Monday, November 1, 2021


 It's no longer safe to trick or treat in Jackson anymore. Matt Allen reported the robbery of him and his family on on St. Anne Street on social media:

I have some things to say.

Tonight my family was held at gunpoint in an armed attempted car jacking by several young black men. They repeatedly threatened to kill my wife, my four and six year old children, and me, repeatedly putting pistols to our heads. Those are the only specifics I will post about the situation here. 

One, JPD’s response to the situation has been very professional and they have been very responsive. There is a dispatch concern that the first 911 call was not answered, but things moved quickly once JPD had the football. 

Two, and this is the important part. This Mayoral administration’s treatment and attitude about crime is a joke. An absolute joke. The administration has not exhibited any care for its citizens, like my children, who are being terrorized. We need more police. They are doing what they can, but we need many more, and the city’s official candy ass approach to dealing with crime and hardened criminals who will slam pistols in the faces of children needs to be reversed, immediately. People understand consequences, and when they don’t have them. Right now they don’t have them, and this city is going straight to hell. 

Again, I want to stress the JPD officials with which we have dealt have been professional. But the leadership at the city mayoral level is a walking empty suit.

Kingfish note:  WAPT provided more information.   


Anonymous said...

I called the Mayor’s office this morning to complain about the crime (not the first time I’ve done so) and to specifically mention this horrific event that happened to the Allens. The elderly lady who answers the phone at the Mayor’s office was once again rude and condescending. She blamed the crime solely on JPD, but we all know that JPD needs more funding and support, and that starts with the Mayor. She told me that the mayor is just as much at risk of being the victim of crime in the city as anyone else, but I reminded her that this is not true, because he lives on a gated street across from Eastover. I would expect the Mayor’s office, especially a representative of the Mayor, to be as horrified and outraged by the crime as everyone else, but this was not so. When I realized she could care less about hearing my concerns, I sarcastically asked her if I should just move out of Jackson, and she informed me that I have the freedom to move wherever I want. What a sad and disappointing conversation.

I think we all know that the first ten comments on this post will say “perception of crime,” and the remaining comments will say to move out of Jackson. I’m taking a different approach. The Allens are strong, unrelenting advocates of Jackson. I support them and I am thankful for them, I want them to be safe. We need more people like them in Jackson! Moving to Madison will not change the fact that Mississippi’s Capitol building, appellate courts, and the only Children’s Hospital and Level 1 trauma center are in Jackson. People need to be able to safely access these facilities. Crime in Jackson affects our entire state. You can move to Madison or already live in Madison AND still support efforts to make Jackson better and safer.

Anonymous said...

Attempted car jacking! I would have given them the car, then walked to Rankin county. I still have great friends that live in Jxn, and I hope the best for them. They work double hard to keep their place nice. This saddens me so... With leadership being what it is, how could this ever get better?

Anonymous said...

I couldn’t agree with you more! I’ve been a lifelong Jacksonian but because it’ll never change with incompetent leadership, crooked judges and absolutely no care for the actual tax base, my family is leaving. We will never come back.

Lock and Load said...

Wow! This says it all about the lack of leadership provided by socialist Baby Chowke and his lackies. This terrible incident will impact his kids for the rest of their lives.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Matt, his wife, and his children. This makes me sick.

Lock and Load said...

Sadly, it is highly likely that the source of their guns was unlocked vehicles.

Anonymous said...

Execute them publicly and hang their bodies from light poles. Savagery is the only language these people speak, so it’s time to start speaking it.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100%, A City that was on the way down is in even worse shape under Mayor Chok. Everyone knows that understands that and still we reelected him.
Leadership matters and we have none

Anonymous said...

Hate to hear this happened to the family. Unfortunately, the liberal way of thinking is "incarceration is mean", "doesn't work to rehabilitate" and "what do you expect when there are no economic opportunities in the city" and "generational wealth inequality" etc etc etc. There will not be any consequences while liberals are in control because this is considered to be Uncle Tom-ish to penalize young african-americans and keep them down. What will truly work is to make penalties so harsh that people will think twice before causing harm to others. Crime would dry up!!

Anonymous said...

I never leave home without protection! Whenever we leave our house, my wife asks “ do you have old glory” ? I don’t want to kill anyone’s child, however you better have a burial policy on that fool if he/she approaches me and my family the wrong way!

If you can’t control you unruly child, my I suggest a burial policy. Nothing else will work at this point. At least you will have some monetary relief when this fool is gone to glory. And you won’t have to resort to go fund me or that ole fish fry.

Anonymous said...

I really wish our candy ass justice system would just go ahead & firing squad people like this once, if, they're found. Waste of taxpayer funds to house them, there is absolutely 0 hope for someone willing to point a gun at a child

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately that is probably not the only incident, mainstream media does not want to report crime in the city of soul.

Anonymous said...

Matt and His family are good as gold. I agree, 100% that something has to be done about Jackson or none of us will stay. Thankful they are safe.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Allen,

You need to keep your children and beautiful wife out of Jackson.

WTH were you doing in Belhaven at night?

Man up and keep your family safe. Even if it means telling them "no we're not going to Belhaven".

Anonymous said...

I guess Halloween and parents cruising their kids slowly through darkened neighborhoods was just too good an opportunity for the carjackers to turn away from. If I were a carjacker, I would hate myself this morning for not realizing how easy a scoring opportunity last night was. With my luck, I would have selected a car, whose driver carried a 1911 Colt 45 and wasn't afraid to use it to protect his family. Who would that driver be? Maybe Me, but I ain't claiming to be one who carries.

We need a society where death is a near certain probability for those who attempt such crimes

Anonymous said...

just three quick things to say;
i'm glad you and your family weren't hurt.
move, now.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Well said Matt.

Anonymous said...

He's more than an empty suit. He's a progressive nimrod ...a dope boy....a racist......and a self loathing turd who translates that upon others, including his own people. The man is no different than 90 % of our elected. He is there to enrich himself at the expense of others. Period. NOTHING you can say or do will change it. You have to have a conscience and he doesn't. These thugs are just products of a fallen society. The sickness can no longer be treated with love and understanding.

Wow said...

The police now know who is doing this. Let's see if they actually take some action on it.

Anonymous said...

Did they get his car? If they ever try to get mine there will be some aunties and madea's on TV talking about their dead children and how they were just about to get their life together.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your family being put through such a horrific, horrible, scary ordeal on what should have been a nice family fun time together. On another note the mayor of Jackson is a joke and he does not care about anyone or anything happening anywhere in the city. I would like someone to tell me a positive he has done for Jackson in his tenure? One, not multiple but one industry or business that has relocated to Jackson. He is only looking for a way out and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

Prayers to this family, and I hope that they can mentally recover from this sooner rather than later. The writer is absolutely correct in his statements about the mayor. This is utterly ridiculous. Unfortunately, this is one of the many reasons that my family does not trick-or-treat any more.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely frightening and pitiful that the one great city of Jackson is now allowing the criminal element to thrive at the expense of it's good law abiding citizens. I fear that it has reached the point that decent citizens, black and white, are seeing the only solution is to move out of Jackson.....what a shame!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The real Joke is living in a city that the leaders have demonstrated over and over and over that they don’t care about you or your safety. That’s the real joke.

Anonymous said...

It's not safe to do much of anything in Jackson anymore. Unless you have a death wish.
Add to the list of what Jackson needs: free counseling to those held at gunpoint.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry this happened to you and your family! I can’t imagine how traumatized you all were and will still be for sometime. Guns in faces of your children. Unbelievable!!! We Can Not allow these thugs to take over Jackson!!!

Anonymous said...

Matt and his family seem like good people. I hate this happened. I hate his kids were involved. This is just terrible. We should be able to work, shop, travel, and eat in Jackson (or any other city) without such a high risk of this foolishness. It's just terrible.

This is 100% the fault of the criminal. However, this is also a reason I live in the land of better schools, low crime, and clean running water. In other words, I stay out of Jackistan when possible.

I agree that Lumumba really doesn't care. He thinks everything is the white folks fault. So he sees no reason to attempt to solve the problem. Maybe they can have another community forum to discuss it. Talking about stuff seems to be their solution. My solution is corrective action. I don't talk, I do.

Anonymous said...

To begin with, who would think Jackson would be safe to trick or treat in Jackson? Must be from another state.

Anonymous said...

Perception of a problem on the part of the Honorable Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry that any family should suffer this kind of savagery. I share the popular outrage of wanting to somehow enforce existing laws and put this sort of person in prison for all eternity.

But there are two serious errors recited.

First, "people understand consequences." Untrue. Perhaps normal, well-bred folks with a mom and a dad and Aunt Sue and the kind of moral training well-loved and cherished children receive, understand consequences. Folks raised by teenage mothers, largely for what seems like "free money" do not. Such people are trained by their environment, which is, essentially a jungle, and they learn the law of the jungle. That's all they understand. They are sociopaths. Period. The bad part for me (and yourself perhaps) is there is no cure, no fix, no consequence compatible with a free modern society.

Second error. The administration is powerless to fix it. True, your Mayor loves to pander to his powerbase on the theory this (law and order, law enforcement, criminal justice) is a racial equity issue. True, he/they are the very scum of the earth lower than bacteria, etc., etc. That does not change the reality of the situation.

What to do? Quit printing money and incentivizing negligent breeding and other forms of social parasitic behavior. I know, I know, it will take generations before things improve. Not a quick fix but a fix. The rest is fluff.

On the other hand, here's the law of the jungle in action:

Watch his car keys, where the bag of Gatorade goes, and the little fellow in the backfield making it to the door.

Anonymous said...

I have so many friends who live in Jackson, and I understand their position trying to save the city, but when your children are in danger like this I cannot see staying there. 4 and 6 year olds held at gun point. Sick.

Anonymous said...

This is not only an unfathomable crime it is unacceptable in a civilized society. Every person in Belhaven and in our city should be outraged and the Mayor and his staff should be contacted repeatedly and asked what he and his administration is doing to address the crime wave that is engulfing our city other than mouthing words. We can sit on our hands and let the Mayor's office preside over the decline and destruction of a once great city or demand change including a challenge to the culture where this is acceptable behavior in the community.

Anonymous said...

Terrible situation. There are many causes for the crime in Jackson. But there is currently zero chance that anything gets better. The current administration and Chief do not support their patrol officers. The result is low morale and even lower retention. Jackson currently has well less than half of the patrol officers it needs.

Anonymous said...


Everyone get the HECK out of Jackson NOW!
(1.) The governor needs to take over Jackson and Declare Marshall Law.
(2.) State, Local, County police needs to roll into Jackson & patrol
every street.
(3.) Roadblocks need to be setup looking for guns, drugs, & outstanding warrants!
(4.) Those arrested should be housed in tents with bologna san
dwich & water served for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
(5.) Liberal criminal judges needs to be kicked out of office.

Eastside High Principal Joe Clark said...

It would be nice to have an organized showing at a city council meeting of hundreds of citizens, black and white, expressing their first amendment right of free speech and lawful assembly. I would show up with as many people I could get to attend. Stage a peacefully protest outside city hall during the meeting and also sign up as many people as allowed for public comments during the meeting to rake the mayor over the coals. The mayor needs to be called out by a large crowd that the news crews will air so that he can't keep ignoring the issue like he does with comments made online.

Anonymous said...

Did you lose your map to the suburbs?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the empty suit will give us another perception of doing something now that a “prominent” white family was victimized.

Nah, nevermind. Next.

Krusatyr said...

Titanic $200, 96 gallon plastic trash cans, in Wittle Chokwe's favorite crayon color, will provide convenient jump-in-and-out hiding places and porta-toilets for thugs, even if stupidly impractical for 12 gallons of trash twice a week.

How can Jackson's Unclothed Emperor mayor watch Biden being a stumbling, destructive dolt 24-7 and yet work so hard to imitate him?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:23, my house in So Jxn received three 9MM bullets around 630/am by two thugs with hoodies on, that was in Oct 2017 - two bullets entered the bedroom, while one must have hit a 2X4.... we moved to Flowood on 12.7.17 & SO FAR,have not heard one gunshot, or had any break-ins (we had two in 2017 ++++ car stolen from driveway, and wife's purse stolen form then Freds on Terry Rd)

Anonymous said...

I believe this is number 7 with the same description of 4 young man that has been car jacking in that area over the last 3 or 4 months

Anonymous said...

11:46 -- Nice turn of phrase"
"negligent breeding."

I hope you don't mind if I use it. Full attribution will, of course, be given.

Mr. Hand:
[writes I DON'T KNOW on the chalkboard and then steps back to admire it] I like that. Hmm Hmm. "I don't know," that's nice. 'Mr. Hand, will I pass this class?' 'Gee Mr. Spicoli, I don't know.' That's nice, I really like that. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to leave your words on my board for all my classes to enjoy, giving you full credit of course, Mr. Spicoli.

Anonymous said...

I don't think some of you understand. Lumumba WANTS whites to leave Jackson. Free the Land! It's like Zimbabwe, where the productive breadwinners and breadmakers turned over the farms to the incompetent, based solely on skin color. Then, when the people starve, they spend 40 years blaming the whites they ran out.

His Dad was the lawyer for violent black separatist extremists. This is just a watered down version of it, carried out by Junior via "subtle nuance," "social justice," and reparations and Federal dictate.

You just don't get it. He doesn't care how many young blacks are murdered as long as he has power and wealth. He WANTS whites to move away. He just wants their money via Uncle Joe and Uncle Bennie, the slum lords and corporatists, to continue to flow to Jackistan.

Anonymous said...

The police responded and were professional.

Now, tell me specifically what a mayor can do about crime besides support his Police Chief and officers as best he can?

I'm sorry about what happened to Matt and his family, but using it as an opportunity to politically bash the mayor was a disappointment.

Bashing the Mayor is fine if there are actual actions and policies to criticize and offer alternatives.

Otherwise, you are ranting and while that can be entertaining, it's NOT helpful.

Anonymous said...

Do you think for one second that the mayor cares about a white family be held up by blacks in Jackson? The only thing bothering him about this is that it happened to the family of activist Ben Allen.

Anonymous said...

Do you think for one second that the mayor cares about a white family be held up by blacks in Jackson? The only thing bothering him about this is that it happened to the family of activist Ben Allen.

Anonymous said...

Has it occurred to anyone to ask how the innocent baby becomes a criminal?

And, yet every attempt to give children a chance to 1) bond with their parents instead of being handed off to others 2) see they get the nutrition they need to grow normally and 3) help find ways to not just educate but give them a chance to find their talents and achieve and 4) making termination of parental rights and adoption easier ( all of which has been researched out the kazoo) is something most of you oppose.

You except the children of drug addicts and criminals and poorly cared for children to turn out well.

The odds aren't impossible but damn near to it. The ones who do make it out of abusive and neglectful circumstances are far brighter than average and manage to get mentors and alternative role models and good influences.

Anonymous said...

if I remember correctly, Matt was a big supporter of the elder Lumumba.

Anonymous said...

I live in Belhaven, and here are the facts: Over the last two months or so, the City and the State have made our neighborhood a virtual police state. There are JPD cruisers and Capitol Complex District cruisers everywhere. I saw a ton of them patrolling the neighborhood last night while taking my kids trick or treating. I see them on my street, multiple times every day.

What drives me crazy is despite this pervasive police presence, the criminals were still able to rob Matt Allen and his family at gunpoint. I frankly don’t know what the solution is, but I do know that those who say JPD is not trying to stop these violent crimes are wrong.

And something the Jackson haters on here need to realize: Belhaven, downtown Jackson, and many nearby areas of Jackson are now under the concurrent control of the State. They are part of the District. So equal criticism needs to be directed at Governor Reeves if you are going to malign the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Other than JJ and WAPT (have to cover) silence from Clarion LedgerWLBT Mayors office etc…The news will no longer publish any information that deviates from their agenda. Why do we call it news ? If we only get a one sided story or no story at all? The paper should be camped out at the mayors front door everyday. When will he stop getting a pass?

Anonymous said...

How y'all liking that dignity economy so far?

Anonymous said...

I viewed a earlier post by Kingfish about a Four Wheeler being stolen & a Thug flashed a pistol in one of the photo. I thought how could it get much worse. I was wrong. The poor children will be traumatized.
10:13 AM & 12:19 PM have strong points.
Halley Hunter sport anchor on WJTV quit 4 days ago & moved to to Conn.
Magen West won't be seen on WAPT for a 2 months.
All we got left is Keegan Foxx.

Anonymous said...

Dinner Kaye tweets that Matt Allen is a terrible racist.

Anonymous said...

Jackson needs a gang/drug task force. But first it needs a police chief whose primary qualification is something other than bowing to the mayor’s bloated ego.

Anonymous said...

Imagine thinking that 2021 is finally the year it is no longer safe to take your kids Trick or Treating in Jackson instead of 1991, 2001, 2011, or even 2020!

This is your brain on censorship reinforced delusions like the nonsense peddled by Kingfish.

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Jackson for 33 years now, between Fondren & Eastover. In those years I've had my car broken into 3 times but nothing more. I see a lot of people posting about the "dire" state Jackson is in. From my personal experience, and what I've seen around me, most, if not all, of the violent crimes are self-contained to certain people/areas. Certainly violent crimes can happen in nicer areas it's just very few & far between. Nothing more horrifying than the Madison county sniper that shot that deputy in the head. Petty crimes are a dime a dozen but usually nothing to significant is stolen. I'm not saying Jackson is great but I think this message board tends to blow it a bit out of proportion. I seriously doubt anyone on here lives in the areas where you'd really need to keep your head on a constant swivel.

That said, what happened here is atrocious, and I'm all for capital punishment on these thugs.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this mayor will hardly even mention this incident, as well as the others in NE Jackson. Had the roles been reversed, and a band of white thugs(yes they exist too), carjacked a black family out trick or treating and held stolen firearms to their heads, Chokwe would have been on MSNBC before sunrise talking. People in Jackson, I don't know how else to say it, HE DOES NOT CARE ANYTHING ABOUT WHITE LIVES. THEY DONT MATTER TO HIM AND HIS PEOPLE. Even the people who crow and cower to him and the progressive, socialist, radical agenda, he doesn't care about you. White people that donate to his campaign, he does not care about you. Cut your losses and move.

Anonymous said...

Man there sure are a ton of bad asses here on the forum. Anytime a violent act happens it’s usually quickly and without notice. Even if your aware of your surroundings four pistol welding criminals can put you in a no win situation especially with family. And of course if you open fire on the scum and there any survivors they would stand up in court and claim racism, then that the four were on their way to church. This isn’t something new. It’s happening every day and is chronic in Democratic ran cities. The real problem is that if they kill your ass they usually walk free. If you kill them some district attorney will try to bury you under the jail.

Anonymous said...

just another reason I'll HATE hearing that POS mayor's PSA at the airport when I'm there....

Anonymous said...

Say what you want to say about Kenny Stokes, but I feel like he's the only politician in Jackson who would be hard on crime that takes place within the city.

Anonymous said...

It's the perception of gun shows, right?

Anonymous said...

Why don't that try that crap with me? I have killed before and I would gladly do it again to protect my family

Kingfish said...

She did? Seriously?

Kingfish said...

Ok Mr .45, they had the advantage of numbers AND surprise. Your eyeballs are more important than a damn caliber. You see them coming and immediately move your hand to your waistband, you might have a chance as they will usually avoid having one or two of their crew get shot. However, 4 to 1 w surprise? Not a chance. Battle won before being fought

Anonymous said...

Sure a lot of people commenting today. One thing to remember, no one was killed. How many children in Jackson have been killed by thugs? It looks like no one really cares about crime in Jackson. Even the people who have family members who have been a victim of crime don't seem to care.

How many children have to be killed before the people in Jackson speak up?

Anonymous said...

Democrat Urbanites don’t aim their weapons properly and can’t shoot for shit.

Anonymous said...

We should slap a cape on some the turds in here

Anonymous said...

First, those claiming "I wish those thugs had run up on me like that".....yeah, right. They get the drop on you, and you're toast! Even so, let's say you spotted them before they spotted you. With Jackson's demographics, you'd be tried by a jury of THEIR peers......not a good position to be in.

Second, as long as there are people in Jackson like 2:16, we're going to continue reading stories like the Allen's. "Oh well, crime isn't really that bad; it happens only in 'bad" areas; crime can happen anywhere; the crime I've experienced wasn't as bad as that that's happened to others, so it's OK....blah, blah, blah. Yes, it's POSSIBLE for crime to happen anywhere, but the PROBABILITY of crime happening is the important trait of an area.

Third, I love how people like 2:58 add that "bands of white thugs exist," just to sort of soften the criticism of the actual black gangs. While they may exist somewhere, there's no evidence of them in Jackson. Sort of like Bigfoot. There are ample claimed sightings, but no one has yet produced any evidence. No, I suspect a black family would sooner be struck by lightning, twice, in the same spot, than be attacked by a band of white thugs in Jackson.

Lastly, I think 1:37 is right on point. Unless you intended something as radical as his theory, there's no way you'd ignore the systematic purge of your city's citizens! (Of course, that also begs the question of why the majority of Jackson's citizens are all but silent on this issue?)

Anonymous said...

3:46, I beg to differ. Jackson seems to have a very high shootings-to-homicides ratio.

Kingfish said...

Um derryl dedmonds but that was ten years ago. 85%0of city black so close to same number going to be perps probably

Krusatyr said...

1st @4:39pm
I gotta love the myth of a "White Bigfoot Gang" in Jackson. JFP would devote a whole issue if they could be trapped and jailed. Do they drag one foot, tilt their head to one side, drool blood and bite each other?

Anonymous said...

True Story. I am a Realtor in Ridgeland. Today I have gotten two separate calls from hard working, born and raised, Life long Jackson families that they have had enough and don't see it getting any better. Will be listing their Jackson homes and starting to show them property in Madison County this week.

Anonymous said...

That is because they use full auto glock switches and 30 round clips to spray 100 rounds from a vehicle in 5 seconds

Anonymous said...

@5:28 PM - I am also a realtor, but in Madison. I received three calls today from residents of NE Jackson. I too will be listing their Jackson homes and showing them property this coming weekend.

Anonymous said...

To earlier poster- it’s “martial” law, not Marshall.

Anonymous said...

When can the State step in and bring Jackson under control? Mississippi will never thrive and grow when it’s Capital city is a 3rd world country.

Anonymous said...

We can complain about the Mayor all we want but when 17% of us voted in the General Election and 13% of us voted in the primaries, this is what you get.

Anonymous said...

If you don’t catch them and put them in jail this will never end. Do you judges or Jackson City Council understand? Scheduling a hearing and have them come back in 3 months will not work. Put minimum bonds on them and pack them into a fenced tent area. To hell with them it’s us or them. Just like letting illegals come here without being required to apply and us keep up with them. We are sowing seeds of anarchy. It’s going on all over the country in the name of racial justice. In the 1970s and 80s we got along much better than this.

Anonymous said...

I own a house in Reunion Madison. I have been told my property value is growing exponentially. Please comment.

Anonymous said...

Carjacking in NE Jackson across Old Canton from the country club this weekend as well. I’m sure several in that area are looking to move out.

Anonymous said...


One question I always like to ask the "State Takeover" people:

How do you look at the state of Mississippi and think they could make anything better?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you Belhaven folks should’ve kept up the pressure after Carolyn Temple instead of going back to your status quo of celebrating architecture, trees and art. Please unify behind something meaningful and eradicate this element.

Anonymous said...

I watched WAPT interview Megan West & she broke down deeply sobbing completely at a loss to explain why anyone would put a gun to a small child head. These scum couldn't get the vehicle started. They only got a wallet with credit cards. I hope they use them so they can be tracked down on video making a purchase. Since no one was hurt (physical) if they are captured they will just get 2 years in prison.

Anonymous said...

Chuck’s new world order is deadly for everyone. No race is safe in this jungle. It will continue to get worse until we have different leadership. Zoo and trash cans are his priority. Also we need a leader that embraces our police. Not despise them.

Anonymous said...

I live in Madison. I have been in the city limits twice in the last year. Both times were to visit a doctors appointment near Baptist Hospital, I can’t think of any other reason to enter the city limits.

Anonymous said...

This was a hate crime and should be pursued as one. Don't hold your breath however.

Anonymous said...

2:16, I certainly don't think these events are blown out of proportion. My daughter was kidnapped in Belhaven several ago. It's been many years since that happened but she still has remaining trauma. That family and others who experience similar things will probably suffer the rest of their lives.

Anonymous said...

And they say it’s all because of “white flight”. Wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

i own a buisness in jackson and putting building up for sale tomarrow ,and whats funny is i think the leadership will be happy.

Anonymous said...

7:36, I agree with 6:00. If you have a better idea, let's have it. And all you escapees to Madison and Rankin counties are naive if you thing that just leaving Jackson "fixes" everything. Canton is becoming Jackson North, and where else do you think you can move to escape the kudzu of crime festering in and spreading from Jackson?

Anonymous said...

Ok 1:52, spoken like a true bleeding heart "blue voter. The Gov actually did something where "Drake Boy" just gets on TV and talks like your typical Joe Biden support......

But since you are stupid enough to live in Jackson, then Fuk you, it's not Jackson haters, its people telling the true and its the same form any other city/town in the state that went blue-on-black. Facts moron, just plain facts.

Anonymous said...

I have no more listings to sell in Jackson.

People called me today and said they want to live closer to town because the traffic is so horrible in Madison.

They said friends had been in awful car wrecks on 463 and even had a relative die after a wreck on that road in the morning.

The reservoir traffic is just as bad. Lots of wrecks out there.

And the time one doctor spent on his car was not worth it he said. He loves his Porsche but not so much to drive 1.5 hours a day!

So put those houses on the market in Jackson and sell them today! Plenty of takers with low rates and pricing isn’t bad either.

Anonymous said...

I’m a lifelong Mississippian and proud of it. Unfortunately our capital city is beyond help.

Anonymous said...

So I posted on Donner Kay’s Twitter page after she call Matt Allen a racist. I asked for evidence to support that allegation.
She immediately blocked me. I assume she only communicates with the low information crowd.

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2021 at 7:36 PM
No bonds and actually prosecuting the criminals.

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2021 at 9:02 PM = Fake comment

Anonymous said...

I moved out of Jackson almost 15 years ago and I have never regretted it. At the Reservoir now, and earlier this year I was looking for a new accountant to prepare my tax returns. A friend referred someone, with an office located near Frontage Rd. in north Jackson. I immediately said, “Hell no! I will not go back into Jackson, day or night, unless it is an absolute necessity.”

Stepping inside the city limits of Jackson feels like rolling the dice - with your life. It is really foolish to even live there anymore.

Anonymous said...

Really sucks for that family. There should be a special place in prison for people that put guns to the heads of children.

Mr. Allen and his wife handled that situation the best they could've. They escaped without physical injury to them or their children.

To the people on here acting like they would be ready for a gun fight. Y'all are idiots overcompensating for something. Y'all sound like 1) the people that have been in the military but never went to war, or 2) the guys that try and trash D2, D3 football but run a 5.2 and bench half their bodyweight. Take your pick. To try and have a gun battle over a car when outnumbered, at night, with them having the element of surprise in a residential area with kids around is ridiculous.

Kingfish, you should look into why the Mayor's house used to belong to Regions whose HQ is in B'ham when he hired a B'ham firm to give 30 million bucks too.

Unfortunately, we should've seen the increase in crime coming when JPS employees sounded the alarm a few years ago in a survey saying their work environment was out of control daily.

Belhaven will prevail.

Anonymous said...

We left Northeast Jackson after our car was broken into and then our house. That was 2001 and it’s only gotten worse. It’s nice to be able to leave something outside in the yard like a bike, and it’s still there in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Goodness…. That really will bring high quality working productive families back to crime town.
Nice spin.
Get out before you can’t give away your homes.

Anonymous said...

9:02: Bullshit. Anyone who moves to Jackson for traffic safety has never driven through Jackson.

Anonymous said...

We don't have carjackings here in Brandon. Your children can be children, play outside, and not worry about stray bullets at night! No murders either. Just an occasional meth head or shoplifter visiting from Jackson but that's about it. Criminals don't get "blessings" from our court. Life is good here! We have an amphitheater & park, we'll even have a Whataburger soon! We even have running water and reliable garbage collection! Y'all are welcome to move over here. Come see us.

Anonymous said...

They experienced a trauma, a real significant event, the stuff you have nightmares over. Sad. Worse it can be any of us at any time, Stopping crime on the streets is the fist priority to better city. Even throwing money will not help with such bad leadership and progressive courts.

Anonymous said...

After Donna Kay’s BS Twitter post, I’m boycotting any business which continues advertising in JFP. Shut her down until she apologizes. Identifying the suspects by race isn’t racist. It’s the facts.

Anonymous said...

10;40 pm

Look at any real estate app and try to find a house for sale in Jackson
There are a few with fleas but by and large 9:02 pm is correct about no housing stock.

Traffic is abominable in Madison at 7 am and 5 pm - that’s a fact. And if you have to travel in town it’s a 1-
2 hour a day affair (flora being the farthest) That’s close to 500 hours a year in a car on these roads. That is super taxing on the psyche and causes lots of time away from family.

So 9:02 pm ain’t wrong… just don’t like the facts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Mayor’s no chase policy, you can’t rely on anyone in Jackson to obey traffic signals anymore so anyone moving to Jackson for traffic safety is in for a rude awakening.

Anonymous said...

Really??? Your spin is people are moving into Jackson because of traffic and wrecks???? Try driving on I55 between county line road and Lakeland in Jackson at any time of the day to drive among the mostly uninsured crazy drivers!!!! That’s laughable to say the traffic brings people into the city. It’s heartbreaking to watch the deterioration of Jackson but we are past the point of repair. Everyone I know that has sold a home in Jackson has reduced the price more than once to sell it below what they had in it ( way below). This is happening in the better part of NE Jackson. It is the quiet escape of hard working great families out of the city. None of them really wanted to move….but the safety of their family and personal property was the cause of the move.

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2021 at 6:32 AM = November 1, 2021 at 9:02 PM = Jackson apologist

Anonymous said...

@6:32am - Better than having guns held to your children’s heads.

Anonymous said...

I read the Donna Ladd twitter too. Her and her followers are off the rails nutty and full of themselves. They huddle in fear in Belhaven/Fondren and post this apologetic bs while huddling in the closet. Dare I ask what they would say if or when it happens to them, and if they stay there long enough it will. Sometimes calling a spade a spade hurts. She should take that "dog whistle" and stick it where the sun don't shine. They would rather pick apart a mans post call him racist than admit there is a problem with a thug sticking a Glock to a kids forehead. F her and I hope she gets what she deserves in people pulling out of advertising in her rag. I too won't support a business that advertises in that shotty excuse for a magazine and will let the ones I know, know why.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the few situations where it's appropriate to blame the victim. Matt Allen is in a position to move his family somewhere safe. So many other families are not. Instead of protecting his family, he thought it best to stay in Jackson and make a stand or whatever.

This was terrible, and he, his wife, and his children will be traumatized for life, but he's only got himself to blame. "It won't happen to me" is a wonderful fantasy until it happens. Kudos to him for whatever he did or said to get his family out of the situation, but he is 100% responsible for having them in that situation in the first place.

Anonymous said...

@1:13 i live in Brandon also wonderful. The funny thing is about 1/3 of my neighborhood which has covenants is black. Wow isn't that crazy. So I guess all the black people moving from Jackson are racists, no they are just smart. They want good schools for their kids, and they want them in safe neighborhoods. It's not a black white thing it's a radical leftist vs law abiding citizenery thing. The mayor wants to turn Jackson into Chicago.

Anonymous said...

This is a golden opportunity for all of the metro area media to use this incident to put the pressure on the boy mayor and his lackies. This should be done daily by headlining all violent crime and keeping the pressure up.

So far most of the reporting has been pretty shallow and could have been written by a journalism student.

I wonder who controls the MSM here? Don't want to upset the progressive/Marxist agenda?

Anonymous said...

Move to Jackson where the thugs will kill you with guns or with their cars because they refuse to obey any laws including the most basic traffic ordinances. That makes complete sense. Better yet, move to Fondren where you can enjoy the street races from your front yard. Free entertainment everyone!

#1 Best of Jackson Commenter said...

So I posted on Donner Kay’s Twitter page ... She immediately blocked me.

She's been chasing away any audience who dares disagree with her since Day 1. She's a non-factor in Jackson and statewide except to a small coterie of 24/7/365 race animus kool-aid drinkers.

I’m boycotting any business which continues advertising in JFP.

That won't be hard since the JFP is no longer available in print and you won't find any advertisers with them online and/or at the MFP.

Ladd is in many ways like Lumumba. Blame others for everything while pretending your revenue stream is not mad rushing the exits.

Anonymous said...

Donna Ladd is so full of shit. Where is that "Empathy" that she and her "Progressive" loons are always running their mouth about?

This man's son just had a %$#damn gun aimed at his wife, his young kids, and himself. He understandably shows frustration and anger in describing the event and does nothing more than simply identify the race of the perpetrators and then this loon goes on tirade calling it "extremely obvious racism". She is a complete moron. Where is the "Empathy" Donna? I guess the white folks don't get it...

Anonymous said...

116 comments on a thread that isn't suppose to have comments because of power outage. What is really going on KF ? aSKING FOR MY aUNT.

Anonymous said...

Y'all have just given Donner more commenting traffic than she's garnered at her own properties over the past six months. Congrats Donner on helping to drive more eyeballs to Jackson Jambalaya!

Theca Jones of the Roguish Gent Podcast said...


Anonymous said...

Donna is the worst. We need to find that article Glamour magazine did about 15 years ago featuring her and the child of one of the three civil rights workers killed in Neshoba County. Donna bragged that she convinced her mom to no longer be a racist when she was about four years old. I mean if some other white person made herself the star of an article about the civil rights movement, don't you know she'd be attacking that person for years? She is the most self-aggrandizing human on this planet.

Anonymous said...

@8:07 I'm terribly sorry to hear that! Obviously I would never say bad things don't happen in Jackson, or that chances aren't higher than either Madison or Ridgeland; however, I do find this message board makes it out to be worse than it really is day to day for those of us that live in nicer areas. Most of the murders are self contained, thug on thug, killings. Sometimes they spill over & it's tragic but it's certainly not the norm in my experience.

That said I truly think we waste our time trying to jail some of these people. Whoever kidnapped your daughter, or whoever pointed guns at these children it's a complete waste of time to try to jail them. Put a bullet in their head & be done with it. I may be a liberal but I'm not some fanciful idiot that thinks every life is precious. Some just aren't. It's a complete waste of time to do anything other than end these peoples lives, the world will be a much better place.

Anonymous said...

This is why we can't have nice things.

Seriously, though, I am so sorry that this happened. I have met the Allen's a time or two, and they seem like lovely people. But, that really doesn't matter.

What matters is that it happened! And it happens all the time.
Until people get really really pissed off, it will continue to happen.

I love Jackson... grew up there, owned homes there in Fondren, Belhaven, and FNEJ, and still work in the city limits. My heart breaks for the Allens and so many other unnamed victims, but maybe it's time to quit being a cheerleader for Jackson and demand action from the mayor, the chamber of commerce, and other stakeholders. Be responsible for yourself and your family.

Anonymous said...

And here it is! Donna Ladd, hero since birth.

Kingfish said...

And the mayor's boy shows up to taunt. It just shows you how unserious this administration is about crime.

As for the punk make who just made the comment, there is a device called a smart phone and I was able to prove comments from time to time yesterday. Since you are so observant you might've noticed how they all appeared in batches instead of a continuous flow.

Anonymous said...

Donna fixated on Ben Allens (Matt’s dad) comment on some page - “4 black thugs and small number of whites in Jackson can’t fix the problems” which is pretty racist if you are honest.

There were 4 horrible people who held up Matt’s family and they should be in jail for that….it’s not that they are black it’s that they are criminals. All blacks are not criminals. All whites aren’t good and saviors of the city.

Y’all want to paint with a broad brush…and it doesn’t work that way.

Anonymous said...

The comment I saw on her Twitter page was from Ben Allen - not Matt Allen.

Anonymous said...

There are on realtor app less than 20 homes for sale in NE Jackson and Belhaven and Fondren.

Belhaven has 6 and probably some FSBO units which don’t show up.

Low internet rates and high gas prices combined with covid and need for time with family…..means less housing stock.

This will change when interest rates increase but for now….Jackson real estate is rocking.

Madison is too….lots of sold new construction.

What happens is the looney haters can’t conflate real estate to murder as easily and now they walk around with their bottom lip poked out all mad…..when hate is hard to sell makes them all pissy.

Anonymous said...

The best way to deal with Donna Ladd is to move to another town.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? There are people on here trying to claim Jackson is a destination city and there are no houses for sale? Seriously? Move to Jackson and avoid high traffic? Walk to church? Shop? Bundle up the family and dine-out in Jackson? Visit The Fondren and buy the Mississippi salt and pepper shakers with the imprinted Magnolia? Seriously?

Look who's left? Other than absentee landlords renting flea-traps, let's talk about what and who are left...the ones who can't escape or seem to be 'hands off'.

The larger question is why Mr. Allen would endanger his entire family by putting himself and them in this predicament.

Anonymous said...

Real estate listings drop EVERY November and December, slick. It's the holidays. The City of Jackson continues to decline in population, not withstanding the holiday or hysterically low mortgage rates and the predictable housing bubble. Please.

Anonymous said...

11:29 am: People can make different choices for their families than you make for yours, and it doesn’t mean that they (or you!) are making bad choices. Good choices can look different. Please have a little grace. The Allens are currently living in Jackson, along with many other amazing, kind, creative, smart people of all races. Here’s an extreme example (I say extreme, because these people are saints and definitely not your average citizen!), but David and Amy Lancaster of We Will Go Ministries CHOOSE to live in Jackson, and not just Jackson, but mid-town. Christians believe that we are called to love all image bearers of God, and the Lancasters are loving the homeless, the addicts, the broken, the mentally ill. The people we are all called to love, but who many of us (myself included!) are fearful to be around. What a blessing for Jackson that the Lancasters choose to live here! It would be so easy to abandon the City and the people who stay, but I’m glad they don’t. I know there are many people like them who choose to live here and serve, and many others who simply choose to live here because their community is here.

We can disagree about whether it’s a good choice to live in Jackson, but blaming Matt Allen for “endanger[ing] his entire family” is cruel and untrue. The Allens are not to blame for what happened to them. They are victims, and they were violated, and that’s not ever ok, no matter where you live.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone buying homes in Jackson? Anyone remember the city was giving away lots to anyone who wanted to live in Jackson. Lots with homes were only $500.
Wonder why they did that? Where did all of those empty lots and houses come from? Why was the city trying to get rid of them? and why didn't some of you people so proud of the capital city take the offer to buy up some property there?

Anonymous said...

The spin above that there is some sort of homeowner migration back into NEJ due to commute times is folly and a myth. The real story is low interest rates and an influx of rental investors allowed a wave of longtime NEJ homeowners (and heirs) to sell/liquidate their real estate positions in Jackson. Many of the houses sold during this recent sales uptick are now rental stock. FACT.

Anonymous said...

i live at the reservoir
i work in jackson
i know what goes on in both places
before the rankin county cheerleaders convince you to move to rankin , just remember , the rankin rivera is infested with meth heads and heroin addicts driving around in their oversized pickups blowing pedestrians and cyclists right off the road at every opportunity and they don't hesitate to pull guns if you say anything to them.
no where is safe from stinking addicts, be they methheads in rankin, or crackheads in jackson.

Anonymous said...

... but David and Amy Lancaster of We Will Go Ministries CHOOSE to live in Jackson, and not just Jackson, but mid-town.

Ohhhhh, "mid-town", say no more, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat.

Anonymous said...

"There were 4 horrible people who held up Matt’s family and they should be in jail for that….it’s not that they are black it’s that they are criminals. All blacks are not criminals. All whites aren’t good and saviors of the city."

I agree. Not "all" in either scenario. Care to pull the crime stats in Jackson? I would love to know all of the white folks who were named as a person of interest for car jacking and putting a pistol to someone's wife and kid's heads. I'll wait for you to reply, Donner Kay.

Anonymous said...

I read all 130 comments & it took me 40 minutes. So I had eyes on this website for 40 minutes. Kingfish, this is really good since adverting looks at that figure when buying ads. I hope Spooner wins today. But, not holding my breath.
I live in Brandon & have no trouble with traffic. It sadden me to no end that good black & white families are being so violently attacked in Jackson. The Mayor should resigned if he had any real character. He won't & he doesn't.
People in the Jackson area should start a recall petition to kick him out of office. They won't. Also, First Baptist Church Jackson should have left Jackson many moons ago. I'm praying for the Megan West family that the Lord will make them whole again.

Anonymous said...

12:56 pm

Nice to nice comment.


Anonymous said...

I agree on the methhead/junkhead/crackhead analysis. They are a leading source of chaos at the local level.

Anonymous said...

11:49...I'm 11:29. That's why I said 'the larger question is why...'

I don't question his ability or right to reason or his decision, as all of those belong to him. All I wonder is 'why'. You have yours, he has his, I have mine. But, based on mine, I have never had a pistol placed upside the heads of my children and wife.

Anonymous said...

World would be better place if these hoodlums had never been born. I blame the people who gave birth to these hoodlums more than I do Mayor Lumumba. Too many people lacking competence and finances are reproducing.

Anonymous said...

@216 BINGO! Too many people take lightly the responsibility of having children. I chose to wait till late 30's because I wasn't mentally or financially ready to raise kids before this age. If that thought process was adopted by more, many problems in society would be improved.

Anonymous said...

Too bad we don’t have more abortion centers so these unwanted criminals could have been more easily aborted before they had the opportunity to steal, kill, and pillage on their way to Parchman.

The worthless “independant single moms” need MORE access to abortion. Will save the state and the productive citizens a lot of money and trauma in the long run.
Less access to abortion means more of this.

Which is more/less right?

Anonymous said...

I bet the father of these young guy's would be upset to know they are out doing these things. I hope he finds outs when they get home.

Anonymous said...

Lol, no one's buying homes in Jackson. They are renting them to an influx of wokesters coming in from Texas because Austin is full !

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2021 at 2:03 PM you were wrong.
Megan West Allen is back on WAPT T.V.. Strong women. Praise the Lord!!!!

Anonymous said...

I seldom post and maybe this post is premature. I think the Allen’s are great people, my heart truly breaks for them and I’ve prayed for their family since hearing their story. However, it’s been several hours and I haven’t seen any of the same outpouring of support or outrage at the woman that was kidnapped and shot while doing her job as a Lyft driver earlier today. This isn’t a veiled comment about what happened to the Allen’s but more in support of what she spoke about during her interview yesterday. Why would you do this over a stupid car? This isn’t OK for any human to have to process. The carjacking earlier didn’t have any children in the car, but f**k, she may have been a mother too! Enough is enough, I can sympathize with the no good citizen left behind policy, but things obviously aren’t going to change with the current administration and judicial system in charge. You are only rearranging the chairs on the Titanic at this point. Get out while you still can, the ultimate responsibility is to raise our children in a safe environment. You don’t have to answer anything to anyone about making the best decisions for their safety.

Anonymous said...

The naysayers above penning about the "terrible traffic" in Madison are full of it. Sure, during commute times there is traffic, and there are streets that need to be enlarged, but that is in the works. The traffic is because of all of the Jacksonites moving here. Oh the irony.

At least we don't have potholes with their own zip codes; carjackings daily; drag racing weekly; no-pursuit policies; racist mayor; taxes increasing yearly; aloof city employees; 500+ abandoned homes; drive-by shootings almost weekly; children being shot and murdered; weekly boil water notices; low water pressure or no water; garbage scandals; water meter scandals...

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the balloon releases, recent town hall meeting, mayoral dogma, and Real Time Crime Center haven't kicked in yet to reduce violent crime?

Anonymous said...

This is for Ms Donna Ladd whose excuses know no bounds. To cut to the chase, one or more children under the age of 6 had a gun held to their head by several young men were threatened to be killed in front of their parents during an attempted car jacking while trick or treating in a residential community. These boys or men were thugs. They were black. Does the truth offend you? How would you describe them? And what do you believe the root cause of threatening to kill an innocent child in the presence of his mother and father is? A learning experience? Perhaps if so it is being repeated far too often. Sadly Ms. Ladd you will never understand or ever take any action to demand the accountability that thus incident demands.and your only response will always be to shriek racist when truthful facts don’t suit your mindset.

Anonymous said...

Madison does have potholes. Ever been on Hoy Road? Or Old Canton? Mary don't drive those roads.

Anonymous said...

@10:21 PM - News flash - every city in America has potholes, but few have their own zip code. Oh, Hoy Road is under construction, so duh. Old Canton Road, nope haven't seen one.

Anonymous said...

The Hinds interim sheriff has a driver. Lynn has a driver. Tater has a driver. Chokwe has a driver. Mary, when she's not waving from the window of her little white 'photo op' truck, has a driver. And Hoy has been 'being constructed' for almost forty years. But, ain't no 38 slugs come flyin' out from the trees!

Anonymous said...

Polo drive couple held at knife point in Jackson

This is in a “gated” community across from JCC.

Cops caught one last I saw.

Unreal folks

Anonymous said...

Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Mayor of the City of Jackson

Anonymous said... shows 181 homes for sale in zip code 39211 and 22 for sale in zip code 39216.

Anonymous said...

It pisses me off to hear the Allen family called “complainants.” They’re VICTIMS of a violent crime, not some complainant in a slip and fall.
One other thing: I hope it takes Atmos and all their contractors another 2-3 years to finish replacing the gas lines in Belhaven. There are 5-6 different crews of 6-8 men each just on my 4-block morning dog walk. They’re here all day every day, and I’m convinced they’re the singlemost deterrent to daytime crime in Belhaven. I feel a lot safer with these men at every corner. The more the mayor sympathizes with the criminals, and offers up root cause/reparation talk, the more emboldened the criminals get. Jackson is still the Capitol city. UMC isn’t going anywhere. The legislature, Supreme Court, DFA, MDOT, AG offices aren’t going anywhere. There’s only so long the state and or feds can allow a capitol city’s business continue to operate in a thug-controlled kill zone

Anonymous said...

Hey ya'll, I'm on a second career as a realtor (first career was MD wife) and just got a real call from 3 homeowners in Disnmore that want to sell because of a shooting incident at Renaissance this afternoon. Look it up. Call me.

Anonymous said...

3:42--you clearly don't live in NE Jackson, because the Mayor (incompetent that he is) has been driving himself, each time I see him thrice weekly or so.

Anonymous said...

The Allens could live anywhere they want. They chose Jackson. in Business you try to take care of your customers not accuse them. This is stupid. Basically Jackson says we cant pay for things because the white people moved. But the few that moved ge abused. its stupid. I think even Marshall Ramsey moved

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS