Tuesday, May 4, 2021

News Indicted Again in Consolidation Move

Correction: The post originally stated the indictment covered the embezzlement of MDE funds.  That was not the case.  JJ apologizes for the error. 

A Hinds County grand jury re-indicted Nancy and Zach New in March for embezzlement, conspiracy, and making fraudulent statements.   The grand jury indicted the mother and son last year for the same charges.  The new indictment consolidates the cases and allows the District Attorney to prosecute both defendants at once.  The indictment charges they illegally funneled millions of dollars in government funds through a non-profit company to New Summit School: 

Zachery  New  .... did  willfully,  unlawfully,  and  feloniously  entered  into  a conspiracy  with  each other and  others  known  and  unknown  to the grand  jury,  to commit  the crime of embezzlement  in violation of §97-23-19, To-wit:  Nancy New  and  Zachary New conspired  with  each other and, Ann McGrew  and  others  known  and  unknown  to  the  grand  jury,  to  convert  funds  received  by  the Mississippi  Community  Education  Center,  a  private non-profit  entity  responsible  for  distributing public  grant  funds  received  from  the  State  of  Mississippi   by  transferring  funds  owned   by  the Mississippi   Community   Education   Center,   from   a   bank   account   owned   by   the   Mississippi Community   Education   Center,  through  a series of multiple transaction, into bank  accounts owned by  New  Learning, Inc,  a  private  for  profit  company  owned  by  Nancy  New  and  Zachery  New...

 on or between the 20th day  of  September  2018  and  the  20th   day  of  October  2019,  willfully,  unlawfully,  and  feloniously embezzle,  fraudulently secrete, conceal, or convert  to their own  use, or make away with, or secrete with  intent  to  embezzle  or  convert  to  their  own  use ,  United  States  Funds,  money,  in  a  value  in excess  of  $25,000.00  which  United  States  Funds  came  into  their  possession   and/or  had  been entrusted  to  them,  Nancy    New  and  Zachary  New,  by  virtue  of  their  offices,  positions,  places,  or employment,  either  in  mass  or otherwise,  To-wit:  Nancy  New  and  Zachary  New,  while acting  in concert   and   while   Nancy   New   was   serving   as   the   Executive   Director   of   the   Mississippi Community  Education  Center,  and  Zachary  New  was serving  as  the  Assistant  Executive  Director of  the  Mississippi   Community   Education   Center ,   a  private   non-profit   entity   responsible   for distributing  public grant funds received  from  the State of Mississippi,  transferred  funds,  in excess of  two  million   dollars,  $2,000,000.00,  the  property   of  the  Mississippi   Community  Education Center,  from  a  bank  account  owned  by  the  Mississippi  Community  Education  Center,  through  a series of multiple transaction, into  bank  accounts owned  by New Leaming, Inc, a private for profit company  owned  by  Nancy  New  and  Zachary  New  and  thus  converting  such  monies  to  their own use....

The Justice Department indicted the News in March on 17 counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and monetary transactions with  proceeds of illegal activity. Both the federal and state indictments involve the alleged misuse of MDE funds.    JJ reported on the federal indictment on March 18: 

The indictment charges the News submitted phony claims to MDE for reimbursement of MAEP funds.  The defendants allegedly filed claims for teachers who no longer worked at New Summit, employees who were not teachers, a person who was never a school employee, and students who longer attended or never attended the school. The indictment states the fraud occurred from 2017 to 2020 and involved $4.7 million.The indictment provides a list of the transactions (p.3). 

The alleged fraud covered identity theft as well.  The News allegedly used the names and Social Security numbers without permission to submit phony claims.  A series of withdrawals occurred in the spring and summer of 2019.  Ms. New used the cash to purchase a home on 1800 Sheffield Drive in Jackson in June 2019.


Kingfish note:  Interesting strategy by the prosecutors.


Anonymous said...

oh what a deadly web we weave...

Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about some Bad News

Anonymous said...

I was one of those employees that had an issue with my 401(k). To be fair, the issues arose after Anne McGrew was arrested and subsequently left the company. I never thought anything nefarious was going on, but instead it was a matter of the chaos that ensued after leadership was arrested. All of my contributions were caught up on and made.

Anonymous said...

Nothing more than Shad piggy backing on the Fed indictment. It tells me some of the rumors coming out of the DA’s office are true in that the state case has big problems.

Anonymous said...

Let’s wait until this goes to trial. Lots of responsibility by state officials that hasn’t been addressed.

Anonymous said...

11:05 wins the prize

Anonymous said...

She only replaced the money for those who figured out her scam and brought it to her attention. There are people out there who still don't know she scammed them and haven't gotten their money back. She hasn't been paying payroll taxes either BTW.

No Wink-wink, Nudge-Nudge for them said...

Too bad for them that they were born white, because otherwise they would have received a Hinds County blessing.

Anonymous said...

This is very news worthy.

Anonymous said...

Upon entering the front gate, a repetitive playing of the first line of Frank's "New York, New York" might be cute

Anonymous said...

The teachers and headmaster have not been paid for several pay periods. They want to ensure the students get to complete the school year but, by gosh, are expected to work for free. This has been going on for over a year! I have no affiliation with the school. My friend is a teacher and I see her struggling financially and trying to keep her household together until school ends and she can find other employment. I've heard Nancy and Zach are collecting unemployment. If that's true, WTF?

Anonymous said...

@3:13 your comments are total BS. It’s in matters like these that comments such as this and others are very dangerous. Those on this Board that claim to know what’s really going on have no clue and those that admit they have no clue comment anyway. We can all hide behind anonymity and say things we otherwise wouldn’t say to someone face to face.

Anonymous said...

" I've heard Nancy and Zach are collecting unemployment. If that's true, WTF? "

Hell, everyone is collecting unemployment these days.
Why not let these two ?

The Employment Security Department won't even cut off my former employees that have refused to return to work.

I've reported this, and they ( MDES) will not return my calls.

Let Nancy and Zach draw unemployment.

It won't effect my unemployment tax rate after July.
I'm out of Misissippi starting August 1st.

Kingfish said...

Really? I have an email the acting headmaster sent to the staff last week that says otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I’m shocked (and extremely thankful) that New Summit is still open. I pray it remains so. It’s an amazing resource for students of all kinds and has been for a long time. I say let the legal side of this mess run its course and keep the school out of the fray as much as possible. There are many families and students who desperately need New Summit.

Anonymous said...

@3:47 if you know so much why don’t you clue us in? Or are you in on the scam too?

Anonymous said...

I thought they seemed like nice people but I guess they are FAKE NEWS!

Anonymous said...

No News is good News

Anonymous said...

This is why I stopped trusting the News a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Anytime I see the News on tv, I just switch it to sports.

Anonymous said...

Please, I am begging you, leave this school alone, and let them continue to serve these children and families who have special needs and learning differences. You don't know desperation until you've been faced with the daunting task of raising a handicapped child. New Summit is NOT your what you all envision as your "typical, spoiled-kids," private school. If you were ever on campus for less than five minutes, you would know that.

Anonymous said...

Just more of Feel Bryant's legacy as one of the most incompetent governors in our state's history where the bar was already very low.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Phil save Jackson when he was a Deputy and the Levy broke during the Easter Flood?

Anonymous said...

Too bad the school will be closing its doors for good next Friday. I hope the News are proud of the legacy they left behind in their wake. Too bad Nancy turned down the many offers she had to buy the school and subsequently save it because she would rather the ship go down with her. All because of self serving greed.

Anonymous said...

Yep, UMC tried to buy the Autism school, too. She turned that down, too. If she can’t have it then nobody can. I’m still trying to decide if Zach is as evil as his mom or if his decisions are just the product of being raised by a narcissist, single mom. 🤔

Closing the school next Friday and haven’t told their staff or parents. Who does that?! Just sucks everyone and everything dry until the very end...who?

The students. The parents. Once again left on the sideline to wait for another opportunity. Only hoping the opportunity comes before their child ages out. Lifelong friendships formed that wouldn’t have without NSS. These teachers have stuck out an impossible situation. Staff and teachers who have slowly trickled out only because they couldn’t pass up an opportunity at hand. I can’t imagine the gut wrenching pain as each teacher and staff member walked out of that building for the last time. Not out of choice but out of necessity.

Nancy and Zach did something right. They created a place for you’re not-so-typical student and parents to feel safe. A place to belong. A school where every student was celebrated for his or her uniqueness. A clinical-based school for children with Autism that gave hope to parents. A school where parents were given the understanding, the support and the voice to fight for their children. An environment where the staff truly loved their job. NSS might be getting ready to close the doors next week but let’s not let the ugly the News we’re playing behind the scenes overshadow the beauty that is in NSS!!

#ClosingTheDoors #Leaked #PrayForNSS

Kingfish said...

Dont forget the Magnolia Speech school offer.

Anonymous said...

Or the Jackson Prep offer..

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to make sure the real story gets told. Nancy shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind the false narrative that she has done everything she can to keep this school open. She is evil, vindictive, scum of the earth. My heart breaks for the kids, families and staff. The truth is that the amazing NSS staff has endured a year of lies and downright abuse, for the kids. Nancy has stayed safely in her bubble, proclaiming her innocence. She has done nothing but sabotage any possible chance the school had at being saved. Those offers and what she did can be verified as facts. The parents and staff have fought tooth and nail to keep this place going, and will now get rewarded with yet another slap in the face: the doors are closing next Friday, but they don’t even have the common decency to let the staff or parents know. Good job Nancy. I hope you go to sleep prison knowing we see you for who you really are.

Anonymous said...

Uh huh, @8:03 has fallen off the wagon again.

Anonymous said...

Glad the real story is finally coming out. Nancy is an absolute sociopath who can turn the charm on and off and play the victim on demand. She and Zach have turned down offer after offer to save this wonderful school because every offer was countered with demands that King Baby Zach continue as director of the school with a half-million dollar salary to fund his million dollar home in Bridgewater that was paid for with welfare money. That guy hasn't had the balls to show up and face "his staff" for over a year but he and mommy continue to siphon money away from those poor kids and teachers to keep up his ridiculous lifestyle.

What Nancy, Zach and Roy Balentine have done to these kids, parents and teachers is beyond disgusting. All any of these folks have asked for is the truth and those three are incapable of any amount of decency, not even at the end.

Anonymous said...

What story is finally coming out? I am anxious to see how all this pans out, but all that appears here is a bunch of anonymous ramblings which really tell us nothing at all. Such is JJ, though. I am sure Anna Wolfe is hot on the trail and will circulate Shad's, I mean her thoughts on the subject soon.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 - You hit the nail on the head! Between not know when we will be paid, to being paid late, or even being asked to hold our checks till a later date. The stress for the staff is unbearable. Not to mention ZERO guidance on today. Much less the future.

Anonymous said...

As an employee of NSS I can assure you we HAVEN'T been paid what we are owed. It's been difficult. What keeps us going are these children. Also as a parent of a dyslexic child this is the only place where she feels at home.The staff is brokenhearted that we have been fooled. We've seen some the paperwork. It's not a joke. Greed kept us from being paid, leaves our precious families and students in turmoil. Balentine treats the staff with complete disrespect. If it wasn't for our Headmaster, Mr. Nobles and Dr. Sutton fighting so hard for us who knows what would have happened earllier to us? Many of us are forced to look for other jobs. We never wanted to leave our wonderful school. People caused this issue not NSS directly. Instead of being negative, how about praying for the students, family, and staff. By the way, once again Balentine failed us. We had to clue next Friday is our last day. The staff discovered this information today due to your information We had a parent, yes a caring parent, e-mail us to inform us last week that there was no money to pay us. What?! A parent knows before the staff? We are extremely thankful for our caring parents.

Anonymous said...

The real story does need to be told.

If the comments on this site weren’t so full of hate and vitriol, they would almost be funny. Sadly, for all those involved, there is nothing funny about this situation.

I am a New Summit parent and one of those involved in the recently organized parent groups who have been trying to figure out ways to save New Summit. I have a long history with New Summit. Generally, these parent groups and the public have absolutely no idea the extraordinary measures that have been undertaken to ensure that New Summit made it through this school year. The same individuals who have been degraded and crucified on this site are the same people who have singlehandedly made every effort to keep the school open this year and in a position to succeed in the future. There is no doubt this school year at New Summit has been a tough one. The fact that the school has been able to stay open this year alone is a blessing. Credit for keeping the school afloat financially during this year goes to a very small group of individuals. Yes, the teachers and staff have endured an extraordinary school year, and should be commended for their efforts. Many people have gone above and beyond in trying to salvage the school year for the students and their families. Great teachers and staff have long been the norm at New Summit and this year is no different. Certainly, credit for salvaging this school year doesn’t go to those who continue to spread misinformation or those who continue to play politics with this situation. The misinformation and anonymous personal attacks repeated over and over on this site and others do nothing but further ensure that New Summit’s future is bleaker and bleaker.

There have been no legitimate offers made for the purchase or acquisition New Summit. None. That is a fact. Numerous conversations and meetings have been had and some have been more in depth than others. All of these conversations have been spearheaded by school leadership and those individuals who genuinely desire to see the school survive for years to some. It remains to be seen if the school will make it long-term. But rest assured there are many who absolutely want to ensure this for the sake of the children and families who rely on New Summit.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:57.....Nancy, is that you?

What you call hate an vitriol, most would call the truth. I hate that the truth has upset you so much. No there is nothing funny about this situation. That is perhaps one of the only accurate points in your entire response. I would love to know how you are privy to these "extraordinary measures" as you call them. "Degraded and crucified"? It is called having to answer for your mistakes. No one is dragging them needlessly through the mud. No one is even insinuating that New Summit, the school, is anything less than a wonderful place. It is a refuge to so many.

To your point that the credit of keeping the school afloat goes to a very small group of individuals... do you mean just the News? Or the News and Mr. Balentine? You obviously do not mean the exceptional staff and other parents (although I suspect you are not, in fact, a parent). Kind of you to point out that it has been an "extraordinary school year", but the last time a checked, most people still need a paycheck. Further, most people need to be able to have some degree of faith in their leadership.

I wonder how it is that you can be so certain that all of this is "misinformation"? Clearly you are not very closely involved with the reality that is occurring daily at New Summit, or you would not be so misinformed yourself. But, yes, please continue to blame it on the staff, or those who speak out, with your thinly veiled jabs.

Lastly, I am curious as to what you constitute as a "legitimate" offer. Surely ANY offer that would save the school would be considered legitimate? Are you denying that any offers were made, or simply the legitimacy of these offers? (I am reading your use of the word legitimate to mean ones that have a high enough price tag).

New Summit is an extraordinary place IN SPITE of what the News and others have done. THAT is what speaks to the credit of the staff and parents involved. I don't think a single person on here, or anywhere, has implied that the school should close. I also cannot think of anyone who would want it to close.

Dear, it appears to me that it is you who are misinformed. Perhaps you should do some fact checking and reassess.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:57..
You said, "Generally, these parent groups and the public have absolutely no idea the extraordinary measures that have been undertaken to ensure that New Summit made it through this school year."

I am curious how is it that you, as a member of this parent group are singularly aware of what is going on behind the scenes? It seems that you are completely out of touch with the facts of the matter.

Anonymous said...

Should be fun at work tomorrow

Anonymous said...

@2:57 not crazy enough to be Nancy, too well-constructed to be Zach, it must be Jess

Anonymous said...

BRAVO! @5:24pm! Bravo!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I stopped by to get a Jackson water update and stumbled on this little thread. Some of you need a bit more Jesus in your lives. Start with James 4:11-12.

Kingfish said...

Not a bad comment. Take out third, fourth, and fifth sentences and it goes through

Anonymous said...

@ 2:57 -- Um... the administration came out and announced to the staff that UMMC had made an offer to buy Spectrum Academy?? In fact, they did this not long after telling all of the Spectrum staff they were closing the doors and that they were laid off. Then they miraculously had a solution! An offer from UMMC (that they conveniently announced to the ENTIRE STAFF the day before Thanksgiving break). So, are you saying that was a lie? Guess what? The day Spectrum staff returned from said break, they were told it was their last day. The deal had "fallen through". I don't know about you, but I am sensing a pattern here. In the end, Nancy got greedy and decide to demand they pay her a large sum instead of just taking it over.

Nancy has been offered the chance at not one, but two conservatorships, but has declined both.

I also suppose you assume that both Magnolia Speech School and Jackson Prep lied to their own staff about making an offer to buy NSS. Clearly, it is all a big scheme to drag the News through the mud. I am sure that the offer the Little Lighthouse made to purchase the spectrum building was also not legitimate.

The News are greedy, power hungry, narcissists. There have been "legitimate" offers. You are absolutely incorrect in that sentiment. However, none of them gave her the money she wanted, but more importantly, none of them gave her the credit and glory for saving the school. Nancy New would rather take the ship down with her, no matter the cost, than relinquish control and miss out on a potential profit. She has proven that time and time again. But, wait… isn’t this supposed to be about saving the school and “being in it for the children”?

Were you there when she fired the group she hired from Southern Miss to do strategic planning because she couldn't handle the criticizing feedback she got from employees in a survey? Were you there when the investigating agents knocked on people's doors and showed them the falsified paperwork? I am going to go out on a limb and say that is a hard no. Were you there when it was said that if the employees decided they could not work without getting paid, it was their fault because they weren't "in it for the children"? That little gem was courtesy of Mr. Balentine, btw. You, as a parent, obviously were not there when employees found out that their 401k plans had money missing. The "small group" you credit with saving the school must have been focusing so much on saving said school that they forgot to put the money owed into the employees' retirement savings account. You clearly weren't there when the employees were told that New Summit didnt "do 504 plans"... not long before they were indicted for doing just that.

Were you also aware that these magnanimous people ignored a work order that the AC/Heating was broken in the cafeteria at the end of LAST JANUARY. It was finally fixed yesterday. Employees AND STUDENTS have been subjected to working in both freezing and sweltering temperatures because it wasn't a priority for them to spend the money on fixing it until this week when the temperatures rose, and students had recently returned to eating in the cafeteria. Teachers are faced with being laid off and scrambling to find a way to provide for their own families. But of Zach’s children continue to attend JA. (Interesting that he owns a school that his own kids have never attended). He drives a nice new Jeep and lives in his nice house he built in Bridgewater. Parents are left with days to find somewhere for their kids to go. Nancy abused and screamed at her personal staff to the point that they all quit. The News have created such a toxic environment that it is a miracle any learning takes place or that people even show up.

It seems to me that the ONLY people that are in it for the children are the staff and the supportive parents that have gone above and beyond to do what they can to keep this place afloat.
But, hey, what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Touché 11:01!

Anonymous said...

Everyone chill, the Bowtie lawyer is gonna save us all.

Anonymous said...

@5:24... pretty sure that’s not Nancy but you’re close! What a mess greed has caused innocent people! I pray these people are able to find jobs after being tied to NSS.

Anonymous said...


Please, if you have not walked a mile in the staff or parent's shoes of NSS and SA or even a quarter of a mile, please GO SIT DOWN!!!

Zach & Nancy New are MASTER MANIPULATORS. Y'all Zach got some Top 40 award all the while he was stealing money. How many awards has Nancy gotten throughout her years? How can anyone take up for these two at this point?! You don't think we all loved them both? My goodness, it was hard not to. They are literally masterminds. The perfect white collar criminals. And you know this isn't Nancy's first rodeo she just had the lack of technology on her side for YEARS.

I personally know someone who worked within NSS when it was just a single building. That person quit because he/she couldn't get wrapped up in whatever illegal & shady mess she had going on in the 90's. It wasn't something this person could prove but he/she knew there was shady business and false information going out. Come on guys!! You really think over $90 million stolen is really going to end up being all lies?

Per Nancy, and I quote, "It's all lies. None of it's true and one day the real truth will come out. It's just political mess trying to make me and Zach look bad. [insert tears] IT'S SO MEAN. They are just mean. We would never steal anything. I told them they could go scrub-scrub through all of my files. I have nothing to hide. The only thing so far that has been proven is [automatically stop tears] she, points to what was once Anne's office, didn't do her job. Mistakes were made and they were no faults of mine or Zach's"

Oh okay, Nancy, blame the one person who you probably threatened her job with to make her fudge your numbers. Now, poor Anne is going down with your manipulating, sick and twisted self. A single woman with an elderly dad and a sister diagnosed with cancer. What did you promise her? That you would pay whatever it took for her sister to be well? Make sure her dad was provided for? So she trusted you and you manipulated her. [round of applause] Good job, satan! <-- all of this is paragraph are my personal assumptions but I'd love to know exactly how Nancy got Anne twisted into her web of lies and decent.

Has anyone dug into Nancy prior to 2017? I bet there is a lot of stinky dirt to be dug up. Or what about the people who worked closely with her and Zach these past few years and then slowly trickled out before paychecks were bouncing? I bet there is a reason they went from trusting the News to running from them! Wonder what they ended up hearing or seeing that none of us know about?! Hmmm.... [this should get real interesting, real fast!]


READ NEXT COMMENT as it wouldn't all fit.

Anonymous said...





But as beautiful of a thing you created, SHAME ON YOU for allowing it to go down in ashes. I took up for you. I had your back for months. FOR MONTHS I FOUGHT WITH YOU. For months I believed in the you I thought you were. HONESTLY, I WOULD STILL BE FIGHTING FOR YOU if you had done the one thing I knew you were going to do. The one thing I knew about the News was their heart. Their integrity. I KNEW THEY WOULD NOT LET NSS DIE WITH THEM. But here we are… 1 WEEK GUYS. 1 WEEK. And everything Nancy spent years building will go down with her and Zach. NANCY. ZACH. If you read one thing on this thread. READ THIS….



Anonymous said...

Well,well, well, looks like king Roy has spoken, He has apparently announced to the staff that “clearly the school is not closing next Friday” and the teachers will get paid on that day. Remains to be seen… stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems as though the flood gates have opened, I guess King Baby Zach can now be the little boy with his finger in the dam.

Anonymous said...

Hold on. I need some popcorn then I will get caught up

Anonymous said...

I have trouble reading so many inaccurate comments made about the New’s and NSS. The trial has now been pushed to September. Is baby Shad hoping to break Dr. New? Is he still trying to protect Phil Crooked Bryant? Any credibility baby Shad may have had, he loses in protecting his daddy mentor.
Dr. New wanted to sell the school, but wanted to be sure ALL the faculty, cafeteria staff, and custodians kept their jobs.
1000 of students were saved because of New Summit. The biggest loss is with the kids.

Anonymous said...

@7:32 pm
I would say that is a win for the good guys!!

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder....... If the case against them is strong, why haven't they taken them to court yet??? A year and four months already since Shad came out with guns blazing????

Anonymous said...

@11:04 by ALL staff, do you mean Zach and his fix figure salary? Were you aware that last summer, while the school was financially drowning, she gave one of her assistants a pay cut, but gave Zach a raise because he “deserved it for all of his hard work.”

Gosh. What a selfless woman!

Anonymous said...

The blatant lies being thrown around regarding this topic and most “facts” related to it are astonishing.

Anonymous said...

9:58, if you think all the info on here are lies, I want some of what your smoking! Living in this nightmare is brutal!

Anonymous said...

Who receives the rent money from the church who uses NSS every week? The school or the News???

Anonymous said...

@3:06 Avalon Holdings. Aka the New Family

Anonymous said...

Does New Summit School have to reimburse the priority re-enrollment money?

Anonymous said...

@6:15 no. It has always been a non refundable deposit.

Anonymous said...

I’m amazed at how ready people are to believe someone is guilty even before they’ve had their day in court. I’m amazed that guilty until proven innocent can take on a mob mentality. I’m amazed at the nontruths that have been written here by people who have no clue what they are talking about. This has become a witch hunt to see who can write the most vile and hurtful things. Shame on you all! You are talking about someone’s life, their life’s work, their family. While you sit here and vilify the News at the same time that you praise their school, consider that Dr. New is the person who started the school with a vision toward helping children learn outside of the norm. That wonderful atmosphere of caring and letting each student be special was put in motion by her foresight. Before you are quick to judge, remember she is the one who gave you that wonderful school. Let her have her day in court.

Anonymous said...

@2:01 That is why this is so heartbreaking. She did have a vision of a school for students who didn't have anywhere else to go. No one is trying to needlessly vilify her, but every single part of this is horrible. There are many that are just as confident in the accuracy of the information here as you are that you are that they have "no clue". How is it that you have a "clue"? If it is based on Dr. New's reputation alone, I suggest that you think again. She has done and built WONDERFUL things. That, unfortunately, is not indicative of how she handles ALL things.

Good people do bad things. Or, rather, people with seemingly good intentions do bad things. She will have her day in court. In the meantime, that wonderful vision you speak of is growing. Fast.

That is why people are so upset. Very few really care whether or not she is innocent or guilty. They just want the school, and that vision, to be able to continue. Perhaps instead of spending energy to take up for her, you spend your energy where it will actually do some good.... help fight to keep the school open.

Anonymous said...

Every time some issue pops up, the loudest opinions come from those who know the least about it. The thinner the knowledge, the louder the shouting. (If you doubt this, just wait until a head coaching vacancy comes up at State or Ole Miss and see how many insider-wannabes start blustering about private jet sightings at the Oxford airport, or realtors showing houses in Starkville to Jimbo Fisher’s wife, or some other such bar room nonsense.) And if you express the least bit of doubt or skepticism about what they’re saying, they just double down and shout that much louder.
Case in point: 1. The teacher paychecks at New Summit School have been issued all along, nobody’s working at NSS for free. 2. When state monies were pulled from NSS last summer during the COVID crisis, the services to students went on despite the funding shortfall. 3. There have been talks about selling NSS or taking on partners, but no offers have come in. Sure there have been talks, but no offers. That’s not “narcissism,” that’s just the way business works.
But even while the rumor mill operates at full tilt, there are some questions that the gossips don’t seem to ask. Why has this “airtight” case been dragging along for sixteen months? If the case is so strong, why doesn’t the prosecution push hard to take it to trial ASAP? If the case is so strong, so airtight, why is the state now lateraling the ball to the feds? Since public monies were involved, which state officials and/or upper level employees signed off on the allegedly fraudulent expenditures? Is it possible that these same state officials and/or upper level employees not only signed off on the programs for which the expenditures were made, but were in fact the ones who proposed the programs to MCEC to begin with? Why, after sixteen months, have we heard nothing about investigations into these state officials and/or upper level employees? (How about it, Anna Wolfe?)

Anonymous said...

@ 10:43... If someone hires me to assassinate someone and I do it... I’m still guilty of murder. Just sayin....

Anonymous said...

As a student so eloquently stated, "It is over. It is done. The END."

Anonymous said...

@11:06. Yes, but wouldn’t they investigate the people who hired you ???

Anonymous said...


Probably, but that is not who is in question regarding matters that concern NSS. Whether or not others get investigated has little to no bearing on the current state of the school. Your post accuses people of essentially not looking at the right (supposed) criminals, but it is your excuse that is smoke and mirrors. The classic, "look over here... not at what I'm doing" excuse. I personally don't care if someone told them to do it or not. They (supposedly) did it. The end. Saying, "but they told me to" is what I would expect to hear from a preteen child, not responsible adults.

If the auditor's report was even 10% correct, that is roughly 9 million dollars that was "misspent". I am also fairly sure that those "officials" did not direct anyone to file for 504 reimbursements.

As for the time line, welcome to our judicial system. Noting moves quickly. ESPECIALLY not during a pandemic. So your defense that if there was a good case, it would have gone to trial by now, is an incredibly weak one.

Speaking specifically to your points:

1. These checks have not always been on time and there have been several occasions that staff members have been warned that they would not get paid. It is a guessing game each pay period as to whether or not they will be paid. I could say more, but I will leave it at that.

2. Yes. The services have continued. I am sure that the News had to make sacrifices to make the happen, but guess what? So did the staff. The News are inarguably facing a lot, but, again, guess what, that is no one's fault but their own. You don't get extra credit for doing what you are supposed to do. Doing what it takes to keep your own business running is not a heroic act, it is what is expected. We don't give students extra credit for turning their homework in on time.

3. We have heard it over and over and over again. Apparently some people's definitions of offers differ from others. It is convenient that you, and others, only tell partial truths. Let me put it this way, if I were to go on a date with someone and they told me that each of their last relationships failed due to no fault of their own..... I might start to assume that they might be part of the problem. Inability to take any level of accountability is a red flag in my book.

Anonymous said...

I personally think there’s a whole lot more to this story than any of us know and I’m anxious to see how it plays out. I will say that I don’t buy the story that’s been told the last year plus. I just don’t believe it. So much of it doesn’t make sense. The headlines lead one to believe that the News stole $94m, yet that’s not accurate. But that’s the story that keeps getting repeated over and over. But there are so many unanswered questions that remain.

What about this Christi Webb lady and her nonprofit (Family Resource Center) that received more thank $50m of the $94m? They’re rarely mentioned. I’m curious where they are in this thing.

DHS is reportedly finalizing its internal forensic audit and the Director is already on the record stating that those findings largely contradict the findings of the state’s favorite Certified Fraud Examiner.

The News have apparently conducted their own forensic review as well. Should be interesting.

Phil Bryant clearly has a role in this thing as he’s already been caught lying about the Prevacus deal. I know, shocker right?!

Brett Favre. Teddy DiBiase. Paul Lacoste. This thing is all over the place, yet most of the story is all about the the News and their criminal education empire. I forgot, none of these people knew where the money was coming from right?

On top of all that word out of the DA’s office is that the state case sucks and is on life support. Shad’s got his entire career banking on this case and appears to have used the DA to get the ball rolling. The former US Attorney resigns and the Feds jump in. Very convenient.

As to the Federal charges, anyone who has worked with MDE and within the MSIS system knows it’s an absolute circus. I have worked with both and the 504 process is a nightmare for both public school and non-public schools. I think the only thing that comes out of that case is exposing how f’ed up the 504 process is.

Either way, we don’t know a fraction of what’s going on with this case. I question whether anyone can get a fair trial in this situation because it’s been nothing but sensationalized from Day 1, but I guess we’ll see. The court of public opinion is brutal and it’ll make no difference to some even if the facts and evidence do clear these people. God forbid we give them them the chance to defend themselves before we pure moral souls judge them guilty as charged.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:06 but it really isn’t that complicated .I wouldn’t call it a circus. The rules are pretty black and white. Also, public schools don’t get 504 reimbursement, but nice try. It’s really very simple: you can only report actual teachers that teach actual students that qualify. The end. No circus there. Reporting teachers as teaching subjects and/or students they didn’t teach is a... “no no”.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I’m not judging guilt or innocence but unless you’ve had Feds show up at your house with a big o 8x10 glossy and lots of info about you, you need to shut up!!!

Anonymous said...

the school sent a letter today.. they are ending the year with no exams...and still don't say it will no be open next year..... why wont they say it - keeping re-enrollment money - shutting doors so you cannot ask for money that was ask for under false pretense

Anonymous said...

And what about these teachers that just worked an entire year through a pandemic AND embezzlegate to make sure these kids had a safe place to learn? They had money withheld from every paycheck to be their pay through the summer, only to find out in the last line of a letter yesterday that they are potentially facing being laid off and getting none of that money they EARNED. What a wonderful way to say thanks and kick off the summer....

Anonymous said...

Completely a breach of contract!

Anonymous said...

And another payday has come and gone with only excuses as to why the checks aren't received or cannot be cashed in a timely manner. This time the powers that be are saying that NLR is expecting money from the state but it has not been received yet. It is hard to hold faith that they will actually pay the teachers through the summer as that is pay that has already been earned.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, many of those that grew to feel like New Summit was our home will say goodbye to it tomorrow. Pay teachers or don’t. Enroll students or don’t. Innocent or guilty. New Summit will never be the same again. The blame can only rest with the few. I hope and pray something comes to take it’s much needed place.

Anonymous said...

Sad, sad day for The New Summit family. There are many scared families now. Pray for a miracle. Pray for these families.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS