A Madison County woman faces over $10,000 in fines for contempt of court after she failed to turn over required documents in her divorce case. However, she blames her former lawyer, Bridget Todd, for failing to keep her informed in what is becoming a familiar story. Ms. Todd gained prominence for her representation of Carly Gregg last year.
JM filed for divorce from his wife, AM in Madison County Chancery Court in March 2023. The case poked along as it should through various responses and discovery until it hit a wall last fall.
JM filed a motion for sanctions, alleging his wife did not provide a substantial amount of the documents requested during discovery. Chancellor Robert Clark granted the motion and sanctioned AM for $1,000 on September 11, 2024 and gave her ten days to provide the documents to her husband. The Court said it would fine AM $250 per day for every day the documents were not produced after September 21.
October came and went but AM did not comply with the Court's order. JM filed a motion for contempt of court on November 8. The motion states the wife provided some of the documents and did not pay the sanctions. The husband asked the Court to enforce the order and make his wife pay $10,750 (43 days late) in fines to the Court. The motion also sought to have AM thrown in jail for contempt. Mr. M was definitely not playing.
A desperate AM switched attorneys and retained Kimberly Phillips on January 29. The defendant filed an answer to the motion for contempt that well, threw Bridget Todd under the bus. AM said she had no knowledge of the order for sanctions nor any hearing dates as Ms. Todd did not keep her informed about her case.
AM said her former lawyer paid the $1,000 fine personally to JM's lawyer, Mel Coxwell. AM did not learn of that little fact until January 29, after she obtained new representation. She said she never received a single pleading from Ms. Todd. She only learned about the filings in her case when her new attorney provided them to her.
The defendant filed a motion to set aside the order for sanctions. Her affidavit spells it all out.
“Lawyers”….the biggest f’ing clown show in this country. Extortionists….every damn one of them.
Hopefully this lady will be able to pursue Mizz Todd who apparently has decided to take her clown show on the road to Logan, Utah. Wishing the good people of Utah the best of luck with that level of cra cra.
And to think she holds, or held, a position with the MS Bar Association as a commissioner for the 20TH CIRCUIT COURT DISTRICT, Post 4.
Hurricane Todd leaves destruction everywhere she goes.
I looked and did not find a person by that name in the Utah State Bar Member Directory.
Right or wrong throwing Todd's name out there will cause the judge to have to look into it.
''gained prominance''.....not hardly . what ms todd does is ''garner media attention''.
The alleged victim claims no communications from the attorney. This type of claim could be refuted, but will it be?
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