Monday, August 9, 2021

Covid-19 Snapshot

 17 children were hospitalized due to Covid-19 in Mississippi last month.  Although this population is more than double each of the previous five months, it is still below the surges in July and November of last year. 

March/20: 3

April/20: 7

May/20: 16

June/20: 16

July/20: 25

August/20: 13

September/20: 15

October/20: 11

November/20: 22

December/20: 8

January/21: 15

 February/21: 5

March/21: 5

April/21: 4

May/21: 8

June/21: 6

July/21: 17

Four children under the age of 18 years old have died of Covid-19 in Mississippi although only one did not have an underlying health condition.  There are currently over 1,100 Covid-19 hospitalizations in Mississippi. 


Anonymous said...

How many have been hospitalized? How many will have long term health consequences from Covid?

It’s not all about just who dies from Covid. Some people will live with debilitating medical conditions and/or debt from hospitalization from Covid for the rest of their lives.

So stop with the “look it on kills .00000009% so it’s a nothingburger” BS.

Kids under 12 rely on everyone else to protect them from this. Stop being selfish and go get vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

KF, did you not look at the stats for deaths of those between 10-17 and 18-24?

I really think you have to look at the big picture ( all stats), not just a few for context.

Anonymous said...

You're probably going to get COVID at some point. In fact, you may have already had it and not know it. Short of putting on a full HAZMAT suit when you go out, most of what you're doing to prevent catching it is virtue signaling/pandemic theater. (Kind of like the TSA insisting on bomb-checking your wheelchair-bound 95-year old grandmother who put rivets in B-24s during WWII.)

Anyway, unlike the TSA, your mask choices don't affect me. After all,
Asian travelers have been doing this on airplanes for years. Wear one. Don't wear one. Get vaccinated. Don't get vaccinated. Make your choice and let others make theirs. This isn't polio, people.

Kingfish said...

Um, I posted the damn deaths for those under 18. All of 4 in 18 months, barely more than what we lose to communicable diseases every year.

Anonymous said...


Human misery is a funny thing. So long as it's not you watching your kid suffering, it doesn't seem so bad.

Then there's empathy, the ability to actually feel someone's pain. It's a human quality. Of course, if you're far enough down the metaphorical food chain, your capacity for empathy is, well, challenged. Throw in poorly understood "science," concepts like "freedom," and stir the pot with lots and lots of political demagoguery, and a normal fellow or gal just doesn't care. This last works best if there is some class of folks easily depersonalized. Phrases like "illegal immigrants" and "Kung Flu" come to mind.

Hey, I'm a free Christian American, and if I want to be a disease vector, that's between me and the Lord. Keep your stinking vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has to make their own choices. Prior to 3 weeks ago I would NOT consider getting the vaccine. After getting COVID and ending up admitted to the hospital with COVID pneumonia and dealing with the aftermath of it, I have made the choice to get the vaccine as soon as I am permitted post this bout of COVID.

This stuff is BAD. I pray this stuff goes away quickly. Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Your shilling doesn’t seem nearly as intelligent as you think it does when you type it.

You aren’t superior to anyone. You are just another pig in the line at the slaughterhouse, blindly waiting to be slaughtered.

The smart animals don’t line up to die.

Live free or die.

Anonymous said...

@9:58am - We’ll be sure to put that on your tombstone. Along with molon labe I’m sure.

Anonymous said...

You cannot convince me that folks like 9:49 really believe they will win folks like 9:58 over to getting the shot with the insults they typed.

We cannot possibly have devolved into thinking that tactic has ever worked?

I got the shot.

But I am not insane enough to think that I can bully other grown *ss adults into getting it by calling them names.

Anonymous said...

I would never, ever want a precious child to die or be hospitalized, from Covid or the myriad of other reasons that we seem to completely ignore as a society now.. I’ve always fought to protect children including my own, from the womb and on.

That being said, it would be wonderful if these vaccines were safe enough for me to recommend to family and friends, and even children. However, they aren’t — many people are suffering horrible adverse events and reactions. Many people are contraindicated to taking these, especially people with clotting disorders and autoimmune disorders.

VAERS now has over 500,000 adverse event reports and 12,000 deaths. This is well over the number of adverse vaccine reports in the database’s history. Websites and support groups for injured are all over the internet for people who feel left behind by this steamrolling of society.

Getting vaccinated is a personal choice, and considering the administration pushing for mandated vaccines is the same one who believes in abortion on demand, population control, and blacklisting of outpatient treatments that are safe and inexpensive… well, the choice is easy for me. I’m just ashamed at these hospital systems like St. Dominics mandating the vaccine for all employees, when it’s not even FDA approved and there are no long term safety studies.

Anonymous said...

@10:37am - If they were grown *ss adults, they would’ve already gotten the shots. They’re nothing more than petulant toddlers in adult bodies, incapable of making a decision that doesn’t take in to account anyone other than themselves.

Anonymous said...

You might have been able to scare me last August but you people have been crying wolf too often for too long.
I got Covid-19 last Thanksgiving and survived it just like the other billion people on this planet who survived it.
I suspect you libs have some other preexisting conditions due to your lifestyles and you are absolutely terrified.

Anonymous said...

And I am not saying you're wrong, but i'm pretty sure you convinced at least zero of those petulant toddlers to get the jab with your words, 11:11.

I have never talked anyone into seeing things my way by calling them dumb, but have at it.

Bill Dees said...

There were 6,912 new cases for the weekend of August 6-8. People aren't wearing masks, and only 40% of adults are vaccinated. Schools are opening and the governor won't even suggest that masks should be worn at school. This is a recipe for disaster.

Anonymous said...

I trust my doctor, who is also the company medic in my patriot militia, more than I trust some blog commenter who isn’t even man enough to handle an FN SAW.

Doc says Covid-19 is just a bad cold and natural antibodies are far superior to the experimental mRNA therapy. He only recommends the jab to the elderly and sick.

He recommended we wear our gators and balaclavas during drill so we did.

Anonymous said...

Question to the healthcare workers on this site. Have any of you seen someone get Covid, fully recover, not get the vaccine, and get Covid again? I haven’t heard of any unvaccinated people getting it a second time. I’ve heard of people who got a little better and then turned downhill, but not a single instance of someone truly getting it twice.

Anonymous said...

Any numbers on appendicitis?

Anonymous said...

@11:32am - I don’t expect any of them to change their minds. I just enjoy calling the stupid stupid. I don’t have anything else to do.

Anonymous said...

@11:35am - Your military doctor is short-sighted. And no one gives a sh** about whether or not you can hold a belt-fed machine gun. Congrats though big guy, I guess.

Anonymous said...

@11:35am - Your “patriot militia” eh? That’s all you needed to say.

I’ll be sure to send the BATFE your way to ream your *ss for having an unregistered belt-fed machine gun.

Anonymous said...

The reality is that (as tragic as any child's death is), COVID has killed four people under 18 in Mississippi total. In any given month, somewhere between four and 24 kids have been in a hospital due to COVID, out of countless thousands who have contracted it.

Anyone who tries to sell you on closing schools or shutting down youth activities because kids are at risk is a liar or a fool. We are throwing away classroom time and important activities (sports, band, debate, theater) that these kids will NEVER get back.

All for nothing. These kids are more at risk riding in the car to school than they are from COVID. Pre-vaccine, maybe you could justify closing down schools to slow community spread, because grandma had no other way to protect herself.

But now, you're basically telling kids, "Sorry, you have to watch your education and the activities you love disappear forever because some obese 65-year-old can't be bothered to get a vaccine."

Screw that. I'm pro-vaccine mandate and pro-mask, but this is complete BS.

Anonymous said...


You are loathsome. And for the record how do you know these kids won't fully recover? If Wuhan would tell us their five year data on this cousin of SARS, we might have more information to work with.

Anonymous said...

@12:01 @ 12:07

A militia with doctors, attorneys, and other businessmen as the members can afford the proper tax stamps.

Doc has the SAW.

Anonymous said...

Wow, check this out; it will probably be down soon.

Anonymous said...

11:07 for the win! Healthcare provider for 41 years…..some people are just assholes who blindly go where led

Anonymous said...

August 9, 2021 at 12:07 PM; the FN SAW comes in a civilian version that is semi auto that is as legal, and easily purchased as a ruger 10/22, just more expensive. it still can be belt fed or magazine fed. however, if you have super deep pockets and the desire to wade through the paperwork, you can also buy a fully automatic version.

Anonymous said...

I am still asking the question of anybody qualified to answer: Which of the vaccines is better than my natural antibodies which saved me from the virus when I caught it last year? They now admit that the vaccine does not protect me from the variant. Even WITH the vaccine I could still catch it and possibly die (see our late sheriff). The vaccinated can also still spread the virus. So why do I really NEED to get one of these vaccines? Explain.

Anonymous said...

Just a few folks that have been vaccinated:

President Trump: January 2021

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: December 2020

Gov. Ron DeSantis: April 2021

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: December 2020

Gov. Greg Abbott: December 2020

Anonymous said...

@12:24pm - So you’re bragging about being able to handle another man’s SAW and that makes you tough and immune to
Covid? lol

And a $200 tax stamp isn’t unaffordable. A $60k+ legally registered belt-fed, on the other hand, is.

However, there are no legally transferable FN SAWs on the NFA registry. Do you even have any idea what you’re talking about? I’m sure this “SAW” you “can handle” exists on your Xbox or something.

Sit down bubba.

Anonymous said...

@12:36pm - That’s all fine and dandy, but he referred to tax stamps, which implies it’s automatic. Thanks for stopping by though.

Anonymous said...


It won’t change you mind, but here’s your answer: All of them.

As was pointed out earlier, Trump has been vaccinated, and that was after he’d already had it. If his expensive, world class team of doctors that we all paid for with our tax dollars recommended it for him, then why the hell not?

Anonymous said...

26 U.S. Code Section 4132 (a)(2). Vaccine. The term "vaccine" means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the PREVENTION OF 1 or more diseases.(emphasis added).

The FDA mandated disclosures to vaccine recipients state "may prevent COVID-19" and there is no statement or commentary regarding the reduction of disease symptoms, severity or duration. It is CLEAR that the current FDA "unapproved" (see FDA disclosures) injections fail miserably to meet the definition of "vaccines". The revised disclosures, June 24, 2021, also added the risk of Myocarditis and Pericarditis as, per the disclosures, the injections "are still being studied in clinical trials". What a sham. Sorry if any of you are "triggered" by the law. Have it changed if you like, but it is what it is. Period.

Anonymous said...

@1:53pm - Because some retard on Facebook said it was bad, and I’m too stupid to not see through the bs, that’s why.

Anonymous said...

ANYONE who mandates this gene therapy ( possible poison) is tyrannical.

Anonymous said...


Why are you approving the bullshit getting spewed out of 11:07's face? The vaccine has not killed 12,000 people, that is utter nonsense.

We're not getting out of this mess without the vaccine. period. Do better man.

Anonymous said...

You can’t fix stupid. Mississippi used to be the most vaccinated state in the nation until the Republicans decided vaccines were something to be feared. Always last, never change Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a fair solution would be to only allow unvaccinated people to have a hospital bed if there aren’t any occupancy issues. This is an almost entirely preventable situation, but some morons need to be taught the consequences of their actions the hard way.

Anonymous said...

@2:22pm - Do you even understand what tyranny is? Nevermind, don’t answer that.

Hookah said...

M249 SAW is being phased out

Anonymous said...

Some people commenting here have self-esteem issues. Ain't that right, 11:59?

Anonymous said...

Who here actually believes we can leaky vaccinate our way thru this because Fauci, NIH, CDC said so?

Anonymous said...

Hey Democrats! Ezekiel Emmanuel is in the news today as being on Biden's short-list to head up the FDA! He advocates no vaccines, no antibiotics, no medial treatment whatsoever once a person reaches age 75. Yall still think eugenics is a conspiracy theory? Guess again.

Anonymous said...

I got the shot, and I am not mad at the ones who don't.

But 2:50 posits an interesting option about hospital beds.

Anonymous said...

Covid is a hoax. We have 15 cases, and very soon that will be down to zero.

By Easter, it will disappear and everything will be back to normal.

Oh, and vaccines are for libtard sheeple who are slaves to the Deep State.

[NARRATOR] "Seriously, Mississippi has more Covid hospitalizations right now than the state of New York."

Anonymous said...

Humanity will never stop resisting your bot collective. Resistance is never futile.

Anonymous said...

Yalobusha Sheriff just died. FreeDumb.

Anonymous said...

2:29, what do you think this is, twitter? If you think the comment is wrong, prove it. One thing about the government, if it appears the statistics aren't yielding a favorable outcome, they will change the way it is counted, until, they get the stats they want. That's a fact jack.

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM, you're talking about the long term effect of Covid, what about the long term effects of the unapproved vaccine? If we only had the proper authorization, but we don't. Here you are acting as if you are compassionate, while pushing a potentially dangerous, unapproved vaccine. Ain't you something?

Anonymous said...

It is a general rule not to give medical advice to anyone not a patient, and especially not provide a diagnosis sight-unseen over the internet - however, I will make a slight exception in this one case.

WLOX, one of the two or three TV stations down on the coast has been doing regular interviews with Singing River doctors and management since this began last year. Since the Delta variant spike began, the interviewees have been senior doctors and the upper management of that system given frequent updates on the situation. They have given good information in non-clinical language and it obviously includes a lot of Mississippi-specific numbers/data. I won't try and speak for them, I'd simply encourage folks to at least give it and them an objective listen. The videos are available on the WLOX website.

That brings me to the diagnoses. I don't know all of the folks interviewed, but I know a couple to varying degrees and a fair number of folks in a variety of fields on the coast. Anyone who thinks all of those Mississippi coast folks, many born-and-bred, doing these interviews (or those conducting them) are taking orders, directly or indirectly, from Bill Gates, Bilderberg Group, anyone who has even been within 100 miles of Boheimian Grove or Davos, Klaus Schwab, etc., etc., etc. is - and not to be overly clinical - completely, utterly, and incurably stark raving batshit crazy. Anyone who would claim they are lying about the situation, medicine, or science is - again, apologies for the medspeak - a sorry shitass.

Think about it a minute. If in 2019 some local doctor or hospital admin had gone on TV and said, "Well, Bill, we have 142 people in our ICU and 130 have heart problems...," and someone called them a lying dupe of some international cabal (or the Chinese) who were trying to take over and depopulate ...Yazoo City? Tupelo? Pascagoula?... rational people would have called them fruitcakes (at least). Yet when those same people go on TV and say it is because of COVID, certain people actually think and say such things and start ranting about how big their guns are and how much ammo, Tang, and Tuna Helper they have crammed into their spare bedroom, all while citing as medical authority what they heard from Bubba about what Karen's momma's hairdresser wrote on FaceGram (or the preeminent doctor and virologist, Sean Hannity).

In all seriousness, sensible, reasonable people listen to and trust their doctors if he or she told them they needed anything a couple of stitches on a bad cut to a small precancerous mole removed to a serious heart procedure. Why in the world would you not trust them, but also suspect them, when they and so many other doctors tell you to wear a mask and get a vaccine, which is exactly what they themselves have done and are doing?

Anonymous said...

My grandson was one of the 4 that died but I guess his young life didn’t matter because he’s a part of such a small percentage of the population. I’m sure my comment won’t get published to appease the Trumptards.

Anonymous said...

My original reply post to @2:29 was deleted or not posted for some reason…. Maybe this one with fewer links will make it through.

Suffice it to say, you can check out the VAERS website yourself for adverse vaccine reports.

Anonymous said...

@6;46 Ever seen the old ads where whitecoats appear in cigarette ads advocating the health benefits of cigarette smoking? Ever thought about how a whitecoat might behave if he or she fears retribution for not following, or deviating from, CDC guidelines? And, can you please enlighten us with just one example of the FDA prohibiting a practicing physician from prescribing an FDA approved drug for off-label uses? Have you ever checked the corporate rap sheets for Pfizer, J&J and GSK which include paying illegal kickbacks to healthcare providers, hiding and concealing deadly side effects, lying to the FDA to gain approval for products they knew would cause injuries and deaths. Your post makes a lot of sense if you arent aware of these inconvenient facts. I would like to be able to completely trust all healthcare providers and public officials and I have must to some extent, but my gut tells me to be very cautious, as does history. Past is (often) prologue.

Anonymous said...

@5:12 NY looking good! Governor Groper already took care of the aged and infirm. Unlike Biden votes, they only count the COVID-19 deaths in NY once. However, continued "vaccine hesitancy" might change that.

Anonymous said...

@7:03 I am so sorry about your grandson. My heart breaks for you and your family. Prayers…

Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago I had a stroke the only place that would take me was CMMC. No one else had a bed. My buddy had a heart attack today, no hospital could take him in the metro, he’s in the hallway to the emergency room at UMC receiving ICU care. He might not make it out, and this didn’t have to happen. If you don’t want the shot, please wear a mask if you can stay 6 ft away from the person in you presence.

Anonymous said...

Lols….citing the VAERS website is akin to saying everything on Wikipedia is 100 accurate. Anyone can report to it, and it’s not verified, nor is any context given. Total nonsense.

Anonymous said...

6:46, responding to 7:25PM:

Yes, I have seen such ads. I've also seen ads claiming all sorts of things featuring people in all sorts of costumes. I am pretty sure that "Mr. Whipple" was not a grocer and the "Maytag Repairman"...wasn't. I know for a fact that George Clooney doesn't gallivant around the world in a suit of armor bringing people a cup of coffee. So what? Even if some doctors didn't know the dangers of smoking in 1951, non sequitur as to what most doctors do know in 2021.

Off-label prescribing isn't relevant to the vaccines. It is often a quagmire for doctors, especially if something goes wrong. Suffice to say that any doctor who does so with anything with any potential serious side effects better be damned sure they know both the patient and the pharmacology of the drug in question.

Similarly, any alleged company misconduct on patent drugs is not relevant to these vaccines. These vaccines are among the most studied and researched ever created, even considering most drugs, over the last 40-50 years. And therein lies one of the biggest issues with the situation. The vast majority of non-doctors, non-virologists, non-researchers, and non-scientists don't understand much or even any of it, but many, even most doctors, virologists, etc. do understand a good bit of it and a large number understand a great deal of it. That is why so many strongly and confidently urge its usage. The much greater understanding about the dangers of smoking is why most doctors, etc., have discouraged it for the last 50-plus years. If these vaccines were actually some new medicine or science with little understanding, testing, etc., doctors, etc., would be cautious too. But it just isn't all that new or unstudied.

Think of it like this: normally, a drug company spends/invests billions on R & D expecting to make a profit selling the result of that expenditure. But these vaccines fell and fall into a completely different model. Because government was heavily involved, politicians and politics were and are heavily involved. But that doesn't change the medicine or science. It is funny (or interesting or fortunate, depending on your personal perspective) that if Trump had more keenly-attuned political instincts (and listened to those that understood the situation), it is likely he could have ridden the vaccine train to a 2nd term and gone down in history with a lot better legacy than he likely will. Of course if he had those instincts (and listened) there is a very good chance that COVID wouldn't have been the pandemic, at least in the US, that it has become. While the vaccines would have been a good and necessary thing, the need wouldn't have been as critical as it is now and will continue to be.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 VAERS is the main national database for adverse vaccine events that has been around for decades. If you have a better database please let me know where to check for adverse vaccine events.

It is also managed by the FDA and CDC, and it is a lengthy process to report. Only 1 - 10% of adverse events are even reported, in fact, people are having trouble getting their reports approved. You can search every report made, many by healthcare workers and doctors, at Med Alerts, The National Vaccine Information Center.

You can deny it all you want. I have 2 MDs in the family who are seeing side effects in their patients from the vaccines. Some have been severe. Believe what you will.

Anonymous said...

If we are fighting with each other over masks and vaccines, that is EXACTLY what the folks in government want.

That way we aren’t asking questions like, where exactly did the virus come from? Who funded the research at the Wuhan institute? Why are our hospitals understaffed? Exactly who stands to benefit from a pandemic? Why aren’t there enough hospital beds to manage a surge? Why are these vaccines free but other life-saving treatments are not, like insulin?

We need to try to rise above the discord being sowed. Don’t let something like a shot, which appears to be delivering minimal protection at best and side effects at worst, divide you from your family and friends.

Calm Down said...

@August 9, 2021 at 2:50 PM
only allow unvaccinated people to have a hospital bed if there aren’t any occupancy issues.

Would you also ban people with over 15% BMI from having access to a hospital bed? Those who smoke and drink to excess? Those with a different skin color than yours?

@August 9, 2021 at 7:25 PM
Good rebuttal. I'd add that I have had the experience of personally knowing a few doctors. Not all of them qualify as a genius. Some are better than others.

@August 9, 2021 at 1:53 PM
Trump has been vaccinated, and that was after he’d already had it. If his expensive, world class team of doctors that we all paid for with our tax dollars recommended it for him, then why the hell not?

I would mention that Trump is 137 years old and he was told to get the vax in the very early days of the panic.

@August 9, 2021 at 7:03 PM
I'm sorry for your loss and pray for your family's comfort.

Covid is real, and it does pose a threat to the elderly, and those with preexisting conditions. If that's you, consider your options with a doctor you trust. Everyone else needs to go to work.

Anonymous said...

Directly from the CDC website, with regards to VAERS. Again, context matters. The vaccine is undeniably safe and our only way out of this mess, minimizing unnecessary death.

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 346 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 2, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,490 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.

Anonymous said...

@5:26am - Covid: 4.2 million dead worldwide, 615k of those in the US, so far. I’ll take my chances getting a sore arm or something with the vaccine that has been administered on hundreds of millions of people already.

Anonymous said...

5:26, it is well documented that AntiVaxxer groups create false reports to VAERS as well as misinterpret the "reports." It is an completely UNVERIFIED reporting system, so antivaxxers are free to submit false reports, as well as to make their usual outrageous false claims and to spread conspiracy theories.

The fact that you are pounding the keys at 5:26 am yet again on this conspiracy theory says a lot. Go troll somewhere else.

There are plenty of fact checker reports on the VAERS system being manipulated and used for misinformation.

Fact Check-VAERS and FAERS data shown does not prove COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and deaths

By Reuters Fact Check

Anonymous said...

@8:39am - Your facts are meaningless here. I take your reality and substitute my own.

Anonymous said...

@8:39 am. Cute! So 5:26 am is trolling. But 8:39 am is just fine!

Citing “news” organizations known for propaganda and lies impresses me not at all. If this were all lies, it wouldn’t have to be suppressed. People should have informed consent and know what the risks are for something experimental that’s never been done in humans before, like these mRNA vaccines.

And all these people are faking it too, right?

Anonymous said...

Look, folks can argue about VAERS being something that it is not and was never intended to be all day long, but for those who have MDs in the family or simply know one, ask them to "re-explain" what I am about to explain if you do not understand my explanation. They may already know about it.

Let's assume for the sake of this example that the vaccines do actually cause the side effects some have cited and in the numbers claimed for each side effect. For example, pericarditis had 40-something reported, which is within the range of otherwise-occurring in a large cohort taken from the general population. To see anything that claims that there were 4000+ cases of anaphylaxis (which was a known and expected side effect in a very small number of people) and 11000+ deaths is totally incongruous and it is the death number that is wrong.

One reason is in the reporting system. The anaphylaxis numbers are likely pretty close to accurate, at least proportionally, because it would occur very soon after the vaccination and would be observed, documented and reported by medical staff who knew there was a real connection, rather than days or weeks later by anyone with access to a computer. Any case could have been reported more than once, by the med staff and the patient/family, but for this example that does not matter. There may have been some deaths from that as well, and those would likewise be reported by med staff (and possibly by the family).

There is simply no medical possibility that the most prevalent serious side effect by far (and again, which was known and expected) had 4000+ instances but there were 11000+ deaths. That would indicate even if all or nearly all of the cases resulted in death (they did not and would not) another 7000+ people died from the very tiny number of other POSSIBLE vaccine-related side effects. Keep in mind that even if 1 or 2 of the 40ish number of pericarditis incidents were vaccine related, most were still "normal range." It simply could not, did not, and will never happen that way and there is no reasonable "debate" possible about that. Even if you ignore or even discredit the medical explanation, the math does not and cannot work.

Anonymous said...

@9:08am - The problem with “informed consent” is that the general population is too stupid to make an “informed decision” with any complexity greater than what to order off the Mickie D’s dollar menu.

Anonymous said...

7:03 "My grandson was one of the 4 that died but I guess his young life didn’t matter because he’s a part of such a small percentage of the population. I’m sure my comment won’t get published to appease the Trumptards."

It's difficult to understand if a person was the grandparent of a child (1 of 4) who died, would post anonymously instead of using their name.

Anonymous said...

Anti-vaxxers/covid is just a cold people - Please don't be a hypocrite when you or a family member is admitted to the hospital for Covid. Show them you are free and decline treatment while educating the staff on how the vaccine is useless, harmful and Covid is a cold. Leave that hospital bed for someone that needs it - like your child that was in a car accident, your parent that just had a heart attack or your spouse that has cancer. Or you can be a selfish mother**er and take that hospital room and make others be treated in the hallway because you have the freedom to be a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should watch this video called Inside a Covid ICU - Through a Nurse's Eyes on on what nurses do in the era of Covid. It is impossible to watch without tears. Maybe this will give some of you a view of what it's like when someone you care about is swapped with one of the patients in the video. This is taken from a hospital in Arizona but I think it is safe to say that you can name any location and the result is the same.

Anonymous said...

No, dummy, the vaccine is not undeniable safe. What is wrong with you people? This vaccine is not FDA approved. Your supposed qualified professionals approved the PCR test, knowing full well the test wasn't reliable. They have now removed the test, saying that the test wasn't reliable.

What is it about, for emergency use only, don't you understand? You people must be getting paid. There is no other reason for your cult like fanaticism.

Anonymous said...

I got the shot (and haven't been sick yet) so don't come at me with pitchforks.

And perhaps a dumb question but...why didn't hospitals prepare for this?

I mean "2 weeks to the flatten the curve" was the naïve initial plan, but they have had going on 2 years to "prepare for the variants" so why didn't hospitals, seeing low vax rates...take steps to prepare for the onslaught?

Is it something CON related and inherently broken about hospital funding to contribute to this mess?

Anonymous said...

@11:41am - Hey Dummy, the PCR test approved by the CDC in the very early stages of the pandemic was the best that we had at the time. There have been dozens of better “PCR tests” developed since then. The CDC simply retired their old PCR test because it’s outdated and no longer needed.

Kinda like your comment and opinion. Read more than just the headlines and Facebook memes and perhaps you’d understand this.

Anonymous said...

@10:59 Calm down. Over a billion healthy people have recovered from Covid-19.
Everyone in my family has recovered, including my 81 year old grandmother. Perhaps only those who have made poor lifestyle/health decisions need worry.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:08, thank you for this wonderfully informative, and depressing, link.

Thanks to KF for publishing it.

Drives home the reality of the/our situation.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

@12:25 - Congratutions. I’m glad your family fared well. Many haven’t.

I’m guessing you can handle an FN SAW though.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 First, thank you for your respectful tone and thoughtful comments. However, there simply havent been any long-term studies as that would be impossible. The vaccines simply havent been in use long enough for that to have occurred. I simply distrust big pharma because they earned it. Im not in a particularly high-risk category and Im not out spreading any virus because I certainly dont want to catch it myself either. For now, Im taking a wait-and-see approach, keeping an open mind and minimizing my contacts with anyone and everyone. I have 12 family member that have tested positive and although they all relate that this was a very unpleasant disease, fortunately none have spent a night in the hospital. My 84 year-old mother-in-law who is a heart aptient and fully vaccinated did have a breakthrough case, received a IV cocktail, and she is fine. None of the others were vaccinated, most having contracted this before a vaccine became available.

Anonymous said...

Really not that many haven’t. The survival rate is extremely high.
I am more of a FAMAS guy.

Anonymous said...

"The vaccines simply havent been in use long enough for that to have occurred. I simply distrust big pharma because they earned it."


"[a general description of infection and apparent recovery in an extended family]"

The medicine and science behind _these specific vaccines_ has been around for many years. The general viral vector vaccine type is very old science and medicine and even the mRNA aspect is 30-plus years old. I would also point out that while there are _apparent_ "recoveries" with no _now-apparent_ "long-term effects," there hasn't been enough time for that to be conclusive in a historical sense either, but, just like with the vaccines, there is plenty of medicine and science to understand and support the prognosis of a wide range of near-certain long-term effects in the entire population. In other words, neither I nor anyone else, regardless of education, understanding, and training, would (reasonably and responsibly) hypothesize that a particular 84 year-old female from and about whom we have no other information would or would not have any specific short- or long-term effect(s) from a previous infection and diagnosis of COVID. What nearly all with any education, training, and experience can conclusively say is that many patients who "survived" the infection and COVID will have short- to long-term effects of a varying degree of severity. That is supported by the evidence obtained thus far.

Among the things that all or nearly all of the arguments against these vaccines fail to consider is that in both cases - the mRNA and viral vector vaccines - it really isn't the immunization component that would be expected to cause issues. It is the carrier, i.e., the "inert" part, and that was a known and expected issue because vaccines aren't "new" and these potential issues are based on knowledge and experience with prior vaccines. Is it possible that there are other extraordinarily rare side effects not previously observed that could manifest in a tiny fraction of the general population? Not only possible, but likely. That is true of literally everything anyone might ingest or otherwise contact. In very rare cases, a single aspirin tablet or peanut could be fatal to a specific individual but no one rationally and reasonably would say that aspirin or peanuts are "dangerous" to the general population.

As to not trusting "big pharma," I'll say that is not unreasonable, but in this case, it isn't really relevant. Even if one or more of these companies wanted to "slip something in" or tried to ignore real dangers, it would be impossible. These vaccines are, pardon the pun, under an electron microscope hooked to a spectrum analyzer and the results being reviewed and vetted by multiple layers of experts, many looking specifically for anything unexpected. And on top of all of that, the financials of it all are pretty well known and established so there is not really any incentive to do anything iffy in pursuit of the established profit/ROI.

I'll reiterate that the people who worked on, studied, and continue to research these vaccines have been willingly vaccinated with them - they are literally "eating their own cooking." It would be pretty foolish to do so if they had put poison in it. Which circles back around to the "conspiracy" aspect of it. No one could reasonably suggest that a "conspiracy" of thousands of people with little or no personal interaction, even if there were limited areas of professional interaction, could possibly succeed.

Anonymous said...

@3:29 - Sorry, that’s makes too much sense. Therefore it is horse puckey. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

Big dummy, I don't read Fakebook or any other shit you mentioned. Your response to my post doesn't address any of the FACTS I mentioned. Since you don't have the cognitive ability to understand what I posted, your childish antics aren't an intellectual reply, I will break it down for you. Pay attention, junior, you will learn something.

Simply because you have FDA emergency approval, which should be temporary, doesn't promise an actual working solution, as evidenced by the recall of the PCR test. The very same situation could occur with the unapproved vaccine. Before you come running in here with your hot mess self, there's NOWAY you can say different. There aren't any long term studies of the effects of these vaccines on humans, or animals for that matter.

This post isn't just for you, dummy, it's also for the writer of the novel at 3:29. I want to know who is paying you, to promote the vaccine. If this vaccine is approved, it will be the first FDA approval for the Moderna group. Not just a vaccine approval, but an FDA approval of any kind. Yes, they have had other products that were NOT approved.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:29 take a look at this

Anonymous said...

The best the leaky vaccine will do is a therapeutic to prevent a serious disease, which should be weighed against risk factors, adverse side effects and the future unknowns.

It is now a race between the vaccines and variants, as vaccines are driving the virus to evolve/mutate/recombine or whatever to survive.

Since everyone wants this to be over, the "experts" are touting the vaccine as the way to do it. Unfortunately, people will not dig into it deeply, as it is not what they want to hear.

Anonymous said...

@4:03pm - Is your DNR up-to-date?

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:30, look at this:

I'd never heard of the "journal" in your link so I did a cursory search and that was in the first few hits. I'm not going to read 42 pages of what appears on the surface to be bullshit, but if you have the background in medical sciences to make a case for its contents, I'll read even a page or two of your argument in favor of it.

I will ask a couple of questions of my own, and any and all are welcome to answer:

If you needed heart surgery, would you want a "computer scientist" (even one from MIT) who has never so much as stitched up a cut finger instead of a "heart surgeon" (with an MD from a highly-ranked med school) and many years of experience and on-going education poking and prowling around in your chest cavity?

Conversely, would you want the latest $1200 iPhone, the one designed by a world-class heart surgeon...who barely knows enough about fucking phones to be able to text his wife to ask her to pick him up some of that good Scotch and a dozen Titlists on her way down to the beach house? And then, when he forgot to ask her to bring him some extra duds, the text read, "Need moes prants and skirts fram thee corset peas brong tim" And when she responded and asked if he had been drinking, he responded, "Knot as mulch as bILL and Fronk, btu i steel ned those planks and shits peas"..."PS andy the blooze and gulf boils two tanks" (I find it always helps if one is plight, even two there sprouses). Hell, I don't even want THAT phone and I'm drinking with the guys that invented it!

I'll play the clairvoyant and say the answer to both is, "No." And if you need that surgery immediately, you'll have to wait until Fronk slobers up, but no worries...with the hospitals full of unvaccinated idiots, he'll have lots of time and you'll probably be dead soon anyway. Check with the computer person and see if you can run by their office. I'm sure there aren't any patients there and maybe he or she can pull up a YouTube video or something and give it a whirl.

Anonymous said...

Death doesn't frighten me. My family is well aware of my wishes when it comes to death. It's your kind that is afraid of death. You have no faith in an afterlife. All you have is here and now.

Unlike you, I believe in life after this one. I, also, believe in an appointed time to die and when that time comes nothing or anyone can save me. Tell me, what location on this planet is safe from death? The hospitals? More people die at hospitals than any other place. What about doctors? The best doctors in the world have lost patients.

One more thing, 6:30, what does my DNR have to do with my post? You have no answer for the message, so we what? Attack the messenger, or frighten the messenger? Who pays you to push the vaccine? It must be money that motivates your kind, either that are you're consumed with a cult like frenzy.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice copy and paste, 3:29. Did you learn that on your own, or did the instructor teach it to you? The vaccines are NEW, like never been used before, new. There are NO long term clinical trials on these unapproved vaccines. Copy and paste all you want, that doesn't change anything.

Anonymous said...

"That's a nice copy and paste, 3:29. Did you learn that on your own, or did the instructor teach it to you?"

If you cannot even use simple logic in your ad hominem attacks, there really won't be any point in attempting to communicate. If my choices are either admitting to having learned it on my own or admitting that it was taught to me by an instructor, it could not have been copied. Whether it is complete nonsense (it isn't) or world-changing brilliance (it isn't that, either), it would under either of your own choices provided be an original writing (it was that). And that brings us to your choice. You can either admit that your former statement was nonsense or your questions are nonsense and pointless. Either way, you're half full of shit and whatever else I may be, I'm a glass-half-full kinda person.

Among the many benefits of an open mind, an extensive education, and a lot of experience is that you learn things...if you let someone with more knowledge and experience than you currently possess share with you and thereby "educate" you. As to the experience part, that just comes with...experience. You can learn from it - teach yourself, so to speak - or not. Your choice of ignorance is entirely your own, especially in this modern world.

To partially answer the questions, those things were both taught to me and I learned them on my own. Here's a question for you: where might you think (and I use that term in its broadest sense) that someone would have instructors who teach them and they "learn on their own" about medicine? I have to go now - Fronk and bILL are tossing the last too gulf boils around the damned house and one of those drunk SOBs is gonna break our last bottle of the good stuff. The ladies are on the way, though. I'm expecting a carload of planks and peas, light on the booze. Damned doctors - ya just can't trust any of them educated types...right?

Anonymous said...

So today the NYT reported Neshoba County has the highest infection rate in the entire nation. Up 626% over the last 14 days. Anyone who thinks this was not caused by the Neshoba County Fair is insane.

Schools around Neshoba County are reporting significant student and teacher illnesses. This was totally avoidable. Come on "numbers guy" Tate, admit Biden was right and do something about it.

Anonymous said...

I love you hon, don't ever forget that. You aren't very good at this, are you? I thought we were going to have a meeting of the minds, and you were going to show me the error of my ways. Alas, not to be. You took the cowards way, and refused to address the facts. I should have known, I'm so disappointed.

If, I was you and considered myself, as you do, a brilliantly educated person, which I find amusing, I would turn to consuming vast amounts of alcohol, also. To let, as you suppose, an ignorant redneck from Mississippi make you look foolish by pointing out simple facts and asking simple questions drive one to drink shows a weak constitution. Let it be known, you have my sympathy. Bless your heart.

None of that changes the fact these UNAPPROVED vaccines are NEW. It doesn't change the fact that there are NO long term clinical trials for these NEW UNAPPROVED vaccines you promote. It also doesn't change the fact that the people having adverse effects from these NEW UNAPPROVED vaccines are the test mules. All the while, your kind are cheerleading in support of this ignorance, like it's a sporting event. You're either getting paid, or you're part of a cult. One of the two.

Anonymous said...

Neshoba County leads the nation in new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last seven days. Woo Hoo!!!

Dang LibRuls saying we are bottom ranked in every thang!

Neshoba County Fair: “Tuesday’s change in the CDC mask guidance is foolish,” said Reeves during his speech to the crowd. “It is harmful. It reeks of political panic, so it’s to appear they are in control. It has nothing… Let me say that again; it has nothing to do with rational science.”

News stations reached out to Reeves regarding the increase in cases in the county. His office has yet to respond.

Reeves has nothing to do with rational thought.

Anonymous said...

"Worse Than The Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19" International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research, May 2021. "Informed Consent Disclosure To Vaccine Trail Subjects of Risk of COVID-19 Worsening Clinical Disease", International Journal of Clinical Practice, March 2021. You vaccinated mind-controlled varaint vaccine shedding viral vector cyborgs should contact these authors and the peer-review committees and straighten them out. Maybe Fauci and Dobbs who have never treated a single COVID patient can help you out.

Anonymous said...

This isn't related to COVID as it is from 2016, and it isn't "scientific" or medical information, but it gives some history of vaccines, Mississippi's school vaccine policies, and the MSSC's prior history on the subject. I'm not commenting - pro or con - on anything contained in it, merely offering it for its historical information:

(Note to Kingfish - if you wish to divert this and make it a separate post of your own, feel free to do so with no attribution to this post. I have no connection with the article or the authors, it's just some basic information applicable to MS and MS vaccine history).

Anonymous said...

12:12 here. Those studies dont mean the vaccines dont work. In fact, they mean the vaccines MAY work "too well". ADE and VADE are immune system overreactions akin to sending in B52 bombers when a sniper would suffice. The B52's dont have an off-switch and they destroy too much of the surrounding area. There are supplements that help calm the cytokine storm and boost the immune system. Taking the shots and taking the supplements are not mutually exclusive strategies. Use the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS