The tyranny of the trans movement reared its ugly head in Maine when a state representative lost her right to speak and vote after she dared speak out about a trans male/female who demolished the female competition in the state championship track meet.
A male student who identifies as a female won the pole vault event at Maine Class B track meet held recently. He didn't just beat the girls, he pulverized them as he bested the second-place finisher by six inches with a winning jump of 10 feet 6 inches. If Katie Spencer had competed in the boys' division, he would have placed 10th out of 13 competitors. Spencer's high school, Greely, won the overall women's state champeenship by one point.
The dominating "win" aroused much debate in Maine. A state representative called out the unfairness of it all on Facebook:
Well, the Democrats in the Maine Legislature did what Trans Tyrants do everywhere: They tried to shut up State Representative. Much as they would like to do so, they could not expel her without a two-thirds vote. Claiming she violated the rules by doxxing picture of a minor even though the student was a state high school champion in pole vault the House of Representatives votes to censure her on a 75-70 vote. Ms. Libby tried to defend herself on the floor but was repeatedly interrupted.
Under the legislature's rules, a member is not allowed to speak or vote while under censure. The old segregationists would have been proud.
The Democratic leadership, however, was not without compassion for their colleague. They said if she took down the Facebook post and apologized, they would lift her censure. Summoning the strength of the New Englanders who fought first in the American Revolution, Ms. Libby said no.
So, just the opposite of what the Republicans are doing in most other states?
Keep focusing on the .000000000001% of the population that is trans and forget about all the policies being enacted that make 99.99999999999999999999999999% of American’s lives worse. Classic right wing tactics.
Once you start censuring, silencing elected officials, and taking away their voting privileges on this issue, you can start doing it on other issues as well.
Give Maine to Canada.
@ 2:13, think you got that one backwards, buddy. Just ask the 1st Place female finisher about the guy winning the ribbon.
Vote Democrat
Odd then @2:13 how far down the rabbit hole the Democrats and liberals were dragging this country socially and financially in support of such a near unmeasurable portion of our population.
You're full of it, we know it, we're NEVER going back.
There are only TWO genders.
Why? For more nonsense like a boy competing in a girl’s sport? Millions more illégal aliens, and paying for transgender plays in Outer Kutchistan?
Why? For more boys competing in girls’ sports, grown men perverts going into YMCA locker rooms claiming to be a woman, more funding for a transgender play in Outer Kuchistan, millions more illegal aliens?
Siding with the Nazis is not a good look for Republicans. But not surpising.
It's sickening. And the far left is doubling down on it even after a large majority of the country sent a mandate to end this crap by electing Donald Trump. They can't see the forest for the trees as my dad used to say. The majority of this country is fed up with this BS. If a boy wants to go be a girl, let him, but don't force it down the throats of every other person in their orbit.
You can snip it, nip it, tuck it, pluck it or even medicate it with hormones, but a biological male will never be a woman, not even with surgery. Good luck to all with sexual identity mental health issues, but few ever have surgery and they eventually realize they are just gay.
Here is the secret to the tyrrany of the Trans movement. Its a mental illness called “Gender-dysphoria” which many of you already know. It also has an extremely high corelation to autism. It also has an extremely high rate of suicide. Combine those two factors and you have a militant movement to “protect” these mentally ill individuals.
There are a lot of other factors that we can argue but that is what it boils down to. A massive effort to keep these delusional people from killing themselves.
The other reality is that there are some truly attractive trans people. They “pass” as female and dont have nearly the amount of mental health issues as the fat dork redditor who wants to become his favorite anime character but he looks like Bidens
XY forever, no matter how good it looks.
".....he bested the second-place finisher by six inches..."
Well duh?!
This is the kind of crap that got Trump elected to a second term. Was it worth it?
Oh!!! Ohhh!! The mendacity! This has nothing to do with fairness. This is a culture war. If it wasn’t for these .000000000001% of the population y’all would have little to whine about, except for the folks not in charge of anything anymore - you whiners, excuse me, winners, should stop whining. You are in charge - if you haven’t noticed - and you now own it.
@4:45 are you implying that the ones in "charge" are the ones to blame for this clown show? It appears to me that the ones in "charge" are the only ones against the lunacy. Just look around at the other issues the ones not in "charge" champion. Are the ones in "charge" to blame for that part of their lunacy as well?
Kingfish said, "The old segregationists would have been proud."
No Kingfish, "Stalin would have been proud."
Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.
I suspect 2:13, 3:28, and 4:45 are one and the same, so I'll direct this to you: does it feel strange to you that, for the history of the world, people have understood that only two sexes exist (male and female) and that it is impossible for one to become the other (regardless of technique used)....yet, in a matter of less than a decade, an entire political party (or maybe better stated as an ideology) has blindly, but willingly, accepted the notion that the opposite is actually true? I'm often incredulous at how some liberals can cause other liberals to be so easily and completely led into believing the opposite of what their eyes, ears, minds, see hear or believe. But they can.
When you hear critics of MAGA, know that the speaker harbors every sin they accuse of MAGA.
If the Maine GOP had courage, every other Maine member of the legislature would post the same photo. Thus the Democrats would be forced to reinstate this courageous woman or the Democrats would be forced to censure every GOP member and the legislature would not have a quorum.
The saying still holds true, liberalism, is a mental disorder. Upon recognizing this mental illness, you should act accordingly.
No connection to Mississippi or the South, where this would never happen. But KF needs to keep the election-denying, anti-vax, anti-knowledge MAGAts engaged. Great job with red meat for the “I’ll do my own research/Putin is awesome” mouth-breathers, King.
Some of you don’t seem to appreciate that the rest of us saved your country last November 5th. A little thanks and respect is in order; didn’t your “inseminated persons” teach you better?
Here's a novel idea: You live your life the way you want to live it and let other people live theirs the way they want to. If someone wants to live their life as a gender other than the one they were born then that is THEIR business, not YOURS. You can disagree with it all you want but stop trying to force other people to live by YOUR version of morality.
Since the dawn of time and throughout human history there has been madness, i.e. mental illness. There has not always been political movement to accept it as normal. It is horrifying that such acceptance is only a matter of money or political influence. It's a slippery slope.
Kingfish, I must say - are you allowing so much more Lefty Liberal mentally ill folks on your blog for clickbait? It really does take away from more rational conversations to the point that your blog is starting to morph into something I don't think you truly believe in. I'm all for freedom of speech, but your local platform seems to be going the way of the Drudge Report, that nobody reads anymore because of it turn in political conviction toward being profit oriented only. Get woke, go broke as they say.
2:13 PM, Bwahahahaha. You leftist Democrats are the one’s soooo focused on allowing p___y men to pretend to be competing in little girls sports…and allowing perverts with penises in the little girls bathrooms.
Classic left wing tactics courting your Hollywood child rapist fugitive loving pervert base.
Very typical of the blue cult fascists. These people and their voters are an embarrassment to the U.S.
9:50, I wholeheartedly agree, especially the conclusion reached with your reasoning that boys should not be forcing themselves into girls’ sports.
Not all liberals support the trans movement. Generalization is the product of a small mind and is wrong more than right.
What about when the life they choose affects other people?
The doxxing rule seems pretty easy to understand. Not sure why Republicans can’t follow the rules/law and think they are so special.
I agree with 9:50 and 8:02, so what does that make me?
That makes me part of the vast majority of this country, which exists somewhere between the shrill and vocal extremes.
The election/politics industry has a profit motive to push the emotional buttons of extreme positions. It's the new wave of marketing and advertising. The more we realize it, and the less we take that bait, the less power these avaricious cretins have over us.
This country desperately needs campaign finance reform. We'll still have people who live to troll the Internet, in search of an influencer paycheck without having to actually work. We could just treat them the same way we treat them in person: we avoid them and ignore them.
Not all liberals support the trans movement.
Reminds me of the oft presented comment that not all Muslims support killing Jews and eliminating Israel. Words don't stop the extremists.
8:40 AM, but the vast majority of liberals do since last night we didn’t see any Democrat members of congress standing up for the rights of young innocent girls to not be harmed in sports, have their accolades stolen from them, or have some pervert with a penis come into the little girl’s bathrooms.
Your party is already a freak show, so when do you liberals that don’t support the above referenced insanity…finally draw the line and say enough, I’m leaving the pervert Democrat Party?
It got you here, didn't it?
A CBS/YOUGOV poll gave Trump a %76 approval rating on his speech last night. With the democrat party doubling down on what lost the last election, they may never win another election. Just read some comments on this board.
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