Thursday, August 12, 2021

UMC Opens Field Hospital in Garage

 UMC issued the following statement. 

A federally staffed field hospital to treat COVID-19 patients should be operating Friday from the ground floor of a University of Mississippi Medical Center parking garage.

The state-owned mobile hospital tent can treat up to 50 patients at a time, giving some needed relief to UMMC’s Emergency Department, where dozens of admitted patients are held until a regular or intensive care unit bed opens up. Patients who are waiting on a transfer into a critical care or regular inpatient room can take up a substantial number of the Medical Center’s 50 adult ED exam rooms, each containing a bed.

But the help is only temporary at a time when the Medical Center is daily breaking its own record for patients admitted with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19. On Wednesday, that number was 127, including 26 children.

“Our biggest pain point is the nursing staff available,” Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, said during a news conference Wednesday. UMMC has regular and ICU beds that it can’t open because there aren’t enough nurses to staff them.

The Mississippi State Department of Health, in partnership with the Office of the Governor, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency and UMMC, made a request for help from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said Dr. Jonathan Wilson, UMMC’s chief administrative officer. Federal employees that include doctors, nurses, pharmacists and respiratory therapists will be deployed to work at the field hospital.

“It will be substantial assistance,” Woodward said. The federal government is covering the cost.

It couldn’t come at a better time. Even in non-pandemic days, UMMC’s approximately 90 adult ICU beds stay full, as do regular medical-surgical beds in the Medical Center’s adult hospitals. The same is true for inpatient beds at Children’s of Mississippi, the state’s sole pediatric hospital. Front-line caregivers are exhausted, and as of Tuesday, 70 UMMC hospital employees, including 20 who work at outpatient clinics, were either sick with COVID-19 or quarantined because of exposure to the highly contagious Delta variant.

”The thing that hospitals have feared most is total failure of the hospital system,” said Dr. Alan Jones, associate vice chancellor for clinical affairs. “If we continue this trajectory for the next five to seven days, we will see failure of the system. We’re in a pretty serious situation when you see federal teams come in. It should open people’s eyes.”

More than 90 percent of COVID-19 patients being treated at UMMC are unvaccinated.

“I’m not saying we have reached the point of failure, but we are definitely headed in that direction,” Jones said.

Treatment at the field hospital will include iV infusion of monoclonal antibodies, which generally are administered in a hospital setting. The antibodies are intended to block the COVID-19 virus from attaching to human cells, making it more difficult for the virus to reproduce and cause harm.

Every day, hospitals around the state transfer patients to UMMC who need a higher level of care, including many severely ill COVID-19 patients, among them pregnant women and children. Many of the smaller hospitals are overwhelmed. “They are in a bad and dark place that we are all dreading, and we hope we won’t get there,” Woodward said.

Some hospitals around the country are on total diversion, meaning they are taking no new patients. “That is our nightmare,” Jones said.

It’s unclear just how long the field hospital will be in operation. “We also have to think about what we will do when that time is up,” Woodward said.

“Are we at the peak? Will it be another month? We don’t know,” Woodward said. “We don’t know the impact of schools opening.”

MSDH on Wednesday reported 3,163 new cases August 10 that had been recorded since 3 p.m. August 9. The agency reported  that so far for the month of August, 841 students and 347 teachers and staff in grades K-12 have tested positive.  Included in those numbers are 798 new COVID-positive students and 296 new COVID-positive teachers and staff for the week of August 2-6.

A total 4,435 students and 382 teachers and staff were quarantined due to COVID-19 exposure between August 2-6, MSDH says.

“The big thing that will help us is to encourage people to get the vaccine, and when they are indoors or in a crowded situation, to wear a mask,” Woodward said.

“We are trying to stop the rapid rise of new cases ... to turn it around. That’s what we need to catch our breath, and to get around the corner.”



Anonymous said...

Old news fish, the lil paper your buddies love to hate, broke this story and the other one is eating Taters lunch.

Anonymous said...

The only way for the Democrats/Media/Corporate Elites to stay in power is for them to perpetually promote and propagandize a virus, any virus mind you, to keep people frozen in fear and thus divided. Eventually, everyone will figure it out and just stop caring. Meanwhile, the healthcare industrial complex is fattening their bank accounts.

Anonymous said...

This is like the fake temporary morgues in New York, theater

Anonymous said...

What are the criteria for admission to this "cement, underground field hospital"? Same as the admission to the other hospital?

What if a patient dies? Do they use a Ford pickup to carry him away?

Anonymous said...

Hospital ship was planned to arrive at Lake Hico, but they drained it.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t India treat their infected with ivermectin? How many people will the feds let die because the bad orange cheeto used it first?

Here’s to your health, MS.

Anonymous said...

Beating Covid is as simple as mega dosing vitamins. Doctors are so conditioned to prescribe something, anything, that they won’t even tell their patients to take vitamins, when they aren't in the hospital and just staying at home.

I am 40 years old, 50lbs over weight, not pozzed, but a former smoker(quit 10 years ago) and I kicked Covid-19’s ass with Emergen-C

I suspect that the libtards are so upset and scared because they suffer numerous immunodeficiencies do to their alternative lifestyles. And given that, the vaxx isn’t going to save them from the consequences of their own poor decisions.

J Allen said...

Old news fish, the lil paper your buddies love to hate, broke this story and the other one is eating Taters lunch.

But your sorry ass is still here helping to pay the light bill.

Keep conflating online vitriol with actual political power. We enjoy watching the Mississippi Donkeycrats lose elections.

Anonymous said...

Sure as hell hope the insurers are demanding a price cut for treatment in the garage.

Anonymous said...

Ivermectin works

Anonymous said...

HCQ, Ivermectin, Zinc, Zpacks, Vitamin D, Budesonide Inhalers, steroids and decongestants can all stop this virus in its tracks if given in the outpatient setting early after testing positive (esp for high risk individuals). I’ve seen it done, I’ve had elderly family members get through it with a combination of these treatments.

All of these people didn’t have to die. They didn’t have to get sicker and sicker at home until they needed hospitalization.

It’s CRIMINAL what’s been done to our country and our world over this treatable virus.

Anonymous said...


there aren't physical or health differences based on your political leaning, you dim lightbulb. "AlTeRnAtIVe LiFEsTylEs" like acknowledging climate change and supporting taxing the rich doesn't mean a vaccine suddenly doesn't work. Holy crap there's some dumb comments on here but yours takes the cake.

J Allen said...

Dobbs on Gallo this AM: The Governor has been instrumental (in Mississippi's response to the Delta variant)

J Allen said...

Dobbs on Gallo: Regeneron reducing hospitalization by 80-90%

Anonymous said...

@6:54 - why not just rub some dirt on the COVID and walk it off like a real man? All these pansies are too weak and need ventilators before dying. Real Americans tough it out with some whiskey. I can tell you are weak because you took the big pharma marketing and drank some Bill Gates and George Soros juice.

J Allen said...

Dobbs on Gallo: We've always known the J&J vaccine was not as strong.

Anonymous said...

They have said there are beds at hospitals, but no staff to work them.

So why do we need a garage operation when there are empty beds inside at hospitals?

J Allen said...

Dobbs on Gallo: 8500 booster doses have been given in Mississippi to-date

Anonymous said...

If the hospital is on the ground floor of the parking garage, does that mean all the other levels are not available because the hospital is in the way, or that traffic drives through the hospital to get to the upper parking levels?

J Allen said...

Dobbs on Gallo: Vax rate in Mississippi has tripled in last month

Anonymous said...

What is the CDC's outpatient at-home treatment protocol? What are the therapeutics our physicians are advised to prescribe to us upon diagnosis, before our conditions declines to the point of requiring hospitalization? What does Dr. Dobbs advise? Why am I having to ask these questions?

J Allen said...

Dobbs on Gallo: Except for taste, you can't tell the difference symptom-wise between the Covid and the flu

Anonymous said...

UMMC stated that they have beds but no one to staff them. So why not assign these out-of-state feds to the floors where these empty beds are vs. building a field hospital?

Kingfish said...

All the competitors did was run a press release issued by UMMC.

A study not yet peer reviewed is claiming Ivermectin makes little difference.

Anonymous said...

@Kingfish - that study was probably run by doctors and scientists. What do the Republicans on Facebook say about its efficacy? You can’t trust big pharma.

Anonymous said...

Ivermectin's mechanism of action is not anti-viral.

Anonymous said...

The key at home is get on nebulized medication as soon as symptoms begin to move beyond mild. We were given this advice and it kept us out of the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Woodward finally admits it is a staffing problem, not a just bed problem, AFTER Tate's facebook post yesterday. Clearly the numbers are higher than they have been. Yet, one can argue that the hospitals had time to "gear up," but they laid off and forced others out due to ill-timed mandates. What is it they say? It didn't have to be this way. Maybe, just maybe, the unvaccinated aren't the pariahs most everyone wants to make them out to be. Maybe it is media hysteria. Maybe the health care system could do better. Maybe we all could take better care of our health.

Instead of trying to find someone to blame, can we all just extend some grace and try to be better humans and get through this?

Kingfish said...

Playing Devil's Advocate, Delta surge has shot up much more quickly than previous surges. Look at the charts.

Anonymous said...

6:54. Good for you!

I guess others, like Lee Vance, aren’t as fortunate.

Anonymous said...

08:00 I tried decongestants. "Boss Hog" outlawed the real ones.

Anonymous said...

A virus so deadly, a situation so dire, UMMC will eliminate personnel/students who don’t comply to being injected with an under-researched gene therapy. -from medical heros to zeros

Anonymous said...

Studies can be manipulated for a certain outcome. That’s why who is funding the study matters, the participants in the study, the dosage, the time period in which the medication is given… so many factors affect the outcome. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J don’t make any money if Ivermectin works. The government and media lose their fear grip on the population if Ivermectin works.

Anecdotally, the word on the street is that veterinarians are using ivermectin as a preventative against catching Covid. It’s also being used in other countries.

Unfortunately I believe we have entered into a “silent” war. A war for our minds and our bodies and our health. Will the government control what goes into our bodies? Will it control where we travel, if we can work, if we can shop, see loved ones? Will we be mandated to vaccinate every six months? Every month? Will we line up our children for monthly injections, just to participate in society?

These are scary times. Life was normal just a few years ago. Does anyone remember what that felt like, without constant fear being drummed into us?

Anonymous said...

It will be over quickly.

Anonymous said...

And the Delta surge will be short lived and drop off just as fast as it surged, if one looks at the data from other places.

Delta incubation period is shorter, also

Anonymous said...

There are a few treatments for COVID that show promise. But "treatment" is not "a cure" nor is it "a preventative." In layperson terms, it is akin to taking OTC symptom relievers when you have "a cold." As anyone who has had a few colds over their lifetime knows, sometimes the OTC things work fairly well, other times not as well as to symptom relief.

It is foolish to not worry about this virus and COVID because you think this or that drug will cure you or even just prevent anything serious. There is no ifs, ands, or buts - you do not want a SARS-CoV-2 infection and a resultant diagnosis of COVID-19. It is not "a cold" or even "the flu" and while your odds of surviving it are in your favor (especially with medical treatment), the odds are in also in your favor with Russian roulette (6-1 to 10-1, depending on the revolver).

Unlike heart disease, cancer, and other major causes of death which are almost always "lifestyle choice" diseases that take time to develop, have years of "stages" and can be reversed, successfully treated, etc., viral infections are fast-acting. In many cases, the patient dies before treatment can have an effect. In others, the damage is done and all that can be accomplished at this point in time is management - the person survives but has long-lasting issues that do not currently have any "cure." For those who would offer anecdotal stories of people who have been "fine" and died from cancer two weeks after the diagnosis - that was from the date of diagnosis, not the beginning of the cancer establishing itself.

Even the vaccines aren't "cures" or even complete preventatives and no rational researcher, "scientist," or doctor ever expected them to be. Again, in basic layperson's terms, they are akin to umbrellas - it will help stop the person from getting completely soaked but it cannot prevent even a drop of rain from touching you. Someone else with an umbrella or having one in the car won't do anything at all for a person standing out in the rain. Vaccines work by fighting the viral invader once it enters the host as the host's immune system attempts to stop it from causing whatever disease that virus causes. The vaccinated person must be exposed to the virus for the vaccine to do anything at all. In other words, it cannot "pre-fight" a virus like some cloud of disinfectant surrounding a person. A virus isn't "alive" in the sense most think of as "living," so it cannot be "killed" in that sense either. It can be "deactivated" or its effects on the host slowed or stopped. In broad terms, that is what vaccines do - the virus attempts to establish itself in a person and at some point, the immune system begins to fight it. An unvaccinated person's immune system is starting from scratch but a vaccinated person's immune system already has the other team's playbook and will start countering it at first sight. All of this is very old, very well understood science and medicine. Basically, if you reject this vaccine and the medicine and science behind it, why would you accept any other treatment of any kind from the same doctors who told you to get vaccinated? If doctors were "out to get you" and they couldn't do it with this vaccine, they could just "get you" in any number of other ways. If you don't trust doctors, then why not turn to Sean Hannity, Facebook, or somewhere else when you need medical treatment for any and every medical need you may have? No? Why not? That's what a (or woman) would do...often right before their (avoidable) funeral.

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2021 at 9:39 AM = Blah, blah, blah, blah

Anonymous said...

(Narrator, perhaps in an Australian accent:)

“Here we find that interesting hybrid moron, the crossbred Jackson Public Schools attendee/Tucker Carlson viewer.”

The only way for the Democrats/Media/Corporate Elites to stay in power is for them to perpetually promote and propagandize a virus, any virus mind you, to keep people frozen in fear and thus divided. Eventually, everyone will figure it out and just stop caring. Meanwhile, the healthcare industrial complex is fattening their bank accounts.


I left Mississippi 7 years ago. With 300 miles between us, it still shocks me to see how many stupid people inhabit the state I called home for 20 years. You anti-vax, Trump cultist morons actually WANT to die, don’t you? Dying to own the libs!

Matt Gaetz & MTG would love you idiots.

Anonymous said...

You left Mississippi 7 years ago, live 300 miles away and yet come here to troll. Who is the moron and idiot?

Anonymous said...

those of us who are vaxed really don’t need to argue. the facts are clear and undeniable.

you can lead a horse to water… but they will not accept facts.

are we going to need to ask Biden for more ventilators like Florida did? asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

Because optics
Same reason abc nightly news at 530 reported that Mississippi was requesting the fed comfort hospital ship and everyone from dingleberry52 on twitter to mary weiden repeated like it was a fact.

Anonymous said...

Bow long before Ross Adams deports from outside the parking garage?

Anonymous said...

Great post, 9:39. Realize blah, blah doesn't want to be bothered with details, particularly factual ones but would rather take his medical information from Tucker or Sean.

Thanks for taking the time to provide some details and truth. Too bad it probably falls on many deaf, no closed, ears on this site.

Anonymous said...

To those who point to India as proof that the delta COVID wave will quickly pass: India imposed strict lockdowns to get past its delta wave of COVID:

Are you suggesting the U.S. do the same? Or do you believe we are so special that we can get the same results without taking the same actions?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:39

I have no idea who you are or where you very obviously practice medicine at, but I would let you be my Dr. any day. Keep on fighting the good fight my man/woman.

Anonymous said...

"[I]f you reject this vaccine and the medicine and science behind it, why would you accept any other treatment of any kind from the same doctors who told you to get vaccinated? . . . If you don't trust doctors, then why [trust cable news or the Internet] when you need medical treatment . . . ?"

That's actually a pretty good point at 9:39. I had to search for it, but it's there. (I edited it for readability, but tried to stay true to the logic of the original comment).

Anonymous said...

To those like 11:57 and 12:25 who believe they possess superior knowledge and expertise, you don't.

Anonymous said...

@9:35 am yep. St. Dominic’s is doing the same. They plan on suspending every employee without the jab without pay starting at the end of October. Supposedly a Catholic hospital.

UMMC decries their lack of nurses and staff… yet they fired hundreds last year.

Think of it…. Healthy, dedicated staff who worked through a pandemic for over a year, many of whom now have antibodies for being exposed to the virus or catching it themselves, will now be forced to lose their jobs and go elsewhere. So wrong and such a broken trust.

Anonymous said...

There aren’t enough shoes.

China quit making nursing shoes.

So no shoes = no nurses = more covid patients = garages used for icu ward

Chinas fault

Anonymous said...

9:39 it appears that you are suffering from an incipient case of verbal diarrhea.

Anonymous said...

99% of Covid deaths are the unvaccinated. What the hell is there, for the sane, to be "Confused" about? What is there to be "skeptical" about???

It's NOT hard to understand the number 95.

The Dotards ranting about "only N95 masks 'work'" won't translate that and understand that neither N95 masks nor 95% effective vaccines are perfect, but that kind of math should make you run out to get a vaccine, or to wear a mask if needed. Not avoid them like some superstitious bumpkin.

If a group is 95% vaccinated, maybe ONE person might be hospitalized, instead of thousands, overwhelming the system. It's NOT hard math.

Get vaccinated. Why? To save your life. To save a kid's life. To save a GrandMa's life. Hell, if you are a "Crusading Taxpayer WATCHDOG," to save tax money.

Every week that the ignorant delay getting to herd immunity by vaccine is another HUGE cost to taxpayers. That they bleated FOR, at the same time they bleat about taxes. Total hypocrisy.

Every week that the proudly ignorant delay vaccinations is MORE time for variants to develop, and for more deadly and/or more transmissible variants to develop.

This is NOT hard math or science to understand.

Anonymous said...

"9:39 it appears that you are suffering from an incipient case of verbal diarrhea."

That's some pretty fancy diagnosing, especially considering no one said even a single word to anyone. I type fast and didn't have time to write anything shorter (attrib. to Twain and Pascal).

Anonymous said...

Since Madison County is the most vaccinated county in the state, is it county full of RINOs?

Anonymous said...

1:03, I admit I don't possess superior knowledge or expertise on COVID. That's why I merely posted a link to an article that reported India's strict lockdowns, which corresponded in time to the passing of its delta COVID wave.

I don't think it takes any type of superiority to state the obvious, that we can't expect the same results unless we take the same actions. To be clear, I am NOT advocating for lockdowns. I was just pointing out the fallacy of citing India's delta COVID curve to suggest that the delta variant rapidly and automatically burns itself out (9:38 x 2).

Of course, there are those who will dispute that strict lockdowns actually limit transmission of the virus. To those, I can only shrug.


Anonymous said...

I have been shopping all over Jackson, Flowood, Madison, and Ridgeland today, unvaxxed and unmasked. I have been doing this for the last year. When am I supposed to catch covid-19 and die? I don’t watch TV so I don’t have anything to terrify me. When is the shit supposed to hit the fan?

Anonymous said...

They must be getting paid by the word. Someone give me the cliff notes on the post at 9:39. I am not reading war and peace, again.

Anonymous said...

Please let it be noted that nobody has answered 8:28's questions. Not even the illustrious 9:39!

Anonymous said...

3:52 makes a good point, despite the gratuitous snark.

I, too, would like to know the answers to the questions posed at 8:28 (except the last one, which I assume was rhetorical).

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Kingfish, I have a new favorite hobby - Reading all the medical related replies on here from employees (You know who you are) at the Doc-In-The-Box clinics, most of whom can't read a chest or wrist X-Ray.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to hear a valid answer to 8:28.

And like 9:08, I don't fully understand why in our second year of our attempts to flatten the curve, the hospitals are caught unawares.

I got my vax, have no been sick, and hope I never need a hospital.
And I am listening to medical advice. I just don't understand why there is no directive for home treatment plans to help ME not overwhelm the medical centers.

I am relatively young and quite healthy and live alone, so at this point if I get sick I will just work from home and treat myself as if I have the flu.

I don't see a need to even test Covid positive if there is no plan to treat me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to die from the COVID. I'm going to die, but not from the COVID. The reason I'm not going to die from the Covid, is to piss you off. Yes, I do indeed have the COVID.

Anonymous said...

"the odds are in also in your favor with Russian roulette (6-1 to 10-1, depending on the revolver)."

^Clearly not a mathematician.

"I have been shopping all over Jackson, Flowood, Madison, and Ridgeland today, unvaxxed and unmasked. I have been doing this for the last year. When am I supposed to catch covid-19 and die? I don’t watch TV so I don’t have anything to terrify me. When is the shit supposed to hit the fan?"
August 12, 2021 at 3:06 PM

Thanks for infecting and killing who knows how many thousands of people. Jerk.

Anonymous said...

Answering 8:28's questions would be too close to giving medical advice or asking a specific doctor of whom you are not a patient a specific medical question about a specific issue of that person. And when in doubt about the ethics, err on the side of caution. No ethical doctor would give a non-patient specific medical advice, much less attempt to diagnose them. As to CDC information, it is available online. If that doesn't suffice - ask YOUR doctor, not just A doctor.

This does have some relevance, however. Any doctor or "doctor" giving specific treatment information to non-patients (or just broadcasting it) is getting deep into an ethical gray area, if not crossing the line. Folks might want to consider that when anyone claiming to be a doctor starts making specific statements about this or that "cure" or "treatment" for COVID or anything else. For example, some of the drugs touted as "COVID cures" or "treatments" could sicken or kill more people than the relatively rare few that have vaccine component "allergies" if applied broadly without patient history, tests, etc.

Anonymous said...

If St.D starts putting patients in their garage, that will shut down their fine "golf cart" security team's main most objective ... (trying to find those devils sneaking a few drags off a Marlboro light).

Anonymous said...

I look forward to whatever "viral" dance videos the local nurses perform in the empty tents and ICUs like they did last year.

Anonymous said...

Not vaxed ?

Not to worry ... eat some of this.
It's called "Ivermectin"

It's for worms in horses, but also cures the covid, the flu, and prevents ingrown toenails.

Anonymous said...

6:07 uh huh, there are plenty of doctors instructing me to get a FDA-unapproved vaccine at CVS without ever having met me, knowing anything about my medical history or establishing any physician/patient relationship so Im call bullshit on your cop-out diatribe. You "employee" physicians, who, as such, possess exactly zero independent professional discretion, you cowardly public health officials, you know better than this. You will be held to account. You will pay for what you have done and continue to do, How do you sleep at night?

Better Than Ever said...


Been saying same thing since spring 20... people are too dumb/stubborn to listen. Good luck.

It's not cowering in fear. It's "let's get back to full throttle capitalism".

Anonymous said...

What a shame that we all received the polio vaccine back in the 50s. We didn't have the internet then to read all of the irresponsible BS, lies, and conspiracy theories from wacko nut jobs.

Anonymous said...

"You 'employee' physicians..."

OK, now that is...amusing. But even it were true, why would anyone not want to ask THEIR doctor who has THEIR medical records and has examined them whatever specific medical questions about whatever THEIR specific concerns are. If you just want a educated and experienced "diagnosis" based upon what you have written here, fair enough, just this once: you're an idiot. That'll be $1500.00, please send it to St. Jude's.

PS - if you think that I have malpracticed, call YOUR lawyer and see what he tells you.

Anonymous said...

8:40 Called my lawyer. He said I was was wasting my time arguing with a "quack' and he didnt charge me a dime.

Anonymous said...

I stay glued to the TV to hear from my favorite Doctors: Dr. T. Teeves, Dr. R DeSantis and Dr. G. Abbott. All three said today they are looking at hiring more nurses.

Anonymous said...

6:07, Thanks for responding to my request for answers to 8:28’s questions. If there is a current, standard best-practices protocol, I’d still like to know what it is. I assume the CDC guidelines to which you referred are found at the following links:

The panel talks a lot about treatments that it recommends against, but doesn’t seem to really endorse any outpatient treatments except antibody treatments. Frankly, it reads to me like a bunch of people afraid of criticism and trying to cover their asses.

Anonymous said...

I may have missed it, but rumor has it there are two full floors at St. D that are locked up tight because short on staff...why are we directing all these extra healthcare workers to a 40 bed make-shift, hotashell tent hospital in a garage instead of to St. D?

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe UMMC would actually put anyone in their nasty, hot garage, in the middle of Jackson, MS where gunshots ring out daily and nightly.

There is a shortage of nurses, not beds.

If anyone has actual photos (please blur out any faces) of ANYONE in the garage, please send to Kingfish.

Anonymous said...

The head of UMMC said their ICU beds stay mostly full WITHOUT Covid. Dobbs, et al lie to Mississippians too much suggesting that the occupancy is due to Covid only.

Also, yes there is a shortage of staff due to shutdown layoffs, but this temp hospital in the garage will be funded AND staffed by the federal government and is being done to help all of the State’s hospitals in the short run.

#flattenthecurve #firedobbs #whydidn’tdobbspreparestate’shealthsystemafterflatteningthecurve

Anonymous said...

8:20 --Right, I agree there is a shortage of nurses/doctors/healthcare workers. However, instead of sending the nurses/doctors/healthcare workers to the garage, why not send to St. D and open those beds instead of constructing military tent hospitals?

Also, if there is not a shortage of beds, is saying "our hospitals are at capacity not a little misleading? I understand that there are several patients with a diagnosis of Covid, and that Covid is real. Not arguing that. Just saying that the hysteria created is disingenuous considering the "hospitals at capacity" vs "shortage of healthcare workers creating the limited capacity." Then factor in very few ppl across the State/Country have been diagnosed with influenza since Covid and hospitals were incentivized to diagnose Covid with payments in the tens of thousands. I realize it is expensive to treat/care for a Covid patient, but as we have seen with the PPP & PPE relief payments/fraud, the federal government is more concerned about keeping their votes/seats of power than actually accounting for the money spent/freely given.

Anonymous said...

"I cannot believe UMMC would actually put anyone in their nasty, hot garage.."

Oh come on, you know they'll have "emergency" funding available to install a super one-time (tent) a/c with a COVID exhaust extraction system. Done quickly, it shouldn't cost over 2-3 MIL. = happy contractors .

Maybe this time they'll actually place a patient in that 'ward'.

Anonymous said...

It’s time to breakout the jacket(S) again!

Anonymous said...

Time to break out the bicycle pump and lawn sprinkler timer ventilators and really scare the sheeple!

We are going to shove this Lowe’s water hose down your throat if you don't get vaxxxed!

Anonymous said...

I’ve seen countless actual practicing physicians speaking passionately about how viruses historically have been ineffective at eradicating aerosol spread illnesses such as the common cold and the flu. They say COVID is an aerosol spread disease (or aerosolized; I could be getting the specific description wrong; spread by tiny particles floating from one’s lungs into the air) and that no mask can keep those particles out. One said any mask through which you can smell a fart, isn’t stopping the particles. They go through your clothes, so if course they’re going to go through the filthy cloth mask you’ve been throwing around your car and pulling in and out your pockets or your purse for weeks. They say ivermectin and hydrocloriquin and zinc all work like a charm, and that, like the common cold and the flu, coronavirises (of which some have said the flu is one) are hard to peg and have a high rate of misdiagnosis. These are currently practicing physicians saying this. Why should I disbelieve them? Why are their medical opinions not to be trusted over government bureaucrats who are on the record saying one thing months or years ago about masks and this illness and another thing now. Dismissing random internet posts (like this one I suppose) is one thing. But dismissing the stated opinions of practicing physicians (not printed statements, but statements on video) is another. Honest question: which source of information sounds more credible? Please consider any answers carefully. Thanks

Anonymous said...

8:40 I forgot to tell you that my lawyer said he thinks he'll be filing medical malpractice lawsuits for "failure to treat" soon, and, although the vaccine manufacturers have gotten you guys immunity for any liability associated with the administration of their vaccines, they left you guys hangin' on the "failure to treat". You can explain to a jury why you failed to prescribe a therapeutic well-known for it's "excellent safety profile" which is included on the WHO's List of Essential Medicines and for which the discoverer's jointly received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015, which has been prescribed approximately 4 billion times worldwide. There are no black box warnings and most certainly no risk of Myocarditis and Pericarditis noted, unlike those listed on the FDA required disclosure to vaccine recipients for the Moderna and Pfizer injections. See ya down the road sport.

Anonymous said...

To this morning's commenters: Here is a graph of COVID hospitalization numbers, as of yesterday

Anonymous said...

They never post the charts and graphs for who survived Covid or who tested positive and is chilling at the house with a citrus infused hot toddy, cleaning their FN SAW and watching a Clint Eastwood marathon while kicking Covid’s ass.

Anonymous said...

11:46, Enjoy your COVID retreat, while drinking hard liquor before noon on a weekday and playing with your gun. I’m sure you really have this whole “life” thing figured out.

Anonymous said...

The idea that any solvent attorney would front the necessary costs to litigate, as per 11:10, is not realistic, especially for a failure to render treatment that has been specifically “not recommended”!by the CDC panel, as per the link posted at 12:21.

Anonymous said...

2:40 you keep thinking that way sawbones. You're funny, but not very wise. Pfizer and Moderna gonna pay for your legal defense? Reimburse you for countless hours of depositions? Pfizer and Moderna gotcha covered to the with immunity as to the "administration" of their vaccines, but I believe you'll find that's about it as far as you're concerned, you're just their tool and you'll find out the hard way that they've tooled you over. You best go read the current and emerging literature about Ivermectin generally and as it relates to COVID particularly. There's going to be a quiz for you, under oath, regarding those in the future. What a difficult moral dilemma you're facing. You're in a real pickle here. Do the right thing now. Others will stand with you. The "right to try" Trump gave us, that's going to make a big difference here, so include that in your analysis, it being so broad it includes experimental drugs and Ivermectin is FDA approved with an excellent safety profile, well-tolerated, WHO Essential Medicine, Nobel Prize for Medicine 2015, 3.7 billion prescriptions over 40 years with 12 deaths. Your're going to have avery very difficult time explaining why you didnt honor a patients request. Free legal adxice before you need it.

Anonymous said...

Damm we are going to get more jackets !!

Anonymous said...

To 6:14: This is 2:40. I'm not a doctor. I'm a practicing attorney of more than 20 years, whose practice largely consists of personal injury litigation.

Under your scenario, one would have trouble proving that the failure to render said treatment falls below the medical standard of care for the treatment COVID patients. There would also likely be no way to prove that rendering said treatment would have more-probably-than-not resulted in a different outcome, at the time it was not rendered. Just my $0.02. Feel free to seek another opinion.

Anonymous said...

It's still...amusing. 9:58, I suspect 6:14PM thought you were me.

Anyway, here's my response to that nonsense:

" lawyer said he thinks he'll be filing medical malpractice lawsuits for "failure to treat" soon..."

Hmmm...Giuliani's bar card is now a coaster, so a no there. Avenatti is in prison, so another nope. I don't know Sydney Powell's specific status other than "rather busy due to previous, er, yuge legal fuckups," so she's probably a no-go, plus she's a "she." AHA! CARLOS MOORE!

OK, F. Lee, since you and any sensible reader of your nonsense knows you don't have a lawyer, and so "he" didn't say anything to you about "his" grand plans (your claim of "him" doing so further demonstrates its foolishness), why don't you explain just how you and "he" would allege and argue malpractice. One thing I'm sure the lawyers as well as doctors who may be following along are on the edge of their seats waiting to hear - who is your expert? You do realize that you must have a medical expe...well, I'll just let you lay it all out. F. Lee, the floor is yours.

Anonymous said...

@9:58 probably true early on, not so any longer. Too much evidence in favor of using this award-winning drug with too many accolades to mention again. Hasnt the standard of care or the recommendations regarding the science changed quite often, "dont wear a mask", "wear a mask", "get vaccinated and its virtually impossible for you to get COVID and you wont need a mask", "get more shots", "put uour mask back on"? I dont think masks work very well, if at all. I wear one because it might help. Folks have a right-to-try, the only risk of harm in letting those who wish try Ivermectin is to pharmaceutical company profits, perhaps darker agendas, but we need not go there.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 "F.Lee" here. 100% success rate in suing pharmaceutical companies and investment banks. Over $1B distributed to clients thus far. For a documented history of big pharma's past fraudulent conduct, please see "rap sheets" for Pfizer, J&J, GSK and others at Corporate Research Project's website.

Anonymous said...

"Folks have a right-to-try, the only risk of harm in letting those who wish try Ivermectin is to pharmaceutical company profits..."

While it may be true (and in general terms I agree) that under certain circumstances with certain diseases (COVID is not one of them) and under highly supervised medical care that people should have a right to try "hail Mary" drugs still in the testing stages, it is not true at all that there is no "risk of harm in letting those who wish try Ivermectin" for COVID. There are several risks. The dosage that shows even a chance of efficacy is higher than for its approved use and there is greater toxicity and side effects at those levels. Moreover, if you waste valuable time waiting to see if it works and it doesn't, you are lessening the time window for other methods to be utilized.

The bottom line is to seek and take the advice and recommendations of those who know your specific situation and history - your doctor and health care professionals. Trying to self-diagnose COVID and then self-medicate with Ivermectin or anything else is dangerous. If you have symptoms that are consistent with COVID, contact your doctor or other health care provider ASAP. Time matters.

Anonymous said...

@9:58 Today's litigation nut that would be hard to crack, will mutate to become tomorrow's low-hanging fruit, and it's ripening quickly.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 then you agree with the NY Supreme Court's decision ordering the hospital to continue the IVERMECTIN to the 80-year old who was on the vent, given a 20% chance of surviving, given IVERMECTIN by the ICU doctor, in a private room 2 days later and off the vent, new doctor refused to continue with IVERMECTIN, condition began to deteriorate again, family retained counsel, Court ordered the treatment that had worked to be continued, and she's at home now? Good for you, please share your opinion with Forest General which has violated a vent patients family's "right to try" and after a coast facility agreed to accept her and administer IVERMECTIN, Forest General refused to transfer her.

Anonymous said...

9:18 aka "F. Lee" here. Comment intended for 10:23, not 10:58. Sorry for the typo, and I also failed to mention the the pharma "rap sheets" at Corporate Research Project's website include pharma's Illegal kickback's to healthcare providers.

Anonymous said...

"@10:58 "F.Lee" here. 100%..." pure bullshit. Lay it out, high-stepper, or let it lay. Hell, just name your expert - it'll be public record pretty early on in the filings, right? I'll take a guess and say, "right before the first MSJ gets granted..."

Anonymous said...

12:21, as far as CDC, FDA and MS Dept Health/Dobbs recommended outpatient treatment protocols for vaccinated and unvaccinated patients who contract COVID, the emperors have no clothes.

Anonymous said...

1:43 "name your expert". I'll bet you and your buddies would love it if I did something that utterly stupid. Like I said, this aint my first rodeo, cowboy, so not today. Their (plural) lives would be in danger. This we can agree upon. No e-mails, no phone conversations, no text messages between us, so dont bother. See ya down the road, lessun you correct the error of your ways promptly. You have a window of opportunity here, to stand up for your patients and disregard the marching orders to prescribe only "plenty of water" as the outpatient treatment protocol. Everyone sees right through that by now, Bubba, Willie Earl, and whatever other pejorative names you call us "useless eaters". I call them jurors.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 Help me out here. Are you saying the "right to try" covers all dire conditions other than COVID-19? That seems to be what you said. Would you kindly clarify that? Also, as to outpatient treatment for those who get COVID, vaccinated or not, other than Ivermectin, what, generally speaking (not asking the you to give specific advice regarding a specific patient), what are the "other methods utilized"? It's not likely that the human formulation and dosages for Ivermctin would contradict the "drink plenty of water" that seems to be the only prescription being given, other than "go to the ER when you cant breathe".

Anonymous said...

"@10:09 Help me out here. Are you saying the 'right to try' covers all dire conditions other than COVID-19? That seems to be what you said. Would you kindly clarify that? Also, as to outpatient treatment for those who get COVID, vaccinated or not, other than Ivermectin, what, generally speaking (not asking the you to give specific advice regarding a specific patient), what are the 'other methods utilized'?"

I am not going to suggest or provide treatment protocols. Period. Full stop. That is for your doctor or healthcare provider. I don't know anything about you or your medical history and it would be unethical to offer specific suggestions. If anyone has the slightest doubt about vaccination, I would suggest talking to your doctor and following that advice. Here is about as specific as I will get and it is merely a general opinion, not medical advice: getting vaccinated where basic medical services are available is arguably safer than where none are available, in case of a rare anaphylactic or other reaction.

As to my thoughts on the "right to try," very broadly, it covers terminal conditions and the use of potentially promising (or even possibly so) treatments that haven't yet been fully tested. Although it isn't as good an example as it might have been even a few years ago due to the rapid advances in oncology and cancer pharmacology, an example many have heard of is a terminal cancer and a new therapy. If someone is on the medically-likely verge of death from complications of anything, COVID complications or not, I cannot reasonably argue against or find fault with a doctor and medical professionals, along with the patient and family, attempting "hail Marys." Quality of life and a lot of other things come into play. On the other hand, if someone has a cancer for which there is a proven chemo and treatment regimen and some Facebook expert says, "Scared sissies! Ignore the medicine and science! Vitamin XYZ and chocolate milk! My sister's boyfriend, someone on YouTube, and two talkshow hosts say it'll cure that fake cancer in 3 hours...," then no. Hell no. N-fucking-O, no.

Among the problems, but the only problem, with the variety of "off-label" use of drugs being touted by those with little or no background in the relevant medicine, pharmacology, biology and a host of other sciences is the efficacy at tested and approved doses versus the levels needed to produce the claimed or even suggested efficacy. Maybe this will help, even though it is an exaggerated example. If anyone, doctor or Facebook "friend," said you could cure COVID by eating 1-2-3 bottle(s) of aspirin every hour, any sensible person would be extremely dubious at the very mention. That is what hearing people say take 4-5-10 times the "normal" dosage of these drugs - which were developed for things not directly related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus or the COVID-19 disease - sounds like to a person with the aforementioned sciences background.

As to what treatment someone should seek, I cannot say it any other way: talk - and listen - to your doctor or healthcare provider, not anyone else. If you aren't satisfied with that, seek a second opinion as a patient of a second doctor. I'm not going to suggest anything to anyone, even in "general terms." It is potentially dangerous and it is not ethical. But even if I or anyone else told you, "X will totally cure COVID in 30 seconds!," why in the hell would anyone listen to someone or 10 someones, however "smart" they think they are, rather than their doctor who has their history, test results, etc.?

Anonymous said...

"Like I said, this aint my first rodeo, cowboy, so not today. Their (plural) lives would be in danger. This we can agree upon. No e-mails, no phone conversations, no text messages between us, so dont bother. "

Jesus, from F. Lee to The Shakiest Gun in the West. You (and of course, your mythical lawyer and your mythical yet fearful experts) have never been within horsefly range of livestock, but you sure can put out the manure like a fancy brand new spreader. If you knew anything about the corral of med mal lit, you wouldn't be so caviler about the horns. You'd know that a lot of the defense bar, especially out-of-state, will rope and tie a green calf from a fast steady horse with a dead-on loop without even a shift of their hats. Perhaps your highest and best use is...not medicine or law. As amusing as this has been while we can't get out to the blue water, insofar as direct communication I have no interest and am about done testing good ol' 'fish's patience even with the communication here.

I talked to my favorite horse. He said he'll put his pecker size up against yours, your best horse, your lawyer's, and "ever' one of those A-lleged EX-perts any ol' durned day and spot ever' one of those sonsabitches the first 8 inches each." Yeah, he's one special fuckin' horse, what with being a polyglot and all. Fluent in the Queen's horse and English (he went to both Yale and Oxford with me but spent most of his time in the physics lab and dating the local mares), several dialects of Spanish, and moderately fluent in French, German, and bullshit, albeit he has little patience for the latter. Since he's a western horse, he has a western accent (even in French, which is a little weird at times) but he rarely says stuff like that lightly or in jest.

And you owe me 10 large more for the legal consultation. Again, send a check to St. Jude. Someone with a billion in awarded and paid judgements can easily afford it, right? My horse can. So can I.

DAMN! It just hit me! Want to turn a silly internet bullshit session into something for a good cause? My horse and I are ready to ride. Kingfish - mind if we get after that? I'll start the pot with 100 to St. Jude, another 100 to the Humane Society, and another 100 to any reasonable charity JJ readers can come up with. Fronk and bIll are in, too. Hey, if we are going to have a rodeo, let's get with it. Call, raise, or add to the pot as you can manage.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS