Thursday, May 21, 2015

Governor sends letter to MDMH over Oxford House

State Senator Will Longwitz issued the following press release.  The press release also contains a letter by Governor Phil Byrant that was addressed to the Mississippi Department of Mental Health concerning the Oxford House program. 

Yesterday, Governor Phil Bryant issued a strongly worded letter calling on the Mississippi Department of Mental Health to end its financial support of Oxford House Inc. Senator Will Longwitz, who began the inquiry into Oxford House and its practices in Mississippi, says, "I thank Governor Bryant for taking a stand on this important issue. This is a major step towards doing the right thing for all Mississippians."

Some excerpts from Gov. Bryant's letter to MS Dept. of Mental Health (MDMH) Executive Director Diana Mikula:

"The information provided by state lawmakers, members of the community, and your department over the past month raises serious questions about the mission of Oxford House Inc. and the long-term viability of the "Oxford House" model in Mississippi. The interests of the recovering substance abusers who reside in these homes - as well as Mississippians in general - would be better served if changes are made."

"The Department of Mental Health should end its financial support of Oxford House Inc. and its outreach workers. Oxford House Inc. has been more focused on expanding its footprint in Mississippi than on providing the time, peer support and living environment necessary to support long-term recovery for existing residents. Group homes can be an effective tool in promoting recovery and ongoing sobriety, but Oxford House Inc's aggressive expansion tactics are not good for the recovering substance abusers they purport to serve or the community-at-large."

"Finally, I am dismayed to learn that Oxford House Inc. outreach workers have been targeting jails to recruit new residents. The Department of Mental Health should not be financing an out-of-state company's unsanctioned effort to establish an unregulated prisons-to-homes program." (emphasis mine)


Anonymous said...

GO PHIL!!! You just got my vote.

Anonymous said...

Wow! that was strong, Thanks very much Governor......jeff

Anonymous said...

How nice. Now the governor of Mississippi has chimed in using only the twisted truth of senetor longwitz oh how Mississippi will continue to be at the bottom of everything. Let's take all the good programs away so only the few rich can continue to be all high and mighty. Shall we just take everyone in recovery and shoot them? Would that make you feel safer? Take the two drunks from your neighborhood and shoot them to now. Don't discriminate. This has been a campaign ploy for longwitz he's done good at getting your money. Hate to tell you this but just because you may succeed at making the outreach workers leave doesn't mean the houses will close. Sorry.....

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Governor.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Mr governor lets not help people better themselves. We wouldn't want them to become productive citizens. Oh wait maybe but not anywhere near anyone who lives in NEJackson or Madison.

Johnny Weir said...

Good job Governor. You doing a lot better job than Haley. I loved your comment when the two officers were murdered. "If the officers managed to get the drop on the perps the attitude would be different people would be flocking to MS protesting" Paraphased.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to inform Governor Feel that several of Jesus' disciples spent time in jail. It's not very christian of the governor to denigrate people that have spent time in jail and are trying to turn their life around. It seems that Feel is all about putting his christian beliefs on display for everyone to see, unless following those beliefs might cost him some votes.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable OH has gone from a recovery home to a treatment center to a jail to home center. Laughable.

Anonymous said...

11:25 and 11:33. Please state your address. You seem very open to accepting criminals into your home. They will need a place to go once Oxford houses get shit down. We will send them to your house.

Anonymous said...

11:43 - newsflash! Phil is not Jesus. He's a politician, more specifically, our governor, and his job is to protect the interests of his constituents and the tax dollars in our state. The Oxford House scheme is a racket designed to secretly place these "homes" in nicer neighborhoods all financed by taxpayers. Since you probably are not a taxpayer or a property owner you would not understand these things. My children live and go to school in this neighborhood and I don't want a house full of prison-recruited ex-con drug addicts. I'm so glad you are in recovery. Do it somewhere on your own dime and not in a single-family home which has improperly been converted to a communal housing compound.

Anonymous said...

@11:43: the difference between Oxford Houseand the disciples. The disciples weren't mentally ill, depressed, bipolar killers trying to get out of buttrape.

If you think the people should've housed, let them move in with you.

Difficulty: you can't hide you guns, valuables, children, or alcohol.

Best of luck. We expect a progress report in due time.

Anonymous said...

Great. Deputy Dog just gave his support to my neighborhood. 6 more OH houses will be up by tomorrow given his track record picking winners.

Anonymous said...

Jackassery at its best 12:09

Anonymous said...

What in the hell is wrong with you people thanking the Governor?! What in the world gives him or his position the right to opine that a business's practices are not effective, and therefore that it should lose government funding. I don't want the idiot presenting to the hospital I use, ignorantly opine on the operations of any one department, then call Dr. Dzielak and tell him to cut Medicaid funding. That's scary as hell.

This idiot is out of control. First he fires off a literally stupid and unlawful command that BCBS contract with HMA two years ago, he's trying to cut the funding of a lawful business because he's listening to one of the state's most ignorant lawyer/senators.

Everyone supporting this action is calling for a "republican" governor to seize more power and control more and more of your lives. Morons.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for Oxford House. I am a tax paying, home owning citizen. I am all so a recovering alcoholic. Someone gave me a chance simular to the Oxford House once. The statements being made here are quite ignorant and down right nasty and embarrassing. Shame on all of you supposedly respectful homeowners.

Anonymous said...

Oxford House is not going anywhere, even if MDMH votes to end its funding. It costs 4000$ to open a house, something easily attainable through other established houses.

Anonymous said...

11:25; 11:33; 11:43. etc....Stop trying to make this issue something it is NOT. No one in this state is against LEGITIMATE shelters to help recovering alcoholics & drug users. BUT....charging them ridiculously high rent to share a small space with 1/2 dozen other fragile personalities while providing ZERO oversight, support, counseling, job training etc. is NOT helping them!!!! It is ONLY enriching someone else at the expense of the very people they are claiming to help AND the community at large. In other words, take your sniveling somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Strong letter. Thank you Phil and Will. When people try to question your Christianity because you are endangering their money making scam, you know you are doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

There is not one resident in Jackson that was recruited from a jail. Not a single one. They were recruited from recovery centers, VA hospitals, and word of mouth through AA meetings.

Anonymous said...

12:58, you're as ignorant - literally unknowing of the facts and the application to the treatment of residents - as deputy doolittle. What facts do you base your conclusions on? What education and training do you have to assist you in opining as to the inefficacy of the treatment that is provided addiction therapy? What personal knowledge of the individuals treated by OH do you have to state that it is not helping?
Emotional rants void of facts and logic. That's all you provide.

Anonymous said...

It is high time that he tyranny of the recovery community is reigned in.

Anonymous said...

Hey morons, like it or not the Guv does have a say so if taxpayer funds are being misapplied and unregulated. It's not a private business and relies on govt funds. Also since he probably appoints the board who hires the mdmh execs, he can do exactly what he's doing. If you don't like it vote for someone else. Thanks for stepping up Phil. I've yet to see anyone for OH give an option for an OH in their neighborhood yet.

Anonymous said...

12:56, the real money is the $1.8 million the state of MS gives to OH outreach workers, who go into jails and prisons and recruit for OH. Without that, OH's explosive growth flophouse scheme falls apart.

Anonymous said...

Right,12:58, you are only worried about their welfare.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for Oxford House. I am a tax paying, home owning citizen.

Do you currently live next door to an Oxford House and have young children?

Anonymous said...

Yes I live in a neighborhood off ridgewood road that has 2 oxford houses and yes I have 3 children.

Anonymous said...

1.8 million? Thats more than the entire grant that funds multiple programs. Mddh web site look befor you tekk things.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you have Google or another decent search engine? I've never seen so many biased and clueless people. There are studies easily available from reputable professionals published in scholarly journals that show the Oxford House model works, partly because they can quietly live in decent neighborhoods without being treated like you all are treating them. Do the other alcoholics and drug addicts, recovering or not, in your neighborhood get MDMH monitoring and supervision? I understand your uninformed hysteria, but at least try to be educated on something before you decide it's no good.

Anonymous said...

1:36, better be careful about the moron thing. These are indeed private businesses that can and are run without government funds. The only government funds being spent in Mississippi are the $4,000 start up loans, which are paid back, and the money spent to oversee the houses and try to establish more so more people can be helped. Take that away - all federal funds, by the way - and now the state has to either pick up the tab for oversight or let them operate without it. Nice work, Phil...turn back the federal money so state money will have to be used.

Burke said...

Well said, 12:58.

Anonymous said...

Courageous stand by Governor Bryant and Senator Longwitz. When should we expect the existing houses to close and our neighborhoods be safe again?

Anonymous said...

1:22 read Oxford House's own reports in Mississippi. They say over and over "we are working hard to get in the jails." The OH business model is a prison to neighborhood pipeline, all at the expense of the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Yes I live in a neighborhood off ridgewood road that has 2 oxford houses and yes I have 3 children.

And you live next door to an Oxford House? Right next door?

Anonymous said...

irrational, emotional, illogical - yup, these are the guy's constituency. I hope he enjoys the 19 votes he gets kowtowing to the vocal minority.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people leave jail clean and need a place to live. Should we just give them a taxi to the nearest flop house and hope for the best? The recruiting in jails thing is a complete red herring. Federal taxpayers are funding the OH grants in MS, at least for now. Who funds these outreach workers if the federal money goes away? You guessed it - state taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

And the good Senator post this as he was at the DMH Board meeting being addressed by another citizen that had voted for him and was speaking in support of Oxford Houses. Very rude!

Anonymous said...

It's like the people against OH think they win if the federal funding is stopped. The only things that will happen is less oversight and the state footing the bill for workers. OH won't be shut down.

Anonymous said...

2:36, are you now admitting that people recruited from jails are clean, and are just using OH as a place to stay? If so, that is not what the federal grant money is supposed to be used for. It is supposed to be to help recovering addicts. This is part of the problem with Oxford House and their business model. There is no oversight, no real help, and no consequences. This is why the treatment professionals I know say they would never refer people in recovery to an Oxford House.

Anonymous said...

So Phil is supporting Longwitz. Does that make Longwitz the TEA Party candidate now? This is getting confusing.

Anonymous said...

2:53, not at all. Lots of people leaving jail aren't good candidates for a sober living house. Are you saying that none are? OH isn't for treatment, so I'm not surprised treatment professionals wouldn't use them. It's a place to live when treatment is over and you want to stay sober. However, I'd be interested in your treatment professionals going on record for the rest of us to hear. Sorry...was that a cricket?

Anonymous said...

Phil (and Will) are doing the right thing in this instance. The only people who think other wise are a) Oxford House employees or b) supporters of Will's opponent. Good luck calling Phil and Will un-Christian. Keep trying that.

To Summarize said...

The Maryland e-mail machine got to work quick, didn't it?

To: List
Sub: Mississippi Guv Letr
Action: Get busy quick, fire off a post on this Mississippi Jambalaya blogsite. Use talking points you all have by now. Stick to the issues.

Group A must continue pretending to be a recovering addict. Don't deviate. Stress recovery and safety.

Group B is expected to remain insistent that you live in the community and support the concept. If challenged, do not state an address but be vague and confirm that you reside in close proximity.

Group C will critique the adversaries as the backwards hicks they are.

Group Leader teleconference call at 0800 CST Friday 5/22.

Anonymous said...

Wait, Will says that OH is a treatment clinic then a house for ex-cons, wait that is what he said about CJ Stewart foundation to the neighbors in Madison. Boy he uses the same MO.
Will is going to have every OH closed. How long will that take? I am wanting to know.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, 3:03. These things are all over the coast and there were already four in 39211 when the stink started. They were working for the residents and neighbors alike without a single complaint or police report. Now it's the right thing to get rid of them? All of them, or just the one that happened to be too close to the wrong people?

Anonymous said...

3:06 you win the day

Anonymous said...

To the people saying Phil is only helping the high and mighty "rich" people by pulling his weight against the Oxford House like poster at 11:25 says, you obviously dont have a clue as to who Mrs. Anna is related to. Maybe some of the bleeding hearts should do some research.

Anonymous said...

I am a recovering alcoholic. I do support Oxford House and live in the community. Address is 4408 Forest Park Dr. Never called anyone a backwards hick.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Governor Bryant and future Governor Longwitz. I'm grateful that you were able to right this wrong that was so blatantly allowed by your predecessors when they approved and signed the MDMH budgets for 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Those idiots could have stopped Oxford House before it ever started. Thank goodness you two are here to clean up the mess.

Anonymous said...


You forgot

Group D: Christianity!

Anonymous said...

The least Neal Stephens could do is give all the OH residents free DORE flimflam exercises. DORE cures the common cold, it easily should cure addictions.

Anonymous said...

They were working for the residents and neighbors alike without a single complaint or police report.

How do you know?

Anonymous said...

Because I lived there

Anonymous said...

Unregulated use of our tax money to make Anna and Neal wealthy and a little more entitled is not a good plan.

Anonymous said...

This is Federal not State appropriated money, but administered by MDMH. Your sarcasm has no foundation.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't give one hoot about OH. But I bet there isn't one business owner on this blog that agrees the governor is correct in this position. I am a business owner in Madison county and this floors me. There isn't one piece of evidence showing OH is unlawful. Distasteful to some? Obviously. But unlawful, it's not. Please keep the political hacks just looking to score points with wackos with an agenda out of businesses they know nothing about. Otherwise, next time, they'll come for you.

Anonymous said...

You lived in the all the OHs simultaneously? LOL

Anonymous said...

Time to start writing the Governor. Complaining on here does nothing. Signed an Oxford House supporter who lives in Mississippi

Anonymous said...

4:32, last time I checked filling out a fraudulent loan app is a crime. Has been done at least twice that we know of. Lawful business, my foot. This is a scam of epic proportions. Other states have driven OH out. Time we did as well.

Anonymous said...

2:17 -- might want to start reviewing that little DePaul University study that you all have touted for years an have used as the backbone of your "SUCCESS AND EVIDENCED BASED MODEL" --- there's more to your pyramid scheme along with that university, than meets the eye, and we're working on that one next.

OH -- we're digging into every corner you have -- and it's amazing what we're finding. Corruption at it's worst -- ignorance at best.

Anonymous said...

OH had a good turnout today in Meridian at the Mental Health Board meeting. They brought in all the dogs and cats (COO, Regional Director, MDMH support group and numerous "testimonials")- weeping (actual tears out of a number of them), wailing, gnashing of teeth. Something between a cheerleader camp and a tent revival. Emotion based appeal and not a bit of substance. Ernest Angley could not have put on a better show.

Jerri Avery is still claiming 5 bedrooms - the dining room is a bedroom - the kitchen pantry is a bedroom...just missing that closet thingy - no worries just bring in a Walmart cardboard wardrobe - problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I could only hope that Anna is charged in the fraudulent loan application.
Maybe that would slow down her arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the IRS should check into Anna's LLC.

Anonymous said...

5:14, that's why there's not one attorney worth a damn willing to file anything or an agency willing to take your theory to court. These whiners have likely asked attorneys to take the case. The only lawyer to take it, is trying to make political hay where he knew he couldn't succeed in the merits.

Anonymous said...

5:14 - you miss the obvious - federal and state law enforcement will take this over - it is fraud and using public money to commit the faud. Will not happen tomorrow, but the wheels of justice do turn however slowly.

Anonymous said...

Goodness. Lot of sh*t stirring going on here. The jackassery is in full swing by the three or so people wanting OH shut down. Shame the best you can do is lie continuously.

Fraudulent Posters Abound said...

This is a hoot. Refer back to 3:06's post and self identify if you have the balls.

Anonymous said...

@5:47 that should be Doctor Jerri Avery to you. Fact is that I attended the board meeting in support of recovery. It was not a court room. Those "whining people" shared personal stories on the success of Oxford Houses and the impact that it had in their lives. Their success is exactly what this is about!

The one thing you are still missing is that people in recovery have rights. They are citizens of our state and they can live right next to you just like anyone else rather it's through Oxford House or by themselves.

Anonymous said...

JJ won't post my comments. Typical

Anonymous said...

6:39, 6:09, and 4:32 - I realize you OH Outreach Reps have been directed to respond on JJ, but you really need to get back to recruiting in the local jails and prisons as your boss Lori stated in her monthly reports. By the way, how are the 3 guys sentenced - yep SENTENCED to OH doing in Biloxi, or wherever you have moved them now? Again Lori told us all about it in her monthly reports.

Anonymous said...

6:39 -- YOU WISH :) How's the weather in Maryland?

Anonymous said...

First of all that should be Doctor Jerri Avery to you. I guess I could be called one of the cheerleaders in the camp as I did attend in support of recovery. Third, it was a board meeting, not a court room so the board should hear personal testimony and success stories from the individuals that have lived in Oxford Houses and yes their were tears because they were greatful!

Maybe a better use of the Senators time would be spent going back to school so he can count the 5 bedrooms that are in the house

Anonymous said...

The jackassery is in full swing by the three or so people wanting OH shut down.

And the pro-OH spin keeps getting barfed up here by 1, maybe 2 people.

Anonymous said...

Their success is exactly what this is about!

Actually, no, it is not.

Anonymous said...

6:59 -- You have no clue who you are responding to, or you'd be embarrassed. Trust me -- I know this person, and YOU WOULD BE EMBARRASSED.

Being from Maryland, well give you lesson 101 -- you NEVER know to whom you are talking or responding to, and more impotently all the people they are talking to……. in the South, in Mississippi, in Jackson…….and in DC. It's a really small world here in this state. You all made a POOR choice to come here uninvited.

Yep -- "Doctor" with a Ph.D. from JSU……nuff said. That's one step up from University of Phoenix but below DeVry.

Also -- by themselves is just fine -- it's when you use FEDERAL money to subsidize my neighborhood, and your poor choices, that we all get involved. Cramming 7 people into a 3 bedroom house using Federal tax dollars is where we have a problem….and don't start the "IT'S 5 BEDROOMS" --- we already know this house, we live in this neighborhood, and the listing or appraisal would tell the tale. FOLLOW THE MONEY! It has nothing to do with "their success" but more to do with feathering the financial nest of a Maryland company through two greedy little arrogant punks here in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

@732 that sounded like a threat. Are you threatening me?

Anonymous said...

This blog is bought and paid for by Senator Lonwitz. $2400 worth of protection. So just think of how many people are posting and Kingfish won't publish. Nice.

Tyler Avery said...

All: my family has dealt with addiction, we have dealt with how to handle people after treatment and we have dealt with relapse. None of this is easy, none of it can be decided in a letter or a post from anyone. This is as personal as it gets. Dr. Avery is and always has been an advocate for those that are in or should be in rehab or recovery. She is a tremendous woman who fights for her beliefs. When has it become okay to spew such anger on someone for standing for what they believe? She is in her position to exercise the options she sees fit to help those with mental/addiction issues. Without every single fact, none of us can possibly understand what into this decision making. What I can promise you is that there is not a malicious bone in this woman's body as a mother, a professional or an advocate. To assume there is anything but 3 sides to this story is to ignore logic. There is always side a, side b and the truth. I urge everyone to take a deep breath and see what happens. I promise that a post here or a letter from the governor will not change this outcome, there is plenty more to come. The people are not bad, the process is almost always.
Feel free to attack me. My name is Tyler Avery and you can reach me at 601-813-8438.

Kingfish said...

Ok, little liar. What you left out was his opponent bought advertising as well.

I haven't approved your comment because you keep accusing two people of doing things that without any evidence, are libelous.

Don't like it, provide some evidence. Cellphone camera video is great for these purposes.

Don't bother replying and trying to debate this comment because I am not going to approve the libel. Show some proof and it will get posted.

Anonymous said...

732 the only thing that I am embarrassed about is being from a state that is treating it's recovering communitiy in this manner.

Anonymous said...

7:32 what a typical racist; bigoted remark from the jackassery team. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Phil and Will - Thank you for being two politicians in MS that actually respond to your constituents concerns and do not run and hide when a controversy arises. Thank you for your leadership. Yes folks, they have gained a huge amount of votes by taking a stand and doing what is right. They did not do what happens so often - wait and see which way the wind blows. And yes we vote - went to vote 6 times last year (Jackson mayor race, mayor runoff, Republican primary, Republican run off, Ward 1 election, Ward 1 runoff) did I miss any??

OH has succeeded in many places around the country in taking away the rights of communities. The average homeowner has no protection - no high paid Maryland/Beltway lawyers to help them, no activist group made up of left wing bleeding hearts - no one but their elected representative. And they usually run and hide.

And KF - outstanding job. Your blog has done more to inform Jackson residents and those that live in the area than the local TV news and Clarion Ledger combined. Hoooah.

Anonymous said...

I hope national news doesn't see the evidence of Mississippi's bigotry and hatred the rich white folks have here. Pray this idiot blog spot isn't seen. I've never heard such idiotic things that are being posted on here. Anyone doing proper research can clearly see for them selves the facts. I can see the headlines now about how backwards we are still.

Anonymous said...

So why are you here 8:38 PM?

Anonymous said...

Read the letter. The Governor made two requests to Mental Health - stop bankrolling Oxford House recruiters and review whether the agreements complied with state laws. He also commented that these government-funded Oxford House recruiters shouldn't be spending their time and Mental Health's money on try to create a jail-to-Oxford House pipeline. Those seem like reasonable positions.

Anonymous said...

All this talk by people wanting to stop OH. Try putting your money where your mouth is. Hire a lawyer to enjoin OH from doing what they are doing. I'd love to be on the front row seeing you get laughed out of court. Just like people who understand the law on this site are laughing at your silly blathering. Nothing but foolish talk.

Anonymous said...

8:38 - I think you have confused where you are need to be on the Andre Kennedy, Guttalife, and RNA stories posting your support for them. This is the OH comments section where only in your words "bigotry and hatred the rich white folks" post.

Mint Julep anyone?

Robert P. Wise said...

Thank you Governor Bryant for your well considered letter. I hope MDMH will implement your policies.

Thank you also to our representatives and neighbors who made such informed presentations for us today in Meridian: Senator Will Longwitz, Councilman Ashby Foote, attorney Rick Davis, and neighbor Cassie Smith. All of our presenters I felt were thoughtful, factual and not afraid to address very difficult issues head on but in a very professional manner.
There are competing interests and asserted rights that are in conflict, but through our government processes must be resolved. Again I thank our presenters for doing such a professional job in presenting our position.

Anonymous said...

Those arguing that OH has broken the law are the same people who argue against vaccinations with medical doctors. Long on personal feelings, short on evidence.

Anonymous said...

7:32 HERE -- BOY did I hit a nerve. The vitriol and immediate response alerts us that the OH people are concerned that we all know their agenda, and we're not following the standard zoning protest fight, etc., which they know how to fight and have done successfully. This is unchartered water for them.

The tried and true "racist", "bigoted", etc. verbiage is being thrown out as usual…….what they CANNOT understand is that none of those words matter in the least to us anymore -- overused, abused, and ineffective. Sadly, those words should have HUGE meaning, but the standard group has so dumbed them down, they mean nothing.

Sorry -- take those arrows from your quiver.

In addition Mr. Avery -- "Dr." Avery has an agenda which is her job and profession. When she chose a side, stormed from meetings when asked legitimate questions, and used her position in overseeing federal tax dollars, without concern for the entire community, she opened herself up for criticism. This is not a dictatorship where she is allowed to make all the decisions for all of us --- she fails to remember she works for the taxpayers of Mississippi -- we do not work for her. I believe the governor reminded her today of that fact. It is also our "right" to fight for our "beliefs".

Are you related to her?

Anonymous said...

And the Governors response was based on falsified information and as he himself has a reentry initiative it seems a little off base. Time for MS to educate the Governor rather than 1 biased Senator. FYI citizens released from jails and prisons have the same rights as you and I as they have already served their time.

Anonymous said...

9:36, there is plenty of evidence, laid out meticulously in each of Senator Will Longwitz's letters to MDMH. It sounds like you haven't read them and the evidence that is attached to each of them. I'd encourage you to go to and take the time to read it through.

To those claiming that the house is 5 bedrooms (mostly OH employees, by the tone), since when does a loan app for a house say that 3 grown men can live in a dining room, and that counts as an extra bedroom? And how can a tiny pantry off a kitchen, barely big enough to shoehorn a twin bed into, count as a bedroom? By those standards, I live in a 10 bedroom house. This was a fraudulent loan app. You know it, we know it. Now OH knows we all know it and is trying mighty hard to cover it up. Won't work.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Avery.

Anonymous said...

9:50 -- Untrue -- sexual offenders must register and neighbors have to be alerted, and if you are on parole, you are required to report to a parole officer (drug arrest, etc.). Nope -- they don't necessarily have the same rights as everyone else.

Also, I'm certain you WISH Governor Bryant had erroneous information. Do you really believe he wrote the letter, based on one person's input? Mississippi has educated the governor --- you and your ilk just don't like the facts and information he received. NOTHING comes out of a politicians office, unless it is vetted fully, and I feel certain the Governor validated everything in his letter, before he wrote it.

Anonymous said...

9:55 -- His mama, Dr. Jerri Avery, wrote it for him. It's past his bedtime….he'll get your note in the morning.

Anonymous said...

7 men living in a 3 bedroom, 1800 square foot house?? Three of them in a living room?? Who really thinks that sounds like a good thing. I'm all for recovery, but come on... Looks like the only winner in that arrangement is the landlord...

Anonymous said...

Phil Bryant can support reentry initiatives without supporting Oxford House's unilateral decision to use its government-funded recruiters to create an unmonitored reentry program.

Has anyone asked Will Longwitz's opponent, Bill Billingsley, where he stands on Oxford House? Hard to imagine a TEA Party McDaniels supporter would want a state agency to take federal money to prop up a private company like Oxford House.

And what does Bill Denny think?

Anonymous said...

To say that addiction is a disease is a slap in the face to anyone who is dying of cancer. It makes me sick to hear people who have chosen to abuse substance say that they have a disease that they have had since birth.

Hold On Here Henry said...

What? She actually stormed out of a meeting when asked questions? And she claims the seasoned maturity and intellect of an educated professional with a doctorate? Surely you must be confused. And you made that up, right? Plus you're a racist, right?

Anonymous said...

FYI citizens released from jails and prisons have the same rights as you and I as they have already served their time.

There you go again. Actually, depending on their crime, no they don't.

Anonymous said...

5:09am. I'm in recovery and I have cancer. It's not a slap in the face to someone with cancer. Both required long hard battles to over come and both can kill you. The way people are talking on here hurt my spirit more than either one ever has. One can battle addiction and one can battle cancer but battling ignorance and hate is far more draining.

Anonymous said...

11:08 -- Bill is asleep -- has been the entire time. We called and woke him up, and he pleaded no idea what was going on, but he'd LOOK INTO IT. Time for a rethink on who our rep is……….

Anonymous said...

1) this is not an anti- rehab issue.
2) we all have rights- turns out that some of them are regulated as non existent when certain crimes are committed.
3) Your rights don't trump mine or anyone else's. Welcome to America.
4) Coming to Mississippi screaming " we'll do whatever we want to and you must submit to our will" wasn't the best idea.
5) The NEJ crowd doesn't play.
6) I really hope your overlords at OH do some soul searching because as long as we're screaming about morality, all I seem to see is pure selfishness cloaked in altruism.
7). Don't try to tell us what Christianity is or what it isn't. Most of us grew up hearing about it in the walls of a church and according to stats, you can't 'out religion' us.
8) WWJD? I seem to remember that JESUS had no problem calling out the merchants in the temple that OH seems to resemble.

Anonymous said...

The medical expert at 5:09 has spoken. No longer should the experts who have studied the disease for decades have their findings followed. 5:09 doesn't believe it, so it cannot be. As it naturally follows, the other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, depression and the hosts of others, equally recognized by medicine, shall be dismissed. If you smoke, your cancer doesn't count either. If you have type 2 diabetes, your illness doesn't count either. If you spent time in the sun, your melanoma is no longer recognized. If you live in an allergenic environment, sorry, asthma is out, too.

5:09, you are the biggest imbecile in the 99 comments on this tread.

Anonymous said...

So if an atty and politician writes a letter it is always 100% correct ? Gee I need to make some phone calls and get somethings made true ! It really doesn't matter what governor thinks or any of the other people yelling from their soapbox. Federal government will get involved and the state can't win that right (black student admission to Ole Miss). You can't discriminate against a protected citizen class. The legal drinking age is 21 vs 18 that it used to be. Why he federal govt threatened to pull hwy funding.

Anonymous said...

It is neither ignorance nor hate to point out the established fact that crowding 7 men with big problems into a 1800 sq.ft. house built with 3 bedrooms, just across from a house with children is wrong. How can your spirit live with that?
Also, it is just a fact that OH has created new OHs without filling the prior house, emphasizing growth of houses over reaching their required 6 per house. When we point out their own guidelines are being ignored by MDMH, they and OH retreat to the position that their guidelines really have no meaning. The only thing that has meaning for them is to create facts on the ground as Their outreach worker said so OH can "explode" across Mississippi.
It is not hateful either to point out that OH applicants lied in their Federal grant application, meaning OH should revoke the conditional charter for that house.

Anonymous said...

What OH and the MDMH Staff really want is tyranny over us. We will not enable them.

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Happy Friday! Anyone read the fair reporting in the clarion ledger and Washington posts? Long time till September voting. What will Will think of next? Can't wait to see how y'all think Maryland did that. Reckon they have undercover reporters at the papers?

Anonymous said...

A quick real estate appraiser could walk in that house and tell us very quickly if it has 5 bedrooms. Matter of fact, the house was appraised at the point of sale to Anna Stephens. Wonder what that appraisal says? Wonder what her loan for the house says - five bedrooms? And if an appraisal was done today - what would it say? Curious minds would love to know.....

Anonymous said...

So no one has ever converted rooms to other rooms? The FACT that it has 5 bedrooms (each with a door and window) doesn't seem to phase y'all. You keep regurgitating the same old non facts. And as far as the hateful part that is directed to those that continue spout garbage such as "mentally ill bipolar killers that want to get away from being untreated" really?

Anonymous said...

Yes, OH is "evidence based" as long as the program is run with fidelity. OH does not get a free pass to run the program any way they like and still claim to be "evidence based". The program in Mississippi is not being run in keeping with the the "evidence based" practices. OH states that the therapeutic value is only reached with a minimum of 7-8 residents. Most houses in MS do not meet that threshold. The housing statistics are readily available from DMH. Houses continue to open when existing ones have not reached the level of required residents. It is unfortunate that the people in recovery in Mississippi are not being offered programs that are being run with fidelity so that they can have the best opportunity to recover. Why is our mental health community supporting a program that is more interested in quantity over quality? Please ask the DMH what quality assurance measures they had in place prior to this issue gaining visibility. There has been too much reliance on OH being "evidence based" and not enough emphasis placed on running the program with fidelity. You cannot separate the two.

Anonymous said...

5:09. I have been sober over 20 years. I can't remember the last time someone raised their eyebrows at that in judgement. Now, had just stolen my granny's savings for drug money, well that's something different.

In my long standing friendships with people having long and short term sobriety, I can't think of many whose "spirit is so damaged " by other people's opinions. We tend to do our own damage to our spirits. In my experience, addicts don't seem to be motivated by people's words or opinions.
I suggest alanon.

For the record, I don't want an overcrowded boarding house next door to me. I would have rented condo in a cool city instead of investing in a home to raise a family.

Anonymous said...

8:57 - you are correct in one regard -- the Federal Government will be involved if it isn't already. All else you outlined is a non-issue to all of us.

Anonymous said...

What about the beautiful young chidren across from OH and their concerned parents. Who is looking out for their rights? Answer: Our Governor, our Senator and our Coucilman, all of whom made their position clear yesterday to the MDMH Staff and MDMH Board. The MDMH Staff and the Board is making a big mistake if they ignore them, or allow OH to run rough shod over the State to "explode" across Mississippi. Or if they allow the Staff to join in the misrepresentation of a 3 bedroom house (see the HC assessor's notes) as "in fact" a 5 bedroom house.

Anonymous said...

May 22, 2015 at 7:51 AM = The Anonymous Battler battling all that is anonymous in this anonymous world

Anonymous said...

@8:51 AM, all those maladies are easily treatable with a round of DORE flimflam.

Anonymous said...

9:47 -- I am in total support of what you have outlined. More importantly -- their university partner (DePaul), which they tout on their website and elsewhere as an "INDEPENDENT" study, has more conflicts of interest in their "findings" about OH, than you can count! It was an "ECHO CHAMBER" report -- first the results, then create some findings.

Anonymous said...

Long time till September voting.

Tell us Einstein @ May 22, 2015 at 9:36 AM, WHO is VOTING in September?

Put your stupid hat back on and then respond back with some other totally ignorant drivel.

Anonymous said...

On an appraisal - if you don't have a closet -- it isn't a bedroom. CLOSET COUNT PLEASE!!!!


Anonymous said...

10:57 -- just ignore 9:36 -- that's just OH people, worried about their end of year funding. Fiscal year runs out on 9/30 -- my guess is that's their "voting" worry. OR……..might be someone working there who's brain cells are burned out…….HMMMM.

Starting Point said...

Nobody is opposed to rehab. Nobody is opposed to second chances. Nobody is opposed to people getting their shit together.

Please stop with the talking points that indicate people are any of those three.

Anonymous said...

Dear DMH,

The neighbors drive past these houses every day, seven days a week. This is not a 9-5, Monday through Friday issue for us. This is an everyday issue that takes no holidays. It is not going away after one board meeting. Do not think that you can take no action to improve this program and people will forget about this issue. Until you come to the table to work with the community to provide a spectrum of sound programs that work and are responsible, you will continue to hear from concerned citizens.

Anonymous said...

State agency to stop funds for new Oxford House homes

Anonymous said...

Well said 4:30. It bears repeating to the Staff of MDMH:

"Until you come to the table to work with the community to provide a spectrum of sound programs that work and are responsible, you will continue to hear from concerned citizens."

Also, I would add, to the MDMH Staff:

We will be vigilant in the safeguard our rights of free speech and assembly.

Anonymous said...

"So no one has ever converted rooms to other rooms? The FACT that it has 5 bedrooms (each with a door and window) doesn't seem to phase y'all. You keep regurgitating the same old non facts. And as far as the hateful part that is directed to those that continue spout garbage such as "mentally ill bipolar killers that want to get away from being untreated" really?"
May 22, 2015 at 9:45 AM

I understand that you're doing your best at your "job", dear. I'm guessing that you're an Oxford House resident, and that blogging is the "job" you got. We've been told that all of you fellas get "jobs".

So, may I offer you a tip or two? Next time you say 'phase', please stop to consider that there's another word,'faze', which might be the word you're after.

Then there's the following non-sentence: "And as far as the hateful part that is directed to those that continue spout garbage such as "mentally ill bipolar killers that want to get away from being untreated" really?" ".

That sentence (or non-sentence, or whatever it's supposed to be) is such a trainwreck, it's TOTALLY BEYOND REDEMPTION. I certainly hope that such writing is not indicative of your mental state and future prospects. But I fear this may be the case.

And to expand upon another poster's reminder that closets are necessary components of properly-designated bedrooms, I feel it necessary to state that the utility room off the carport does NOT count as a bedroom closet. The linen closets opening off the hall do not count as bedroom closets, nor does the coat closet beside the living room door.

Bedroom closets and their apertures must be CONTIGUOUS WITH bedrooms.

Anonymous said...

5:26 Get a life.

Anonymous said...

8:37 -- you're getting rowdy up there in Maryland tonight.

Anonymous said...

I was about to say. Living around 5:26 would drive anyone to drink.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if OH did as good a job recruiting from jail as it does trolling JJ, Facebook, and Nextdoor they might have succeeded. Thank you Gov. Bryant, Sen. Longwitz and all the others that had the courage to stand up to a farce. You have not only my vote and my support, but I will actively promote you.

@11:25 Clearly, you are OH employed "Let's take all the good programs away?" You think renting houses that don't meet OH's own criteria (size, # bedrooms, distance from public transit), over-filling them with people recruited from jails and offering absolutely NO SERVICE other than a handbook is a "good program"? That's ludicrous. The money needs to be sent on programs that actually offer services, not just collet rent from those trying to rehab with no support, counseling, or guidance. If OH isn't making money on the existing houses (no one recruiting new renters) they will drop MS like a hot potato. They want the dollars, nothing in their plans points to anything other than making a profit. I hope someone forces them to disclose every penny they bring in and proves it's all about sucking money from the taxpayers.

@12:56 *also *similar *downright
@12:56 Yea, I am totally confident these existing renters are going to donate to OH to fund more houses.
@12:58 Exactly
@1:22 Then OH was failing at that, also, as their monthly reports showed them desperately trying to get into the jails to recruit.
@2:38 - Wait - how is that different than the OH plan? It's a flophouse with high rent.
@3:01 - Per OH's website the required "treatment" required to qualify to move into OH is (drumroll) none. Seriously, it's on their website. "Ideally" they get 28 days, but 1 -3 days is ok, and actually none is required.
@6:39 Add at least 3 0's and multiply it a few time. You clearly have no idea.
@7:13 Lol. At least you finally got posted.
@10:34 As no one is responsible for the residents (other than their own honor code) how do you know sexual offenders are registering? I have 20 years experience in this area and can assure you that the vast majority don't register unless someone is making them.
@9:36 am Hello! Glad to find another true-blue believer in the CL. They ONLY report from a fair, objective position. Bless them.
@5:26 Drinks soon? I think we'd have a great time.

Anonymous said...

@12:56 lol @10:10 aka me *spent *collect *times We may disagree, but at least we are equally passionate and equally unable to see our own mistakes #proofingisavirtue

Anonymous said...

I want to share three things.
1) The Mississippi State Department of Mental Health responded to Senator Longwitz with a thorough review of all of his concerns. The letter to him is on the Dept. Of Mental Health Website. I would post a link to it, but I'm not sure how. You can search for their website. It's under "news and events." If you truly care about the facts, read the letter. Some of the posters on this blog don't really care about the facts. It appears to be all about emotion and "Not in MY Backyard!"

2) Someone posted a link to the letter on Senator Longwitz's Facebook page. The Senator quickly deleted the letter. Senator, if you represent THE PEOPLE, why would you not want the truth about both sides out there? It is strange that you wouldn't want to share the entire story on your website. Hmmm....maybe you aren't a senator of the people. Maybe you just represent a small affluent segment of our district that can financially support you.

3) Would the posters on this blog who support Oxford House please STOP posting here? The 5 emotional and irrational people who keep posting on this blog against Oxford House truly don't care about the truth. It's hard to argue with yourself. If you will stop posting, then they'll stop trying to argue.

It is hopeful that we can all rest and unite and spend our weekends focusing on honoring those who died in service to our country-a country that they fought to defend our rights as US citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I thank our God everyday that I live in a country with the freedoms to live and love everyone, regardless of our differences. Before you lay your head on your pillow tonight---both sides of this issue---read Matthew 25:40. The Bible will guide all of us on how we should be treating each other.

God speed!

Anonymous said...

Bill Denny won't go back in 19'. The only question is who can NE Jxn put up against the democrat that has already run once. Denny boxed out some young people this go 'round that could have immediately contributed in the legislature. Another question is whether or not NE Jxn will still be a Republican district in 2019. It is going to be close.

Anonymous said...

9:39 - stop bible thumping. It minimizes your argument.

The letter appears to have been written by OH attorneys for MDMH - just does not seem plausible the MDMH attorney had all these FACTS, SCIENCE, and LAW at his fingertips.

The Facts in the letter to Senator Longwitz are not supported by any documentation - should be titled Our Opinion. Not a single attached report to validate their "conclusions". And too late now to "suddenly" find an inspection sheet, report, etc., to support the numerous conclusions. When a Fact is declared it must be supported by more than "we say so".

The Science - They cite studies by year, but do not provide a single study name or reference. Peer reviewed study? Who did the study, OH or DePaul? DePaul uses OH to act as their field researchers - their words not mine.
Studies tend to support the position of those that pay for them. So who paid for these studies? What is their position on the OH model? What relationship does OH have with the study author and the funding organization?

The Law - an attempt by OH to intimidate ELECTED public officials and by extension anyone who questions how taxpayer money is spent. Pure and simple effort to quell free speech - common tactic of groups that cannot make their argument successfully to the average Joe/Jane. If we cannot convince you, we will threaten you with civil and criminal action.

If MDMH/OH is on such firm legal ground with regard to spending taxpayer money, then why did MDMH announce they will not fund any additional houses?

A tax supported state agency should be an independent objective oversight organization - not tied to a single company or group. OH appears to have entirely too much influence and power in the agency at present.

Anonymous said...

12:46 --- DITTO!! OH and DePaul are so embedded with each other on this "evidence based system" it stinks!!! I read extensively, and I can tell you that DePaul even gave office space to OH in the university offices, and helped support them financially and with the "study" (field workers from the very company you're supposedly reviewing, gathering information for a "blind" study??? -- GIve me a break!!!) ……… create a result then figure out how to create the "facts" to substantiate. Nothing about OH is credible. BIZARRE -- but the digging has only begun -- next MDMH -- what's the connection with all those people and OH --- I"m sure we'll unravel that thread soon. It should be interesting -- are we looking at another MDOC here?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Oxford House. Keep up the good work. Mississippi supports recovery. I know you are good people looking for a new life. You are welcome to put you next house in my neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

12:46. What other of life's realities do you ignore in your little wold? I mean, besides logic - we get that.

Anonymous said...

Have no idea who wrote the letter to the senator, but I think it's a great letter. Laid out the truths. Also think it's funny the great senator didn't want this letter out in the open. When you lie, lie, lie, the truth hurts! Try to hide it Longwitz, but it didn't work! Ha. Also agree that people who support Oxford houses shouldn't waste time on this site. To the person that called someone quoting scripture to not Bible thump-that says a lot about you. I'll see you tomorrow at church, but probably not.

Anonymous said...

1:53 -- Where in Maryland do you live, so they can move one beside you.

2:07 -- Please --- enjoy your Memorial Day weekend -- there must be plenty to do around DC. Also -- refute what he's said --- and also what 1:50 stated while you're at it -- we're waiting -- tell us about that DePaul study they're talking about --- I"m going to research link now.

Also -- you didn't answer any of 12:46's questions -- he or she had lots -- why are you not answering ----- who paid for all this "research", how was it completed, where, explain the office spaces they talked about at DePaul, who were the field researchers -- there are a lot of questions, and attacking personally which is what you did, without countering the arguments or answering the questions makes us think you OH people are even more corrupt than we've figure out already. We're waiting……………………………..

Anonymous said...

2:07 -- what's illogical about his/her arguments --- seems pretty realistic and logical to me. He/She laid out some solid questions and issues. All you did was personally attack.

Anonymous said...

1246. Longwitz's letter was considered by counsel for DMH and found completely lacking in facts, law and science. That's not the first time he's seen one of those, but perhaps is the first time for you. But keep saying the same thing over and over trying to get a different result. We will check back in to see how you're progressing soon.

Anonymous said...

2;40 -- Nope OH -- we'll be checking in SOON to see how you're doing……I think you'll have plenty up in Maryland to do soon.

Facts --- YOUR OH reports and website speak for themselves, Law -- we could care less about zoning, ADA, or FHA -- those are things you wish we'd pursue, and finally Science -- as mentioned above, I believe the studies are be flawed at best, and corrupt and illegal at worst.

People above are pointing out what some of us have already know.

Death by a thousand cuts OH -- that's what you're experiencing -- your pyramid scheme is going to be crushed. Better find another day job. This one was good while it lasted I guess.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:40 how did the DMH attorney's Facts, Law and Science work out with the DOJ? Right, MDMH ended up with one of the most comprehensive list of findings ever from the DOJ.

Please forgive me if I get my Facts, Law and Science elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

3:32 et. al. -- You sound as if you may need the services of the DMH soon. Of course DMH does not discriminate against the rich so you are always welcome. Maybe you could even live in an Oxford House if your rehab is successful. But since it seems as if you are plastered in the middle of the day and close to blowing a gasket, Oxford House is probably too good for you.

Funny, I wonder how many Eastover people are drinking or already drunk right now? The thought is staggering. I wonder how many of you will drink the whole holiday weekend? Again, the numbers would be disturbing. How many of you will drink and drive this weekend? Too many.

Nobody in any of the East Jackson Oxford Houses will be drinking and driving so be careful that you don't run over an OH resident on your way back to the Wine or Beer store. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

DMH is there for you if you need them.

Anonymous said...

3:32. Your entire argument is based on what you believe. Your beliefs, however, are irrelevant.

4:24. Please take your opinions, beliefs and (failed attempt to discredit) science to a court. It's the shortest way from point A to B in this case, but you and your wanna be lawyers know it's your demise.

And I'm a Jacksonian that's just sick of your bullying tactics against a business that helps people who are in need of help and against those people.

Anonymous said...

This is SCARY! A bit off topic, however, since Longwitz accused those living in OH's to be possible sex offenders, I looked it up.

There are 54 registered sex offenders living in a 3 mile radius of 2230 E. Northside Drive, NONE of whom live in any Oxford House. These are people that aren't monitored and for all we know have not been treated for their addiction. At least at OH, we know those are people who WANT to become better citizens.

Anonymous said...

@5:13. DMH and it's attorneys were discredited years ago and have been BEGGING not to go to court with the DOJ. You may want to go to court, but I can assure you that MDMH has been doing all it can for that not to happen. Why, because they are a broken organization that has failed the citizens of Mississippi and the US Governement would be happy to argue that in court.

Anonymous said...

@5:13 I thought OH was a nonprofit, not a business. Did you get your Facts from the DMH attorneys?

Anonymous said...

5:12 - why drag Eastover into this? The 39211 Oxford Houses are located in Ridgewood Park, Forest Park, Sherwood Forest, and Kimwood. Describing any of those places as Eastover is like describing any neighborhood near Old Agency Road as Bridgewater. Nonetheless, You make a fair point that people in OH arent supposed to drinking or drugging tonight, while nearby residents dont have those same restrictions.

Anonymous said...

If they had just initially said this was a business decision without trying to church the whole thing up, I don't think I would have read the OH information. After each of the self righteous insults to the neighbors concerns, I seem to read about them more. Out of all the things I have read, I see almost nothing about lives and progress of the renters. All I read about is the growth of the houses and the expanding the growth pool for more renters. ( also tons of prepared talking points for the always distressed neighborhoods)

It seems like the ONLY reason OH "cares" if a relaps occurs is THEY ARE NO LONGER A PROTECTED CLASS. That's all I could find of their concern.

That is how I saw it, over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Denny boxed out some young people this go 'round that could have immediately contributed in the legislature.

Name then or you comment is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

The only treatment with less evidence of success than the OH approach is the DORE hustle.

Anonymous said...

7:40 -- I apologize. You are correct. I meant to replace the Eastover with Leftover. Isn't that what it's called. But I am sorry for saying Eastover. But my statement stands for the neighborhoods around the Oxford Houses.

Anonymous said...

We did tell you about our success in OH. It was ignored or was said it was just someone from Maryland. You all do not want to hear about success. There were several video testimonies at the meeting. Senetor longwitz and ashby Foote didn't even bother to pay attention. I waited on Mr Foote that evening and he didn't even recognize me. So do not tell me they care one bit about the success stories.

Where Is Jane? said...

Pass me the joint. This whole thread has gotten crazy as hell.

Anonymous said...

The facts are that Oxford House is the most successful recovery model in the country or possibly the world. If you bother to really read about it and what it has done for people you would know this to be true. Early in the 20th Century AA took the recovery world by the horns and turned peoples lives around. Oxford House only takes that model a step further by instead of just meeting with each other they live with each other and form friendships and brotherhoods and sisterhoods that keep each other on track. I don't live in Maryland nor do I live in an Oxford House. But I know men and women who do. They are good people trying to reach their potential. I ask this . . . why not give them a year of peace and see if they are good neighbors before hating them.

Anonymous said...

@9:53 - if it was ONE house and if OH had been upfront and let people know the plan, maybe. But instead OH snuck in - and then aggressively announced plans to plant dozens more homes in residential neighborhoods as soon as they can get the pyramid scheme, ooops, I mean program funded. They have such a defensive attitude and have enough money to fly expensive lawyers and well paid officers down to defend their policies. Does this not make anyone think twice? Someone is rolling in the money and apparently cares nothing about the communities they invade or those in recovery they are taking advantage of. Go ahead, OH, we know you are posting here - so knock yourself out disagreeing. I've not talked to ONE real resident that thinks its a good idea. Only anonymous posters online.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Pass me the j. Tired of this

Anonymous said...

If only OH would compromise and not overcrowd the houses. But they will never offer any reasonable compromise. Also if they would quit operating by stealth, and provide notice, answer questions up front, and be honest, but they enjoy their arrogance and litigious threats too much to ever stop those games to just make their case on the front end until they already have every neighbor already pissed off. Paul Malloy, please reconsider your arrogant approaches and start making your case early on with more honesty.

Anonymous said...

You all don't get it. Part of the reason it works is because no one realizes they're any different. Do other neighbors who move in next to you have to announce their past mistakes before they can be approved by their uppity neighbors? Having more roommates allows greater accountability, plus it makes it easier to pay the rent and share household expenses. Lots of addicts try to go it alone, but the OH model has worked for thousands. You say you want to help them, but you really don't.

Anonymous said...

What is the status of the other OH on Northside? There is information circulating that DMH showed up and four of the residents were intoxicated.

Anonymous said...

"There are 54 registered sex offenders living in a 3 mile radius of 2230 E. Northside Drive, NONE of whom live in any Oxford House. "

alternate explanation: none of the convicted sex offenders living in an Oxford House in that 3 mile radius have bothered to register.

Knock yourself out - disprove that negative.

Anonymous said...

7:48 So that means they are no longer in a protected class? Evict 'em!

Anonymous said...

7:48 -- Great. Just what we need is someone posting more B#**S*#t online. That's the problem with this blog. Mostly gossip and rumor, no facts.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with this blog. Mostly gossip and rumor, no facts.

Misplaced that link to your blog where it is done right. Please re-post.

Kingfish said...

Oxford House supposedly sent a six-page letter to the state. If OH sends me the letter at, I will post it. Easier to do that than hiding behind anonymous names. ;-)

Anonymous said...

It's not called jackassery for nothing.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS