Monday, July 12, 2021

Bigger Pie Forum: The Silence of Scientists

I don’t always respond to comments.  But when I do, it’s usually to dispel groupies’ myths about their demigods – like Dr. Fauci.  I’ve been accused of insufficient reverence for the leader of the pandemic* panic band.  After all, he’s a media rock star.  And he’s been chief bureaucrat at the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) forever and (with the President’s forbearance) exerts sweeping authority over broad swaths of society.  He has been an advisor to four presidents – including the current and most recent one.

The current one apparently likes his advice and takes it.  The most recent one is probably glad he didn’t take all of it and may wish he hadn’t taken any and had been less forbearing.

There are lots of narratives spinning Dr. Fauci’s role in the pandemic* – including his self-serving ones.  Which to believe?  Maybe none.  Diogenes might not find an honest man or woman anywhere among today’s narrative makers.

It seems almost everyone spins – including experts and scientists who say what their employers and grant makers pay them to say.  And don’t say what their paymasters don’t want them to say.  They are quiet about Dr. Fauci’s Bat Lady’s gain of function research – even as daily revelations link it ever closer to the pandemic*.

When I first wrote about the pandemic*, I predicted it would lead to a loss of respect for experts and authority.  That’s happened.  Experts are sometimes wrong.  So politicians and bureaucrats’ edicts based on their advice are wrong too.  Experts may admit they are wrong – unless paid not to.  Politicians seldom do.  They double down.  Hence, loss of respect.  Not for being wrong.  But for arrogant ignorance.  And serial lies about it.

Physicist Richard Feynman, a witty and famous Nobel Laureate, said: “Science is belief in the ignorance of experts.”  I don’t think he meant that experts are dumb – but that their theories must be testable (i.e. falsifiable) to be science.  When experiments prove their theories wrong, knowledge advances.  That’s the scientific method.  Honest scientists publish research results and the understanding they gain when wrong.

However, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it.” (Upton Sinclair)  Many scientists work for a living and need their jobs.  Some exist or subsist on research grants.  They are human too with toys to buy and mortgages to pay.

Many research grants come from government agencies from bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci.  Research funded by those grants can advance knowledge for the common good – if there are no strings attached.  That’s noble, classic Science with a capital S in search of truth.  Dr. Fauci invokes it to deflect criticism.  But such Science can lead to trouble – for the established order, conventional wisdom, the narrative, and those in power.  So grants may have strings attached to control the narrative.


A famous case of Science leading to trouble is Galileo’s publication in 1632 positing the earth revolves around the sun, not vice versa.  His heliocentric solar system was contrary to the Church Dogma consensus (i.e., “settled science”).  It threatened the established order of Popes, Cardinals, Kings and things.  After thinking about the Church’s treatment of heretics, Galileo recanted his discovery – thereby escaping the Grand Inquisitor’s red hot irons.  And he didn’t publish any more discoveries disputing Church Dogma.  But the earth continued to orbit the sun.  It still does.

Dr. Fauci’s research isn’t noble.  He secretly funded it through Dr. Peter Daszak’s nonprofit cutout: EcoHealth Alliance.  He argued with Senator Rand Paul and danced on the head of the cutout pin to deny that he funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology – where the Bat Lady works.  Her first published research results omitted the genetic manipulations that make the virus lethal to humans.  They were not for a noble purpose or the common good.  So she hid them.  Did Dr. Fauci know?  When?

The Shitou Cave horseshoe bat from which the Bat Lady took a natural virus to juice genetically is coming home to roost – at Dr. Fauci’s NIAID.  Not just one bat or one virus either.  There are reports from Australia of other bats kept in cages at her lab.  Where are the other similar viruses she took from the same cave?

Now, all this is likely to be more than mildly embarrassing – if it’s ever fully disclosed.  That’s why those involved have worked frantically to deny and repress it.  The cover-up has further damaged trust in and credibility of scientists and experts.  It started with a Letter signed by a Who’s Who of science luminaries asserting that a Bat Woman-made virus was conspiracy nut nonsense.  The Letter was published as holy writ in The Lancet Journal – a Science Bible. Only missing repression ingredient (so far): hot irons.

The real conspiracy is the cabal of 26 super scientists recruited or coerced by Dr. Peter Daszak to sign The Letter and others who know it’s a smoke screen – but have been Silent Lambs lest they jeopardize their grants.  The scientific peer review process has been pimped.  Reviewers who feed at a grant trough on an establishment bureaucrat’s leash know when not to bark – like Pavlov’s dogs.  Other scientists have been housebroken not to be heretics who challenge and falsify “settled science” and Establishment Dogma – like CO2 caused global warming.

Fortunately, not all scientists have been intimated.  We owe them thanks and respect.  Some have paid a career price for their honesty.  We owe them more.  Same for courageous politicians.  Real profiles in courage.

The scientific and political wagon circling has delayed fallout from the pandemic* and  responses to it.  Hopefully, truth will out-despite cover-ups and censorship by legacy and social media.  The fallout from the pandemic* and its cover-ups could be epic. (Hello pimped and housebroken scientists, Climate Change panic mongers, Green New Deal hustlers.)

The fallout must be epic if values that generations have defended and that many (a majority?) still hold dear – and the country we love – are to survive.

The fallout may save us.

This post was authored by Kelly Williams and sponsored by Bigger Pie Forum.  



Anonymous said...

Please all unvaccinated people congregate and carouse together all day.

Get infected.

Stay away from science based hospital.

Go to churches.

Soon we will not have to worry about the dumbest of you ever again.

Anonymous said...

"Fortunately, not all scientists have been intimated. We owe them thanks and respect. Some have paid a career price for their honesty."
Maybe I missed it did he name one?

Anonymous said...

It is truly unconscionable. Heads should roll...

Anonymous said...

RIGHT ON KELLY !!! ur absolutely right !!!

Anonymous said...

That's a big straw man, you have 8:47. Yes, indeed, a big straw man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, excuse me, HAHAHAHAHAHA. I know it's not polite to laugh at HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, but these clowns are so funny.

Anonymous said...

Notice that only the infection rate is listed. Have them report deaths. You will see that they are a miniscule fraction.

8:47 AM
You can't live locked down forever.

Anonymous said...

8:47 Don't look now, but your ignorance is showing.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Fauci knew going in that he would be made the scapegoat if the truth started to come out.

Anonymous said...

"intimated?" I think you mean intimidated. Two totally different things.

Anonymous said...

All you people who hate vaccines get together now.

Stay away from doctors.

Do not ever go to hospitals.

Stay away from science.

Anonymous said...

Something up with this vaccine.
4 presidents of 4 African countries all killed since November 2020. what do they have in common? all refused to let the vaccine be administered in their countries. The Haitian president, just assassinated last week. Reused to have the vaccine in Haiti. was killed by an american. Kinda makes you wonder huh?
don't take my word, Look it up. It's true. May be coincidence maybe not. I am the father of two daughters. One got the vaccine and one did not. I am scared the heart issues and blood issues and the like that came out early where mistakes indeed. Mistakes they came out too early. I hope this is not whats going to be wide spread after a little more time goes by.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you should should more respect for a man whose life has saved untold thousands of people, not just from the Covid pandemic, but the Aids one before that. This is a man who has led us out of diseases, and you want to denigrate him? How sick is that?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, our MSDH demi-god is trying to scare the hell out of everyone with the Delta variant. How much is mr. numbers guy governor going to put up this clown?

Anonymous said...

There is video of Fauci being asked to resign his post 17 years ago by a fellow doctor over concerns of security under his watch. He laughed in her face. "DR" Fauci WAS PAID and is still BEING PAID to run confusion campaigns to keep YOU the public as blind as sheep can be. HE knows Covid is lab born ! How ? He commissioned the study ! Blind sheep blind and freedom dies silent.

Anonymous said...

All u people who believe EVERYTHING u hear from SUPPOSED AUTHORITIES get together now —it’s easier to herd sheep to slaughter

Anonymous said...

Most veterinarian clinics require shot records to see and treat your dogs. Just saying…..

Anonymous said...

I really believe at this point anyone testing positive for COVID that is unvaccinated needs to be locked up for two weeks and let the disease run its course. No medical attention at all other than food and water. If they die, they die; it was their choice.

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece Kelly.Total shame on physicians who trade the truth of science to support policians who will kill to gain power. This must cease!

Anonymous said...

Extra extra watch dumbasses get sick and die!

Extra extra!

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2021 at 11:15 AM; what about those that get the 'rona after being vaccinated? no medical attention for them, too? you enjoying your seat on the death panel?

Anonymous said...

@11:15, I'll take the 99.4% odds that they'll survive.

Anonymous said...

This rambling screed reads like it was written by a crazy person on speed. Then again, we have a lot of them loose in society right now.

Anonymous said...

11:43 your IQ is probably equal go your shoe size with your obvious lack of understanding about how vaccines work. Oh, I forgot, you don't do vaccines right? I also recommend that you forgo taking any type of shot or other medication, because you don't really know what you are putting in your body and it might even be a small computer chip or something similar.

Better Than Ever said...

The 7 day average for MS is over 3x what it was ~1 month ago. But please, keep your head in the sand.

Anonymous said...

11:47: You may survive but what are your chances of infecting your loved ones and friends; will you get long covid or have lasting effects? Mercy Hospital in Springfield, MO where Delta is raging reports 91% ICU patients are on ventilators (vs. 50% earlier), and "many are in their 20s, 30s and 40s." Another recent study reports that if you don't get the vaccine, the chances of your getting covid eventually is "probably", especially as new variants are manufactured by arrogant, unvaccinated people like you.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is funnier than the morbidly obese Melvin C. Robinson dispensing what he thinks is an enlightened opinion on Covid and vaccines. Drop a hundred first Melvin.

Anonymous said...

Wow 11:03 surely you can tell us where we can find this video. Do you have pay stubs… anything I really want to believe you

Anonymous said...

Seems there are many sheep here. Remember the Avian flu ? WEST NILE ? H1N1 ? SARS ? EBOLA ? AIDS ? ALL OCCURRED UNDER THE WATCHFUL EYE of "DR" Anthony Fauci !!! This man is helping to create these things. Quit being so dang blind.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I have good reason to believe you and your wife have both had the vaccine. So why are you trying to lead people away from the vaccine? This really pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

I think they should fire Fauci and Hire Dr. Boyd. Dr. Boyd would get things done. He is not scared of a little controversy. Jezebell !!!!! could be the war cry.

Yawn said...

Good article, interesting, informative, even humorous at times, but...about nine paragraphs too damned long. I know Kelly is fond of his own writing abilities, and all that, but damn!

Anonymous said...

Smallpox was a hoax including the vaccine.
Polio was a hoax including the vaccine.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella also a hoax including the vaccine.
All infections requiring an antibiotic are hoaxes and those injections of antibiotics are also hoaxes.
Basically all illnesses are hoaxes and any medicines or medical treatments are hoaxes.
And who wants to take a medicine when they really don't understand what is in it.
And seatbelts! Who needs seatbelts? People die every day even though they are wearing their seatbelts.

Anonymous said...

Media Playbook:
1) Play up the number of "Delta variant" infections/hospitalizations
2) Downlplay number of "Delta variant" deaths.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:40 all the horrible issues you laid out regularly killed and maimed people for life at a fairly high percentage and still took years and years for vaccines to be created and tested before mass injections were put out there. This virus is real but has a mortality rate of no more than 99.7% and that number is inflated. Most of the fatalities were due to other big pre-existing issues. very few people died from just Covid. That being said we have a vaccine that took less than 1 year to create and push out and it already is showing huge side affects. The New York times will admit that the Johnson and Johnson is triggering a severe autoimmune issue. This will be out today. I'm not an anti vaxer and have had my polio, measles, mumps etc shots. I believe in science (so much so i think there are only 2 genders) I believe in medicine. This issue I am having is being presented a choice of this untested, untrialed vaccine that is already showing some signs of trouble or taking my chances with a virus that has a 99.7% chance of survival. If in a few years this vaccine proves OK I will take it. Not now and not because some celebrities tell me I'm a better person if I take it than the one whos refuse. I could have sworn some of these celebrities have squawked "my body, my choice" for years now. Lasty, see who has made millions off of this virus. follow the money.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at the numbers, shall we? If you take the already low mortality rate of those infected, then remove the deaths of those over 80, especially those in long term care facilities, then subtract the deaths of those who already had serious underlying health issues like obesity and respiratory problems, the actual death rate of this virus for healthy people under 80 is minuscule. Pretty much on par with the everyday Flu. So, using those numbers, those of us who want to wait and see what the long-term side effects of this new vaccine are before they take it might actually die of the virus sometime in the next 200 years or so. I'll take my chances.

Anonymous said...

You'll take your chances. Your chances are not good that the Delta virus or some ever worse variant will eventually find you.

Anonymous said...

For those of us who have been following the real news instead of CNN, you'll find that the vaccination does not stop you from catching it, it only stops it from becoming bad enough to be fatal. This is especially true for the new Delta variant. So, even someone who is vaccinated can pass it on to someone else. Your argument that the unvaccinated are more dangerous to others is not scientifically factual, only feel-good factual. Look it up, PBS has a good article on it for those who only believe in state-run media.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:07 Turn off the news and live life. Stop being scared all the time. I bet you have a mask on right now. sad sad sad. I take my chances and live life as I please.

Anonymous said...

If you damn rednecks would get a G damned vaccine, the responsible among us (the vaccinated for you slow learners) wouldn't be concerned about yet anther Delta type variant, and kids would not be at risk. For the SAME REASON WE ARE LAST in all things good, we are first in non-vaccinated, you stupid, selfish shits.

Anonymous said...


Kingfish said...

Just the rednecks? You sure its just the rednecks or is it you just like picking on conservative whites.

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to wrap my head around these people who say if you don't take the vaccine you should be refused medical treament if you get covid. To accept that logic you might as well say anybody who smokes shouldn'g get treament for lung cancer or if you ate too much fried food you can't have a heart operation. It boggles the mind that the left is so crazy.

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2021 at 12:03 PM; personal attacks on someone you don't know, true sign of a leftist hack; avoiding a meaningful discussion on an issue and personally insulting the other person. you can't possibly debate an issue on its merits with civility and decorum, so you insult those you disagree with. typical. anyway, my IQ is quite a bit higher than my shoe size, considering, to have an IQ of ones shoe size would mean you are so mentally retarded you wouldn't even be able to speak, read, write, or string together a sentence consisting of more than 2 words.

isn't the purpose of getting a vaccine, is so you don't get the disease the vaccine is for? i mean, that's what everybody is told their whole lives, is it not? that's what parents are told regarding vaccines for their children. many people who have had the 'rona vaccine, have gotten the 'rona. the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting the 'rona, nor does it prevent you from passing the 'rona on to others. from their own information, it lessens the severity of the symptoms, not prevent you from getting or spreading the 'rona.

the number of vaccines i received as a child pales in comparison to the number of vaccines a child born today will receive. if you think injecting newborn babies with that many vaccines containing ingredients that have no business being injected into anyone's body, is a good idea, then go ahead. an easy search on the inter webs would show you what the vaccine schedule was and now is, and what the ingredients are in these vaccines.

i don't have a problem with modern medicine. there is always a time and a place to seek medical help. the only medicine i do occasionally take, headache medicine, has been around for decades, for a condition that has been around since the dawn of time. you're insulting me for not being first in line to get a "vaccine" that hasn't been available for even 9 months, for a virus that hasn't been out for even 20 months. no thanks. and for the record, i don't believe a computer chip or any other device is in the vaccine. i do believe it is a vaccine that is, in no way whatsoever, even remotely close to being thoroughly tested. i do believe the tests are going on right now, though, using all the people that have gotten the vaccine as uninformed test subjects.

Anonymous said...

AMEN, 8:47 and 2:16 and all reasonable respondents in between.

Sorry Kelly, you're DEAD wrong. And assuming you're unvaccinated, hope you don't end up dead.

Kingfish, I do hope you've been vaccinated? I am a "conservative white", just not a Trumpster nor conspiracy theorist nor victim of cognitive dissonance!

People please! What in the world is wrong with you? Did you not line up in school and receive polio, measles and other vaccines? What a blessing that was. I'm vaccinated against Covid 19, so if one of you is infected and comes in contact with me, there is a slight chance that I will contract the virus, but I will have mild symptoms and not have to be hospitalized. You, however, could die. And worse, in my opinion, you could infect a child or vulnerable sick or elderly person. Please look at this with fresh eyes and mindset. And if you don't care about lives, I'll appeal to your obvious greed - you're going to shut us down again!!!!!!

Better Than Ever said...

@2:10 The problem with facts is that you need to be smart enough to understand them.

Even if/when there are breakthrough infections, they are shorter and of less severity due to a drastically reduced viral load. So yes, the vaccinated are much, much less of a risk to everyone else.

Sorry to educate you. You may now return to your regularly scheduled false sense of understanding.

Better Than Ever said...

@2:00 Blah, blah, blah. May I offer you some dressing to go with that word salad?

Anonymous said...

@8:47, We have been. And we still are. The human body has a primary line of defense called the immune system. Works for 99.94% of humanity.

@10:23, We are. In fact, this particular “science” killed EVERY last animal test subject when they come in contact with the wild virus. See, those of us who haven’t taken it, well, read things.

@10:54, Fauci knowingly pushed AZT, which unnecessarily killed AIDS patients throughout the 80s and early 90s, dumdum

@11:15.....Well, idiot, that’s literally how hospitals treat it

@12:10, Moron, yes, you. The new “vaccines” (though they are actually gene therapy) don’t prevent you from getting COVID19. Therefore, when vaccinated person does a number on the virus when infected, said virus mutates to find a way in. The VACCINATED are the virus factories here bub.

@2:16, Do holders of Masters degrees who refuse this “vaccine” (because we can read) fall under the selfish redneck category you mentioned?

Anonymous said...

All this nonsense and arguing about who did what wrong in our government is worthless. They are all part of the cover up so they wouldn't look like total fools. China let this vaccine out on purpose. We should be laying waste to that country right now. Yet here we are in fighting because political ideology is all that matters now.

Jacksun said...

Hospitals in MO where Delta is raging are already running out of vintilators. A preview of coming attractions in MS. You unvaccinated are kindling for the coming fire to set off by Delta. Get vaccinated so you can survive the coming survival of the fittest contest. Also so we can all get to herd immunity and the end of the pandemic.

Anonymous said...

3:02pm hit the nail on the head as to why I, as an active (workout and play golf...actually walking some), healthy (haven't had a sniffle since high school), fairly highly educated but extremely self educated, 45 year old, white male (surely Covid recognizes the immense privilege that gives me in all aspects of life) get untested GENE THERAPY.

The hall monitors and fear mongers amongst the above posters and their ilk act so high and mighty and knowledgeable of vaccines and science and even question another poster's understands how vaccines work. I wonder if they understand that this is a Gene Therapy vaccine, not a traditional vaccine where a diluted version is introduced to the host to build immunity. This is literally changing the way your cells replicate.

I think I'll wait a few years and see what happens to all you lab rats before my likewise healthy, young, active family and I change our RNA permanently, because the democrats try guilting me into it.

Rufus said...

Somebody has the audacity to attack the high church of science. Little do they know that this church is a cult. Fairly vicious when moderately engaged about the articles of their faith. Down right nasty when you attack their high priest, that would be the most high Fauci. The members of the church of science are worse than the Scientologist, if you can believe that?

Anonymous said...

Springfield Mizzu infections from "The Variant" (great movie title btw) seem to be isolated to addicts and un vaxxed elderly. I am not anti vax ...I was military, got more vaxing than most humans. I am ANTI THIS VAX and ANTI FAUCI.....ANTI DOBBS !! These guys are GETTING RICH of this whole attack. And yes, it is an attack.

Anonymous said...

Can someone help him and name these scientists?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Fortunately, not all scientists have been intimated. We owe them thanks and respect. Some have paid a career price for their honesty."
Maybe I missed it did he name one?

July 12, 2021 at 8:48 AM

Anonymous said...

Calling it a vaccine is disingenuous at best. They want to equate it to traditional vaccines that so many of us are use to as part of life. It's not.
Gene therapy vaccines are still highly experimental, and each one that has been developed has been done through years of testing. How many years have they been studying the long term affects of this gene altering "vaccine?"

Anonymous said...

Names a few who actually started this type of vaccine years ago.

Brave courageous people who’ve saved millions of lives.

Anti vaccine people? Please go lick each other.

Sorry I left New Jersey said...

New Jersey guy back here. Can't believe these utterly stupid, ass backward comments. You self righteous "COVID experts" are so damn country ass hopeless. Good God. Pussies you all are. Scared of a damn vaccine when MILLIONS have taken it. Country ass fools.

Anonymous said...

John Ioannidis....he is one scientist demonized for not following the party line. There are others, but no telling how many have been cowed. Look it up yourself. Go against the liberal talking points and face destruction, which of course is the exact opposite of science. The idiocy of the phrase "the science is settled" would be humorous if not so terrifying. Funny how the liberals use the same playbook for global warming.

And I'm pretty sure there are several Chinese scientist that won't ever be seen again.

Covid is the new global warming for the left, which of course is still moronically marching along, missing imminent threat deadlines left and right. They know it's more difficult to control the masses with that "future" straw man than with a more immediate threat of death. Aren't the everglades and Miami supposed to be gone by now? As more and more of the bullshit of global warming is exposed (DUE TO NOT COMING TRUE and the mounds of evidence of falsification of data and collusion by "scientist"), that will lose its luster as a means of control. What could be better than direct control of one's health. It doesn't get any better than that for a state.

I'll get my genes altered once Miami is abandoned due the rising seas of global warming.

Jacksun said...

You stubborn Covid skeptics who reject reason, science, the advice of any good Doctor, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Dobbs and a lot of people smarter than you remind me of the song sung by Bing Crosby that goes like this:

A mule is an animal with long funny ears
Kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny but his brain is weak
He's just plain stupid with a stubborn streak
And by the way, if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule

Anonymous said...

Sure am glad they counted these boys already in the Census, given our declining population, cause by the end of this thing we going to be Missing a few of them.

Anonymous said...

gene therapy....not vaccine. until you big city medical experts (who live in the unhealthiest environments on earth by the way....cities) start calling it by its actual scientific/medical function, how can any dumb red neck take you seriously? You dumb asses think this is like a flu vaccine or the polio vaccine? that is like comparing blowing your noses to sinus surgery. how about you idiots educate yourselves. go to the cdc website. it's plain as day. it's no conspiracy. they state it. then go read about gene therapy, specifically by one of the fathers of gene therapy and decide if you would stick this in your body again (if you are at no real risk to a virus that only really affects a tiny portion of the population).

Anonymous said...

How stupid are you going to feel when the doctor shoves a tube in your throat and helps you breath….

All because some politico told you not to get a shot?

I mean the feeling will almost eclipse the horrible feeling of not breathing at all.

Oh well…making room for the smarter ones

Anonymous said...

More power to the people who don’t want to get vaccinated! I only have one lung, realizing that the vaccine will not prevent me from catching the virus I only ask that you let me know you hadn’t been vaccinated . Your more likely to catch and transmit it, regardless how it affects you. Give me the choice to keep my distance or use a mask if we have to be in close contact.

Anonymous said...

“I think people are concerned that because this is genetic material injected into the body, could it somehow mix in with your own genetic material and change it,” said Sara Riordan, President of the National Society of Genetic Counselors.

But there are crucial differences between DNA which carries all of the information we inherited from our parents and mRNA, which the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines are made of. DNA is double-stranded, very very long and bundled up tightly together inside a part of the cell called the nucleus. mRNA is a single-stranded copy of a small part of DNA, which is routinely made in the nucleus, but then released into the main part of the cell so that the instructions it carries can be ‘read’ and made into a variety of proteins needed by the cell.

“mRNA is naturally made by the body, it encodes instructions for your body's cells to make protein. Any mRNA vaccine has the same purpose, to teach and train your body to make an immune response toward a particular pathogen, so if the pathogen gets into your body, your immune system can attack it,” said Riordan.

Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Not ‘Gene Therapy,’ As Some Are Claiming
In the case of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19, these are not made in the nucleus, rather they are injected into the arm to tell muscle cells how to make part of the viral “Spike” or “S” protein, a tiny part of the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus, which on its own has none of the negative effects of the virus itself.

“What’s really reassuring about these mRNA vaccines, the mRNA never even goes into the nucleus, the part of the cell contains all of your own DNA and instructions,” Riordan added.

So how do they actually work?

mRNA-based vaccines are a bit like standing in your kitchen and thinking what to make for dinner. You know you’ve got all of the ingredients to make a meal, but you don’t exactly know how to make it. So you download a recipe online, put everything together using ingredients and equipment you already have in your kitchen and eat your dinner.

The vaccines are simply the recipe, injecting it into your arm is simply giving specific information to your cells and letting them read it. Your cells expertly assemble the tiny part of the Spike protein from ingredients and equipment which they already have. After this, the immune system quickly goes after the spike protein fragment, learning to build up a defense against the coronavirus, should it ever encounter it.

But we don’t normally have mRNA encoding Spike protein floating around in our cells, so what happens to the mRNA itself after its injected into you and your cells make the bit of spike protein that tips off your immune system?

“The mRNA from the vaccine is destroyed by the cell after the instructions are read,“ said Riordan.

Although this may be a disappointment to people aspiring to gain superpowers from the new mRNA vaccines, the most you can hope for is some immunity to SARS-CoV2, likely at a cost of a mildly sore arm.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing in Kelley’s article that disparages or discourages one from getting vaccine. The article is about the fact that a virologist in China manipulated a virus in bats to become able to infect human cells. She did this from a scientific curiosity. Unfortunately, it got out of the lab. Dr Fauci’s group funded the research in China because it wouldn’t pass muster here. He knew what happened all along. She published an article about her efforts in Nature in 2015. Get a clue. This has nothing to do with taking or not taking the vaccine. I’m a medical doctor. I took the first vaccine available and encourage all of my patients to do the same

Kingfish said...

2:54: If you've been reading this site, then you will know whether I've been vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Is that the forbes article you cut and pasted 8:46pm? Go read the articles from about a year ago praising the gene therapy path to the vaccine that was being pursued. Funny how those are getting pushed further and further down the search engines. Then go read about the actual medical science behind what the forbes article is spouting. It is splitting hairs and doing gymnastics to make a tiny distinction between RNA and DNA therapy. Regardless of what you or the article says, you are mutating your genes to act in an unnatural and untested fight a really bad cold. Odds are that you will be just fine. Odds are that I will be as well by not getting it. In fact, those odds are incredible. The difference is I don't get off on controlling others. You people do. I'll continue to hold out for the next two years or so (until we have a little more time to see what happens to the lab rats). I'm about as scientific minded as they come in my approach to just about everything. Why would I stick an untested gene therapy into my body for no reason? I'll end up getting it when I decide to get it, when I see it play out a little more. The more you scream though, the more I will resist.

Anonymous said...

9:06pm may or may not be a medical doctor. afterall, i am an astronaut. the unknown elements of the internet aside, if he is a doc, i bet he does encourage his patients to get the vaccine. however, i bet he doesn't harass them, call them vile names, hurl insults, threaten them with the end to participation in society, and wish a miserable death upon them as a means of trying to get them to see his reasoning. it probably works a little better. leftist are so filled with hate though. they can't help it.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I’ve picked up from the comments, specifically the “insults” and it’s glaringly obvious you Fondren lefty “men” are terrified, irrationally (or perhaps not, if this was a just world) of strong men who can think for themselves and aren’t scared of everything. “Rednecks” as you call them

Anonymous said...

10:09. Yes, rednecks, redneck.

Better Than Ever said...

@10:09 Then how is it then that a handful of blue/left states generate the bulk of the US GDP? And how is it that Mississippi is at the top of the list for receiving federal funds? Those states are the doers and we are the takers (welfare babies).

You all will either get the vaccine, which we know about, or some random mutation of covid, replicated/mutated in some random person's body. (yuck)

And the chances that we will overwhelm MS's healthcare system... they are looking up, which is a bad thing going into fall/winter. Delta is much more transmissible and deadly. But please, go back to feeling superior. It's easy when you are ignorant.

Jacksun said...

8:46: An excellent explanation of the mRNA vaccine by you. You have done your reading well. I'd only add that one feature of the mRNA vaccine is that it not only bypasses the nucleus where the genes reside (hence it can't change your genes), but goes directly to the Ribosone in the cell and instructs it to make all those spike proteins that are going to give you immunity. Thank you for being an educated voice in this vast desert of human thought.
Oh, and to all you chumps who are avoiding your duty to get the vaccine because you think you have calculated your odds, and they look good to you, I have this to say: The vaccine is not all about you beating your odds of death, or even your odds of beating sickness (both by the way under Delta are twice as likely as before), but protecting those around you and importantly helping Mississsippi as a whole get back to normal in as rapidly as possible. What you should do is to figure out how to get vaccinated as soon as possible for everyone's sake, not just your own like some self-centered wanker. This world is not all about you, jerk.

Anonymous said...

All 8:46pm did is cut and paste a Forbes article, which is disingenuous at best. The vaccine is altering the way your cells reproduce. That is part of the very definition of gene therapy. The article would be more truthful and accurate if it stated that "this type of gene therapy is not exactly the same as others being currently performed for other ailments." Instead, it tries to split hairs and do verbal acrobatics to make you feel better about being a lab rat. It works so well that simpletons like Jacksun thinks 8:46am came up with those points itself (I'm being safe and not assuming pronouns for 8:46pm).

It's like arguing with a wall either way you go, so let's agree to disagree and you live your life. If you are vaccinated, you have nothing to worry about, so leave others alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jackson, what do you not understand about the vaccine not preventing transmission?

Anonymous said...

As long as we can watch the Billionaires argue who was first into space (Branson didn’t go high enough..), 24 hour news propaganda from the right or left, SEC football, and reality TV everything is going to be okay.

It’s all about conforming to a system so we don’t ask questions about the money trail. Ask any diabetic who has to take insulin. How much does that cost again? And why does it cost that
much to make?

Anonymous said...

Everyone who gets hospitalized due to covid from now forward did so intentionally.

Free cures exist on every corner.

Choose your own future.

Anonymous said...

Allow individuals to make their own decisions, regardless of their intellectual capacity. If your decision is to not vaccinate, be it because you’re nervous around syringes like me, making a political statement or just hate medicine, have the courage to sign a DNR healthcare directive. Save the ventilators for the better gene pools. Drive on.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:38 You really think its the amount of rednecks in MS that causes us to have a money problem in MS?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that men who have some success in their area of knowledge and experience believe they suddenly are knowledgeable outside their area of experience and study?

That so many commenters assume they know more about epidemiology and virology that someone who actually stopped epidemics and EARNED international respect is stunning.

But, it's missing the obvious basics that is puzzling. When a new deadly virus shows up in a human, it has to be studied before knowing how it appeared, how contagious it will be, ,if it's possible to contain it quickly or will be unable to reproduce itself well enough to spread and evolve. That doesn't happen overnight.

That some of you equate early concern with over-reaction is ludicrous. But, it's especially ludicrous given the spread of CV19.

The same applies to those who think they understand vaccines and how FDA functions. FYI approval for the vaccines( not just emergency approval) will happen by next Spring. That is the usual time table that some of the same political voices once complained about. And, what is about vaccines being 80-99% effective that had you reading that at 100%. And, how did you get to be a grown up without knowing most all medications have " side effects" or that we all don't have the same genetic make up ( you did know diseases can run in families, don't you)? Or that even in Medieval times, some seemed immured to plagues?

I guess some of you may never have heard of Typhoid Mary or known HIV could be spread before symptoms appeared. Is that why you can't accept that you can have no symptoms of CV19 or its variants and be contagious EVEN when vaccinated if your body didn't build up enough anti-bodies?

How did some of you get through life not knowing that reducing a risk doesn't eliminate risk but is a smart thing to do?

How did you come to believe that no one will err in the absence of critical information and come to expect psychic perfection?

How did you miss the reasons for increase specialization in this world is because the world is more complex? Lawyers specialize and have more sense if they specialize in Estate Law, to not refer their attorney to a Criminal attorney if their client breaks the law. You don't go to an orthopedic clinic when you are having chest pains, do you?

How have you missed, the virus feeds on humans? You keep it alive and allow it to mutate and become a more effective damager of the human body. How is it you don't understand that scarring of your lungs and heart might not be noticeable after a mild case but could be a problem later in life? How is it that you've missed the brain studies of those who died after having Covid?

Are you THAT caught up in and ignorant of political hyberbole and misdirection? Are you THAT unable to evaluate the credibility of a single source or track information to the source?

Or is it that you've had it without knowing and the holes in your brain are showing?

In the last 2 weeks cases in MS are up 159% and hospitalization 65%. Deaths are not the major concern , thanks to the fact that we now have treatments available. Continuing to decimate our population and now showing up in the 20-60 age groups in greater numbers, should be.

Jacksun said...

9:00am: Actually you can expect the full use authorzation by late August, not next spring. With 387 million vaccine doses distributed to 160 million people so far, there is plenty of real world data has been collected. Every civilized person should be vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Mandatory vaccines are coming soon. 1/2 of the country agrees with them. Let that sink in. Mandatory heath procedures for the good of the community. That should scare the hell out of everyone....but it does not just 1/2.

Better Than Ever said...

@11:38 Mandatory for the good of us all. Yeah... I can see your point.

So are we to ignore that MS already requires vaccines to attend k-12 school? Maybe that's related to MS _not_ having outbreaks of whooping cough and so on.

What's next? Driving tests before I can go 80 mph in a 6000 lb lifted truck down the interstate?

Maybe we could institute a reading & critical thinking test before being allowed to post on the internet? I remember those days, pre 1990.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:56 seems I hit a 50%'er. What if is said anyone on welfare should be required to be on birth control? you would be screaming that was not fair, you can't force that on someone it's personal.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:56 see where the DNC wants to monitor and delete any information they deem unacceptable even text messages. You likely think that's good as long as they only prevent incorrect information from being spread. You are one who says tap my phone, read my emails, etc I'm not doing anything wrong you should not worry about it unless you are up to no good.

Anonymous said...

Is that War and Peace at 9:00?

Anonymous said...

Hey, @9:00 a.m, you can write all of dissertations on the subject of Covid that you wish; however, it still will not explain away the fact that the vast, vast majority of people who are infected do not die. You will never be able to explain away the math.

Jacksun said...

11:56: The CDC does not now and will never remove media content. Facebook and Instagram have removed millions of misinformation posts about the virus, but that is only being responsible. Still, a lot of crap is posted, and some it you are repeating.

Anonymous said...

Seems like folks on here think that covid has only been around for the last 20 months for us to study it. Covid has been known to have been around for the last 50 years.

Anonymous said...

@JackSun, He is referring to the Biden administrations "affiliates" working with carriers to limit "mis"information shared VIA TEXT, as Jen Psaki mentioned yesterday. YOU are being obtuse or you have zero clue what is actually going on. Im going with the latter as I've noticed more than one fallacy in your vaccine spew in this thread.

Anonymous said...

If you do not believe there is more to this than a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate and only really harms those in poor heath the I feel for you. This is an attack by the Communist Chinese government. The US is China's only competition and a war is not good for them or us. Slowly taking away our liberties and killing or economy as well as being able to control the vote is a means to an end for them. I also think the CCP has infiltrated and is active in our government and corporations. For those familiar with military terminology is refereed to as "softening the target". A few more years of lockdowns and such will crash the economy and make enough people say "uncle" the freedoms you enjoy and take for granted will vanish like a fart in the wind. You will wake up one day and wonder why everything you do is monitored and limited. Just in the last two days....
The government has asked all social media to assist in only allowing "factual" information to be distributed and this includes texts. Who deems things factual? when will the dept of factual be created? (AOC actually mentioned this) The first amendment should held near and dear to us and its actually being asked to be curtailed by half of this country. I just hope I am around when the half that wants this freedom limited is on the receiving end of it. This is a very slippery slope and we are lining up to get on it. Freedom of religion will go out the door with it as well.
The FBI is asking you to turn in your friends an family if they appear to be radicalized. Who determines what is radicalized? If I like guns and less government intrusion in my life am I radicalized? What will be done with me? Ever wonder what will be done with those friends and family you are being asked to report? This is truly scary.

Anonymous said...

@2:48, this is even beyond the CCP. This is an attack on free governments by the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. He has literally said as much, yet these people here don’t believe the words coming directly from him.

Anonymous said...

Kids in ICUs

Cases mounting and unvaccinated are the victims

By the way….covid has long term complications even if you survive….

But keep being you stupid trumpalopes

Anonymous said...

I've reached the same place with COVID deniers and the anti-vaccination crowd that I have reached with the City of Jackson: Have it your way, just don't come crying to me if/when your life falls apart.

Better Than Ever said...

@1:40 The same math you reference shows a healthcare system overrun with covid patients if we don't take countermeasures (vaccines).

The same math shows more mutations increasing in direct proportion to the number of people infected, severity of infection, etc.

If you want this to come to a close... get your vaccine for it.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:38 "kids in ICU's" Something tells me you are pro-choice so kids in ICU's is most certainly better than kids in vacuum cleaners. "my body my choice" remember? and before you respond with "this affects other people" I would say the child felt the same way.
@ 3:46 people keep saying Covid deniers. I do not doubt that Covid exists. I have just chosen to take my chances with it at its 99.7% survival rate than with a unknown vaccine. and I'm not an anti vaxer. I have been vaccinated for the normal stuff and had both of my children vaccinated. I just don't trust this whole thing yet. I'll go ahead and say it. I am suspect of the vaccine and and uncertain what it's bringing with it. I am going to wait it out. Unlike all of you guys I hope the best for you and in a reasonable time I might be interested in taking the vaccine. I WILL NOT BE PRESSURED, CAJOLED, OR FORCED INTO TAKING SOMETHING I'M SUSPECT OF.

Anonymous said...

5:02 wrote: "I do not doubt that Covid exists . . . and I'm not an anti vaxer" Assuming those two statements are true, I wasn't thinking or writing about you.


Anonymous said...

I see the Scientologist have laid siege to the comment board.

Anonymous said...

"Fortunately, not all scientists have been intimated."

How do you intimate someone?

Anonymous said...

Never taught I would live to see so many dumb asses in my life.

Anonymous said...

@3:48, Hey slapnuts, Trump directly facilitated this vaccine agenda. These are all Trumpshots

Jacksun said...

For God's sake, kids, just get your vaccine and quit whinning.

Anonymous said...

@Jacksun, No.

Believe what you want to believe. I don't care. said...

Dr. David Martin video "A Manufactured Illusion", posted July 12. More than an hour. More damning facts (not fiction) about Fauci, Moderna, CDC and others.

Anonymous said...


Go to church and sing!

Scream at each other

Have your BCBS cards ready!!!

Get ready to see the Holy Ghost!

And yes you may indeed live with foggy hazy headaches and neurological disorders but you will have shown Joe Biden!

No vaccines!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen you conspiracy theorists, don't take the shot if you don't want to. Up to you. I don't wish death upon you, but hey, could happen! What the reasonable amongst us ask is that you stay away from us.

And idiots such as 5:02 "Something tells me you are pro-choice..." NOPE! Never ASS-Ume. Get OFF this abortion comparison. This is about a virus. You especially stay away from us!

Jacksun said...

Darwin's going to have a reckoning here.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS