Friday, August 27, 2021

Attorney General & Step-Mother War in Court

Stepmother accuses A.G. of misusing state bodyguards

The War of the Fitches rages as Attorney General Lynn Fitch tries to stop her stepmother from visiting her declining father in a nursing home.   The daughter says she is protecting her father from an abusive wife who neglects his medical care.  The wife says the stepdaughter calls her a "gold-digger" while she schemes to control his life and his money.

Bill Fitch is the father of Attorney General Lynn Fitch and Lisa Fitch Wavro.  Considered to be a man of considerable means, he owns Fitch Farms at Galena Plantation near Holly Springs in Marshall County. Website. He married Aleita Sullivan Fitch in 2012. He is 87 and she is 80. Aleita Fitch was an attorney. 

Bill Fitch signed a power of attorney (POA) and advanced healthcare directive (AHD) on September 8, 2020 in favor of Lynn. (They are attached to the complaint posted below.).  The power of attorney was filed at the courthouse.   Aleita later claimed Lynn tricked her father into signing the documents.  Bill revoked the power of attorney a week later. 

Aleita took Bill to  Baptist Hospital in Oxford on March 26 for treatment of an infection. Once admitted, Bill's daughters took control. Invoking the AHD, Lynn secretly transferred her father to a hospital in Jackson.   Lynn and her lawyer refused to tell Aleita where her husband was or provide any information about his medical condition.  Lynn eventually moved him to a long-term care facility in Louisville where her daughter works, 130 miles away from his Marshall County home.  All transfers were made without informing Aleita of the location of her husband. 

Aleita sued Lynn for a temporary restraining order in Marshall County Chancery Court on April 1 after not seeing her husband for five days.  She asked the Court to order Lynn to tell Aleita where her husband was as well as ordering the treating physician to keep Aleita informed on her husband's health.  

All Chancellors recused themselves.  The Mississippi Supreme Court appointed retired Chancellor Jon Barnwell to hear the case on April 12. Mrs. Fitch still had not seen her husband nor knew where he was.  

Mrs. Fitch filed a second motion for a TRO on April 14.  Fitch Farms operates as a residence for the Fitches and a hunting lodge.  She said Lynn cancelled all reservations, shut down all but the most basic operations, replaced the locks even though her father revoked the power of attorney. She charged the Attorney General:

5.         The  Defendant  recently  entered  the  Plaintiff’s  residence  when  the  Plaintiff   was tending to her husband at the hospital and took approximately $2,000 in cash, went through the personal  effects  of  the  Plaintiff  and  Bill  Fitch,  removed  all  fire  arms  from  the  home,  and instructed her bodyguards to take from an employee, one of Bill’s guns.

6.         The Defendant has had locks placed on the gates at the Farm where the Plaintiff’s cattle are located.

7.         The Defendant has repeatedly engaged in a course of intimidating conduct toward the Plaintiff and Bill Fitch by showing up unannounced with armed bodyguards at the marital home, the lodge and the hospital.

8.         The  Defendant  has  gone  through  Bill  Fitch’s  personal  business  records  without his permission and without any authority.

The motion asks the Chancellor to bar the Attorney General from entering the property or using her bodyguards to intimidate her step-mother.  

Attorney  General Fitch responded to the allegations (See p.27 below).  She said her father issued Lynn the AHD in September and designated her sister Lisa as an alternate agent for his care.  

Lynn vehemently defended her actions.  She said she was merely protecting her father's health.  He suffered a heart attack and stroke on December 31, 2020 but Aleita didn't take him to the hospital until the next day nor did she notify his daughters. Lynn stated in a later filing that her father suffers from Parkinson's Disease and uses a walker.  Aleita checked him out of the hospital on January 2.  Lynn accused Aleita of not providing her father with much-needed physical and speech therapy. Instead, Aleita allegedly had had her husband revoke her pre-nuptial agreement on January 12.  Bill's health stabilized but soon took a downturn a short while later. 


Bill Fitch fell at home on March 18 and was transported to Baptist Hospital in Oxford.  Lynn's response states: 

When Lynn Fitch observed her father on March 19, 2021, he appeared confused, delirious and malnourished, had limited mobility, and was generally unable to care for himself. Lynn Fitch also feared that her father had not received proper care for some time and needed immediate attention and intervention. In conversations with Bill Fitch’s medical providers, Lynn learned that Bill had undergone an MRI earlier in 2021 that indicated he was suffering from dementia, that he had previously suffered a stroke and a heart attack in January, and that he was currently suffering from pneumonia and a fungal infection.  An MRI scan performed in March confirmed the dementia diagnosis. Lynn also learned that Bill’s dementia was being exacerbated by his abuse of alcohol provided by Aleita.

Aleita allegedly verbally abused her father and the staff at the hospital and was thrown out twice by staff.  Lynn claims his doctor told her Aleita "should not have unsupervised access to Bill's room."  She claims a hospital employee filed a vulnerable adult complaint against Aleita for her "emotional abuse" of her husband.  

Lynn said her father was "malnourished" and unable to care for himself.  An intervention was required because Lynn feared her father had not had proper care for quite some time.  His physicians said he had dementia, pneumonia, and a fungal infection. She accused her step-mother of enabling his alcohol abuse as he drank three glasses of wine a day. She admitted to moving her father to different facilities but said his health "dramatically improved."  She claims the doctors said removing her step-mother from her father's presence helped his recovery.  

The Attorney General argued the AHD gives her the legal authority to make medical decisions for her father.  She said he was incapacitated when he was admitted to the hospital and she needed to take charge of his health care. She didn't inform his wife on his whereabouts or his condition so she could protect her father from his wife's alleged abuse.  

Closing the farm was necessary because the farm was suffering from neglect.  Insurance policies lapsed.  Livestock was neglected.  Some taxes were overpaid while others were underpaid.  Lynn alleged there were "financial irregularities" as funds "squandered" on alleged home health care that was not provided to Bill.  

The Court appointed David Calder a guardian ad litem for Bill on April 23 and later conservator of Bill's financial affairs on July 1.  The court battle continued.

Lynn argued her mother had no need to know how her husband was doing or where he was: 

 Aleita cannot show that an injunction is necessary to prevent irreparable injury to her. She has not identified any loss she will suffer if Lynn does not disclose information about Bill’s health condition. As to the relief sought related to Bill’s personal and business finances, the appointment of a conservator, which all parties agree is necessary, moots this issue.

The harm, if any, to Aleita from lack of access to Bill and his medical information does not  outweigh the harm to Bill from Aleita’s continued abuse.

Finally, Aleita cannot show that the entry of a temporary mandatory order serves the public interest. On the other hand, strong policy reasons exist for limiting the disclosure of health care information, as demonstrated with the passage of the Uniform Health Care Decisions Act, Miss. Code Ann. § 41-41-201 et seq. The relief sought by Aleita would force this Court to order Lynn to disclose medical information that the Mississippi legislature has authorized Lynn, as her father’s attorney-in-fact, to withhold from Aleita.

The Attorney General did not respond to the allegations of her misuse of state troopers.  

The Guardian ad litem recommended allowing Mrs. Fitch to visit her husband. Chancellor Barnwell issued a temporary order on June 10 that gave Aleita three thirty-minute supervised visitations and two supervised 15-minute phone calls per week with her husband at the nursing home.  The Chancellor decreed she could not upset her husband nor make any derogatory statements about his children (p.39 below).   The Court also allowed Mrs. Fitch to obtain her husband's medical records and prescribed visitation periods for the daughters so there was no chance of a War of the Fitches in Louisville.

Mrs. Fitch had not seen her husband for 78 days when she was finally able to visit him at the nursing home. 

Some cases can't stay quiet for long.  This is one of those cases. Mrs. Fitch filed a third motion for a temporary restraining order on July 1. She asked the Court to stop Bill's daughters from making any medical decisions about their father as his health deteriorated. 

The motion asked the Court to allow doctors to insert a feeding tube.  She said the Fitch sisters refuse to authorize such a tube and placed him in hospice care. The Guardian Ad Litem's fourth report (allegedly) states: 

According to this report, Mr. Fitch’s health status is precarious. He has apparently lost weight due to the refusal of the Fitch Sisters to authorize the placement of a feeding tube to allow Mr. Fitch to receive nourishment. This has also led to Mr. Fitch being  placed in hospice care. It appears clear from Mr. Calder’s report that without a feeding tube, Mr. Fitch may not live much longer.

 She also requested the Court allow her to discuss her husband's condition with his doctor.  She said his doctor was not

following  basic  protocols  for  the  feeding  of  individuals  with delayed “swallowing,” so as to avoid aspiration of food. These protocols demand that Mr. Fitch be fed while sitting up as opposed to lying down.

 Aleita made every visit allowed by the Court even though it is 130 miles away from their home. She asked the Chancellor to move him to a reputable nursing home that was closer to home and an additional visitation with her husband.

The motion petitions the Court to revoke the AHD in favor of the Guardian Ad Litem.  Without the insertion of the feeding tube, Bill Fitch will likely die.  She also requested a complete neurological exam (p.47) of her husband.  The motion argues Bill is doing worse since his daughters moved him to the nursing home. 

To all that, the Fitch sisters said poppycock and asked the Chancellor to terminate Mrs. Fitch's visitation with her husband. Lynn said her rights to make medical decisions for her father would remained unchanged if the 2020 AHD was revoked since he issued an identical one in 2010.   Lynn said Aleita had exhibited a pattern of abuse while denying him healthcare.  The fall in March "likely saved Mr. Fitch's life" since it brought him much-needed medical care and nutrition while stopping his alcohol abuse.  She said he improved once she took charge of his health care.  His color improved. He could feed himself, and sit up in a chair. Therapy was provided.  He seemed happier.

Unfortunately, Bill Fitch's mental condition worsened and he no longer has the capacity to make his own decisions.  The Attorney General and her sister accused Aleita of misrepresenting his father's treatment to the Court: 

17.        Aleita has attempted to create a medical emergency where none exists. Mr. Fitch is receiving excellent medical are at the nursing home facility. The nutrition he receives sustains his life. No medical proof suggests that the lack of nutrition is threatening his life. Instead, the medical staff is feeding him soluble foods consistent with his medical condition and his current limitations on swallowing whole foods. The hysteria created by false allegations of the need for “a feeding tube to allow Mr. Fitch to receive life sustaining food and water” do not aid in the care and treatment of Mr. Fitch.

 The Attorney General charged her stepmother of violating the Court order by discussing forbidden topics with her husband.  The nursing home administrator notified the Guardian Ad Litem: 

 Mrs. Fitch required multiple times of redirection from the topics she attempted to discuss with Mr. Fitch today.

These topics included cost of his care at the facility and disagreements between the parties  represented in regards to her visits, him being home, and “the girls not liking her”.  Mrs. Fitch was not pleased and was not easily redirected today during her 30 minute visit.  After exit from the building, she voiced complaint and concern of the nature of the visits, dislike of Mr. Fitch’s daughters, and the lack of compassion she felt I displayed because of my redirection of her.  She displayed anger and aggravation from the time she walked into the door until the time she left. (p.57)

The Court has not ruled on the motion or complaint. 

Remember the DHS investigation of elder abuse? Aleita Fitch filed a motion two days ago to bar the use of the Adult Protective Services Report (p.63).  She says the report could result in criminal charges being filed by none other than the Attorney General's office - her step-daughter.  She said Lynn has repeatedly called her a "gold-digger and a bitch" as she exhibits "hatred" for her step-mother.  

The issues at hand are increased visitation, communications with the treating physicians, and revocation of the advanced healthcare directive.  The APS report does not cover any such issues but forcing her to answer questions about it could violate her Fifth Amendment rights.The motion mentions the state bodyguards again: 

Specifically,  with  the assistance of her State funded bodyguards, she has barged into the Plaintiff’s home and filmed her without her permission in an effort to intimidate the Plaintiff. She has used her State funded bodyguards  to  take  firearms  from  the  Plaintiff’s  property.  Her  State  funded  bodyguards  were with her in Baptist hospital when she demanded that Mr. Bill Fitch be removed from the hospital. Clearly, she will use the power she has as the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi to carry out her vendetta against the Plaintiff (her step-mother) since she has always disapproved of her father’s marriage to the Plaintiff.

Attorney Cal Mayo, Jr. represents the Attorney General.

Kingfish note: Why didn't the A.G. just refer the whole investigation to a District Attorney and get it out of her office and DHS?

To say there is animosity between the two women since the marriage took place is an understatement.  


Anonymous said...

The most legal work we’ve gotten out of her since she assumed office.

Anonymous said...

Mo’ money, Mo’ problems

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis.
Man when I was dead broke I couldn’t picture this.
And birthdays were the worst days.
Now we sip champagne when we thirstay”

-Notorious B.I.G.

Anonymous said...

Who is the beneficiary to the life insurance. Start there then work backwards.

Anonymous said...

What a shit show. How is she supposed to do anything good for the state when she can’t even manage a functioning family? What’s the recall process for attorney general look like? We need to get started yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Attn 1:07 I guess you want Hood back.

Anonymous said...

Extremely sad that this personal family business is being aired in public. Poor Mr. Fitch is like a puppet being manipulated from two sides. Is he capable of speaking out now to express his true wishes without coercion from either side? If not, are there not witnesses that can testify to the state of and history of his marriage? This jerking him around from facility to facility needs to stop! His healthcare should be managed by a neutral medical provider, and unless there is foul play, his estate should be divided 3 ways - between wifey and 2 sisters.

Anonymous said...

1:07 Grow up. Let's hope your family never turns into a "shit show." Because you will probably curl up in a fetal position in a corner and suck your thumb having never experienced any type of trouble in your silver spoon life. I don't know the AG, and could give a shit less about her politics, but this is a sad family situation where a human being has suffered greatly both physically and mentally.

Anonymous said...

I can only assume some amount of money is at stake, otherwise they would be begging each other to get more involved in his care and decision making.

Anonymous said...

@1:30 - now tell the attorney general to grow up and handle her business like a sane, functioning member of society instead of dragging the state’s resources into her dumpster fire.

Anonymous said...

Is the stepmother the same Aleita Sullivan who used to handle divorces and domestic relation cases in the Mendenhall/Simpson County area? If so, that's all I need to know about HER.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Lynn’s staff still has time to comment here. Does anyone in that office do any work for our state? We need Shad to set up shop in her office and see what exactly the state is getting for all those inflated salaries.

Anonymous said...

This war has been a long time coming.

Anonymous said...

just the tip of the iceberg. and its a big one

Anonymous said...

1:44 - one and the same. In fact, Ms. Fitch (Aleita) handled one of Ms. Fitch's (Lynn) divorces.

But that was before she became her step-mother.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone else wonder if this has the potential to be as much of a hot mess as Britney? One thing for sure there will be plenty of "Bless her heart, she's trying" and worse!

Anonymous said...

Not an expert but what if the troopers had search warrants or other legal instructions from the Ag's office? would that trump the complaints because they were just following legal orders?

Return Of The Soap Operas said...

It's been no secret for years that while Haley was the political sponsor behind her ascension, Paw-Paw was the gold-mine that funded it all. I don't know if the wife is a gold digger or not, but I damned sure know Lynn is.

Just based on a cursory read of the facts as presented above, I'd say General Fitch hasn't got a leg to stand on. How interesting will it be when she is stripped of her 'law license' at the end of this movie.

And we thought the Cochran-Butler thing was a shit-show!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:29 - The 'history of his marriage' has absolutely no bearing on this case. Nor does the history of Miz Fitch's meteoric rise to fame at the behest of Daddy's bank account. A marital relationship will trump a revoked power of attorney any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

Rednecks gonna Redneck...

Anonymous said...

250, it wasn't Haley; rather his COS (her former boss as Chairman in the HOR) that led to her career in state government. Granted, it was daddy's money that funded her first election, which while reported as a loan there is no evidence of it ever having been paid back.

Anonymous said...

Spouse wins this 9 out of 10. Lawful marriage trumps. If someone moved my wife without telling me, I would have reported it as a kidnapping.

Of course, the idea that spouse trumps all may be hard to understand if you put no value in the institution

Anonymous said...

I really hope it comes out that she has misused her vulnerable adult unit in this mess. I wouldn’t put it passed her, she already has investigators dumping the phones of former employees

Anonymous said...

Those “bodyguards” are MHP…. Enough said

Anonymous said...

Don't know how he made his money, but Bill Fitch owns Fitch Farms and Galena Plantation. He moved Nathan Bedford Forrest's home from Hernando to Holly Springs and renovated it to live in (yes that Nathan Bedford Forrest). They run the best quail hunts in the country according to people who have been. I think its generational wealth, like most people who run in those circles. I doubt wifey has been treated kindly by the kids.

Anonymous said...

Don Henley was right. People love dirty laundry.
Listening to the dad rock on Z106 has taught me so much about boomer culture.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of drama queens here today. We got out of control government on covid mandates and a hurricane with a bead on us and y'all are here making the Kardasians look like saints.

Anonymous said...

It doesn’t matter if she has committed crimes. She has attained the level of “untouchable” in Mississippi and none of her alleged crimes are federal.
And she is an elected official so she can and will be re-elected just like Mayor McCheese and the Insane Clown Posse known as the Jackson City Council.

Anonymous said...

She dumped a current employees phone recently and acted surprised some objected to the idea. And that is why I am leaving this place first chance I get

Anonymous said...

People have definitely been leaving in the AG's office in droves, or as my dad would have said, like rats from a sinking ship....

Anonymous said...

2:48 - IF, which I agree would be a big "if" there were such orders from the AG's orders, it would protect the troopers, but would make the AG in much hotter water, because from what basis would the MS AG have to issue such an order? It would be further documentation of the improper use of state assets (in this case, the troopers) for personal purposes. Just because the AG, or someone in her office, wrote up such a piece of paper, it would be an illegal order just the same, but now providing additional documentation of the 'crime' of conversion.

Anonymous said...

3:50, Bill Fitch made his money in the loan sharking business - an honest operation (think Tower Loan, not the backroom operations) over several decades of charging exorbatant interest rates to people that needed cash, and renewing those loans weekly/monthly with additional charges. Nice business if you can stomach the stench that goes along with it. Builds mansions and assholes.

Anonymous said...

This whole ordeal sounds like a future Hallmark TV movie.

Anonymous said...

The Attorney is not entitled for protection from MHP! The only officials that can use the equipment and employees of the highway patrol. That is in the Mississippi Code - look it up! Lynn is breaking the laws that she took to uphold her oath!

Anonymous said...

This sure messes up Lynn's campaign for Lt. Governor when Delbert jumps into the Governor's race.

Anonymous said...

I think she s going for a shot at the title instead! Delbert is vulnerable, think he ll play it safe and run for another term.

Anonymous said...

Per her neighbor, Fitch makes her security detail take out her garbage at her house too…
Who has authority over the AG? The all sounds like an extreme case of abuse of power…🧐.

Anonymous said...

Per her neighbor, Fitch makes her security detail take out her garbage at her house too…
Who has authority over the AG? The all sounds like an extreme case of abuse of power…🧐.

Anonymous said...

Step moms try to steal family money!

Anonymous said...

Has the AG denied that she misused the muscle of the State to advance her personal interests?

Anonymous said...

Didn’t Bill disinherit Lynn when she didn’t pay back the loan he made her for her campaign? So if it wasn’t paid back then wasn’t a loan so need to know if taxes were paid on the gift and also from a campaign finance issue….

Anonymous said...

Lynn trying to secure that bAG (money) before daddy go!

Anonymous said...

Whoa Kingfish direct link from Citizen Free Press!

Anonymous said...

Per Lynn’s wrongdoers, we are a bunch of nobodies typing away on a blog!

Anonymous said...

Wrong, 3:37! It was indeed Haley who ushered her onto the stage, groomed her like an old mare and tied the food bag on. Something about governors and bottle blondes. Just axe Feel Brant.

Anonymous said...

Alcohol and "...removed all fire arms from the home..."

This sounds like the sequel to a very unpleasant movie, also taking place in Mississippi and involving politicians. It's an old saw ("sayed sawe") that there are three sides to every story - that of each side...and the truth. I'm guessing this is yet another example of why it is. I;m going to guess that Mrs. Fitch isn't concerned about her political future and Lynn is, this won't end well for anyone, including the lawyers or the courts.

Anonymous said...

Everbody, please be careful about what you are posting. Lynn the Bfitch has been known to try to find out IP addresses of those who speak badly about her legal acumen.

Anonymous said...

6:56: if dad married her, she is part of the family. It sounds to me like they all deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

The best charfe of them all ... Lynn's claim that she "enabled alcohol abuse" by providing him "three glasses of wine a day"!

Three glasses of wine?? That's "alcohol abuse"?

Dang - wonder what non-hypocritical Judge could legitimately rule on that claim (or self respecting lawyer could make it.)

Anonymous said...

Three glasses of Thunderbird will put you under the table. And the only thang gonna coax you out is half a rack of ribs with Sweet Baby Ray's.

Anonymous said...

Entirely TMI

Anonymous said...

5:31 - Only the Governor and Lt Gov can use MHP RESOURCES!

Anonymous said...

Both women are attorneys. As such, they have an obligation to the profession to attempt to resolve this controversy as promptly as possible.Charges and counter charges in pleadings are not facts and only serve to extend the conflict. Judge Barnwell is no stranger to this type of conflict.; He would be wise to issue a gag order and seal the court file. What possible public interest is protected by exposing this personal family fight ? The AG has taken the right steps. She has hired a competent attorney. The AG's office is not involved If Barnwell would order this case to mediation, a strong and competent mediator could well bring both to a successful resolution without getting this entire state upset. Come on girls, but on your big girl panties and get this mess resolved.

Anonymous said...

this will never be mediated to a conclusion. too much hatred. Frankly I think the prenup will withstand the undue influence based on Mr. Bills competency and be upheld and not revoked. Mrs. fitch will be back in magee or jackson as soon as bill passes.

Anonymous said...

How would you like for a blogger to post the most intimate details of your family pain? I know we had troubles with my dad that would make a salacious article. Certainly, sometimes I made the wrong decision, but I always had his best interest at heart.

Anonymous said...

Hell Jim Hood didn’t use MHP at all… would think that ole Lynn would be a gun toting, 2nd Amendment supporter and wouldn’t need big Ole MHP to keep her safe. RINO

Anonymous said...

1st post @ 12:45 PM for the win! On the other hand, if these gals want want a quick and fair resolution without all the bulls**t, go see Judge Judy…just the facts ma’m

Kingfish said...

What you say about family matters is true. However, this is one little fact here. One party is the Attorney General of Mississippi and she stands accused of misusing state troopers and the Adult Protective Services Division.

When she became AG, she gave up certain privileges. The taxpayers she represents have a right to know whether she is misusing state troopers and also whether there is a legit investigation or whether it was used to benefit the AG personally. The Louisiana AG is catching heat for helping personal friends with his office, the Mississippi AG shouldn't get a pass just because it is a family matter. Indeed, the scrutiny should be heightened because it is a family matter. As the state's top law enforcement official, there are few who can hold her accountable.

There is a procedure already in place and it works well. Mr. Fitch's medical records are privately submitted to the court and sealed.

Anonymous said...

1028… except her guards are MHP. Fact.. And AG Hood used his own investigators as security occasionally . If they were used on the clock it’s official business, if no warrant they committed a crime by taking anything

Anonymous said...

Say what you want, it still fills like voyeurism

Anonymous said...

Claim all the cover you want. This is straightup voyeurism.

Anonymous said...

Please. This is straightup voyeurism.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Daughters of both approved of marriage.

Both side believed in prenup

Mrs Bill fitch ran up HUGE BILLS

children's relationship with each other soured over who owed AMEX who paid for cattle etc.

Caregivers, family, employees and friends have seen how MRs. Fitch has treated Mr. Fitch and the court case would be unflattering to Mrs fitch and detrimental to her claims.

Hailey isn't her mentor the mississippi flash ole miss baseball great and chairman in the HOR was the one that groomed her since she was a wee lass. How far is it from Galena to Senatobia anyway....

MHP detail loves the AG. they didn't do anything illegal and the biggest assertion is that they took a gon from an employee. Well, I wouldn't expect they let you carry a firearm around the AG without a license anyway. And it personally belonged to her dad, and her dad is the employer and she possessed POA at the time. Mrs. Fitch in her prime was a hell of an opponent in divorce court. She and a guy from summerall had some blistering battles down in simpson, covington, forest, etc. She's just fighting a case, there's really nothing to see regarding abuse of office, it's just a family scrap over father being duped out of money. and it is just a skirmish compared to the battle coming over the revocation of the prenup.

She's Mississippi's Lorie Lightfoot said...

Kingfish at 2:05 is dead-center right! You whiners who think the virtuous and weak, elected female has some sort of right to have her family (perhaps illegal) issues screened from public view are dead-assed wrong.

The woman has been an ineffective, clumsy, ill-qualified dolt for the past thirty years...through a bevy of state-paid jobs. It's high time some of her shenanigan-crap caught up with her. And her illegal use of daddy's campaign contributions is the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

To loosely quote her... "I'm halfway back to obscurity by now".

Now I will sit back and listen to her cheerleaders claim 'they just don't like a powerful female who promised me my high-four'.

Anonymous said...

On the outside looking in seems as if Lynn is using her AG power! If Lynn cared so much Lynn would’ve handled this before becoming AG.

Anonymous said...

9:14: Perhaps your measuring-stick is broken:

Yep. A Voyeur Amungus said...

2:52, 2:56, 2:59 - You seem a bit fascinated by voyeurism. In which drawer do you keep your binoculars? I'm betting you go out to the street to read the labels on the boxes your neighbor puts out for the trash truck.

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to read the bar complaint and whatever this attorney filed with Shad. You don’t put those sort of allegations in a complaint without simultaneously filing the bar complaint

Kingfish said...

The wife pulled a shrewd move in court. She said she was willing to rely on the Guardian Ad Litem's decisions, in other words, trust the court and the process.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how the AG is going to justify that trip to Omaha for the college World Series dragging her MHP “detail” with her. Don’t recall seeing any official business which she surely would have released to the media. Hope Shad will ask her

Anonymous said...

I'll have to agree with the Fitch girls - no feeding tube for end of life Parkinson patients (or Altzheimer's). Does nothing but prolongs suffering and anguish.

Anonymous said...

I believe Lynn's actions, as clearly outlined in the documents and conversations on this page, along with upcoming testimony from her and the spouse, will nullify any 'Advance Healthcare Directive' naming her as decision maker and the court will grant that authority to the spouse. If Lynn coerced his signature on the power of attorney, she no doubt did the same on the AHD. Shrewd, clever, sly and self-serving does not begin to describe this woman.

Anonymous said...

9"10 - damn right. Those with Parkinsons and/or Alzheimers need to be starved to death. Wonder if that AHD included such provisions from Bill when it was 'executed' so that he could be -- executed, that is.

Anonymous said...

5:08, what do you think hospice is all about? They make one who has no hope of getting better comfortable while nature takes its course.

Anonymous said...

827 - I understand and respect hospice. But from reading these lawsuits, it doesn't appear that Bill Fitch is (yet) a candidate for hospice. He is in a nursing home evidently and they are "feeding" him but maybe ineffectiveness.

Yes - if this crap continues, he may well be a candidate for hospice soon - but just because he may have Parkinsons and may have dementia doesn't mean he should be transferred to hospice at this point

Anonymous said...

She is ruthless. She sued her first husband’s estate. I have heard rumors she has spent campaign funds on general living expenses.

Anonymous said...

She uses her fake support of women to push her self-serving agenda!

Anonymous said...

AG Filch orders MHP to seize firearms from private citizen. Seems like a headline that 2A advocates would want to read (or write).

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Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS