Tuesday, May 11, 2010

18 years

18 years. You all saw it. I'm somewhat blown away right now. Will write more in a few.


Paul Adams said...

18 years concurrent or consecutive?

Unknown said...


Autogyro said...


Gad, wasn't that a sophomoric performance by Judge Green with her imaginary letter from the doctors?

Anonymous said...

when will she be eligible for parole?

Anonymous said...

The JPD investigation was more than flawed. It was purposefully impaired.

Anonymous said...

I liked the letter. A lot of thought went into it.

Anonymous said...

I thought the letter was powerful. I commend Judge Green.

Anonymous said...

It may have been a " sophmoric" device to express the view of those who appreciate what the victims lost...a view the judge apparently, to her credit , shares.

While the families description of Karen's version of events is credible to me, Karen allowed herself and worse, her children , to be subjected to Stuart's abuse. Moreover, she knew exactly what Stuart's problems were when she married him.

I suspect the families were not fully aware, either, of Karen's prior behaviors before meeting Stuart. I cannot fault them for being grateful that their questions about what happened that awful night were answered,but I believe they are unaware of Karen's complicity in the volatile relationship she has with Stuart. And, forget that she did not immediately come forward with the truth when it was always within her power to do so.

Anonymous said...

I thought the letter that Green read was appropriate. It pretty much laid out a lot of the feelings presented right here on this blog.

I was shocked by the call of the families to investigate Stuart's actions in this tragedy. Didn't see that one coming. Green's apparent disgust with the "victim-status" awarded Stuart initially and the call out on the bench was even more surprising.

The direct complaint that the investigation was "sloppy" "botched", did not appear to want to find the facts; WOW! I was waiting for Sheriff McMillan's name to be mentioned.

Green sentenced her to a fair punishment. She did what she did and time to pay the piper. Those 110 friends will be their to support her children, right? Those 110 friends will be visiting her religiously in prison, right? If not, shame on them for ever calling themselves a friend of Karen Irby.

As for Stuart...the saga continues. It appeared that the facts the families presented have been in everyone's hands; Judge Green said she was aware of the accusations in advance of their statements. Did the prosecution? Is the prosecution prepared to approach Stuart? Grand Jury? If not, this is again sloppy work. They have had a lot of time to prepare for Stuart.

Anonymous said...

I always knew something was going on in that car that night on Old Canton Road. I suspected Stuart and Karen were fighting, and now we know they damn sure were. Stuart is as quilty of causing two people to be killed as Karen is. I hope he is the next one to go to jail.

Anonymous said...

Three words that would have prevented this..."Call a cab."

Anonymous said...

She'll probably serve about 6-7 years.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am cold-hearted, but I don't pity Karen Irby. I can guarantee you if my child had been abused by my husband, I would be going to prison for an entirely different reason than killing that poor innocent couple. I certainly would not be going out to the country club for drinks a few days later. It all rings hollow.

Anonymous said...

So agree with 10:08- Karen remained with her children in that very volatile situation- she made the CHOICE!

KaptKangaroo said...

I stand with what Dr. John Dedousis said, "The investigation into this event was neither thorough nor complete. Charges were brought against Karen Irby before the facts were known. There was no attempt to question Karen or an investigation into the attack on Daren from Stuart Irby. Stuart Irby claimed amnesia and said he did nothing wrong. Just because Karen Irby was the driver of Stuart Irby's Mercedes, does not mean that she caused the accident."

This is one heady game of chess between Stuart and Karen. She pleads guilty to her crime. She is a bit more credible when come witness-time I think.

What I was thinking all the while when he was giving his statement, "Is he reading Jackson Jambalaya?"

And for the record, Judge Green's letter was absolutely appropriate, well written, sad, and right on target; so was the sentence.

Anonymous said...

How long will she actually have to serve?

Anonymous said...

Stuart Irby is a violent drunk. There's no doubt whatsoever that the families of the deceased have read the reports and statements and know the whole story of what happened at the Irby home that day, the CCJ, and in the car that night. They blame Stuart Irby directly for causing the wreck that killed their family members. At least we all know the truth, and I hope Stuart Irby is next to go to jail.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Irby will stand trial for this, and Karen will walk on appeal. He belongs in jail, she belongs with her kids. Yes she should have left him, but as we all know, it's not always that easy!

Anonymous said...

Bet Haley Barbour pardons her at the end of his term.

Anonymous said...

The incompetence of the JPD investigation, including those who allowed if not ordered it to go that way, borders on criminal.

The judge did well. That is a tough position to hold.

Anonymous said...

10:32--can one appeal sentence after one has pleaded guilty?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's there to appeal?

Anonymous said...

18 years concurrent? So basically 9years per death?

Anonymous said...

According to the judge, the law mandates both sentences run concurrent. 18 years for each death. Play the math any way you want.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Stuart was a violent drunk because he was married to a violent witch.

Autogyro said...

Perhaps I expect more intellectual rigor from our judges, and a more business-like atmosphere in the courtroom. Judge Green's efforts at creative writing seemed unprofessional to me, and unworthy of the court and the occasion.

I thought the sentence, however, was appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to be paying attention, ahem, 10:34 AM. Judge Green explicitly stated that the Guilty Plea is NOT appeal-able. She's gonna do the time.

As to Parole...read this from Miss. Code Ann § 47-7-3(1)(g)

An offender convicted of a crime committed on or after June 30, 1995 who has ever been convicted of any of the following types of crimes is ineligible for parole:

4. Manslaughter

What was even more interesting was the Accessory charge is also NOT a parole eligible offense.

Note #1: Accessory Before the Fact or Attempt to commit any of the above crimes also makes the offender ineligible for parole.

Anonymous said...

The judge could have made the same point without coming up with a dramatic letter. But what is done is done.

Now, what can be done to ensure another botched investigation is not allowed to thwart justice? The people need to hold law enforcement accountable.

Anonymous said...

to ahem, 10:43 - we could do w/ the shared knowledge WITHout the arrogance

Anonymous said...

Wonder how much Stuart had to settle on Karen to take the fall for this mess? For all his Christian posturing Stuart has anger management issues and is worse when he drinks. His dad was too. That said it does not excuse either Karen or Stuart for causing the deaths of the 2 doctors. Karen's punishment times served, Stuart's punishment,paying out lots of daddy's money.

Anonymous said...

If you pled in a plea bargin... You serve the entire sentence with no time for good behavior or early parole.

Anonymous said...

From law website:
If you pled guilty, you may not be able to appeal your conviction, unless you try to withdraw your guilty plea under a special set of rules. But you can appeal your sentence if the sentence is illegal or if it was higher than you and the prosecutor agreed to in a plea bargain, and the court agreed to the terms of the bargain before sentencing you. For a sentence to be illegal (which is rare), it has to be higher than that allowed by law.

You may also be able to request a reconsideration of your sentence on general mercy grounds.

It's also possible to have your conviction and/or sentence set aside on the grounds that it violated one or more of your constitutional rights, such as evidence used against you was obtained by police through an illegal search and seizure. Another possibility is if new evidence has been discovered since your trial. For newly discovered evidence, you'll likely have to show that you couldn't have reasonably found out about it before trial, and that if it was presented at a new trial, it would likely result in a different verdict.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that Stuart was involved in another accident recently where, fortunately, no one was injured.

He is free to resume his life with no constraints on his behavior.

Can't some responsible physician get his license pulled?

McMillan should be ashamed and more than a little worried about his soul.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where a transcript of today's hearing can be found? I couldn't watch it.

Anonymous said...

WJTV has the Dr. Dedousis statement on their video player.

Anonymous said...

10:34. You say you know Karen, and she got what she deserved. Can you say the same for Stuart Irby? Of course, you can't. Now we all know what we suspected happened that night. Stuart Irby is violent drunk, and he was beating the hell out of Karen when she crossed three lanes and killed the young doctors. Justice will never be served in this case until Stuart Irby is locked up, too.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence? So far, all I have heard are uncorroborated allegations about Stuart's behavior in the automobile on the night of the accident. If this case teaches me anything, it is that unlikeable characters are apparently presumed guilty(at least in the court of public opinion) until proved otherwise.

I don't care if Charles Manson was in the car that night. Every man deserves the same protection under the law or our system fails at the most fundamental level.

That being said, if there does exist any actual evidence implicating Stuart, is there any reason under the sun (barring corruption) that an investigation of that evidence would not have taken place long ago? Gross incompetence, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

10:49 Why not just pay attention and not ask questions already discussed ad nauseum in previous posts? Would you rather I *sigh*.

Anonymous said...

JJ....You need to check this out. I am hearing Karen Irby filed for a divorce last week, and her family is going to take care of her children.

Anonymous said...

This strikes me as plain bizarre - if these allegations (repeat: allegations) are true that Stuart was beating her when the crash occurred, and he CLAIMS he can't remember it, why didn't she say something? She's now serving 18 years with no parole, he's out free, and she said nothing to place a major share of the blame where it allegedly (there's that word again) belongs? Maybe she has amnesia after the crash (entirely possible) and can't remember the immediate circumstances, but if she can and chose not to reveal them then I am just baffled.

Anonymous said...

11:38 I believe that the facts that were stated during the good Dr.'s statement were facts discovered during the civil trial. If you read previous posts on the civil trial, you will notice very pointed questions during discovery for many individuals. There is a presumption of innocence here, there just happens to be a lot of evidence that points in a different direction. If it was just he/she said, I would be inclined to claim sour grapes. Karen pleaded guilty and accepted her punishment. Stuart has claimed every ounce of privilege afforded him. I believe the greatest travesty here is that Stuart was treated as a "victim" and not an "actor". It is apparent that the "swift" charges brought and the poor performance to investigate, clearly leaves a lot of unanswered questions. I don't think he's guilty, but I do not given the facts presented think he is a "victim." JPD has to answer for this in their investigation.

Anonymous said...

I believe Karen was terrible misled by the "Irby-funded" defense! Is that any grounds for re-trial, appeal, etc.???

KaptKangaroo said...

11:52 am How pray tell do you know her defense was "Irby-funded" vs. her own Irby funds?

And, she plead guilty. How was she misled? She did the crime, admitted to it in open court, prayed for the court's mercy, and was sentenced appropriately; I do not see where she was misled. Similar criminals have had the same happen to them. They didn't have as much money, but similar circumstances (drink, drive, kill) and they did the same; plead guilty, went to jail. No misleading going on.

Anonymous said...

I'm no attorney, but given the new information that came to light today regarding Stuart's domestic violence, it seems she could have taken this to trial and had a lesser sentence. I agree she was not properly represented.

Anonymous said...

The game was all about saving Stuart from the start.

Same with Robbie Bell except in that case she had Jim Hood's help and that of his 'family'.

Anonymous said...

What is 10:32 talking about? "Sometimes it's just not that easy to walk away and take your kids?" OH.. that's right- the check book may walk away too! Guess she won't be needing that in prison!

Anonymous said...

She was properly represented. I did not see her there in shackles and being ordered to use one of the better criminal attorneys in the state. 12:15pm and 12:05pm this was about a CRIMINAL getting sentenced. An admitted CRIMINAL. Plead guilty CRIMINAL to ACTIONS SHE took. Get of the representation issue. She was asked if she was adequately represented and if she understood what she was doing. She replied, "Yes." If you think that she was out to save Stuart, why did she tell the families all the things that Stuart did? Doesn't sound to me like she was giving an excuse, it sounded like she was being truthful. Sounds like her guilty plea was to pay for her actions. Representation had nothing to do with that. Are you saying she should have gotten off? That is a disgusting thought.

Anonymous said...

I would imagine that Karen's account of what happened on the way home that night may have been true...except she didn't say he was holding her foot against the gas pedal. I'm thinking if I'm being beaten while driving, I might ease up on the gas pedal, maybe even stop the car. No doubt Stuart played a role in the deaths. Only God knows what happened and will deal his own sentence some day. But thanks to JPD's pathetic investigation we'll probably never know what happened. Not likely Stuart will ever come clean.

Anonymous said...

Questions I had after watching the hearing:

1. Why didn't the prosecutor recommend a sentence? Just a few days ago, the prosecution stated that it would recommend the maximum.

2. Why was Mr. Farese, the civil attorney for the victims' families, at the hearing? I thought they had already settled.

3. Why did the family request the minimum sentence?

It seemed to me that everybody, except the defendant, possibly had a larger agenda.

Anonymous said...

The Dedousis family has settled nothing. They do NOT need money.

They DO,however, need truth and justice after a botched investigation and a civil case may be their only hope of that.

Some of us do not believe Karen's self-serving version anymore than we believe Stuart would be medically harmed by giving a deposition. Most all of us can believe they were fighting in the car as there is more than a little evidence of prior altercations.

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work Kingfish! The tall dude at the S.O. Said Sheriff McMillin has been furious over your reporting. Extremely angry! Your the first reporter to bring out the truth on him. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Question ? ? ?

Can she get out after serving 85% of the sentence??

Anonymous said...

www.wapt.com video...Robert Smith says he has no plans to investigate further or charge Stuart Irby and indicates he doesn't believe Karen's version.


Anonymous said...

what would Stuart Irby have done -physically speaking - to make Karen Irby drive so fast? Without the unblieveably high speed this wreck likely would not have happened. I am not saying that Stuart has zero criminal liabilty here but, I really do question how much - and i would say little b/c of the fact that he didn't have his foot on the pedal.

Anonymous said...

WOW about Smith's comment. Just watched it. Don't know who to believe at this point and it looks like the facts will speak for themselves with her guilty plea.

Anonymous said...


I wonder if Sheriff Mac is angry with the victim's family statements regarding the poor job his people did in the investigation? Perhaps he should learn to control that temper and direct his anger in the proper direction - his responsibility as the "Buck Stops Here" leadership of the JPD. Whatever his people failed to do, he should take responsibility and at a minimum investigate his own organization, determine why things occurred they way they did, ferret out any wrong doings and exact appropriate punishment for any misdeeds. By not doing this he maintains a clear gap in this very murky case and allows questions regarding negative perceptions of his handling.

Kudos KF!

Anonymous said...

If I did a movie of this, I'd have Stuart coming home from the child abuse interview angry and downing scotch. They go to the club because they are expected for dinner. Stuart proceeds to get drunk and flirts with other women. Karen downs her wine and is fuming. They have a few words at the club. They get in the car and Karen starts screaming at Stuart. Stuart is yelling as well and eventually hits Karen to shut her up. She strikes back. A fight ensues and both are so wrapped up in fighting one another that neither notices the oncoming car or that their car has veered into another lane. Karen is using her feet as leverage to hit Stuart. Both are in a rage that shuts out everything and everyone...including their own children.
After documenting their courtship and marriage, I think that scene would play.

Magnolia said...

True life makes a sad tale for many that get priorities out of order.

Anonymous said...

Lock up your booze and hide your wives. Stuart is back in business and ready to do some serious bangin'!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I guess they are both pretty high society around here in Jackson. Speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Money has never been able to buy "class". Sure hasn't with Stuart.

Anonymous said...

Ladd carrying McMillin's water yet again.

Anonymous said...

If Karen's account had any truth to it, I believe she would have gone to trial. That would have been a fairly easy story to sell to a jury. It could have at least raised a good bit of doubt.

I wish the DA would look into JPD's investigation. Either it's leadership was completely ignorant, or it had an agenda.

Thank God most of the street cops are honest, and I will say most.

Curt Crowley said...

Despite the provisions of 47-7-3, MDOC does, in fact, grant early release (ERS, house arrest, etc.), while not technically "parole," to persons convicted of culpable negligence manslaughter.

Anonymous said...

What did Judge Green mean by "Mississippi is a zero tolerance state?" If I have one glass of wine and I blow .04, can a cop (legally) give me a DUI?

Anonymous said...

So according to Mr. Curt Crowley, we can expect Karen to be home with the kiddies and if that be the case, I pray she is not going to be in the same house as Stuart. And everyone just let the Irby's have Old Canton Rd.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff McMillin PERSONALLY escorted Karen out of court??!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course he did. Next year is an election year and he needs to keep his good buddy Stuart Irby happy.

Anonymous said...

Karen threw Stuart under the bus. Why would this make the Irby family happy?

Hookah said...

Does anyone think Faye Peterson would have handled this any better. Just curious.

Anonymous said...

11:23 You obviously don't know Stuart and yes I do, very well. He has never, ever, ever been said to be violent with anyone. The only time he has ever been called violent has been while he has been with Karen. Maybe there is some connection. I guess you didn't know her before she married Stuart. It is obvious you are trying to save Karen's reputation and alleged abuse charges. Maybe she was trying to abuse Stuart and he was acting in self defense.

Anonymous said...

Anyone's guess as to what Faye Peterson might have handled this.
Sheriff McMillin endorsed Faye Peterson over Robert Shuler Smith. Mac said he would be against any candidate that Mayor Melton supports. Smith denied that Melton was behind his candicy, but admitted that former DA Ed Peters, a close friend of Melton, encouranged him to run.
From JFP story: http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/index.php/print_view/15877

Anonymous said...

I believe the 85% law was done away with earlier this year. She can get a pardon from our fat pompous Governor but, anytime she does spend could be at the Hinds county jail as a state prisoner and be given a 9 to 5 job like Judge Andersons relative was until he served his time for bank robbery years ago.(He was a receptionist at the front door at the downtown S.O. office and he wore street clothes while at work).
And I agree...the Judge took the opportunity to grand stand in this "High profile case" and maybe get a foot in the door for a appointed higher judgeship some where down the line.

Anonymous said...

notice green was grinning during sentencing on wapt? the imaginary letter seems worthy of sanctions--intentional infliction of emotional distress. but there is immunity for such and she knows it.

Anonymous said...

Boy Dr. Dedouis fell for Karen's lies. She is such a good liar. She has been lying about people for years so she is very believable. That is how she has survived. I guess he needs to talk to others rather than the people who have made her their pet project.

Anonymous said...

Although she is not eligible for parole, she may get out early for "good time" ... MDOC rewards a person up to 50% of their sentence for woking while incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

Where are you kingfish? Wlbt is reporting before you about Karen filing a lawsuit against Stuart and you are no where around. Don't let us down, make our day!

Anonymous said...

Provided Mac decides to seek statewide office (or re-election), I predict there will be future campaign mail pieces and/or commercials from his opposition with the image of him escorting Karen out of the courthouse. As WAPT reported tonight, this was a first in his tenure as Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

6:27 PM Kingfish has already reported on all those WLBT documents except the new cross claim.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in the state of MS and I'm confused about whether she's eligible for parole at some point. Does anyone have an answer to this question? Could she get out in 5 or 6 years?

Anonymous said...

Anyone have a copy of the Clarion Ledger cotton candy fluff piece on the great romance of Karen & Stuart?
It would certainly strike a different note if read today.

And if Karen was hit by Stuart in the car just before the car crash, wouldn't there be bruises, distinguishable from crash bruises, noted in the hospital report? Not saying he isn't culpable.....

Anonymous said...

I feel Mac should return ALL campaign contributions the Irby's donated. Especially the donations made by Karen herself.

Anonymous said...

She could easily get out early. MDOC may have to release inmates, the law may change and apply to her. Who knows?

Mississippi is not a zero tolerance state regarding DUI unless you are under 21. Then the limit is .02% BAC. For adults it is .08% unless pursuant to the commercial vehicle code, which is .04%. I am not sure what the judge was talking about.

KaptKangaroo said...

Curt, thank you again. I do appreciate an attorney who is willing to speak the truth and share it with the "unsuspecting public." No tongue in cheek comment here, I truly do understand and believe what you say. Just the other day, was listening to police scanner that someone posted here, and the officers who wanted to pull someone over stated, "just waiting for a violation." Great, if they want to arrest you, all they have to do is lay in waiting. Tell me how we do not live in a Police State. As we allow our legislators to enact laws criminalizing every action out there, we lose freedom. Freedom should never be taken for granted; I speak from experience.

Our Civil Liberties are all we really have left under the Constitution.

KaptKangaroo said...

5:59 and 6:02 pm.... go peddle your crap somewhere else. I truly believe as I was watching the sentencing, Judge Green was contemplating her decision, she was searching the reality of being a judge. Your comments sound hollow.

Anonymous said...

Why did she stay with him if he was this abusive to she and her children? It sounds like she has family in Jackson and one that would take her in and help her.

Why did she not express all these things that are coming out about Stuart, a year ago?

If Stuart has been so supportive through all of this, where was he today to show his support to his wife?

Anonymous said...

6:27 pm you sound a bit...well... grandstanding.

Anonymous said...

May 11, 2010 5:09 PM Soto will.

Anonymous said...

Lets all talk about Obstruction of Justice. Collusion appears on its face to be present. Who would investigate this? Oh yeah, those involved.

Anonymous said...

And if Karen was hit by Stuart in the car just before the car crash, wouldn't there be bruises, distinguishable from crash bruises, noted in the hospital report?

I doubt you'd really be able to tell the difference between crash injuries and battery injuries. IIRC, Karen had some pretty severe facial trauma (broken cheekbone/jawbone, maybe?), plus all the damage to her left arm and leg. I can't think what Stuart could have done to her that could have been distinguishable from sudden deceleration, crumpled metal, and broken glass.

Anonymous said...

LOL at 7:26!

Anonymous said...

We in Hinds County can only hope that our fat pig Sheriff will run for higher statewide office. Not only will we be rid of him locally but there is no way he'll win statewide.

Anonymous said...

7:39pm thank you, thank you werry much....

Anonymous said...

Have to say the person was correct that suggested Karen get her on defense!!!

Anonymous said...

7:52 pm How does one who pleads guilty get on the defense?

Anonymous said...

I told you guys Judge Green hates white people and would lock her up and throw away the key. Y'all are reading a lot more into it than there is.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right 7:52. This was a tightly choreographed effort to protect Stuart against criminal charges and his $$$ in the civil case. Now, too late, Karen realizes her mistake.

Someday though Stuart's drunkard self is going to get sloshed and 'find' his memory of the event. His inability to remember is pure unadulterated bullshit.

Anonymous said...

My bad! Meaning months ago when posters suggested she get her OWN defense.

Anonymous said...

So what do you think now divorce! The cross claim so she will have refuge when she gets out since they signed a prenupt.

Anonymous said...

To the assholes here blaming Karen for staying in an violent and physically abusive relationship. You fucks need to get your heads out of your collectives asses. You know NOTHING about the cycles of domestic abuse and the difficulties women have exiting those situations.

The fact that Karen was still there IN NO WAY ABSOLVES that piece of shit Stuary Irby for being abusive to Karen OR the children.

Anonymous said...

What at domestic violence against the male. It does go both ways. Karen is known for violent out burst. She does have previous assault charges against her, physical and verbal.

I don't think anyone can say what went on but Stuart prior to Karen had no physical assault charges against a woman.

Karen did

Stuart didn't

And you need to clean up your nasty mouth.,

Anonymous said...

8:19-Thank you, thank you, thank you

Anonymous said...

It looks as if they are both trash. One had to take the fall and it was the one from the less prominent background. The alleged wife and child beating drunk walks. White trash with money.

Anonymous said...

8:19 I think 8:28 is one of those with their head buried where you indicated it was so.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if she regrets marrying him now that she will get old in prison. I imagine it was SO not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Stuart beat Karen's then 7 year old daughter... that is a sad and simple fact that cannot be denied. My question is... though the beating occurred just days before the wreck, why, now that Stuart is well enough to drive, work etc., have these charges against him been forgotten? DHS was involved, but then after the wreck all was forgotten? I bet her daughter and her daughter's father have not forgotten! Beating a child in a drunken rage in no circumstance is forgivable or forgettable. Come on!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, money doesn't make you happy. Love does. Too bad there wasn't love for the basis of the marriage.

Anonymous said...

Beacause he can produce the $$$$ 8:42. Sick, sad and I hope those that assist him in child abuse feel good about themselves.

Anonymous said...

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=-3&id=100000107273274#!/photo.php?pid=213139&id=100000107273274&fbid=108857982461110 TAKE A LOOK@STUART IRBYS FACEBOOK PAGE

Anonymous said...

No love only gold digging on one side and drunkeness and abuse on the other as far as I can tell.

Anonymous said...

Could not follow that long facebook link, but was saddened to see a handful of people I know as friends of his. Twin Pines Camp might want to delete him as well as the doctor that delivered my babies and now sells books. UGH.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

8;44 I totally agree with you, sad to know people from DHS didn't do an investigation on this case. The only reason I can possibly think of, is because the charges were against Stuart Irby. Sad, just sad

Anonymous said...

He has bought our justice system. SHAME on you Mac and friends.

Anonymous said...

On the issue of why an abused woman (or man) may not leave: Many decades ago when I was a teen I was in an abusive relationship. One sunny day at a lake he beat the crap out of me in front of about 60 people. And he took his time. Not a single one lifted a finger to help me. They were all terrified of him. Adults as well as teens.
He would say the standard things to me like "If you leave me, I'll kill you, your mother, your family, etc." and since I had certainly seen that no one would defy him nor protect me, I stayed with him, believing he really would kill my mother.
When my mother found out what was going on, she had him arrested for a seperate beating witnessed by neighbors who testified for me. At trial, his boss, his mother, and several friends came forth and lied for him, thinking they were giving him an alibi. And probably that I, a 15 year old terrified girl, must have deserved it.
Now this old boy was a just a poor redneck. No money, just a bunch of buddies.
What in the world do you think a man with unlimited fnances and political buddies might be able to do? Who you gonna call when the whole damn police department is in your abuser's pocket(Just sayin...)? How simple do you think it might be if this happened to you?
Abuse is a very strange thing, just like fear, just like shame. It is powerful and overwhelming to the senses and to the ability to reason clearly. It takes more than a little courage to escape.
Hope it never happens to any of you, your parents, your siblings, or your sons or daughters.

Anonymous said...

8:04 -- Richard Barrett! I thought you died ....

Anonymous said...

11:15, I can relate to your post very well, because at 15 I was married to an violent, abusive man who beat me almost daily and inflicted other brutal abuse on me as well. Like your abuser, he threated/promised to kill me, my family, etc., if I ever left him or told anyone. After nearly 3 years of living hell, I decided death was an acceptable alternative if he did kill me once I left. I left early one morning after he went to work with my baby, and everything I owned wrapped in a sheet. My family took me to Jackson to a location that he would not find. We stayed armed and ready for his retaliation, but it never came. Just as he was cowardly enough to beat down a 15 year old girl, he was too cowardly to make good on any of his threats.

Of all women, Karen Irby had the tools and resources at her disposal to end this abusive relationship with Stuart. I have to hold her responsible for that. Beat me once, shame on you, beat me twice, shame on me. Why she stayed and put her children through that, I will never understand. But I do know, if I could get away from the monster that abused and nearly killed me, and myself and my family having not nearly (none of) the resources she had, I can guarantee you she could have left too. It's really telling that a woman of Karen's means would stay in a abusive hell.

Fear is a powerful thing, up until you confront and face it. Then sometimes you find the fear of leaving was all a sham, or at least as long as he could beat and terrorize you and keep you in fear.

Anonymous said...

Married at 15? You just lost all credibility here. WTH were you thinking? Oh gawd, I am in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Her ticket to leave that marriage was in her hands a year ago. She chose to stay.

In my opinion, If he truly assaulted her in the car like she says he did, her bags and her children's bags should have been packed before he got home from the hospital.

She had the family to help her and she had the money to get out......her ending may have been somewhat different than what happened yesterday.

According to the news, she has had several stories about what truly happened the night of the accident.

Karen isn't 15. She's almost 40. She's had plenty of chances over the last 5 years to walk away from the marriage and take her children with her.

Maybe she liked the lifestyle he could provide, but whatever made her stay with him, she will realize that in jail will and a lesson will be learned.

Anonymous said...

I listened intently yesterday to Dr. Dedousis speak and kept wondering. What does he want? This guy has enough money. I landed on, he wants his sister back. If he can't, he's going to go to the ends of the earth to keep her memory alive and exact justice. Now, I know we all think the Irby's have money, but the good folks up North who have old money, have OLD money. They live off the interest that the interest bears. Money is not an equalizer. I wonder given their position in society if their friends, I bet they have connections in DC, might want to help in exacting justice in a mess caused by a couple of white trash society wanna-bes.

Anonymous said...

10:02 That was uncalled for. True 15 was way too young to be married but I don't blame that on her. Secondly, her point was a very valid and good one and you made light of it. So, I'll remake it: If a 15-16 yr old with NONE of the resouces KI had could do it then KI COULD have IF she wanted too. KI didn't want too. She wanted the $ and name enough to be abused and to let her child be abused. No pity for KI from my camp.

Anonymous said...

I didn't make light of her post. I just said, lost credibility from me. I believe that KI was in it for the money. Simply that. Accusations of DV a lot of times are just that, accusations. Verbal abuse? How many people here have raised their voices in an argument? Now as for physical abuse, I believe it is uncalled for. In my own experience, when she raised her hand and hit me (while asleep), she was out. Gone. The end. I tried to call the police, thought twice and hung up the phone. I knew I would be the one going b/c it is always assumed its the man. No pity for KI.

Anonymous said...

10:02, it is so refreshing to hear that you were born into and have led a perfect life, and that every choice and decision laid before you was made in complete and total perfection.

I can't defend or condone my marriage at 15, but at the time I am sure I was doing the best I could with what I had. Just as an FYI, I have two grown daughters and neither married before 30! Does that make me a more credible and worthy person? For your sake, I hope so.

The snap judgment and closed mind you've shown in your post are pretty sad. You don't even know me, but you rush to condemn and pass judgment based on the experience I've shared. Let's see; closed mind? snap judgments? self-righteousness? All there. You sound more like the worst of Mississippi than I ever will.

Anonymous said...

Take a chill pill. Just said your exercise in poor judgment led to my not believing you are credible. Credibility wise, in regards to the subject matter at hand, your sensational 15 marriage story just didn't sit well with me. I do not try to appease all the people all the time and frankly, don't care if someone disagrees with me. I am not attacking you personally as you have done above. I simply said, "you lost credibility with me." Get on with it and live your life. Or, like before, are you caught in my web of credibility abuse.

Anonymous said...

Not all of us here are under 30. In them way-back days lots of girls married in their mid teens. I see no lack of credibility here at all. She was responding to my post. I am the other 15 year old who was abused. It was 40 years ago. I just didn't marry the bastard.
Sigh....this is why we often keep our mouths shut and continue to take the crap dealt out to us. Because god forbid someone "in charge" think of us as "un-credible". Which often happened 40 years ago.
You go, sister-woman.

Anonymous said...

Repeating the involvement of the cycle of credibility abuse huh? Just can't let it go. Wow. I thought for a minute, it might just be a one-sided issue.

Anonymous said...

To 11:34
You are just an asshole. But, please don't think I am attacking you personally. Just expressing that your opinion didn't "sit well with me."

To the woman who married at 15 and raised two wonderful daughters, bravo! It doesn't make you any less of a strong, credible woman to marry young.

Anonymous said...

11:34, I wasn't abused at 15 as the other posters were, and have just read through these comments.

I'm of the impartial opinion formed by your classy responses to those posters, that you are indeed an asshole, and you wouldn't know real credibility if it bit you in the butt.

You think it important enough to post about someone's lack of credibility, as discerned by you, and then you act surprised and defensive when she/they respond? I don't know whether anything gets past your ingrained arrogance, but here's a factoid: You don't dictate if and when and how someone posts whatever to you or others.

She did get it right too; you do sound like the worst of Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Asshole here. I think you all missed the point. Cycle? Get it? Just like KI, she kept going back. She just couldn't get out. Kept going back. She repeated the same behaviors that she claims to escaped. Forgive my being a bit too obtuse for you. Karen kept going back b/c money, her claims were not true, she was the aggressor, who knows. 15 kept coming back b/c she just couldn't take someone said they didn't believe she had credibility. Pretty simple comparison. Her continued behavior of returning demonstrates one thing, sometimes people just can't let it go. I know I am after this post. Go ahead take your best childish rebuttal. I'll be sure to look for epithets, whoa is me, you must be a... Please, this is entertainment for me, not personal.

And I'm a far cry from MS.

Anonymous said...

No rebuttals here. Just pity that this is how you obviously get your rocks off.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Abuse is entertainment for you 4:27? It seems you are the one who can't let it go. You keep coming back with your, er, um, opinion/attacks. How 'bout you just take a chill pill and "let it go"?

Anonymous said...

Ta da...someone pulls out the "abuse" card. Show abuse.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS