Saturday, August 22, 2015

You knew it was coming. (Updated)

Time for the Ashley Madison fun.  One guru went into the Dark Web, retrieved the database, and ranked all 115,181 zip codes.  Someone else created a Mississippi database.

Congratulations 39201.  You ranked #26 on a per capita basis with 18 users (3.358%).
39232 (Flowood) ranked #679 with 55 users (0.779%). No other Mississippi zip codes appeared in the top one thousand.

Kingfish note: OK, here is a link to the list.  Some points that should first be made:

1. This list has gone viral.  Facebook has blown up with it tonight.  People are emailing and texting me left and right about individuals on the list, citing numbers and other info.  This link was posted on earlier today.

2. NO NAMES WILL BE ALLOWED IN COMMENTS!!!! Period. THAT MEANS YOU!!!  Numbers from the list will be allowed, names will not be. No exceptions.

3.  There are NO DATES on these memberships.  Ashley Madison WAS CREATED IN 2001!!!! I know several people on this list who have been married LESS THAN HALF THE TIME ASHLEY MADISON EXISTED!!!  Not every person on Ashley Madison is married.

The link is: Here it is. Enter at your own risk. 

Old link down. New one.

As stated earlier, this bitch has gone completely viral in Jackson.  It might stay up on this site for a few hours or all day.  There are over 3,500 names in the list. 


Anonymous said...

Here in Bridgewater we have our own private list.

Don't Celebrate Yet! said...

The Pineapple Prince has escaped justice. So far.

Avery Wiseman said...

This has been morbidly fascinating to watch unfold. Assume for a moment that the members all used their real email addresses. Would you search for your spouse's email to see if s/he was a member? If so, what does that say about you regardless of whether they were a member? And if you did find your spouse there, what would you do with that info? How about your friends and neighbors? Would you search for them? Would you truly want to know? (Yeah, yeah, there are plenty of low-lifes around here who want dirt on anyone at any price. I'm throwing this out there for the decent folks who can actually consider whether the burden of the knowledge is worth it.)

Kingfish said...

Yup. Got the list. Recognized dome names on it. What was funny was seeing divorce lawyers and PIs on there. Quite obvious why they were.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A former Ole Miss QB.
A crooked insurance agent covered on JJ that now works at Belhaven
Several in state government
Several well known attorneys
A pastor of a decent sized NE Jackson church

Going to be some bad days coming up soon.

Kingfish said...

and a former Chancery clerk who used to stand up at Crossgates and yap about his faith.

Kingfish said...

There are several divorce attorneys and PI's on there. Pretty obvious why they are on that site.

Anonymous said...

Using a site like AM for sidepieces and hookups is the equivalent of buying weed and paying your dealer with a check.

Anonymous said...

I only see one that is a politico and he lost his primary in August...

Anonymous said...

I spy - heads of a banking institution, engineering firm and insurance companies; dentist/UMMC professor, religious/motivational speaker; lawyers (not in marital/divorce law, so really no good reason to be on the list); publishing executive/journalist; board members at non-profit organizations; neighbors and a few friends' husbands. Kind of wish I could "unsee" the list, but I did find many of the email addresses laugh out loud funny! l

Anonymous said...

Why have more than 1 account? I see one person I know have at least 3.

But You Knew That.... said...

Avery Wiseman is a douche.

Clancy Yarb said...

136.00 seems to be the minimum and appears hundreds of times. So, help me out here....what is this tool? Is it a hook up site for masturbators or what? These people are paying thousands of dollars for WHAT exactly? Would be nice to be able to 'search' by name. I haven't found my wife's name but will go back and look again.

Not On The List said...

Wow. You actually posted that. Congratulations for whatever chaos you helped facilitate in the lives of those people and their families.

Anonymous said...

So Yahweh does love divorce lawyers .... Always knew those Iron Age gods were evil....

Anonymous said...

To ease your worries and to be able to search the database without have to use TOR ( the dark web), copy and paste this link and/ or plug it into google search---

Anonymous said...

Y'all read the fine print at the top. That page will not stay posted forever. If you want to be able to search it and really mine the data, download the notepad file and import it into excel. It's a csv file so it's super easy to do. Once it's in excel, you can sort and filter til your heart's content.

Given this site's target market, you should know lots of cheating bastards. Remember, these are paid accounts not just signups. These are the folks who saw some action, and several of them saw lots and lots of action.

Anonymous said...

The divorce attorney defense is great. Riiight....all those other guys were just on there looking for their wives before deciding if they needed a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this list is scrubbed. Don't see any .mil email addys. Very few .edu as well.

Anonymous said...

The food at my favorite upscale Jackson restaurant may never taste quite the same again after this...

Anonymous said...

Let he who hasn't sinned cast the first stone. Show mercy. Take this down.

Anonymous said...

The dollar amounts are in the thousands. Is this correct? Are people paying this much for a piece of ass? And the names seem to be 98% male? Who the hell are they hooking up with?

Anonymous said...

Nice try, 9:38. This is ALL over the Internet now. You think MS is the only state posted?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter 10:00, no reason to pile on. Unless your willingness my to post your sins for viewing, we should not take joy in viewing others.

Anonymous said...

9:43 is right. Ashley Madison had a money back guarantee for subscribers who did not have an affair through its website. Assuming that a large number of its clientele is heterosexual, how can it deliver on that promise (and not go bankrupt) when its subscribers (in MS) are almost entirely male.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:38 - You reap what you sow. You see the smart guys that used a gift card and bogus email. Regardless, there are seriously some idiots out there that used their corporate email and credit cards for this purpose. They should be called out. I think a public shaming is good recourse for infidelity as well.

I've seen a few past coworkers and can't say I'm surprised to see one of their names on this list. It's also hilarious to see how much money some guys have spent to send d*** pics to fake women.

Ashley Madison is done. This sort of vigilante moral hacking is interesting. It makes me feel like Mr. Robot could not be the far fetched.

Anonymous said...

Many of these people used this as a form of deviant excitement. With no harm done to anyone and no actual meet ups. You are trashing their lives over this.

Anonymous said...

You're adorable, 10:07. My sins do not include signing up and throwing my family's money at a website dedicated to extramarital affairs. If these 4k+ people are dumb enough to use their real names, emails and addresses they deserve a little heckling. Thinking it would stay private was too Pollyanna on their part. I'm enjoying the show, mostly. There are some names on the list that truly surprised me.

Tl;dr: you reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

There are two University of Mississippi professors (Oxford/University area), one well-respected and oft-cited in his field and the other often quoted by media. One of them did not surprise me at all, the other I'm a little shocked by. Hope they and their families can find peace (not "a piece")

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the spouses of the people on the list. Not only do they have a partner that at least had intentions to cheat, but now the whole world knows too.

So they have to deal with the pain of adultery coupled with the public humiliation of everyone knowing about it.

Very very sad.

Anonymous said...

@10:24 AM. The list appears to be only paid accounts. Ashley Madison is like LinkedIn in terms of having free accounts for those that did not want all the bells and whistles.

The worst of it is AM charged its paying users that wanted to delete their accounts and all the information in it $19 for the service and yet there are evidently deleted accounts in the database hack. This is why AM will be sued into oblivion by its users that purchased that service.

Anonymous said...

In reply to comment of being married half the time that AM has been on internet begs the question why would a single person seek someone who is married since that is who uses the site. Also, one must wonder how many of the members are republicans...since that is the party of family values.

Anonymous said...

F-you 10:40 and your self righteousness

Anonymous said...

Boy howdy am I going to have some fun with this!

Anonymous said...

@12:36AM-- #245 on the list

Anonymous said...

Y'all hurry and download the file. It's going to be taken off that hosting site soon.

But rest easy, cheaters. It will be reposted somewhere else, probably in a format making it easier to search, sort and filter without having to download a thing.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if number 508 is the same person that heads up "promisekeepers" and speaks at area churches?

Sure hope it's not.

Back Door Preferred said...

Waiting for somebody to explain the thousands spent. Is this like paying a madame for a whore? Or are they paying for names? Or are their names and photos posted for others to contact them? Who finds out if they actually got some action or not? I think the 'hole' thing is bogus.

Anonymous said...

This is fascinating...
Per Info on the web, this list is of subscribers from 2007 forward...
Wonder how many more MIssissipians were actually using fake identities or subscribing via their out-of-state property or office addresses, and were smart enough to hide their identities?

Hold My Beer said...

39206 is noted as 'significant number of users' because it's the location of many law firms and government offices.

Anonymous said...

@11:20 "formal politico" however, still very active in politics. A shame.

Anonymous said...

# 2168
Our tax dollars at work!

Anonymous said...

Bet church was fun some some of these folks this morning.

Anonymous said...

Is #1219 a pastor?

Kingfish said...

The list is probably predominantly male because its like a ladies night at a nightclub. The women don't pay but the guys do to meet them. I think one pays for credits and then when they run out, they pay for more, hence the multiple transactions.

Anonymous said...

Even an Assistant Attorney General is on the list. Maybe Hood had him doing some undercover work!

Anonymous said...

Isn't #2168 a director at the Department of Health? No wonder Mississippi is number one in STD's!

Kingfish said...

I think I saw one Republican Party County Chairman on there. Also a former member of the Power Station.

Anonymous said...

And a soon-to-be former state representative. He's a democrat so it isn't just the republicans that can't keep it in their pants.

Anonymous said...

The number of engineers is staggering, especially the ones that specialize in government contracts. If I had to guess, only attorneys outnumber them. Maybe geeks are freaks?

Anonymous said...

Let this be a lesson to women everywhere-- Just because the honeymoon's over doesn't mean you can stop giving bj's.

Anonymous said...

El oh el at the Eastover peeps. Y'all are horny dudes. When do you have time to meet up with some strange while running your companies?

Anonymous said...

Is there a mirror? Looks like the pastebin was removed.

Anonymous said...

+1 @1:37. Slow things down at the candy shop and this is what happens.

Anonymous said...

KF, I saw a couple of names that were featured on this site a few years ago. Did you? Blast from the past.

Reading the email addresses is half the fun. Some crazy mess out there.

Anonymous said...

New link:

Kingfish said...

I see a former Chancery Clerk who also used to get up in front of a prominent local Baptist Church and brag about his Christianity or I should say, promote it.

Anonymous said...

That 80+ year old who floats the OM alum assoc is killing me. WTF? How does that even work?

Also, your verify pics had me choose all the waffles. Coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...

@11:20 shocked by 245. He always seemed to be such a good family guy.

Anonymous said...

A neighbor lady made the list. Where can I buy a pineapple flag on a Sunday?

Anonymous said...

1219 is NOT the pastor in question. Same name, but the pastor is not the perp. OMG, google the PO Box before you start throwing innocent people under the bus.

Anonymous said...

cannot say was surprised to see a business partner listed, especially after being caught having affairs twice in past, married and divorced 3x. Using real name and e mail and non a pre paid card...sigh
Just not enough blood flow to support both heads at once...

Anonymous said...

So why are you stopping the actual names from being commented on Kingfish?

Anonymous said...

Can you say BankPlus? This is hilarious. There is a former First Presbyterian missonary on there as well. My oh my.

Anonymous said...

#1234: Free botox with every BJ...everyone's a winner

Anonymous said...

#2689: Proudly representing the booster club at Jackson Prep

Anonymous said...

And THIS is why you rub it out to internet porn when the ol' lady isn't putting it out!

Anonymous said...

#2724 my banker in scott co. shocked

Could Be You said...

Okay, self-righteous JJers, here's a dose of reality. Not all AM members went there as their first option. 90% of the women I met on there were there because their husbands had lost interest in sex and/or them. (No, most of the women I talked to were not fat or old.) The ones I asked said that many men were there for the same reason their wives had lost interest in sex. Regular sex; not weird fetish sex. That's how I ended up there, too. So, for all of you finding guys you know on that list, you can bet that many, if not most, have frigid wives. That shit sucks. And a point comes along where you decide you've had all the resentment and self-doubt you're willing to accept. Sure, some guys on the list are the total dirtbags you already thought they were. But a little compassion for the "good guys" you know on the list wouldn't necessarily be misplaced. For a lot of people, it's just not dignified to masturbate for the rest of their lives.

Anonymous said...

1:50- a "gentleman" by the name of Josh Dugger did the same and also on TV.

Anonymous said...

This is an absolute nightmare but amen to "rub one out" comment!

Anonymous said...

I am a woman and a fairly attractive one at that. I simply could not agree more with "could be said"! Get over yourselves you self righteous jerks who are pathetically masturbating your miserable lives away, watching porn, fantasizing about other women!

Anonymous said...

4:02 - Some truth in that. As soon as I see a name of someone I know, I immediately think: "his wife must not be f----g him."

Anonymous said...

Love people that are trying to defend this behavior.

This list of people paid money with the intent of meeting someone of the opposite sex and have an extramarital affair. This was not This was not Tinder. This was a place for affairs to spark.

Some names on the list that are really shocking.

I see pastors. I see attorneys. I see state government directors, I see bankers. I see engineers. I see teachers. I see deacons.

I see husbands. I see fathers. I also see wives and mothers that are going to go through a lot over the next few days. I suspect some will begin divorce proceedings, but most will try to keep living their lives.

Oh, and it seems that Reunion has nothing on Lake Caroline.

Anonymous said...

If you constantly degrade and disrespect a woman, criticize, emotionally distance yourself, have poor personal hygiene, including brushing your teeth,think a quick 10 minutes is all it takes and she should always be "ready" at a minutes notice, your credit card make have been taken from your wallet on you. These same ideas can very well pertain to a woman, too.

Anonymous said...

What happened to getting a good ol rub n tug?

Anonymous said...

4:02 If your wife is not putting out, man up and get a divorce. Having a secret affair and spending a family's income on another cheater is bad enough but bringing home an STD adds insult to injury. Did it ever occur to you that your wife does not put out because you're not any good at sex...or are you taking lessons to improve?

KaptKangaroo said...

Three things I am thankful for never hitting my bucket list.

1. Signing up for Ashley Madison to have an affair.
2. Having my personal information to said sign-up posted across the Internets.
3. Losing everything I've worked for in the span of a day.

Geesh. This is a mess.

Anonymous said...

Since this is technically confidential information that was obtained illegally, is it illegal for me to look at this info? I wish I had asked that question before diving into this list...

Anonymous said...

Is is legal to look at this illegally obtained info??

Anonymous said...

Noticed a few Husband/Wife Duos. At least there is equity in cheating in some houses! Hwy 471 looks busy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:18 I had the exact same thought! Belle Pointe in Lake Caroline seems to have hit the jackpot!

Anonymous said...

Could be You... Nope. Divorce atty here. Every man and woman I've met who were the adulterers say the same bullshit you're trying to sell because they don't have the balls to deal with their own issues. The only people who believe this bullshit excuse are those who do the same thing. Chancellors don't buy it and neither do any of your attorneys who you try to sell it to. When we hear it, we think that our clients are children. You should have been a fucking man and put your spouse on notice or leave the marriage first.

One other thing I've learned pertinent to this - I've never seen someone cheat just once. If it happened, it'll happen again. That's a guarantee.

Anonymous said...

3708 - vice-chairman of a multi-state, multi-billion bank

Anonymous said...

#508 is former PGA golf pro, director of the Southern Farm Bureau tournament, VP of Promise Keepers, author of book on his son's drug addiction, Christian motivational speaker, former director of Christmas on Ice, and married to one of Madison County's teachers of the year for 2014-15. Such a good Baptist role model for us all (insert sarcasm font.)

Anonymous said...

I've seen several comments referencing "engineers". I don't know about "engineers" but there is certainly a very prominent Jackson engineer listed.

KaptKangaroo said...

Everyone on the list. Raise your right hand. I, state your name, am a philanderer. Thoughts lead to deeds unfortunately. I'm certain spouses affected by this are hearing "blah, blah, blah, blah, blablah."

I've never seen a secret stay silent.

Anonymous said...

Tell it to your mama, Could Be You. She's the only one who may believe you.

Anonymous said...

Divorce attorney at 5:33...I hear ya. The greater Jackson area has some good divorce attorneys...

Anonymous said...

Tell us Kingfish why you are not allowing names from the list you featured to be published?

Anonymous said...

Is is legal to look at this illegally obtained info??

Did you already look or did you restrain youself pending an anonymous opinion?

Anonymous said...

Some people have complicated marriages. Some spouses don't care if their spouses are cheating. Some are glad. Don't judge other people's marriages by your own standards.

Could Be You said...

@4:54 -- Donny, you're out of your element! We. Don't. Want. A. Divorce. Not that it's any of your business, but every other aspect of our marriage is great. We're professionals with six-figure incomes. We've got great kids, we enjoy doing things together, and we don't want to leave each other. We've created a fantastic life together, but after all these years my wife's libido is gone. Mine isn't. She doesn't want to discuss it or work on improving it.

@5:33 -- The appeal to authority is a nice play, but I'm... just... not... quite... believing you.

Y'all could all spend your time a little better examining your own marriages and making sure you're meeting your spouse's needs. I guarantee that some of your wives have been on AM out of more than just curiosity, and others who have just learned about it will be on there this week. Just sayin'.

Bottom Line said...

@Could Be you @ 4:02: Save us the pity-party and jerk-water attempt at justification. People do this shit for the same reason they go to strip clubs, buy Penthouse, masturbate while typing with one hand, peek in windows, buy dildos over the internet, dress like whores, hit on their best friends' wives, blow kisses across the bar and show thigh at church. Say it with me! HORN-KNEE and Sexually addicted.

So, instead of wallowing in self-righteous pity, why not just man up and admit you paid for pussy.

Anonymous said...

7:33 just called someone self-righteous? Oh, the irony is strong on this site today.

Anonymous said...

Huge Banker In cleveland MS spent 3k on hoes.

Check Yosef For Crabs said...

I wonder if 'nicksbigdick' at 854 uses that same email address to correspond with his family members. Pat McCrotch at 1083 sounds interesting and so does 'wetpuss' at 3118. What is a 'Bare Puki', featured at 863? Maybe Kangaroo knows.

I see a very high-profile criminal defense attorney who may have to sell the Harley and the house in Georgia.

Otherwise, what's the big deal? It's simply a nationwide titty bar and Chippendale club where everybody can join in and get some action with what they thought would be anonymity and secrecy.

Anonymous said...

Lev 20:10. Stone all of them. It's the "traditional" marriage thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I spy an editor of a statewide business publication

Anonymous said...

If your wife (or husband) isn't putting out, avoiding you or not interested in having sex with you, here's a clue: you need marital counseling. Stop excusing this behavior on going to greener pastures because she's not interested. There's a REASON she's not interested & could be its much deeper than having a quickie. Go to counseling & put forth the effort to save your marriage instead of shopping around for someone else because if your wife isn't interested, there will come a day when the other merchandise stops being interested in you, too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The list seems to have been deleted. Has anyone got another link so I can see the list?

Anonymous said...

Could be you....your fooling yourself if you think your wife's libido is gone! She's getting some just like you, and just like you from someone else. But if your so ok with what you are doing why are you so upset about this list being posted? What do you care what people think?

Anonymous said...

People need to let this go.

Lesson learned. The hard way.

Anonymous said...

Could be You- you're either in an open marriage or not. If you are, go to tinder where it's all open and easy. My clients who have gone to or had spouses go to Ashley Madison do it because they trusted the secrecy the site sold. Your bullshit can't support its own weight. I've had 3 calls today because of this. I'll represent zealously, but two of my clients, who are like you, won't be holding the good cards.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:43. I hope the families, and all involved, find healing. This is so sad and depressing. I saw people on there that I know, and I pray tonight for peace for all.

KaptKangaroo said...

Funny to watch those who subscribed, or fell into the trap (as they are realizing), bitch.

Ron Jeremy said...

My name is not on this list. But if they ever hack Tackle Warehouse's website and show how much money I have spent there. I would be signing papers the next day. I sent them a email and asked them to let Hillary Clinton take over their servers. That way nobody will ever be able to see what is actually on them.

Anonymous said...

Not all these are from Mississippi. There are a ton from Brazil. Check around the $53 mark and see how many are from Campo Grande, which is a city in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul (abbreviation MS).

$53 must be some common price for something on the Brazilian version of that site.

P.S. I know at least four people on the list who each spent over $250. All of them I would consider nice guys. It is definitely an eye-opener.

Anonymous said...

11:42 -- 1.5/10 needs improvement.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr "just Sayin'" Coupe of thing's,...YOUR "TAG LINE", You use it too much on fb, and you think it's so original and cute,...Most of us us "put up with you", to say the very least! You think you are so clever, but I've heard very differently,...Just Sayin',....and your sick wife makes it no better,...excuse me while I go vomit,...

Anonymous said...

I see the same emotions in this crowd as when ISIS publicly beheads someone for violating Islam. I understand one is physical but isn't a far leap to,connect the fury of reactions to a public spectacle. We have governor,of Internet separation, but if you took the judgmental folks here, added a crowd affect, some booze, I wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

So...the list has been out 24 hours. Anybody driven to suicide yet?

Anonymous said...

the list is now gone or is there a link i am missing

Anonymous said...

6:53 was named most likely to drama queen in high school.

Anonymous said...

7:55 didn't pass high school history. Complicit Germans were as "civilized" as this group. Let's not mention Mississippi's own history

Anonymous said...

This is going to get much worse. Anyone that used a fake name and email and thinks they dodged a bullet needs to think again. Apparently women could use the site for free, so many aren't showing up on the list. However, the hackers have said the next data dump will include private emails, profiles and yes-- PICTURES. The productivity of the US citizen is going to take a hit while half the country starts wading through millions of images. This article explains a lot:

Anonymous said...

For those so excited about this, that value American liberty no doubt, why do you care? Seriously, a decent answer. Perhaps we should have a government program that monitors other activities you do not agree with. We are just fortunate this was randomly hacked, we need a systemic program of data release.

Anonymous said...

new link:

Anonymous said...

The stock market this morning is making Ashley Madison look like a good idea. Awww f*&% me

Anonymous said...

The ones on the list who are public figures attempting to dictate the moral codes everyone else should follow and who , like Duggar, have pretended to be " holier than thou", should be exposed.

I seriously doubt many on the list have an open marriage agreement nor do I believe all those that do only " hooked up" with those who also have an " open marriage" agreement. A lack of respect for the marriage of others isn't morally justified! You don't know that what you are being told about the " other" spouse is accurate!

At any rate, I would suggest to those with children that your responsibilities as a parent ought to trump your libido. You are supposed to set an example and you ought not be putting your children into a situation with so many potential negative consequences starting with losing all respect for you and trust in you!

And, for those who are apparently sexually ignorant, if you love your wife as you claim, you might should learn about women's bodies and make sure your wife isn't suffering from a medical or psychological problem that is fixable! And, certainly, if you are still having even occasional sex with your wife you damn well better learn everything there is to know about the health risks your multiple partners cause her, including placing her at a higher risk of cancer and not just asymptomatic STDs you might be bringing home!

Life is not all about you having your needs met. Grow the hell up!

Anonymous said...

"A lack of respect for the marriage of others isn't morally justified!" When did public sentiment in America justify the personal attack of those you deem non "morally justified" based on stolen, private information Who makes this decision about who should be shamed?

Anonymous said...

9:16 - excellent response!

Anonymous said...

I saw a name or two i recognized. If the same, they are not married---anymore. Most likely looking for hook ups. Still pretty embarrassing to be a VP of marketing and get outed. lol

Anonymous said...

OK I cannot find the list - can you Kingfish or anyone else tell me where it is now since the one previously has been removed. I want to be nosey too.........

Anonymous said...

We are from the NSA and we are here to help you. We have now created the public shame department and when one privately does something inconsistent (we have the data that we've been collecting on US Citizens for years in the name of fighting terrorism so we can recognize their inconsistent behavior) with one's public pronouncements, we shall immediately expose and publicly humiliate them. This is the transparency you've all been looking for and now available as a new public service of your Federal Gubment.

MASLOW said...

At Pollyanna 9:16 - Life is indeed about having one's needs met, dumb-ass. Where have you been? Daydreaming, leaned up against the snow-cone stand?

Life is ALL about needs; the hierarchy of needs. Nothing more, nothing less. To deny that is to be as lost in the weeds as Henry's last golf ball.

Anonymous said...

#2778 is an MDA exec, former WorldCom hotshot involved in take down...

Anonymous said...

Partner and chief lobbyist for Jones Walker is on there...

The Count Begins said...

AOL newsfeed reports two AM related suicides in Canada thus far. More to come. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Only one former governor?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*This. *Is. *Sick.

Anonymous said...


August 24, 2015 at 3:32 PM

Indeed! Can somebody please SPELL IT OUT? Make it easy? Please!!!

Anonymous said...

filter trends: right now

Anonymous said...

What is the new link on ? They have both been pulled down.

Anonymous said...

Any help? Second link is gone and I've Google every different way I can.

Anonymous said...

New link:

Anonymous said...

To the guy who so isn't Maslow:

Only sociopaths and narcissists think it is acceptable to harm others, either emotionally or physically, to satisfy one's own needs that are unrelated to literal survival. Even then, there are things that should be difficult, like cannibalism.

No one has ever died of celibacy!

You can have any kind of sex you want as long as it's with a consensual adult as long as you do not cause physical or emotional pain to others . And, you cannot possibly be certain that your Ashley Madison's choice's spouse would not be devastated, would not discover you and come shoot you and maybe harm others in the process, nor do you know if your sexual partner has HPV or chlamydia or dormant herpes .

You must be totally nuts!

Anonymous said...

Mississippi sorted by city. Better save it. It could be removed anytime.

Anonymous said...

#33 John Doe... yeah right

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. Chairman of Governor's Judicial Appointment Advisory Committee.

Anonymous said...

AND, the newest, newest link:

Anonymous said...

Hmm…the head of Medicaid...

Maslow said...

You can have any kind of sex you want as long as it's with a consensual adult as long as you do not cause physical or emotional pain to others.

That's correct, dipshit. And that's what everybody on this list did. If you want to obsess over STDs and parenthetical bullshit, go stand in the hall and do that. The rest were satisfying personal needs.

Anonymous said...

Betty Ruth is going to have to add staff!

Anonymous said...

There is a huge difference between a "need" and a "want". Big, huge difference.

Anonymous said...

All of you accessing and promoting this list are committing crimes. I've seen several notes of authorities taking actions on individuals just like YOU.

Anonymous said...

Sorted by city. Cool.

India Indians are well represented. Must be a failure of The Temple.

Anonymous said...

Jackson has to lead the nation in the hypocritical/douche bag category. Mind your own business, shut the fuck up and pray that this site is not hacked or you may find yourself in a bad place.

Anonymous said...

I saw a high up at reed foods in pearl I think there saying we have the special sauce?

Anonymous said...

8:05, you mean we should be worried about getting outed for laughing at a bunch of dumb asses? GTFO. What makes you think we haven't been doing this in public as well? Personally, I haven't been this entertained in a while, and once those pics hit I may be absolutely worthless for a few days.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that could have made this list worth looking at would have been if those involved with Costco were on it.

Anonymous said...

I know for certain there is an innocent 60 yo church lady on this list with her correct name and address with a fraudulent man's email. Why would you post a list without any verification of its veracity? I assume you wished to smear people indiscriminately, or didn't care who was hurt. There are many people listed who have been (legally) defamed. This list is nothing but vile titillation posted solely to hurt as many people as possible and, most importantly, to fill the coffers of this blog. Shame on you all. To paraphrase, "Y'all who are without sin may cast stones." The rest of all (us) sinners should shut up.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Maslow, I doubt people become self actualized by cheating on their spouses. It seems plausible your nasty, bitter tone may be a by-product of participating in unworthy acts. The picture you paint reminds me more of Pavlov's dog; the conditioned response of an animal with no higher reasoning. I do feel bad for you, maybe if you tried kindness and true selflessness your spouse would respond in kind. Most chicks find that alluring.

Anonymous said...

The problem...for all you holier-than-thou know-it-alls who suggest that those in a sexless marriage just "man-up" and get a divorce... is that Mississippi and many (most?) other states do not allow one person to divorce another unless the REASON for requesting divorce is one of those specified in the state code...and "no sex" ain't one of those specified reasons. So, the frigid one must AGREE to a no-fault divorce....which they USUALLY are unwilling to do because they LIKE their big houses & new Lexus cars and their morning tennis games followed by lunch at the country club. They are HOPING hubby will have an affair so they can then sue HIM for adultery. Then they get to keep the house and the car and the tennis and the country club while the one who actually earns all the money to PAY for moves into a trailer park. THAT's the way the game is played folks. So stop being so judgemental! These guys are not cheating on a sweet little woman who actually LOVES her man. They are filling a void that their spouses (willingly) helped create.

Kingfish said...

All right, the pool is now closed. I let this go on longer than I should have so don't gripe.

Point of Order said...

Since the link address for this information changes almost daily, sometimes twice a day, it would be fair to keep the thread open or at least post updates to the location of the information.

Anonymous said...

What about the owner of the insurance agency that scammed 1000s of people out of $3,000.00 each, with a 3 year rebate on Kawasaki 4 wheelers and motorcycles.
I guess he spent everyone's money on "dates". I see his name over & over.
I feel sorry for his family and race car driver uncle.
Shame on you thug!

Anonymous said...

Seriously.....all the links seem to have been deleted. Not sure why anybody would delete them, but, is there a current one?

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's really sad that people feel like they have a right to this information. The thought police came out in full force on this one. Most people on the site did not have an affair. I was on it. Never met or touched another woman. I felt guilty and deleted after three days, but according to all of the scumbags that feel entitled to ruin people's lives I should be permanently scarred by this. I've already spoken to my SO about it. That is our problem to discuss. Not yours. You people are far more disgusting that any "attempted philanderer." And just remember that if you mess someone that doesn't feel like they have anything to lose you might just get what you're asking for ie. physically hurt or possibly killed. Then everyone came use the same mantra you all have been chanting "Well you brought it on yourself." I'm sure most of you go to church, but have forgotten the story of Jesus and the adulterer. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Your transgressions will be remembered just as much as mine. The difference is that I have attained for mine. Pigs.

Anonymous said...

Those who play are gonna pay. It's funny they get mad when they're caught. Not a soul said a word to two cheaters at our church. They just glared at him, and also a female that had paid money to use the site. BUSTED! Both walked out. Imagine that! If they were so innocent they would have shown people their credit cards were stolen!

Anonymous said...

So sinners aren't welcome at church? Thanks for pointing out your own hypocrisy. God mandates that sinners are to be forgiven. Besides, that glass house is bound to topple when your sins gets discovered some day.

Anonymous said...

Nobody asked them to leave, nobody said a word to them. Why was starring at them wrong. It wasn't. They must not either care about their religion, or most probably they are not truly sorry, or they would've stayed and ASKED forgiveness from the congregation. Maybe they were the only ones present who weren't hypocrites. Im just following your warped idea of forgiveness.

Psyche Couch For You said...

"I've spoken to my significant other about this. I was only playing around. I never touched another woman. I simply spent money for the shit of it. My significant other believes me so it's only our bidness. Besides, She's screwing my brother anyway."

Anonymous said...

maybe everyone on the list should spill their guts about those not on the list. bring everyone to the party. put it all on FB and this thread. name names, dates, and deeds. bachelor parties, after parties, strippers, drugs, affairs, arrests, domestic violence, one night stands, abortions, scammers, liars, thieves, hypocrites. let's throw in bankruptcies, alcoholics, misfit family members, mental health issues, and closet homosexuals too. I hope every one of you self righteous self proclaimed "Christians" are one day liberated from your sins through public exposure and shame. and one day you will. everyone has something to hide. everyone. and everyone you have judged is now your enemy with all the moral justification they need to run you down the instant you mess up or your secrets come out. there are a lot of names on that list so watch yourselves. you poor pathetic people.

Anonymous said...

and another.....

Anonymous said...

8:50PM; We're asking for links to the list, lightweight, not an article critical of the methodology.

And save your breath demanding to know what right I have to ask for it.

Anonymous said...

Wow may be in church, but you sure don't listen much. What church do you attend? I want to make sure I never step foot in such a hypocritical place. Did the preacher stand up and start pointing and yelling "sinner" too? Did y'all hold up crosses and cast them out?

I am a Christian, but it is people like you who soured me on organized religion. You have no idea what a relationship with Christ is. If you did, you wouldn't have posted.

Anonymous said...

And one more thing 12:16...."ask the congregation for forgiveness'????????????

It is not your place to forgive. Who do you think you are? Like I said, you sure don't listen much, but I bet you are there every Sunday, front row. You are a disgusting individual with delusions of self worth and piety. You are absolutely pitiful and exactly why we have seen the decline of Christianity in this country. Those who don't know Christ as their savior see people like you and think one thing...hypocrite. Why don't you actually open that Bible you see for one hour every Sunday, dressed in your finest and read up on the Lord's view of people like you.

We're All Criminals.... said...

Ah, 7:44.....You were going to tell me what crime I'm committing by accessing this list. Please go ahead.

Anonymous said...

#2689 representing the Jackson Prep booster club is far from the only representative from Jackson prep. Numerous!! Why there is even a husband/wife tag team from Brandon. Thought she was smart using a fake name, however email and home address in Brandon are identical to her husbands. Well, at least being outed doesn't cause marital problems at home. Heck, maybe its even good exposure!

Anonymous said...

Download the list in Word. Press & hold control F on a PC. Command F on a Mac. A box will appear. Put a name town or zip code in the box. Hit find next. Spelling must be correct. Keep hitting find next until it says the document has been searched.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone else who has this list? I can't find it.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS