Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Gilbert to Oxford House: Shut it down and pay a fine.

Secretary of State Dilbert Hosemann issued a cease and desist order to Oxford House and fined the organization $1,000 for soliciting grants as an unregistered charity in Mississippi. The order is posted below.


Anonymous said...

Love it. Go Dilbert! Have a feeling this is just the beginning. OH has messed with the wrong folks.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, an illegal poultry operation continues to contaminate a residential neighborhood with chicken feces.....

Anonymous said...

Boom, don't mess with Delbert!

Anonymous said...

The devil's in the details. Told OH he would deny its corrected application filing. That's harsh.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Gene Rowzee, Jr. will represent Paul Molloy in this matter?

Anonymous said...

Don't the Federal regulations say the seed and other grants administered by DMH for sober living have to be run through a non-profit? I guess DMH better find another horse to ride, huh?

Anonymous said...

More politicians piling on to get some of that NE Jackson money during an election year. What does this do to close down the Oxford Houses? You all are going to feel silly when August 5 dawns and you're right back where you started and no one needs your money or votes anymore.

Juan said...


Who're you calling "You all"???

Anonymous said...

3:28pm, AKA somewhere from a chilled cubicle in Maryland, must fresh off of its lunch break, feasting on lobster rolls and summer pale ale.

Unlike Oxford House, Will Longwitz lives in the area which he represents. He will be around after August 5, you dumbwit, and he will stay for his entire life. Unlike Oxford House, no one pays him to travel the country to recruit addicts from PRISONS. Will, Delbert, Phil are all acting in Mississippi's best interest. Love or hate politicians, sometimes they actually do the right thing. This summer has actually created a perfect storm of self-interest vs. best-interest. Everyone wins....that is if you're not profiting from addicts!!! Sorry, Paul.

Anonymous said...

@2:45. Record a video, post it online, send a copy to the MDEQ.

Anonymous said...

This is about a 3 wood from Dilbert's house......

Anonymous said...

Why is the board of DMH repeatedly sticking it to the Gov., AKA the Hand that Feeds Them?

Diana Mikula (DMH Head, and an ugly one at that) was never supposed to have been appointed to her position, against the Guv's blessing.

The DMH Board claims that the misrepresentations on the application were they also imply that the Guv's letter is immaterial as well??? How do spell the ceremonial suicide that the Japanese Samurai often practiced? Harakiri??

My question is, if not the Guv, to whom does DMH answer? They need to be brought in line with their real boss, not someone who is possibly influencing them in a stronger way.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 'you all', I see that @3:28 finally figured out our primary election isn't in September. ROFLMAO

Dumbergh said...

Meanwhile, an illegal poultry operation continues to contaminate a residential neighborhood with chicken feces.....

Time to send Jackson code enforcement back over there then.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the State of MS tax will be now on those Federal grants?

Anonymous said...

3:55, obviously you know nothing about MS government. Just as most other state agencies are structured, DMH does not answer to the Guv. (Hell, Phil might not know it either for that matter.) DMH reports to a Board. The ED is hired by the board, not by the Governor. The nine member board is appointed by the Guv - with restrictions on some of the memberships background/experience - for seven year terms.

But once appointed, the Board is supposed to run the department as the individual members see fit - not as 'demanded' by the one who appointed them. That's the reason for having the board - along with, of course, the continuation of our 'weak governor' form of government. Taking away the various executive branch agencies from direct control by the Governor and putting them under a board or commission allows them a fair amount of independence, and the ability to thumb their nose at the one sitting in a mansion on Capitol Street.

Anonymous said...

"shut it down" = "shut down solicitations from the state" but OH better get its shiz together because a foreign entity can't avail itself of the courts if it ain't registered, and I would assume any appeal from the farce that will be the admin hearing will be availing itself of a court.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I have just missed something here that all you other bright lights have read but this appears to be nothing more than Dilbert's normal grandstanding and trying to jump up on a podium to claim credit and authority over the bright shinning star of the day.

This is, from my reading, a C&D order to 'stop soliciting contributions'. Hell, I haven't heard anything about OH soliciting contributions in any of Will's extended claims against OH. Applying for a loan from Mental Health doesn't seem to me to fit the 'soliciting contributions' claim. Operating one or more OH in the state doesn't include 'soliciting contributions'.

JJ - you title this as Gilbert telling OH to 'shut it down and pay a fine.' Yes, he imposed a $1000 fine (which I'm willing to bet doesn't hold up after the admin hearing, but we'll just have to wait and see.) But where oh where does Dilbert's order tell them to shut down their operations? Maybe I haven't found the right lines to read between, but obviously Amile and all Will's followers on here have the super x-ray vision that finds such a requirement.

Anonymous said...

5:09 -- don't believe they're receiving loans from the State of Mississippi but GRANTS that are FEDERAL block grants sent down to MDMH directly. So I would "guess" that charitable is in the form of a grant they have solicited from Mississippi (which they are receiving from MDMH). It's how they pay their bills, and their "outreach workers". GRANTS pure and simple - no pay back and no reporting on their end.

You couldn't provide the type of charitable contribution they're receiving federally and from the state. May be wrong, but that's what I think Delbert is hanging his hat on with regard to their registration (or falsification thereof),

Anonymous said...

May 27, 2015 at 4:56 PM = loyal, but politically NAIVE JJ reader

Anonymous said...

Maybe I have just missed something here that all you other bright lights have read ...

Yes, I'm a bright light and you are not.

Anonymous said...

@5:09PM there is black helicopter circling your location at this time. Quickly, get into your lead scan-proof bunker ASAP.

Anonymous said...

"Shut it down" means to stop doing it.

Anonymous said...

State Agencies don't lose at the administrative level. They pick the freaking judge.

Anonymous said...

Great day for Sam R. Hall and Jimmie Gates. Mailed another one in!

Anonymous said...

3:48 Let me explain something to yah: In Maryland they eats crabcakes with their pale ale, not lobster. Maryland is not the same thing as Maine. Look at a map! Paul will set you straight when he comes down here for cat fish out at the Cock O' The Walk so he can eat something different for a change with his pale ale instead of more crabcakes.

Anonymous said...

Phil can't even control the agencies he constitutionally has control over much less a board where he appoints (see Community College Board).

DMH is nothing but a job agency as it's the largest state agency (employee wise) and has an office or some presence in most every county or legislative district. It is the prime example of doing business like we always have.

Anonymous said...

5:09, you seem to have hit a nerve. Amile and Will have taken issue with your comment but haven't shown anything about where it is wrong! Congratulations.

Federal grants are not 'charitable contributions' and if that is what Delbert is hanging his hat on as suggested above, this won't even stand the test of a farce of an administrative hearing.

Makes for good press for Delbert and I'm sure makes his neighbors happy as well. All that is needed now is for Chairman Nosef to chime in so he can get his name in the press. But I suppose Prince Gregory hasn't given him his instructions yet.

Glad I won't be getting a solicitation call from Oxford House asking for a contribution. Wish Delbert could really do something about this mess and keep OH out of my neighborhood rather than just grandstand.

Anonymous said...

5:52. Wrong - on both accounts. But thanks for the recognition.

Anonymous said...

Believe chairman Nosef will be gone after the next meeting

Anonymous said...

The Feds control these state agencies with their funding. Good for the Sec of State but this is Obama money not gifts.

Johnny Weir said...

Great job Secretary of State Dilbert Hosemann. You have my vote.
You just saved the community. You just saved all the hard earned working men & women property value of this community. You just saved us from being under the arrogant liberal thumb. You just salvaged a part of Jackson and the tax base of that community. God Bless You.
My hat is off to you. Thanks again Mr. Hosemann. Now, you need to run for governor.

Anonymous said...

7:42, keep dreaming. If Phil has proven one thing as Gospel, is that he isn't in to firing people. Joe answers to Phil and that is not arguable. Secondly, there are agencies in this state that he has lost TOTAL institutional control over. Mental Health appears to be one, another would be MEMA and another would be MDA. Brent ran that shit without regard for what his boss's wishes were. It was just unbelievable to watch.

Anonymous said...

Ok so they cease and desist taking contributions and pay a fine. Next....

Anonymous said...

Now y'all can send your donations to Dilbert. I can't wait to read all the comments when OH doesn't go anywhere. Keep trying.

Anonymous said...

3:55-you're way off base on Diana Mikula. I've known her for years and there's nothing about her that's ugly. By the way, have you looked in the mirror lately?

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, the correct spelling is Delbert Hosemann.

Anonymous said...

3:55 Agree you've gone way too far on Mikula. Don't have to agree with her on policy to say she's lovely enough. You are likely the woofer okay. Give her her due.

Ghost of Henry Kirksey said...

If you peepuls really want to recall an agency run by straw dogs (with a board, called commissioners), appointed by the governor and run like a well oiled antique tractor up on blocks, look back at the Mississippi Employment Security Commission.

It became, and expired (as far as mission) as, an employment agency within an employment agency. Supposedly existing to find jobs for people and people for jobs, it lasted for decades as a pit of cronyism, appointments of favorites to non-status jobs, a sludge-pit bereft with concubines who traveled with various commissioners and a dumping ground for goober-natorial supporters and friends. It was a feeder and junior league for every governors politically promising trainees (Fitch for example).

There was more shit in the moat around that place than in six illegal chicken operations. The only thing that would have resulted in it becoming a bigger train wreck would have been putting Harvey Johnson in the corner office.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid delburt is going to get pie in his face. Rejecting OH on the basis of more than state allowance for charitable donations and using OH's overall contributions (federal not state) for the amount received. Humm...

Anonymous said...

My real concern that I worry about are the children. The MDMH Board completely ignores that there are children of all ages from very young to teenage years across the street and adjacent to the Northside OH. Paul' Malloy's and Gene Rowzee's Jr.'s statistics somehow do not reassure me about putting 7 addicted men so close to young girls. I know the parents. They are worried sick. So am I. So should the MDMH Board be worried, but honestly after watching them in Meridian I do not think they actually give a damn. The only ones worried are my Senator, my Governor and my Secretary of State, gentlemen all. But the mental health professionals and the MDMH Board come across as completely uncaring about the young girls in the face of overcrowded young addicted men and will just ignore the risks. They are all about Malloy's and Rowzee's claims, not the reality of a badly chosen house. Let it be upon their heads if anything goes wrong.

Anonymous said...

5:48 -- Rules are rules. Sorry OH in Maryland (aka 5:48)…….you like to write your "guidelines" or "suggestions" and use them as a two edged sword -- some days they're rules, some days suggestions, some days guidelines according to if you need to provide oversight, or have everyone self-govern. Consider this our "suggestion", "guideline", etc. Today Delbert's actions happen to be the rules and we're "self-governing" here in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Do you not think the residents of OH don't have children? We do. I'm very proud and happy in my neighborhood. My kids come and visit over the weekends. They ride their bikes and play with other children in the neighborhood. Just because we are in recovery does not mean we are a danger to your children. If you would just try to get to know the residents instead of assuming you would know this. We are people just like you. I had a big house and great job and a nice car, just like you, however I did make a mistake in drinking when I had a life altering experience. Now I am able to pick up the pieces and become a productive citizen again thank to the safety and good environment of my Oxford home.

Anonymous said...

Let it be upon their heads if anything goes wrong.

Liability of any "acting out" by the residents in the Fiser Stephens Halfway House resides solely on the property owners.

Anonymous said...

7:14 Oh....I see. Longwitz and Bryant are your puppets huh? So y'all do govern Mississippi. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

This website is great. In the last few weeks we've solved a horrific crime, and we've forced politicians to act on their constituents beliefs. Keep doin what you do kingfish.

Now, if we could document the corruption in this DORE or whatever they call it scam, it seems like another step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Even if all of the donations were solicited outside Mississippi, the fact remains OH planned to solicit and did solicit more than the $25,000 that required OH to register with the MS SOS as a charity. OH did not register. Digbert should not back down but deny their application from here to Kingdom come. Their arrogance and insensitivity have placed OH where they are: in trouble on many levels with the people of Mississippi. MDMH is joining them in the same place for the same reasons.

Anonymous said...

6:56am makes no sense. what risk is posed to children? this is just naive fear mongering pulled from thin air.

Anonymous said...

7:57. stop making up legal principles that don't exist.

Anonymous said...

Just because we are in recovery does not mean we are a danger to your children.

We? Are you the official Mississippi OH spokesperson?

Anonymous said...

5:56 states their real concern is about their children.

Anonymous said...

Longwitz has even stated fear for the people and children in these neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

8:06 -- Yep, God help you. We're all here now, we've awakened and decided we're going to be politically active. The governor and Senator Longwitz happen to be on our side on this one. MAYBE because it's the right side to be on.

If they go the other direction on future issues, we can decide if we support them, or if we don't. That's the great thing about involving yourself in the issues and finding like-minded people who have the same viewpoint. You can all decide politically who best fits your needs, the needs of your family, your neighborhood, and the greater community. I think we're all a bit tired of the concept that we subjugate our rights, so others can run rough shod over us. It took a lot, but we're all awake now, and involved in the "process". I'm sure you wish we weren't. We're that nasty little rabble, you probably relegate to "they just don't get it" people. Trust me -- we do, you just don't like what we're "getting" now.

Anonymous said...

@10:29 - You must have not lived here long. Mr. Hosemann has taken the many ways his name is mangled and used it to his benefit in some pretty funny campaign commercials.

I am happy our senator, governor and sos are taking a stand. I've lived here over 50 years and don't recall any issue that has brought more people together in agreement than this attempted rape by OH. There's a money trail here making the arrogant yahoos from OH willing to argue.

Anonymous said...

"Attempted rape by OH." Typical hyperbolic nonsense espoused by those who can't argue facts.

Anonymous said...

The misinformation on this situation is mind boggling!! First of all, the only thing our state legislature can do in this situation is come January, stop MDMH from receiving any more Federal dollars to fund OH's in the future. (They had planned to open only 20 of the houses with the seed money from the beginning anyway) Secondly, defunding will cause the 4 Mississippians, who provide oversight to the houses to lose their jobs, (which pay from $20,000 to $30,000 a year). At this point there will be NO oversight of these houses. The residents of these homes choose to live there because they feel they need the accountability to others. They have asked for help, they don't want to relapse, otherwise they would move back home or back to the streets.

Until you truly understand how the OH model works, you won't get this. If federal funding is stopped, all oversight will be gone and guess what!! The OH will still be there! They haven't broken any laws. At best, this could be a zoning issue and only 4 people allowed to live there. The Oxford House provides a model for those in recovery, it's a MODEL, a GUIDE not some kind of mandatory law. Anyone can open an Oxford House. They don't have to have seed money from the federal government to do so. If the federal funds are stopped, how does the state of Mississippi plan to fund assistance for those in recovery? This will actually cost tax payers of Mississippi more money unless they plan to ignore those in recovery.

Anonymous said...

Typical hyperbolic spin espoused @ 10:45 AM by one who simply doesn't know and can not predict what will or will not happen in Mississippi going forward.

Anonymous said...

10:45 -- the four people you mention can find other jobs if they are that productive. Also, the legislature can develop legislation that takes this unsupervised MDMH group out from under the "board" that currently overseas it, and make it like other state agencies -- reporting to the governor, etc. It's about oversight -- not just money.

OH will leave, because they have no money in their corrupt coffers to provide the MINIMAL support they state they do on their website…. and we laugh at the $30k number you provided -- try $75k or more if you review their financials. Those people being paid here in Mississippi are OH people -- NOT MDMH people. OH will, as a business, budget their funds, where they can reap the most benefit. Also -- they link all their people to the state funds they receive as a flow through on those federal block grants they're receiving, so no one can come into Mississippi, say from Louisiana, if they're only being paid with Louisiana funds. Louisiana would not look kindly on their money being spent in Mississippi. OH has rules for those funds they receive, and they best be abiding by them, or HHS might be asking questions. WIth that said, they have no financial interest in Mississippi. Hence like any good business, they go where they will have revenue, so Paul, et. al., can live the fat cat lifestyle in Maryland. Let's figure out where he lives, so we can see what this MODEL has supported in the way of his lifestyle. Betcha it's quite a layout.

Anonymous said...

Delbert -- I sure hope our neighbors in other states (your fellow SoSs), are reviewing their fillings from OH also….that should be interesting in Maryland.

Anonymous said...

10:45 Thank you MDMH. Glad we can communicate directly. My question is, can't MDMH take more responsibility for siting the houses instead of leaving that responsibility entirely in the hands of the landlord and OH who do not care? Preferably not as on NSide with up to 7 addicted men in 1800 sq. ft. facing children right next door and across the street. Give me stats all you want, and I'll cite you this one: my common sense tells me that is not appropriate or safe over the long run. Spin the wheel enough times with 0 on it for a tragedy, and you will eventually hit 0. That's not fear mongering. That is the law of large numbers.

Anonymous said...

8:22 - so you have determined that OH has solicited and received more than $25k in 'charitable contributions' in MS? Interesting. How, pray tell, did you determine this? You could become a valuable forensic accountant (with your obvious ESP skills or tarot cards) to make this determination.

Hosemann has taken an IRS 990 form and declared that all income in a category was charitable contributions and made his determination from that. Ask those folks down on the MS Gulf Coast about his overreach on tidelands determination and trying to put folks out of business down there and see how well he survived.

I wish we did not have Oxford Houses in neighborhoods either. But I hate more the grandstanding by politicians trying to jump on this bandwagon issue during an election year. Question: Where was Delbert on this 'solicitation issue' earlier? Same place he has been with NAACP Director Derrick Johnson? How about Longwitz and Bryant? They were right in line the last four years approving MDMH budget while more than a dozen OHs have been installed in MS and not said anything about it.

Now our Senator says he will stop it "next year". Great. If he succeeds he will stop the creation of any new houses, but those that are already in place will continue. Why didn't he do this last year or two years ago when other houses were put into 'his district' in NE Jackson? Understand he didn't know about it - maybe that's an indication that they aren't as bad as being claimed in his overstatements.

Phil and Will are pretty darn good at jumping on any bandwagon and trying to get to the front of the parade and act like they are leading. But they can never measure up to Hosemann and his attempt to look important and in charge.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much but I do know this: OH is spending a shitload of money on lobbying. The comments here prove it.

Anonymous said...

1:00, then you're really just back to not knowing much. Really, how does that help your argument? It's the same banal statements suggesting commenters are from Maryland. It's sophomoric. I'm sitting in Ridgeland, MS writing this, and I can assure you nobody in Maryland gives a hoot about public opinion down here. Haven't their actions at least shown that?

Anonymous said...

Sec. 79-11-507(2):
"In any proceeding under this chapter, the burden of proving an exemption, or an exception from a definition, is upon the person claiming it."

OH, looks like the ball in now in your court.

Anonymous said...

All the politicians involved have been ASKED by their constituents for their help. How do I know this? Because the neighbors, myself being one, ASKED for their assistance. That is what their JOB is! NONE of them got involved because there is an election coming up. NONE of them are merely "Grandstanding" and "jumping on the bandwagon" like has been posted in previous messages. Their JOB is to investigate concerns that their constituents bring to their attention. That is the way our process works! I, for one, appreciate all the politicians that have researched this issue and spoken out on behalf of a group of their constituents. If other politicians have come to a different conclusion based on their own research, I have yet to hear from them. They have every opportunity as well to speak out, too!

Anonymous said...

1:39, their job is to represent "All" of their constitutents, not just the rich NE Jackson contributors. In fact, the residents of OH are also their constitutents as well as the landlords of the property.

But my question about these politicians is where were they last year? And the year before? Other OHs have been built throughout the state - even one in 39211. They weren't against them then - in fact the voted to continue the programs of MDMH. Now, they are talking about legislation - next year - to do something about this so that it won't happen again. Frankly, if I were you or your neighbor I would be asking why they are so late to the parade. If this is so bad, why did they let it happen under their watch.

And frankly, their job is not just to 'represent' their constitutents. Their job - at least the Senators - is to 'run the state' for the benefit of all - not just those in their district. If politicians ran to the whelm of each and every call, they would constantly be going in circles. For every issue there is always another side.

Anonymous said...

3:37 - I never said "all" their constituents because "all" their constituents don't have the same options on things. I fully believe that their job is to investigate issues brought forth by their constituents and after research, issue an opinion and or action. After reading posts from Forest Hill neighborhood, they were VERY frustrated that no one listened to their complaints. The problem was that they were complaining to the City of Jackson and crying foul over zoning issues. We learned very quickly that was a mistake and so the neighbors over on Northside Dr. turned to another option, our elected officials. As far as if the officials could have done something last year or the year before....wouldn't that have been nice!!! Even they would say that if they had known then what they know now - they would not have approved such a project. We might not be able to do anything about existing Oxford House homes, but we are now trying to prevent other neighborhoods from fighting the same battles.

Anonymous said...

@10:45 Are you freaking kidding me? In every supporting document and OH's own statements the four who will lose their jobs do zero oversight, they are employed strictly to lobby those in addiction treatment and prisons to move into Oxford Houses. That's the last thing I want my tax dollars spent on. One of the main things causing the huge backlash to OH is the fact that they offer no oversight or support whatsoever. And having "only 4" would be way better than 7 in a 3 bedroom house. If it means increased taxes for MDMH to actually provide some form of help for recovering addicts, I am all for it. We all lose if they are shoveled into the federally funded non-solution OH scam.

On a totally unrelated note, I just read the lease that was on an earlier post, signed by 4 OH tenants and listing their occupations. From all the OH reports, one of the absolutes is residents must get a job within 2 weeks. According to the lease, 2 of the men are disabled/retired, one is (cough, cough) self employed, and the 4th works for Heritage Properties. Let's do the math: 25% of the household is employed. Two aren't even contemplating working.

Anonymous said...

Need to set one thing straight...not everyone in this neighborhood is wealthy, or anywhere close to wealthy. So you can stop using that line because it's not true.

Anonymous said... fact the voted to continue the programs of MDMH.

Show us where ANY House or Senate legislator in Mississippi was briefed by MDMH on their planned Oxford House program, the specifics of the approach and the unannounced stealth deployment in advance of the very first OH being established. Show us. Because I can't think of a single solitary House or Senate member, understanding the furor these houses would create in their respective districts, who would have signed off on the plan.

You just tipped your hand. You are a Bill Billingsley plant because Bill himself and his supporters are spreading the same FUD all over LeFleur East.

So while I may have liked to have seen a more NEJ attentive and NEJ active Senator Longwitz over the past 3 years he is going above and beyond the call now for a Jackson constituency that did not vote in the majority for him back in 2011. NEJ didn't put him over the top in the last election, Madison County did. But he sure as hell is standing with NEJ now and that is all that matters.

The timing of the placement of these houses is not of Longwitz's doing nor control. The deafening silence and voter misdirection right now on the part of Bill Billingsley is his to address and time is growing short.

Anonymous said...

4:07, was Ashby in on the early stuff? I thought he came in with Longwitz, although Longwitz said on April 2 that he had known about the problem for several months. I can't imagine why he didn't ask around during the legislative session and at least try to figure out a way to stop the one at 2230 Northside.

Kingfish said...

I suspect he meant by MC Law that he graduated from the school.

Anonymous said...

Let's not be sent down rabbit trails by OH. The issue is: What about the safety and security of the neighboring children for the long run?

Wouldn't it help for OH VOLUNTARILY to keep the houses to no more than 6, especially as small as these houses are?

Wouldn't it help for OH VOLUNTARILY to move the Northside House and its residents to someplace not across from or abuting houses with children?

Wouldn't it help for OH VOLUNTARILY to send out information packets to all neighbors within 160 feet BEFORE opening new homes?

I know Paul likes to do things the rude, abrupt way, but that only works in Yankee land. This is the South. We expect the polite thing to be done and our cultural norms respected. Couldn't OH do things better VOLUNTARILY?

Anonymous said...

Whether some of you like it or not -- yesterday when we became aware of Delbert's slick move -- it was kind of like that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Harrison Ford is confronted twirling all of his swords --- OH has been out there twirling their swords (zoning, FHA, ADA, etc.) and BOOM - Delbert pulled out his SOS Charities gun and shot them. It was classic!!!! No one saw it coming. Go Digbert/Delbert/Debert/etc. You got my vote again.

Anonymous said...

Lol 5:44 it must have been a BB gun because all its done is keep them from accepting charitable donations.

Anonymous said...

5:44 - you evidently can be fooled easily. Delbert's move isn't going to do a thing to OH. His C&D order is only to 'stop soliciting contributions'. I have seen nothing to indicate that OH has been soliciting charitable contributions. If Delbert is going to try to make the case that the federal grants are the same thing as charitable contributions, he will fall flat on his face. If he is going to try to make the case that the rents are charitable contributions he needs to get an Oxford Dictionary rather than deal with Oxford House.

And even if - big 'if' - there were contributions somewhere involved, that still doesn't stop OH from their current operations or from establishing new houses that they evidently have on their drawing boards.

Delbert thinks he should be in charge here - just as in everything else in the state - but this is really a stretch.

Anonymous said...

Delburt is making a contribution along with Will and Phil to hold unaccountable people accountable. Must be done.

Anonymous said...

5:09 "it doesn't work that way" you should know that by now, keep up

Anonymous said...

I had no opinion of most of our politicians before this whole debacle (should be ashamed, but I'd not seen much action in the past and lost interest). Despite all the hating on Hosemann, Bryant, and esp Longwitz, my interest in local politics has skyrocketed. I have not given a penny to any (yet) or supported any (yet) but seeing elected officials who actually are willing to fight for their constituents and endure this ongoing abuse (seemingly by OH residents/employees or Billingsly - whoever he is, never heard his name before JJ) has made me have some faith/passion about who we elect. I'm more positive and confident about the direction our little neck of the woods is headed than I have been in years thanks to the actions of this trio. Do wish more would join in, but at least a few are willing to take the heat and try to reverse this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

You are anonymous. When posting on JJ you take no heat. Don't flatter yourself.

Anonymous said...

Additional to my post at 5:09, would've it help for OH to VOLUNTARILY declare they will not recruit from prisons to the Northside and Forest Park as well as 1365 NSide houses?

Coming in rudely, abruptly and stealthily, and without listening to the pleas of parents, or showing any indication of a willingness to work with the community, has made OH unwelcome however laudable the goal of sober living houses may be.

I would welcome MS Home Corp setting up a MS alternative for sober living houses to this rude, tone deaf and uncompromisingly arrogant group from the DC/MD beltway that tyrannically imposes its will with FHA threats (amplified by Gene Rowzee, Jr..and MDMH) and does not listen to our elected leadership or take suggestions. We all support sober living and want these people to have a place to live. Just not this group whose arrogant tactics have made it unwelcome.

Anonymous said...


I agree. We should come up with a locally based solution. There are some models already working well. How do we get started? Work with one of the local charities?


Anonymous said...

"Let's not be sent down rabbit trails by OH. The issue is: What about the safety and security of the neighboring children for the long run?"

Um, that's never been a real issue in this matter. it's simply a red herring used for fear mongering. your comment is ass backwards.

Anonymous said...

I think Mississippi Home Corp is just a financing vehicle for homeless people. Do they actually oversee the operation of individual houses? That seems to be part of the problem - no one other than Oxford House does this. If it works, and that's something that hasn't been discussed, should it be turned over to someone else with no experience?

Anonymous said...

According to you 10:25 AM but rest assured it is a real issue whether you like it or not.

Anonymous said...

1121, I recognize never to get involved in a land war in Asia and never to try to argue with an irrational person, so I'll leave this thread. But consider whether you have any more facts to support your "fear" for your children than your neighbors do to believe you'll prey on their children.

Anonymous said...

MS Home Corp could not be any less involved than Oxford House. All OH does is help obtain houses, hand the residents a book of suggested organizational structure and rules, and goes on its merry way to set up more unsupervised houses. I am not sure where the money trail is, but I'm sure there is one for them to be so determined to "explode" across the state.

Anonymous said...


Your reading comprehension is lacking. He was speaking of three NAMED leaders, not referring to himself.


Anonymous said...

9:07 Thank you for those links. I've print the articles off and will look at them after work, but they do look promising. We do need to find a way to address homelessness and sober living in a way that builds on community support through the churches and others.

Anonymous said...

Have any of you even bothered to meet the residents? When I got to OH it was just me and some clothes fresh out of supervised recovery center. I couldn't stay there because they wanted 2,000$ a month. I found out about OH and moved in. It w a s my responsibility to get a job go to meetings keep my chores done. I now have two jobs, a car, and my children get to come on weekends. Because I had to be responsible for myself. You continuously say it's not working for the residents but for me it has been a miracle. I am a voting tax paying citizen just as you all are. Talk all the politics you want but don't go assuming how the resident are feeling and doing. No one in my house has ever been convicted of anything more than a DUI. If OH has done anything wrong then discuss it but please refrain from your assumptions of the current residents. Thank you

Anonymous said...

3:53 -- Man or woman? If you are a man, how do your children come to a home with 4-7 grown men and spend the night? More importantly where do they sleep (men or women living in the home irrelevant -- there just couldn't be any bed space!) or privacy for children and a family?

Anonymous said...

I am a woman. I have my own room it is large. There is plenty of space. We have plenty of room. I am thankful to live in a neighborhood where they can ride their bike and play. We have cook outs when their here, go shopping, and are able to do normal family things. I am proud of what I've been able to achieve living here, and my kids are able to see a hard working mom whom they are proud of. Whether you believe it or not the people here are respectful hard working citizens who are getting their lives together ( this includes the men) and before it can be said there are some on disability but none are for the reason is addiction.

Anonymous said...

5:59 -- SURE!!! I'm hearing 1950's sitcom music playing in the background. The real issue is Tax payer dollars, and it is about OHI…….they're the issue, and their corrupt, venal, approach to money making off the tax payer dime.

Anonymous said...

Which OH do you live in 5:59 PM?

Anonymous said...

Ahh there is the jackassery come back we all know and love.

Anonymous said...

Geez, Louise, give the lady some privacy. You have already invaded the lives of those poor souls on Northside. Can't you leave anyone alone?

Ahab's Pork Cook-Off said...

Geez, Louise, 7:58 PM. What a weak response. Can't you produce something better? Nobody has had their lives invaded. Exaggerate much?

Anonymous said...

Bless you 5:59 for getting your life back together. Please don't waste your breath on these idiot jerks. I used to enjoy the jackassery as they say, but the comments made on this subject have made me question what type of people are lurking here. It's gotten beyond jackassery to down right hateful born from ignorance. I am signing off for good and you should do the same. You don't owe anyone an explanation and they are going to believe what they want regardless of the proof put before them.

Anonymous said...

Ahab, you sound like a swell guy. Are you familiar with irony? That would be pointing out a weak response with even a weaker one of your own. See you at fourth period lunch...

Anonymous said...

9:19 and 5:59 -- Probably a good idea for you to go talk to each other somewhere else since I'm sure you either live in the same house, or work in the same location.

Let us get back to the real subject -- OHI in Maryland. Your emotional redirection over and over and over and over …..(you get the point) is really just an irritating diversion for all of us. Tax Payer money, Paul Molloy and his overreach at the federal level, MDMH and their apparent mismanagement and personal involvement as an OHI extension in Mississippi - those are the real issues. Emotional, "personal" stories matter naught -- focus people focus!!! Keep follow the money and the corrupt influence.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've gotten your life back together but paying $2000 a month is not the only other option you had 3:53 pm.

One DUI didn't cause your life to spiral out of control nor did it cause any of those in OH to need OH. Indeed, that you are characterizing what got those needing group living into the situation they find themselves is a bit disturbing. You aren't owning what really happened that caused you to lose all support of the sober people in your life.

You are eligible for enough money to find adequate housing in Jackson and a job without OH. You can get to group meetings without OH. Your sponsor will take you. You can go to church and start to make friends without OH locating in upper middle class neighborhoods that are supposed to be single family dwellings. You could ask for a social worker in Adult Services to help you.

I wish you well, but you need to realize that you still have to be responsible for yourself and not expect others to sacrifice for you. It's not all about you and how you feel and what you want and what you need. That thinking is what got you into trouble to start.

Anonymous said...

The woman telling her story is quite profound. I have been totally against this OH from the beginning. Senator Longwitz has reported that these people are felons and sex offenders. However in reviewing back I see there has been no investigation of the actual people living here in Jackson. It truly is sad that an authority figure would use such things as a political ploy to scare our community. In regards to this and the report from the MDMH I hate to say it but Longwitz seems to be a liar. Makes me wonder about his other political agendas. I have also investigated this supposed "money trail" and have failed to find how any one or OH is "getting rich quick" my view on OH have changed, however it's the changes on my view on senetor longwitz that saddens me. I've always supported him and respected him but this is just to much.

Anonymous said...

7:57 --- go back to walking the neighborhood Bill.

Anonymous said...

7:41. There are other aspects than a DUI yes but everyone has be so focused on this jail issue I wanted to mention that. You are so condensing. I am responsible for myself and haven't depended on anyone to give me anything. I fail to see how living in a nice neighborhood is sacrificing any one. We have great relationship with our neighbors, have caused no trouble, our yard is well kept, neighbors have no reason to "fear" us, and properly values have not gone down. And yes what you listed is a possible way to do things, and I did do most of them with the exception of trying to get "adequate housing" and use of a social worker. I had no where to live how and where may I ask was I supposed to live safely while doing so? Also it was while here in a safe environment that I was able to go to church, attend meetings, obtain a sponsor, and find a job. The fact is yes I've made mistakes that you haven't but that doesn't make me any less of a human being undeserving to live is a safe neighbourhood.

Anonymous said...

$100 wager that May 29, 2015 at 9:19 PM reads this comment.

Anonymous said...

... and properly values have not gone down.

How do you know?

Anonymous said...

The Billingsley trolls are up working bright and early this morning.

Anonymous said...

7:41 -- do not feed into 8:47. This is a prepared set of talking points -- emotional and this person wants the dialogue to be directed toward the "residents". Doesn't matter -- leave it alone.

THE REAL problem is OHI in Maryland. They want to direct the conversation to emotional talking points, "personal stories" (reference their 1 hour crying jag at last week's MDMH meeting in Meridian), and zoning, FHA, ADA, etc. These are all areas they think they can win on, and have used our tax payer dollars to sue and win (and get punitive damages also) in the past. It's their "GO TO" when communities push back.

OHI is taking millions of dollars (see their annual reports), from the US government, sent through block grants to the states, and using those (90% of the millions are block grant related), for MOSTLY salaries, benefits, travel, etc. All you have to do is look at their reports. IT IS THEIR NUMBERS ON THOSE REPORTS!

DO NOT GET DISTRACTED by 8:47. This is one component of their agenda (personalization), and many times, they just post and speak to each other -- appearing like they're just good ole NEJ folks, just one of our "neighbors".

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 9:33. To engage these 'actors' laughable rhetoric and responses is senseless.

Anonymous said...

7:57, Around here, we don't say "reviewing back". Redundancy is relatively easy to spot, even for those of us who have not memorized the minutia of the Rules of Grammar. And so our teachers in elementary school spent a good bit of time on Redundancy. It was something easy to teach. Anyone with even a fifth grade education, in Mississippi, knows not to say something as astonishingly redundant as "reviewing back".

Are you a semi-literate resident of an Oxford House location in Jackson? Or are you 'blogging' from an Oxford House office in another state? If so, you should be aware that most of us in Mississippi were shown, in grade school, lists of colloquialisms which were considered exceptionally grating and just plain LOW-CLASS. These lists of 'Things not to say' were in our textbooks. Several were redundancies similar to "reviewing back". We used to ask, "Who says things like that? I've never heard that before.". So, our teachers would explain that these were things said by Yankee factory workers, and other poor people 'up North'.

If you are an actual employee of Oxford House, I believe that the company - I mean "Nonprofit" or "Ministry" (wink, wink) - should fire you. Your attempt to impersonate an elderly Jackson gentleman was so awkward as to be laughable. You're not fooling ANYBODY. In fact, all your posts are flopping, miserably.

And if you're a 'resident' of the Oxford Flophouse on East Northside Drive, your regrettable grammar tells me that you have absolutely no business living in such a nice neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

9:33. Your answer to everything is Maryland at it or other say its bill. It is personal to us that live in the OH. Guess what I pay taxes also. What wrong with you people. Made up story? Really? You all have access to the location of the OH. Go by and meet these people.

Anonymous said...

Goodness let's crucify someone for making one grammatical error. It's quite humours you would write so much in regards to it. Once again you've shown your stupidity by not comprehending the content of the messages. The only comeback you have is to zero in on a grammatical error and belittle the messenger.

Anonymous said...

11:33. So what are the requirements for living in your neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

Big front page expose this morning in the New York Times on how bad group homes can get as a scam in the wrong hands:

Just Passing Through said...

One can typically read the top three to five threads here on JJ and keep up with current events. But, with this particular thread, I am confident I can come way down here on the board any time of day or night, without regard to passage of time, and the people from Maryland are still hanging out here....still pretending to be OH residents..... still pretending to be recovering males or females or old folks....still using the same arrogant, threatening language.

And we all know who the poster is who keeps claiming that since there is no record of prior misconduct by these people, none can be anticipated. He does that on several sites.

Anonymous said...

2:16 -- PERFECT overview. For those who have not read this article, you should. OH, your sober living model, is now being scrutinized around the country. This corrupt industry needs to be investigated fully.

Anonymous said...

This is like shooting fish in a barrel...

"Goodness let's crucify someone for making one grammatical error. It's quite humours you would write so much in regards to it."

You start by attacking someone who likes to communicate clearly (that what's that nasty grammar and spelling stuff is all about) and then wander into some strange land where "humours" is a word. Did you, by any chance, mean "humorous"?

Let's see - putting in a "u" where none is called for - that could just be a typo from fat or drunken fingers. But then compounding the incompetence by leaving out an "o" and a "u" where they are called for - well, that's just dumbassery (distant cousin to jackassery).

If you're going to complain about the grammar police it is best not to set yourself up for abuse by coming across as semi-literate.

Anonymous said...

OH appears pretty tame compared to what is going on in NYC according to today's NYT piece, which states at the start:

"Mr. Bush signed up for a drug-treatment program and emerged nine months later determined to stay sober. But the man who ran the house, Yury Baumblit, a longtime hustler and two-time felon, had other ideas.

"Mr. Baumblit got kickbacks on the Medicaid fees paid to the outpatient treatment programs that he forced all his tenants to attend, residents and former employees said. So he gave Mr. Bush a choice: If he wanted to stay, he would have to relapse and enroll in another program. Otherwise, his bed would be given away.

“‘Do what you do’ — that’s what he told me,” Mr. Bush recalled."

THIS IS WHY MDMH MUST KEEP A HANDLE ON OH, AND WHY SENATOR WILL LONGWITZ IS RIGHT TO KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS OF MDMH LEST GROUP HOMES TAKE A TURN FOR THE WORSE HERE TOO AS IN NYC, FHA THREATS FROM GENE ROWZEE, JR. NOTWITHSTANDING. Yes, there is a place for sober living houses, but not for overcrowding them for the benefit of landlords, or as a means of introducing cons into neighborhoods or for endangering neighborhood children. We gotta keep the pressure on MDMH to keep a close watch on the situation.

Anonymous said...

3:00. The misspelled word was done on purpose to show just how quickly you all would see and comment on it. It didn't take you long.

Anonymous said...

@7:59 Seriously, Bill, tell us where YOU stand on OH instead of bashing one of the few people who has chosen to represent this of us who have concerns. And please learn proper capitalization. It will behoove you well, even in your continued retirement.

@1:05 (aka @7:57, 4:51) Cool story, bro, but no one is buying it or the rest of your nonsense.

@7:41 Odd that none of these neighbors you have "great relationships" have identified themselves and spoken up for OH. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

7:58. Our neighbor actually went to the conference in Meridian to speak in support of OH. Thank you for asking.

Anonymous said...

@925 That's awesome so I'm sure yoy can provide their name? Property he/she owns near OH?

Anonymous said...

9:25 -- Was that YOUR neighbor who was crying, and emotional, and telling all those stories about how wonderful OH was, even though they allow ex-cons, co-occurring disorders, etc. For those who are laymen (or laywomen) out there -- this is from OHI's website (FAQ):

Do studies show that many Oxford House residents have co-occurring mental illness?

Yes. A longitudinal study tested 897 Oxford House residents [604 men /293 women] using Addiction Severity Index and calculated the Psychiatric Severity Index [PSI] to identify residents with moderate or severe co-occurring disorders. The results showed that both those with severe and moderate PSI indications did well in staying clean and sober, avoiding hospitalization and functioning well over time. It also showed that about half of the sample tested positive on PSI with half of those having severe co-occurring disorders. [American Journal of Community Psychology 42 (2008) 143-153] In layman’s terms those taking medication for co-occurring disorders learned to take the right amount of medication at the right time to control the co-occurring disorder and to also become comfortable enough in sobriety to avoid relapse.

WE HOPE THEY MEDICATE APPROPRIATELY but since there is no oversight….how do we know?

Just so everyone knows what co-occurring disorders are a combination of: (1) drug or alcohol abuse, and (2) mental health disorders to include:

Mood-related disorders
Major depression
Bipolar disorder
Severe Mental Illness
Schizoaffective disorder
Anxiety-related disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Panic disorder
Social anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder

FROM THEIR NUMBERS ABOVE: With 7 men in a house, 3-4 of the men have co-occurring disorders in the house, and 1-2 have SEVERE issues outlined above under mental health………………and we shouldn't be worried.

Of those 7 men, 76% have been incarcerated, so 4-5 of the men have criminal records (this based on their own OHI reporting).

Just what we need, a criminal, who is severely mentally ill, and addicted to drugs or alcohol ticking like a time bomb on Northside Drive or Forest Park. OHI STATS SUPPORT THIS SCENARIO.

Anonymous said...

When you post unanimously here here I'll be glad to.

Anonymous said...

Oh and complete with property you own near an OH house.

Anonymous said...

10:13pm: Thank you for those insightful comments. It is for those very reasons that neighborhood parents have valid concerns for their children. A number of OH residents may not present a concern, and do just fine, and we wish them well, but a subset do pose a real concern for parents as shown by OH's own data that MDMH cannot wish away and should not ignore. This is not fear mongering, but the truth that MDMH cannot wish away. Full overcrowding to 7 would only heighten those concerns. It means the Northside and Forest Park houses should be relocated to larger houses away from children for the sake of everyone if the OH model is to work.

JJ Unanimous Poster #328 said...

Rowzee, Jr. will, of course, tell you @10:13 PM that none of those disorders are allowed in Mississippi Oxford Houses and that there is periodic mandatory testing required for each of them!!! ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

I have a question. If these houses were women houses would you feel the same?

Anonymous said...

10:13 here - Well -- then I guess OH can sue Rowzee under the ADA if he's excluding all these SOLID citizens from having an OH bed in the local Northside homes or Forest Park -- that should be hilarious! Can we say a circular firing square between MDMH and OH all pointing inward? Also -- how does he monitor that they are medicating correctly -- that would be monitoring legal drugs, and I'm wondering if you can test a person for legal drugs legally since it is a self-governing house!!??

My thoughts are we all stay on point -- OHI is the fire, they just like to have a lot of smoke out there with OH residents telling their PERSONAL stories! We need to put out the fire then the smoke will disappear :)

Anonymous said...

12:22. No, I would not have the same concern if the house was for women. I'll defer to 10:13's knowledge, but I'd think women would not present the same problem for children. Why not at least switch 2230 Northside to women since children are all around that house? That might very well be the solution. 10:13: What do you think?

Anonymous said...

@10:13 is a nutcase. I'm not sure if there's a diagnosis for it in the ICD 10, but it's evident. These residents are in a protected class. You don't get to move them out because you don't like them living next door. Why can't you accept that?

Anonymous said...

12:44. So all you really want is the people living in these homes to "disappear"? Now that's a solution. And to legally test for legal drugs? Really? You people hide here in your anonymity and spout out the most obscene dribble. One minute it's about the operation of OH then it's about the character and or caliber of the people living there.

Anonymous said...

It's about children and finding reasonable solutions. No, we can't force s solution, but reasoable people will work and cooperate together to provide one. Why can't you accept that?

Anonymous said...

I can see the wisdom in protecting people in Oxford Homes given the ignorant reactions of the NEJAX wackos. Whatever the conditions of the residents they are actively getting treatment. How many alcoholics/drug addicts live in NEJAX that aren't?

Anonymous said...

"I'll defer to 10:13's knowledge" is the saddest comment ever posted on JJ.

Anonymous said...

1:47 -- we're more worried about the ones that are being housed and are using the tax payer dollar. If they weren't and OHI was not getting tax payer funds, this would be a moot point.

1:48 - 10:13's knowledge appears to be coming from the OH website. It's a hard pill to swallow when you fall on your own sword OH. 10:13 obviously hit a SORE point -- hence all the vitriol -- it's hilarious when you get so emotional and vindictive over YOUR statistics and YOUR website.

Anonymous said...

I"ve been thinking about this -- OHI is like Rodney Dangerfield, "I get no respect, no respect!"

They are personally offended we're not just taking smoking the pipe (metaphorically) with them, and drinking the kool-aid they're serving. They are NOT use to anyone questioning their integrity, abilities, fraudulent documentation, false statistical information, website information, etc. Their response is a mixture of fear because this is an unknown assault from a community -- not the standard ADA, FHA, etc., anger that we're not deferring to them, and uncertainty, since they have had very few groups push back on their bullying and community assault. It's interesting to watch them spiral out of control, in their responses.

Kind of like watching a train going faster and faster -- sooner or later it's going to wreck. Just sit back in your lawn chairs and watch the show.

Anonymous said...

So, it's not all about the children?

Anonymous said...

3:32. The residents do not receive one red cent from OH or MDMH or your tax paying dollars. In fact most pay taxes themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yall need to get your shit together. It's about the children. 2 comments later. It's about the tax dollars and residents. One says argument is validated by OH stats. Next one up says OH stats are invalid. Good thing you sing in unison saying we are from Maryland, because that argument is a winner!! The one saying OH has never dealt with a group as sharp as this just makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

2 are on Disability at 2230 Northside. HMMMMM- last I checked those were tax payer dollars paying that disability. One is self-employed (I'm sure he's paying taxes on what he "makes"), and I believe 1 might have a job at Heritage House or Heritage Hill, something like that. I'd say stating they are tax payers might be stretching it 4:09. Also -- all of them received money from OHI and MDMH in the form of seed money -- so that's another false statement. They have received federal funding to move into the house. This comes from OH themselves, the reports, etc. We can feel once more your emotional OH anger at being questioned, but it is what it is!!!

3:59 - - Nope --hasn't been about the children ever, for some of us. It's about OHI and their corrupt practices using federal money. Some who live closer than I do, have small children and I can appreciate their concerns, based on the statistical reporting early about the co-occurring issues, but for most of us -- follow the money to OHI headquarters. That's the real story and the one that makes you all most upset.

Anonymous said...

4:54 -- Guess you scored low on READING COMPREHENSION or your brain cells are burned out from your past (?) life. Re-read. S-L-O-W-L-Y!!

Anonymous said...

4:54 -- You're losing your temper. Which co-occurring disorder fits your issues?

Mood-related disorders
Major depression
Bipolar disorder
Severe Mental Illness
Schizoaffective disorder
Anxiety-related disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Panic disorder
Social anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anonymous said...

4:48. 2 are disabled veterans. None are disabled due to addiction. The seed money is paid back. And no one has been given money to move in. How do I know? I'm a resident in another house. I know for a fact we don't receive any money from OH or MDMH Grant money other than the seed money we pay back. I work 2 jobs and pay taxes just like you. You can discuss OHI AT a corporate level but do not assume you know about the residents. You try to dehumanize us. W e are here to live safely while recovering and 're-entering society. We are not monsters we are people. A lot of us have children ourselves. So please stop attacking us.

Anonymous said...

5:17. I'm quite sure at least one fits every adult in the ENJackson area. Well anger issues aren't listed for you. I have to agree with 4:54 that you all should descide your point. As for loosing our tempers? No we are just stating the truth. You all are the ones continuously blasting out in anger.We are all people with problems (including you all) the difference is we are bettering ourselves and you all are being belligerent people who have no care for others.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with 4:54 that you all should descide your point.

Thanks for playing Sparky but there are multiples points and no requirement to settle on just one. You don't get to call the shots.

Without funding next fiscal year I doubt there will be even one more new OH opened anywhere in Mississippi and wouldn't be surprised if [x] of the planned remaining six this fiscal year are scuttled.

Anonymous said...

May 31, 2015 at 5:44 PM, is your incessant, bordering on compulsive, need to be online here anonymously in argumentation with others conducive to your recovery process?

Anonymous said...

6:20 -- I'm in agreement with you. In addition, there are so many points to be made about the failure of OH on so many levels, it's kind of hard to choose one, since they're all relevant.

Anonymous said...

6:23. Well thank you for asking. Yes it is conductive to my recovery. I see what is being said about us and I'm able to comment back. Whether or not you agree is of no consequence. However I do believe I shall stop wasting the rest of my day off and quit feeding you all's narcissistic egos.

Anonymous said...

6:23: We can be critical and questioning of OHI's methods, but addressing the residents and criticizing them is I think not appropriate. We should not be judgmental. They are not at fault here. They are working on their recoveries and it is only appropriate to wish them the best. I wish them well as an OH critic. You know nothing of their specific situations.

Anonymous said...

8:13. Thank you for your decency.

Anonymous said...

@8:13 PM, thanks for your concern but I'll continue to comment as I see fit.

Anonymous said...

I see ya @1:47, OH has their trolls. Please read your OWN RULES which suggest, but don't require any treatment at all.

Hey @4:54 - wow, there's so much proof OH residents aren't the sharpest so you attack a poster? Bold move, buddy.

And 5:44 - you're receiving zero assistance from the state of federal govt? You're doing it all on your own?

Hi there, OH rep at 8:13. If you'd let those trying to recover be included in a program that actually cares about them, and follows up with them, and offers support/services, it'd be different. Instead you unleash them on neighborhoods in cramped housing with no support. And spend our tax dollars paid to recruit them on your time posting on blogs. Games up, no one believes you.

Anonymous said...

4:54 here. Lots of people are posting ignorant and emotional rants. I'm a hated Madison resident with a brain. Oxford house is needed. It is here. You can spew all the venom you want. However, you can do nothing to cure your ignorant hatred. You lose. I'm sure it's nothing you're not used to. It will add to your bad decisions to fight it like you are. There are clear ways to stop more from popping up, but you're not sharp enough to get it. Good night losers.

Anonymous said...

4:54 here. Lots of people are posting ignorant and emotional rants. I'm a hated Madison resident with a brain. Oxford house is needed. It is here. You can spew all the venom you want. However, you can do nothing to cure your ignorant hatred. You lose. I'm sure it's nothing you're not used to. It will add to your bad decisions to fight it like you are. There are clear ways to stop more from popping up, but you're not sharp enough to get it. Good night losers.

Totally devastated by your condemnation. Totally. You are such a cut above. We are all incredibly priveleged to have someone of such insight, wisdom and moral superiority commenting anonymously here. We simply are not worthy of your greatness.

Anonymous said...

9:50 -- MADISON, WISCONSIN????? 10:48 -- you nailed it -- the typical liberal ideology, that I "care" so that makes me a better person than you……yeah right!!! Course this could be our MDMH "leaders" -- don't they all live in Madison? Mikula, Avery and Stovall?

Anonymous said...

"quit feeding you all's narcissistic egos. "

Jeez - there's that "tell" again. Even after being corrected (higher up, or on another thread) about the difference between "you all" and "y'all" it seems someone from outside Mississippi (dare I guess Maryland, land of my childrens' birth) is still posting here, pretending to be a local OH resident?


Anonymous said...

Think they are planting any Oxford Houses in these neighborhoods?



Avery lives in Madison also.

Anonymous said...

9:22 -- to my knowledge NONE of the Jackson (area) OHs are in Rankin or Madison County. Gosh -- are we being discriminated against in NEJ, by MDMH? I think a class action suit is in order. Can we also go after government bureaucrats?

Seems the NIMBY crowd is alive an well, however, it is centered at the MDMH senior management level and THEIR neighborhoods. What about Mr. Rowzee? Where does he live? Could it be that (HORROR) these people are stating do as I say, not as I do?

Anonymous said...

Dang Diana, the Google Map photo of your address near Gluckstadt Road says it all. Must be nice. You've gone a long way to escape Jackson even while working downtown. Aren't you tired of the commute and want to join us here in NEJ? Dang.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Gene W. Rowzee lives in Brandon. Is that you Gene, our attorney pal?

Anonymous said...

Let's see a grammatical error means "low class" and shouldn't be in your neighborhood anyway; and you all means our of state whereas y'all means from Mississippi? Is that correct?

Anonymous said...

1:25 -- your trying to hard -- that's how we see through you.

Anonymous said...

and 1:43pm yesterday said "reasonable" people were going to work this out. There are no reasonable people fighting OH anymore. They left the game when the contest ended. Now, all you have are people stalking employees of state agencies, people who taunt recovering alcoholics and conspiracy theorists who believe that people from Maryland are talking to them. this thread is like a land that time forgot.

Anonymous said...

"you all means our of state whereas y'all means from Mississippi?"

"means our of state" - are you always that sloppy with your work?

And we already explained the difference between "y'all" and "you all" as a distinguishing regional marker - I guess you (or y'all) fall into the "uneducable" (ineducable?) category.

Anonymous said...

2:24 -- and how did that end for OHI? MDMH rescinded funding for next year, and then Delbert came along and pulled the plug on this years funding form this point forward, based on fraudulent filings.

Normally those types of actions do not occur, unless there are underlying issues with the company receiving funding. Those, I am sure, will come out as time marches on.

Anonymous said...

"Hyprocrite: a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs."

Anonymous said...

5:12 you do realize that the seed money each house pays back goes into a revolving account that is used to start other houses right? It's no longer a charitable contribution. Everyone is so wrapped up in this federal money saying Mississippi OH is using millions, but it's not. The 1.3 million of the particular grant money that is used for Mississippi OH IS also so used for many many other programs. Even if all funding is blocked the actual houses are independently supporting. Bottom line is the individual houses are not going anywhere regardless.

Anonymous said...

Exactly what we've been saying about OH -- thank you 5:37. Very good point about the hypocritical groups at MDMH and OHI. All those opposing OH thank you for pointing out their issues.

Anonymous said...

8:08 - We shall see, we shall :) As goes OHI, goes the "independent" OHs.

Anonymous said...

Even if all funding is blocked the actual houses are independently supporting. Bottom line is the individual houses are not going anywhere regardless.

Let's see how many new houses get opened once the spigot gets turned off and then let's see how many of the existing houses have enough tenants to make it work once the OH stringers, er, outreach workers aren't funded to gin up new recoverees to fill the already nearly empty houses.

The OH "outreach worker" scam to open up new houses when others already established weren't even close to their optimum recovery occupancy isn't hard to figure out but easy to get past the MDMH staff who obviously weren't paying attention or out to lunch or both.

Anonymous said...

9:23. The current residents are quite capable of going to treatment centers and letting them know how to continue their recovery in a safe environment. You will not keep them from helping others in recovery. Obviously you are having a hard time comprehending the fact that the existing houses are self supporting. So turn off the "spigot", we will continue to exist and replicate so that we can help as many people in recovery as possible.

Anonymous said...

5:37 - stop talking about the landlords that way - I'm going to throw a hissy fit!

Anonymous said...

10:14 - You cannot get the local OH grow homes across the country to pay their "fees" to OH. (Reference your own reports and OH statements regarding homes paying back to OHI money owed through weekly "donations" by residents). I'm REALLY certain they're going to spin up in the community and create more houses for OHI (Maryland) in MS and other states. If they will not pay OHI GRAND MASTER CENTRAL what makes you think they're going to use their funds to open more homes locally across the US……hmmm....unless OHI is going to send funds to the houses in each state to do so, under the table.

Isn't that illegal with all those federal funds you're receiving ($4.1M as of the 2013 report)???

Maybe you can use those lawsuit funds you are receiving (again reference your fiscal reports) from punitive damages awarded from lawsuits against communities. Those funds probably aren't overseen or auditable like federal funding is for institutions like OHI. It will be interesting to see how OHI GROWS the homes in communities. We'll be watching with INTEREST!!

Anonymous said...

So apparently the MDMH Staff are not just NIMBY's, they are also OBY's (Other's Back Yards). "Do as I say, not as I do!" No wonder here in Sherwood Forest we feel so imposed upon.

Anonymous said...

Yes 10:07: Rank OBYISM on the part of the Staff. Gives a whole new quality to their lectures, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Lectures or preaching to us? They want to feel good about themselves (as good liberals) and their actions, but only off the money of others, and the destruction of other communities, not their own.

I believe strongly at the next MDMH meeting, we should suggest that WE all back OH now and are banding together to buy homes in Rankin and Madison counties. We are doing this, because we know Mikula, Stovall, Rowzee, and Avery ALL are such supporters of this model, that we're going to help them and their communities to incorporate OH homes into their counties, so they too can EXPLODE with OH homes and support, just as they have magnanimously done to us in NEJ. Course we need to ensure they understand we're not incorporating them into the decision, but making it for them.

They IRK me with their self-serving attitudes. Maybe it's time for them to have some of their own treatment and let them explain that to the good citizens of Rankin and Madison county where they live.

Anonymous said...

How are you imposed upon. Has anyone in that house bothered you? There is a ladies house in my neighborhood and I've even walked by and spoken with a couple of them. Their yard looks nice and there has been no problems.

Anonymous said...

1:18: Look at the post for May 30 at 10:13 and keep in mind that children live all around the East Northside house.

Anonymous said...

1:18, please also consider May 31 at 1:58: ""I'll defer to 10:13's knowledge" is the saddest comment ever posted on JJ."

Children don't have anything to do with this. Stop the fear mongering, 1:53pm.

Anonymous said...

Most all those me have children themselves. What danger are the kids in? No one is going to bother your children. They are not pedifiles. They are men in recovery. I have spoken with the ladies again and asked them about the men. They just want to be able to live in pease and grow in their recovery.

Anonymous said...

3:33: I'll feel better about all that when Diana, Jerri and Gene move close by.

Anonymous said...

STOP feeding into the "children" argument people. Ignore the OH posters. This is another red herring they want us to argue -- all about emotionalism. Much like they want us to focus on zoning, FHA, and ADA -- arguments they feel they can win on again and again on our dollar in courts (and receive punitive damages to boot).

Keep on track -- money, money, money…influence, influence, influence. OHI Maryland. Cut off the root system, and the plant dies. CEASE feeding into their false arguments.

Also please learn to spell OH posters…..not pedifiles but pedophiles……not pease but peace (we've seen you post before with these same misspellings). Get some seed money for a good dictionary.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS