A black Richland High School student generated waves when she used the "N"* word in her Black History Month speech at the school.
The student apparently got in no trouble for her speech.
I'm black. When I wear my natural hair, some people ask is that yours? I'm black. Of course when I step into a room, some white woman makes sure to clutch her pearls. I'm black. Of course I sound white because I talk properly (KF: Does she realize what she just said?). I'm black. Of course, people think I can't swim. I'm black. I'm a black woman. I feel less valued than others. I'm black. Of course, people think I don't know who my dad is. I'm black. Of course I'm tired of the constant noise that crowds my mind so that there is no room for the simplest of thoughts.
The wounds run so deep now I wonder if they will ever scar. It seems that the future the ones before me fought for seems so far. The pressure of being black in today's society is so hard. I believe from being beaten continuously with your own words I don't like being called a Nordstrom girl and I feel as though I am a slave listening to my master.
We didn't come this far for nothing. My people didn't fight for this. I've given all the blood I can give my veins run dry, my breath runs short, and my tears never seem to stop flowing. I cry out "Oh God, help me please" until I realize I can't breathe under all this stress but the press keeps pressing me trying to make me into somebody I'm not supposed to be.
I'm black. Of course, all my actions are threatening and everyone thinks I deserve the blame for most things. It seems I haven't done anything. Let's not forget you killed my innocent black brothers kneeling on their neck as they shouted I can't breathe, you see (There was a cry from the crowd), there's a history behind your actions. For centuries you have tortured me relentlessly. Why can't you just open your eyes and see what you are doing to me. Is color really all you see?
You belittle the Tougaloo Nine, you slaughtered Trey Vaughn, you hated ____ and you killed Tamir. You're more concerned about making sure that I stay at the bottom. I know I need to be great like Barak Obama but man, some things just keep getting harder and harder. I can't compete with those who were born before the race even started.
Some say, y'all should just go back to where you came from. Do you think I wouldn't go back if I had the chance? I'm loyalty. My loyalty stands with my people but why would I go back to a home that's broken because you never thought us to be equals.
You say I'm loud but I'm loud because I have to be loud. That's all I know. You never listen to me. .... (tape ends)
Despite saying Nordstrom, the student was allowed to continue her speech and faced no disciplinary action.
Kingfish note: It will always be 1965 to some people and not all of them are white.
* The word Nordstrom will be used when the "N" word is required in this story.
"Despite saying Nordstrom, the student was allowed to continue her speech and faced no disciplinary action." And you were expecting, What exactly.
She learned early to play the race and victim card...
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and George Floyd were all murdered in this century. Not 1965. Fragile wh*teoids losing their minds because they can’t say certain words is so satisfying to watch! As if it is somehow worse than being enslaved, raped lynched, disenfranchised, and murdered by whites just for acting out, with little or no punishment to the murderer.
She’s very brave and beautiful. The racist incel hate will be strong in this thread. Starting with the racist incel blogger himself
Willing to bet she didn't write that speech
She’s the one making it hard. Or whoever taught her such ignorance. So, she thinks white people talk or speak properly. I guess she thinks black people do not speak properly. I wonder why she thinks this? Was she born thinking this or did she make this assumption by listening?
Michael Brown earned his death. He did not have his hands up. he attacked the officer, beat the hell out of his face, Oh yes, when he attacked the officer he grabbed his gun, they struggled over the gun, causing it go fire once and hitting Brown in the hand. A crazed Brown then charged at the officer, who shot him in self defense. That is from the DOJ report .
Let’s go back to class!
We are a nation of victims
Unless her name is Fannie Lou Hammer, Medgar Evers, Michael Chaney, Andrew Goodman she didn't spill any blood just saying.
@10:11. Two of the three that you speak of were criminals that ultimately put themselves in the predicaments that ended their lives. Michael Brown was a thug that had just robbed a store (that he had been terrorizing for months), then fought the officer that killed him in self defense. While the officers in George Floyd's case certainly took it too far, Floyd MIGHT still be alive if he had not resisted. (If the fentanyl didn't kill him). They are certainly not martyrs and should never be compared to true civil rights activists.
Also, imagine if the script was flipped and this was a white student doing this at a predominantly black school. Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow would be eating it up.
Martin didn't exactly do anything wrong either. The dude was following him, he was not a cop, in fact, cops told him not to do it. Martin attacked him and was shot in return. That guy instigated it. The cop was on Floyd way too long. As numerous cops told me, if you use that move, you handcuff them first chance you get, then put them in vehicle. Jocko Willink went through what Chauvin did and criticized the way he applied that technique and how long he used it.
KF- that's why I specified two of the three. Martin didn't do anything wrong. Zimmerman was a nut job. Still, I feel that it's silly that these become national martyrdom cases while tens of thousands of young black males gun each other down every year.
This will go viral and she will be a guest on the spew I mean the view. I’m glad no one watches
I wondered where the next crop of Rukia-style "community organizers" would come from. Clearly this young, jaded sistah has been well-prepared to pick up that baton and run with it.
People who self victimize due to race in 2025 are standing in their own way. I don’t feel sorry for anybody. I’m a helluva athlete, but I’m just too damn small. It pisses me off, but I don’t cry in my coffee and cause a damn scene. I simply have to outwork the competition. If you only knew what color my skin is…. It doesn’t matter because I’m still going to outwork most people and win fair and square.
I learned years ago that you shouldn't apologize for things that you didn't do. I had nothing to do with any of those things she is ranting about, and neither did anyone else she was addressing. This collective guilt garbage never makes sense and never helps anyone. I could sit here and think of plenty of things to lecture an audience about, but what would it do other than stir up resentment and make everyone uncomfortable. Does she want money? Attention? Sympathy for something she hasnt experienced? send her home and let her go to school somewhere she will feel appreciated.
Seems to be that the thing to do with this overwrought teen is to ignore her. She has no idea of how things were for her people sixty years ago and other than moaning about a past she was not involved in, she doesn’t say anything really.
"Of course I'm tired of the constant noise that crowds my mind so that there is no room for the simplest of thoughts."
That is not my fault. Your mental health is your responsibility. Seek professional help.
If those are truly her words, and that is truly her mental perspective, she is doomed already. She should seek stronger people to associate with.
Her we go. Another JJ post with bunch of old white dudes commenting that they have a right to kill Black men just because they are intimidated by Black men!
Martin did nothing wrong? Martin was at the front door of his father’s house then he went back out to find Zimmerman and he did. Zimmerman shot Martin while he was pounding Zimmerman’s head on concrete. Minority jury saw this and acquitted Zimmerman
So the Rankin County Sheriff’s Goon Squad was in 1965 and not just recently? Are you trying to gaslight us now KF?
Zimmerman put himself there by being a dumbass. Shouldn't have followed the kid. He'd called the cops and was told to stop. The jury could have gone either way on this case. Truth is, they were both knuckleheads.
In case you forgot, I'm the one who broke the news of the Goon Squad. They didn't discriminate on race. In case you forgot, there was a white victim too but he was so humiliated, he didn't go public as the other two victims did. I personally know of cases where McAlpin harassed white kids as well. These guys were going after meth heads, druggies, and low class people.
Okay so the pissant blogger is the arbiter of Truth and not the entire rest of the global media who covered the case? Delusions of grandeur, much?
Not talking about race might help end racism. (Morgan Freeman)
Awwww..... you can't. handle truth. Look at the time stamps. I was first one to report on Goon Squad and use the term. First one to report on the coins. Oh, and the only website in Mississippi media to actually post the indictment instead of just telling you what was in it. Personally went to all sentencings and hearings in federal court and reported them.
She has been taught to have an inferiority complex and to be angry about it.
I am sure DOZENS OF PEOPLE read your narrative about the Goon Squad!
Looks like KF's anonymous little troll bitch is at it again. What a fool.
You're funny.
I suppose there's not a lot of us left who remember 1965, I didn't here but I watched the deep South including Mississippi deal with equal rights in living color...yes we had a color TV. I'm a Southerner and the same age . It was my senior year as well. The high schools in my Southern state didn't even have women's basketball teams. You danced or were a cheerleader and since those girls were often very "fit". Our homecoming queen and more than a few cheerleaders shopped after making friendly bets with our dates at golf or tennis long before Bobbie Jean. Instead of being emasculated, they bet picked up date money betting the misogynists guys that even their date could best them even in games of HORSE as they foolishly agree to let the " girl" take the first shot. Our high schools integrated peacefully and our coaches in sports were happy.
See , you guys have far superior upper body strength and a lot of you have longer legs. But, when it comes to what's in the heart and between the ears, is the same. Indeed. it takes the male brain longer to develop, But, most women just want meritocracy for themselves and for their sons and daughters. Competition needs to be as fair and square as we can make it. We are glad we don't have to be the smarter than even our valedictorian to be a doctor or lawyer or get an advanced degree in any field. We just wanted a fair shot to get good jobs and advance on our merit.
Many of us " other" Southerners thought only uneducated " poor white trash" and "hoodlums" behaved like what we saw on television. Those kids couldn't have come from " good families". But they did didn't they?
Indeed, some of our WWII fathers who got rich or made a decent living figure out that being white or even rich didn't make our race immune to ignorance and lawlessness and violence. Many of the Korea and Vietnam vets noticed that too. They saw that there were heroic blacks in combat...men who fought and served with honor and women who kept worked behind the lines. it was the white toublemakers and bully and paper tigers they despised.
Duty, Honor, Country. You don't have a civilization when too few of your people are civilized and prosperous and that serving your country isn't a duty, but just something on a resume.
If you guys don’t understand speaking in “third person “ just listen to a political! No one is asking anyone to apologize for the sins of their forefathers. Yet you can’t deny it happen and expect those harmed by it for generations to forgive and forget. The struggle to overcome is real and evident to this day.
March 6, 2025 at 11:27 AM, are you saying he ain't? Talking about delusions of grandeur, who appointed you grand inquisitor?
WGAS? I lean toward the conservative side of things, and am glad DEI is getting dumped or at least challenged. That said, who cares if she said that in a demostrative speech--I mean its like poetry or a play. Don't like it, don't listen. But don't take this post to mean that I don't know why you did it--the blood in the water certainly got Bubba click triggered.
Does Lumumba still have a professional Internet troll on staff? It's either that, or someone is obsessed with Jackson Jambalaya.
Maybe KF should consider a restraining order.
12:02 PM,
I could sit here all day and "Third person" yall to death with awful things that never happened to me, but that i somehow feel were unfair to my people. What people? Just random poor White people, I suppose. Who wants to hear that? Who can do anything about it? This is like reading the Clarion Ledger or a J Mitchell article about stuff that happened before we were born, so pointless. The Oppression Olympics will get you nowhere and you won't win any medals.
This girl needs to apologize to the entire school for subjecting them all to this drivel and be suspended for racia bad language. What's good for one is good for all.
@KF Martin instigated by attacking Zimmerman. Do not repeat mainstream meadia lies.
Does anyone know if the big media platforms pick this story up?
Not entering the who did what and who deserved it and who did not argument. What saddens me is this young lady has been taught she can never be equal or succeed. That is incorrect. be decent, get educated and move ahead in life looking for the good things and not always seeing things through the lens of racism. Some people succeed and some fail, some are black some are white. I'd hate to know every day my head was filled with "the noise"
Does Lumumba still have a professional Internet troll on staff?
Same guy and his missus who are scamming their homestead exemption(s) in Hinds County?
I wish I could find some people to blame for the things I that went wrong in my life. It started early in my life. We didn't have inside running water until I was old enough to help my father put it in. That meant that we didn't have an inside bathroom. We got our first tv when I was in grade school. I can remember the first program I saw on tv. My parents got their first telephone when I graduated from high school. It was a party line with eight other families. There has to be someone who was to blame for this.
@12:38. Melvin moved on a few years ago. I don't think he's been replaced. No worries, though. He still reads JJ.
This poor girl has been programmed to hate everybody. A fancy law degree and a government job will provide her with the tools to spread her misery and hatred forever.
I did not see color in that speech. I saw hate. I saw ignorance. I saw a person trying to be a victim. Morgan Freeman said the best way to stop racism is to stop talking about it.
If this young person is sincere and not just full of bullshit, she should seek mental help. To go through life believing that white people are so powerful that they can twist her mind and thwart her dreams and ambitions is truly tragic. If she cannot see that her future is in her own hands and her victories and defeats will come from her own effort or lack thereof she is doomed to a life of sad frustration maybe even self-imposed harm. Without denying the realities of the past, this is not the present state of affairs for any race in this country. She will encounter problems and some bad people, we all do, but there has never been so much opportunity to move forward on your own merit. If she only sees the problems, she will herself become one.
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