Monday, September 13, 2010

Stuart Irby responds to mother-in-law's motion.

The Irbys are at it again. Gayle Lang, the mother of Karen Irby, filed suit recently against Stuart Irby seeking custody of Stuart and Karen's son. The five-year old child lives in Little Rock with Mr. Irby's brother and his family. Ms. Lang also filed a motion of habeas corpus for Karen Irby to appear in court. What is interesting is Mr. Irby and his lawyer filed a response opposing Karen's appearance in court. His wife is in jail for 18 years and he files responses to prevent her leaving the prison even for a few hours. Ouch. There was supposed to be a hearing this morning but it did not take place this morning.


Anonymous said...

What is interesting is Mr. Irby and his lawyer filed a response opposing Karen's appearance in court. His wife is in jail for 18 years and he files responses to prevent her leaving the prison even for a few hours. Ouch.

If you recognize the possibility that Karen fabricated the story about Stuart beating her as the cause of the accident, it could explain why there is so much acrimony.

Anonymous said...

10:19 How does Stuart know if he beat Karen in the car or not? I thought he and his lawyers have long maintained he doesn't remember a thing about the wreck.

Anonymous said...

10:19---have you ever been a wreck and withstood a head injury such as Stuart did due to the wreck?
If so, continue to judge....if not, do some research on head injuries. I don't believe Stuart remembers anything...and I've done research and known people who have been in serious wreck, such as this one. They don't even remember who they were sitting next to in the vehicle.

Anonymous said...

oops, my bad, i meant to direct post to 10:25...i agree with you 10:19.

Anonymous said...

10:19 I completely believe that Stuart was beating Karen in the car. You are quite naive and trusting of Stuart Irby if you believe that Karen fabricated the story. Are you on his payroll or something? Many Jackson residents familiar with Stuart immediately suspected that was the cause of the accident. It does not matter if you dislike or distrust Karen. The fact of the matter is that most of Northeast Jackson has been well aware for many years of Stuart's many problems: mental illness, alcoholism, sex addiction, and physical violence. IMO He is equaly culpable in this tragic situation. It is unbelievable that he will not have spend time in prison like Karen. By the way, 10:25, great relpy to 10:19!

Anonymous said...

I totally believe that Karen Irby is 10x more violent that Stuart Irby every thought about being. How do you know that she wasn't beating him. Everyone in Jackson and Madison know of Karen Irby's irrational violent behavior, sex addiction, mental illness, public drunkenness.

Are you on the payroll for Karen?

Anonymous said...

Why are you being so deffensive? Did I guess correctly that you are one of many who suckle at Stuart's teets?

Anonymous said...

No, I am one who has personally witnessed her behavior. Have you witnessed his? Or is yours just hear say?

Kingfish said...

Everyone cool it some. No need for accusing people of being on the payroll. We love all of you here at JJ. We know you are good people. Just don't get carried away. ;-)

Anonymous said...

At least Karen never got a DUI with Graham in her lap while attempting to out run seven police cars through Eastover! Yes, I am a witness to this incident as are many other people.

Rebekah said...

Ok..wasn't going to comment but here goes.
First of all, Stuart did NOT cause the accident. KAREN was driving entirely too fast (like a bat out of hell if you will) and had been drinking...STUART did NOT make KAREN drive like that. Arrogance did.
Let's just make that clear.....Karen was driving entirely too fast. ENTIRELY too fast...She had no cares about anything or anyone else that night. When you drive like that, you don't care about the consequences.
Now, if Stuart had been hitting her, then he may have added to the accident, but he did not cause the accident. If she had not been driving so fast, the impact wouldn't have been so intense. If she had been doing the speed limit, she would have also had more control over the car.
Regardless, Karen caused the accident. Just because he had a history of violence doesn't mean he was being violent that night. It doesn't mean he wasn't either. I am not defending him. I am stating facts and the facts are that Karen should never have been driving like that. Own up to it and take responsiblity for it. I do honestly believe she is trying her best to get out of all of this....If he was such the piece of shit she wants people to believe AFTER the fact she killed two people, then don't go out schmoozing with him the night of. She should have left him way before this ever happened if he was the bastard wife beater she is portraying him to be.
I do know she has a history of being "pyscho" and "hysterical"...
Basically, this is my opinion on the entire matter-
She had an affair with her ex husband...(meaning, she cheated on her ex husband) she sought after Stuart because of money....she got knocked up...He decided to marry her. She got the lifestyle she always dreamed of. Money was more important than the safety and happiness of her children. They had problems...he had a temper....she decided to stay...regardless... He threatened to leave her...filed paperwork for divorce...she was trying everything to do to make sure that didn't happen (because OH MY GOSH what would the country club friends think?!) fast forward to that awful night...drinks are going around and she is still trying to play the role of perfect Country Club wife...conversation gets heated in car...she is drunk and angry so what do you do when you are angry? You speed. The car is going faster and faster and they are screaming at each other...the car goes out of control. Whether he grabbed the wheel to try and get her to pull over or he pulled her head and was beating her, really will never be known. The fact that she was the one driving the race car means she is responsible. Once again, no one forced her to drive that fast.
Now, my only question to her is this- Was it worth it? Was the dream lifestyle and money all worth it?

Anonymous said...

I don't know any of the Irby family, but I am ALWAYS amused at how quickly some of you folks put on the boxing gloves for your side of the story. No matter which side you support, we will never know completely and totally what happened in that car. The bigger concern to me is this five-year old child. Is the child in good hands with the Irby family in Little Rock? Do we have FACTS on that part of the Irby family? Based on your comments and the facts as we know them, I don't think that Gayle Lang did such a great job with Karen. Maybe she is older and wiser, but does she really deserve a second chance trying to raise a five year old child?

Anonymous said...

Amen Shoe Girl! She is the guilty one and no one can change that no matter how hard you try to put the blame elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Shoegirl, did you participate in an investigation of the accident? How do you know how fast the car was driving? I thought that was never officially determined due to a botched JPD investigation. You love to talk like an expert on just about anything and everything.

Kingfish said...

Wrong. The second accident reconstruction report is posted on this site and it stated she was going over 70 mph. Everything Shoegirl claims is backed up by a police report or court document. I may not have written it the way she did but there is supporting documents for it.

Anonymous said...

Shoegirl, have you ever read about Stockholm Syndrome? You need to educate yourself about battered women before you comment. Maybe you should stick to shoes and what shoes to wear to the Country Club! You are so stuck on this perfect Country Club lifestyle scenario.

Kingfish said...

I had forgotten how funny the comments in this earlier post were.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish are you serious? Are there really police reports and court documents that back up statements made by Shoegirl such as: "She had an affair with her ex husband...(meaning, she cheated on her ex husband) she sought after Stuart because of money....she got knocked up...He decided to marry her."?

Anonymous said...

Shoegirl, I just have to ask. Were you sitting on Karen Irby's should while she was living her life and watching her drive her car? You sure sound like you were. Karen Irby pleaded quilty and will be a jail for the next 18 years. This fact should please you greatly and assure you that she is being punished for what she did.

Stuart on the other hand is a different story. We all know he definitely had a hand in causing the wreck, and if he is living hell on earth now, it's his own doing. As far as the child is concerned, if Stuart does have mental problems and can't take care of himself or his child, then he is incable of making decisions concerning the child. I suspect the Irby famiy is making decisions for Stuart. I don't know the answer to all this, but I do know that just because your name is Irby doesn't make you any more qualified to raise a child than someone else. I don't think in a million years that Ms. Lang, Karen's Mother, would be petitioning the court if she didn't think it was in the child's best interest. There's more to this story than we all know.

Kingfish said...

There was an alienation of affection lawsuit that was filed and settled. I never posted it here because it had nothing to do with the wreck and I generally don't like these suits.

Anonymous said...

And yes, she got pregnant and didn't have the wedding until she almost gave birth because the paternity was done to prove that the baby was Stuart's. If this was the wonderful love story, don't you think he would have married her the minute that she knew she was pregnant. But, because she was seeing other people while she was dating SI, they tested to make sure it was his. Ms. Lang was an appendage and did gain financially from SI.

Bad things happen to people with the wrong motives. Just saying.

Rebekah said...

Unfortunately, I have experience with domestic violence. I lived with it for many many years and I am an advocate against Domestic Violence. And, many times, the children are the ones who suffer the most from it- just like in this case.
SHe should have left him before all this happened. As a parent, you are responsible for another human being. Children do NOT deserve to live through that. THey do NOT deserve to see the abuse. They do not deserve to be abused. Having lived through it, thank you, it is extremely selfish to keep your children in that type of lifestyle. SHe could have left him. It was the money she didn't want to leave. I could give 3 flips over the country club...It is a joke to me and all about appearances...and keeping up with each other.
This case involves alot of people. This case has hurt alot of people. 2 innocent people are gone because of stupid actions a woman took. I don't hate Karen. I feel sorry for her. I feel sorry that she so wanted a lifestyle and the money and look what happened to her. I don't think she is a terrible person. I don't see her as a "murderer"...but she made horrible decisions that night...and she has to pay for them. No one forced her behind the wheel. No one put a gun to her head and made her speed that night. She chose to drive. She chose to speed. And the choices she made cost two people their lives.
I know a bunch of her friends are on here and they hate me for what I say...and I can totally understand that. But, I do not respect people who marry for money. I do not respect people who remain in a house where a child is being abused or has to witness abuse. You don't continue to live in an abusive household because you feel things will get better....they don't get better. They only get worse. If a man is abusive, he isn't going to stop. SOmeone will end up dead....1 out of 4 women are abused. Mississippi is the 5th highest domestic abuse state in the nation. There is ALWAYS a way out. Karen had family-she could have left....she chose to stay.
Call me what you will...and hate me for writing this...but the truth hurts sometimes

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that we have paid positions ; lawyers and judges to sort all these issues.

My idea of a nightmare would be to be subjected to the will of some of the yahoos who post on message boards.

Yet still, Judge Tomie Green really threw the book at Karen, in spite of the victims plea for leniency.

Anonymous said...

Karen's a really good liar so they believed the story.

Anonymous said...

Shoegirl, I do appreciate you explaining to everyone why you personally get so fired up this sad situation and why you feel justified in damning Karen. I am very sorry about your personal domestic violence issues. I suspect that you may be projecting your feelings about your own problems onto Karen which is not fair.

Rebekah said...

I was the child witnessing the abuse. And, even as an adult I still remember every single fight..every single bruise..A child never forgets. That is why I get so angry about women not leaving the abuser- As an adult you are responsible for your actions. As a parent you are responsible for your children. No child should have to live in an abusive household and it breaks my heart when I hear about it.
If Karen was truly going through abuse at home, Graham and Parker should never have been exposed to it. Children should come first. I firmly believe that. I would have rather have been poor and homeless than living with the sob who severly abused my mother.
I don't want to damn Karen. I just don't think she is the pitiful, innocent person she wants to portray to everyone.
No one is ever going to know what truly happened that night- between Stuart and Karen-. Whatever happened, two people are dead. A little boy and girl are without their mother now. No one wins.

Anonymous said...

2:09. Bingo. I have noticed Shoegirl seems to think she knows every detail of Karen's life and even what Karen was thinking. Her posts are very odd and awfully intense for someone not personally involved in this tragedy.

KaptKangaroo said...

Instead of attacking the commenter and their basis for their comments, why not make a comment on your own? Of course, we want it justified based on your personal experience, or if you hang around here enough, you lack of experience that we will be kind enough to expose.

Karen is grasping at straws. Sad.

KaptKangaroo said...

Also, I did not see where the opposition was out of spite against Karen. It does appear from the filings that Gayle's leagle eagles did not give proper or timely notice. I'm not buying Stuart is opposing Karen testifying. Are the dates that were requested somehow important (birthdays, etc.)? It may explain the blatant disregard for the rules.

Anonymous said...

To all the Karen Irby followers, where were you when SI was beating Karen before the wreck? Did you ever try to help her leave his ass?

Also, it doesn't sound like SI wanted to be married to KI and filed for a divorce in Sept., 2008.....That should have been her ticket out of the "violent" marriage BUT she stayed!

Why didn't she tell the entire truth to the LAW when they investigated the wreck? If SI caused it, she should hv spoken up a year ago. It appears now that she withheld pertinent info from the police regarding the crash at this point.

It has been documented that she flew out of the JCC that night of the wreck and flew past people on Old Canton Road, so her story sounds nutty to me. AND she continued to live with SI after the wreck. I think he would have gladly divorced her years ago.

KAREN could have also pulled the car over and called 911 for help that night instead of driving like a bat out of hell! You go shoegirl, b/c I am on your page.

Karen acted very selfish that night and had little respect for anyone on the road. Now she must pay the price. Everyone needs to quit blaming SI for KI's actions....She could hv made difft choices years before anything like this ever happened!!!

Anonymous said...

Whens the divorce?

Stockholm syndrome!???

Anonymous said...

haha....I can't believe they're still married! Maybe KI has to be in jail for a specific number of days before she can be granted a divorce.

Those poor kids. Graham is so much better off in another state and away from all this insanity and chaos. This tragedy will never be forgotten and so sad for kiddos to have been is such a dysfunctional family environment.

The best thing SI ever did was take GI with him to ARK and allow his stable brother and his wife to help raise him for now. I guess Gayle is sad but lesson to learned here is....get your family and friends out of abusive relationships before they get to a point that this one did.

Anonymous said...

Karen is in jail. She should stay there. She doesn't need a day off for excellent behavior. The good doctors have all the rest of their days off.

4:13PM not sure what you are talking about, clearly you didn't read all the way through the prior post.

bill said...

Stockholm Syndrome is a condition wherein a captive who is threatened with death eventually comes to trust the captor. It's called that from a bank robbery in Stockholm where hostages were taken, and a few days later they resisted rescue when the cops got there. Although it's used to describe some domestic violence situations, I think it's a stretch. Yes, wives get used to money and security and find them hard to give up, even in the face of abuse to them or their children, but they're not held captive except in extreme cases. I'm not going to judge Karen Irby or anyone else, but there are ample opportunities for most women - and men - to leave abusive situations. Bill Billingsley

Anonymous said...

How do you know those people in Arkansas are "stable"?

Anonymous said...

5:18. Simple question. Simple answer. "Those people in Arkansas" last name is Irby so that makes everything they do just peachy.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that each and everyone of us has dysfunction in our family tree. But just b/c SI has some probs, doesn't mean the rest of the Irby's do. I think that is something that society of Jackson has forgotten.

Before throwing stones at others, we all need to look at ourselves and our families. SI has reached out for help so I will not knock people down who are reaching out for help to better themselves. And, don't forget, no one has seen any medical records on KI.

Anonymous said...

How do you know they are *not* stable? Ass.

Anonymous said...

Joe Irby is a wonderful man with 6 children and a loving wife. Graham needs a good male figure and a loving family around him.

KI's mother is a manipulative, overbearing, gold digging woman who gave KI cover and support to leave her first husband and chase after Stuart for his money. So many say that she is the root of all of KI irrational behavior and the catalyst for all of KI problems.

So, Joe Irby and his family are STABLE compared to what Graham would face with a single, old woman with self serving agendas.

So far the men that KI has married have been driven to the edge of madness being married to her. She is a crazed, overbearing woman....just like her mother.

Anonymous said...

I hope for Graham's sake that he is allowed to stay with his aunt and uncle (where, btw, he has evidently been living, and has established a stable routine and loving relationships that children need)far away from the chaos and turmoil that he has known at the hands of his mother and father. At this point, I have stopped being all that concerned about the adults in this tragic, dysfunctional tale, but hasn't this little boy and his sister been through enough? Let them have half a dog's chance to grow up halfway normal and well-adjusted.

Anonymous said...

1:46 Sure, and because you told us, it has to be true.

The Irby family are all just wonderful, wonderful people, and Karen's Mother, Ms. Lang, is just a horrible, horrible person. Give us a break. Neither is true.

Anonymous said...

I think 1:46 is closer to the truth than you want to believe.

That the boy is away in Arky with a family of cousins and uncle/aunt is a wholesome situation.

Anonymous said...

Today we will continue the endless match between the Haters and Supporters.
In this corner we have the Karen Irby Haters and in the other corner we have the Stuart Irby Haters.
This is a no-holds-barred fight. The match will continue until it passes from memory.

There will be no winner!

Anonymous said...

If history is any indication, I think we all know where GI needs to be placed. I think he's there.

Sounds like Nana's gravy trained has come to a screeching halt! I hope that GI isn't put in the middle of that battle. Nana has the freedom to travel to ARK to visit or to move there to be a part of his life. That boy deserves a fresh start outside of Jackson, MS.

KaptKangaroo said...

No winners, just whiners.

Anonymous said...

8:04 those who cannot see from the public documents that both Karen and Stuart have lived a very dysfunctional existence which has harmed themselves and others is amazing to me.
I see not so much " haters" as " defenders" of one or the other who are blindly ignoring that both have contributed to this tragedy.
I see assumptions as to the character or lack thereof of family members who are obviously unknown or mere social acquaintances to the persons writing.
NONE of us know whether or not the Irbys made arrangements without including or considering Karen and her family or not. Or, that if they did,whether or not there were valid reasons or rather it is a sign of more dysfunction in the Irby family.
Unfortunately, there are indisputable indications that neither family successfully raised Karen or Stuart or were able to deter them from a destructive course. Perhaps, they took every reasonable measure and failed. Perhaps, they enabled. I don't know and neither does anyone else save perhaps the professionals Stuart, at least, has seen for years. I don't know if Karen ever was treated.

Anonymous said...

I am not opposed to grandparents raising their grandchildren; however I do have a problem with a grandmother trying to get custody of a grandchild, who has sat back and watched her daughter and grandchild be physically abused, verbally abused AND not stepped in!!!

Knowing of the problems in the Irby marriage, she should have gotten her daughter and grandchildren out of there and gotten her daughter HELP as to why she wants to stay with an abusive man!

Once you are given the privilege to be a mother, you ARE always a mother, no matter how old your children are.

Now she wants custody? She should have applied for that years ago.

Rebekah said...

11:10- Could not agree with you more. VERY well said

Anonymous said...

11:10. You people just kill me with your assumptions when in fact you know nothing.

Your post is nothing but another attempt to blame and discredit Karen's Mother. Ms. Lang and other family members most definitely tried to help Karen and grandchildren, and that's all you need to know.

Anonymous said...

Hell dude, I don't think any of us here have a driving 'need' to know anything about these yahoos. The Yahoos just keep putting it out there. I think they all trash.

Anonymous said...

2:38- Agreed- Trash- Money doesn't necessarily Mean Class!

Anonymous said...

We have already had this conversation with the Karenites eventually throwing a tantrum, picking up their toys and going off to play with someone else.

Gayle should not disrupt a parent's right, obligation, relationship to raise their children. Nothing is happening that is putting the child in harms way and it would appear that Stuart is getting help.

Karen on the other hand, is in jail.

Gram should count her blessings she gets to visit with her grandchild and be thankful.

Anonymous said...

If those had been my grandchildren, I would have hired lawyers years ago to have the children removed from that environment. If my daughter wasn't cooperating with me, I would still be all over it. As a grandparent I would do anything to protect my grandchildren. I would have had them legally removed from that home. The documentation was there to prove that there was abuse going on. I have read the documentation on this blog.

GI is in great hands and his daddy is trying to get better. No matter how many Irby haters there are out there, SI is GI's daddy and that will NEVER change.

Anonymous said...

4:36 Such a big talker and just another try at discrediting Ms. Lang, the child's grandmother.

Hire lawyers you say to remove your grandchildren? Sure you would, and you would lose, too, if Stuart Irby was your son-in-law. Stuart Irby has more money and more lawyers than five hundred normal people have, and with his friends in high places, you would have had zero chance of winning anything.

And Ms. Lang will always be the child's Grandmother, too.

KaptKangaroo said...

September 14, 2010 6:44 PM

You just made this commenter's point. You are not in favor of the best interest of the child, which is to be with the parent. Gayle could have taken these actions, during the alleged abuse, and won; if it were true. Now it just looks like sour grapes.

Gayle is, of course, a Grand mother. Didn't act out of responsibility previously, but now assumes that she is best.

Anonymous said...

Even a total jackass would question Ms. Lang's motives with her suit at this stage of this whole tragic fiasco. Why the concern now? The gall she has to just now be concerned enough to take any action!? I have a hard time swallowing her intentions as genuine.

Sorry, Ms. Lang, but I believe a judge will be alot more concerned with Graham's well-being than yours. True enough, you will always be his grandmother, but that doesn't necesssarily mean you have his best interests at heart. If you did, you would leave him in peace to build a normal life in a stable, loving family.

KaptKangaroo said...

So true, so true....

True enough, you will always be his grandmother, but that doesn't necesssarily mean you have his best interests at heart. If you did, you would leave him in peace to build a normal life in a stable, loving family.

Anonymous said...

6:44- Did Ms Lang ever try to remove GI legally from the home on Stuart Place over the last 5 years?

Nobody is trying to discredit Ms. Lang. There are plenty of parents in this world who try to teach their children right from wrong, and the children just continue to ignore and stay on a destructive path.

So, if she did try to remove GI from the home legally, she needs to be given the credit for the attempt or attempts. Those attempts if they happened, will help her on her suit she has filed against SI.

I am certainly not blaming Ms. Lang for her daughter's actions, but as a grandmother or a parent, I feel that we do have a moral obligation to provide a safe home for our children and grandchildren. No man's amount of money and lawyers would scare me away. I would fight for my children and grandchildren until the end.

We are all entitled to think and handle situations differently. So, I am sorry you are taking these posts so personal and thinking we are being discrediting to Ms. Lang. I am deeply saddened for all involved and hope that one day everyone involved will get the help they need to become better/healthier individuals for themselves and for their children.

Anonymous said...

What a responsible lawyer would have told Mrs. Lang is that the abuse " documented" did not rise to a level that would make a judge inclined to remove the child from the parents. It fell under " he said/she said" as the child was not physically injured in such a way as to confirm the abuse independently.

Further, had Mrs. Lang proceeded without a good chance of succeeding, she would put the child at MORE risk as she would be aliented from the parents and access to the child ended.

This " haters" stuff is nonsense, by the way. One doesn't have to " hate" anyone to note a dysfunctional pattern of behavior or express concern about the future of an innocent child.

I know both Karen and Stuart and have enjoyed or been appalled by their behavior. I don't " hate" either of them . Both have redeeming qualities. But I would be " clueless" if I missed that they are both troubled people who have failed to see their behaviors adversely affected others.

The same is generally true of the Irby family. I do not find them to be perfect. They have used their wealth, power and influence both generously and without regard for the consequences acting in self-interest alone can cause. In short, they are human with both positive attributes and shortcomings.

It strikes me that many bloggers here see the world in black and white.

Anonymous said...

10:29. Scared to take the risk, well now at the end of the day, she is alienated from her grandchild and her daughter.

I disagree with you about the he said/she said. I think there was documentation of abuse right before the tragedy. I could be wrong but I think I remember seeing or reading something about the abuse.

Anonymous said...

10:29 wrote in part-
"This " haters" stuff is nonsense, by the way. One doesn't have to " hate" anyone to note a dysfunctional pattern of behavior or express concern about the future of an innocent child.

I know both Karen and Stuart and have enjoyed or been appalled by their behavior. I don't " hate" either of them . Both have redeeming qualities. But I would be " clueless" if I missed that they are both troubled people who have failed to see their behaviors adversely affected others."

It is patently clear that you were a coward and certainly not a friend to either KI or SI.
You said you noted negative behavior about them that could have adversely affected the children.

Did you take steps to intervene or did you, as you are doing now, just gossip about them and their family? YOU are painting a portrait of their lives as YOU perceive them? A whisper here-- a whisper there!
Does repeating your mantra over and over make you feel good about yourself?

Go look in the mirror and you will find an obviously two-faced transparent person.

The courts will decide without your "help."

Anonymous said...

From Kingfish Archives:

A police report filed by JPD reveals an investigation for child abuse at the home of Stuart Irby was opened on February 9, 2009. Jackson Jambalaya filed a public records request for any police reports involving the Irbys or incidents at their address.

The report states a complaint was filed, the child was spanked, and there was "bruising on both sides of her buttocks". No arrests have been made nor is it known if there is an ongoing investigation. As a minor is involved, the complainant is not identified and the report does not say who reported the alleged abuse. The officer assigned by JPD is H. L. Bullock. However, sources close to the investigation have informed JJ a doctor that treated the child notified the police. JJ has also learned an investigation was opened at DHS about the same incident and the investigator is Hazel Walker. Sources have also informed JJ the child was taken to the complaining doctor by both parents and that Stuart M. Irby, Sr. is accused of causing said injuries.

This is not the first time a police report has been filed at the Irby home. The first incident was on January 7, 2007. Mr. Irby was arrested for Simple Assault. The report states "suspect was intoxicated. When complainant began to question suspect suspect became upset. Suspect slapped complainant across the floor. Suspect continued striking complainant with a closed fist." The report was taken at approximately 8:00 PM. The second one was for Simple Assault as well and was filed the next day and states "after being released from jail, suspect arrived home wanting to take a shower, Complainant attempted to tell suspect to leave, Suspect pushed complainant." The complainant in the charges filed is Karen Irby and the suspect is Stuart M. Irby, Sr.

Unfortunately, that was not the last report as another one was filed on April 7, 2008 at 10:15 PM. The report states "Suspect threw water on complainant and complainant's baby. Complainant entered into another room; Suspect followed complainant knocking complainant to the floor. Suspect grabbed the baby running into the pool area. Complainant followed after suspect, attempting to get the baby. Suspect struck complainant across the head; Complainant fell into the pool."

It is important to point out that although there were multiple arrests, Mr. Irby was not convicted of any of the charges. The wreck that killed Dr.'s Pogue and Dedousis occurred two days after the police report was filed for the alleged child abuse.

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with you. No one lacks for skeletons and secrets in their closets, and they can become complicated very things. Noting behaviour for the sake of discussion is not hate. It's only that way for people who see things in black or white. Me? I see everything in shades of grey.

Anonymous said...

2:08 Thanks for reminding everyone (particularly the latecomers who might not have read all that the first time around). It certainly is heartwarming to know all decisions regarding the welfare of the child are now being made by the "suspect", and the "Complainant" has no say in the child's upbringing

Anonymous said...

3:35pm. I don't know what you could possibly see in any of this tragedy that is "heartwarming." You seem to be ignoring the fact that the "suspect" has a serious brain injury and is still hospitalized a year and eight months after the accident. I hardly think the "suspect" is capable of making decisions for himself let alone a small child. The "complainant" having "no say in the child's upbringing" is a huge part of this terrible tragedy. I find no joy that the small child does not have his Mother, and you should not either.

Anonymous said...

1:51 I actually did intervene on one occasion with one of the parties and witnessed others who had more influence or were quicker , also, intervene.

That those who tried were unsuccessful doesn't mean no effort was made.

I have never written or gossiped to others about the specifics of what I witnessed. I have discussed the episodes with those who were witness to the same event as I when they occurred and what, if anything , might be done to prevent recurrence.

I have not and will not recount those events publicly. It serves no purpose . But, I also think " friends" who offer one sided comments feed the gossip and aren't helpful. And, apparently, cannot see that I was and am arguing that none of the parties affected by this tragedy walk on water OR have cloven feet and horns.

When I say the children would be affected, it does not mean I witnessed any abuse or neglect of the children but rather that I understand that when parents have serious marital conflict, it affects the children. Had I witnessed abuse or neglect, I would have called authorities .

I did what I had the ability to do as did others in my presence. There is a difference between bravery and exercises in futility. Friendship and even kinship has limitations in dealing with adults.

2:08 the bruising was not on the child in the custody dispute and if you can find a case where parents lost custody for bruising on the buttocks alone, I'd like to see the case. The rest you quote, the police are writing what they were TOLD. The police did not witness these acts.

Anonymous said...

6:36 Quick clarification:

The bruising was documented by the physician who examined her, who is required by law to report it. Such testimony carries a LOT of weight in legal proceedings (speaking from experience as someone who examines kids with multiple fractures on a regular basis). 2) The person alleged to have inflicted the bruises is the stepfather, who is the natural father of the other child in the house. In some simliar cases ALL children are removed from the house because of the perceived danger to ALL of them. I leave the rest of the commenting to my colleagues in the legal and social work realms.

Anonymous said...

6:08: 3:35 here again. Apparently the concepts "irony" and "sarcasm" didn't make it to your one-room schoolhouse.

And note to KF: that comment ended with the letters sarc off enclosed by the angled brackets that are the upper case on the comma and period keys (to help the irony-impaired) - do they not get recognized by the blog software and therefore everything afterwards gets dropped?

KaptKangaroo said...

Can't wait for the next Irby post and the litany of high-quality bull s@#$ that ensues in conversation.

Anonymous said...

As long as they choose to air their dirty linen in public rather than settle conflicts in private and choose to take up the court's time, you won't have to wait long, KK.

But, I know I'm done. I'll read KFs post but not the blog comments.

Anonymous said...

These post by some of you are just unfortunate! How many of you really know Gayle Lang to know what a "horrible" person she is or how many of you have seen her treat her grandchildren badly? I am not sure that ANY of the parents want what is best for the children. How many of you have witnesses GI's life with loving cousins and his aunt and uncle? Is is really that great or is he being raised by a nanny? How old is SI's brother and are there other young children in this house? This is a battle to see who is on SI's MONEY side or who are really true friends to Karen who by the way is in JAIL! Where is a hospital getting treatment for his memory or is he free to roam? How often does SI see his young son? How often does KI get to see her young son?
Shoegirl...really can't figure you out! You seem to hate KI, is that because you have had personal experiences with her or is it that maybe you have your eye on SI (HA!)?
This is just a sad situation and the only people hurting here are these children!

Rebekah said...

I don't hate her...I hate the actions she has taken since she left the Country Club the night the 2 doctors were killed.
And, I am happily married. Even if I wasn't though, there isn't any amount of money in the world that could make me interested in Stuart.
I hope sweet, little Graham is given the chance for a "normal" life... It is a tragedy for everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

1:12, so are Gayle and Karen getting to see GI?

Anonymous said...

No, GI was being raised by a nanny right here with both parents in the home.

Joe Irby is younger brother of SI and a father of 6 - 5 boys and 1 girl. All very normal and accomplished children. Joe Irby has a good track record as a father and GI is in great hands with this family.

Kingfish said...

Trust me, the Shoe has no love for Stuart Irby. She is a happily married dame who is nuts for her husband.

Anonymous said...

And so the tragedy continues - 1/17/12 SI took his own life...

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS