Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mrs. Irby is home.

The following comment concerning Karen Irby was on the Clarion-Ledger's website:

msmomofboys wrote:
Replying to foresthillreb:
"Ticked off, when the suspect is in the hospital for a long time as she is, usually in other jurisdictions the police will have the doctors flag the file so they notify the police when she is close to being released. It makes no sense to keep police in their 24/7 for 3 months."

Karen is at home and has been for at least 4 days"

JJ has been able to independently confirm Ms. Irby has been released from the hospital and has been at home nearly a week.

Before some people start screaming for her arrest, I spoke to NMC and others about this issue. My understanding is if she is to be charged with vehicular homicide or manslaughter, she has to be indicted by the grand jury. If she was over the legal BAC limit, an arrest for a DUI at this time would jeapordize a prosecution on the more serious charges, as double jeopardy would apply (I am told this is a favorite trick of D.A.'s who wish to get their good ole boys off when they commit similar acts).

So far, JPD has handled this matter properly. The crime scene van was out there for several hours the next day. Investigators knocked on doors looking for witnesses. JPD spent several days recontsructing the accident. The only thing JPD should have done by now is release the BAC test results, but if they are released in an indictment, no harm, no foul. However, JPD should change its policy (one of the many reasons people don't trust JPD) and release the BAC results so as to avoid any improper appearances, which fuel suspicions of favorable treatment.


Anonymous said...

More twists and turns by Kingfish the Irby contortionist. First you fall for the bullshit about the medical bills and now this load of fresh double jeopardy dung.

Suspects are arrested on other lesser charges all the time.

Kingfish said...

Shut up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! What HE said. :)

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that the JPD is doing things by the book? Has the investigating officer kept the Pogue family up to date on the investigation into the cause of death of their loved one?

Jane said...

I don't know why she can't be charged with manslaughter prior to a grand jury indictment. To face trial on a felony, she has to be charged by a grand jury. But people are arrested on felonies all day long without having been indicted. The only felony charges that matter, of course, are those decided by the grand jury. But I don't understand why your experts are saying she could only be arrested on a DUI at this point. Is there some statute on this I'm unaware of?

Anonymous said...

Not meaning to change the subject too much, but I noticed Charles has not updated the caring bridge site since March 20th. Makes me wonder if he's tired of updating it because he is too busy or if he's just tired of acting like they are the perfect family.

Anonymous said...

No, it is because Stuart is doing amazingly well, and he is just a little busy right now.

Anonymous said...

I left out the word "hopefully".

Kingfish said...

Stuart is doing fine and frankly, I think some of the info given out were spin jobs. Nothing was posted, I am sure, without someone seeing it.

Anonymous said...

Fish fish fish fish fish.

Get your mind right.

She will never do time for this.

While the good doctors are mouldering in the ground Mrs. Irby is having her nails done. It's the way of the south. Don't think it makes me happy either.

You're like Charlie Brown. Lucy really *is* going to hold that football THIS time. LOL. Really.

Money talks, BS walks. Or in this case drives very very drunk and kills people.

Just try not to be on the same road with her the next time she does and you'll be fine.

Kingfish said...

Several of my friends have said that she won't see jail. I don't think you are grasping the outrage over this case. The DA and his staff know they will be facing major heat over this and I have a feeling the judge will be Green or Kidd as without even looking I'm sure the Irbys probably donated to Yerger. Does anyone think they are going to take a plea deal or give no jail time to someone who sped over double the speed limit and killed two people?

You've no idea the nasty emails and letters the tv stations are getting over this. Just read the CL forums. They are just the tip of the iceberg. She's not walking away. It doesn't matter if she was drunk because the speed will be even more damning.

If Mac would release the toxicology he would put alot of suspiciouns to rest.

Jane said...

Well, I guess we'll see whether Robert Smith is interested in serving another four years. NOT prosecuting won't endear him the vast majority of Jackson citizens.

Anonymous said...

Fish, if you'll read the comments on the CL site you'll see that most of the ones that aren't pro-irby have been deleted. For 'violating terms of service'.

Read them. Then go back a couple weeks later and see which ones are still around. Very telling.

One reason they're delaying all this is hope that the outrage will die down and go away. They've got police, judges and the local newsrag on their side too.

Besides I'm sure Charles and Stuart will take care of anybody that 'helps them out' in this matter. So it won't matter if
whoever doesn't get elected/appointed again.

A year from now she'll still be on all the charity boards and all her hoity toity associates will pretend she didn't really execute two promising young people.

It's like a bad Thackeray plot, Vanity Unfair.

Anonymous said...

If Mac would release the toxicology he would put alot of suspiciouns to rest.

$23,600 trumps suspicions.

Anonymous said...

Jane, haven't seen much in the way of results from Smith yet. Not that he hasn't made any strides, he may have, but those successes are, for the most part, invisible. And that letter thing. That didn't pay any public relations dividends.

Jane said...

Smith's not losing a trial every month like Faye Peterson did. And I've read some transcripts of Faye's trials. Her lead prosecutors were so bad that some of the convictions they did win have been or will be reversed.

It's hard to be worse a DA than Faye was.

Jane said...

The letter thing, though, was incomprehensible. A bunch of white people conspiring to see to it that black defendants got due process.

Anonymous said...

What letter thing?

Jane said...

A poorly written screed accusing a white judge and white public defenders of bending over backwards to protect the rights of black defendants. Supposedly all motivated by racism in an Alice Through the Looking Glass kinda way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, must have missed this one!

Jane said...

If you can figure it all out, please let the rest of us know.

Kingfish said...

They've spent alot of time clearing up cases Faye left behind. Once she lost the election, she pretty much mailed it in and gave them very little cooperation before they assumed office. The number of files that sat on someone's desk with no movement was staggering.

If I recall correctly, when Ruma was killed in that wreck, the police followed the same path Mac is taking. didn't release results but waited for grand jury and indicted Nelson. Most of the info came out of the indictment if I recall correctly. I don't remember what his sentence was though.

And I dont' think speed was a factor as it is in this case.

Autogyro said...

Nelson had to serve some time, and no one was more surprised than he was. He was eventually released on parole, but had to go back for violating terms of his probation. He's out now, I think.

Kingfish said...

He's not on the Parole board's website.

Wonder what he did to violate probation? Couldn't find him on MDOC site either.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to be worse a DA than Faye was.

Not defending Peterson Jane.

Plant a bug in your friend's ear that he needs to overcommunicate. He's letting perception come to him rather than shaping it himself.

Autogyro said...

Kingfish, the story I heard was that his parole officer made an unannounced visit and found him in possession of alcohol.

Kingfish said...

I sure hate it when that happens.

Friggin idiot. Damn lucky he didn't do that in Rankin County. He would've been in jail for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Try 40 to life. The woman who seriously injured Laurel Thrakill and paralyzed her 3-year-old daughter just got 35 years with no parole in Rankin County. The prosecution put the baby on the stand to tell how she could walk before the wreck and now she can't. It was some kind of trial.

Autogyro said...

Compare that to the 15 year sentence for DUI manslaughter handed out in Hinds County that same week.

Interesting that in one of its newscasts that week, WLBT led with those two stories, and followed them with an Irby update.

Jane said...

Smith isn't my friend. I think I've met him twice. So I'm not in a position to tell him anything. All I really know is that if he's losing as many cases as Faye did, the Clarion Ledger isn't picking up on it (the C-L missing something wouldn't surprise me). I just do criminal appeals and the records that I read coming out of Faye's office are shocking. I mean, Ed Peters (like Bobby Williams in the Delta long ago) was known for prosecutorial misconduct. Rebecca Mansell apparently took lessons from Peters.

Jane said...

And someone needs to teach Stanley Alexander about hearsay and how it can't be used as substantive evidence of guilt.

Anonymous said...

Recently, Charles Irby wrote that he would be making entries only when warranted.

Much of what he had written to that point was how painfully slow Stuart was progressing.

The other day Dr. David Westbrook's wife made an innocent remark in her comments that her husband, one of Stuart's docs, went by to check on him and found Stuart, Charles and a preacher downstairs, outside singing 'Jesus Loves Me.'

Charles has not made an entry since.
I have no doubt Stuart has been in terrible shape, but I've wondered, reading Charles' entries, if Charles' dismal entries have discouraged the investigators from questioning Stuart about the wreck.

Since we now know that Stuart communicated with Charles in Indonesian, and Stuart has spoken on the phone with his two older children, perhaps now is the time for investigators to begin questioning him, if they haven't already. JPD is keeping it all so close.

With the report that Stuart was outside singing, and the other info Charles has provided, maybe Charles stopped making entries because he didn't want investigators encouraged to start questioning Stuart.

Last Friday was the last entry. Perhaps Charles will write more tonight.

Autogyro said...

I doubt if Stuart will have any memory at all of the events of that night - not with a head injury of that severity.

Anonymous said...

If that is the case, then wouldn't that keep him from remembering other things before the wreck?
From what I've read, Stuart hasn't shown any memory gaps regarding other things or incidents in his life.

Kingfish said...

the part about his first words being I love you I just didn't buy. Then he suddenly wakes up after regressing. Just didn't buy it. Too many people I've known with medical backgrounds read all that and didn't believe what they were reading.

Now some are not happy I published the divorce filing, which is no longer valid. Unlike the CL, JFP, and others, I don't think for you. I put the docs out there and let you think for yourself. I haven't come out and said Mac was influenced by the Irbys. I simply collected data on campaign donations and put it out there and let you decide for yourself. If the CL is going to publish a story that plays up how wonderful their marriage was and put only one photo on the web edition as the Irby family photo, then I am going to publish public records which better fill out the story and call the CL's reporting and agenda into account. If you've noticed on this blog, I've tried to include as much documentation as possible when I write about something. I didn't just go online and read about Melton's taxes like everyone else did, I went down to the courthouse and posted the deeds of trust so you could see for yourself what I saw. A-1 Pallet: I didn't just copy what the media stated, which was he said she said, I went down and took a bunch of pictures of the place, posted them, and treated you like adults who could decide for yourselves how much of an eyesore the place was. Ultimately, this benefits peole like the Irbys because it puts a stop to some of the rumors and speculation.

Autogyro said...

Anonymous @2:41 - I'm not a physician, but from what I understand, there's usually a certain degree of retrograde amnesia that accompanies traumatic head injuries. Longer term memories are still accessable, but events immediately leading up to the incident are sometimes lost to memory.

No doubt the police will question Stuart as a matter of course, but I doubt it will be very helpful. I may be wrong, though.

Kingfish said...

I had 3 concussions in a year once. Drove me nuts. Long term memory was fine but I would be talking to someone and in mid sentence I'd forget everything I'd been talking about and ask what we were discussing. That went on for a couple of years.

Anonymous said...

I think in this situation, it really doesn't matter that Stuart remembers what took place before or after the wreck

The witnesses from the CCOJ, the witnesses at the accident scene, toxicology reports, wreck scene investigation and the Mercedes black box recorder will provide enough information without needing Stuart's account of the incident.

That is, unless Karen, in an attempt to lessen her sentence, will say that Stuart made her lose control of the car. That is highly unlikely, but still a remote possibility.
Then, Stuart's recall will need to come into play.

Anonymous said...

You people are some of the sickest individuals I have ever encountered in my life. You beat people when they are down. You blame one person for everything. You have no idea what happened that night. You have indulged in gossip when you should have been praying for ALL involved in this horrible tragedy. Do you really have any idea of the extent of the injuries the Irby's sustained in this wreck? You now find fault in the Caring Bridge updates posted by the Irby Family. People, the CB updates are for people that truly care, not those of you who want to fuel gossip and tear apart every word written.
You have ripped your ELECTED officials, anyone who has anything intelligent to say about the tragedy, and especially the Irby's. You are upset about the many posting that have been deleted from the CL. Did you really read them? They were horrible! I for one am thrilled some of them were deleted. I am only sorry they allowed ANY postings. The comments many of you make are terrible. I wonder how many of you "Irby" haters there really are out there? I also wonder how many of you have been nice to their faces? When you need donations or other help, I am sure you don't mind asking for "Irby" money? Whatever happened that night is a horrible tragedy. There is no need for all the name calling and airing of dirty laundry. It will not bring the lost lives back. You only continue to hurt all people involved in this horrible situation. You really should allow people that know what they are doing handle this or at least go back to school and learn about the judicial system, become a lawyer, or even run for office since your ELECTED officials are so terrible. I would love to know how many of you are perfect? Be very careful as sometime you might make a mistake and find yourself in a situation that plasters your life or speculation about your life all over these pages. None of us knows what life holds for us, no matter how careful we are or how perfect we try to be mistakes will be made. I made the mistake one time of saying something would "Never" happen to me. Well, guess what people---"Never, say never"!

Anonymous said...

At 1119. Start using the high dollar name brand crack: the generic crack is impairing your judgement. I don't need their money, want their money or feel jealous of their money. They are no better than any other dysfunctional couple with issues and kids that didn't do anything to deserve what will come their way because of all of this. BUT the adults, they did CHOOSE to get in their car and drive DRUNK as shit house rats and KILL two people. End of story. Spin it if you will and pluck the sympathy strings if you must. But know this, SYMPATHY for them is best found in the dictionary between shit and syphillis for most average citizens.

Anonymous said...

Release the BAC results, and the DA is pressured to file immediate, less serious charges before a case can be made for the more serious charges. What they're doing now is smart.

And I'm getting tired of the lynch mob. Some people are clearly enjoying this situation.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know how many of you are perfect?

Count me as perfect.

Anonymous said...

Nice language 11:42. FYI, don't use crack (cheap or expensive), don't drink either. Just have a kinder heart than you. Leave personal lives and past problems out of this. By the way 6:42, the last person I heard of as "Perfect" certainly was not named "Anonymous".

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

GOOD NEWS! For those of you living in "Glass Houses", a truckload of stones just left for Jackson.

Kingfish said...

4:30AM. You are right. Can't quibble with the way the police have conducted this investigation. I know some think nothing will happen but I think there will probably be an indictment and it won't be covered up as some suggest.

The reason why people want the BAC released is they simply do not trust JPD. Right or wrong, many people have seen certain people get off the hook (When is Ed Peters going to jail again?) that happened to be connected to the right people.

Objectively speaking, the BAC isn't really needed as the speed is the more damning factor here. Its going to come down to the black box and if she was going well over the speed limit, she's cooked. Alcohol will be just another factor.

I took down that last post because it insulted the faith and religion of many sincere people.

As for ripping elected officials, well, this bunch in this town deserves it.

Jane said...

You removed my comment where I said that even if you believe in prayer, prayer's not going to help the two dead people. As far as I can tell, the only group I insulted were the Mormons who think you can convert people when they are dead. Is there any other religion that believes that prayer can change the status of dead people?

Anonymous said...

Well, you insulted me, and I am Presbyterian. It was just a tacky comment.

Jane said...

I think it's tacky to dismiss what Karen Irby has done as a "mistake". But I can handle it.

Anonymous said...

Deflecting from your original post, huh?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for taking down the last post. You might want to review her 10:07 post as she is repeating.
As for your officials,
you guys elected them, so start changing things. Run for office, vote differently. The photos you posted of the Mayor, well I really do understand about your officials now, but please people rip them, not the personal lives of people involved in this tragedy... just because someone is out of the hospital does not mean they are well.

And as for Jane, well what can I say! By the way, I am not Presbyterian.

Anonymous said...

Hi 10:36,

Like I said, I am not Presbyterian!

Anonymous said...

KF said, "Objectively speaking, the BAC isn't really needed as the speed is the more damning factor here. Its going to come down to the black box and if she was going well over the speed limit, she's cooked. Alcohol will be just another factor. "

I'm going to disagree and offer that rational decision making capability was altered by excessive alcohol consumption and was the main factor involved in the crash: the speeding was more likely to be the result of alcohol impairment. Speeding was a by-product of the impairment.

The proximate cause of the crash was impairment, which could have occured with our without speeding.

Jane said...

You know, if my actions had caused two people to die, there is nothing anyone could say about me or to me that would make me feel worse than I already felt. In fact, I think I would welcome physical pain as a relief from my mental anguish.

As far as the families of the victims are concerned, I hope they can find comfort in any way that they can. I do not think it will be helpful to them if Ms. Irby were to escape being tried (not that I think that is what is going to happen).

Anonymous said...

With all the comment deleting its starting to smell like the JFP around here.

Anonymous said...

10:55, I am trying to read into your comment, but not sure what you mean.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, 10:36, thought you meant I was deflecting, you must have meant Jane. Am I correct?

Anonymous said... are correct. :)

Anonymous said...

1037 said: "As for your officials, you guys elected them, so start changing things. Run for office, vote differently. The photos you posted of the Mayor, well I really do understand about your officials now,"

So, now you have a better understanding of OUR public officials by viewing some seemingly inappropriate photos of our Mayor. He could have been judging a beauty contest, ya know?

Well, it works both ways.
Citizens have viewed some public files concerning the Irbys that cast them in a bad light. The comments likely came about after such a deluge of praise for the upstanding, fine Irby couple.

Just as you said "I do understand about your officials now" in your comments, we better understand the Irbys now and certainly have just as much right to discuss the public information as you did concerning our officials.

No one wishes the Irbys anything but a good recovery, but that does not mean we will look the other way. We are keeping a close eye on the Scales of Justice.

Anonymous said...

Fine, keep your close eye, but just because information is "public" does not mean you have to dig up everything you can find. As for your Mayor, if the photos are innocent Kingfish should know better than to do that. I was a journalist many years back. We did not try to make things appear to be something they were not. It seems all of us are playing into the hands of the media by continuing to express our opinions, support, or criticism of the Irby's. This is only helping the media. Maybe we should all back off and let justice or in other opinions, lack of justice take it's course. There is no reason for the ugly comments that are being made, especially at this point. I don't care what public documents are out there. As I have tried to point out none of us live perfect lives. Bad things can happen to good people. The world is filled with that. This is horrible, many people are hurting. Think about how you would feel if you were in this position. I know you will say you would never be in this position, but you never know what will happen. Alcohol may or may not play a role, but you could end up in a tragic situation that you are at fault. How would you feel if your private, personal life, and any mistakes you ever made were brought out? I was raised to be tolerant,forgiving, and most of all not to judge others. Please some of you try the same thing. And yes, my family had a tragedy that with prayer and understanding we were able to overcome in time.

Anonymous said...

My sentiments, exactly.

Anonymous said...

Please spare us the lectures about the media.

Jane said...

Is it just the Irbys we need to lay off of or do you feel that way about Bernie Madoff, Casey Anthony, O.J. Simpson, etc? This is a big story locally. People are discussing this in person, on blogs, wherever. If you find it offensive, maybe you shouldn't be reading the blogs.

Are you suggesting that if the justice system ignores the situation, we should just keep quiet?

I agree people are hurting. The reason they are hurting, though, is not because of people talking. It is because Karen Irby drove her car into someone else's lane of traffic and incinerated two people.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can all meet up and sing Kumbaya later.

And then we can all look at the crash pictures and see if anyone wants to sing it again while despairing over how the poor Irbys have been trashed on the news and blogs. I'm betting on just one verse being sung. But you two (1207 & 1226) feel free to go ahead without the rest of us if you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

The reason why people want the BAC released is they simply do not trust JPD. Right or wrong, many people have seen certain people get off the hook (When is Ed Peters going to jail again?) that happened to be connected to the right people.

Right or wrong? Can it ever be right that people get off the hook simply because of who they know? Your hedging.

Anonymous said...

Last night 11:19 p.m.wrote"
"You people are some of the sickest individuals I have ever encountered in my life."

Today (same person) 12:07 p.m. wrote: "There is no reason for the ugly comments that are being made, especially at this point."


Anonymous said...

Y'all come on! Enough with the pissin contest!

Anonymous said...

Just statin' the facts, Sir, just the facts...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Many definitions for the meaning of "sick". One that comes to mind is "unwholesome, morbid, or sadistic", another is "deeply distressed:upset", also, try "disgusting:revolting". There are quite a few. Look at comments many of you have written here and on the CL. Gossip is ugly and sick.

Jane said...

Dear Mr. Holier-than-thou, you remind me of Ed Meese poring over tons of pornography in order to declare it all "sick." If you are really sickened by this discussion, you will leave. Otherwise, you are merely encouraging a debate that might have died out by now.

Anonymous said...

For the person who posted the link, thanks. It has a virus.

Anonymous said...

"Think about how you would feel if you were in this position. I know you will say you would never be in this position..."

Personally, I don't CARE how Karen Irby feels right now, remorseful or not. And you are right, I would NEVER be drunk off my butt and/or driving in excessive speed. But if by some chance I had some major malfunction in my car that caused me to cross over four lanes of traffic and kill or hurt anybody, I would be the firt person to publicly admit it and fall on the mercy of the court. I would not be out getting my nails done.

I have a right to be as angry as I want to over (1) the stupidity of some people who drive like idiots and have no regard for others on the road, (2) the fact that it could have been my son on that public road at that moment doing nothing wrong, and (3) the fact that the people who love and worship the Irbys come on the boards and talk about how they are such wonderful people and "oops, they made a mistake, can't we just move on?" I think the true friends of the Irbys can be supportive of their recovery while wanting justice to be served as well.

And yes, I think there are some very inappropriate comments from both sides of the fence that should stop.

I think anyone who commits such a crime should serve time in prison, and not the white collar prison either.

Anonymous said...

"the fact that the people who love and worship the Irbys come on the boards and talk about how they are such wonderful people and "oops, they made a mistake, can't we just move on?"

Ok, I have YET to see a comment like that, even from Irby supporters.

Anonymous said...

Outta here! You guys are way to hungry. Good luck Kingfish--- a few seem to be turning on you also.

To 2:37- Glad to see you know how to read and process the information before you.

Anonymous said...

Well, thank you. I am quite proud of myself too.

Kingfish said...

I zapped that one because it contained a link to a site that apparently has a virus.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there 3:02. Jackson needs a few more posters with common sense.

Anonymous said...

Do they have Twitter at Parchman?

Anonymous said...

"Ok, I have YET to see a comment like that, even from Irby supporters"

You must not have read some of the CL posts that got deleted. There was one person who posted that she thought the fact that Ms. Irby had killed two people and would be traumatized by that for the rest of her life was punishment enough. Those are the supporters I am talking about.

Kingfish said...

Go see my original post about the wreck in Feb. You'll see near the end of it one of them. I called her Buffy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, kingfish, that's the one I am talking about. I thought your response to her was perfect. I had to take a blood pressure pill after I read her post.

Anonymous said...

Same story, different URL.

Hope the good doctor didn't kick back a beer while he was having dinner with his sweetie.

Or have any unpaid parking tickets or an expired sticker.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...I do remember that. Yeesh.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked at the number and thinking of the Irby defenders on this blog.

Jane's musing have been on the money.

Let me ask this of the Irby apologists. Say Mother Theresa got drunk at a fund raiser at the Jackson Country Club. She then raced down Old Canton and killed the Irbys in a horrific way. The police investigate.

Weeks and weeks and weeks go by. What happens? Lost of folks pray for Mother Theresa and her miraculous recovery. Lots of folks sing kumbaya songs for them. The local paper tells the glorious story of her great works.

The Irbys remain dead.

You can bet your last dollar that the Irby defenders would be out there screaming for justice and outraged at all hoopla about Mother Theresa. They would be calling McMillan and the DA and demanding justice.

Which raises the real question here: What can outraged citizens do? Is there a number to call the DA and demand that he take appropriate action?

Anonymous said...

7:31 asked: "Which raises the real question here: What can outraged citizens do? Is there a number to call the DA and demand that he take appropriate action?"

The best bet in this case might be a different phone call...

"Operator, give me informationnnn
Information, give me loooooooong distance
Long distaaaance, give me heeeeaaaaaaaven...

(Two, three)
Oh, operator, information
Give me Jesus on the line
Oooohhhh, operator, information
I'd like to speak to a friend of mine

Oh, prayer is the number
Faith is the exchange
Heaven is the street
And Jesus is his name
Oh, operator, information
Please give me Jesus on the line"

Excerpt from:
(William Spivery)
Manhattan Transfer - 1975

Anonymous said...

"Hope the good doctor didn't kick back a beer while he was having dinner with his sweetie."

His state of inebriation or lack thereof has nothing to do with it. He was still in HIS lane of the road and Karen Irby was NOT.

It would not surprise me to hear that sort of thing come out if this thing goes to trial. Which, by the way, should never happen, because if she has a shred of dignity or class, she will plead guilty.

Anonymous said...

Were you there?

Anonymous said...

Never mind the drinking and then getting behind the wheel of the car that is breaking the Law in it's self. She can be charged for that and if they fix that some how what about Speeding crossing three lanes of traffic and Killing two people with her Car?I don't see how she can escape being at fault.She killed two people by her own actions. She said that night that she had a drink she did admitt to one drink and also said she was going Seventy in a 45 posted speed limit area.Know wonder the Public is so upset.How can she not be charged? I pray that she is seen going to AA meetings.Karen forget about your outter side and work on your inner being.Get the help that you need it's about well it's past time.Two people are gone from this earth because you did'ent seek Help earlier.

Anonymous said...

That car was New i won't every buy that the car caused this Accident.I thought that i read on another site i believe it was a video that the Black Box showed the car on inpact was reporting 90 miles per hour.But now i can't seem to find it.Go figure It has been removed.

stilettoGOP said...

Hello 11:06, 11:30

Um, not saying agree or disagree, just asking.. are you sure "you're" okay?


Anonymous said...

You need to get over the CL comment section sometimes and watch the quite regular meltdowns if you wonder about her today.

Anonymous said...

Why in the WORLD would Karen hv been driving 70 down that road...that is something I'm still trying to process. What in the world was going through her head?
After one glass of wine, I am crawling behind the wheel and that isn't even enough to register DUI.
If history is any indication with all the postings about Karen Irby, she will never hv the character/class to say she screwed up. I don't know her, but for anyone to be going that fast, there's something terribly wrong in my opinion. Her poor husband in the condition he's in and I feel so sorry for his 2 older children.
This wasn't something I would call an accident, especially if alchohol plays a part in it. It could have been prevented.(call a taxi)
Stuart needs to fully wake-up, get well and move on from her.

Kingfish said...

It takes two bottles of wine to get me crawling.

Anonymous said...

When will the GJ meet and hear her story?

Anonymous said...

After the things you said about Karen you admit that you "crawl" behind the wheel after 1 glass of wine! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

One drink? Either that was one huge drink or she thinks it's still "one drink" when the waiter keeps refilling the wine glass. Geez.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I do crawl behind the wheel after one drink. Just one drink will not impair your driving and you will not register you for DUI.
I drive so slow and am very cautious.
In other words, I don't go OVER the speed limit.
There is nothing wrong with going out and having a drink and driving.
I don't ABUSE it and I know my limit and I don't have a problem with drinking.
It's those people who who drink tooooo much and drive who cause the problems.
I hope alcohol doesn't play a part in the Irby accident for your friend's sake....I am glad your child or your relative WAS NOT in the white pick up truck that Karen hit that night.

Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

Knock it off.

And in the time you guys are posting comments on this thread, why don't you watch the Holocaust Liberation videos I posted yesterday. As far as I'm concerned, not enough people see those.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was out having her nails done under the "Entitlement Law."

Anonymous said...

It's still there and you take a chance. You don't know any LEGAL or RELEASED info on Karen yet. You only know the hearsay, yet you use the word "crawl" to describe your situation after 1 drink. You admit to drinking and driving. You think you are OK to drive and don't "ABUSE". Honey, read your post again and think !
We should all learn from this situation regardless of the "legal limit" or whatever the release of information shows. Call a taxi!

Kingfish, thanks for removing those comments.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying Kingfish that the theory posted here many times, without deletion on your part, that they may have been fighting during that fateful drive is, though unproven, more relevant than any other unproven theory? You agree it is conceivable that they could have been fighting but delete when the theory was that they were hot to get home and jump in the sack. They could have been petting in the car for all anybody knows. Why can't it be an ill-fated drive by a couple of lovebirds looking to hold onto their marriage and make it work? Why can't it be that this husband and wife had a nice evening out and were frisky?

Anonymous said...

Alcohol has been known to do wonders for some men's ardor. Booze and sex were featured highlights in Ware v. Ware.

Kingfish said...

Sometimes I leave something up to see if its refuted. If its something that I know if floating all over town, sometimes I've seen where on this site the rumor was effectively knocked down.

I'm probably going to go back and read through this thread again. Speculation I'm not going to strike down unless its really out of hand.

Anonymous said...

for 8:49----bless your heart.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Were Stuart's actions in Ware v. Ware inconceivable?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

All right, I zapped those because of the nature of them. Leave that crap out of it. Not the thread for it. You want to speculate about that subject, go find another home. You guys are better than that.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to refute the poster who kept hammering about that unmentionable court case.

Oh, you forgot to delete 9:26. That is the post that caused me to respond as I did.

I was not adding to or supporting it in any aspect, only trying to shoot down the other poster's insinuations.

I was not speculating about anything. You were too trigger-happy in my case. You should have seen that.
Anyway, I've enjoyed posting here until now, but this will be my last. Adios...

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, while I appreciate your efforts to be objective, past behavior is a pretty decent predictor of future behavior.
IF one cannot solve problems without repeated intervention of the court system ( a valid concern for taxpayers who might want the court time better spent), if one has made decisions that lacked regard for others , it calls into question their current ability to make good decisions. And, IF a defendant relies on character witnesses to mitigate punishment, rebuttal is inevitable.
This isn't " glass houses"...driving recklessly or while drunk isn't a "mistake", it's a crime. The public didn't put the Irby family or children at risk or cause them embarrassment, bad decisions did. Shifting blame isn't working for a reason.
I would respectfully suggest that the professors at MC might be a good resource for the legal questions that have arisen...not just " double jeapordy" but also the medical costs and flight risk issues. While defense attorneys do have a bag of tricks, counter measures exist. I suspect some defense attorneys have some elected officials on the defensive rather than the offensive where they SHOULD be.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, I've enjoyed posting here until now, but this will be my last. Adios...

OH NO! Please don't go. We'll play fair now.

Kingfish said...

Not so much being objective as I am stopping the posts of a sexual nature. Although jackassery is the guiding philosophy of this blog, sometimes bad taste is simply bad taste.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, double jeopardy doesn't have anything to do with charges. It has to do with be TRIED in court for the same crime more than once.
With hung juries, like the Melton trial, charges can be refiled and double jeopardy.
You can be charges with assault and if your victim dies, the charge of manslaughter etc can be added.
The " double jeopardy" thing is bogus. Black's Law Dictionary may be of help.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish please check on something for us taxpayers. While I understand that if someone is incarcerated, they must be given access to " reasonable" medical care,I would think it unconstitutional to deny someone with private medical insurance access to the doctor/facility of their choice.Further, it would certainly be impractical for someone out on bail. While most prisoners can't afford, don't have or lose the ability to paid for private insurance, I would strongly object if us taxpayers have to pay for those who CAN continue to pay their premiums. If that is the case in MS, our law must be changed! Please look further into this claim. I suspect, like " double jeopardy" it's bogus...a blanket statement to CYA rather than applicable in this case. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Has this thread moved gone somewhere or just fizzled out?

Anonymous said...

Last update is she will be indicted for depraved heart murder, which could be a life sentence.

Nothing for Stuart? Strange, since he was the one initially driving when they left the JCC, and after JPD pulled them over, Karen was asked to drive. Sounds like Stuart AND the JPD have a bit of culpability themselves.....

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS