Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mississippi's Congressmen: Obamacare for thee but not for me?

Little-covered by the "mainstream media" are the exemptions to Obamacare issued to all members of Congress and their employees.  Yup, the Obama Administration and Congress, including Democrats and Republicans, suddenly became bipartisan buddies when it came to sticking you with Obamacare, as they carved out some exemptions for themselves.   The Wall Street Journal reported in an August editorial:

the statute means that about 11,000 Members and Congressional staff will lose the generous coverage they now have as part of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). Instead they will get the lower-quality, low-choice "Medicaid Plus" of the exchanges. The Members—annual salary: $174,000—and their better paid aides also wouldn't qualify for ObamaCare subsidies. That means they could be exposed to thousands of dollars a year in out-of-pocket insurance costs.

The result was a full wig out on Capitol Hill, with Members of both parties fretting about "brain drain" as staff face higher health-care costs. Democrats in particular begged the White House for help, claiming the Reid language was merely an unintentional mistake. President Obama told Democrats in a closed-door meeting last week that he would personally moonlight as HR manager and resolve the issue.

And now the White House is suspending the law to create a double standard. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that runs federal benefits will release regulatory details this week, but leaks to the press suggest that Congress will receive extra payments based on the FEHBP defined-contribution formula, which covers about 75% of the cost of the average insurance plan. For 2013, that's about $4,900 for individuals and $10,000 for families. Article

Congress live by the same rules as the rest of us? The horror. However, Senator David Vitter and some congressmen decided to fight this unlawful double standard and filed bills in the House and Senate. Vitter's S #1497 states:

‘(iii) GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTION- No Government contribution under section 8906 of title 5, United States Code, shall be provided on behalf of an individual who is a Member of Congress, a congressional staff member, the President, the Vice President, or a political appointee for coverage under this paragraph.

‘(iv) LIMITATION ON AMOUNT OF TAX CREDIT OR COST-SHARING- An individual enrolling in health insurance coverage pursuant to this paragraph shall not be eligible to receive a tax credit under section 36B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or reduced cost sharing under section 1402 of this Act in an amount that exceeds the total amount for which a similarly situated individual (who is not so enrolled) would be entitled to receive under such sections.

‘(v) LIMITATION ON DISCRETION FOR DESIGNATION OF STAFF- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Member of Congress shall not have discretion in determinations with respect to which employees employed by the office of such Member are eligible to enroll for coverage through an Exchange.’.

H.B. #3076 has similar language. Didn't take long for the Empire to strike back. The Journal reported in an editorial Saturday:

his colleagues haven't taken too kindly to Mr. Vitter's candor. First GOP staffers colluded with their counterparts across the aisle to prevent Mr. Vitter from attaching his measure to an unrelated energy bill. When their cloakroom mugging failed, Majority Leader Harry Reid pulled the whole thing from the floor in part to prevent an up-or-down vote.

Mr. Reid then held a tetchy press conference to denounce "these really juvenile political games" and claim that "we'll be treated like the rest of the federal employees." Yet Members are supposed to join the exchanges to experience ObamaCare first-hand like their constituents, not from the vantage point of a cushy federal job

Mr. Reid's defensive crouch shows that perks for the political class are impossible for the political class to defend in public. Me-thee favoritism resonates at a visceral level like few other issues, and while the press corps didn't notice, the subject came up constantly at town halls over the recess. An August poll by the conservative group Independent Women's Voice found that 92% of likely voters think the exemption is unfair, regardless of their view of ObamaCare. Even 88% of Democrats are opposed.

The larger mystery is the Republican cone of silence, unless this is merely a conflict between their wallets and their principles, and their wallets won. Advertising to voters that they're for sale for as little as five grand isn't the best way to win an election, but some Members really are that dumb...." Editorial

One Senator went so far as to file a bill banning anyone who voted for the Vitter amendment from receiving the benefits. Where exactly does Mississippi's Congressional delegation stand on this special treatment for Congress? Congressman Gregg Harper loves to tell Republicans how much he hates Obamacare and we need to stop it.  He stood up more than a few times at one particular Republican breakfast held every month and said so. Congressman Palazzo loves to talk about being a real conservative. Same for Nunnelee. Bennie? Lost cause. Our two Republican Senators? Read for yourself. Senator Thad Cochran in 2009:

“I believe the Senate’s legislation, like that which passed the House of Representatives, is flawed and overreaches in the scope of the reforms it is trying to force on the American people and our health care system,” Cochran said.

“We need to reform our nation’s health care system, but this is not reform. It is bad policy for the American people and the long-term finances of our country. It will make health insurance premiums go up. It will cut Medicare by $500 billion. It will force cash-strapped states like Mississippi to expand Medicaid. It will raise taxes on individuals, businesses and the health care industry. Furthermore, it is bad for small businesses,” he said. Article

Senator Roger Wicker in a 2010 statement:
“Even though most of the major provisions of the health care takeover will not go into effect until 2014, Mississippians are already experiencing its harmful effects,” said Wicker. “Once fully implemented, the negative implications will be even more far-reaching. This government takeover is the wrong approach to lowering health care costs, which remain the greatest barrier to care. Earlier this year, I voted to repeal the President’s unpopular health care law. The Senate had an opportunity to show the American people that we are listening by overturning the measure, but the vote failed. I remain committed to repealing it and replacing it with solutions to bring down health care costs.

All but Bennie oppose Obamacare. Got it? Will ruin the economy. Burdens small businesses.  Takes away your freedom.  Will kill the healthcare system. Moves us closer to European socialism.  Blah blah blah.  Check out the list of sponsors for each bill:

Senate Bill #1497: Enzi, Michael [R-WY], Heller, Dean [R-NV], Inhofe, James “Jim” [R-OK], Johnson, Ron [R-WI], Lee, Mike [R-UT], Cruz, Ted [R-TX]

House Bill #3076: Rep Amodei, Mark E. [NV-2], Rep Barr, Andy [KY-6], Rep Boustany, Charles W., Jr. [LA-3], Rep Cassidy, Bill [LA-6], Rep Chabot, Steve [OH-1], Rep Collins, Chris [NY-27], Rep Cotton, Tom [AR-4], Rep Daines, Steve [MT], Rep Duncan, Jeff [SC-3], Rep Flores, Bill [TX-17], Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11], Rep Gohmert, Louie [TX-1], Rep Jordan, Jim [OH-4], Rep Kingston, Jack [GA-1], Rep Latta, Robert E. [OH-5], Rep Massie, Thomas [KY-4], Rep Meadows, Mark [NC-11], Rep Mulvaney, Mick [SC-5], Rep Rokita, Todd [IN-4], Rep Ross, Dennis A. [FL-15], Rep Rothfus, Keith J. [PA-12], Rep Salmon, Matt [AZ-5], Rep Sanford, Mark [SC-1], Rep Shuster, Bill [PA-9], Rep Simpson, Michael K. [ID-2], Rep Smith, Jason T. [MO-8], Rep Walorski, Jackie [IN-2], Rep Wenstrup, Brad R. [OH-2], Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3], Rep Yoho, Ted S. [FL-3]

Notice any names missing from these lists of sponsors? Cochran, Harper, Nunnelly, Pallazo, and Wicker. They all hate Obamacare. They all want to stop it. They hate it so much they are AWOL when it comes to cashing out on Obamacare for themselves and their employees. How hard is it really to have an aide contact the sponsor or clerk and attach their name to the bill? This is not an issue of being a liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, or even Whole Foods v. Piggly Wiggly. It's simply us versus them. "Them" being the politicians and their lackeys who think they are too good to obey the same laws as the rest of us. "Them" who illegally rewrite laws on the fly if it means they can profit from doing so. Each congressman and senator can reduce his office spending and use his budget to give his employees a contribution to cover health insurance as Senator Tom Coburn has done. However, he is apparently the only true conservative in practice. The law says we, the people, will not pay for special treatment for our overlords and the political class. We are not their subjects and the states are not the provinces of an empire named Washington DC.

The Feeble Five should quit talking about stopping Obamacare and instead start stopping the Obamacare carve outs they will enjoy next week, their personal wallets be damned. Fighting this battle is a winner with both Republicans and Democrats.  If there an issue for the Feeble Five to stand and fight on principal, these exemptions are it.  However, Mississippians have a long history of being abused by their politicians and subjected to double standards.  Such apparently is the case when it comes to Obamacare as this issue shows the true nature of our leaders.

"Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax that man behind the tree" is an old slogan.  The new slogan of our leaders is "Obamacare you, Obamacare that man behind the tree, just don't Obamacare me.  Obamacare everyone but me."

Kingfish note: Now that everyone knows the bill numbers, I am going to call all congressional offices today and tomorrow to see where they stand on these bills.  Consider this a heads-up to the press secretaries.  Results will be reported.


Anonymous said...

They did the same for themselves with social security, in which they don't have to contribute/participate.

Anonymous said...

While you're calling those senators, ask them where they stand on the cloture vote, pretty please.

Anonymous said...

This is incredibly disappointing. It is no wonder approval ratings are so low.

Anonymous said...

That is outrageous! Do as I say, not as I do. All of our incumbent congressmen and senators need to face primary challnegers. Will some real leaders with backbone please stand up ?!?

Anonymous said...

Our Senators and Representatives make me sick. The ONLY thing that they are concerned with is 'good publicity' and their reelection. They have turned into scared little dogs, running and hiding.

They represent the exact reason the R party is split in two. Their part, the ones who have decided that they are special and better than the lowly American or Mississippian, have forgotten what their job is. Their part is a very small group. The rest of us are the majority and are sick and tired of this crap. You have totally re-written the term PUBLIC SERVANT. And we have left you.

We will not vote for you because you have a “R” after your name. We will not support you in any way because you do not stand up for your constituents. We will not vote for a “D” but if you are the only option on the ballot, we simply will not go vote. Gone are the days of—well, I don’t like him but he’s better than the other guy. No more.

Boys, change the "R" to a "D" and be done with it. And for God's sake, yall do know there’s something called the internet, right? Smile and wave all you want, but you can’t hide. And may I suggest that you contact Mike Lee and/or Ted Cruz. They will explain what a backbone is. And its not the stick that the Dems and the old-school Repubs have shoved up your butt.

Good point, 9:56 am. On 9/25, the Senate voted on cloture on the motion to proceed to H Res 59 that funds gov and defunds Obamacare. This was procedural step to continue debate before final cloture vote to end the debate on the bill.


Anonymous said...

Bravo 10:38 ! You communicate well what the masses are thinking.

Disgusted Republican said...

Thank you, Kingfish! C-L is too busy telling us where to party in Fondren to take the time and effort to keep Mississippians informed. Thank you, again.

Anonymous said...

The smell of serious worry is in the air.

POLITICO: Mitch McConnell backs cutting Obamacare subsidies

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: “I don’t think that members of Congress ought to be treated any differently in any way from anybody else in America. We should not get any carveouts from Obamacare.
“I’m totally opposed to any preferential or special treatments for members of Congress when it comes to Obamacare”.

Mbrookes said...

What I would really like to see is a Constitutional amendment that says any law passed by Congress will apply to all American citizens.

Anonymous said...

They have long claimed that in so doing, they are insulating themselves from charges of 'self interest', crafting bills into law that will benefit them personally, therefore, if exempt, hey, they MUST be disinterested personally.

They've also long exempted themselves from the mandates of certain employment laws, such as sexual harassment and overtime for employees.

But, hell, is this any worse than diplomatic immunity? Not only does the emperor have no clothes. He has no boundaries.

Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised 9:56 AM when RINO Wicker votes for cloture then against the bill after Reid guts it.

That is EXACTLY what RINO Wicker did in advance of the illegal immigration criminal forgiveness (amnesty) bill.

He doesn't think that Mississippians are smart enough to understand the rigged game and that the real action is the cloture vote.

Anonymous said...

It is no longer a waft or hint. The smell of serious worry grows stronger yet.

BLOOMBERG: Democrat Manchin Breaks Ranks to Back Mandate Delay

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia broke ranks with fellow Democrats and said he’d support a stopgap spending plan that delays the individual mandate in President Barack Obama’s health-care law.

“There’s no way I could not vote for it,” Manchin said at a Bloomberg Government breakfast today. “It’s very reasonable and sensible.”
“Don’t put the mandate on the American public right now,” Manchin said. “Give them at least a year. If you know you couldn’t bring the corporate sector, you gave them a year, don’t you think it’d be fair?”

Anonymous said...

Just read where Rand Paul wants Chief Justice Roberts, all federal workers, to enroll in Obamacare.

Makes sense to me.....

Anonymous said...

What you would think Republican politicians should realize by now is that, unlike Democrat voters, Republican voters tend to be "principled" - often times, even to their own detriment. What I mean is: irrespective of what stance a Democrat politician takes, a Democrat voter will vote for him/her. They could care less what the Democrat politician stands for, the Democrat party affiliation is the only thing important to a Democrat voter. However, Republican voters tend to vote for what they see as being right vs. wrong, and unfortunately, as an example being the last Presidential election, they often times don't consider the consequences strongly enough. (e.g., I believe many Republicans stayed home in 2012 because they thought Romney "isn't a real conservative" or "he is a Mormon" or "he isn't charismatic", etc. - rather than voting against the factual record of a guy who is clearly the most inept, yet dangerous, president in American history). To summarize what I'm saying: our elected State officials need to strongly consider the principled nature of their constituents. Just like we saw in the 2006 House changeover, the Republican voters will vote their convictions over party, and they'll send any wrong-voting S.O.B.'s home just to teach them a lesson, even if it means cutting off their noses to spite their faces!

I'm certainly not suggesting that's a wise plan of action on the part of Republican voters. I'm just saying we've all observed them doing it more than once!

Anonymous said...

Chris McDaniel will crush Cochran!

Anonymous said...

@1:22 pm, “…even if it means cutting off their noses to spite their faces!”

To be absolutely crystal clear: if the republican party puts up a monkey’s ass as the candidate, it is THEIR FAULT when their chosen one doesn’t win the election. It is NOT the fault of the voters for not being stupid enough to put that monkey’s ass in office.

For those who think some are turning, understand what the old school repubs are talking about doing now. Boehner’s plan is to NOT defund Obamacare, amend it for a 1 year ‘delay’ AND raise the debt ceiling. Man, these brilliant folks really got their finger on the pulse of what America is demanding. Lets see, don’t kill Obamacare and lets spend more money—yea, that must be what America wants!

and quite frankly, Congress saying that Obamacare will apply to them does NOT fix the problems. All should be subjected to this crud, I agree 100%, but the only way to fix this is to defund the train wreck now.

Obama has told Boehner that a government shutdown would be the end of the world so the old school repubs are all scared that someone might 'de-friend' them! We’ve been thru TWELVE ‘government shutdowns’ in a 19-year period! Who the hell can’t read history?! Or for that matter, pick up a law book and read the statutes. Debt is still paid, SS and medicare checks go out, military, law enforcement, intelligence, VA are all covered.

Anonymous said...

Laughing. Seriously laughing @1:30.; at you, if you truly believe that.

Anonymous said...

Truly outstanding reporting Kingfish. There is no other media outlet in Mississippi providing the kind of quality and depth offered by Jackson Jambalaya. Many, many thanks.

Kingfish said...

Manchin is probably getting hammered over coal

Anonymous said...

He's already issued press release backing down from that statement.

“I have always opposed the individual mandate, and I continue to have concerns with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the cost and choices West Virginians will have in the health care exchanges. That being said, I do not believe that this issue should be used to shut down the government, and I will not vote to shut down the government...."

Anonymous said...

I'll help ya out, 2:03. This is what 1:30's comments are about. An entitled Barbour telling the plebs that fellow pleb McDaniels would DESERVE to get his head handed to him should he dare challenge Cochran.

Because, you know, Cochran is entitled (there's that word again) to be senator until he decides he's had enough...not the good people that vote.

And most of the folks mentioned in the article are nothing but waterboys themselves: Harper, Reeves, Pickering (gag...can you imagine him actually working? He doesn't do shit now.)

Anonymous said...

If you are talking about Manchin 3:37 PM then you'll need to completely overhaul your reading comprehension skills.

Anonymous said...

9:26, you are incorrect. Members of Congress has to contribute to SS.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I don't see what's so scary about buying coverage on the new online marketplaces. Why is buying coverage that way such a bad thing?

In fact, if my employer didn't offer coverage I could buy a comparable plan on the online marketplace cheaper than the plan I pay for at work. I do my family's budget every month, so that's the bottom line for me.

Anonymous said...

... if my employer didn't offer coverage I could buy a comparable plan on the online marketplace cheaper than the plan I pay for at work.

Go ahead and believe that. Show us the Mississippi rates.

Anonymous said...

Fish, if you remember correctly I copied you on a letter I sent to the spineless wimp I call my representative, Greg Harper. I urged him to support the defeat of Obamacare and pointed out this it is a business killer.
I also criticized the slimy way Congress exempted themselves from the law, by Voice Vote (no record on how they voted). We need a candidate with some balls to represent us in Congress and I hope someone will step up to defeat little Greg for the 2014 election.

Anonymous said...

No matter what Chris McDaniel's campaign consultants are telling him, he will lose to Thad Cochran. He has the highest favorable rating in the state.
Chris McDaniel couldn't beat Tate Reeves right now. How's he supposed to win a statewide race against Cochran?

Kingfish said...

Go look for any mention of this on so-called conservative or Republican websites/blogs in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Looks like problems in Palazzo-world

Anonymous said...

Sad but true, KF. thanks again for allowing a forum about this extremely important issue.

Watch the votes very carefully.

Voting YES on cloture:
what you will hear: see, I voted yes so I could vote against Reid’s amendment to fund o’care.

what is really happening: see, I didn’t really want to vote against o’care so I let Reid do what he wanted to, I made a meaningless vote (more dems than repubs in senate) knowing that Rs would loose but I can come home and say—yea, I voted against it. Yall at home are too stupid to actually know how this stuff works.

Voting NO on cloture:
what you will hear: oh my God, the sky is falling, the world is coming to an end, etc.

What really is happing: this is the only vote that ensures Reid cannot add Ocare funding into a bill. This keeps gov funded at current level and no funding for Ocare.

Anonymous said...

Go look for any mention of this on so-called conservative or Republican websites/blogs in Mississippi.

This issue won't be dying. It will be fun watching Harper defend his silence to MS-3.

#MakeDCListen said...

To the Barbours and Cochran and Wicker and Harper and the other surrender mentality Mississippi RINOs.



Anonymous said...

Is there a place in the metro where we can all gather and kneel on shag carpet in reverence and recognition of Kingfish's masterful reporting,after which we could have a giant circle jerk?

In 3-2-1 enter the peanut gallery.

Anonymous said...

6:51 PM, the fact alone that you can string together those words, in that order, would imply that this has been on your mind for some time. I wonder where the JFP'ers convene to do just that? Perhaps you could piggy back (see what I did there?)...

Anonymous said...

Is there a place in the metro where we can all gather and kneel on shag carpet in reverence and recognition of Kingfish's masterful reporting,after which we could have a giant circle jerk?

Wouldn't take long at such event to figure you were shootin' blanks.

Anonymous said...

4:11 Federal employees have a totally separate retirement plan from Social Security.

The Republicans plan to defund Obamacare seems to be to keep surrendering until they win. It's a novel approach to a confrontation :-)

Anonymous said...

Why are the people on this thread as well as the author so IGNORANT? The article is a bunch of foolishness. Obamacare is for people who DON'T have employer provided healthcare or are UNINSURED! The carve outs mentioned are for people who HAVE health insurance. What you're talking about is simply stupid. Why would you praise kingfish for this silliness. This state continues to be azz backwards because of continued foolishness like this!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To ALL politicians: A pox on ALL your houses.

Anonymous said...

10:28-if ONLY Obamacare was as simple as you make it sound. One of the most important aspects of it is the mandated minimum coverage that ALL health insurance programs MUST provide whether you want, need, or can AFFORD such coverage. MY current health plan is completely adequate for my needs but I will be FORCED to buy a policy that extends coverage to my 25 year old adult children (which I don't have) and provides me free birth control pills (which became unnecessary with the total hysterectomy I had 20 years ago. Nevertheless, I MUST HAVE a policy that provides these coverages and I WILL have to pay for these expanded coverages. Members of congress will not. These are just two of the "blessings" bestowed on us by Obamacare from which our esteemed law makers exempted themselves. Think about it just a second. If there was no negative aspect of Obamacare compared to what congress has today, WHY would they take such steps to avoid it? Huh?? And you want to talk about somebody else's level of intellence?

Robert said...

It doesn't matter who Obamacare is intended for, it is affecting everyone (except the idiots in Washington that voted for it because they know what's best for us). It is a fact that the medical insurance I have from my employer isn't nearly as good as it was when I started with the company six years ago and I am paying considerably more for it now.

Anonymous said...

10:28 is your prototypical low information voter!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We need a quote from the Harper camp, he will be re-elected but we can stop the Senate speculation!!

Anonymous said...



Do you even have a remote concept of what is going on around you today? In very simple terms, Obamacare forces individuals who are healthy and young to purchase insurance at rates higher than they would have otherwise in an attempt to offset the costs by those who can't afford it or those who use more healthcare.

It has nothing to do with improving healthcare. What it has done is increase premiums, on average across the U.S. over and above whatever increase the current insurance consumer would have incurred. It has forced businesses to change their business models. It's increased business costs to comply. It's grossly increased the costs to the healthcare provider and added layers of red tape and oversight in order to "monitor" the subjects. There are so many layers to this stinking onion, no one, especially those that voted for it, understand the total negative effect.

Pull your head out of the sand.

Anonymous said...


You forgot the "device tax". That nice little fee will be applied to everything from tongue depressors to fake hips. And according to our fearless leader, it's non-negotiable. He needs that tax money to help fund his vision.

meople said...

The device tax has already been passed on through manufacture cost

Anonymous said...

Headline after headline about employers having to lay off employees or turn full time jobs into part time jobs. 800,000 jobs--That’s what Congressional Budget Director Elmendorf estimated in 2011 that Obamacare will destroy. Some samples:

AAA Parking, manages for than 200 properties across US, moving 250 full time employees to part time

Abbott Labs - 700 layoffs

ADM Troncs, lay off employees for the firsst time in over a decate because of Ocare

Applebees, laying off workers and freeze on new hires

Aurora Health Care, cutting jobs due to Ocare

Boeing, cutting 30% labor force in its defense division.

Boston Scientific having to cut anywhere between 1,200 and 1,400 jobs, while simultaneously shifting investments and workers overseas - to China.

Bristol-Myers, laying off workers

Caterpillar, laying off workers

Covenant Health Systems, 49 employees due to Ocare

Covidien, 595 layoffs

Dana Holding Corp., have warned employees of potential layoffs citing “$24 million over the next six years in additional U.S. health care expenses”.

Darden Restaurants include Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steadhouse, cutting to part time employees

Emory Healthcare, over 100 Workers Laid Off Over Obamacare

Five Guys Burgers warned that consumers may end up paying higher prices because businesses have to be passed on

Georgia health care company, 100 employees

Hawker Beechraft, laying off workers

Hill Rom, 200 layoffs

Husqvarna, laying off workers

Indiana University, 50 employees because of Ocare

Kaiser Permanente has laid off 530 employees and puts the blame on ObamaCare

Kinetic Concepts, 427 layoffs

Kroger, planning a significant cut in hours for the workers

Lands End, cut hour to no more than 29 a week

Medtronic, 1,000 jobs

Murray Energy more than 150 people.

New England Motor Freight, hourly cap for 400 part time employees
Orland Health, 400 employees due to Ocare

Papa John’s will have to increase prices or cut employee hours

Regal Entertainment, capping hours below 30 hour threshold

Sea World Entertainment, cap on weekly hours for part timers is now 28 hours

Smith & Nephew, 770 layoffs

St. Jude Medical, 300 layoffs

St. Petersburg College cut employee hours

Stryker, medical device tax, cutting 1,170 jobs (interestingly, one of the top five donors to the Obama campaign, $2 million to his PAC, $66k to Obama and Dem party)

Subway and Wendy’s are both cutting hours

Trader Joes, no healthcare option for part time workers

University of Virginia had to take spouses off health care plans

UPS had to take workers’ spouses off insurance plans, due to Obamacare.

Vanderbilt cutting 1,000 jobs

Welch Allyn, laying off 275 employees, or roughly 10% of their workforce

Youngstown State University, 29-hour per week part time limit

Anonymous said...

$67 million missing from Obamacare slush fund. Report from Treasury Inspector General released: found IRS (ones who are suppose to force Obamacare on us) can’t account for $67 million spend from Ocare slush fund.

"Specifically, the IRS did not account for or attempt to quantify approximately $67 million of indirect ACA costs incurred for Fiscal Years 2010 through 2012”

Anonymous said...

Letter sent to all GOP Senators
“it is highly likely that Majority Leader Harry Reid will move to amend the House-passed CR and remove the language from the bill that defunds Obamacare before sending it back to the House. As you are also aware, such a motion can only proceed if three-fifths of the Senate invokes cloture and allows this amendment process to begin. Simply put, the only chance that Senator Reid has to pursue this course of action is if six or more Republican Senators join the Democrats in voting to invoke cloture. Therefore, it shall be our policy to regard any cloture vote that gives Senator Reid a green light to reinstate Obamacare into this CR the same as a vote for Obamacare itself.”

Signers of the letter include:
Dave Schweikert (R.-AZ)
Charles Boustany, M.D. (R.-LA )
John Culberson (R.-TX )
Steve King (R.-IA)
Ted Yoho DVM (R.-FL )
Thomas Massie (R.-KY)
Lynn Westmoreland (R.- GA)
Jack Kingston (R.-GA)
Jeff Duncan (R.-SC)
Paul Broun M.D. (R.-GA )
Ron DeSantis (R.-FL)
Michele Bachmann (R.-MN)
Matt Salmon (R.-AZ)
Steve Stockman (R.-TX)
Louie Gohmert (R.-TX)
Walter Jones (R.-NC)
Scott Garrett (R.-NJ)
Scott Perry (R.-PA)
Mark Meadows (R.-NC)
Tim Huelskamp (R.-KS)


Anonymous said...

Video of 2010 John McCain, speaking at campaign rally in Arizona, told the crowd that ObamaCare is a “historic” piece of legislation – historic because it is the first major piece of legislation adopted against the overwhelming will of the American People. McCain said it will be historic too, because “It will not stand.”

Anonymous said...

Sadly, not surprised to see that none of Mississippi's three cowards are signers.

Anonymous said...

8:40 p.m. Straight off the Social Security website.

"All members of Congress, the President and Vice President, Federal judges, and most political appointees, were covered under the Social Security program starting in January 1984. They pay into the system just like everyone else. Thus all members of Congress, no matter how long they have been in office, have been paying into the Social Security system since January 1984."

Anonymous said...

If Senators (including those who represent Mississippi) vote YES on cloture:
It gives Reid:
-power of the floor, a simple majority
-the ability to strip out the defund provision
-amend how he sees fit
-block other amendments

It can’t possibly be any clearer than that.

Reid has scheduled the vote for late this afternoon.

So, Mississippi Senators, please know we will be watching.
Voting “present” is not an option
Voting Yes is not an option
And simply not showing up because you’re scared is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Even if I have to vote for Humpty Dumpty, no one currently in DC will get my vote again.

Anonymous said...

Guess it doesn't matter now what your poll said, KF. Cochran and Wicker both voted yes for cloture.


Anonymous said...

We don't have leaders representing Mississippi in the Senate. Cochran and Wicker now own all the economic diaster that is to come.

Here is the list of the truly courageous Senators who voted against cloture:

Mike Crapo (Idaho), Ted Cruz (Tex.), Mike Enzi (Wyo.), Deb Fischer (Neb.), Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), Dean Heller (Nev.), James M. Inhofe (Okla.), Mike Lee (Utah), Jerry Moran (Kan.), Rand Paul (Ky.), Rob Portman (Ohio), James E. Risch (Idaho), Pat Roberts (Kan.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Jeff Sessions (Ala.), Richard C. Shelby (Ala.), Patrick J. Toomey (Pa.) and David Vitter (La.).

Anonymous said...

To the person who says---just shut up, unite, and get behind the repubs, even if you don’t agree: congrats, you are now demanding that I become a democrat. No thank you. Following an idiot blindly into the fire isn't what I signed up for.

But I will unite in one area. I will never again vote for any current member of the Senate or House. Never.

Kingfish said...

Nearly two days later. Nary a peep on the so-called Republican websites in Mississippi. Not a word on Y'all, Magnolia, or MP.

Any questions?

Anonymous said...

11:33 I stand corrected. I didn't realize things changed for those hired/elected since 1984, and the CSRS is being phased out:

"The Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) is the current retirement system for employees within the U.S. federal civilian employees. FERS was enacted on June 6, 1986, to replace the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and to conform federal retirement plans in line with those in the private sector.

FERS consists of three major components:

The FERS annuity, a defined benefit plan,
Mandatory participation in Social Security (most CSRS employees are not part of Social Security and do not pay taxes into the system, nor are they eligible for benefits unless they qualify under private sector employment or by being rehired and covered as CSRS (with a Social Security) Offset), and
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a defined contribution plan which operates like a 401(k)."

Anonymous said...

Nary a peep on the so-called Republican websites in Mississippi. Not a word on Y'all, Magnolia, or MP.

What do you expect Kingfish from the RINO press? And how about the bought and paid for Paul "Gallo"? No peeps about this out of that GOP status quo parrot.

Wicker is crowing about how he voted yesterday for defunding Obamacare. Tell us how you did that Senator.

Anonymous said...

Welp, the CL has a wonderful write up on the Manning family but nada on our dear senators' votes.

Anonymous said...

I saw the book of Eli and liked it, but when I watched the Book of Manning I could not find Denzel unless he was one of those who did not take off his helment.

Anonymous said...

People, if you are already insuring your workers or are an employee who already has health insurance NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!

IF, however, you do NOT insure your employees and have had to whine to them that you are too small and aren't part of a large pool like the BIG guys, your excuse is GONE.

If you haven't been insured and could have been but wanted the rest of us saps to pick up the tab in increased medical costs, the gig is up.

If you are a health insurance company who denied insurance to up your profits rather than because you couldn't profit if you covered, the gig is up!

Please people, get INFORMED and stop listening to those with hidden agendas!

If this doesn't work , it's because too many want to sabotage it.

You have been fed a pack of lies about health care in Canada and Great Britain as well. Here's your proof, see where we stand in health care. See our infant mortality rate for starters and how it's climbed.

Stop being lemmings.

Anonymous said...


What a freaking idiot. Nothing is going to change.

What planet are you reading your information from ma'am?

Things have already started changing. Healthcare costs are going up, insurance rates have gone up, coverages have gone down.

Of course, one could just take your anonymous word for it that nothing is going to change or they could look at the facts like waivers, actual changes, current business impacts, etc.

Anonymous said...

1:35 PM, thanks for your first sentence:

"People, if you are already insuring your workers or are an employee who already has health insurance NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!"

After reading that I realized you were delusional and needed to read no further.


Anonymous said...

You will still have your same policy. You are covered just as you were before. Your deductibles and co-pays will be the same.

That is what I mean by " nothing's going to change".

Obamacare is about delivering health care and insurance to the uninsured.

It is also about regulating the insurance companies so they cannot deny coverage.

I know none of you read the Act just as few of you have read your existing policies. You should.

Then you'd understand the difference between politics and reality.

Anonymous said...

YAWN ... SSnnnooorrreeee .... ZZZZZZzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

7:42 Sorry pal, this crowd is a little too knowledgeable to fall for your misinformation.

The only question is, are you seriously delusional, gullible and massively misinformed, or just a lying troll?

I suspect the latter but, of course, can't prove it.

My wife and I work for the same employer and today is the deadline to make changes for 2014. Yes, things are changing, and for the worse.

Anonymous said...

In 2014 the premium for my family is going up 37%, my family deductible is increasing 152%.


Anonymous said...

I saw an excellent remark. If gov shutdown is such a disaster, why wasn't Senator Reid not working this weekend?

Before mid-September, a section on had this: “Where can I get free or low-cost care in my community?” After mid-September, that became this without mention of the change: “Where can I get low-cost care in my community?” Notice which words are missing?

Other changes include dropping references to "dental" care and the availability of "prescription drugs."

Senate sent bill back to House, Reid thinks Obamacare is the most important thing. Will the House stand firm or will they run into a shadow behind a door.

Let it shut down. It would be the 17th time that's happened. SEVENTEENTH TIME.

Dear House folks: some media outlets will cast you as a villain if you stand up against Obamacare. Their opinions shift with whoever is paying their tab that day.

Our opinion of you wont change. We are the ones who are paying the price from your weakness. Don't give in on Obamacare.

The people who are paying the price are the ones who vote. No amount of smiling, waving, kissing babies can change that fact. and when you do one thing in DC and lie to us back home, it really pisses us off.

And if you're still worried and only thinking about how this affects **you**, may I suggest you take a look at this fellow running for Nebraska Senate--his platform is anti-obamacare. His fundraising just broke their state's record. And that's not corp $, that's individuals contributions.

Stand Up Now.

Anonymous said...

Harper will fold faster than a British Loyalist in 1775.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS