Warning: Mature and adult subject matter in this post.
Update: Did not know when writing this post yesterday Mr. Frazier sued Mr. Reynolds for slander. Copy of lawsuit. The two sides traded answers, responses, and motions. Nothing has happened in the case since July of last year. Lawsuit is obviously meant to harrass Mr. Reynolds as there was plenty of evidence in the bankruptcy court as well as state courts to support the so-called slanderous statements Mr. Frazier accused him of making.

Sherry Frazier was once married to James Reynolds, a local resident of good character and reputation. Mr. Reynolds filed for divorce in 2007 in Madison County Chancery Court, citing adultery on the part of then Sherry Reynolds. She responded by calling him a "habitual" drunk in her pleadings. They decided nuclear war would be no fun, withdrew their petitions, and filed one for irreconcilable differences. The judge granted their request and awarded joint custody of the child to the parents in December 2007. Sherry Reynolds married Clairborne Frazier. Friends of Mrs. Frazier tell JJ she was very impressed with Mr. Frazier's lifestyle. Who wouldn't be? Trips to exclusive Aspen resorts. Trips on private jets. Trips to New York City. Things were quiet in the courtroom for over a year.
Mrs. Frazier filed a petition seeking full custody of her daughter in April 2009. The file is posted below (The child's name has been redacted) and is a long read. Warning: its not Sunday School reading. The Fraziers tried to drag Mr. Reynolds through the mud. They accused him of being a drunk. They repeatedly smeared him in pleadings while offering no proof to back up their claims. The Chancellor awarded full custody to Mr. Reynolds on March 1 and called Mrs. Frazier's fitness as a parent into serious question.
One particular example shows the mental cruelty Mr. Reynolds was subjected to by Claiborne and Sherry Frazier. Mr. Reynolds took his daughter to Pepsi Pops and drank a few beers over the course of the evening as many people do at that event (It was unknown if it they were craft beers or if Beth Clay funded the purchase of the beer.). A private investigator hired by the Fraziers observed the father and daughter. When Mr. Reynolds left, the private dick called Ridgeland Police, who stopped Mr. Reynolds. The police let Mr. Reynolds go after determining he was not drunk. Unfortunately for Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Frazier was just getting warmed up. She filed a motion for a motion for emergency temporary emergency custody on June 12, 1009, arguing her child was in danger due to her former husband's alleged, and the key is alleged, heavy drinking.
If anything, Mrs. Frazier's little stunt angered the judge as she neglected to inform the Judge Harvey-Goree the Ridgeland Police released Mr. Reynolds after finding he was not drunk and that her husband, Claiborne Frazier, had recently been arrested for driving under the influence in Florida (Police record is on p.68.). Mr. Reynolds also stated in his answer to the petition then-Sherry Reynolds had an affair with Claiborne Frazier, became involved in a swinging lifestyle with Clairborne Frazier while married to him, and was trying to move their child to Florida. Judge Harvey-Goree denied the request (p.61).
Judge Harvey-Goree appointed a Guardian Ad Litem. The Chancellor was forced to admonish her several times as she engaged in questionable behavior and repeatedly omitted key facts in her report. Judge Harvey-Goree completely threw out the report in her final order (Report is on p.91.). The war raged on as Mr. Reynolds filed exhibits purporting to show the Fraziers were "swingers" and advertised their um, proclivities on a swingers website (Adultfriendxxxxx.xxx). Mr. Frazier then filed his own motion for an Emergency Temporary Custody Order on September 16, 2010 after the police were called to Mrs. Frazier's residence in the Palisades. She fired a gun in the air in the backyard than ran into the woods while the child was present. The police came to the home. Mrs. Frazier spent the night at St. Dominic's Hospital. The judge refused to change the custody schedules.
The Chancellor awarded full custody of the child to Mr. Reynolds (The order is posted below in a separate file.). The Chancellor commented more than a few times about the destructive influence of Claiborne Frazier. Judge Harvey-Goree said Claiborne "has driven the child without a drivers license, been involved in a bankruptcy, been investigated for fraud, suffered two DUI's." The order stated Mrs. Frazier was "bi-polar" and her psychiatrist "appeared to have admitted that Mrs. Frazier engaged in a 'swinging' lifestyle." The judge also said "Its clear Sherry's husband wants her to engage in this lifestyle" and that "her husband's leaving over this issue puts extreme pressure on her." Mrs. Frazier filed for divorce against her huband last month.
Note: I thought long and hard about writing this post because it is a custody fight involving a child. The name was redacted to protect her identity. The deciding factor was the defenses offered for the Fraziers on this website: business deals gone bad,sour grapes by investors, the recession, or a rogue attorney out to get the Fraziers - all excuses made for Claiborne and Austin Frazier. The true corruption and amoral nature of Claiborne Frazier are on display in the documents posted below. Don't like the fact I posted some pictures of him enjoying the good life in Aspen with his wife? Think of a woman sitting in jail right now who fell for him and embezzled money from her employer for his greed. I'm sure she would love to see Aspen. Think of the people who lost their savings to finance those trips to Aspen or trips to New York City. Memberships in expensive hunting lodges. Fancy cars. Boats. Airplane rentals. Other men's wives. An unfettered greed driving someone to think he really is entitled to everyone and everything. This file shows true moral depravity. Mr. Reynolds and his child were victims as were so many other people. This file, disgusting as it is to read, shows the true nature of Harris Claiborne Frazier.
It's hard to argue with the truth.
After reading your post, I feel dirty. I couldn't bring myself to look at the documents. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this.
When I was done reading it, I had to clap for Jimmy and shed a tear for the crap he and his daughter went through. Only shame is on Sherry - salacious details aside, here again, mental illness appears to be at issue.
Nothing dirty in my mind about this post, but Sherry and her lifestyle. Jimmy appears to be a normal dad, with the same problems and challenges half the readership can identify with.
I also commend the Judge for her impartiality and search/determination of the truth and what is in the best interest of the child.
I was most concerned with the GAL report. Did she know Sherry or Claiborne? The report appeared to be out of left field.
Finally, while the PI reported a possible DUI; was it investigated by Ridgeland as a possible Civil mattter? IOW - PI calls police to have him arrested/detained when the only evidence is someone on Sherry's payroll? I would question any testimony in the future from this guy.
12:07, I wonder if Claiborne, his brothers and mom feel ashamed for all the people they have hurt? Oh wait, nevermind.
Yes, this is dirty stuff. But the only blame goes to the ones living the filthy lifestyle. To hope of blissful ignorance only serves to let people like this continue affecting others.
here's a little pice I found abount CF back in the day.......
"Claiborne's doing retail, office, condos ... and I admire him for having the punch," said Bounds. "He's one to keep your eye on, because he's taken on a little of everything and seems to be doing OK with it."
Just saying.......
just a piec i found on CF back in the day
"Claiborne's doing retail, office, condos ... and I admire him for having the punch," said Bounds. "He's one to keep your eye on, because he's taken on a little of everything and seems to be doing OK with it."
Guardian ad litems are totally unregulated. The whole system is a joke.
Anyone think the GAL was paid off?
By the way, the chancellor is not that well-respected. Shows what happens when you tick off a judge, even the bad ones can get serious about their jobs if properly motivated.
12:17 PM Here...
I absolutely thought that the GAL was paid off after reading the report.
Impressed with that judge. She seemed to figure things out. I have a friend going through a divorce in Rankin Co and I wish her judge was that bright. Unfortunately, he is not or simply does not care.
Ashamed why? Should the Court be "ashamed" for allowing the public to view court papers?
maybe GAL got some 'action' during home visit--
GAL definitely got extra benefits.
Unbelievable the destruction this CF has caused literally to everyone who crossed his path.
Also, KF, I think I saw the child's name in one place. I looked back and could not find it again though. However, if it begins with a Z, I saw it. If it doesn't, I'm nutts and just ignore me.
Check out the huge telescope. Perv.
So....Sherry's mother in law....Claiborne's Mom, Nan, gave the GAL a ride to Destin.
I wonder if she got a partnership in a mini-storage complex in Georgia out of the deal. Or maybe some remodeling work at her house.
Or maybe it was dibs on Talmadge Braddock that sealed the deal.
I wish someone would put these good for nothing low life scumbags out of their misery. They are nothing but blights on society. They should not be allowed to have children. The world would be better off without Claiborne or Sherry taking up space. Thank you Kingfish for making public what a lot of us have known and witnessed for a long time. Please keep posting!!
Yet he is still out of jail; granted on bond for silly sh*t. And is Austin off the hook or is he a nice guy?
King glad you are posting all of this! Sherry is not normal....AT ALL! Claiborne might have been a trigger BUT she is CRAZY!! They have not been together as married couple as I have understood since August of 2010.... since the gun episode. Air everybit of this laundry its justice to the SOB Claiborne. He has wronged so many people.
Claiborne deserves what he has: Sherry. He wanted it. She wanted it. The resulting train wreck is to be expected.
How many do we know around us that have or are pursuing the same path? I think we would be disingenuous to believe otherwise.
Anyone, suffering this similar situation wanna' fess up? C'mon show your "greener grass."
You obviously don't know Sherry Frazier, if you did you would know that she was a victim to Claiborne and that she filed for divorce recently from him probably because he couldn't be faithful. I think you've kicked these people's teeth in long enough.
I think we should start "Swingers ANONYMOUS" right here on the thread. C'mon tell all.
And Sherry made the decision to pursue her ex-Husband (aka Father of her child) to a degree that makes me want to puke. 7:01 PM - you dance with the Devil, you tend to find heat.
'Fish, brilliant reporting as always. I think I might make a PayPal donation for this one. Speaking of brilliant reporting, how about getting color photos of the porn photos attached as exhibits to the divorce court documents? I would request that you photoshop out the penis, though.
You obviously don't know Sherry Frazier, if you did you would know that she was a victim to Claiborne
Victim my ass. She victimized her family, she pursued her husband with a vindictiveness that SHE chose - see filings. She is obviously unable to act like an adult, play nicely with others, and frankly, likes the money.
I don't see where you can excuse her behavior as a decent Human Being.
It is hard to consider someone a victim when she:
- leaves a husband and young child to
-pursue a known crook and philanderer who is in bankruptcy and
-flies off to Vegas to marry him with
-money he had another girlfriend embezzle then
-leaves her kid again to move off to Destin to
-live a swinging lifestyle
-then viciously denigrates her child’s father
-while her new husband sues the guy for slander
Above "Google Advertising" link is Lawyer SEO Marketing SPAM. These guys are spammers who try to post on sites frequented by lawyers for "link juice."
He looks so happy in this pic. It must be hard to be so good looking but have the intergrity of a materialistic being. As they say what goes up has eventually come down. Its not only him but others as well. Once they find God and understand the fundamentals of life they will be ok. As for there actions its what is right. You can play the game and be rewarded but do not decive others for your fame. God bless to all in this scenero.
I am just amazed at what I am reading about this horrible man. I have to wonder why someone hasn't done something really bad to him and might yet.
I wish someone would tell the story about the girlfriend who emblezzed for him.
Has his family disowned him or are they supporting him now or maybe a friend is? :) Just curious..
I would hope he has support from his parents he has a severe antisocial problem and needs help. Antisocial: common everyday law does not apply to the antisocial. (plus his ego)
I'm curious when the Authorities are finally going to shut this down. Tragic self-imposed circumstances aside; this is beginning to look like extremely depraved individuals willing to inflict any abuse upon others without regard for their actions.
I really do feel for Mr. Reynolds and his daughter. The emotional abuse (invasion of privacy with the PI; the conflict with the GAL; the swinging while throwing stones; not to mention the abuse of the civil process) this woman has perpetuated and the resulting financial hardship she has imposed upon her own daughter is unforgivable. It is truthful.
Do I hear a "golddigger" anonymous chirping in here?
March 15, 2011 10:18 PM
I have a question for you. If you were left destitute from the actions of the one you speak highly of, would you forgive it with a "his parents will take care of him?"
Your comment was compassionate, but unwilling to admit the facts at hand with regards to multiple instances of poor behavior.
rather than bashing CF, we should take this as an opportunity to explore and raise awareness for mental illness. (ha)
The judge in this case is known for being lazy and mentally slow. A litigant must generally wait a very long time to get a hearing in front of her and when he/she does, this judge will reschedule the hearing at the drop of a hat - even if everyone is there and ready to go. Just about any excuse will do. Even if both parties want to go forward, it doesn't matter.
When you finally do get a hearing, she doesn't seem to know the lawyer's rules for evidence and procedures any better than a layman. After a hearing, a litigant will have to wait forever to get a written opinion and unless it's a family law case, that opinion usually won't make much sense.
Another thing about her is she always refuses to grant joint custody. She won't even grant it if both parents say that's what they want.
She does have a strength. Unlike male judges, she can smell a bad mother a mile away and will deal with it by giving fathers custody. Unless a mother is an obvious threat to her children, most chancellors will bend over backwards to give them to their mother. This judge doesn't seem to care what a parent's gender is. If you can ever get in front of her, she will seriously consider a Dad's contention that he is the better parent.
shane @ 10:15 - I think you mean Borderline Personality Disorder.
1:11: About joint custody: good. I'm not a fan of it. creates too many problems. Seen too many cases where the child was confused by the different standards, constant shuttling back and forth,and no real place to call home. Then there is the problem where one parent actually believes in imposing some discipline on the child while the other lets the child enjoy spring break every time he comes over for his week. Then when the child goes back to the other place, it takes 2-3 days to get him re-oriented again. Kudos to the judge for that policy.
Someone made a remark about Claiborne suing Jimmy for slander. Where did that happen? Did I miss something?
Madison Co Circuit Court
45CI1:10-cv-00041-c FRAZIER v. REYNOLDS et al
William Chapman, III, presiding
Date filed: 02/18/2010
Date of last filing: 07/29/2010
Both CF and SF sound like first-class asses, and I am not inclined to have sympathy. That said, if SF does have a REAL bipolar diagnosis, then my hear does soften a little bit, and it breaks for her child.
My sister was bipolar. She did horrible things to many people when she was off her meds -- and she had such a tenuous grasp on reality that she honestly didn't know they were horrible. We tried everything in the world to force her to accept help, but bipolar people really cannot see the world the way the rest of us do.
Her ex got custody of their child and soon after, my sister committed suicide.
SF shouldn't have custody, but her child also shouldn't have to grow up with with a dead or jailed mother. I hope SF gets the help she needs, IF ONLY for the sake of her child. TRUST ME, the little girl will suffer if her mom gets "what she deserves." TRUST ME, no matter what the mom has done, no little girl should EVER have to hear that her mom has died, been killed, or is in jail. What might seem like karmic justice for SF could be an unbearable burden on her little girl.
Reasonable sympathy for people with a true mental illness isn't about excusing their behavior, it's about trying to limit the damage they cause others.
I'm going to respond to your comment in a hypothetical fashion. Not referring to Sherry Frazier, just speaking in general.
Which is worse: A child growing up with a mother in jail or dead as you put it or a child being raised by a mother who has shown she is incapable of making moral choices, engages in sexually perveted acts, is truly morally depraved, and is destructive to everyone around her? At what point is the child better off with such a person not in his or her life or if there is involvement, its kept to a minimum or in a controlled environment?
There is someone else in town who had such a mother who is known to be mentally unstable and we all know how that turned out, don't we?
Oh, my hope that SF can one day have a relationship with her child is based on the idea that she can get some help, some help that sticks. My sister didn't die because her child was taken from her, she died because we were never able to get her the right doctor, meds, situation, etc. that would have made it possible for her to survive.
People do AWFUL things when they are TRULY mentally ill (and note that I DID say that my sympathy for SF is if she has a TRUE illness, not just a hedonistic streak a mile-wide).
What I hope is the IDEAL -- that the child will not be in her mother's custody, but that the child doesn't grow up visiting her mom in the cemetary.
The little girl can be kept away from the awful things her mother does, that's why the custody has been given to her father - and visitation with mom should be SUPERVISED. But as long as the mother is alive, there's a chance she can find what we couldn't for my sister -- the right doctor, the right meds, the right situation, etc. IF that happens then it will be possible for the mother and child to develop some sort of positive relationship.
I have spent the last several years dealing with the impact of my sister's death on my neice. Trust me, even the best counseling in the world doesn't remove this idea from her brain that her mom's death was somehow her fault. Doesn't make a bit of sense for her to think that, but it's there. That's what kids do when something awful happens with one or both of their parents, they blame themselves. I would much rather be telling my niece that "Mom loves you so much, but she's really sick right now. When she gets better -- and it might be a long time -- she'll be back" rather than "Your mom loved you so much, but she was so sick and couldn't handle the world" because the next thought to appear in my niece's little head is "Why didn't she love me enough to stay alive?"
If SF continues to exhibit those kinds of behavior, even if she's getting medical help, NO WAY IN HELL should she be around her child. I am just (perhaps foolishly) hoping that SF gets help, changes her behavior, and sometime in the future gets to have a positive relationship with her daughter. I don't hope that for SF's sake, but for the child's.
9:35am. I can tell you, there is NO good from either side. Bipolar is a horrid, horrid condition. I lived with it for 14 years only for the benefit of 2 kids. I had to make the decision on whether it was better for them to go back to their.. ugh.. mother? or for me to stick it out and do the best I could to keep the 'damage' to a min. I chose to do the later. That, in my case, was a good decision for them. Not for me but it was for them. They have since had to deal with the death of the bipolar also. So, I can comment from all sides with some knowledge. For mine, I made the best decision to stay as long as i did but it has also been horrid since their father's death for them to deal with. I agree, the bipolar does not realize what they cause and do to others who love them as they think they are fine, it's everybody else. If the bipolar would take their meds it would make it better for everyone but they refuse. A child should never ever have to see and be subjected to a bipolar who is off their meds. The things that are said and done during those times leave scars that will never heal no matter that there was no intent to cause such, it's already done. I would say that a possible answer is for bipolars to never reproduce, to risk putting kids thru it but then, I'd not have 2 lights in my life that I could not live without. So, there is NO good answer. You pray a lot, you walk on eggshells every moment of every day. Truthfully, that is no life for anyone.
Let me pose this question:
Is a mentally disturbed individual within the capacity to file the disingenuous civil actions?
If yes, then there are bigger problems at hand with our justice system and those who administer it.
If no, then you have your answer regarding sympathy and her actions.
I don't think its appropriate for people to be commenting on SF and her child. I saw both of them this week in FL and they both looked happy. Some things should just be left private. She has always been a good mother and deserves credit for moving past this monster that has controlled her life.
I'm sure the child did look happy in FL. The children of bipolars are always trying to look, act, seem, happy so as not to trigger an event. Trust me, they learn very early but it's a moving target. The triggers change. I'd bet you a million to one that if you took that child's heart rate around her father, and took it around her mother, it is soring around her mother. Not that she doesn't want to be around her mother, because children of bipolar always feel responsible for makeing it ok, fixing it, not upsetting them, etc. etc.etc. That's part of the, it must be my fault, that affects everyone around a bipolar. They will convince you it's you and not them. Think how easy that is to do to a child who loves you without question? For someone on the outside looking in I'm sure the bipolar seems like the most fun in the world and you could never understand what is truly happening. When they are manic they can get the child hurt having so much fun and when they are depressed, they can hurt them even worse with remarks, looks, etc. No child should ever be left alone with a bipolar. Period.
Bi-polar is a treatable condition. If someone has it and does the responsible thing and takes the treatment, then they should be respected. If they make the decision to not take the medicine, then they must accept the consequences of their irresponsible decision.
Claiborne didn't cause her to be Crazy! He is a criminal but she behaved badly with him no where around! She deserves all she gets and so does he!
why does everybody that acts like a friggin IDIOT have to be "bi-polar"... that's just a shitty cop-out
behave like an idiot, and guess what i'm gonna call you and treat you like.. yep, AN IDIOT
11:24 that you put the two words 'responsible' and 'bipolar' in the same paragraph even tells me you have never been subjected to bipolar. They have moments (hours) where they can be somewhat responsible but only a fool would trust them to be so on a regular basis. I think they could do better than they do but I also do not believe they are capable of true responsibility especially as they get older and the disease gets worse. And it DOES get progressivly worse with age.
12:08 I know idiots and I've known bipolar. They do have some of the same characteristics but there are definite differences. Now, whether SF is and idiot or if she is truly bipolar, who knows.
Most common complaint I hear from people who live with those suffering from bi-polar disorder is when they start feeling fine, they quit taking their meds, then all hell breaks loose. The challenge is to make them take their meds every day.
Exactly KF. I had a 'Dr.' tell me that it was my responsibility to make sure he took his meds 4 times a day even if I had to put it in his mouth and make him swallow. Now... I work full time (somebody had too) and had 3 little ones. I looked that Doc in the eye and told him there was no way and it was NOT my responsibility to massage his throat. That doc looked at me like I was the crazy one. I've yet to understand what that doc expected of me. I'd have had to quit work to be there 4 times a dang day and we'd have all starved. I was hanging on by a thread as it was and I just could not take that responsibility on too.
And before anybody ask, no I didn't have 3 with him knowing this. Only 1 before I knew but I took on his 2 and have never regretted it for a nanosecond.
12:08, you clearly have never truly known anyone who is bipolar. It's a real thing, not an excuse for bad behavior, though I am sure some people have used it as such.
The meds thing is a HUGE problem. After someone is on their meds for a while and feel more "even" their brains tell them they are cured and they don't need to take the meds anymore. One of the reasons they are so desperate to believe that is that during the "high" periods, someone with bipolar can be quite productive and creative.
One of the reasons my sister didn't stay on her meds was that she believed that her highs were who she really was and it was her lows that were the problem. She never would accept -- as most don't -- that neither extreme was healthy.
ASSUMING SHE IS TRULY BIPOLAR, I would assume that a lot of the substance abuse SF is accused of was a form of self-medication. Bipolars are also bad about alcohol and drug abuse because, unlike their psych meds, such substances make them feel that they are getting out of the low point and headed back to the high point. All those drugs do, though, is make the extremes more extreme.
Bipolar is as much a disease as diabetes -- both have to do with imbalances of certain chemicals in the body. In both cases the patient is the one who ultimately has to make good decisions towards getting better. If SF refuses appropriate treatment and self-medicates, and if her extended family isn't willing to FORCE her to get help, then she probably will end up dead, just like a diabetic who refuses to take insulin and whose family keeps Twinkies all around the house.
BTW, if SF is bipolar, someone needs to keep a very close watch on the child when she enters her teens. Most bipolars start exhibiting systems around 13 or so. Bipolar tends to run in families, and the poor kid's early trauma (divorce and all that's come with it) isn't going to help.
is there anything in these documents that says the Sherry is indeed bi-polar ? Where do people get this information or is it just internet specualation?
Why don't you actually read them because its quite clear you have not done so.
I gotta an idea. Why don't we enter afloat in the St Paddy's Day Parade. Get a new Lexus SUV to pull our float. Then all we have to do is get drunk, streak our hair, put on a good coating of Fake Bake and put some white powder around our nostrils. Fill the flat bed with hoes throwing worthless checks and past due bills.
Winninig !!
1:13 You are dead on on all counts. I and my 3 boys are extremely, extremely blessed that none show any signs. Their cousins are not so lucky, 2 out of 3 of my ex sis in law's boys have it. My youngest is 18 but I've not let my guard down on watching for signs, from all 3. I guess I will forever be watchful but that experience will bring a whole new meaning to once burned twice shy.
I'm with Billy Joe.
Go Billy Joe!!!! And be drinking some of that Tiger Blood!!!
I saw the reference to bi-polar in the second scrib posting. thanks
for the info, kingfish and must say, interesting way to treat visitors to your site. Next time i'll be sure to not ask ,,, or just not visit.
I have to say that after reading that bogus lawsuit filed in February against Mr. Reynolds, I was laughing my ass off! Are you kidding me? $1,000,000.....ROFLMAO
Obviously one of the last acts of a very, very desperate man. Mr. Reynolds made claims against CF's moral character....huh? What moral character? Seriously? Forget the swinger stuff.....this guy has a well known track record in which he has screwed over more than just a few women around here. CF was bankrupt a long time ago, not financially but morally. To quote a great movie...."the time for honoring himself is over".....the end!
The Nazi party felt the same way about Jews that many of you feel about those with mental illness. I treat many patients with bipolar I and II that are stable, sane, and responsible. With simple education of the disease state and close monitoring for the first year to insure that patients are compliant with medication therapy, the vast majority of bipolar patients do exceeding well and can be followed at a distance. Statements like "sterilize them so they can't breed" and "they shouldn't be allowed to raise children" shows not only ignorance but intolerance.
Sherry how u like your lifestyle now??? Dragging your family, ex-husband, and kid through public humiliation? How is it being a FRAZIER now?
Ummmm, comparing people who say that people with bi-polar disease should not have children to the Nazi party is a bit of a stretch to say the least. I don't advocate the eradication of any species, let alone humans, nor do I believe that anyone should be intolerant of people who are already here and have a mental disorder they can't help. That having been said, you are apparently a doctor so correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe that bi-polar disorder is largely hereditary is it not? It would at least make sense to say that the responsible thing to do would be to not have off-spring if you suffer from a severe mental disorder. Why would anyone wish the very thing they struggle with every day of their lives on their own children? I don't know......just my two cents is all.
I was not making any excuses for his behavior just saying that support during a hard time is needed from someone and it usually comes unconditionally from parents. In a severe case of antisocial behavior the perp doesnt realize that he is in the wrong. Social laws and practices do not apply. Again not taking up for anyone but there is a problem and dammit someone asked the question
Being Bi-Polar is NOT an excuse! I have been diagnosed as suffering from this disease. I no longer take medication for this disease due to the side effects. HOWEVER, I have a wonderful marriage, a beautiful, healthy daughter, and I run a business. I pay my bills on time, am faithful to my husband, take care of my child, etc. As someone who suffers from this disease, I am sick and tired of people (and their supporters) who use this diagnosis as an excuse to get away with any poor judgment on their part. Regardless of SF diagnosis, she is just plain stupid for ever getting involved with a Frazier to begin with! She has made lots of poor decisions and she needs to own them!!!
Basically a case can be made...
well said 11:48 well said!
the average asshole, including you, has about 15 recessive genes that if mixed with the right person can result in birth defects. Good luck and fuck off.
Sorry, but I'm not about to blame swinging and advertising yourself on the internet for couple-swapping on being bi-polar. Spouse wants you to do that, that is when you walk away and there is no excuse. period.
KF, there's a difference between an excuse and an explanation for behavior.
I don't object to explanations being offerred as there are people who engage in bad behaviors who aren't bi-polar just as there are bi-polars who don't engage in these sorts of behaviors.
I agree with the bloggers who point out that some with mental illnesses function well if they stay on their meds or have a mild form of their illness.
My problem is that those who are mentally ill or substance abusers, etc. who either don't get treatment or maintain well, seem to be able to inflict a great deal of hardship on others in society and we can't seem to find a solution as " Nazi" is brought up when we object being victimized.
Seems to me there is a wide choice of approaches between extermination and letting the mentally ill inflict harm on innocent bystanders, but we never get to a rational discussion of possible solutions.
where do you draw the line? Should we neuter schizophrenics? Bipolars? Should we have state sponsored abortions to prevent "defectives?" And to ask you, what is a rational discussion about such an irrational idea? When people like yourself feel like it is ok to play God with others, it is impossible to be "rational." I like Jimmy's statement, Bipolar or not, she made a moral choice to engage in an amoral lifestyle. What about soiciopaths like Claiborne, meaning those with no remorse, do you include them in the lot? If you do, then we would have to round up most of the career politicians and preachers in the country.
11:48, that's wonderful -- congrats for not letting your brain chemistry ruin your life. But you have to admit not every case of bipolar disease is the same. The treatment that has worked so successfully for you might not work on the next person -- in fact, it might make them worse. Each treatment plan ends up being as unique as the patient.
It seems you have a supportive family -- that's another blessing that not every patient gets. If SF showed signs of bipolar behavior in her teens and her parents ignored it or just tried to make consequences of bad behavior go away, then she didn't have a supportive family, she had enablers. The description in the documents of SF's mother's response to the gunfire incident is an example.
I would imagine that SFs issues were part of what attracted CF to her in the first place -- willingness to engage in risky behavior, substance abuse, etc.
8:31 is absolutely correct -- there's a difference between an excuse for awful behavior and a reason for it. If you find a reason that can be treated, you have a chance of correcting the behavior and improving the person's life -- that's why early diagnosis and medical intervention are so important when dealing with mental illness. If SF TRULY has the disease, it doesn't make her behavior OK, but it does mean there's a chance that the problem that drives her behavior can be alleviated.
Now, I have heard nothing to indicate that CF has any kind of diagnosis, other than being an asshole. The reason for that appears to be nothing other than pure lack of character, with no underlying condition. There's no treatment plan for that. If the REASON has nothing to do with a medical problem, then I can't say there's much hope for him.
Another thing -- the reason this is such a hot issue is that we don't like mentally ill people. As a society, we just don't like them, we don't want to have to deal with them. That's why so many mentally ill people end up on the street, because it's acceptable to kick them to the curb.
We would never in a million years hold it against an insulin-dependent diabetic if they had a bad spell and passed out or had to go to the hospital. We'd send flowers, start a prayer chain, etc. But if someone who is mentally ill has a bad experience with a new drug recommended by their doctor, we identify the resulting behavior as bad character.
If a teenager developed chronic but not fatal lukemia, we'd set up Caring Bridge sites, call Make-A-Wish, all shave our heads in solidarity, etc. But a 13-year old who starts showing the signs of bipolar disorder is considered a bad kid and we don't let our own children hand out with him/her anymore.
People with mental illness are no more personally or morally responsible for what happens in their bodies than a diabetic or cancer patient -- but we do blame them because their illness attacks their personality, not their tissues. This is why so many of the families of mentally ill people are loathe to seek help because it's a "bad person's disease." Those same parents would never think of withholding any other kind of treatment from their child.
When we stop blaming people for things they have no control over, when we see mentall illness as an ACTUAL illness, not just a "stupid excuse for bad behavior," then people who suffer from it will feel freer seeking help. We could end up with a lot more sane, well-behaved people as a result.
Well said 9:52! CF has no remorse nor character.... all you little Fraizers let's hope you learn from his mistakes! Your gonna continue to heed his bad reputation and dreadful behavior as you grow into adulthood. Nice legacy you leave Claiborne a big sarcastic clap to the you!
As a person who has been around CF and Sherry socially on MANY occasions, let me assure you, her actions were not coerced by CF in any way. She was a VERY willing participant in every scheme they performed to lie, cheat and steal, as well as having "swinger sex" and more. She dragged her decent ex-husband through the mud and laughed about it as she sat at bars drinking and thinking about how "hot" she looked.
Sherry thought she had gotten a great catch when she hooked CF. He had cheated on her during their brief courtship, broken up with her by text right before he stole another girl's credit card and/or used the embezzled money to elope with Sherry, to Vegas, of course! Only a few days after his divorce to his wife was final, I might add. If anyone thinks Sherry was an innocent bystander in this, you need to think again. She thought it was great and told people that she signed a pre-nup with CF that said she could never gain over XX pounds and had to have "3 ways" any time he wanted. She LOVED it and thought other people found it cool as well.
If Sherry is or was bi-polar, then it seems strange to me that no symptoms were present during her marriage to Jimmy Reynolds. I guess the symptoms of this disease only appeared when she got called out for some depraved, hedonistic, drunken, whorish behaviors that she showed no remorse for until she realized that CF was not really the "catch" she thought he was. And she realized the courts were not falling for her made up lies any more. Or maybe the money started running out and life with CF wasn't as fun anymore.
She has been right there beside him, cheering him on as he screwed over anyone he could and she enjoyed the fruits of his labor while they lasted. It is asolutely unforgivable to me that she accused her ex-husband of driving with the child in the car after a few beers while CF's suspended license, DUI's, and other depraved behaviors went by the wayside to her. She would rave about what a great father he was, knowing all the while he had never paid a cent in child support for any of his kids. And how ridiculous is it that CF now wants a divorce from Sherry because in his words, "She is crazy." Kind of lets one know that all his trickery has been done with a "sound" mind, huh? Maybe before it's all over, he will be diagnosed with bi-polar disease too.
I have a close aquaintance who was diagnosed with bi-polar disease when he was living a hedonistic lifestyle that included alcohol, drugs, illicit sex and other destructive behaviors. After rehab and counseling, he recognized how those behaviors were ruining his life and the lives of all he cared about. He decided to change his behaviors, stopped alcohol and drugs and took responsibility for his bad choices and now 5 years later, is a wonderful caring father and husband with no symptoms of "bi-polar" disease at all. It can easily be used as an excuse for horrible choices and behaviors and that is exactly what I think is the case with Sherry Rogers Reynolds Frazier!!
Thank you 11:15! Well said!!!
We also saw and heard the same. We would leave resturants or others places when they would show bc we just couldn't stomach them.
Yeah Sherry made the Frazier element worse! Well said 11:15 and so agree 1:03.... She is a REDNECK wanna be...
What was it SF posted on one of her facebook albums from a trip they took? "First class while it lasts" or similar?
8:36pm: That is a lovely statement coming from someone who sees the person for an hour or two a week. I'm very glad you think you know all there is to know about the bi-polar and living with them. But... I've got a newsflash for you, you only see hear what they WANT you to see and hear. I'm sure all of your bi-polar patients are wonderful people and are just misunderstood. Thank God for Drs like you who think what they see/hear is the reality. If you do not think they lie to you then you're nuts. You should listen to the family that is with them day/night under the same roof more than them when it comes to how they are doing. A bi-polar will tell you whatever they think you want to hear to continue on their merry way. Yes, the meds have side effects, yes, some of those are horrid but not nearly as horrid as what the bi-polar does to their family on a daily basis without them. Surviving with a bi-polar is not living. I survived, barely. Forgive me if I have little faith in what you say when you've never walked in my shoes. You have no idea unless you have been in the trenches for a period of time. You cannot get the full effect an hour or so at a time. I applaud someone who has been diagnosed who understands that the disease is their responsibility, just like high blood pressure is my responsibility. I totally recognize bi-polar is just like any other disease. I also know that not all bi-polars feel as responsible about their illness as I do about my blood pressure. My experience was not so good. If one pill helps, 10 will be even better! If that pill helps this drug will be better! Let me try this street drug with the meds and see how that works. Gee, the street drugs make me feel better than the meds so I'll just do those. Please also, do not take my words out of context. I said I 'WOULD' say they shouldn't reproduce except for my 3 shining lights I would not have so I DIDNOT say to fix anyone. If you misunderstood my words I shudder to think if you even listen to the families of your patients. I loved my husband. I did everything possible for him. But, I also had 3 boys I could not let believe that was normal for their future wives sakes. If it were just he and I, maybe I could have stayed but I would not let it affect my 3 and their future families. See, I had responsibilities other than the adult causing the problems. He decided not to take his meds, he decided to do the things that made him worse. Those minors did not have a choice. You really, really need to step outside your clinical setting and see what that adult is doing to the children in their house. You know the ones you seem to be overlooking and not listening too? If all your clients are compliant with their meds, please share your secret with the rest of the medical community as I'm sure they would benefit from it. Do your patients a favor and LISTEN to their families more, you might be surprised.
Would you all stop hijacking this thread with way-too-long posts about bipolar and how bad it is? It has no relevance to this thread, because even if SF is bipolar, it didn't cause her to do the things she has done. And the rest of us aren't interested in the subject.
4:47 Thanks for your comments. If one wishes to go on and on about a subject, one should start a new thread or a blog.
I'll attempt to end the debate. For those who suffer from mental illness, disability, whatever...
Mental health is important. Seek it.
Now back to the swinging channel. Next up, beach bums who love sand in their pants....
Bi-polar does not compare to Borderline Personality Disorder. You cannot imagine what it is like to live with "one of those." Your horror story sounds like a Disney movie.
Kingfish u da BOMB! It's about the "lifestyle"right ...ha... these crazy nuts (certified SF and not CF) If anything it's entertaining to read about his fall from riches and bi-polar rednecks they marry. This is pure enjoyment listening to the dialogue of that SOB Claiborne and his now "mentally ill" wife? ex-wife? "crazy wife"? or his estranged wife? what is she? Now that sorry sack of shit made his bed while Sherry stood with him...its all out here for us to write, read, laugh about it..... seriously enough about illness. YEAH its real but its NOT what causes him or her to do the things they did. Did her bi-polar cause his bad Character? NOOO his family can't stand her.
4:47 Another thank you for your post and saying what most of us were thinking about these over the top long posts about bipolar in this blog.
His family can't stand her?? Wow, that's saying a lot as they are truly pillars of society!!!
4:47 Thank you.
Seriously enough about bipolar. If I want to know more about bipolar (which I don't think I ever will after reading this), I will do my own research.
SF did it to herself all by herself when she hooked up with CF. They deserve each other. I hope one day they live together under a bridge and have to dumpster dive for their next meal.
I just read the lawsuit filed by CF against Jimmy Reynolds for making slanderous remarks against CF's personal reputation as well as his business reputation... I truly thought there was nothing more in this saga that could shock me.
Until I read this, I thought Paul Rogers was a good and decent attorney. NO MORE!!! Obviously he did not check into his client's reputation before he agreed to represent him. As if CF's reputation could be further tarnished? Makes me wonder if Paul Rogers had some sort of vendetta against Mr. Reynolds himself.
Also, I guess Paul Rogers did not take the time to read CF's bankruptcy papers that show he swindled innocent people to the tune of 25 million dollars!!!!
Please Paul Rogers, wake the hell up!!
March 17, 2011 6:09 PM
I commend you for taking the time to do your own research beyond this site.
Based on your comment, my only reaction is, when is the MS Bar Association going to take seriously the policing of it's own profession?
They are looking more and more like a club for thieves, gangsters, and, frankly, BULLIES. There are no sanctions (if there are; they are not public). There is disdain from the court (read that GAL report and the Judge's response). The Bar sits back and lets it happen EVERY DAY.
As arbiters of the laws of this Great State, I would pray attorneys (do any of you want to admit the practice of not telling b/c you don't want to be a snitch? - sounds criminal to me) and the Bar take seriously these types of clearly frivolous attorney driven attacks.
can someone link to the info on the Frazier v Reynolds lawsuit? or give instructions on how to access it?
Go back to the top of the initial page entitled judge has a few things... in the update Kingfish added, it says copy of lawsuit in red. Click on it. But get ready, it's hilarious...
re: fraizer v reynolds
atty must be a bottom feeder, talk about form pleading!
Is Paul Rogers related to Sherry Rogers Reynolds Frazier?
Below is from his website. What is a "collage"
Senior partner Paul Rogers is a 1979 graduate of Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi where he majored in accounting and earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (magna cum laude). Mr. Rogers was awarded an Honorable Mention from the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants in recognition of passing the Certified Public Accountant examination at his first sitting for the examination. Mr. Rogers is a 1986 graduate of Mississippi Collage School of Law where he earned his J.D. degree (with distinction).
the good lawyers despise the hacks as much as everyone else.
it's important to remember though that just because one may disagree with the substance of given lawsuit, or find it trivial or petty, that does not make it 'frivolous' or an abuse of the system. everyone has different beliefs and values and the civil justice system is designed to resolve disputes peacefully. Let the county folks decide what standard of conduct is acceptable in their community.
legal ethics is a broad discussion, but in one respect, a line is drawn where the lawsuit and the real dispute are motivationally misaligned. a lawyer should not allow the legal system to be used as someone's personal doberman. the line between the two is not always clear.
lawyers have an obligation to keep the latter out of court, it is also his job to pursue the former, regardless of the popularity of the cause.
change the names in that lawsuit to people you don't know and it takes on a whole new context.
don't think so, at least not directly; he has a brother, bart, who is basically a scammer. was a dentist, lost his license. doing day labor in n.o. last i heard.
March 17, 2011 9:26 PM
So, hypothetically....
Lawyer files false criminal charges and accuseds' attorneys (involved in civil matters, but not involved - go figure that one) are well aware, in fact, through written, photographic, public documentation; the attorney was guilty of the very accusations levied against accused.
Aside - I understand the fire first, you look innocent.
What would you do as representation of the accused? Would you do the right thing or run?
Or as I've witnessed in this type of situation, watch the attorney refer it out?
And, let us talk repetitive behavior. Hmmmm. We pass laws to prevent bullying, but we do not pass laws to prevent bullying?
change the names in that lawsuit to people you don't know and it takes on a whole new context.
Insert your name. Then tell me you feel the same way.
Hey 9:08 with respect to your observation, i do believe "crack is wack."
Let me add; Mr. Reynolds does not deserve the fate illustrated here.
Gosh, I almost missed the other pictures posted that are under the legal documents in "Clink Here to Read More."
I assume the one of the front page is CF and SF.
So who is the girl with the long blond hair in the second picture?
Who is the girl with the dark hair in the third picture?
Seems there was a fourth picture intended, but it didn't download or something.
Don't think it matters 10:03PM it is the subject matter clearly posed. Tell your client to make his profile on FB private, or not allow others to take pictures of him, or stop posting pics on sex sites. C'mon.
10:18 What? Tell my client? I have no client so I don't have to tell anyone anything. You need to go back and read my post again. The pictures have been posted, and there is nothing wrong with asking who woman are in the them.
10:03/10:40 they are all of SF- her relative?sister I think she said is a hairdresser.
I knew this guy and his first wife from College. He was nothing like what I am reading about him now. His first wife must be dying! She was amazing.
I met SF in mint with CF. I obviously recognized him from college and knew of his and Amy's(first wife) divorce and all the Holly(illigitament child's mother) sauga. Honestly was SHOCKED when he said this women was his wife. She had the long blond "extention" and as a previous post mentioned it was honestly very hard to stomoch her. I saw her at a later date at another venue with the darker hair. She was just as hard to stomach that go round and honostly CF seemed a bit embarrassed by her. The picture with the darker hair is a better discription of her. She appeared to my husband and I to be a VERY insecure person. Honestly it seemed as if CF was trying to stomach her as well. NOT taking up for him. We were embarrassed for him.
This just is incredible to read. What is the status of his Travelers lawsuit? The word in Jackson its a matter of time until he goes to jail? or is that rumor. Has the case gone to trial. Is Paul Rogers his attorney?
Well 3:50, you may have known him in college and thought he was all different back then....but he wasn't! He has always been an over indulged, spoiled, arrogant, little shit! This only got worse as he got older. He treats women like shit (thank his mom for that one) and then once he got himself into a financial situation where he saw the end was near...he deliberately went about using company funds as well as business partners, family, and friends $$$$, including embezzled funds from a bank. I knew the girl that stole the money for him from the bank. You think she had any idea he was gonna use it to run off with Sherry to Vegas and get married, leaving her to take the rap and now sit in jail? Although that girl was no saint, that's a whole other story. You get the point. As long as CF was coddled by $$$$ and getting whatever he wanted, his act was mostly limited to using and abusing women. Once he saw the lifestyle he was accustomed to was about to go up in smoke, the rest of his true colors came out in full bloom. This guy didn't care who he hurt as long as he got what he wanted. Now he's going to get what he deserves and has had coming to him for a long time.....Karma's a BITCH!
To all you lawyers who read this and post, please explain to me why the girl who embezzled the money and gave it to CF is in jail and he is free? Did she not implicate him in any way or is he just too slick to ever go down for his misdeeds? If I was a member of that girl's family I would have followed CF one night and gotten him alone and given him a beating he would not soon forget. I imagine there are several people who would like to do the same.
He just seems to keep skating above the law and free as a bird. Just think, if he wins the slander lawsuit he could be a millionaire again!! With someone else's money, of course!!
New to this site. Interesting reading about CF, but there must also be another side to this story. Maybe not, but this just seems to be a bashing site. It would be nice to hear his side and not 100% negative posts. I have no dog in this fight, but this just seems strange. Just my opinion.
So are they still getting a divorce because i saw both of them out together in Destin this week just as drunk and happy as could be?
Is the condo Nan and George's that they live in? I know for a fact that you can't afford a Mercedes and 4 bedroom condominium on harbor blv. with a forty or fifty k a year and i know CF's sorry ass isn't working unless he is scamming someone.
I thought in order to slander someone, the statements made had to not be true. It seems Mr. Rogers would have looked into CF's background to make sure he had a reputation that could be slandered. If he had done ANY preliminary background check, he surely would have found that CF was not exactly a stand up kind of guy and with a questionable reputation, at best.
Kind of like a guy coming to a lawyer's office saying he needs to be defended for a murder. Would you not check first to make sure the murder ever occurred before you filed legal documents citing your client's innocence? Just sayin...
9:26 - CF will not win the slander lawsuit. I think it will be dismissed.
On a semi-related note, I have a question for you all: There has been a lot of commentary about CF "using and abusing" women for many years. My question is WTF is wrong with all these women that they would choose to get involved with this guy??
I would love to know what C.E, Nan and George thinks about all this.
character is who you are and reputation is what people think of you....
this blog is a good indication of what type of character these two have and obviously their reputation.
It's strange how you could see CF drunk in Destin this past weekend since he was in Orlando all weekend. Find another hobby !!
I don't think 10:21 said anything about the weekend.
These Frazier posts get a ton of traffic on here. Other than maybe the Heather Spencer story, nothing has even come close to this much interest. I am unsure what I find more interesting - the actually posts or the comments.
Hell, it could have been the other one. They mix and swap soo much.
The post did not say the weekend. It said THIS WEEK! Why don't you pick up a hobby? Reading!!
"New to this site. Interesting reading about CF, but there must also be another side to this story. Maybe not, but this just seems to be a bashing site. It would be nice to hear his side and not 100% negative posts. I have no dog in this fight, but this just seems strange. Just my opinion."
Seriously, would you believe his side of the story?
Went back and looked at CF's mug shot. I don't think orange is a very flattering color for him. I think is is considered a warm color on the fashion color wheel. Since he was arrested at 3:30 in the morning, maybe orange is just the evening wear for jail.
Hopefully he will look more fetching in the green and white stripe ensemble used for the road crew day wear. After all, green is considered a "cool color" and CF is SOOOOO cool!!
Will the Copeland/Frazier float be ready by tomorrow?
I wonder what Wade thinks about this post? Ha
I am sick of sitting silenty by while my name and family gets kicked around and dragged trough the mud. I know who all it is posting these slanderous acustations on this site. Rest assured that more suits for libel will be hitting the streets of Hinds and Madison soon. You may think your have facts on your side...but I have my own evidence that will trump your visus accusations.
And Wade Williams...thank you for standing up for me and Dad
Whats the difference in J.J slandering C.F than Mr. Reynolds?
Go ahead. and while you are at it, tell your lawyers, if you have any, to brush up on Rule 11 and how to respond to bar complaints for filing frivolous lawsuits. You got a problem with your name being dragged through the mud? Take it up with the judges who did it. These posts have been supported by the many pages of documents filed in court, the default judgments issued, the judgments agreed to, as well as the testimony in various examinations. You're the one who took money from those purchasing condos and pocketed it. You're the one who sold buildings behinds the Hines's back and pocketed the money as well, or as Judge Harvey-Goree put it, made your wife "swing" and threatened to leave her if she didn't. Then there is the matter of the kids you fathered and refused to support or acknowledge. If you truly were not the father, you would have produced paternity tests and escaped those obligations on the cheap instead of running away like a weasel caught in the act.
Get something straight. I'm not like these NE Jackson wimps you victimized and turned the other cheek. I hit back hard and hit back often. I don't give a rat's ass who you are, who your family is, and who you know, tough guy.
By the way, if you do come back here, get a chauffer. I'd hate for you to get pulled over.
I think Austin made that comment...
Doesn't matter. Still applies. Needs to worry more about peroxide and bleach for his hair. Truth friggin hurts and he's the one who agreed to a 6 million dollar judgment in bankruptcy court.
Although it is quite ridiculous that DA Guess has let all this financial fraud occuring right under his nose go unaddressed...he could have a smidgen of support to say he didn't know about it or that he didn't have the expertise of staff to properly deal with it.
BUT...look at page 68 of the first set of documents attached to this post. Claiborne Frazier driving record.
7/26/2008 DUI - Ross Barnett Rez
1/07/2008 Driving with Susp Licence - Rankin Co Sherrif
1/07/2008 Improper Passing - MHP Rankin (SAME DAY!)
11/29/06 Driving w/ Susp Licence - Madison Co Sherrif
So...4 offenses all if DA Guess' district. And what came of it....appearantly nothing.
Frankly i don't think any Frazier should be reading anything on JJ, they should have their a$$ at work trying repay people and make them so called whole if you like.
3:21. I was thinking the same thing. I am truly amazed at the level of entitlement this family obviously still thinks they have. They lie, cheat, and steal millions and millions, and treat people like crap, and now they are concerned about what people say and think about them? Just freaking unbelievable.
If I call attention to the fact that the person posting anonymously but apparently on behalf of C.F. can't spell (see "visus", "acustations"), can I be sued for libel too?
I think the commentors here would make an excellent jury focus group for the "CF vs Kingfish" libel suit. So, CF, lay out your evidence, Kingfish will present his defense (a wild guess is that KF will stand up and say "it's all true," then point at a 5-foot thick stack of court papers), and then the commentors here will vots for whoever wins.
This would be an accurate prediction of what would happen if CF was actually dumb enough to file a lawsuit, and I am assuming that no attorney would take CF's wonderful case.
I told myself I would not post things on here Oh well:
If Claiborne you chose to "right" the wrong you have done to me I will gladly stand behind you with my name number picture and all my info posted. I stood behind you when others would not. I accept my stupidity in trusting and believing you. It is a terrible thing that your family is being pulled through this by YOUR court documented actions.
Your actions NEVER seem to match your word. Rumors start with some truth and altough I am sure there is alot of fluff being written here there is ALOT of truths. You have wronged MANY MANY people who would once call you a nice guy, a friend, a good business partner. But you have financially and/or emotionally broken them while you walked on as if you didnt care and it was not your fault. That by all accounts comes accross as an egotistical, pompous, entitled asshole. I know that your not because I know you. BUT I also know that if it is something you want materialistic or physical you don't stop and think how it effects your family, women you encounter, or untimitly your children and that comes accross as an egotistical, pompous, entitled asshole. Take ownership in some of your mistakes. That being said the things being written on this site might be different
Continuing down your current path isnt working so why not try something new and make right so many of your wrongs. Post them. If you know who we are and its not true call them out. Start your own blog tell your story.
But I would not be going on Disney World trips, New York or Aspen trips or being seen drunk with Sherry in Destin....whatever is true think how that looks to people who are having to change there lifestyle because you used there money to maintain yours. Step outside of yourself as ask do you want any of this to change? It could start with you. Instead of hiding out, avoiding, or laying low, stand up to it....call out the non-truths but prepare to own the truth cause alot is bad. And for God sakes quit denying the stuff you have done in particular the kid you birthed with another women.
Its sad to see that one person can draw such hatred and ugly things being said.....people don't always remember what you say but they sure do remember how you made them feel and this is a prime example. Kingfish has publicly posted your bad behavior. Unfortunately your family is being run through the ringer because of your bad behaviour. Instead of trying to sue all that say bad things stand up and do the right thing. Right your wrongs.
Bet you butt maggots are glad to see ole Stu raise his ugly head.
6:16 Must be a Frazier member
OK. Claiborne and the whole family is broke or should be by now.
Question: Where has his money been coming from over the last 2+ years? And please don't respond with just "stolen",etc. That's not good enough. I'm amazed that financially one can keep this BS up for years on end (meaning the time AFTER the collapse of Frazier Construction.
So, Where's the money KEEP coming from? How does he pay for the Ritz Carlton weekend in NOLA ( a few mo. ago)? The Destin stuff? Hell, his home mortgage? Seriously, How?
He dates really stupid women that pay for it! Thats how! He works for a guy or he says "partner" with a guy out of Gulfport. Dave something.... Not sure how it works with him.
It is amazing that financially he can keep it up there are still alot of dumb females that let him ride. I imagine that room wasn't in his name and he didn't pay for it.
Imagine if he used that manipulation for the good?
They live in Destin in their mom's condo selling insurance.
Claiborne is still in Real Estate. Austin Insurance and neither live in their mom's condo.
Yes, that is his mama's condo and Claiborne does live. Look at the addresses in all the documents.
Ha, according to his Mug Shot that is mom's condo.
mom's place is San Piper Cove. That is Marabella where he and Sherry lived.
They did own that one too, but could have sold it... Phyllis and CE or just Phyllis now has the condo in Grand Harbor, it was for sale or lease at one time.
They didn't own unit 7G which is listed on mugshot
I met these two once in Destin. This is completly expected on my experience meeting them. Both big big talkers. Did not expect what I am reading but not surprised.
My question is how is Claiborne still in Real Estate after bankruptcy and defaulting on so many loans, stiffing so many banks, how does he have credit to buy anything? On the other hand if you steal millions from people, sell condos for 200k plus and pocket the money, sell property and never paid investors, i guess i could see how now.
He is crooked. He has to be dealing with someone crooked. Are they married still or not?
Which Frazier was married to Stephanie ?
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