Monday, March 9, 2009

We report, you decide.

Since the Clarion-Ledger decided to publish a nauseating puff piece today on the Irby crash, perhaps it should be pointed out to the newspaper that it should have checked its own municipal court databases before publishing this crap.

I wasn't going to post this information at all (It was emailed to me) until I saw this so-called article by Pettus which could have been written by the defense team. The article included a lovely family photo of the Irbys with their children (It screamed "please don't take my mommy") on the online edition while none of the victims were included. The usual photos of the deceased and the Irby's were posted on the front page of the print edition while the Irby family photo was posted on page six. The story discussed their well-knowncharitable contributions to the community and worthy causes as well as quotes from those who benefitted from their generosity. It mentioned Ms. Irby's teaching Vacation Bible School at her church and Mr. Irby's talent for playing the piano. Pettus somehow grotesquely wrote the four invididuals had much in common even though he never gets around to stating what it was they did have in common - except for the wreck, of course. Although the article humanized the deceased, it read more as an attempt to publish a feel-good story about the Irbys while attempting to nuke anyone else who might have a differeing opinion. If the newspaper is going to go down this road and engage in some pre-trial favoritism, then its going to be held responsible basic fact-checking and good taste. This post is not a slam against the Irby family but against the Clarion-Ledger as I received several emails yesterday from people upset by this story.

Pettus didn't stop at reporting on the hobbies and largess of the Irbys as he smeared this blog and others by saying we were "judgemental" even though the actual comments from me and the few other blogs discussing this tragedy have been tame (If anything I've been accused of being pro-Irby. Seriously.). It is on the Clarion-Ledger's own website the comments have been pretty heated and at times outrageous. However, there is a huge difference between a blogger and some fool who posts a comment at the end of a news story (A blogger is a fool with a website in case you are wondering what the difference is). Someone should perhaps educate Mr. Pettus as it appears he is still stuck in 2007.

One should not be too surprised by Mr. Pettus's yellow journalism as he couldn't even get the weather right in his story: "Sometime after 10 o'clock that cold winter night, Linda West heard sirens screaming about a mile-and-a-half from her northeast Jackson home." Um, the high was 71 degrees that day and the low was 60 degrees. "Cold"? After reading this story a few times, one shouldn't be too surprised at such reporting as a failure to get basic facts straight seemed to be standard for this article.

It should also be noted that in some domestic violence cases, the alleged victim is the one who manipulates the law and the situation at hand to his/her advantage so as to get a domestic violence arrest which can be very helpful in a divorce.


Anonymous said...

What a crap piece in the CL.

Anonymous said...

I kept making sure I wasn't on the JFP site. Still not convinced it wasn't stolen from them.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd graphic doesn't expand to a readable size.

Anonymous said...

She will suffer for the rest of her life. I was arrested for a DUI a few years ago. I was lucky though. All I had to do was spend the night in jail, lost my license, spent several thousand in fines and attorney fees, and I have a record. The worst part is when I close my eyes and I think of the terrible things that could have happened. I am ashamed of myself every time I hear of an accident like this. And I should be.

Kingfish said...

2 paths to Feb. 11 Jackson tragedy
Gary Pettus • • March 8, 2009

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Buzz up! Sometime after 10 o'clock that cold winter night, Linda West heard sirens screaming about a mile-and-a-half from her northeast Jackson home.

"I thought it was a house fire," she said.

It was a fire: A surge of flames swamped the pickup carrying Dr. Mark Pogue and his fiancee, Dr. Lisa Dedousis.

The fire flared up after a head-on collision between the truck and a car driven by Karen Irby. With Irby was Stuart M. Irby Sr., her husband and a prominent Jackson businessman.

The Irbys were badly injured and are still recovering.

Pogue and Dedousis died at the scene.

People are still blogging, and sympathizing, and praying and raging about the wreck in the 5100 block of Old Canton Road.

What many may not know is that, while the four people involved in the wreck are, or were, different in many ways, they also had things in common.

Unfortunately, one of those things was this: They were on the same road at the same time on the night of Feb. 11.

On that night, Pogue and Dedousis had planned to have dinner at the home of Dr. Aaron Morgan.

From the day they met two years ago, Morgan and Pogue were friends. They drank coffee and played chess together.

"He was so competitive, he even hated to lose to my kids on the Wii," Morgan said.

"You either loved him or you hated him, and he was OK with that. That's why I liked him."

The two men met as residents at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Becoming a doctor meant a long journey for Pogue, who was practically reared by his grandfather, John Burkes, a mechanic who lived in Kemper County. Pogue finished high school at Neshoba Central in Philadelphia.

The two were extremely close, and Pogue was bedside last July when Burkes died.

"Even after his granddad passed, he sat there in his house for a day," said the Rev. Bill Freeman, pastor of Covenant Life Baptist Church in Collinsville, the town where Pogue's mother and stepfather live.

"He sat in his granddad's chair and made friends with the cat. Then he took the cat back to Jackson with him and named him J.B."

From his grandfather, Pogue had learned how to fix a car. It was later that he decided he'd rather fix people.

"Mark didn't have a lot of things," Freeman said. "(Living by) humble means: That's Mississippi, rural Mississippi. But you don't have to wallow in that, and Mark didn't."

But by the time he made it into medical school, he was already in his late 20s, struggling to find enough loans and grants to stay in school and stay alive.

"Sometimes he ate peanut butter sandwiches for a week," Freeman said, "and he was glad to get the peanut butter and the bread.

"You never heard him complain when he was scratching the bottom of the barrel. "This is a lesson I learned from him. And I'm a preacher.

"His family tried to help him. At one time, they wanted to sell me a Snapper lawn mower.

"I probably paid a little more than I would have otherwise once I found out the money was going to Mark. That sealed the deal."

Before medical school, Pogue had worked several jobs: mechanic, factory worker, construction worker. Then he found a job as a phlebotomist, drawing blood for a living, while earning a degree in laboratory medicine.

His love of medicine led him to Neshoba County General Hospital, where he became director of Physician Services.

But that wasn't his dream.

"A lot of people would have given up," said Dr. Diane Beebe, who chairs UMC's Department of Family Medicine, where Pogue served his residency.

"They'd say, 'It's too hard; it costs too much money; it takes too much time.' Mark didn't."

He discovered a less traditional, if more affordable, route to a medical degree. He enrolled in a school on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Then he went to England, where he met Dedousis.

On their first date, Stuart M. Irby Sr. played the piano for her.

Whatever he played, their friends say, Karen Collins fell in love with the song, and with him. They were married the next year.

He's a licensed pilot, musician, photographer and sailing buff.

Now 55, he played football at Murrah High School in Jackson, his alma mater.

In 1975, he graduated from Southern Methodist University with a bachelor of fine arts degree in broadcast and film arts.

Neither Stuart M. Irby Sr. nor his four siblings were destined to scrimp and save. They are the grandchildren of the late Stuart C. Irby Sr., founder of an electrical supply firm that became one of the most successful companies in Mississippi.

When Stuart M. took over as president of the company in 1985, major corporate executives sent him congratulations.

"One letter sticks in my mind," said Joe Maxwell, journalist in residence at Belhaven College who's writing a biography on Stuart M.'s father.

"It read, 'The tradition of following two former Stuarts as president can be either awesome or comforting - I'm sure you'll find it to be a little of both.' "

That tradition demands the Irbys share their wealth - with charities, educational institutions, arts groups and more.

One is the United Way; Stuart M. is on the board of directors.

"He and I have become very good friends, so my heart is breaking for him right now," said Carol Burger, president of the United Way of the Capital Area.

"Some people will tell you what you want to hear; he tells you what you need to hear.

"He wants results. He told me he wants the money we raise to change people's lives."

In that regard, Stuart M. found a perfect match in Karen Collins.

"They are one of the most giving couples I know," said Mary Fortune, executive vice president of the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi.

"Karen has helped us raise funds for our children's camp, and together they've supported our other programs. "I believe they live their faith."

That faith is Presbyterian. At First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Karen Irby teaches Vacation Bible School.

Friends say her life is centered around children.

"Her favorite pastime is playing in the yard with her children and congregating outside with her neighbors and their children after school," said Jana Bell of Jackson, a family friend.

"The most important thing to her is being a wife and mother."

Like her husband, Karen Irby was married before. Her daughter Parker, 7, is from that marriage. Stuart's grown children are Stuart M. Irby Jr. and Natalie Read Irby.

Karen, 38, and Stuart have a son together - Graham, 3.

Before she and Irby met, Karen Collins was brought up in Gulfport and graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1992, studying speech communication and public relations.

She worked for several years, as an Internet sales rep, and as territory manager for L'Oreal cosmetics. She was a member of former Gov. Kirk Fordice's Team Mississippi.

Recently, she found more time for volunteer work, Bell said, having decided to become a stay-at-home mom.

When not at home, she and her husband often met friends at the Country Club of Jackson.

On the night of Feb. 11, Morgan's daughter had to be hospitalized. She was dehydrated from an intestinal bug.

Morgan had to cancel the family dinner with Pogue and Dedousis.

"I guess they decided to go out and eat instead," Morgan said. "They must have been headed home when it happened."

The doctors had met while in medical school in England.

Since then, Pogue had finished his medical training in the United States, entered UMC's family practice program and was set to finish his residency in June.

Dedousis was a first-year resident at Jersey City (N.J.) Medical Center.

A few days before Valentine's Day, she came to Jackson to visit her fiance - their first sight of each other since he'd proposed to her in December.

"I talked to them on the phone a couple of hours before the accident," Morgan said.

"They were acting like little kids together. He was so happy."

Like the Irbys, both had a soft spot for the underdog.

Pogue once offered to buy an airline ticket for a colleague who couldn't afford to visit her folks, Morgan said.

In Jersey City, Dedousis was known for her energy and her smile, and for covering her colleagues' shifts, said Dr. Navneet Lather, a hospital staff member.

Mark Rabson, a hospital spokesman, remembers the moment the staff heard about Dedousis' death.

"You have to understand: This is a regional trauma center," he said. "People here have seen everything.

"But in the emergency room, they were crying that day."

The Irbys were in their Mercedes-Benz, westbound on Old Canton Road, not far from the country club.

Their car hit the truck, slammed into a retaining wall near The Glen Apartments.

Pogue's truck hit the wall, too, and smashed through it. Flames from the burning truck could be seen more than a block away.

The Jackson Police Department has received the toxicology report from the accident, but is withholding the results so the case can be presented to a grand jury. A toxicology report, which determines whether alcohol or drugs played a role in an accident, is standard in fatal wrecks.

The case likely will be presented to a grand jury in April, officials said.

"The public needs to understand there is no conspiracy," police spokesman Lt. Jeffery Scott said.

About two weeks after the accident, Karen Irby was released from UMC. She has undergone surgery to mend broken bones to her face and body.

Stuart Irby is still hospitalized, and as of late last week was "essentially" in ICU, according to a posting by his brother, Charles Irby, on the Web site

On Feb. 20, Pogue was buried in Burkes Cemetery in DeKalb.

In New Jersey, family and friends held a memorial service for Dedousis on Friday; it was her fiance's 36th birthday.

In the face of conspiracy theorists and judgmental bloggers, those who know these four people best are holding onto their kindest memories of them.

And there are the others, like West, who heard the sirens screaming that night.

"I don't like to think about it at all," she said. "It was so bad."

To comment on this story, call Gary Pettus at (601) 961-7037.

Anonymous said...

FISH. Has it been reported anywhere, by anyone, as to what exactly was going on at the Country Club the night of the accident? Private party? Charitable fundraiser?

Anonymous said...

Kingfish said...


What I think is someone got the CL and put them up to publishing the article. It reminded me alot of the hit job they did on Paul Davey a few years ago. I don't think I have ever seen an article anger people so much as this one.

Anonymous said...

The people on your blog said that Karen Irby had never thought once about the victims after the accident. How the hell would anybody know that either way?

The article was accurate and humanized one of your targets. I wrote Gary Pettus yesterday and thanked him for writing it... It's easy to pile on the hate. It's much harder to remember these are all human beings, very good people except for one deadly night...

Kingfish said...

I'm sure she thought alot about them. In fact, I know one of her exact quotes and its very remorseful for what its worth.

Sorry, but you aren't going to get me to agree with you on the Pettus story. It was a hit piece. Placing the photos of the Irbys and kids on the website and leaving off all the other photos was proof enough. He consistently got his facts wrong, missed a domestic violence arrest in his own databases, got the weather wrong, and engaged in an attempt to shut down all dissent in this town as to what happened. As for humanizing her, everyone knows how much pain she is in and how she is probably disfigured and disabled for the rest of her life.

However, remorse and humanizing stories don't mean much at this point, do they?

Anonymous said...

And throwing the book at Karen Irby means a lot because...?

Anonymous said...

....because she made a CHOICE to drink and drive and go at least three times the posted speed limit, cross the center lane and kill two innocent people for starters.

Give me a minute or two and I'll come up with something else. Hmmm, yeah that's it. Callous disregard for human life and/or the safety and well-being of others.

Need more, SFB?

Anonymous said...

If she is such a "good" mother, then why is there a pacifier in the mouth of a 3 year old on her hip????
Just observation from a child development guru!!!

Kingfish said...

Listen 8:55

You' are DAMN lucky her car went in the direction it did. My grandmother lives about 30 yards down the street from that crash site. another 30 yards in the opposite direction and that is my feeble grandmother who is probably toast as it would have gone into her house. and you wouldn't have to worry about her going to trial if that had happened with the same results. So spare me. No one wants to hear it about her escaping punishment from the law.

and yes, 3 year olds should not have pacifiers. Its a sign of lazy parenting as its a way to just shut a kid up and keep him at a younger level so you don't have to deal with him.

Anonymous said...

This 9th poster on the C-L comments about sums it all up.

"Zilla wrote:

What I am about to say is not a reflection of any of the victims of this wreck.

THIS IS THE WORST ARTICLE EVER WRITTEN!!!! Seriously!! Where is the editor? Is the person responsible for the wordsmithing in the 4th grade!?!?! It rambles and makes almost zero sense in in the fact that it is literally jumping around with vague and at times unrelated dribble. Exhibit A - You give the Impression with the direct and extremely short paragraphs that Mr. Irby played piano in England for the deceased couple. And there's more obsurdities littered throughout your nightmare article!!!

I apologize, Mr. Pettus, but you are not in command of the English langauge nor do have the ability to write informative material with substance and you should find another line of work. However, I feel you are not the person who should be held entirely responsible for the this literary disaster - your boss, your editor and anyone remotely connected to your hire should tender up their resignations."

Pretty much calls out everyone except Gary's Journalism Profs. LOL


Kingfish said...

Two words: Grace Simmons. The Metro Editor.

This weekend I was at the Dept. of Archives doing some research and came across stories she wrote as a reporter in the mid 90's. Her writing was horrible. I learned last year alot of times when a story was printed that was badly written, I found out it was her editing that was at fault, not the reporter, especially if the story appears to be disjointed or poorly spliced together.

I've seen Pettus write much better than this and am surprised he has his name on this byline.

Anonymous said...

Always a woman's fault, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Always a woman's fault, isn't it?
March 10, 2009 2:00 AM"

If the slingback fits,........

Anonymous said...

I'm a woman. Don't play the gender card here. What she did was wrong.

For the record, this a small town. People talk. I heard the very next day that she was loaded, they had a fight as usual, and she drove out of the country club mad as hell. You'd have to be material for Hitler's army to believe that she is innocent. Talking about drinking the Kool Aid. Most people know that these people partyed hard.

And the CL acts like whiney little crybabys because they called on the carpet. Thank goodness we have blogs to keep our local media honest. They obviously are intimidated by the power of social media. In addition, they also have done a TERRIBLE job reporting on this story.

Anonymous said...

what's the story behind the domestic violence charge on Stuart from 2007?

Kingfish said...

I've heard the story, not going to say what it is. Lets just say I decided to dive into how the law can be used and wrote that last paragraph for a reason.

stilettoGOP said...

My attorney tried to get me to do that in my divorce trial. (file that there was abuse) He said people do it all the time. But there was nothing in me that could do it since it wasn't true. And mine would have been so believable, as he used steroids. I just still couldn't do it.. guess having a conscience will do that to ya. I didn't need it in my case anyway, won bigtime. And I was up against a "family name" too.

I believe the real judge of life's trials doesn't wear a robe, and ultimately rewards those who did the right thing when given a choice.

Kingfish said...

I've seen where the judges have delayed adjuticating the criminal charges until the divorce is final just for that reason.

Judges are really sick of that tactic. Girl I knew did that on advice of her lawyer, her lawyer then negotiated the charges away in settlement, then she couldn't understand why the prosecutor wouldn't help her when she actually needed it down the road.

Anonymous said...

Some people are saying women were jealous because they weren't Mrs. Stuart Irby. I am sorry, I am 35 and I would rather eat at McDonalds and shop at JcPenny than be with a 55 year old man who's doggie don't fight. sorry guys...I want love and only buys things.

Anonymous said...

woof woof !!!

Anonymous said...

Ouch. "...a 55 year old man who's doggie don't fight..." Ummmmm, what's a doggie in this instance?

Kingfish said...

I'd say the kid with the paci is proof enough thats false.

Kingfish said...

wait a second anon at 3:49, where's my email?


Anonymous said...

Looking at the divorce decree we find that her name was not Karen Collins, as reported in the article twice. It was Karen BOUNDS. Your writer, by the use of this omission meant to minimize the rocky marriage record of Ms. Irby. We also find that Mr. Irby was named and subpoenaed Duces Tecum in the divorce proceedings, which brings up questions not addressed in the article. Mr. Pettis left us hanging as to the timing of the romantic Bogart/Bacall like interlude he described. Did she "fall in love as he played his piano" before, during or after these proceedings? Was he perhaps called to court to play background music? We also see that Ms. Bounds was ordered by the court to attend a parenting skills class, which would indicate that perhaps there was a deficiency in that regard. The fact that she was out drinking on a school night with two small children at home bears testament to this.Dr. Pouge's truck did not hit the wall on it's own, as implied. It was pushed into the wall by the Irby car. As written, the story implies that
perhaps Pouge shared in the fault, which is preposterous. It is obvious to any fair observer that this article was written to benefit the Irby's legal position in the event of a jury trial. I feel the
Clarion Ledger is implicated in an attempt to whitewash this tragedy and influence the case. I offer as evidence the glowing picture of both of them holding two small children in a Brady Bunch pose. This picture should have never been included in a recounting of this terrible chain of events. The
intent is obvious. Your paper, or what is left of it, should be ashamed of this story and it's
implications. What makes everyone so upset is the hypocrisy exhibited wherein you have not ever to my knowledge flowered up a obviously guilty
party, who, whether she was drunk or sober, obviously burned two people to death with a deadly weapon. I can only surmise why this was done. This article is a pitiful example of shoddy journalism at it's worst. There is no defense for this story appearing on the Sunday front page of this once proud newspaper.

Kingfish said...

I'm starting to think this wasn't sloppy journalism.

Read the Paul Davey stories from a few years ago, there were two of them, and you'll see what I mean. Don't think this kind of stuff doesn't happen, even here in Jackson.

As for Mr. Irby's subpoena, that by itself means nothing. They were dragging in everyone into that divorce: his dad, two sheriffs, media personalities, numerous men and women. Just because his name was on a list means nothing. If you want to go this route you need to pull the divorce pleadings and decree and see if he is even mentioned. Until then, mentioning him along with 20 other people subpoenaed is not damaging in and of itself.

Kingfish said...

That last sentence got it zapped.

Anonymous said...

My e-mail failed to send. Send me one back. I'm in.


Anonymous said...

I live in a state were Karen has family. And yes they did imply that she and Stuart were so drunk that they had to be helped to there car that night. and it has also been said that they were fighting that night it has been noted that she is very jealous of him. I heard that he might have grabbed the wheel of the car that night she was driving. and she herself said she was speeding.We are here to tell the J.P.D.and Lt.Scott what they need to know and to hear.It was written that the Irby,s live by Faith,and if this is true then they should know and have read in the Bible that it says about being a druckard.And if it is so important for her to be a good mother then why were they out drinking.Why need a nanny?

Anonymous said...

who in the world would have helped them to their car if they were so drunk? Why didn't somebody try to the get the damn keys instead?

Anonymous said...

Has anybody else heard the Irby's have looked into alcohol and drug treatment for Karen since the wreck?

Anonymous said...

I have never seen such a display of such sick individuals. This is a tragic situation and you people do not seem to case what you say or who you hurt in the process. I only hope the families of ALL the people involved in this never see this. NONE, I REPEAT NONE of you were present during the accident. NONE, I REPEAT NONE of you live with Karen & Stuart. NONE, I REPEAT NONE of you should have been able to communicate with any of the parties involved in this tragedy. We may never know what happened that night as AGAIN, NONE, I REPEAT NONE of you were in the Mercedes or the Truck. NONE, I REPEAT NONE of you have any ideal what transpired in either vehicle. You people should also let the JPD do their job and put faith in the legal system that you have helped put in place. Karen and Stuart are both badly injured, LEET THEM HEAL and STOP SPECULATING. Thank God I do not live in Jackson or the state of Mississippi for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Thank God I do not live in Jackson or the state of Mississippi for that matter.

My sentiments exactly. We're glad you don't live here too! We've already got enough dumbasses covering up on behalf of those responsible for these tragic deaths.

Anonymous said...

Just following the story and never seen such a display of hatred and jealousy.
You obviously are perfect people and have never made a mistake of any kind. If you ever do make a mistake will these people be all over you like they are The Irby's?
You people have even left ugly messages on the CB site, you have talked about their children - there is no excuse for that! You people really should know better! Let me restate my comment in the form of a question since being the "dumbass" that I seem to be, obviously I was not very clear- WERE YOU IN EITHER CAR THE NIGHT OF THE ACCIDENT AND DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED?

Kingfish said...

No one has bashed the kids on this board and if they do, the post gets zapped. period. The comments here have been strong but much tamer than whats on the CL.

I could say alot more. I've been told by a very credible source what the BAC's are and also what the speed of the car is, which is why I'm letting some of this stuff stay up, even though I "wasn't in the car".

I will say JPD had investigators out there the NEXT DAY and were knocking on doors so I don't think they are covering up like some people do. I think they have been making a thorough investigation and have spent several days out there reconstructing the scene. No, they have not released any details but that has been their policy over the years unfortunately, something that hurts them as people then assume the worst and too often, with good reason. I've been proud of the commentors here for the most part because the comments have been rather mild compared to other forums and the emails being sent to the local tv stations.

Anonymous said...

Question for you, Kingfish....
Just curious as to why you were given the details of the BAC "from a very credible source". Why would you be privy to this information, you're just someone that enjoys blogging. Was it one of those Irby haters? Which brings me to my next question. Why are there so many Irby haters in Jackson, MS. Just seems to me there are tons of individuals jealous of the Irby status. I'm not trying to stir the pot, I'm simply curious.

Kingfish said...

There are also alot of people who have no idea who they are. Person who told me has no ax to grind, doesn't really know who they are and is indifferent for the most part.

As for any Irby haters, I've no idea. I've got nothing for or against any of the Irby's per se, the wreck notwithstanding. I frankly never really knew who they were before this wreck for the most part. I'd been told about his philanthropy but thats about it.

Anonymous said...

I know this is not as bad as the CL. Believe me, I have let them know how tasteless I feel the posts are. Look again on March 9th. There is talk about the child with his pacifier and lazy parenting. How old is the "file photo" the Clarion Ledger used? Yes that is mild, but please let's leave their children, divorces, previous names, and jobs out of this, here or on the CL site. Just because something is a matter of public record does not mean it has to be dug up and used to hurt someone. I appreciate your feeling that officials are not covering up anything. We live in an age that it is virtually impossible to do. Really, look at all of the private and personal details of their lives that all of you have brought out during this. It is obvious people want to assume the worst. I think it is horrible for the CL and the TV stations to allow comments on this type of story. Would you really want to read this if the situation involved your family or loved one? We should be better people than this. Two people lost their lives that night and that is a horrible tragedy. Let the Irby's heal and stop bringing up their personal life and any dirt that can be dug up. I am sure if we dig deep enough we can all find a skeleton or two. Believe me EVERYONE involved in this is hurting and in pain, both physical and mental. Isn't that enough for now?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kingfish. I honestly just cannot believe all the horrible comments that have been made on these blogs. Seems like people believe the driver deliberately killed the doctors. I do not believe anyone would want to live out the remainder of their life the way that Karen Irby will live out hers. The haters should flood the JPD, DA, and every other elected offical with their comments of believing they're covering up details of this accident just because an Irby is involved. Bash the CL with comments of their ridiculous stories, but stay away from the Irby Caringbridge site just because they are consumed with every detail of their progress. Caringbridge is such a wonderful site when used appropriately. It's heart=breaking however, to think there are adults who would go to such measures as to post negativity on their care pages. I was blessed to be born into a wealthy family whose grandparents and great grandparents before me were very wise, and made for a wonderful life for myself and my siblings and cousins. We, too have been very generous with giving back to charities that have made a difference in many lives. Like the Irby's our family has had our share of pain and heart-break. One family member even had a caringbridge site. So I see many similarities between my family and the Irby family. The only difference....we have never ever been the subject of such ridicule. For that I am thankful. I feel most heart broken for the adult children of Mr Irby. God Bless them.

Kingfish said...

Believe me, they are flooding them. You would not believe the emails the media here in town has gotten.

As for the paci comment, sorry, its staying up. I know the person who made that comment and that person IS an expert and is VERY well-respected and well-liked. I completely agree with it and that kid is MUCH too old for one. I don't think much of mothers who are well-off, healthy, and get full-time nannies. Keeping a kid that age on a pacifier is not good as I've seen kids who were treated such need speech therapy as a result so sorry, you're barking up the wrong tree as I'd think and say the same thing if I saw the picture normally. I have some definite opinions on this deal that are pretty strong and about some of the individuals involved but I'm going to wait til things start to come out through proper channels before I say anything.

I didn't think much of the people going to the Caring Bridge site and posting those comments. I'd rather them come here and do it as I can delete them if they are too bad. there are a lot of good people that care about them and its not fair to them to go to their site and do that.

and people are angry because they've seen too much happen in Jackson. Don't think things can get covered up? See the George Bell June beating of Heather Spencer. It as reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor quietly and the reasons given were in violation of the law. Then there was Faye Peterson throwing, yes throwing, the case of Mack, the JSU Shooter-she didn't call the victim or main witness before the grand jury so surprise, no indictment nor did she charge him with possession of a gun on school campus, so a convicted felon walked away because Credell Calhoun was his uncle so yes, it can happen and still happens and people are very irate. When JPD adopts these policies, they deserve whatever criticism they get.

Anonymous said...

So what you're saying Kingfish, is that all the nasty comments aimed directly at the Irby family is warranted because of past coverups....Can you tell me how any member of the Irby family was associated with either of the 2 incidents you mentioned. Most every comment that I have read on this blog and the CL, are aimed at hatred towards the Irbys....Karen or Stuart. What a lame excuse to post those comments just because the bloggers feel the officials will not do their job. Apparently the voters who put these officials into office do not have faith in their vote. Or did the Irby's have some bearing on how the people voted.

Anonymous said...

If it is possible, one good thing has come of all this. The atmosphere at the CCJ has changed drastically.
working there, I am observing the change of attitude around the bar and dining areas. Those who are notorious for being nasty hateful boring worms are sitting quietly now not being as nasty, hateful and boring but just simply worms. There is less drinking and more responsible behavior from these slugs of humanity. Who knows, Jackson may be turning the corner from a snobby upper class controlled society run by thoughtless jerks who feel if they throw their money around they can insult and hurt anyone they please and get away with anything.

Anonymous said...

One rule that should be observed by those who feel they are better than others: Never be rude and insulting to anyone who is about to serve you food. (Just a thought.)

Anonymous said...

Some questions and observations.

(1) Does anyone know whether the authorities have taken Karen's driver's license and passport and held them?

(2) The outrage that many have expressed is from a sense of a lack of justice that they see perpetuated in our community. That the rich are treated differently. There can be no doubt that this is the case. The driver of a car which caused the death of two has not been charged with any crime.

(3) The Irby supporters and apologizers shold ask themselves a simple series of questions. If your innocent loved one was killed by someone else, how would you react to a stall by the authorities on charging them with a crime and how would you react to an article in the only daily which talks about how wonderful and caring the couple is/was?

Anonymous said...

That the rich are treated differently.

Large contributors to Sheriff McMillin's political campaigns certainly are treated with kid gloves by Chief McMillin.

Anonymous said...

Is the person above "just following the story" the same person with the screen name "justfollowing" (or whatever) on the C-L?

Anonymous said...

No, I am not "justfollowing". I feel deeply for the families that lost their loved ones. I do have them in my thoughts and prayers as well as the Irby's. I only wish the people making such ugly posts about the Irby's lives could step back a little and not throw so many stones when people are down. Some of you say you work at the Country Club. You have so many nasty comments about the members, maybe you should find some other employment and not be around so many rich, snobby people. Instead of being so angry, try putting that energy to use by doing something good instead of kicking people when they are down. As I have asked, how many of you were there that night? Maybe some of you should look into employment with the JPD or DA's office if they are as corrupt as you claim.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish does have a point. We live in a state where our governor let a man who shot his wife in the face in the middle of a small town walk. I was a child living in that very small town when it occured. It was the end of my innocense. Justice??

Anonymous said...

@ 8:55.

Okay, I was curious. I do not understand some of the venom that is being spewed (and Fish is right, the worst is certainly at C-L); however, the fact that some people are making irresponsible comments does not negate the reality that Mississippians have adequate reason to watch these events with a skeptical eye to the agencies and people responsible for prosecution.

Anonymous said...

Money buys influence. Sad but so very true. Kingfish has well documented from source materials that the Irbys have contributed substantial sums of money to help bankroll McMillin's campaigns. Public confidence in the corrupt Hinds judicial system is already in the tank. Its politics as usual for the politician Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

It's called the "Dirty South" for a reason. I have seen it personally in the justice system. Those with money and power get away with things that "regular" people do not.

Anonymous said...

People outside the state have no reason to criticize our citizens for being watchdogs in a judicial system rocked with corruption for the past several years.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to see the emotion and wild energy being thrown around. I thank Kingfish for the tamer nature of his blog, probably tamer than CL because he is somewhat moderating the input.

I think what makes this case unique is the fact that the public has a fascination with the fall of people in prominent
positions. You get the same fascination with star atheletes, politicians and judges, lawyers (Scruggs, for example) It is a
curious side of human behavior.

Whether K Irby is found guilty or not will happen by a judge/jury not by internet bloggers
and anonymous commentaries. Some people have suggested that no matter what... K Irby will have to live with this episode and the fact that two deaths occurred, somehow as if, this were her punishment. Indeed, it would be hard to live with that, but how she feels about her acts would seem to have little bearing otherwise, any criminal could just say they were sorry if they could then avoid punishment.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion.....why don't all you bloggers who are jealous and miserable over the fact that the Irby's have money...get a vision, work hard at it and become rich so you can get special treatment. Oh, but you don't have time for that. you want to spend your time blogging about how horrible the Irby's are because they're rich.

Kingfish said...

I asked on a message board with alot of members from other states if what Mac was doing was normal and the cops that post said yes. In some jurisdictions the invidividual is responsible for the health care after an arrest, in others the city/county is, which I've been told is the case here.

I've also been told in other areas the chart is flagged so when the patient is about to be released, the police are notified. I suspect this is probably the case here. I don't think anything is amiss in collecting everythign and then submitting to grand jury. Now if grand jury doesn't indict, different story, especially if no information is released.

However, I think Mac should release the BAC results as its time to turn over a new life in this town and quit fueling suspicions of coverups which have been protected by the no comment policy in the past.

the dirty little secret is that when it comes to open records, the police in this state are the criminals' best friend.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, if a black person who had been drinking and driving at a high speed, killed the Irby's in an accident, the same good Christians would not be praying for the drunk driver. They'd be building a hangman's platform in the middle of Capital Street. I am white and middle class, so I'm not pulling the race card. I'm just being honest about our community. God forbid it were a Mexican.

Anonymous said...

The Irbys sure seem to have a number of supporters who post dumbass comments. Urging everyone to get rich so that they may also buy corrupt politicians to give them special treatment does more damage than good.

Anonymous said...

Getting rich so I can manipulate the system sounds pretty good. Thanks for the suggestion!

Anonymous said...

In some jurisdictions the invidividual is responsible for the health care after an arrest, in others the city/county is, which I've been told is the case here.

So you are saying that anyone who gets arrested in Hinds County, even if they bond out or are released, gets their medical paid for until the final adjudication of their case?

I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Only if you are incarcerated, not if you are out on bail. I would bet that she would be out on bail within minutes

Anonymous said...

So if I get arrested on a misdemeanor, can I get this tooth ache taken care of at the city's expense?

*dialing Allstate to cancel car insurance*

Anonymous said...

Before I go any further...I am not a supporter of the Irby's, in no way, shape, form, or fashion. I do hope that justice served. However, I do not support all the hate filled comments from bloggers directed to the Irby's. From what I read here, you're upset because you believe they will be treated special because they're rich and donate $$$ to political campaigns. Nothing states that you too can't donate to these campaigns. Write letters to those that are in office, blog about your hatred toward them, go visit their offices and let them know where you the people stand. I doubt there is a single Irby that reads your comments.

Kingfish said...

No one blames them for donating money to candidates. This puts it on Mac when he took the Chief's job. by doing so, he opened himself up to criticism if something ever happened involving one of his donors.

JPD and Jackson itself are very tight-lipped on anything, to their detriment. Remember, Lee Vance is against making incident reports available because he is worried more about his officers getting sued, not in actually serving the public or holding the police accountable. In other jurisdictions, you can get the police report on an incident, the BAC levels are made public, and there is less suspicion of the police.

JPD instead doesn't tell anybody anything and then wonders why they are so disliked. The problem is JPD is filled with incest as all senior officials come from within the department. Even Mac was a former JPD cop. However, we don't focus on that but instead on someone like the Irby's when if Mac would use some common sense and at least release the toxicology results, things wouldn't look so suspicious. I'm not accusing them of anything, just that sometimes you have to take extra steps to avoid an appearance of a conflict of interest.

stilettoGOP said...

Kind of off subject, and I know this is going to get taken the wrong way.. but, I've been reading here religiously since 07, and for some reason I'm kinda bummed out that 'everybody knows' about this site now. Like I said, don't take it the wrong way but, I hope this doesn't mean it's gona be all CL-ish in the posting here now. and by CL-ish, I mean idiots.

Just hoping the quality of posts from the readers stays as good as it's always been here.

Anonymous said...

To the poster who stated to "work hard" to gain riches, I don't believe Stuart Irby has worked hard a day in his life. He was born into money.

Anonymous said...

Do we know if Charles Irby is in Jackson or at his home in Nashville

Anonymous said...

To the person a few days ago saying they live in a state with Karen's family. I find it hard to believe her family would discuss this accident with anyone, especially someone that would post
the conversation on this site.

Anonymous said...

I think that the class warfare being pushed by the politicians is affecting some people and their views of the Irbys. Some people have a deep-seated jealousy and hatred for people who have more than them. I don't think there is a cover-up. I think the police and DA's office know that a very good lawyer will be representing the other side and they want to make sure they do everything exactly by the book. One thing I feel fairly certain about is that any trial won't take place in Jackson. All a good defense lawyer has to do is reproduce the comments on the local news websites, and there will be a change of venue.

Anonymous said...

Reading the article on Sunday made me want to throw up. There is no way to compare the lives of the Irby's with the lives of two dedicated, up and coming doctors.
Stuart never worked hard for anything. Isn't his fault, just the truth. He is aware of this also. The exaggerations and statements that Stuart and Karen were in love is such a joke. If you are deeply in love then why would you let the person you respect and love stand in front of many, many witnesses 9 months pregnant in a wedding dress. Out of love and devotion, you would get married the moment the pregnancy was discovered. The reason they didn't was because he didn't want to marry her nor did he know if it was his so that is the reason for the DNA test. They were both seeing other people. When the results came back, they set a date. She made sure every one who is anyone came to the wedding. How tacky. And, prior to the marriage, you can't find any major charity the Karen had ever volunteered for or was a part of. So, to try to paint the Irbys as equals to the Drs. is an insult to their hard work and dedication.

Anonymous said...

All a good defense lawyer has to do is reproduce the comments on the local news websites, and there will be a change of venue.

Dream on.

Anonymous said...

If I were the defense, I would plead my client guilty and fall on the mercy of the court. If he asked for a jury trial, the only defense, in the light of possible damning evidence (which of course we have not heard as yet) would be to replay the theme of the article in the CL. We see what reaction the prosecution would have in cross examination by reading these responses. He or she would have no choice but to minimize the good and maximize the bad. It would be a terrible wrenching experience for the family. A change in venue would do no good, even if the case were conducted on Pluto. Glad I'm not the defense team.

Anonymous said...

To me, if she has even a shred of character, she will plead guilty. I'm not holding my breath however, because the Irby lawyers won't want to part with the money that will have to be forked over with her admission of guilt.

Anonymous said...

I did not write every word that was said about that night that Karen drove dog drunk,speeding and well i like Kingfish will not tell all.But this statement you made makes me wonder did i hit a Nerve?you must know of the statements made that there is Truth in what i wrote. Why else would you question my comments? The truth is bad enough why Lie.I have know reason to make anything up.I fell bad for the Irby,s you must be a friend or family.Do them a favor and let the Truth come out!!!!! They both need HELP!! And i do know a whole lot about this Accident.Trust ME.

Kingfish said...

good luck with that argument. Scruggs tried that trick by dragging in every website and even Marshall Ramsey I think. Judge said nice try, not going to work.

Especially considering the internet has a potentially worldwide reach.

Kingfish said...

and by the way 12:17, you can always email me. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Could there maybe be a jilted girlfriend in this crowd?

Anonymous said...

Could there maybe be a jilted girlfriend in this crowd?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like "Anonymous" posting on March 13 at 12:17 really is in the know. A question please, Why would the family say anything about one of their own, especially to someone not in the family? Even with members of my own family that I am not very close, they are still my family and I would not kick them when they are down. People with common sense do not discuss family matters with anyone let alone outsiders. No nerves struck here, just using my brain. Maybe you should think twice about what you are saying or do you have these "Mysterious" sources that are revealing information. You people are judgemental and blood hungry. Since NONE of us are perfect, you may wake up and find yourself in a situation with the "Carnivors of Jackson" gnawing at you. Wonder how you would feel?

Anonymous said...

Carnivores of Jackson? Well, I guess London has its werewolves.

Kingfish said...

No carnivores. There are three reasons for these comments here and at the CL website.

1. The story in the CL last Sunday. It was a spin piece. all I've heard this week was that was an obvious spin job for the defense. People were reacting not so much to the families involved but the story itself. Blame the CL for provoking a reaction by publishing a story that went way past simple journalism and engaged in advocacy for one side. A quick review of some public records proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

2. The Irby's have lived very um, visible and not-so flattering lives. This is Jackson and too many people have seen, read, or heard too many things. The thought of seeing them drunk again in public and then killing two people by driving at high rates of speed has outraged many.

3. JPD's policy of not commenting or releasing any results. Its standard procedure for them but once again JPD doesn't realize how much ill will it creates by allowing an appearance of a conflict of interest to persist. Notice I said appearance. I think there will be indictments returned and things will settle down some.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous posting on 3-13 2:59 p.m. so i did hit a nerve.The truth will set you free.How do you know where i stand in this family?Right after this accident happened there was talking Big time and to know surprise the family has now put a Lid on it.After the Attorneys were brought in.You have to wonder why.If you care so much for this family you should want them to get the HELP they need!!!Put your shoe on the other foot how would you feel if this was someone other than the Irby,s you would want the book thrown at them.In answer to your question,if i took the lives of two people because i had a drinking,druging problem and i got behind the wheel drunk fighting with my spouse.speeding acting like a crazy fool then i guess i would know why the Carnivores of Jackson would be gnawing at me!!And i could only pray that those that love me would see to it that i got the Help that i truley did need.And not try to cover up my mistakes because that,s when they come back to Haunt You.How dare you question me.Look in the mirror and ask yourself if Karen did Wrong that night.I read this that someone said maybe there was something that went wrong with there car that night.But know that was a new car Stuart had just brought her that car 2-3 weeks earlier a gift for her B-Day.That is the reason that they are alive today.Because of how well and strong that car was made it was way to much car for Karen to handle.Again i will say i do know the Truth about alot of this accident.And it sure seems to bother you.You need to let Karen and Stuart face the music.If you are in deed a Friend or this will repeat it,s self again somewhere down the road and next time your family member might be a passenger or her own children.

Anonymous said...

To the 11:49 poster: You have "know" (couldn't resist that one)idea of what you are rambling about. Karen's birthday is in October. That car was not given to her 2-3 weeks prior to the accident as a gift. She has had that car for quite a while. I don't know who you are, and I also doubt you have any real connection. If you knew Karen at all, you would also know that she does not "drug" as you like to put it. You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth on the subject, anyway. And yes, you did hit a nerve. Idiocy has a way of doing that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous posting 3-14 at 5:02
Thank goodness you have shown up. I am so glad to know someone else sees what an idiot that person is. Thanks for responding, glad to get the help here. Not sure where he/she lives but we need to make sure someone gets some spelling lessons(I couldn't resist either).
Take care.

Anonymous said...

You too! I watched as long as I could, and I finally reached my limit. Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

To the 5:02 poster: Let me start by saying that i do know that i,m saying it came from a very trust worthy person.I have to leave it at that.I can not and will not mention any names.We all know that Karen was driving way to fast and under the influence of alcohol,she did admit to those facts within the first few days of the accident.I don,t like the way that i have let Anger control me.I realize in order to forgive we don,t have to let go of our opinions about someones attitudes or Actions.To forgive Karen for her actions on that night means that we will rise above Anger,Hate,Outrage,Hurt and Hostility.In forgiving her we all will be taking better care of ourselves.I also know that Karen has a much harder job ahead of her.She has to forgive Herself.I know that Karen made the worst possible choice on that night.I do also know that the feelings that most of us share are becoming Toxic and we are slowing poisoning ourselves.I feel that most of the rage is really with the officials as in the way that it is being handled. I,m sure that Karen would take that night out of her life if she could.She is Human and did not set out to hurt anyone that night,but it was her actions that did take two people off the face of the earth in just moments.You see i don,t hate Karen and i don,t think others that post on here do either.We just want Justice for the innocent.People want to see justice done know matter Rich,Poor.Black or White if you or anyone breaks the law than there has to be Consequences.This runs much deeper it,s about the way we define ourselves.I,m sorry that you are so angry that you can,t see or will not see the Truth.How would you feel if it were Karen and Stuart that were killed by the Doctor?YOU would seek justice.

Anonymous said...

12:45 blogger......You make it incredibly difficult for anyone to take you serious. You are a pathetic writer. Please go back to 1st grade and learn how to write a simple sentence! Geez!

don,t (don't); I,m (I'm); can,t (can't); Rich,Poor.Black or White

Anonymous said...

To posters,5:02,6:31 and 9:44.You can sure tell that you are Family and Friends of the GUILTY.What about the facts,they speak for themselves.Or do you have blinders on.I don`t see that this person is speaking anything but the Truth and you know what they say The Truth Hurts!!!Of all the post on here you seem to always respond to this same person.You would have to wonder why.Did they hit a nerve.Could that nerve be called Truth.

Anonymous said...

As I said before, no nerves struck here. Just think you people could show a little more compassion. No blinders either. Gossip is not truth! You want justice to be served, but NONE of you were there that night and it is doubtful you have spoken with any of the parties involved. You speculate and comment on how corrupt your law enforcement is, but are you doing anything about it? NO, just lip service. Try being kind and pray for a change in the attitude of the ones that want to be so mean. Your comments will not bring back the lost lives, nor will it make this case move any faster. Try to find something constructive in which to use your energy that will do good for your community instead of bashing other people when they are down. Maybe you would feel better about yourself. If you can't do that at least try praying for the people involved in this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

There are no established facts in this case other than 2 people were killed and 2 people were hurt. Law enforcement will gather the facts and the justice system
will deal with the facts under the rules we all abide.

Kingfish said...

There is another fact.

The Irbys gave $9,000 to Mac in 07 and $23,600 over the years. Among his largest donors.

That is why I think Mac should release the toxicology reports. I am NOT saying anything has happened. I just think he should do so and avoid any appearances.

Anonymous said...

To 12:45
I am not angry at all. I just don't believe you, simple as that.

Anonymous said...


Do you know where the couple had dinner the night they were killed? For some reason I would like to know. I guess so I can pay a special sort of tribute of my own to them.

Kingfish said...

No idea. My understanding was he had picked her up at the airport as she had flown in to see him for Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

And you 3-15 1:11 p.m.poster are just plain "Pathetic" Maybe you are a first grade teacher? I can certainly learn from criticism, and i do remain open to hearing what others have to say,but neither my popularity nor my ability to please others that i live or work with legitimate measures of my worth as an individual.You my dear sound like you are in denial.And when i say that your friend or i would guess family member made a very bad choice you seem to get angry.Reality won't go away just because it was ignored.And again i say that i do know certain facts about this accident. Karen needs to let the truth out not for truth's sake but for her own.When your mistake affects someone else if you refuse to own up when you are wrong you are left with "Guilt" And as for you,I'M NOT PERFECT.I am human,I make mistakes.But on the other hand you must be perfect.Or so you think.Practice what you wrote try being kind.

Anonymous said...

"My Dear", ignoring you is probably the best thing to do. No one is perfect, but some of us use our brains and do not fall into the trap of "the talk of the town". There are many other constructive ways to use your time and energy. Whatever mistakes may have been made are NOT your responsibility. Hopefully you will learn that if idol talk is what it takes to make you popular or to please others, you do not need people in your life like that. Try praying for everyone involved.
Not from 3-15 1:11.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2009 12:13 PM poster....

Oh no, it's you again. You have no shame. Another posting full of random ignorance. I hope you don't live in Jackson, or even the state of MS; you are an embarrassment to society! Please find a big hole and crawl inside. I am positive the Irby's would be ecstatic to know that you hate them so.

From 3-15 1:11

Kingfish said...

By the way, I love all of y'all.

Anonymous said...

Fish, have you thought about the idea that the CL might actually be doing a hit job ON the Irbys? Seriously. Stuart was a biggie Republican and the CL is hardly a bastion of conservatism. This article was damning with faint praise IMHO, tainting any jury pool Karen would possibly have. If there was truly any luuuuuv for the Irbys at the CL wouldn't they have taken more time to do a really *good* article? You know, one without so many egregious mistakes? Cuz all this one did was make people mad.

I put equal blame for this on Stuart. He should have put his foot down earlier with regards to her out of control behaviour. And who was paying for the Nanny? What, exactly, did Karen have to do with her time that was so much more valuable than spending it with her own kids? It's not like she had a high profile demanding job or anything. Were her kids simply too much trouble? Why did Stuart support this?

I really feel the kids should be placed with two *responsible* adults. Clearly Karen and Stuart thought they were still in college. The whole get massively drunk, then drive thing is something college kids do. They think they're immortal, have no idea of their own limitations, and likely haven't been able to drink without many limitations before. A 55+yr old and nearly 40 yr old? With small children at home? Shameful.

Had Karen been home with her young children that night. Had Stuart simply called a car service... They do have those in Jackson, right? Had something happened to those kids that night, a fall, appendicitis, anything requiring hospitalization. Neither of their parents would have been able to sign a consent to treat form. They were both too drunk. Niiiiice.

Whatever happens with the Irbys and a lawsuit from the victims I really hope CCJ gets taken to the cleaners from this. Because you *know* the Irbys aren't the first couple they've served to excess and then allowed to leave. We can hope they will be the last. For the sake of everyone *else* who drives the public roads in Jackson.

And for the record. I still think she'll never serve a day in prison for this. Money talks, BS walks.

You or I did this? We'd be under the jail. Right now in fact.

Anonymous said...

At least Karen's daughter has another married parent to care for her. As for Graham, I wonder who'll get him?

Kingfish said...

There is nothing wrong with going out during the week from time to time. I wonder how many people at the Mistletoe Ball are parents, for example.

I don't think the paper is that sophisticated. I think it was a spin job as the reporting and editing was very much one-sided.

As I said, I don't think much of moms who are stay-at home mothers yet get full time nannys and stick pacifiers in 3 1/2 year old kids.

Anonymous said...

If only Karen and Stuart had partied infrequently.

If only.

We'll have to disagree about the intent of the editorial. Seems too ham fisted to be with good intent. Maybe ham fisted is the only way a good dim can support a pubbie? LOL. 'Well, if I *have* to say something good about him...'

I wouldn't have much to say if she had a night nurse after the kid was born. Most women in any income range would do that if they could. She was lucky enough to have a perfect, beautiful little boy at the age of 35 and didn't care enough about him to even raise him. Sad. Gallivanting was more important I guess. I know more than a few women in her age group that would give any amount of money for a kid. And unfortunately big sums of money still hasn't done the trick (fertility treatments).

Mind you I'd not say anything about a nanny if she actually had a real career. I know several OB/gyns, lawyers and a CEO who live busy busy lives helping others and performing service for the community. I am not slamming the idea of 'nanny' per se.

Maybe now that Karen has time on her hands she can get someone to read Titus 2 and Psalms 31 to her. Surely a vacation bible school teacher can find those in the good book?

Anonymous said...

3-17 12:13 P.M.POSTER:

life is way to short to live upset and offended. If i let your words upset me,I'm allowing you to control me.I don't have to have your Approval in order to write how i feel about anything.So i choose to live my life not letting you or anyone upset nor feel offended by you.You my dear are not Worth my PEACE.I shall Pray for you.

teacher said...

Someone needs to send them a copy of Ware v. Ware from the Mississippi Court of Appeals for April 29, 2008.

Kingfish said...

Funny part is its sealed at the trial court level.

My advice is have a drink and cigar in hand when reading it.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS