Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Travelers accuses Fraziers and others of "plundering" company for over $6 million

Traveler's Insurance Company recently filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Spencer Copeland, Sherry Frazier and others (Copy of complaint posted below.). Traveler's it is exposing the "efforts of certain family members to steal and convert assets of Frazier Construction" and funneling "stolen monies in and out of numerous bank accounts - including that of a sham construction company- to conceal and launder monies. The alleged conversion and money-laundering took place while Travelers paid over six million dollars to help Frazier Construction meet payroll and complete various construction projects bonded by Travelers. Frazier Construction agreed to pay Travelers for any losses suffered.

Frazier defaulted on several projects bonded by the insurance company in 2007. Travelers calculated damages to be $6.4 million and demanded Frazier Construction deposit the money or equivalent collateral with Travelers. No such payment was ever made so Travelers filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi in December 2008 against Frazier Construction and several family members who were directors seeking $6.4 million. Travelers obtained a default judgment against C.E. Construction and pursued action against Austin Frazier, a director and Secretary of the company. Mr. Frazier temporarily avoided Travelers efforts to nail him by filing chapter seven bankruptcy, which stopped the civil lawsuit against him in U.S. District Court.

Travelers said no problem, we have time, money, and lawyers to burn so presto, it filed a complaint against Mr. Frazier in bankruptcy court. Mr. Frazier claimed assets between one and ten million dollars and equivalent liabilities on the bankruptcy petition. Travelers stated the "debtor's financial statements were materially false and misleading" and "grossly overstated the value of Debtor's assets and grossly understated the extent of Debtor's liabilities." Translation: Mr. Frazier lied when obtaining bonds on construction projects how much he had and how much he owed in order to obtain credit from Travelers. Mr. Frazier consented to a $5 million judgment against him on August 3, 2010. The agreement states the judgment is non-dischargeable and Mr. Frazier also has to pay "future statutory interest". Traveler's can garnish up to 10% of Mr. Frazier's wages from any of his employers.

Traveler's did not stop with Mr. Frazier. It filed the current lawsuit on December 3, 2010 in U.S. District Court in Hattiesburg. The complaint is thirty-five pages and alleges money-laundering, theft, and RICO violations took place among various family members and other entities. The lawsuit minces no words. It accuses the defendants in the first paragraph of plundering, stealing, and converting assets of Frazier Construction and funneling money to avoid detection.

Travelers claims "after months of digging" it "discovered a stash of monies stolen from Frazier Construction and worse- a civil conspiracy to convert, conceal, launder, and spend those monies." It accuses the defendants of filing "false financial statements" so Travelers would bond projects without knowing the true state of the company's finances.

It accuses Austin and Claiborne Frazier of "secretly" working to backstab Travelers." Travelers claims "On the eve of Frazier Construction's implosion, Austin Frazier and his step-brother, Spencer Copeland, siphoned off a quarter-million dollars of Frazier Construction assets" (p. 6). "Austin Frazier, Claiborne Frazier, and Spencer Copeland moved Frazier Construction's heavy equipment up to their hunting camp in Belzoni, MS in an attempt to conceal its location from Travelers." Travelers claims Austin Frazier and Spencer Copeland sold the hidden equipment through South Lamar Truck & Trailer Sales for nearly $50,000 even though Travelers had a lien on the equipment.
Travelers alleges South Lamar claimed it had no files or record of said transactions even though it had written six checks to Frazier Construction or Spencer Copeland for the sale of said equipment.

The alleged misdeeds don't stop with selling equipment. Travelers claims Austin and Spencer diverted $275,000 in Frazier Construction checks into personal bank accounts. Claiborne and his wife Sherry allegedly "stole and converted" a $10,000 Frazier Construction check. Sherry Frazier is said to have lived her new-found wealth up, spending "some or all of the stolen monies at restaurants, bars, and stores" in Mississippi and Destin within a few days. Bank accounts were opened and phony companies were created so large sums of money could be laundered (p.10). Spencer Copeland even dragged his step-mother into the morass (p.11), writing a check for $76,599 to her and claiming it was for "Mothers Home Renovation". Travelers accuses Ms. Copeland of working in concert with her son by allowing him to deposit funds pulled from his accounts (allegedly used to hide money) into her bank account. Mr. Copeland repeatedly invoked the Fifth Amendment when deposed in Austin Frazier's bankruptcy.

The lawsuit charges the defendants with counts of conversion, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, Civil RICO, and Fraudulent Conveyance, . Travelers further charges them with a "pattern of racketeering activity: wire fraud, money laundering, and interstate transportation of stolen goods and monies. Travelers asked for damages "in excess of $75,000 exclusive of interest and costs" for conversion, $75,000 in damages for unjust enrichment, compensatory damages to be determined by the Court for RICO violations, attorney's fees, interest, and court costs. Traveler's also asks the court to void all fraudulent transfers.

Copy of Austin Frazier emails


Anonymous said...

Nan Copeland is Spencer's step mother, not blood mother. What a shame.

His step father, C.E. is one great guy, and is broke because of all of this, I understand.

Kingfish said...

complaint said mother. Several people have told me since I posted this its his stepmother.

Anonymous said...

This is some BAD shit. Will prison be in the cards?

Anonymous said...

I used to babysit Spencer when he was a baby. He was a sweet baby (as was his brother). Nan is his stepmother.

Anonymous said...

this is just the tip of the iceberg...there is enough out there to write a soap opera...keep digging KF

Kingfish said...

Then there is the American Insurance case but it was onlyu for $35,000 or so.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Ditto what 11:32 said about C.E. However, the apples fell about two orchards over when it comes to Claiborne and Austin. Both of those guys are pure sleaze in every respect.

Anonymous said...

There is so much more to all this. C.E. is Claiborne & Austin's father, no relation to Spencer.

Anonymous said...

you guys who are so adamant about C.E.'s innocence need to check your facts. he was just better at it than his sons

getcloseandpersonal said...

ahh, the beauty of posting anon. A bunch of cowards get to run peoples name through the mud and no one knows who they are. What high standards these people must have...

Anonymous said...

What happenned to the hot shit wife of his. Is that "Sherry"? She was one HOT babe.

Anonymous said...

Nan is Spencer's step mom...and Austin's birth mother.

And there are many many more layers to this story

Anonymous said...

This is all so hard to believe. Keep all of these people in your thoughts and prayers.

Kingfish said...

Ho hum

By the way, several comments have not made it on here because they have been potentially slanderous or defamatory. Stating someone committed criminal acts not discussed in the post and without any documentation will disappear. Calling someone a drunk or cokehead will get zapped as well. Some real good comments actually, just one sentence would spell doom for it.

getcloseandpersonal said...

thats the typical mississipian for you never missing an opportunity to talk shit about someone. dont you think the publication of this docket is enough, why must you people try and kick people why they are down...

Anonymous said...

This docket needs publication! Those people have ripped people off and taken advantage of innocent business people for years and the whole world needs to know!!! Kicking them when they are down is way too nice! They need PRISON and CELL MATES with STD's! :)

getcloseandpersonal said...

youve never ripped anyone off or taken advantage of innocent people????

Das Boopus said...

I never knew how much Spencer wanted to be like his step-brothers until I read the suit. Holy shit!! Be careful what you wish for. They will all be in prison before this is over.

Anonymous said...

KF, there's plenty more out there in the public domain on these people, lawsuits, divorces, etc... It's sickening when you start to discover what all. A good investigative reporter could easily...

Anonymous said...

our family is one of the many that has been hurt by the Frazier's fraud & injustice....its about time that justice is served. they have escaped reality for so long....and for the people who lay down with such dogs...they too will have fleas and consequences to pay.

Anonymous said...

our family is a victim of their fraud....we have sat back for years watching this family get away with their fraudulent ways. As for the others...."you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas"...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:45---You saying you have???

Anonymous said...

Spencer 's wife is atty

Anonymous said...

Anyone know when this will go to trial? Is it possible that Spencer and Mrs Copeland didn't know what all was going on?

Anonymous said...

9:40, yes it is very possible they didn't know how deep down rabbit hole the Fraizers were.
Even though Travelers complaint appears to be concrete, we will never know until both sides of the story are out.
Good luck Spence, you don't deserve to be brought down by these guys! We all know you're better than that!

Anonymous said...

Spence and none of the others are better than anything their being accused of. They are all very aware of what they've done.

Anonymous said...

9:40 and 10:31, read the complaint.

Anonymous said...

4:58, it’s not that simple. The complaint gives Travelers version of events. Travelers still has to prove their version in court, with evidence. Travelers got at least one thing wrong – Spencer and Ms. Copeland did not own any part of Frazier Construction. Makes me wonder how and why Spencer & Mrs. Copeland would “plunder” a company that they didn’t own. In court, Travelers will have to show what Spencer did, and what Austin & Claiborne did, and who actually used that money. It’s certainly possible that Austin & Claiborne used and de-frauded their mom and step-brother, the same way Austin & Claiborne have (allegedly) defrauded some close friends. You have to be close to someone to stab them in the back.

What’s interesting here is that Travelers is not suing Austin & Claiborne – instead, they are going after any money that the mom & step-brother may have. If Traveler’s wins, does that punish the real wrong-doers here?

Kingfish said...

They've already gone after Austin. Five million dollar judgment against him and a garnishment in place for 10% of his wages. Pay attention. ;-)

You are right about the omission of Claiborne as a defendant. I wondered about that because the complaint discussed his role. Thought: Was he clever and had his brother signing everything? No idea, just a thought. Problem with the Copelands is they are in it whether they were tricked or not. If I were them, I'd probably run to a lawyer and then probably run to the cops and charge these guys with something if possible.More expert minds than mine will tell me on here why that is a bad idea. I'm just thinking out loud right now.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that anyone would "doubt" that any of these folks were not aware of their wrongdoing... The mother in this case has enabled her "baby boys" every freaking step of the way! Not only have they been living large for too long, they have been doing it at the costs of others for years without any consequences. Let justice roll!

Anonymous said...

Claiborne has not yet been discharged from bankruptcy...that is probably why he wasn't named as a defendant

Anonymous said...

'fish...Mrs. Copeland is not going to run to the cops because Austin (& Claiborne) Frazier is her son. And Spencer probably won't either....he grew up with these guys as a brother (closer than typical step-brothers are).

Anonymous said...

Claiborne and Austin were both " golden boys" in every way. So golden that some family members couldn't/wouldn't believe that they had problems and those problems could bring the family down.
I suspect there were elaborate stories about " saving" the business and excuses for what went wrong that those who loved them desperately wanted to believe.
There's a sadness in seeing people who had everything going for them squander their good fortune, but it doesn't excuse hurting so many others in the wake.
It's an American tragedy...placing more value on the things money can buy rather than that which can't be bought.

KaptKangaroo said...


You and I have discussed the shame in next generations taking advantage of wealth they expect is theirs without regards for the responsibility that comes with it.

If the facts are anywhere near truth these folks are irresponsible at a minimum and criminal at best. Yet another shameful example MS wealth gone to greed.

upcloseandpersonal said...

Hats off to you KF you seem to be the only one reporting this story... and no i do not take advantage of innocent people just trying to have people realize this has become day to day practice for businesses these days. All of these loans or bonds came during the housing and building boom. I since a little bit of greed from travelers trying to right there mistakes of lending or bonding a company who couldnt get anything anywhere else. greed is worse than addiction

Anonymous said...

For years, the Fraziers (C.E., Claiborne, and Austin) have been living large off of many victims such as friends, subcontractors, architects, clients, banks, and others too numerous to name. In the process, they have squandered millions of dollars that were not theirs in an effort to promote or picture themselves in a light as one of Jackson's elite families. It is a shame that they have ruined their ancestors good name but soon I think justice will be served for them. What is most deplorable is that Claiborne and Austin have continued to portray that image despite having filed bankruptcy and listing very few assets in their bankruptcy pleadings compared to their liabilities. This lawsuit gives some insight into how this might be possible. As a victim of some of their scams, I can attest that one motto for the Frazier family might be "Win at all costs"!! "Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive!!!"

Anonymous said...

The only thing worse than the sham of a life these two boys lived (still live) is if the stepbrother did indeed sell his soul to join them, knowing full well that it was all a farce

Anonymous said...

You must not know Spencer...he is not like his stepbrothers.

Anonymous said...

KK @ 9:09: "The Magnificent Ambersons" is as accurate a book (and film) now as it was back then. Watching spoiled brats defile an ancestor's good name is not something new, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, the company was founded by Claiborne and Austin's grandfather, C.E., Sr. There's a saying related to family businesses that, paraphrased, goes something like the first generation(C.E., Sr.) builds it, the second generation (C.E., Jr.) reaps the profits, and the third (Claiborne and Austin) bleeds it dry.

ilbh said...

That is very sinilar to "Shirt sleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations" which has been used to describe some large farmers in the Delta.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Travelers has the red ass. Only asking for $150k in claim plus expenses, plus giving hell in a trial. RICO I would assume, would kick in for the whole amount of claims including original $5MM default judgement? Treble damages??? Asking not stating???

Anonymous said...

I know Sherry Frazier personally and I know she had no idea. If anyone has been duped, she has.

Anonymous said...

Nan? Nice lady. She would be duped number 2. Known her for 20 years.

Kingfish said...

People always think of corporate America is ready to settle lawsuits. What people sometimes forget is when Corporate America gets mad, it has the time, money, and resources to make your life hell and that is what they are doing. They found out how much time and effort went into "allegedly" defrauding Tr and is now going after everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

Sherry Frazier is probably one of the nicest girls I know. She unfortuantly got involved with a man that led her to believe things were not as they seem. I haven't seen her and Claiborne in a long time but I know she would never do anything illegal. I agree, she has most likely been duped.

Anonymous said...

For those who truly believe that Sherry Frazier & Nan Copeland have been duped need to wake up! You are either extremely naive, or you don't know the people who have lost so much "but for" the Frazier's. I think you need to check both the character and veracity of Sherry & Nan. It would seem that you are the one who has been duped. Have you not been paying attention?

Anonymous said...

I also personally know Sherry Frazier and can honestly tell you she was not aware of these alledged activities. No one is immune to being duped especially when it comes from your own household.

Anonymous said...

@7:23, you apparently haven't looked at all the legal documents that are in the public domain! You are correct in that one can be duped when it comes from your own family, but let's be real... Lies, Lies, Lies & more damn Lies!

Anonymous said...

The biggest joke of this article and complaint is "Sherry Frazier's new found wealth" Ive known Sherry for over 10 years and she is one hardest workers I've ever known. I know for a fact when Claiborne didn't have a dime, Sherry worked and supported him. All I can say is I hope he is man enough to stand by her and support her with the mess he's now got her in. Sherry's only fault is being to trustworthy of a man she believed in. There is no way Sherry ever knew or could of possibly known something illegal was going on. If I was committing fraud, I guarantee the last person that would know would be my wife.

Anonymous said...

If Sherry didn't know then it can only be because she choose to not know. Claiborne was already in bankruptcy when they got married. Claiborne's address for notices was Sherry's moms house...where they were living since Claiborne had no house and Sherry left her husband and child back at hers. The notices of suits and frauds all came to her mom's house. It took willing suspension of disbelief to not know what was being claimed. Not to mention that when your bankrupt husband shows up with a check to his bankrupt company and puts the money in your account...how can you not realize that there is something fishy about that?

Anonymous said...

As I understand it and know for a fact, the check she cashed for her husband, was made out to him not his bankruptcy. You obviously have a personal issue with the Frazier;s but you shouldn't bring Sherry into their mess. She is a victim just as much as anybody else is.

Anonymous said...

Bankrupt husband deposits a $10k check from his bankruipt company into your personal account and then we get a spending spree. It's easy money and people think they can get away with it because they've done it before or they see that others have done it. What does this say about our society? About who we are? Who we have become? Wake up, folks. This is some real shit with real consequences.

Anonymous said...

On March 13,2009, Sherry Frazier and Claibome Frazier deposited a check in the amount of $10,000 from Fred Gray to Frazier Construction for the sale of that
certain heavy equipment of Frazier Construction, on which Travelers had a lien, into Sherry Frazier's personal bank account at Trustrnark Bank to conceal the
location and ownership ofthese proceeds from Travelers;

Anonymous said...

how on earth can sherry and nan be guilty?? they are fraziers and aren't fraziers above the law?

Anonymous said...

@8:18 it's laughable to say that just because someone is stating the truth that they must have some sort of personal vendetta against Sherry, Nan, or whichever co-conspirator of your liking! What bubble do you live in? Ya think Travelers and all other parties who have been defrauded,deceived, etc.take it personally -(damn straight)they do... People may lie, but the facts don't! Serious consequences are at stake here for serious crimes & ALL involved.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or does the general readership here think that women are above being criminal?

Anonymous said...

From someone on the inside, Nan, Spencer and Sherry were all taken advantage of by both Austin & Claiborne. The right thing to do is for the Frazier "boys" to step up and tell the truth and be responsible for their actions. No point in taking friends and family down with them.
Damn those Friazers... Take your medicine like MEN!
Then some how, some way, get back to work and make those whole who they scammed!!
Friends, families, banks and so on need and deserve thier money back and they should be made to pay back every "GD" dime ASAP without taking down innocent peope in the process!!!!
Step up boys and act like men!

Anonymous said...

What has happened is a terrible shame. I can't help but think of the no doubt hard working employees that helped make Frazier Const. successful in the first place, and then these sons come along with some sense of entitlement, and corrupt morals, and here's the mess you get in the end.

It will probably take forever (if it ever happens), but they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law and spend the rest of their days making restitution.

Anonymous said...

9:23,10:54 has it right.
Both Clairborne and Austin can present themselves so well as to allow those who love them to cling to denial especially a spouse and a parent...both of whom are naive when it comes to business or the law and willing to trust the men to take care of them.

Anonymous said...

"Trust THEM to TAKE CARE OF THEM" is where any woman screws up. WHY should someone else be responsible for taking care of anyone else if the person if fully able to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES? Sounds like a lot of stupid women have the KI complex. Even in a bar when I was younger I NEVER even accepted a drink unless I was interested in someone and then I always bought the next one.... Who of sound mind even wants someone else to take care of them? How lame...

Anonymous said...

8:34- A bitter woman I assume? Maybe a little on the large side?
What's really lame is a man letting a woman buy him a drink. You need to get out more... Or try a different bar!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:34! Well said. The commenters defending these women under the excuse that they are unable to take care of themselves and men must be duping them into spending tens of thousands of dollars is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion: All the 'women' in this world who deem it necessary for someone else to 'take care of them' please, please, please do not reproduce! You are watering down the gene pool with weak minded, mealy mouthed, sudo women that are of absolutly no use to the world. Now, I appreciate a man opening a door for me as much as the next person but I also am fully able to 'take care' of myself and all children I've brought into this world plus two others. I depend on no other person for my substance. I am extremely lucky that I have found someone (finally!) who makes my life better with his presence but... If he flaked out tomorrow I nor my children would starve and we would still have a roof over our heads. THAT is my responsibility as a mother and as a woman. The old saying, 'if it appears too good to be true, it is' is still good today people!

Anonymous said...

Well we're all happy that you (finally) found a man that you can dominate but you still sound very bitter to me.
Perhaps something happened in your past or your father didn't provide for your FAMILY as he should have?
I don't know or really care but I do know that in most cases of traditional Amerian famalies, the father or "man" is the
major provider. There is absolutley nothing wrong with a wife or "woman" expecting that.

Anonymous said...

"No use to the World" "Watering down the gene pool"
How about taking care of her children and home while her husband is working hard to put food on the table instead of sending the kids to day care.
Who the he'll are you to tell all women how to live their lives and not to reproduce?
Sounds like a Butch Lesbian to me!!!
Go home and dominate your man!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOLOL!!! To each his own but don't bring children into the world you cannot support without depending on another person. That was the point being made. Everybody wants to say 'she depended on so and so'. Well, all shes should know what is going on in their own little world and not be happy to sit back and let others take the heat, handle all paperwork, and just relax. I'd also bet a weeks pay there were maids and nannys involved. If you are content to let someone 'take care of you' so be it. But what cha gonna do when they get tired of taking care of the little woman? Call daddy? Grownups should take care of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ah, 1:03pm, you are missing the point. The apologists for the women involved are the target of earlier criticism. Don't know what your issue with Lesbian is; take that to the bugle.

I suppose you allow yourself to be dominated by your man to the point that you don't think for yourself, you can't spend his money, you are utterly and completely useless without your man doing it for you.

Anonymous said...

Please take the bitch-fest somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Just like a man! Trying to shut down us Bull Dykes!

Anonymous said...

Argue all you want. But I don't give a shit whether a women chooses to stay at home or work. I respect either choice. I don't think any of us want to hear your bitching about women who choose to stay at home.

Anonymous said...

@4:28; read the Complaint carefully. Traveler's is asking for an amount "in excess of $75,000.00." Since this is a federal case, they have to have a minimum damage amount of at least $75,000.

I hope these comments get back on track. This is a fascinating story. It doesn't need to wallow in general emotional/sexist rants.

I knew the Frazier boys in college, but not very closely. I'll reserve judgment for now.

Anonymous said...

I have know the Copeland family for many years as well as Spencers mother. Regardless of what some of you are saying, Nan Copeland is one of the finest ladies I have ever known. She is a lady who loves her children but is NOT the woman portrayed by some of the comments of this blog. Sometimes no matter how well a child is raised even those over indulged is NOT responsible for what decisions they make in life. Nan may have loved her kids too much and the penalty may have to be paid. I believe the saying goes, " Judge not lest ye be judged". I am TRULY sorry for the people who have lost money. I hope that restitution can be made and punishment for those that have done wrong, but Nan is the wrong person to be anyones target.

Anonymous said...

Spencer's MOTHER rocks. She is a jewel, and I KNOW she must be sick over this.

Don't even think about drawing her into this mess. Has she known, she would have put a knot on Spencer's dumbass head.

Kingfish said...

Literally don't know anything about her. Have nothing for or against her and I mean that in all humble sincerity. Let's just say in this case the actions of a couple of individuals are starting to resemble some of the guys in Steadivest or the Evans case.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any of us want to hear your bitching about women who choose to stay at home.

Don't see where anyone said this. I believe what most folks were referring to is that perhaps...women who stay at home and plead ignorance of this level of plundering, thieving, etc. are full of crap.

Anonymous said...

Spencers mother is a wonderful wonderful lady and I agree she would have jerked a knot in Spencers head. Of all people, she should not be worrying whether or not Spencer will face jail time. There are 3 sides to a story. I believe only one is being told at this time. Let justice prevail. Hopefully a wonderful lady like Spencers mom will not see her child face jail time. Let's wait until all the facts are out before judging.The boys may have done wrong, but yes Nan Copeland was definately dupped and Spencers mother is an angel on earth. So sad for everyone who has lost money, those that are just gossips, and those that are judging without all facts.

Anonymous said...

Did I read the complaint correctly in that Nan Copeland allegedly deposited over $33 thousand dollars in cash into her bank account? Wouldn't that be like a brief case full of cash? Can someone please help me understand how anyone could possibly think that was not totally criminal?

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a passage in the Bible that says something like do not judge lest you be judged? I will say that Nan Copeland is truly the sweetest, kindest woman I have ever known. Have seen her take her coat off and give it to someone she did not know. She loves with all her heart. For everyone who is writing all this be careful until other sides of this story are made known and remember that God is the ultimate judge`

Anonymous said...

From: Jesus

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." Any takers???

Anonymous said...

We must differentiate between judging a person and judging a person's acts. No one should judge whether another person is a "good" or a "bad" person because we don't know what's in that person's heart and that job should be left to the one who is All Knowing. It is entirely appropriate and necessary for a proper functioning society though, to judge a person's particular act -- i.e. whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, lawful or unlawful and to hold that person accountable for such act if it be deemed wrong. That is what our civil and criminal justice system is for. It is also appropriate for public discussion because other's acts affect the public good, the moral fabric of our society. Of course, spitefull, hateful, unsubstantiated mere gossip is hurtful to the discussion and to those who are aubject ot the "anonymous" attacks. Hopefully, the readers can distinguish facts from innuendo and gossip, keep an open mind and know that there are two or more sides to every story, that there probably is no universal truth, and that what might look like the truth is very far from it - or maybe it's not.

Anonymous said...

It is true that it is up to only God to judge one's soul. But that is very different than judging one's actions. There is wrongdoing here. Claiborne and Austin were the worst of the bunch. Spencer and Nan knew what they were doing was wrong. The evidence is there....it is clear and convincing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesus @ 1:25 - we're "rendering unto Caesar here" - any problemn with following your teachings?

Anonymous said...

This site is like a feeding frenzy. It happens on every high profile tragedy we have had. People without much direct knowledge start 'judging'.

I am not commenting on Frazier , just commenting on the
appetites of hungry people.

Anonymous said...

Here it comes, same folks that defended KI with unfailing religious zealotry. We shall dub thee "zealots" b/c of your use of religion as a smoke screen to avoid the criticism of a citizenry who plays by the rules and is sick of this crap.

And, as for feeding frenzy, maybe, but consider what is alleged and what some commenters here have alleged witnessed and this appears a very grave situation.

Anonymous said...

"Don't see where anyone said this. I believe what most folks were referring to is that perhaps...women who stay at home and plead ignorance of this level of plundering, thieving, etc. are full of crap"

Thank goodness! Someone who understood my post!

This is EXACTLY what I was saying. I couldn't give a rats butt if the woman chooses to stay at home or work outside the home people. It is completely that she should know what is going on around her and plan for her kids. With all the money floating around these women, and KI as a matter of fact, it is total stupidity to say they didn't know or they couldn't get out. Oh and BTW, I am no far from a 'bull dike' that remark was my biggest laugh of the day. And I do not 'dominate' anyone but I do not let anyone dominate me either. What does that song say? I want someone to walk beside me, not in front of or behind me. When women walk behind just so they can have the benefit of money in my mind they have just prostituted themselves. There again, my opinion. Then to plead they had no idea of the activity that got all that money is insult to injury of the people who lost it. If it is proven it was illegally gained, those same women should be left broke to pay back the victims. Period. Then, I guess they'll just call Daddy again....

Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting Chrissie Ebbers should have known what was going down?

Anonymous said...

Spencer has known all along that Frazier Constuction was financially destroyed. To say that he didn't know what he was getting into is rediculous. Legal mumbo-jumbo doesn't even get Claiborne or Austin's attention. It will take prison.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the last post of Spencer knowing what he was getting into is way off the mark. You apparently do not know Spencer Copeland. He is a good guy and does not deserve this publicity. May GOD be the one to cast judgement not the media or people who really know nothing of this family other than what media is portraying. Apparently there is wrong doing, but just because one person or two, even three or four does not mean all of the Copelands are guilty. I thought in America we are perceived innocent until proven guilty. Guess that is what living in a democracy will get us.

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH. Any person with any reasoning at all can see how serious this all is, some will go to prison, some will pay a lot of money, some will "roll" and walk free, some innocent people will be charged, some guitly will get leniency, dirty laundry will flow left and right implicating all types of things, yadayadayada.

Desperate times call for desperate action, and the two boys still don't realize the deep shit here, and how this will affect so many people, because of their idiocy, but when the DO watch for desperate alibis, blame, whatever....

Anonymous said...

Actually I know both families. I agree, Spencer is a good guy. For that matter Claiborne and Austin are good guys, but there is a mile long list of ex-friends that they have screwed. Spencer is well aware of this and for him to get involved with one dollar was to say the least bad judgement. Read the 35 page law suit. I wouldn't think Travelers would have pulled all these figures out of thin air. Bank transactions leave a paper trail. It may be Spencer's good guyness that made him think he had to help his step brothers. Unfortunately he will probably be on the ex list because the Fraziers will distance themselves from him and move on to the next victim. I really don't understand why the Fraziers aren't named in the law suit.

Anonymous said...

Good guys my ass. Austin & Claiborne certainly are not...unless in the sense of the of the mafia racketering type. Spencer is not as corrupt as them....but there is no way that he didn't know that setting up fictitious companies and bank accounts was not on the up and up. Why go through all that trouble if they were legitimate transactions. I bet he now realizes he made a big mistake...but he must still be held accountable for his actions.

Anonymous said...

I saw Claiborne this weekend. He is just sick about all of this. He never intended for all this to happen. All he wants is for the bankruptcy to be behind him and he will work his whole lifevto make sure everyone gets paid back in full.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 7:48. I also know Claiborne and yes, Travelers side of the story and all the gossip look pretty bad but I know he didn't intend for all of this to happen. One bad thing happened after another and the dominos started to fall. Wheather you agree or not, his ability to produce is still viable. If you think about it, Claiborne was the first to develop a Condo building in Oxford ( at the start of the recent housing boom) although it might not have been managed properly, as well as the first one to develop a large shopping/eating/hotel center in Madison before the boom struck the 463/I-55 area. All by around the age of 30.
Now I'm not saying they were boyscouts by any means and shouldn't be punished, but I am saying that his ability to produce would seem to be viable, just maybe not his bookeeping. If whoever posted the above post is making a true statement, then it seems the only way to make his creditors whole again is get his ass back to work....just make sure someone else keeps the check book this time.
People, let's let the facts come out from both sides before everyone cast their stones.

Anonymous said...

7:48 and 8:41, you been duped by the Fraziers. Claiborne is not capable of hard work and living a non-extravagant life style. If he doesn't go to prison he will continue to manipulate the system and screw anybody he can out of the next dollar. The Spencer Copelands of the world will take the fall and the Fraziers will keep on high rolling.

Anonymous said...

7:48 Claiborne didn't hit a home run........... he was born on third base!

Anonymous said...

Very serious charges. Travelers would not make these claims without substance.

I imagine criminal charges will follow.

Anonymous said...

A responsible individual would NOT allow this to happen.

Produce yourself to the debtors and ultimately, if found criminal, to the jailer.

Anonymous said...

Well, he may have been born on third base, but after he goes to prison, he will be on fifth base routinely.

Anonymous said...

Where are Fountain boats the Frazier's own, saw where two of them are registered in Austin's name in Ridgeland,MS also heard they or C.E. had a yacht in Destin or did the bonding company take over those as well?

Unknown said...

As I was dining at Ruth's Chris on Saturday night, Spencer Copeland was having a lovely dinner and social time with friends. He and his friends sat right next to us. As always living the high life without a care in the world. I agree that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. However, these guys just flaunt arrogance in your face. It appears "the boys" have the attitude "I will do as I please and no one can do anything about it." ha ha ha......Well, time will tell and the truth always comes out one way or the other. In this life or the next life.

P/S, so sad "the boys" poor Daddy Copeland has to have a public defender and cant remember which one but one of "the boy's" have Buddy Coxwell as a lawyer. How does this happen? Poor guy!

Kingfish said...

Spencer retained Coxwell.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS