Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is holding his regular press briefing right now. It is live-streamed below.
* Mayor Lumumba said he was in Seattle last week to discuss public safety initiatives.
* World Homeless Day is Thursday. The Mayor said poverty should not be criminalized. He advocated getting a proper count of homeless population in Jackson to determine who is homeless for lack of housing or lack of services. He called it an important issue.
Hizzoner said he gets many complaints about the "unsightliness" of the homeless. Um, how about the vandalism, Mayor? How about the arson? How about how they run off customers from stores?
Stewpot's Opportunity Center is holding an event Thursday. Chef Nick Wallace will feed at least 300 people. There will be entertainment.
* Community & Housing Development is going to roll out its down payment assistance program on October 25 at the E-Center (JSU) on Raymond Road.
* Thalia Mara Hall update. The city issued an RFP recently. The third-party evaluator was concerned about the returns so he modified the RFP. The city expects to open bids Monday. The city has the money for the remediation. A chiller was delivered but won't be installed until the "microbial growth" is removed.
WAPT's Ross Adams asked if someone will be held accountable for the state of the auditorium. Hizzoner said "we always hold people accountable when they fail to address a responsibility." The Mayor yet again claimed mold appeared within 72 hours when the chiller failed.
* The Clarion-Ledger's Charlie Drape asked the Mayor about a "Two-Board solution" for Jackson's water system. The Mayor said he would wait to make a more formal presentation. The Mayor said the EPA wants to "ramp up discussions" about the future of the water system and who has control of it. "We thought about an operations board and a community advisory board," said the Mayor. No one could be placed on the operations board without a confirmation vote by the community advisory board.
The Mayor took another shot at Ted Henifin and JXN Water. He accused Henifin of having an "unwillingness to meet with us."
This explains the thunder/lightning even though we have clear skies.
Did he say anything about asking the council for funding for the hazmat cleanup of the toxic racoon or possum poop in the attic of the museum?
More failure.
Hazmat animal poop in the attic (it really is hazmat) was dicussed starting at about 45 min on August 20, 2024 here: https://www.facebook.com/100095591104300/videos/finance-committee-meeting-8202024-budget-hearings/397851036660441/
Lumumba went to Seattle to talk about homelessness and policing. Perfect.
Does that mean the mayor knew about the mold all of this time and did nothing about it?
Why the Hell would a water supply district need a "community advisory board"? They would know less than zero about operating a drinking water plant and its distribution system.
Did the mayor offer any examples of act of accountability in his administration? I don't remember any, including during the water debacle.
Jackson is next-
As of Oct. 1, the Seattle Police Department only dispatches officers to alarm calls that come with "supporting evidence, such as audio, video, panic alarms or eyewitness evidence" that someone is breaking into a home or business, according to a letter interim police chief Sue Rahr sent to alarm companies.
What Henifin is unwilling to do is kiss your sorry ass you total loser Lumumba.
Where's the community advisory board to investigate and report on the incompetency debacle that is Thalia Mara?
New EPA leadership come the end of January so enjoy the dog and pony show until then.
This weekend I was out of state and I met the head of an engineering firm that specializes in working with cities. When he learned where I was from he brought up the water fiasco. When I told him that at the time the Jackson water department did not have an electrician on staff, this engineer was visibly shocked.
The best accountability measure would be for Lumumba to resign.
"Mayor Lumumba said he was in Seattle last week to discuss public safety initiatives"
Seattle...really? Talk about tone-deaf...
Wait until the crackheads steal the copper out of the chiller sitting outside of Thalia Mara. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet.
Suppose a chill hustler in town takes a liking to that chiller some night and borrows a lift gate truck to relocate it. Is it insured?
Public Safety Initiatives in Seatle. Undoubtedly Lil Choke qualifies as a lecturer at such a confabulation, as a Mayor of a contender for the most dangerous city in the South per capita.
Has anyone ever stated whether or not the ductwork at Thalia Mara is contaminanted by the screwups?
Hopefully the ducts aren't lined on the inside, if they are, there is no EPA recognized decontaimination procedure.
The head arsonist is upset that Henefin won't listen to him? Oh well...
At this point a vote for Horhn is really a vote against Lumumba. Not really a vote for Horhn.
Was Lumumba trying to get advice from Seattle on how to alienate police?
Why is it no journalists ask the mayor, "Do you even know how full of shit you are, sir?"
Smart by Henefin to not meet with Lumumba. The mayor would lie to Henefin, lie about what was said and try to rope Henefin into the crimes.
There are going to be a couple of fresh faces in the list as we get past this November election fiasco. Won't have to 'settle' for Hohrn as just being against the Chock - there will actually be some positive choices.
Guess the only thing funnier would be in the folks up in Seattle asked the Clown Mayor to come and speak about public utility management.
I think that is exactly why Henefin doesn't meet with Lumumba; when they did meet, Hizzoner would leave the meeting and make statements totally different than what was said in the meeting. Didn't take the Virginian long to learn that the Mayor was the problem here - not the people, not the state, but the incompetent and lying Mayor.
One never meets with Chowke alone and without a tape recorder.
"Whatever it takes" includes being a pathological liar.
4:31 No, a vote for Horhn is a vote for the same thing we have now: all talk /bluster and zero results. He'll promise everything and deliver nothing. The ONLY candidate who will actually make a detectable difference in the lives of Jackson residents is Kim Wade. Everyone other candidate is just more of the same.
Has the mayor ever brought back from these conferences any ideas or best practices that could be put to good use in Jackson?
The mayor was in Seattle to serve as an example of what happens when you don't have public safety initiatives. Who has been held accountable so far for: record homicide & crime rates, public building decay, potholes & roadway hazards, water system mismanagement, non-audit of budgetary expenditures, trash service contract fiascos, dumping raw sewage in the Pearl, ... (crickets).
There are communities where the only occupations are collecting GubMint money, personal injury plaintiff, scratchoff ticket expert, and "community activist." So, of course they "demand" a "community advisory board." To be filled with people who can't or won't turn a wrench, lift a finger, figure out whether the pipe flows uphill or downhill, but they have their nose to the wind for "water injury" lawsuit money. Lots of gall, on call. Pontification from those setting on their meager assets.
"Just more of the same" would be appropriate for a new Jackson the city slogan, 6:27.
Much more factually accurate than the City with Soul or the Bold New City.
“As Jackson turns…”
Community Advisory Board is composed of Rukia's belly bouncing rabble rousers. "Free the Water" shout and dance in the street to approve socialist radicals to advance New Africa.
The mayor is a idiot
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