Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Jeff Good: Sad Day for Democracy

Jackson restauranteur Jeff Good posted the following message on Facebook. 

Sad day for Jackson and for representative democracy.
I am very worried about the house bill 1020 passing. Moreso, I am saddened by the rhetoric and the narrative it has spawned.
So much overreach.. so scary... and no one that I know of in the Jackson business community was asked or engaged or consulted.
I don't know of any Jacksonian who does not want more public safety and better judicial outcomes. Simply put, our entire criminal justice and civil court systems are overwhelmed, as are our police department and other public safety systems. We have a large county (Hinds) which is the seat of the state government and the seat of the largest city (Jackson), and there is a yearly landslide of legal proceedings that have nothing to do with local crime that stack up and back up the dockets. This, on top of all the usual criminal cases and civil proceedings.
There is NO question we need more judges. ELECTED JUDGES.
So let's GET more JUDGES! But do it the RIGHT WAY and the FAST WAY.
It's easy... pass a bill to provide for more judges (probably 4 more?) and pass the funding to support the entire ecosystem needed to support those additional judicial seats. That means resources for the courts themselves, but also more prosecutors for the District Attorney's office and more Public Defenders for the PDs office.
As for public safety, is the expansion of the CCID the right call? Maybe so... perhaps into areas where those who are patrolled by the officers of the CCID welcome their presence. I think the I-55 corridor is a natural expansion option, at least the missing Old Canton/I-55 pie slice at the top of the current map. Does it need to go to County Line Road? I would hope discussions among the businesses and citizens in any proposed expansion map would be facilitated.

The bottom line is we desperately need communication and collaboration among the affected parties. And of course REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY.  

I want to vote for he or she who impacts me and my daily life to the exact same standards as any other person from any other community in our state enjoys. If we want to change from elected to appointed judges, then make it statewide, and make it constitutional. If not, then add elected judges to Hinds County and let us field good Judicial candidates to round out the bench.

Working together works. Period. 


Anonymous said...

Judiciary should never be subject to populism, "Good".

Anonymous said...

Authored by a DEMOCRAT.

Anonymous said...

Jeff good should shut up and figure out how to make better food without reliable water.

Of course, he will need to provide security doing it too.

Anonymous said...

I’d rather be safe and alive than woke and politically correct Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Mr Good. Do you not recognize incompetence when you see it? These people elected CAL twice plus judges that probably couldn’t pass the bar if they had too! When the City and County elects competent people then maybe the legislature will back off. And by the way why don’t you open a restaurant in the highway 18 corridor? Then I’ll be convinced you’re all in for Jackson!

Kingfish said...

Every one of those judges is barred, yeesh.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Good is way out of his element. He should stick to making food.

Anonymous said...

Jeff flaps his gums about as well as Mayor Gumflapper….

Anonymous said...

"pass a bill to provide for more judges (probably 4 more?) and pass the funding to support the entire ecosystem needed to support those additional judicial seats."

I'm assuming he means state funding and if the state is going to fund it the judges need to be appointed. They should be elected if he means Jxn/Hinds county is financing it.

Anonymous said...

“ Jackson restauranteur Jeff Good posted the following message on Facebook.
Sad day for Jackson and for representative democracy. ”

Of all the horrible things that has happened (and is happening in Jackson) and this is the thing that gets him to run to the keyboard and cry about? What a clown.

Anonymous said...

I’ll just remember jackson as it was ….40 years ago. You can have the current edition. And as a business owner myself, I would think Jeff could see the light but….not so. Jeff, you have a great business, capitalize on it somewhere else and leave the cesspool and enjoy life

Anonymous said...

Jeff, If you could keep the thugs that the Jackson's "elected" judges release back into the public every day IN JACKSON then it it would all be good...but you can't and their dysfunctional court system causes danger for the law abiding citizens in all the surrounding communities. WE VOTED FOR OUR OWN SAFETY. You'll never see another penny of our money come through any of your "restaurants".

Anonymous said...

We love the NFL and NBA, when a player is not producing we all want them replaced because we want winners. No different as the leadership in Jackson.

Why is this any different, the criminal justice system in Hinds County and Jackson is not producing.

To all the people against the House Bill, why not ask the people to stop committing crimes and then we won’t need more Judges

I never seen people that don’t want to put a dent in crime

As I said over and over, until crime hits home we will stop blessing these fools

Anonymous said...

Playing to his constituency. If you disagree with him, you likely left already. Blount will be proud.

Anonymous said...

Jeff makes good food. He is good at running restaurants. He is not the expert at securing access to clean water and safe streets. If he was, he would run for office.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The city has known for how long?
1) Judges needed 2) More Officer on all shifts 3) Different leadership needed
Really Jeff

Anonymous said...

Most business owners would want more police/security presence and less crime which makes customers feel safe you do business with you. Apparently not Jeff

Anonymous said...

People like Mr. Good live in a make believe idealistic world that does not exist. Everybody has never been treated equally and never will. The benefits of the republic form of government will only be extended to a dysfunctional place like Jackson if they have the political or military clout to impose their will on other people. Otherwise they will be marginalized and controlled by others. That's the price they pay for being dysfunctional while weak. It's the real world.

Anonymous said...

@6:38 Mike F***king drop on the hwy 18 comment. Perfect post in response to the self serving drivel.

Anonymous said...

Representative democracy ain’t working in Jackson, someone is killed at least weekly. This ain’t about color, territory or kingdoms it’s about living in a safe environment.

Politicians get off your asses and produce results. We want a safe city!

Anonymous said...

Jeff’s campaign slogan for mayor is make Jackson good again.

Anonymous said...

I had lunch at the Olive Garden yesterday. While t was there I saw more than one person wearing body armor. If that’s what is normal these days, then it’s time for a change. Plus the bill allows for appeals to Hinds Circuit Court.

Again as this is a winner..... said...

Let me see if I get this clearly:
1. Jackson leads the world (literally) in murders per capita.
2. Jackson's remaining crime is at the top of the list in almost every category and particularly car jacking.
3. Belhaven as a neighborhood is totally under siege and downtown as a business district is collapsing.
4. Our current court system remains and is constantly backlogged.
5. 15 years old's are killing 15 year old's as a matter of course.
6. The overwhelming majority of violent crime that is committed, is done by a prior offender.....almost every time. Check it out.
7. Our local jail is a seine joke and has been taken over by federal court order because it is grossly out of compliance.
8. We are (still) 300 officers below the suggested force needed in the Maple-Linder 1997 police force study.
9. All over the city, people are simply fearful to get out after dark.
10. Our Mayor is simply not close to up to the task. Nothing here that government is in charge of works....jail, zoo, water, sewer, airport, garbage, libraries, school system, infrastructure, streets, cooperation with other cities, JRA, etc etc.
11. Check out your property values if you live here. They are well, WELL below the 8 communities around us.
We need help and it is being offered by the legislature, but like everything in this state, predictable racial oppression is being screamed by the Black Caucus.
My God say thank you. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

The best thing I ever did was leaving Mississippi , I am still washing off the dirt 3 weeks later.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad about representative democracy in Jackson. Those vile, venal, virulent white republicans want you to think that this is about the nation's highest murder rate, or that Jacksonians don't have reliable water, or that businesses are fleeing, or that potholes can swallow cars. NO! It is about RACISM and trying to bring back Jim Crow!

Anonymous said...

Democrats in Jackson, “the state should help us!”

State, ‘here’s our plan’

Democrats in jackson, “no, not like that!”

Anonymous said...

Dead bodies around Jackson not really good for business. Police arrest them then judges let them out. Better judges and more police is the answer. But not to liberals until their door is kicked in by thugs or your car is stolen. Have a good friend holding onto the dream that things will improve in Jackson. He said things are getting better, his car was only broken into once last year.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Good is having the vapors over nothing. The bill that would have the chief justice appoint judges to a circuit court bench runs afoul of the State constitution. I really do doubt that the bill as drafted will pass, and I really do doubt that an amended bill will pass because of other problems that would come up with respect to such a special court. What Jeff Good doesn't see about his idea of increasing funding and the number of judges on the Hinds County circuit bench is that the judges who will be elected will most likely be as ineffective, ignorant, as the ones there now. And Jeff Good doesn't seem to understand the problem that a George Soros DA presents when it comes to effectively dealing with crime. Jeff Good just doesn't really seem to understand the problems

Anonymous said...

Well, let me say this. ; however, . Any time you , it only takes the meanest of intelligence to conclude . It is as simple, my friends, as that.

Anonymous said...

A great day for democracy. A great day for Hinds County.

A shame that some folks want to ascribe racial matters to everything - whether there is anything racially involved or not. Last time I checked, all races want a safe place to live, and proper justice applied ------ except for those who are committing crimes or benefiting from those crimes.

The racial epitaths that were spewed on the floor of the House of Representatives should be shamed. For Jeff Good to proclaim that the actions done by the black legislators (yes, the only ones that spoke against this bill were black) were a good thing speaks volumes. Loud enough that I figure I'm not welcome in his establishments any longer, since he thinks I am a racist klansman since I supported this bill.

Sorry Jeff. I'll eat elsewhere. You can suffer with the crime in your backyard and your lack of water.

Anonymous said...

So the next time your business is closed for the lack of water....give this speech to yourself in the mirror and stay the hell off of t.v. no complaining.

Anonymous said...

These fuckin limousine commies keep using that word, hoping that if they say it enough, useless dipshits will just assume this is a democracy

Anonymous said...

So when is that Bravo opening on HWY 18?

Anonymous said...

Jeff and the other community leaders in Jackson sat on their hands until the state had to take the reins away from the children that were running the city into the ground. It's too late now that the adults have had to step in and all the bawling from the same people that caused or tolerated the problems is not going to change the fact that they had their chance for decades and demonstrated nothing but failure.

Anonymous said...

@8:24 pm

That’s it!

John said...

I'm really startled by some of the vitriol in this thread. Jeff has suffered through the worst that Jackson has dished out. Despite the setbacks of COVID lockdowns and water shortages, he's persisted and been a positive force for the city. Those of you who choose to cast stones and make derrogatory comments are not half the man he is.

Anonymous said...

Jeff should publish a crime report for Banner Hall.

Anonymous said...

Work in Jackson but live in Rankin County. Broad Street was a family favorite for over 25 years. After reading this post, will never do business with any of Jeff’s establishments ever again. Jackson is beyond lost, where repeat violent criminals face zero consequences thanks to the current local judicial system. Jeff clearly wants to contribute to its decline. Life is too precious and Jeff should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Why is it racist, colonialistic, and paternalistic for the state to take control of the water system but something to brag about when the feds do it?

Anonymous said...

854 - read the constitution a little closer. The legislature has the ability to create "inferior courts as deemed necessary". This bill creates two inferior courts - the CCID court that will address civil issues and the CCID court that will address chancery issues.

There is no constitutional issue here, although Jeff, and evidently his buddies that currently sit on the bench in Hinds (lets see if we call all name them - but remember that Tommie is no longer there to give her blessings to the criminals that she put back out on the street so that her "friend" could get the contract for their having to wear ankle monitors that somehow didn't always work ----- but, they did have her blessing, so I'm sure they were safe, along with the others: Kidd who has been reversed more percentage wise than any other circuit judge in the state, who is now the senior Hinds Judge, Adrian who was on the floor of the House, using her former membership of the august body to get access to lobby her buddies against this bill)

OK Jeff. The state has provided many millions to Hinds County to do just what you suggest is a solution. They gave that money to Hinds County last year (granted, RSS was no longer the prosecutor, so the issue of "who" was being prosecuted was not an issue any longer) to fund ----yes, despite the party line words that Jeff and others repeat -- for THE STATE to fund more prosecutors, and more public defenders, and staff support for all of them. And, the state has appointed more judges ----- WAIT, WAIT _----- APPOINTED JUDGES, My God, where are we going here, APPOINTED JUDGES in Hinds County, for over a decade to do the work that Jeff's "democratic, by no other means" elected judges who were not doing their job in prosecuting those cases that were on their docket.

Yes, Jeff. This is a good bill. And for the record - you've never considered me a racist all those days I ate in your restaurants; participated in your events; supported your efforts to get things worked out for your area so that your restaurant could stay open despite the failures of the city --- but now that I know that you consider me to be a racist, a klansman although I am not wearing my sheet and my hood --- you will not have to worry about catering to me again. I have tried to support your businesses, all of them. I have tried to support your attempts to make Jackson better, even when I thought there were better ways to go about getting there, wanted to be on the "lets all work for it" team.

But now that I know you consider me, and ANYBODY ELSE that supported this bill to be a racist, a klansman, someone that wants to return to Jim Crow days (yes, I lived through them and am quite aware of them, and this has no connection but you want to join with the chorus) --- you will not see me drinking your coffee; eating your pastries, or enjoying your sandwiches again (oh, I forgot your ice cream and pizza - same there.)) There are plenty of other good and better restaurants in Jackson where I can go and realize I am welcome - even those places where we might have political disagreements, but they don't label me in the way you and your political legislators have done.

Goodbye. You and your commrade Henifin can move forward on your own. (Yes, I changed bills here, but there is a connection.)

Anonymous said...

You have turned into a real bitch on comments.

Anonymous said...

Every “fix” to the problems in Jackson that continue to suggested are reactionary. It starts way before the crime is committed and the police need to respond and the judges need to judge these criminals. Fix the problems. Systemic poverty. Fatherless homes. Absent parents. Let’s throw some more money at things that matter on the front end instead of just the back end.

Anonymous said...

I am a Jackson business owner, and I fully support (and appreciate!) our State leaders' efforts to make Jackson an investable place again. Jeff is a big boy and is welcome to his own opinion, but I think he's dead wrong here. Thank you to the State leaders who have had enough of watching Jackson circle the drain and are willing to put the time, money and effort into fixing the problems. We need a strong, safe and attractive capital city for our State! We cannot move forward as long as the ticking time bomb that Jackson currently is is left to be...

Anonymous said...

"Repeat violent criminals" - who are they?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jeff. This is the capital of our state and its condition is deplorable. I have supported your businesses and appreciate the many things you have done for Jackson. Some of us have been Jackson even longer than you and it was not always like this. We need to have a city where city services work, roads are repaired, and people feel safe shopping here. If the state had stepped in sooner perhaps everyone wouldn't have moved to the suburbs and many many are just barely hanging on and it will not take much for them to move. and when they move they are not coming back. We need to try this. It can't be worse

Anonymous said...

Apparently Jeff hasn't lost his restaurant (livelihood.) Maybe he could take a drive around and look at all the vacant/abandoned property. I have a very small commercial property that should have helped pay for my retirement. Meth addicts don't make good tenants. The drug dealers who do have the money don't need rental property. I can't make enough money (not profit) to pay Jackson taxes and keep up with the repairs due to the vandalism. The liability is horrifying. This is why I and others walk off and let the property go for back taxes. Sell it? Ha! Give it away? Ha!

My last police report was for vandalism. Someone had cut the fence and had broken in. For some reason, the scum really like to tear up things. This was a fence I paid for. The policeman informed me property owners should "keep up their property." I didn't cut the fence! I informed him how much my tax bill ran and told him I couldn't afford to "keep up the property" because I couldn't even rent the property to pay the taxes, much less make improvements. Police protection???? What a joke!!!! What do the Jackson police actually do other than write police reports that go nowhere.

Apparently I am left in no man's land Jackson will still control. Sure wish the state would take over all of Jackson. I'm not lucky enough to be in the improvement district. I am retired (and old) and I need to go back to work to survive. Maybe I'll see you soon, Jeff, as a greeter at Walmart. To all who helped Jackson get where it is, thank you so much. Karma is real and it can be a bitch.

Anonymous said...

By the way, rumor has it apartments are going to be built on the 18 corridor.
This is just what we need. More apartments. The land has already been cleared and I was told the financing is already in place. I hope this is not true.

Anonymous said...

It's not important that you agree or disagree with his message. What's needed is to figure out his angle. There's always an angle.

Anonymous said...

Jeff G thinks he's the captain of the football team, but he's a cheerleader-- for the other team.

Anonymous said...

@6:37am Hmmm... another Lamar scam?

@6:49am There's always an angle with the Lamar's as well. Don't think this bill is about actually serving justice. It's leveraging a real crisis for some benefit. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

There is one other constitution people here frequently forget….the US Constitution.

MS has run afoul of that one thousands of times and this is another example.

Depriving people of their right to vote based - even in part - on race is facially unconstitutional.

Here 150,000 black people will be disenfranchised because white people want to put no black people in charge. More importantly white people want the current black people duly elected to be of less or no consequence.

The bill takes all government disputes out of black peoples hands and directly into an appointed person. Chancery court is the hub of governmental affairs and the state wants no more rulings from them.

Meanwhile in whiteville….none of these rules apply. No appointed judges in Madison and Rankin and Desoto or Hancock counties. Wonder why that is?

This bill will spend an eternity tied up in federal court.

Why not create larger district and allow 4 more elected judges? Spend more money on new jail and prosecutors? Maybe change the to allow neighboring juries to hear hinds cases and reimburse the municipalities for expenses. We have a surplus? Spend it on the people rather than unilaterally dictating what white people in northern Mississippi want?

Discovery in this matter is going to be interesting and when it becomes fact hopefully Tate won’t want to ban it from being taught in Mississippi high schools as “race theory.”

(We still teach about the sovereignty commission right? Very similar vibes)

Anonymous said...

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Mr. Good was so delusional. I saw where he authored the letter a while back begging the city and state for help with the water. Now, the state is stepping in on multiple issues and he’s appalled?! Also, does he think that the voters in Jackson will actually elect decent judicial officials?? I had known for years how bad the judiciary in Hinds County had become, but I was truly awakened while watching bits of the Anthony Fox trial. I was able to see how a judge was able to completely sway the outcome based on some sort of personal prejudice that I’m still convinced is linked to the upstanding mayor. If you live in Hinds County, you should be fearful of the judicial system here. Heaven forbid you have to defend yourself against some heinous act and end up facing one of those biased judges. Heck, if HB 1020 passes and becomes law, moving into the CCID might not be a bad idea, and THAT is what a lot of the black activists are scared of.

Anonymous said...

As much as I disagreed with him at least our last great white Thought Leader Ben Allen had the imprimatur of having gone to the people on more than one occasion actually asking for their official blessing in what is called an election. Good is fine with extending the CCID police protection to the I55 corridor but the rest of the non-CCID covered city can apparently be forgotten. Good's self-annointment is pathetic. A massive ego run amok.

Anonymous said...

The angle @6:49 is the charlatan wants to find a way to finagle Banner Hall, Highland Village and The District into the CCID protection boundaries while at the same time appearing to Jackson's ruling junta that he's not actually looking out for himself.

Anonymous said...

Guy makes food and still has said more than Gibbs or Green.

Anonymous said...

Jackson’s condition is an economic development nightmare for the state. It’s also a demographic headwind that must be addressed related to Mississippi’s stagnant population growth and in-migration of the young talent the state needs. Mississippi is the only southern or midwestern state without a viable urban core. The state has no choice but to step in. Antar, Hondo, and Omari are the nail in Jackson’s coffin. They don’t have the City’s best interest at heart.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a news story a while back where the Chief Justice appointed some senior judges to hear cases in Hinds County to help with the backlog? Let me see:

Also, the Chief Justice appoints judges to hear cases ALL THE TIME when judges recuse themselves.....

Interestingly in these news stories regarding the Chief Justice appointing judges to hear cases in Hinds County, NONE of them, including the Jackson Free Press, raised a constitutional issue or claimed racism.

Anonymous said...

Jeff has outstanding restaurants. They are delicious, well run and always clean. It might be a good idea for him to stay in that restaurant running lane and not dip his toe into public political liberal agendas. Most of Jeff’s loyal paying customers are hard working conservatives. I’m worried they will stop frequenting these fine dining establishments with his very public democrat/woke opinions. Our property values in Jackson and safety is at risk. We need adults making decisions before the city collapses.

Anonymous said...

The present state of Jackson is where we are today with officials elected to manage or mismanage the city. It is readily apparent to most that our leadership in Jackson is unable to effectively manage the city. Crime is out of control. How many times do we hear of crimes being committed by repeat offenders who were let out on the streets when they should have still been locked up? The judicial system is broken. People are scared in Jackson and rightfully so.

Jackson can continue to elect people into leadership positions and to the judicial system as they have and continue dealing with the same issues that are plaguing us, or we can welcome what House Bill 1020 is providing us - a safer and better Jackson.

Anonymous said...

This man needs to worry about running his businesses and be quiet. Or better yet, say thank you to those in the legislature who are trying to extinguish the fires. Every single thing the city has touched has turned to crap. Letting that keep going and hoping for "working together" is like letting a cancer keep growing without treatment.

Anonymous said...

February 9, 2023 at 12:31 AM
You can search this blog or WLBT/WAPT for criminals arrested in Jackson. Chances are they're a previous offender.

Anonymous said...

10:32 and all you others who want to abandon Jeff's business. I did not see anywhere in his writing where he called you a racist or a klansman. He is entitled to his opinion and he certainly explained it in a respectful way. I disagree with him but I see no reason to destroy his business. If he is wrong that's enough. He has done nothing to hurt you or me. I see no reason to punish him for thinking different.

Anonymous said...

Elect Liberal & Progressive Judges, and you see the results. I am sorry Jeff, you know me and I'll no longer patronize your establishments. You have an opinion and I respect that, however I don't agree with it. I also agree with the poster that challenged you to open a location around Hwy 18 or South Jackson? Please tell us the reasons you won't? Those people in those areas would love a good pizza and ice cream shop. I bet I know and it's in direct opposition to what you're spewing now. Please address this with your next dialog.

One question I have is over the years, why all of the community leaders, Good, Lumumba, The Black Caucus, they could be begging and pleading with the community to stop the killing and crime but they haven't. Why? Not that it would do any actual good, but they could be trying to do something. You never hear a peep from them about it. Sure, Lumumba will have a presser about some initiative, but have you ever seen one of these guys who like to talk big and call people names give an impassioned plea to the community to quit the killings and other crime?

Anonymous said...

For 6:36PM and a great many others, Ben Franklin said in 1759 that “Those that can give up an essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Unfortunately for the rest of us there seem to be many willing to compromise to get that little bit of temporary safety, so the rest are also forced into the compromise. Without votes we are not free, we are ruled over.

Anonymous said...

bring back the 5 point plan , the linder-maple study and have another march....that will fix everything.....and also throw in a frank melton look alike.

Anonymous said...

It makes for nice, woke PR, but it's probably not in the best interest of his businesses.

Anonymous said...

Why does he feel as if he should have been consulted? If he wants more say in the matter, run for mayor!

Anonymous said...

Water outages-crime wave-pothole streets-blighted properties

I'll bend over and take another. "Thank you, sir!"

Anonymous said...

6:49 AM, follow the money!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the fact that the Mayor is on the Board designing it

Anonymous said...

Allow me to summarize: Lets TALK some more.

No scary quick actions. Just talk. Maybe commission a few dozen studies and hold a few preacher sanctioned town halls.

My god. When did so many men become utterly spineless?

Anonymous said...

Another vote for "give us the money, but by God it better not have any strings or oversight or we will scream racism!"

We hear you Jeff. And I understand why you are willing to let people die. You just want your businesses, which are in the middle of the cesspool to thrive.

Your feigned altruism is tempered by your own financial gain.

Anonymous said...

"...perhaps into areas where those who are patrolled by the officers of the CCID welcome their presence."

We do welcome their presence.

And the presence of a court system that will administer justice.

There you go.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your Jackson elected judges and criminal system, Jeff.

I am sure the John's (like at 10:01) will keep you in business.

I wont be visiting your little Utopia but I truly hope you get what you are asking for.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Good is a very nice man and has done so much for Jackson. However he apparently does not realize how dire it is. We need major 180 turn in direction for Jackson. It is very dire, I know so many people businesses that are at the breaking point. I want Jackson to be a place people want to go to. .

Anonymous said...

Jeff is the enternal optismist. I think he's in so far with this script he doesn't know how to get out. Other business owners got fed up, even pi$$ed off, and did. At some point, you've got to get mad about it. You'd think he'd remember how a lots of attorneys in the area quit patronizing his places after he interjected himself in the tort reform discussion years ago. He needs to stick with running his restaurants, and not becoming a political commentator. I'd have to zoom in on that map, but I bet CapPo patrols his interests (or will), yet he doesn't want a separate court system. I suspect that much of his sucess is attributable to the business interruption insurance payout he receives whenever the city is without water. Don't you find it curious how other restaurants in the same area are open and making do when he is closed...

Bottom line is that nothing changes if nothing changes. This could be the change!

Anonymous said...

Again why not try it the early results from CCD have been very encouraging. If you are against lowering crime, punishing criminals, improving basic city services in Jackson. Are you really for Jackson?

Anonymous said...

So wonderful to see failure punished.

I can't wait to see the state take over the entire city.

Anonymous said...

Im blown away from this response from Jeff Good. Why would he say this> He needs to explain. Does he realize if his businesses were in Madison or Rankin county, they would do 40% or more in sales. Im excited this may not help any but at least someone is trying. We can all sit around and blame others for our problems are we can try to do something. I appreciate the state is trying to do something.

Anonymous said...

If Jeff good reads this and I think he does, he should see how many people have already left or about to. We have to try something. I mean when Kenny Stokes is the voice of reason on the council that shows how far Jackson has fallen.

Anonymous said...

NIKITA KRUSCHEV was right. This democracy is a failure. Either it applies to everybody or it applies to nobody. If it can't withstand the bumps in the road it will wind up in the ditch. Jackson cannot govern itself. Someone else must do it. WE ADMIT NIKITA WAS RIGHT.

Anonymous said...

I get excited that we have some people in the legislature actually trying to move Jackson and Mississippi Forward instead of business as usual.

Anonymous said...


Being an advocate for a system that constantly releases convicted criminals back into our society only to have them commit more crimes against innocent victims hurts everyone of us and our society in general. What part of this do you not understand ?

Anonymous said...

Jeff, why do you think electing more judges from the existing pool will improve the current conditions? Questioning competence is racist, hell everything is racist. Jackson has been declining since Harvey Johnson's tenure. Incompetence spiraling into gross neglect. How hard is it to send a water bill? I have not received one at my residence or work in over three years.

Jeff, please publish your response to my question with facts, not hopeful wishes that if we just do this . . . .

Anonymous said...

Appears that many in Jackson would rather live in a crime infested SH than have more police and an effective court system.
Most news articles I’ve read condemning the action of the legislature fail to mention that Jackson is the murder capital of the world.
Many state employees work in Jackson, though they live outside the city. They have a right to reasonable safety. So do all the hospital workers, and those citizens who have to visit the state capital to conduct business.

Anonymous said...

Basically Jeff and the Mayor agree that racism against black was wrong in the Civil Rights era.

But they advocate FOR racism against whites who have taxation without representation today?

And they are ok with the deplorable living conditions that the impoverished minorities in COJ are forced to endure and refuse any attempt to correct the failed judicial system if the help come from a white person?

Y'all really are drowning and you said "no thank you" to a life boat captained by a white person because of his skin color...and somehow, the boat captain is the bad guy to you all?

What a weird time to be alive.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeff Good!
As usual on this site, it's hard to be a voice of reason with people who cannot see their sins or faults but only those of others.
Personal insults and pointing out the failures/mistakes of others ( as though they are perfect) is their only defense...there is no rational, fact supported or history based argument available for them.
Party loyalty and propaganda has made these people blind or else they have sold themselves to our National enemies.
Please rest assured that ALL your friends and neighbors ( yes, even those still rationalizing their GOP loyalty) know you are a sane, brilliant and ethical man as well as a kind human being.
They do listen to what you say and admire you even when still struggling to stay in good standing with " the powers that be".
I would wish them to be brave, because when they are, Jackson, like other cities and States that have faced the same problems , band together in sufficient numbers to solve problems.
Our legislature and the naysayers here simply stir a pot...they always burn the food in it because they can't seem to know there are times to "turn down the heat".

Anonymous said...

Jeff, "good judicial" candidates? Please name one that can be elected. Perhaps Carlos the clown could relocate.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't stop patronizing Jeff's restaurants because our politics might differ. He's certainly entitled to his opinions on how his city and state are run.

I have not been to any of his restaurants in several years because of the crime in that area though, I'd like to get over there and eat but there is great food available in areas that don't have shootouts within sight of the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with his view, but that won't stop me from going to his restaurants? But, just like his use of free speech, you have the free choice.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Jeff, quit your whining about democracy in the judicial system. Every federal judge serving across the country is appointed, not elected. And most of them are doing just fine at dispensing justice. I believe every judge in the little ol' state of New York is appointed, not elected. I don't hearing anyone in New York crying about the lack of democratic rights in their judicial system. What would be a remarkably modern approach to how we select judge would be the appointment/recall approach several states follow. Judges are appointed for a specific term, but they are subject to recall if they are ineffective or commit misconduct. Now wouldn't that be a new idea???

Anonymous said...

So, it's ok for my money and tax dollars to go towards Jackson's water system etc even though I don't live there. That benefits Mr Good's businesses. I didn't vote for that but someone else benefited. But Jeff doesn't want anyone else to be more safe and get the benefit for this bill because he didn't vote for that and he didn't have his precious input, which as far as I can tell, his input hasn't done anything to save anyone's life or property. Gotcha. Worst kind of liberal, arrogant and thinks he knows it all to the detriment of others.

Yes, take the water money/benefits for your pocketbook but don't do anything to save a life but talk talk talk. Look in the mirror, Jeff. By the way, will no longer support his restaurants.

Anonymous said...

I live in Jackson, and I’m thankful for the help from the State and taxpayers who live outside the City of Jackson who fund stuff in Jackson.

The City of Jackson gets to take advantage of UMC, the Capitol, I-20, I-55, a okay sized airport in the area, the Pearl River, Baptist Hospital, St. Dom’s, JSU, Millsaps, Belhaven, MC Law, Trustmark, the highest property taxes in the State, etc. Yet despite all this all Jackson does is mess stuff up.

Waste Management wasn’t broken, but the Mayor tried to fix it.

Jackson had a murder rate of 99.5 per 100,000 in 2021. Despite this, for how many years now has JPD been understaffed by about 100 officers and where does that leftover money go (while the Mayor hides behind a gate)?

Chief Davis told the people of Belhaven probably two or three times that everything was going to be okay during the carjacking spree in Belhaven in 2021-2022. He told the State while at the Capitol late last year his wish list would include more cameras, yet despite that Chief Davis still can’t get over half the blue light cameras paid for by people in Belhaven up after a year of being paid for. After Joshua Brown was caught, Chief Davis called him a ghost they had been looking for. All the while he never alerted the public that there was basically a serial killer on the lose. The guy killed a random woman 8 month pregnant.

The Mayor told people they didn’t have to pay their water bills, then the city couldn’t pay for chemicals for the main water plant. Now they want to charge people based off of property taxes. By the way, where did all the Siemens money go?

JPS got what, 50 million dollars? What did they do with it? Spend $1.7 million on a new auditorium at Forest Hill when just last week Forest Hill had no heat? JPS has what 7 high schools, 10 middle schools? How many stadiums do they have that are functional? 2, 3? Do any of those other schools even have nice practice fields, weight rooms, lights for the practice fields? Yet JPS has more people working at Central Office per student then any other school district in the state.

The City of Jackson has failed. Wonder how many of the higher ups in Jackson actually live in Jackson, or don’t live on a gated street in Jackson?

The Jackson delegation to the state legislature better hope normal people don’t decide to start running for office. Also, waiting for the ACLU and others to say how 1020 is like Jim Crow? I missed the story about a state trying to save a city that had bad water and a murder rate of 1 in 1,000 basically, and how it was bad to try and help them?

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile in whiteville….none of these rules apply. No appointed judges in Madison and Rankin and Desoto or Hancock counties. Wonder why that is?"

Hinds County has a population of 209,000 people, and it has 4 Circuit Court judges, 3 County Court judges, and 4 (appointed ) Special Circuit Court judges. And despite the number of judges, they're still extremely far behind.

Harrison, Hancock, and Stone Counties share a judicial district and have a combined population of 275,000 people. They have 4 Circuit Court judges and 3 County Court judges, and their dockets are not backlogged anywhere near like Hinds County's is. So, very simply stated, they don't have appointed judges because they don't need them. Their 7 judges get the job done for 275,000 citizens versus the 11 judges in Hinds County who don't/can't for its 209,000 citizens.

I'll explain for you simple-minded folks. It's because Madison, Rankin, Desoto and Hancock Counties don't have near the level of crime as Hinds County has. Nor are they the judicial hellholes where plaintiff attorneys love to file civil suits. Hinds County is their favorite.

Funny how the citizens of Hind County have no problem with the Supreme Court appointing 4 special Circuit Court judges (who are not elected) to help with the backlog. But when the legislature wants the Supreme Court to appoint a few more for the CCID to also help with the backlog, all hell breaks loose and the screams of racism begin. Why ?

Anonymous said...

Their house is on fire and the try to keep the firetruck away.

Anonymous said...

Democracy is the last thing Jackson needs, Mr. Good.

Why don’t you try the democratic process in your restaurants? Let every one of your employees vote on every decision the restaurant makes: menu items, pricing, inventory, hiring, firing, wages, etc.

Try that and then tell us how wonderful democracy is, you self righteous saboteur.

Anonymous said...

Chief Justice Mike Randolph spoke to the Madison County Bar Association on Thursday, February 9. He said that one of the special judges he had appointed to help return Jackson's judicial system to functioning found a defendant wasting away in Jackson's jail. The defendant had been charged with a crime but after years, was still awaiting trial. Interestingly, the amount of time he sat in jail pre-trial exceeded the longest possible sentence he would receive if convicted of all charges.

Until the people who have been running Jackson's judiciary can prove such abuses won't happen again under their management, they don't have a right to run even the animal shelter.

Anonymous said...

Now patrons of the Capri are engaging in warfare after leaving the movie. Very sad for Fondren.

Anonymous said...

Some of these comments condemning Mr. Good and vowing to stay out of his businesses are down right disgusting. The man said it's a sad day for Jackson and a sad day for representative democracy. Is that not true? It would be a sad day for Madison, for Hattiesburg, for Biloxi, for any city if their plight was so bad the state legislature thought their normal voting rights should be suspended so that the state could carve out a new district within their city. If it's necessary then it's sad. Why would anyone but a racist bigot be happy about it? Mr. Good is right it's a sad day. I see no reason to boycott his business simply because he's a descent man.

Anonymous said...

10:38 said "pointing out the failures/mistakes of others ( as though they are perfect) is their only defense...there is no rational, fact supported or history based argument available for them."

I have no problem with Jeff or his opinions although I may sometimes disagree with him. He's a good guy and means well, but that doesn't mean he's always right. Nor am I.

But respectfully, you have got to be kidding with your quote above. JPS is failing and almost had to be taken over by the State, Jackson crime is at an all-time high and out of control, the roads are in horrible shape, the garbage issue is a mess, the water system has failed, and economically the City is struggling bigtime. That is a rational assessment of the state of the City right now and based 100% on facts. To the contrary, you cannot dispute that with any facts. So the people who live here have every right to be angry and disappointed in City leadership, which coincidentally has offered no plan(s) whatsoever to fix any of those issues. Are you honestly happy with the state of the City right now ?

For me, this has nothing to do with race but 100% to do with the facts above. Jackson has such great potential to be a thriving City which I would truly love to support, but it's leadership has failed and is failing us. If they're not going to do what is needed to fix all these issues, then I'm glad the State is finally stepping up to help.

Jackson leaders seem to want the State to just give them a bunch of money to let them try to fix the problems. But in my opinion, the State should not just pour money into Jackson with its present leadership which has shown very clearly it is not up to the job. Again, that's not because of their race but because they've proven they can't do the job very well. For example, Jackson wants the State to give more money to JPD and the Hinds judiciary to help with crime. Instead the State says it'll start the Capitol Police to help and appoint more judges to help. But then Jackson screams racism and says "no, it has to be done our way and we get total control". But the City's way has failed for decades now, so it's time to try another way. The State is willing to help but under its rules, not the City's. Give it a chance and see if it works. If it doesn't, then so be it. But at least try let these new ideas work. It can't be any worse than it already is.

Anonymous said...

John at 10:01 —

Don’t be. The vast majority of threads here are awash with vitriol. For those in pursuit of peace and harmony, I would recommend the threads about sermons and food.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know who he’s pandering to, but I def get a pandering vibe.

Anonymous said...

The only explanation for Jeff's position is that he plans to run for mayor of Jackson.

Anonymous said...

"Please rest assured that ALL your friends and neighbors ( yes, even those still rationalizing their GOP loyalty)"

Tell me you're a flaming liberal who thinks they are better than you without actually telling us you're a flaming liberal who thinks they are better than you. That is the problem in a nutshell. The whole can't see the forest for the trees comparison.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, you might not have accused anyone of being racist, however you are clearly aligned with those who spew those accusations at every opportunity.
If you want any credibility at all I suggest that you denounce those accusations made by the mayor and his minions in the same public forums that you used to offer your opinions. Otherwise your silence can only be construed as agreement with them.

Anonymous said...

@1:19- I must’ve missed something. Has the Capri gone the way of the other movie theaters that were once located in Jackson? What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Genuine question for those opposed to 1020... I am confused on one of the arguments against the bill. There are 2 seemingly different points I am hearing from those opposed:

1) The argument against the bill allowing judges to be "appointed" by majority white state leaders as opposed to "elected" by hinds county residents seems fair to me, although if it resulted in a reduction of the huge backlog of cases and fewer "catch and release" situations, I don't know that this is reason enough to squash the bill altogether (i can agree to disagree on this and would also be fine with changing this to elected judges as suggested by JG)

2) The argument raised about the new CCID boundaries covering the more affluent and majority white areas of the city is confusing to me - are those who are opposed to 1020 due to this point suggesting that the boundaries should be expanded to cover all of the city, despite the issues with argument #1? personally I would like to see the CCID cover as much as possible, but genuinely confused as to what the majority of those opposed are wanting - no CCID expansion at all, expanding to include 100% of the city, or just making the judges elected as opposed to appointed?

I do agree with Jeff Good in wishing we could have more constructive discussions with those the bill would impact, but I don't think that the mayor calling those in favor of the bill racists is doing anything to help the situation.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break Jeff about how appointed judges having no accountability. We have all seen how judges like Tomie Green, with all those catch and release blessings, have done for Jackson! It is time to get crime under control in Jackson and the city isn't doing it!

Anonymous said...

Why did he move Sal & Mookie's if Jackson is so great? Why does he want Highland Village and Banner Hall carved out for his benefit? Yet other Jackson citizens and businesses left with the current dysfunction? We love his restaurants and empathize with what he's had to contend with; but we decided years ago to never visit any of his Jackson locations ever again. Same for any store in Jackson. Even if I don't get robbed or shot in the parking lot, I still have to worry about the water situation, the potholes, etc. All of his sites are destination restaurants, but none of them are worth our personal safety. We dine out to celebrate and relax. Not to constantly be worried and anxious. What the State is proposing is a good start towards fixing Jackson.
Somewhat off topic, but kinda related. Wife and I went to Fenian's a couple of weeks ago for the first time in years. We didn't even have to discuss the need to leave before sunset. One look around and that was immediately understood. I would bet that same mindset plays out thousands of times a day throughout Jackson. If the State of Mississippi can help, then more power to them. Because what's happening now clearly isn't working.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Good was a voice of reason during the worst of the water crisis, urging city & state leaders to work together. He spoke as a business owner, above the political fray. Now he jumps feet first into a political issue that he didn't need to. I assume he has weighed the business he'll lose alongside whatever the amount of new business he might gain from becoming a partisan political player. But why take that chance at all? Why would he want to tick off a very large number of his customers? He's an excellent restaurateur- If I was advising him, I'd say he should protect those businesses & his employees first & foremost & work his political views in a more subdued way.

Anonymous said...

The thing will ultimately be decided in the courts. It's either constitutional or it's not. If it passes court scrutiny, Jackson's officials should try to make the best of it. They owe that to their constituents. If it does not pass scrutiny the lawmakers should do better to work with Jackson's leadership to craft an alternative solution. We'll see. Leave Good alone.

Anonymous said...

I expect most of the so called "patrons" of Broad Street who've promised to stop eating there , really aren't going there beforehand. I appreciate Jeff's willingness to put his own opinion out there. He has certainly walked the Jackson walk, has suffered through the water crises we've had.

Anonymous said...

Jeff's frustration is understood, this bill is disruptive. This is not about black or white, it is about a community that is not served by the small radical Peoples Assembly, who they call the "heart and soul of Jackson." When the Administration creates policies that serve just a few and not the greater good of the community, the City fails. When the City fails, disruption is necessary. The Mayor has been let down by his closest advisors who have an agenda that doesn't align with municipal responsibilities. When this Administration manages the municipal budget (they call it "participatory budgeting") and fund priorities around the values of a small radial group and not the needs of the entire community, the majority suffer. Watch them march, look at the size of the People's Assembly on social media. Locally they are a small group that does not represent the 82% of the minority folks here in the City. Jackson has good people both black and white, she has good food, art and music. The community needs water pressurized at the tap, sewer that stays underground and safe streets to live on. That is it! That should be the Administration's only focus. Since the current administration has other priorities, the Feds have taken the water, I would assume the sewer is next, so the State must answering the need for safety.

Anonymous said...

What Jeff Good says regarding his belief about the best way out of this cluster created by Antar Numbnuts is his opinion, which he entitled to and can express as he pleases. All you jackasses threatening to never darken his door again can suck it. He is entitled to his opinion. No less than you are to yours!!!! At least he is man enough to stand behind His comments with his name, unlike all un-named keyboard warriors.

Mican Gober said...

All I'm saying that my property values have tripled since Chokwe Antar Lumumba has been Mayor. I hope they keep on electing him again for another term.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see that a local restaurateur is up in arms about this proposed bill in the state legislature. And what is the cause of his distress, you ask? Why, the bill is "undemocratic," of course!

Ha! The absurdity of it all. The man is a restaurateur, not a political philosopher. How is it that he fancies himself an expert on matters of democracy and governance?

I suppose it is the curse of our times that everyone feels entitled to express their opinions, regardless of their ignorance on the subject. But fear not, my friend, for I am here to offer some much-needed perspective.

Let us consider the facts. The bill aims to reduce crime and improve the quality of life for the citizens of our community. It would increase funding for the police, judges, and prosecutors, and create a new judicial district to better serve the needs of our community.

And yet, the restaurateur sees fit to object to this on the grounds that it is "undemocratic." Pish posh! I ask you, how is it undemocratic to take steps to protect the safety and wellbeing of our citizens?

I shall say no more on the matter, for it is a waste of my time and intellect to engage with such ill-informed objections. I must go and attend to more pressing matters. Good day to you!

Anonymous said...

I will not enter Jackson after nightfall. It is far too dangerous. I never imagined that our State Capitol would become so crime ridden causing citizens state-wide to avoid.

Anonymous said...

The sagacity displayed by @2:07 is astounding.

Anonymous said...

Feb 9 155pm
He isnt stupid enough to run b/c he's fully aware that nearly all the people he panders and virtue signals to wouldnt vote for him due to his skin color and that of his likely opponent.

MBrookes said...

I'm not sure exactly how to say this, but there are an awful lot of opinionated cowards on this site. I don't always express the most popular opinions, but they are always under my name. Would someone please explain why "Anonymous" writes almost every post on this site?

Anonymous said...

If you check out Next Door Neighbor Jeff Good also posted there about this matter. Unbelievably the comments from his Jackson neighbors support his position. It boggles my mind that these people, who don’t mind monetary help from everyone else, yet can’t see how deep the hole is they are in or any realistic plan for how to get out. I’m shocked. It’s like they can’t see the forest for the trees. Maybe it’s the water they’re drinking!!! If they have all the answers why have they waited until now to fix it?

Anonymous said...

5:56: "At least he is man enough to stand behind His comments with his name, unlike all un-named keyboard warriors."
You mean like yourself ?

Anonymous said...

All I'm saying that my property values have tripled since Chokwe Antar Lumumba has been Mayor.

That's a lie.....why don't you say your property values have gone up ten thousand percent. If you are going to lie.....lie big.

People are leaving Jackson like their hair is on fire. There are no increasing property values here. Lumumba has turned it into a toilet.

Anonymous said...

When they explain where the Seimens money has gone. why cannot we still get a water bill? Im sorry but any money given to Jackson must be monitored. When you can name me a few things Jackson is managing well or accomplishments, we will talk.

Anonymous said...

To put things in perspective would Jeff Good Let the city of Jackson manage one of his restaurants for a year. It would be boarded up within 6 months. I know what purists are saying and we could have had this discussion ten years ago but it would be fiscal malpractice to give Jackson money without supervision.

Anonymous said...

@8:47 P.M. B.S. If he ran for mayor as a Democrat he would win easily. You obviously do not understand these voters. I doubt if you care.

Anonymous said...

5:24 I hope you are right. And I hope Jeff ran the numbers and decided the risk was worth the reward.

I've been enjoying Cowboy cookies there since before you were born, but I am sure he will be fine without my business. And that is ok with me.

Anonymous said...

1:34 and others
You all seem to fail to actually follow the money.
You assume money exists that doesn't. You don't see how money doesn't arrive where you think it did.
In short, you have NOT bothered to actually find out why government does or doesn't "work" in Mississippi or why some areas benefit while others are starved of funds.
Hint: Mississippi lacks the tax base to do much of anything. It relies on federal money and the State controls how most of that is spent. Moreover, sales tax goes into the General Fund regardless of where the revenue is generated. Have you look at the General Fund dollars?
If those of you ranting against Jeff had cared about YOUR State CAPITOL, you would 1) not have abandoned it 2) maintained
and managed so as to be self sustaining while you had control 3) demanded good governance so that bribes and RFPs written to favor one company never happened.

Anonymous said...

10:59 its easy to post your name triumphantly when you support Woke culture or liberal talking points.

I don't begrudge you or Jeff your opinions.

But don't pretend you are held to the same level of mass cancel-culture demands that ANY conservative opinion faces today. You have an army of support from the President to the Mayor behind your view points. Its pretty easy to canonize yourself when the risk incurred is so minimal.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, 9:36.
The old' you should have stayed in Jackson and let your children suffer suggestion.
I think I speak for most of us who left when the bullets began to fly and the judges refused to lock them up, when I laugh heartily at your advice. You silly goose.

Anonymous said...

1:24 said: "It would be a sad day for Madison, for Hattiesburg, for Biloxi, for any city if their plight was so bad the state legislature thought their normal voting rights should be suspended so that the state could carve out a new district within their city. If it's necessary then it's sad. Why would anyone but a racist bigot be happy about it?"

I'm white, and I live in Madison. If Madison's crime had skyrocketed, our infrastructure was crumbling, and our schools were failing to educate my children, and our City leaders we're doing nothing about it, I would welcome the State's help in coming in and trying to help fix things. So, 1:24, does that mean I'm a racist bigot towards my own race ?

This is not about race, 1:24. This is about trying to do right by the citizens of the City of Jackson and help provide them the most basic needs that the City is failing to give, an education, and reliable drinkable water. There can be no doubt that City leaders have failed the citizens of Jackson for decades now. Crime has soared, the schools are failing, the infrastructure is crumbling, and there was no running or drinkable water for over a month. It boggles me that some residents are not appreciative of the fact that the State is trying to help.

Mayor Lumumba has repeatedly said that he needs to take radical action to make Jackson better for its citizens, Well, the State has taken an admittedly radical step towards trying to help to, but yet now the Mayor says that radical action is not needed.

I do not blame all of Jackson's woes on this Mayor, but the fact remains that he too has done NOTHING to make the above things better. He "talks" about making them better, but the truth is he has not "walked the walked" and actually made them better. In fact, they've only gotten worse. That's not because he's black. It's because he just doesn't know how to do it or what to do.

As another poster above pointed out, the Supreme Court has for years appointed Special Circuit Court judges in Hinds County to help with the backlog in its judicial system, and everyone was fine with that and appreciated the help. Now the legislature wants the Supreme Court to appoint a few more special judges, and everyone screams racism, a denial of democracy, etc. Why now ? Why haven't they complained when the Supreme Court appointed the other special judges ? Should the Supreme Court remove/withdraw the existing appointed judges and never provide any in the future ?

Honestly this is so confusing. The City needs help and asks for help. If it's not given, the City screams racism, but then when it is given, the City screams racism. Which is it ?

Anonymous said...

If Jeff could name ONE single thing that the current leaders HAVE improved...I would be willing to listen to him.

Does Jeff allow his staff to make years of mistakes that affect the safety of his customers?
Would an employee of his remain employed if that employee cost Jeff millions in revenue?

Because that is what Jackson's city leaders have done.

Skin tone be damned, ask yourself why is he lobbying so hard for these failed leaders to be allowed to continue to ruin the city?

Anonymous said...

10:36-Agree fully and well said.

The city wants help.
But only in the form of federal funds that may be spent as they see fit, with no oversight.

And they seem utterly dumbfounded that, even based on years of factual mismanagement, this free money is not being provided.

It must be racist.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is suspending "normal voting rights".

Anonymous said...

When you have no logical arguments in support of your position, scream racism. Typical.

Anonymous said...

Imagine paying a plumber after he visits, only to discover he fixed nothing and caused new water and gas leaks. After several customers have same experience, they hire other, more professional plumbers to remedy mistakes and call for authorities to sanction the fake plumber

Lil Choke is not only a fake mayor of a Capitol city, an incompetent disgrace to its people and the whole state, he proclaims the EPA takeover, resulting from the Mayor breaking several EPA consent decrees and the Clean Water Act, is an intentional coup by him, the mayor.

Anonymous said...

10:36 I agree you are confused. If your hometown of Madison were in the shape Jackson is in would that not be a sad day? And would it not be sad if because of Madison's inability to handle it's business the state (or the feds) had to pronounce you unfit to vote for county officials like all other counties or cities in the state in which you live. That would be a sad day. And if someone was happy at your plight they obviously don't like you for some reason. It may be necessary but it is still a sad day. Sad. Is it not? That's what was said at 1:24.
Also, Judges appointed to fill unexpired terms, hear cases where Judges recuse, or reduce dockets happens all the time statewide and do not involve creation of a new jurisdiction. The appointed Judge works under and within the jurisdiction of the County or Circuit to which he is assigned for the designated purpose only. The jurisdiction still must hold regular elections for the judges in that district. This bill will make an exception. I hope this helps eliminate your confusion.

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I get this clearly:
1. Jackson leads the world (literally) in murders per capita.
2. Jackson's remaining crime is at the top of the list in almost every category and particularly car jacking.
3. Belhaven as a neighborhood is totally under siege and downtown as a business district is collapsing.
4. Our current court system remains and is constantly backlogged.
5. 15 years old's are killing 15 year old's as a matter of course.
6. The overwhelming majority of violent crime that is committed, is done by a prior offender.....almost every time. Check it out.
7. Our local jail is a seine joke and has been taken over by federal court order because it is grossly out of compliance.
8. We are (still) 300 officers below the suggested force needed in the Maple-Linder 1997 police force study.
9. All over the city, people are simply fearful to get out after dark.
10. Our Mayor is simply not close to up to the task. Nothing here that government is in charge of works....jail, zoo, water, sewer, airport, garbage, libraries, school system, infrastructure, streets, cooperation with other cities, JRA, etc etc.
11. Check out your property values if you live here. They are well, WELL below the 8 communities around us.
We need help and it is being offered by the legislature, but like everything in this state, predictable racial oppression is being screamed by the Black Caucus.
My God say thank you. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

The State is trying to save the embarrassment for the city by not publicly saying the city is incompetent. Its not black or white matter. Its whether you are competent or not. But Basically, I guess we should start each hearing, press conference with the " The EPA (yes, that is the EPA under the Biden Administration) told a federal judge that the city has failed, and is incompetent, to run the system. "

Anonymous said...

9:24 If there is one thing the "state" is not concerned about it's embarrassing the city of Jackson. I agree with everything else you said but that's the last thing most of those guys are concerned about. Check out the governors statement about "Gettin' out of Jackson". They WANT to embarrass Jacktown.

Anonymous said...

Someone one told me there are people who would rather be in charge of a mess than actually fix a problem. I said No way but I apologize they are right. We are close to helping with several Jackson problems and these Black for a living (Credit Kim wade) are trying to confuse the people. Do You want safe clean and reliable water, do you want to feel safe in your home and shopping. If the answer is yes, tell the financial prostitutes to hit the road.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's not possible for me to spend less in any of Jeff's restaurants than I did last year. However, I do resolve to never spend a penny in any of them in the future.

Anonymous said...

12:09 Jackson deserves LOTS & LOTS of public embarrassment.

Krusatyr said...

143 comments on board, perhaps a record, most denigrate Jeff Good's odd support of disgraceful governance.

Anonymous said...

The existing Judges are kings they work very little. They take staff on elaborate vacations. They write orders the the Board of Supervisors for furniture ect.

This will help the Good boys restaurants. In turn I will start going back to them.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS