are available and published somewhere or other. It should be possible to demonstrate that Ladd is incorrect.

Shadowfax said...

Is that raw anger or menopausal psychosis? It's hard to tell from a distance. I'd have to meet up with her in Fondren for crumpets in order to sufficiently analyze her. If only I could get Felder to referee.

However, with all due respect, I must point out that quite a few gentlemen on this board seem to have a definite hard on for her.

meople said...

she reminds me of the comidian (larger) woman who does all the roasts on comedy central real vulgar always talking about black men. I guess i have know excuse not to know her name than i was too lazy to google...

Anonymous said...

What is rare about her latest tirade?

Anonymous said...

Donna is afraid to live in the present. Why would anyone drone on and on and suffocate in the past, when the present and the future look so much better?

If I was a black resident of Jackson, I'd ask her to shut up and stop speaking for me.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Lampanelli!

There are so many I couldn't post them all. You have to watch her videos! Comedy!


Anonymous said...

2:00 again: that being the case (the fact she didn't even grow up here), she has no idea what she's talking about. sure, like the rest of the South, Jackson in the 70's was no model of racial equality, but, it wasn't the brutal, violent cauldren of hate she imagines. I grew up here in the 70's and 80's and, although I'm sure there were some incidents of hate crimes against blacks, I can't remember one. I remember riding my bike anywhere I wanted, leaving our doors unlocked and playing at Riverside with kids from all over town, black and white. Sure, there was crime in Jackson, but nothing like the senseless, random and bloody violence now and that creates such an atmosphere of fear. And, regardless, always blaming our problems of today on sins of the past, be they real or perceived, only distracts us from the search for solutions and fails to recognize all men and women, white, black, rich and poor are capable of the best and worst. We should spend more time and energy focused on the future, not the past, when trying to better ourselves and create an evironment most likely to bring out our best. Wallowing in the sins and suffering of our fathers and mothers, aunts and uncles and grandfathers and grandmothers only fans and spreads the fires of hatred from the past and leads new generations to believe violence and vengeance have always been and always will be expected, justified and without consequence. Personally, I tend to focus on why I was so lucky to grow up in Jackson when I did and what I might to to try and work with others to solve our problems and make it even better in the future. Our history is full of ignorant, hateful and racist crimes by all our ancestors (ie. Auschwitz, Nanking and Rhawanda, to name a few). While we should never forget them, we should not let them overshadow our potential for good and opportunity to make things better. I believe Ms. Ladd is doing just that.

KaptKangaroo said...

Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

Soren Kierkegaard

I think that the JFP does not think very highly of educated people on this blog given the tone of comments toward this blog.

As an educated person, I take offense that the JFP or anyone associated with it believes that all are ignorant of history, and as such, we are somehow immoral when it comes to the subject of race.

As quoted above, be mindful of history, but for heaven's sake move on living your life!

Fondren Beaver said...

Gee Wally. How come DonnerKay never urges any of the anonymous posters who agree with her to use their real names?

Ironghost said...

Liberals don't like anonymity because they can't track you down and intimidate you into agreeing with them. Witness Union thugs, SEIU, and others who are marching right up to houses and engaging in intimidation.

D said...

I absolutely despise Donna Ladd, always have. I've never seen anyone so narrow-minded and convinced they're always right quite like Ladd.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely despise Donna Ladd, always have. I've never seen anyone so narrow-minded and convinced they're always right quite like Ladd.

August 17, 2011 4:21 PM

Just put it out of your mind. The Fondren infestation does not exist in my world and everything is bootiful (a Kenny Stokes word).

Anonymous said...

As a regular reader and sometime-commentor here, I just want to make the observation that Ladd absolutely does not speak for all "liberals." It would make life very easy for conservatives if she did. There are many liberals who are intelligent, well-read, and decent people who are formidable thinkers and debaters. Ladd is not one of them, not even close.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she is absolutely positive of the bill_jackson and others demographic make-up (race, creed, religion). Assumptions tend to make one look foolish if acted upon in an emotional manner without fact checking. Sounds familiar.

Wouldn't that be a kicker'?

J. Kev said...

@5:02 --

You're right. There ARE intellectually honest liberals in the world. They're names are Joe Lieberman and Pat Caddell. They have a convention every week. In a phone booth.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Kaze. The only worthwhile writer and community activist at the JFP tablog. I swear if he started his own blog he would go far; further is maybe another way of putting it.

Is the JFP keeping a good man down? I wonder.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. The real reason Kaze is angry is because nobody gives a shit what he thinks nor buys his self-inflated resume of presumed greatness. Get.over.yourself.Brad.

Anonymous said...

From Twitter in support of August 17, 2011 5:46 PM


Donna Ladd

This morning, I challenged a couple white guys to reconsider our history with the races reversed. Read and weigh in:

3 hours ago
Favorite Retweet Reply

Anonymous said...

Tom Head and Julie Skipper would make a neat couple.

KaptKangaroo said...

I'm not originally from MS. Does that exempt me from MS history? Or should I go take a class?

Mind you I enjoy living and working here in MS. It IS the hardest working state I've ever lived in, regardless of race. I'm proud to tell my friends I've been here for years and happy to raise my children here.

J. Kev said...

Bill Jackson is a friend of mine. White guy. His daddy walked a beat for the JPD.

I'm surprised it let him state his opinion on its website.

Anonymous said...

The only way you can be properly indoctrinated Kapitan is if you attend this series of classes.

Now at the first class don't get confused by the altar in the room. That is merely Ladd's lectern.

reximus said...

Bill Jackson here. I wish ya'll could have seen some of my comments she chose not to publish.

LCB said...

Bill, I found that very enjoyable reading. She must be foaming at the mouth as while she types. Obviously a cool head and logical reasoning skills are two things she is sorely lacking. Could she be the Wildebeasts sister perhaps? Sorry, I could not resist outing myself. :)

reximus said...

Good to hear from you LCB. And welcome back to the metro. At least the Wildebeast wasn't a self aggrandizing moron on that level LOLZ.

Kingfish said...

Sounds like she was imitating Bush the Elder and bragging she "kicked a little ass"

BWW Queen said...

Bill_Jackson is a great guy and NOT a right wing puppet (far from it). He has two fan-freaking-tastic boys to prove it. DL is DL... down low? Dirty Louse? Dumb Lady? Dufus Loser? Nah.. I think more Dribble Lackey ....

KaptKangaroo said...

Nice to meet you Bill. Commend you for your restraint and especially the comment above:

Honestly, Donna, I do believe you could pin global warming and the debt ceiling fiasco on Mississippi's past if you set your mind to it.

posted by bill_jackson on 08/17/11 at 11:52 AM

KaptKangaroo said...

Raaar! Nice! How soon we forget! My apologies good sir.

I have learned once again how to put 2+2 together.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, great researcher you are, check the records back 50 years and find out:
how many blacks have been murdered by whites, how many blacks have been murdered by blacks, how many whites have been murdered by blacks, and how many whites have been murdered by whites in Jackson over the years.

that might lay out the "history" of violence for all to see.

I grew up in Jackson during the 50's and 60's and can tell all that there was no safer place on the planet, for all races.

KaptKangaroo said...

I just couldn't resist:

"Oh, THAT Bill Johnson."

:) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Bill Jackson is my best friend. His dad was a respected JPD officer among both black and white folks. He grew up on the west side of Hanging Moss Rd and learned his history at Green Elementary, Brinkley Jr High and Callaway. Anyone can spin history in a book, actually being there living it is what was real.
-Alice Haerer

Curt Crowley said...

Holy shit she's got a new Frank Melton theory:

"It won't work otherwise, and it'll be battles of words that end up with white people supporting a black man who spews them the loudest, like my friend Frank Melton. *That* is the real tragedy of his story: the way he was used. Break the chains, folks." posted by DonnaLadd on 08/17/11 at 03:25 PM

That's quite a change in thinking. After years of trying to prove Melton was Satan, she comes full-circle and says it was all the white man's fault for using him.

Someone over there needs to go pick up Ladd's refill. Then make sure she takes it.

Rebekah said...

Jackson has NOT always been so violent. But it is now.
And all she talks about is the WHITE ON BLACK crimes...What the...
Let's just talk about crime period. Once again, why does it always have to be about race? If she insists on always making it about race then let me comment on the amount of black women I see at Walmart...Dooney Bourke purse, nails done, hair done....75 kids at tow...middle of the day...basket loads of name brand crap- nothing healthy of course- and paying with their "snap card" (food stamps is no longer allowed to be mentioned of...too negative of a word)...and then they get into their big Esculades or whatever friggin expensive SUV they drive....and who pays for all of this???
Not to mention the majority of crime is done people. Those are just the facts. I am not racist. I don't give two figs what color you are...where you came from...what your money status is...what you drive...but what I DO care about is when people abuse the system...all because they can. THAT is when I get angry. I know women (let's just call them white women) who are single moms...making an honest income...and struggling to make ends meet by working 2 jobs. They can't get assistance...why??? Because they work. But, freeloading baby makers can pop out 6 kids and get all the freebies they want...It makes no sense. Why do they deserve special treatment? Because of their skin color? BS!!!
Everyone has a history...everyone has a past. BUT, what you cannot do is justify the actions you make today...right now...on what happened yesterday...or 30 years ago. What you do is try and make yourself a better person. Your ancestor was a slave? Well, I'm sorry for that. But, does that give you the right to go out and commit a crime because of it?
And, why doesn't Donna speak up for the Jewish society too? What about the millions of Jews who were slaughtered and tortured? Do you see Jewish people forming gangs and killing people because of their past?
Yes...we live in the South...yes...there is racism...I get it...but it isn't just white on black. There is more black on white and black on black. But once again, we are all just talking about color...
It isn't the color of the damn the character of the person.
Ahhh...she disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

How has she managed to avoid the tar and feathering on her way out of town? Amazing?

Anonymous said...


Thanks' for the post.

It brought back sweet memories of an innocent childhood of Jackson back in the late 60's and early 70's.

Hanging Moss Dr. Beasley Road, Forrest Avenue. Meadowbrook, Miller's dept store , Callaway High, and
Deville Cinema was about to be built across the HWY over in 39211.
The Triangle Mart Totesum, Seal Lilly Ice Cream, .... Sorry I digress, but your post opened a flood of memories.

This anonymous conservative also went to school at Emma Green Elementary,
Council 7: " Hanging Moss" and Council 3: " Manhattan" . Oh yeah,
I almost forgot ......Council 1 on Hartfield , just a mole hair away from the JFP in Woodland Hills.
Yes Woodland Hills, NOT FONDREN. Council 1 is now the " AA Yanna Club " .

I remember Bill very well.

Glad your still around Rex.


Anonymous said...

Re: Frank Melton theories - KF posted an oblique comment recently along the lines (paraphrasing here) "well, how would you do it if you were running a drug ring?" I had previously read somewhere that there were ZERO arrests for drug possession or sales during Meltons first year or two as mayor. Zero!

I also heard unsubstantiated rumors that he was, in fact, a drug kingpin, and used his position to hobble the competition, and that is why his law enforcement efforts were so bizarre.

So, at the risk of hijacking this thread [isn't it unanimous now that DonnerKay is totally off her (Fondren) trolley?], can anyone post some FACTS about Melton's alleged activities?

reximus said...

BTW, who IS playing at Fire this weekend? I used the copy of the JFP to soak up up the excess Rem Oil while I was cleaning my .45 last night.

reximus said...

Now I'm wondering who 10:09 is. And isn't the Yanna Club where Giles Bryant was leaving when he was brutally murdered about 10 yrs ago? For those who don't know, he was shot once, then he fled up State Street only to be run down and have the gun emptied into him.

Kingfish said...

I agree with her alot about Melton. Yes, you read that right. Melton disbanded the drug task force, kept the mobile command center around him all the time - great way to monitor all police actions, personally directed drug raids (great way to knock off competitors), hired a chief totally unqualified for the job, had no drug arrests his first two years on the job- odd because he made such a big deal about drug dealers, refused to release crime stats and tried to shut down broadcasting of city council meetings.

Now if you were a drug kingpin, what would you have done differently?

Oh, and all the young men around Melton tended to get into MORE trouble after they came into contact with him. Check out Too Sweet and Michael Taylor for examples. You won't see me argue much with Ladd over him.

Oh, did I mention the $97 million in interest rate swaps he tried to stick us with his last year in office?

Rebekah said... not bash jfp so hard. They are the only paper in town that can tell you where to get a great lower back tattoo

Anonymous said...

"End the war on drugs to strengthen black families. "

YES! I agree 100%

Let's also raise the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) to 0.30% from 0.08% and end drunk driving!

Shadowfax said...

Did you perhaps mean 0.03? Not many of us could survive 0.30.

Anonymous said...

my my....After reading that fairy tale I can see why Jackson has been reduced to rubble... It sounds to me like she has one of dem thar public school "educations".

meople said...

Yes Mr Brand was gunned down by three kids (one was 14). A very tragic story he was picking up a relative from a meeting.

Anonymous said...

WOW! As somebody from someplace else, both corners appear " over the top" and either accusatory or defensive. Can't you folks separate what is racial from what is common to the human experience?

First of all, slavery created a matriarchal family structure among blacks. That was perpetuated with the welfare requirement of " no man in the house" for eligibility. Single parent families, whether black or white don't fare as well economically or socially.

Crime has been and continues to be primarily black on black in this community. All white poor communities in this Nation have similar problems with crime. All white societies have not been crime free. Factors may vary in other societies but in ours, POVERTY and the lack of an intact nuclear family and addiction are the key factors in crime rates. Actual crime statistics are the best source of information and MUST INCLUDE POPULATION GROWTH if one is to suggest MORE crime is occuring.

As for " walking home from school" ... only 112 children were abducted by strangers in all of 2019 in our entire nation. The 112000 national child abductions were by family members, family friends, or people families' knew.

In most of the 1900s, you never heard of a child abduction in another state unless the parents were famous or it involved kidnapping for ransom.

We have become a more mobile society. We don't know our neighbors as well as neighborhoods are more fluid. If you lived in a neighborhood, even in the 50s that had a troubled neighbor, you didn't leave your doors unlocked.

As for teen pregnancies, ignorance is the major factor. Ignorance of adults about sex is included. In a society that loves all things erotic and where biological ignorance of the human body is common, teen pregnancies shouldn't be a surprise. Lordy, we even have padded bikinis for toddlers. Can we possibly give our little girls more a mixed message than " look sexy but don't have sex"?

It ain't all about race and THAT'S what's wrong in Jackson. Too many are trying to make it all about race and that prevents good, decent, SMART people of both races from joining together to solve common problems.

Ladd's over the top, but there's much " the pot calling the kettle black" going on.

** Free Maxine Waters ** said...

After I read your first paragraph:

WOW! As somebody from someplace else, both corners appear " over the top" and either accusatory or defensive. Can't you folks separate what is racial from what is common to the human experience?

I didn't waste my time reading another damn thing you wrote.

Anonymous said...

Bravo 8:12!!!

"Too many are trying to make it all about race and that prevents good, decent, SMART people of both races from joining together to solve common problems."

Perfectly stated. Thank you.

Shadowfax said...

Anon 8:12; Your 'everybody is doing it' answer to causation is bullshit. So, slavery is the root cause of poor family structure among 'some blacks'. And, since all cities have similar problems, none of us should point out root causes and common denominators in the case of Jackson, Mississippi.

But you obviously provided the 'head in the sand' answer one followup poster wanted to hear.

You should either be a college professor or writing speeches for Obama in his 'pass the blame around' campaign. Perhaps you're both.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for the anonymity afforded here @ JJ the JFP crowd wouldn't post their manifestos.

Anonymous said...

It is a crying shame what happens to a brain after a Millsaps education.

Anonymous said...

Highest blood alcohol content I've ever seen someone survive was 0.400. He may have been helped by his glucose being 800 mg/dL when he was found after three days passed out in a snowdrift - they raise 'em up tough in Minnesota ;-)

Anonymous said...

"complete with the Thompson tank"

I always like the way the Liberal Racists like to use the phrase "Thompson Tank". It conveys all sorts of mis-communication.
For some reason, they believe the "tank" to be a military vehicle complete with cannons and machine guns. I suppose those Liberal Racists are trying to create a Mississippi version of Tiananmen Square.
For those of you who do not know, the "Thompson Tank" is an Armored Vehicle, slightly larger than the armored bank trucks you see around town every day. The truck was purchased in the 1960's when Allen C Thompson was mayor, hence the nickname. It has various uses during armed confrontations.
Maybe one day the "Tank" can find a home in the proposed Civil Rights Museum as it's most famouse use was in Memphis, TN to transport James Earl Ray to court.

KaptKangaroo said...

If it wasn't for the anonymity afforded here @ JJ the JFP crowd wouldn't post their manifestos.

It is nice of you KF to allow them to play in your sandbox even though they are too easy to spot.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if they all started quoting from here?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be a hoot if they all started quoting from here?

They would be banished to a gulag....but a gulag replete with lattes....

Shadowfax said...

I heard Ben Allen say this morning that all the projects planned for downtown are sitting on go, just waiting on financing. I think Ole Ben has posted above once or twice too. I can see the Kool Aid dribbling off to the side of the screen.

Anonymous said...

Jackson taxpayers ... assume the position.

Anonymous said...

The level of white resentment and sense of entitlement present on this website is second only to the juvenile and borderline sociopathic obsession with JFP and Donna Ladd. All Kingfish has do to is post something about her and his young excitable fanboys start frothing at the mouth. It's all very telling.

Kingfish said...

All I did was post her own quotes and since she was taking shots at me, I'm allowed to respond. In fact, I did agree with her above about Melton.

Haven't seen any sense of entitlement here. I forgot, everyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

As for the obsession, well, when you decide to write in a very colorful manner, don't be surprised if some pay attention. I had someone like you on here once. and guess what? When i googled the different media on this site, the CL caught much more hell more times than the JFP did. nice try.

Anonymous said...

Ladd's column this week is also a classic of the genre.

It's purportedly a review of "The Help," but she spends less time discussing the movie/book's flaws than she does talking about her place in history as a brave dissident.

I think she's suggesting at the end that she thinks she's going to win a Pulitzer.

Anonymous said...

After skimming most of your post, I have come to this conclusion. No white person will ever know how it feels to be black. Just like men will never know how it feels to be a woman. You do not think that Mississippi's negative, racial history does not matter today because it did not affect you (unless you helped in the Civil Right's movement). You do not recall incidents of racial violence because it did not affect you. Trust me, it happened more often than you know. Yes, Donna is a bit over the top, but some of her observations are true. Anonymous at August 18, 2011 8:12 AM ... I agree with your statements wholeheartedly. So often history is white-washed that people do not know the truth, and their stubbornness prevents them from learning the truth. Those type of people (many of you commenting on this blog) sicken me! I hate that we breathe the same air. And you are part of the reason why the state cannot progress from its racially-charged past.

By the way, for those who say the way to help the black family is to cut off welfare etc. That is a racist statement. And of course, you are going to find a way to defend yourself. It is still a racist statement. Ask any black person. I dare you. All black families are not on welfare. And some of those that are may really need the help. Don't assume they are abusing the system. I see just as many whites pulling out the EBT card at Walmart, committing crimes, having children out of wedlock, on drugs, molesting their children, etc. Oh, silly me, I forgot you do not claim your trailer-park brethren. As soon as people start accepting their bigotry and stop explaining it away, the better off we all will be. Take off your robe! Ignorance is bliss. And you people are blissfully ignorant. Have fun in fairy-tale land.

Kingfish Fanboy #327 said...

All Kingfish has do to is post something about her and his young excitable fanboys start frothing at the mouth.

Well, actually, I reach for my ...

Anonymous said...

As soon as people start accepting their bigotry

Stirred up the Bugle twinkies, I see.....

Mark Geoffriau said...

I'm willing to bet that those who make the argument that the best way to help the poor black community would be to end/reform the welfare system believe the same thing with regard to poor white community as well. I certainly do.

It occurred to me that the notorious "racist" Thomas Sowell just raised a similar point regarding the history of the welfare system in a recent column, but I'm sure that's just his bigotry speaking.

Kingfish said...

I am not a bigot or racist for one good reason: I hate everyone.

Anonymous said...

Alright JFP wanna-be part of the JJ Nation, your hate filled vitriol is welcome on this site, but damn it if you try to spew that shit on your home turf.

Your lack of a backbone to ID yourself goes to show, JJ is a better publication, is more intellectual an environment and frankly more honest with itself than the JFP would ever hope to be.

My Lord, the crap you romper-roomers spew is indicative of a very immaturely developed intellect. Get back to studying.

Dude Looks Like a Lady said...

Those type of people (many of you commenting on this blog) sicken me! I hate that we breathe the same air. And you are part of the reason why the state cannot progress from its racially-charged past.
Take off your robe! Ignorance is bliss. And you people are blissfully ignorant. Have fun in fairy-tale land.

Fairy-tale land? Fairy-tale land is over at the JFP where you would have been stoned, had an acceptable user agreement shoved up your ass and then threatened to be banned for daring to enter your comment into the arena of public opinion for consideration.

So don't give us that fairy-tale land shit.

Anonymous said...

My problem with people like Donna is she thinks racism is taught. That holds true for fewer and fewer people. I may never know what it's like to be black but I know what it's like to be raised by super liberal parents and then find myself living in Jackson for 40 years. I see crime everywhere; been a victim numerous times. The perps - all black males. My friends have been held up at gunpoint by black males. In Fondren, hardly a week goes by that some scam artist doesn't come to the door - all black males except for the occasional black female. I've interviewed someone for a job and thought, "she speaks ok, for a black person." The public schools suck because they are full of children - black children - whose homes are ill-equipped for preparing children for school. I could go on like this forever but, in sum, my expectations for black people are pretty low. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised. But this is not something I've been taught. Rather, it's something I get slapped in the face with every day. Not only was I not raised to think this way, I was raised to feel guilty for thinking this way. So not only do I have racist thoughts about black people, I feel guilty about it. Do I like living this way? Hell no.

Anonymous said...

Donna @ 12:44.
Now, that was funny.
How long did it take you to conclude that a person of one race doesn't know exactly how a person of another race feels?
As far as seeing just as many whites using EBT, are you talking about a ratio, or actual numbers? After all, blacks only make up 12% of the population. Would be more, but, they've aborted 40 million of their own. I'm sure Sanger is happy, wherever she is.

Anonymous said...

The writer at 12:44PM sounds awfully familiar. Tom?

Chuck Negron said...

Mama Donna told you not to come. She said, that ain't the way to have fun.

Donna Ladd
Reject sites that allow nasty anonymous comments; use your Facebook logo-in to join the discussion at - own your beliefs!

Anonymous said...

And they're off...

"I'm willing to bet that those who make the argument that the best way to help the poor black community would be to end/reform the welfare system believe the same thing with regard to poor white community as well. I certainly do."

If that's what the person intended to say, he/she should have said it instead of implying that only black families are suffering because of it. I hate that my hard-earned money is used to take care of anyone who does not help themselves, regardless of race.

"Your lack of a backbone to ID yourself goes to show, JJ is a better publication, is more intellectual an environment and frankly more honest with itself than the JFP would ever hope to be."

I see who else is not ID'ing themselves here.

"So don't give us that fairy-tale land shit."

That exactly where you live - in shit.

"After all, blacks only make up 12% of the population. Would be more, but, they've aborted 40 million of their own."

And why exactly do you care how many they have aborted? All you're going to do is complain once the should-have-been-aborted child does something, anything. Breathe perhaps.

Hate mongers ... [sigh].

Anonymous said...

@ 1:03 well at least you are admitting it unlike the others.

Anonymous said...

Funny, the only time race is discussed on this blog is in response to the JFP frothing at the mouth under their leader's fixation about racism.

I guess we do perceive a racial issue; we need to take a deeper look at the motivation for the frothing.

Lets take for instance the demographics of the advertising.

Wanna bet the majority of readership is of color?

Is this pandering we observe that we are all reacting to? Is this an intellectual objection we share here as to the pulling of wool over the readership's eyes? Is this done in an effort to sell more ads?

It is plausible. Doubt anyone of the vested commenters on their site really want to talk about it.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOooooo, the romper roomers have arrived and throwing epithets anonymously. Didn't someone tell you NOT to do that, participate here, enjoin intellectual conversation, mentally jest with those above your understanding?


KaptKangaroo said...

1:15PM here. I am not always able to enter my ID through my phone to comment. It is called convenience when I can sit at a computer.

Here I am. My comments.

Man up or whatever up.

Mark Geoffriau said...

"If that's what the person intended to say, he/she should have said it instead of implying that only black families are suffering because of it. I hate that my hard-earned money is used to take care of anyone who does not help themselves, regardless of race."

The issue isn't as simple as saying that certain people are taking advantage of the welfare system. The main point is that the current welfare system has created what's called a moral hazard, in which the incentives and disincentives don't match the actual risks and rewards. Specifically, we have incentivized undesirable, detrimental, and risky behavior by rewarding it with welfare checks. This applies across all races.

The fact that it was brought up in a discussion about the root causes of black poverty doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to other races, or that those who brought it up are somehow racist.

Anonymous said...

That exactly where you live - in shit.

WOW, that was powerful ... powerful.

Anonymous said...

1) "You do not think that Mississippi's negative, racial history does not matter today because it did not affect you (unless you helped in the Civil Right's movement)." Wow - a triple negative sentence!! My head is spinning, and I still am not sure what point they were trying to make.

2) Thomas Sowell hates black people. Kanye told me that; everybody knows it now.

Anonymous said...

@1:57 I hope your head explodes.

Shadowfax said...

SOMEONE BLOW THE WHISTLE. Change chairs! The circle jerk will continue in four seconds! Pledge invitations will go out Monday. If you have not used your olive, turn it in at the door.

Anonymous said...

Kapt Kangaroo- Creating a profile ID with absolutely no identifying information ... Yep, you're pretty exposed.

Curt Crowley said...

"juvenile and borderline sociopathic obsession with JFP and Donna Ladd."

Look stupid, for the reasons I stated earlier, Donna Ladd has to be monitored. She has proven herself to be vicious and without conscience in the way she treats other people, all for the glorification of Donna Ladd.

We keep up with Donna Ladd for the same reason DPS keeps up with sex offenders: to make sure she's not hurting anybody.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I lived in Jackson in the 60's and until the 2000's. Jackson was back then a safe place. I lived in the Fondren area ans my wife and I walked to the Capri and all over. I never saw the white on black crime she talks about. I do know that it was not a great time for blacks but there was the black family and the taking care of their children. Now, the number of unwed mothers and the unknown fathers of these children that just turn the children out on the street is the norm. They join gangs and sell dope and rob. The welfare state has caused so much of this so people can feel good about helping. It has not helped. People have choice, criminal behavior is a choice. No penalty and a revolving door justice system is Jackson's main problem. Plus a anti business climate in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Typical... She once told me that the term "illegal alien" is the new "n-word"..


Anonymous said...

i would be confident in saying that there is more racism in the whitehouse that in mississippi. (excluding rankin county)

Kingfish said...

1. Requiring ID is a joke as FB and other online forms of ID can be faked quite easily so whats the point? Unless you are going to start checking DL's or requiring credit card numbers, its pointless.

2. This blog discusses whatever captures my fancy on any particular day. The JFP and others are free to focus on race. This blog over time tends to focus on public corruption, Hinds County, Madison County, current events, satire and commentary, and stories the media won't touch. The difference between me and some of you is you are demanding I focus on or discuss race while I have a live and let live policy. If the JFP or a blog want to focus on race, that is their right and I don't begrudge them doing that one single bit and even applaud it because there is only so much one blog or website can cover. What you want though, is for every website and blog to focus on the same things and meet your definitions.

See, I really do believe in diversity. I don't want to shut anyone up or shut anyone down. I believe in not just a diversity of color or religion but also a diversity of ideas. If there were 1,000 "progressive" blogs in Jackson it would not bother me one bit. Period. I like mosiacs, not cookie-cutters.

3. As for crime, lets start with the fact there is a very high illegitimacy rate. Now I know the "its my body and dammit and I will do what I want" crowd doesn't want to hear this, but saying the illegitimacy rate has nothing to do with crime is willful ignorance. Its not racist to point out it is 70% in the black community because it is true. But before you honkies get too smug, its also 40% in the white community as well.

That means we have a huge problem. Those kids are at higher risk for criminal problems, drug use, mental issues, educational problems, and other issues. You're watching a generation grow up with no fathers, no discipline, no role models, no one to look up to. Now I realize someone whose view is warped by growing up around a father such as certain editors have may not see it that way but its still the truth.

The fact is we have to figure out a way to fix that problem because its not getting any better. Sure we can cut off the food stamps and welfare? Then what? What about the kids growing up in broken homes with money? Notice something about Louis Kuebler? George Bell III? Claiborne Frazier? All white. All upper class. And all broken homes who if I had to guess, at least one of their parents gave them everything. Still think its a black only problem? Bet their victims and their families don't think so.

We want to reduce the illegitimacy rate and number of kids growing up in single parent homes, we have to recognize the problem first, not create bogus philosophies or logic that have no place in reality just because it makes us feel better.

Anonymous said...

And that my friends is the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

This blog over time tends to focus on ...

Yeah. I remember a time long ago when we got pics of hot chicks with big racks! Boy, those were the good ol' days.

Anonymous said...

Facebook has 750 MILLION active users and Ladd somehow thinks each one of those accounts is the person's real name. LMAO

She never admonishes the members of her cult to use their real names if they currently use a pseudonym and those Ladd supporters not revealing their real names don't appear overly eager to please her.

Bottom line, she could force the issue like Lange did and watch her commenting traffic fall off the same cliff it did at Y'allP.

Shadowfax said...

(Won) Are you suggesting 40% of births to white mothers are illigitimate?

(2) By 'broken homes' I assume you mean a divorce has occurred in a family that includes children. Divorce doesn't cause lawlessness in children and doesn't cause a child to suddenly decide they want to steal my shit and pop a cap on me in exchange for my wallet.

Anonymous said...

Ladd's commenting traffic already has fallen off a cliff. Several years back there were some interesting and lively exchanges on her site. Then she banned pretty much everyone who disagreed with her (i.e. humiliated her publicly). Now she has the "sanctimonious echo chamber" effect of her few lapdogs noisily stroking each other (and her) off.

Anonymous said...

what is racism?

Rebekah said...

Anon 413....i was going to say the same thing!

Anonymous said...

So true 6:38.

I noticed the same trend a long time ago .

She's even ran off allot of her own tribe.

Hell, just yesterday in the JFP comments about the goofy Ablene Cooper's ' Help ' Decision ,
she seemed to publicly insult Ronni Mott ( BOOM editor and one of her most CURRENTLY devoted employees) .

Seemed Donner K saw a different angle on the next legal options for Cooper.

It's not about race relations, it's all about Donner.

Anonymous said...

No, that could not have been Tom at 12:44 since he said a man could never know what it feels like to be a woman.

Anonymous said...

Thank you KF for blogging in. Good comments.

The saddest post is from the child of liberal parents who can't distinguish the bad behavior of individual members of a race without ascribing those bad behaviors to the entire race. Her anecdotal experiences that have led her to conclusions about the black race are NO different from blacks who think the behaviors of the KKK members means all whites are bad.

Shadowfax, that you would not read anything by someone " from someplace else" is awfully telling. Especially since I came here quite young and have probably contributed more to help our State, which I love, by the way, both financially and with volunteer time that you've lived long enough to do. My activities were not and are not PARTISAN in nature. Indeed, I'm currently working on a project that will bring many people and their purses into Jackson to spend money. I don't give a whit for partisan nonsense, I want to solve problems effectively and efficiently.

What I wrote as 8:12 just happen to be facts that aren't in dispute by anyone who has studied poverty and crime in the black community or who has studied teen pregnancy in all ethnic groups. Unfortunately, too many now believe that their limited individual experiences ( thus their " feelings" ) are more reliable that broad based research done by unbiased experts in any subject and there's decades of good research out there by government (generated by adminstrations of both parties and with the same conclusions) and by academia. Feelings based on ignorance is more fashionable than expertise these days as gathering factual information upon which to base an opinion is just too time consuming for most. Knee jerks reactions therefore reign.

Anonymous said...

Especially since I came here quite young and have probably contributed more to help our State, which I love, by the way, both financially and with volunteer time that you've lived long enough to do.

You are extra special. Anyone here can tell that you aren't some run-of-the-mill anonymous poster.

You are the super benevolent all-knowing, all-seeing, super duper researcher, non-partisan, unbiased expert anonymous poster.

We worship the keyboard you use to enlighten us. I'm a better person now because you and Donna really care about me. Deepest thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sure is amusing to see the progressive crowd eager to achieve justice for Anderson via the death penalty.

rebelpol said...

I did not read through all of the comments to this post; mostly skimmed. Maybe this point was mentioned. The same Ms. Ladd who is vehemently opposed to voter ID is demanding all commentors be identified. Or am I incorrect?

Anonymous said...

You are correct.

Anonymous said...

it's all about Donna...even Tom H got crosswise with her once....

Kingfish said...

not just a little crosswise as well. I remember one time the entire pack ganged up on him and then she humiliated him on that site.

Anonymous said...

Tom Head and Julie Skipper would make a neat couple.

Anonymous said...

Thursday I signed up to JFP b/c she pissed me off and I wanted to show her what she looked like in a mirror. I'm still waiting to have my membership activated and really don't give a shit anymore about telling her methinks she does protest too much - on anything she's called out on.

She most likely has a weak sense of self-worth and has learned, unfortunately, that she must fight every criticism, whether right or ridiculous, like her life is on the line.

I really think she means well and her heart is good, but she just has a defect when it comes to being objective. We all know and love people with such qualities. Most of us have family like this. We find a way to love them no matter how much we wish we could jerk them out of their bodies and show them what they look and sound like.

Sure she deserves some ridicule b/c she certainly likes to dish it out (although with junior high buffers like this ;) or whatever it is she does).

But when push comes to shove she wants Jackson to be a good place to live and is doing her part to bridge relationships that need to happen for that to occur.

I really don't know what it is that I want anyone to do - just some thoughts that I wanted to let loose that couldn't be let go on her site.

MEOPLE said...


Rebekah said...

I'll bite...again....
There have been heineous crimes against black people...I agree to that....but there have also been heinous crimes against white people too. The problem is that certain people refer to their race as "our people"....Basically it is just hate crime. period. Donna loves to bring up race because THAT IS ALL SHE HAS. SHe is a joke in the real journalism world. She isn't even considered actually. She may have this big heart as you say and want Jackson to be a better place...GREAT! Who doesn't want that? But all she does is stir up the pot and continues to throw out the race card. If she really wants the best for Jackson then do it. Stop bashing people who have money. Stop bashing candidates just because they are white. Quite being a bigot when it comes to white people because...she is WHITE! There is always going to be a black/white line but not everyone has to fall victim of it. It only adds even more animousity and hate....white people kill black people. White people kill white people. Black people do the same. So my question is, why can we not get past the color of someone's skin and just judge the crime as what it is - a crime.
As an advocate for the fight against domestic violence I blow up when I hear stories about women being beat, tortured, and killed by their partner. REGARDLESS of race..It makes no difference if it was a black man killing a balck woman or a white man killing a woman. Those are just small details that allow people to miss the entire point...PEOPLE kill...they rob...they rape...and it not just one race. Talk about that Donna. Talk about the whole story and not just what gets you off on the moment. I took her writing class...spent $100 to go to it. I lasted one class. She got to keep the rest of my money. I learned absolutely nothing. The articles we read were about black history and nothing else. There is more going on in the world than that. Children are being beaten and molested everyday. Animals are being brutally tortured and killed everyday. And right now as I am typing in my safe home, there is a woman out there pleading...begging for her life. The world is effed up. Period. But constantly trying to divide blacks/white like she likes to do is absurd. SHe only makes the problem even worse. We are all people. What matters is what is on the inside- not what color we are. Like I said before, a person's character makes them...not their skin tone. Being black or being white doesn't make you any better than the next person. What it takes to be a good person is to do what you can to overcome your past-as hard as it is- and make a decision to BE a better person. Alot of people don't want to do that. They justify their actions on their past...and that is a lazy cop out.

Rebekah said...

Sometimes I am wrong about things and this is one of those times....
When I mentioned taking Donna's class, I am going by memory. It was almost 4 years ago when I took it and the only articles I remember were about black people...I should not have said that was all the class was about because I am just going by MY memory.
Also, I will go even further and apologize for any derogatory things I have said about Donna not relating to her views or opinions. I let my anger and strong views against subjects get in the way of trying to get my point across. I disagree with her on many MANY things, but it doesn't give me the right to put her down...
So, I apologize. I was wrong.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS