Sunday, May 1, 2022

Scenes from a Shootout & Update

WARNING: Graphic Photo Posted Below!!!

The investigation into last night's shootout at the Mudbug Festival is moving fast as law enforcement is working feverishly to figure out what took place last night..  Here is what we know so far: 

* The shootout took place in the parking lot between the Trademart and Greymont.  

* Two groups shot at each other.  There is evidence shots were fired into the crowd.  Over 50, maybe 100 casings are at the crime scene. Shots were fired from a vehicle.  The vehicle is recovered. 

* Shell casings indicate at least 4 different firearms were used.  Two Dracos and a 9mm pistol with a high-capacity magazine were recovered.  Two rifles were recovered ( The Dracos may be confused for the rifles).  

* Several law enforcement agencies were present at the scene.  Hinds Deputies and Capitol Police worked the fairgrounds.  JPD works outside the perimeter as it does for the fair.  

* Police have been unable to identify the deceased.  He is thought to be a juvie.  

*  There is quite a bit of footage of the incident from security cameras and body cams.  Police are still processing the videos and trying to figure out exactly what happened.  

* Six people were shot. 

* Police arrested two juveniles.  More arrests may be forthcoming. 

Needless to say, police fear retaliation will take place as violence continues to spiral in Jackson.  A woman caught in the crossfire posted her experience as well as this picture of the deceased on Facebook. 

Sheriff Tyree Jones posted this statement on his personal Facebook page: 


You know exactly what your children are doing in these streets. You know the life they’re living, yet there’s no accountability or intervention. Children don’t wake up and decide to commit violent crimes, there are so many precursors in existence before it gets to a stage of violence. If those precursors are ignored and unaddressed, a level of comfort and condoning mend between the children and their homes. Unfortunately, so many people are victimized and put in compromising situations due to the lack of simple responsibility. The police should never be responsible for raising your children but we do bear the ultimate responsibility of jailing your children and getting their lifeless bodies off the asphalt due to so much negligence. It’s never easy for police and first responders, however the obligation supersedes and personnel must perform accordingly.
What happened last night, was failure on so many moving parts and it was SAD.
Where’s the village? We damn sure need it!

Posted below are some videos that were shot during and after the shootout at the Mudbug Festival last night. 


Anonymous said...

“I watched this baby take his last breath”

How much does anyone want to bet this “baby” had a criminal record. We need to stop calling thugs “babies”.

Anonymous said...

My family had plans on going to the mud bug festival but the kids said it was too hot to wear body armor and helmets!

The Mayor and his people wasn’t in attendance either, because it’s too dangerous!

All that Law Enforcement at the Festival and no one saw shit nor was arrested. Bullshit!

Just a little humor in a sad, sad situation!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sheriff for saying what needs to be said. I hope
you get the jail you deserve to catch and hold and rehabilitate thugs like this.

Anonymous said...

There is more to come-you can count on it.

No blessings for these thugs! said...

Well stated Sheriff. The truth hurts, because it should.

Anonymous said...

I thought that changing the state flag and blaming everything on gun shows and open-carry was going to fix all of this, right? Was that only a perception?

Anonymous said...

The drone video appears to be from the fair. Not the festival.

Anonymous said...

Metal detectors at all events and clear bags. Thugs should be wanded as well. Only way to be safe.

Anonymous said...

"Police fear retaliation will take place ..." That's the same as saying this was gangs shooting at each other. It means gangs control the streets of Jackson. Way to go, Antar - your dreams have been realized.

Anonymous said...

What and when is the next event so that I can stock up on ammo?

Anonymous said...

How could any of the attendees conclude that this would be a safe event? In Jackistan? Because cowboy Andy stated that it would be safe? Seriously? Want to bet that Andy had some LE security with him?

Anonymous said...

Chance given, Chance taken to host an event in just about the most dangerous city in the state.
Youth screwed it up for you all.

Sheriff is right.
Parents, where are your kids when not at home, who are they with, who are they hurting? Why?

Anonymous said...

What does the mayor of Jackson have to say now?

Anonymous said...

These prep school rivalries have finally crossed the line. That many kids with access to their fathers’ safes full of legally purchased firearms and it was only a matter of time before the Midway got shot up.

Anonymous said...

What are the odds that a drone just happened to be flying right at the very moment all this started? 🧐

Anonymous said...

3:01, This took place in the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Which of Lil Choke's people got the ambulance concession for St. Patrick's parade?

Anonymous said...

Shootings like this are usually gang related. Gangs are now starting to take over major cities in the U.S., just as they've already done in Mexico. There's an endless supply of drugs flooding through our out-of-control open border that's funding them.

Why is it so much worse now than pre-Covid? Covid policies exacerbated the problem: refusing to detain criminals, emptying jails, closing schools. Gang members released from jail or prison don't just commit more crimes personally, they also recruit new members. All of the idle, unsupervised youth make easy targets, yet we still have "remote learning days" every time a rainstorm comes through. "Remote learning" means no learning at all for at-risk youth, and plenty of time to get in trouble.

In Mexico, gangs bribe government officials for the right to control an area. It's very possible the same is happening here.

Despite the constant outcry from citizens, Chokwe seems not to care at all about the crime wave taking over our city.


Anonymous said...

The new sheriff may be for real.

Let's see if he'll back up his words with action and declare a jihad against this type of violence.

The animals that commit these types of crimes need to be locked up forever so, the rest of us can enjoy our lives.

Anonymous said...

3:26 PM
The JA/Prep rivalry is getting out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Juveniles typically don't do real time unless they kill someone. JPD and HCSO arrest the same people over and over until they finally get the Hinds County DA to prosecute them for a murder charge when they eventually kill their 2nd or 3rd person. Everyone in the precinct knows who the local bad guys are, where they live, and how many times charges have been dropped or just not followed through on.

Chowke's Drug Boys said...

Kudos to the officer who put one of these thugs down and gave him a dirt nap. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.


Anonymous said...

4:15, excellent comment

And I am SUPER stoked about the sheriff. Fingers crossed that he gets the support he needs and deserves.

Anonymous said...

According to WLBT, this "baby" is believed to have been one of the shooters.

Anonymous said...

@4:15 pm

Do you know if this was gang related?

Anonymous said...

is this related to the 2 recent shootings on/near Sedgewick in NE Jackson?

Anonymous said...

They just need to cancel all future plans for any festivals, parades or get togethers in Jackson for the foreseeable future.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff needs backup from prosecutors and detention space. But why should Council approve budget to fund extra detention if Lil Choke redirects the funds?

Anonymous said...

Has Hinds SO or JPD gotten any ARPA FUNDS??

Anonymous said...

Good job Sheriff, glad you are elected and not controlled by the Board of Supervisors or a spineless Mayor. We support you and you are in our prayers. My God continue to give to wisdom and support. I’m usually critical in my weekly comments on this blog, but you are a blessing to the County!

You seem to be genuinely sincere! The County must continue to be behind you!

Now, let’s go after them dope boys and throw their asses away!

Let them go to MDOC and let their pants hang! As Sheriff Mason says I smell ass!


MBrookes said...

Has the mayor said ANYTHING? How can he not?

Anonymous said...

@209, this 'po little baby' that you saw take his last breath was one of those trying to take the breath out of others. He wasn't caught up in the crossfire, he was the crossfire. Hate it for him that he had no better sense, but thankfully this 'po little baby' won't be around to do this again and again, trying to take other people's breath.

2:59 - keep up. This was the Mudbug festival. Yes, they had rides, and booths and all that other stuff that ALSO is at the fair. But no, don't think anybody could or would try to substitute a fair video in this instance.

Sam said...

Spot on Sheriff Jones!

Anonymous said...

Big Ass gun lying next to da Baby!

Anonymous said...

Fatherless homes and lack of accountability in the culture. There, I said it. And the fact that Lumumba hasn’t been all over the airwaves speaks volumes. F that guy. I wish he would come out in public and I would say it to his face, but he’s a ______ and he hides behind his NE Jackson home while he ruins the city.

Anonymous said...

In response to 4:15: Jackson has set a new per-capita homicide record in each year that Lumumba has been in office. It set outright records in each of the last two years.

Last year, Jackon's homicide rate was triple that of Chicago, and double Detroit's. Jackson has the highest homicide rate in the U.S. at more than 100 per 100,000, which is worse than Tijuana.

This took off when Lumumba first came to power, in his first year in office. Something is going on in Jackson. It isn't COVID, and it isn't just a national trend.

Anonymous said...

6:35 Mac probably could have finagled it based on years of relationships, but these are different times. Everything’s kind of been reset to zero for several years now and the needle just ain’t moving. You

Anonymous said...

6:35 Mac probably could have finagled it based on years of relationships, but these are different times. Everything’s kind of been reset to zero for several years now and the needle just ain’t moving. You

Anonymous said...

LuDUMBa is the worst mayor in the country and that is saying alot

Kingfish said...

Nah. Mac and his crew would have done it, you're right, they were very sloppy and ignored the rules but the feds would eventually come calling and want the money back.

Anonymous said...

Cmsr. Gipson:
"Please join me in praying and working for Law, Order and Peace. Rampant crime in the City of Jackson, Mississippi’s Capital City, is by no means a new phenomenon - but it has definitely reached a new and heightened level of danger that is affecting not only communities within the City of Jackson proper, but families, businesses and events in the surrounding metro area, as well as our entire State. From a shooting just outside the Governor’s Mansion in January, to a shooting in the Fairgrounds parking lot last night, this crime must stop and I am equipped and prepared to help lead the charge to stop it. Criminals have come to believe they can enter and exit the revolving door of the Hinds County judicial system with a mere slap on the wrist. Those days must end and they must end now. The broken judicial system of Hinds County must be corrected voluntarily, or if not voluntarily then it must be corrected by serious Legislative action creating a new state judicial district where these criminals will in fact be arrested, incarcerated, tried, convicted and sent to prison for a long, long time. Poorly conceived legislation weakening our judicial system must be reversed. The events of this year demonstrate clearly - it is past time for there to be dramatic and drastic changes in Hinds County; changes that will safeguard law abiding citizens while simultaneously holding criminals accountable for their actions. Let me be clear: law enforcement is not at fault. The judicial system whereby criminals are allowed to go unpunished is to blame. It is this system I vow to boldly attack and to change for the future of our Capital City and for the future of the State Mississippi. I pledge my efforts and I call on city and county officials, district attorneys, judges, all local churches, all district and statewide officials, and the Legislature to join me in this pursuit. And I hope you will join me in this endeavor in prayer and in action - to once again bring LAW and ORDER and PEACE back to the City of Jackson, Mississippi. More details to come."

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile over on the East bank of the Pearl River down around Florence we had a really great mud bug boil to raise funds for the Shriners children’s hospitals. Lots of fun, fellowship and good food. I did nor hear even one harsh word spoken and certainly no one was shot. The bold new city on the west bank has become a disgraceful 3rd world garbage dump. If you can’t figure out the reason you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is gonna go to the fairgrounds! Cowboy and his crew have taken over all events down there and trying to run them in house😂😂. But they don’t have to follow the same guidelines regarding required security. There should have been law enforcement all over the place instead of off duty “security” guards. Look at the videos of the fights that took place. One guy trying to break up a mob😂😂😂👍👍. I got a feeling there’s gonna be some serious lawsuits come out of this debacle!!!

Anonymous said...

9:39, So the Commissioner of Agriculture, who happens to be a former business lawyer, is going to overhaul the Hjnds County criminal justice system? I think maybe his head has swelled to fill his hat.

Anonymous said...

@3:19 It would be more accurate to strike “just about” and insert “country” for “state.” After all, Jackson is the undisputed occupant of the #1 spot in U.S. homicides per capita. With 100 homicides per 100,000, there’s not even a close second. (St. Louis=64.45 per 100,000). If Wikipedia didn’t limit its global list to populations of 300,000+, Jackson would be #3 in the WORLD, outpaced only by Tijuana and Juarez.

Before C. Antar Lumumba took office, 85ish was the highest per annum homicide count. In his 5 years as Mayor, homicides have DOUBLED. He is either too prideful, too ashamed, or too deeply mired in denial to admit that he has neither a plan or idea one of what it takes to actually govern. That he continues to trot out the same empty rhetoric about root causes and social inequities is both confounding and revealing. This is a Mayor who, for whatever reason, is incapable of growing into the office. He may have put his feet in his father’s shoes, but he will never fill them.

Kingfish said...

Actually it was 92 it so. But under Yarber and Vance, it was in the 60s. It went up to the UPS in Lumumba's first year and went up every year afterwards. Every single year of his reign has tanked in the top five of Jackson homicides at the time.

Anonymous said...

“We” had law and order in this city at one time but somehow “We” lost control of it to a liberal group who views law enforcement and basic laws to be something they do not want in their midst. Sad, but true. If you sent these criminals to Ukraine to fight they would scream like little kids. The Sheriff stated what needed to be said but it could have been a lot more harsh. Just call it like it is. This “single parent somewhat of a family unit” AIN’T workin’!

Anonymous said...

Recall Lumumba

Anonymous said...

“We” had law and order in this city at one time but somehow “We” lost control of it to a liberal group who views law enforcement and basic laws to be something they do not want in their midst. Sad, but true. If you sent these criminals to Ukraine to fight they would scream like little kids. The Sheriff stated what needed to be said but it could have been a lot more harsh. Just call it like it is. This “single parent somewhat of a family unit” AIN’T workin’!

Anonymous said...

3:01, This took place in the parking lot. May 1, 2022 at 4:00 PM

So, what the fuck! Wand them before they park. Set up a damned perimeter checkpoint, get out of the vehicle, search the vehicle, want the patrons, move on. If it takes three hours to get people in and costs a million dollars, let the event organizer pay it. How else you gonna handle a damned war zone?

Anonymous said...

Two facts from all this mudbug shootings.
1. The Mayor said Jackson is a safe city (said after the shootings).
2. Our newly elected Sheriff is the real thing. What we need at this time.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS